Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 274 The Silver Spirit has been upgraded! Small Galaxy evolves, Ball Galaxy!

As the Holy Sea Dragon Olifal released the power of the deep sea vortex, everyone on the Silver Spirit felt a strong sense of disobedience.

Deep-sea whirlpools are different from whirlpools on the sea surface in that they rotate sideways.

Just like the drum in a front-loading washing machine.

Logically speaking, the Silver Spirit should continue to rotate along the vortex, but the Silver Spirit remained motionless in the high-speed rotating vortex.

Yinghe shouted in horror: "Brother Admiral, it's easy to hold on. The Silver Spirit absorbs energy too fast."

Qige asked loudly: "How fast?"

Yinghe shouted: "It will be upgraded soon! No, the upgrade has already started."

As Galaxy shouted in panic, the Silver Spirit began to glow white.

Yinhe yelled in panic: "It's not good, Admiral brother, the energy is full."

Qi Ge came up with an idea and said: "Yinhe, aren't there a lot of magic plants on the ship? Please transfer the energy."

Galaxy instantly seemed to have a backbone and started operating immediately.

All the plants on the Dawn are coming to life.

The sugar coconut tree, which absorbs energy the fastest, became the main force on the Silver Spirit. However, the quality of the sugar coconut tree was too low after all. In less than two seconds, all the sugar coconut trees reached their maximum load.

The leaves of the sugar coconut tree are like a piece of dough, bulging on all sides. When they bulge, they sink, forming a sugar coconut. The coconut leaves swell again, then fall to one side, hang down to the ground, and spread all over the ground.

The moss, which originally grew very slowly, spread out at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if on adrenaline. When the deck was full, it began to grow into the cabin.

Nine-colored ferns, accompanied by forest moss, quickly covered the perimeter of the Silver Spirit.

Originally, the Silver Spirit still looked like a ship, but now it has completely turned into a forest of plants.

The silver eyebrows on the two bends of the Milky Way drooped, and they pulled Qi Ge's clothes aggrievedly and said:

"Brother Admiral, this is bad, I'm going to gain weight."

Qi Ge turned around and saw that Yin Yin's originally slender figure had gained weight visibly, and her thin little face also started to have a bit of cute baby fat.

Qige asked in surprise: "Yinhe, what's wrong with you?"

Yinhe said pitifully: "There is too much energy, and the magic plants can't digest it all, so it starts to pile up on Yinhe."


"Where's the Miracle Tree?! Doesn't the Miracle Tree also like the energy of disaster?"

"I've given it to them. Without them I'd gain weight faster."

Seven Pigeons turned around and saw that the Miracle Trees were taller and denser than before. Unknowingly, they were covered with golden flowers, decorating the green moss lawn.

Moreover, the miracle tree is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and golden flowers are popping up one after another.

【Miracle Sapling

Status: sapling stage.

Remaining time for growth: 3 days

After maturity, it will be randomly transformed into: Money Tree (50%) Bread Tree (40%) Duobao Tree (6.6%) Miracle Tree (3.4%)]

Only 3 days left to fully mature.

"Uh-huh, Brother Admiral, I haven't had time to completely hypnotize him. If he is mature now, he will probably only have money trees and bread trees."

After Yinhe gained weight, his voice sounded much mellower.

Qi Ge quickly asked loudly: "The Miracle Tree is not as important as the Little Galaxy. Let them eat it and plant it when it is mature. If so, do you still have any seeds?"

"Lord, there are 9 of them!"

Ke Ruoke quickly ran over and handed the 9 Miracle Gold Beans to Little Galaxy, who quickly planted these Miracle Gold Beans.

With 9 more miracle gold coin trees that can consume huge amounts of energy, Little Galaxy's weight gain has finally slowed down a bit.

"Oh? The breath of magic, strange rules.

Deep Sea King, you gave me another surprise. "

The voice of Holy Sea Dragon Olifal sounded in the hearts of Qige.

Qi Ge quickly said:

"Boss Olifal, we are full, can we use less energy?"

"Hahaha, don't worry, everything is under my control.

Even though your little boat spirit is not big, she can store several times more energy than your entire boat.

Isn’t it just about eating fatter?

It's better to be fatter. Look how hungry you were before. "

Qi Ge's handsome eyebrows raised, there is such a thing!

No wonder I always thought that little Yinhe wouldn’t grow up, but it turns out he’s lost weight due to hunger!

"That's okay, boss, please increase your efforts!"

"Ho ho ho."

Xiao Yinhe: (ΩДΩ) It’s over. Brother Admiral and that bad dragon have united the front.

Qige chose to lie down, but Yinhe was very anxious.

For his own figure, Yinhe started a struggle mode.

She sensed it and found that it would take another 3 minutes for the Silver Spirit to upgrade.

"If I don't think of a way in these three minutes, I will definitely become a Galaxy ball.

No, Galaxy might be fatter than Meow Sharks. "

Meow Shark!

Yinghe had an idea, and she focused her attention on the sand sculpture Meow Shark's nest on the deck.

The Sand Sculpture Meow Shark's Nest, composed of gold, sand and silver soil, is rich in energy.

Galaxy tried to use the power provided by the disaster to completely integrate the Meow Shark's Nest with the Silver Spirit!

The body of the Silver Spirit is made up of countless magic trees. The vitality of the magic wood is getting stronger and stronger with the unremitting supply of the Milky Way. The Galaxy guides this vitality to the moss on the ship.

The forest moss covered the sand sculpture Meow Shark's nest, and melted into the Meow Shark's nest little by little.

But a Meow Shark's lair alone wasn't enough to vent the energy, and Galaxy kept getting fatter.

Yinhe touched her hands. Her hands had become so plump that the whole flower demon was almost in a ball.

Just when Galaxy was extremely frustrated, Galaxy suddenly felt that the magic wood on the Silver Spirit began to glow with life.

"This is?"

Galaxy understood in an instant, and the magic wood that made up the Silver Spirit revived!

The Silver Spirit itself is a ship made of magic wood. When the Milky Way was born, the magic trees were completely integrated in order to provide energy for the mithril wood that gave birth to the Galaxy.

Now that the Silver Spirit has evolved, the hard work of the Magic Woods has finally paid off.

The mithril wood dispersed the excess energy of the Silver Spirit to each magic wood of the Silver Spirit. The inheritance engraved on the magic wood caused each magic wood to condense a seed.

The seeds grew and grew in the thick moss, popping up one after another.

A forest of magic trees quickly grew on the Silver Spirit.

There was a goblin who got caught on the clothes of a branch of a fast-growing tree and hung in the air.

The goblin didn't feel scared at all. Instead, his smile suddenly increased. He shouted excitedly and used his clothes as a rope to swing.

The other goblins also cast envious glances.

Qi Ge noticed that the largest number in the magic tree forest was actually the level 3 plant Fairy Ginkgo.

The trunk of the fairy ginkgo tree is thin and long, and the green and silver leaves sway in the breeze, like silk flags, wrapped in a bundle by some kind of power, and want to unfold, but they are invisibly bound by some kind of restraint and cannot unfold.

This plant is the national tree of the old Elf Empire. Its existence itself can increase the concentration of Yasha energy around it, allowing the surrounding plants to grow better.

Its trunk is long and straight, with almost no bends, and it has a strong ability to guide magic, making it an excellent manufacturing material.

The berries of the ginkgo tree are poisonous, but can be used to make magic potions.

Burying its leaves in the soil can slowly improve the soil quality. As long as there is enough time and enough Ginkgo leaves, even the desert can be transformed into fertile soil.

The most important thing is that when the fairy ginkgo tree blooms, there is a chance that the fairy flower demon NPC, a level 2 logistics unit, will be born!

The fairy flower demon's honey water can restore energy points if you drink it directly. It is also an essential raw material for high-quality energy potions.

It is simply seven pigeons of happy water.

Awesome, my Galaxy!

In addition to the fairy ginkgo tree, there are also banyan pine, non-combustible wood, water wave tree and other level 3 to 4 magic trees.

The number of these magic trees is relatively small, but as long as there is one tree as a seed, it is possible to cultivate them on a large scale in the future.

Qi Ge has two forest miracle buildings in his hands!

As the magic wood revives, the size of the Silver Spirit is also increasing.

The magic wood containing magic power is constantly being built and reconstructed, and the size of the Silver Spirit is rapidly expanding.

In the end, the Silver Spirit even broke away from the shape of a battleship and turned into an inverted cone!

Ferry, who was studying the ballista in the cabin of the Silver Spirit, felt nothing during the whole process.

Even if the magic wave on the deck is about to overflow, as long as it has nothing to do with the ballista, Ferry's reaction speed will become extremely slow.

It wasn't until the branches and leaves of the magic tree climbing lion reached the cabin where Fei Rui was that Fei Rui noticed it.

Fei Rui looked around in the cabin and said with some guilt:

"This is the magic wood that the ship grew by itself. I'm not stealing it, I'm picking it up!!

Even if Qi Ge saw it with his own eyes, he wouldn't be able to blame me. "

As he spoke, Fei Rui quickly cut off the branches and leaves of the mountain lion and put them in his space backpack.

Wolfs was on his ship, watching helplessly as countless moss covered his ship and quickly occupied his ship.

Wolfs even felt that he had lost control of all the ships in his fleet.

A goblin just woke up and saw that all the ships and cabin tops in the fleet were covered with moss. He was completely dumbfounded and asked quickly:

"Master, what's going on?"

Wolfs looked confused: "We don't know, and we don't dare to ask."

In addition to Wolfs' fleet, even the Nautilus and Sea Elf stored in the cabin of the Silver Spirit, as well as several hell ships, were completely occupied by Senmos.

Little Galaxy has completely turned into a ball and evolved into Ball Galaxy Beast. It is as if it has been inflated and it is difficult to even walk.

The gentle and considerate Qige is trying to comfort Yinhe: "Little Yinhe, it doesn't matter, you are so cute, even if you become a ball, you are still a cute ball."

Little Galaxy's silver eyes were filled with tears, like two big silver beads with water drops hanging on them.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, if I become the admiral of the ball, my brother won't want me anymore."

"No! Brother Admiral will roll around with little Galaxy in his arms."

At this moment, Ke Ruoke shouted excitedly on the deck: "Lord, it's a good harvest, the miracle tree has a good harvest."

"Here we come!" Qige picked up Yinhe with great difficulty.

Good weight!

[System prompt: Your load has exceeded three times the maximum value, and your movement speed is -90%]


Isn’t 90% still possible?

Qi Ge turned around, carried the chubby Milky Way on his back, and staggered to the side of the Miracle Tree.

There are a total of 12 miracle trees, 6 money trees, 3 bread trees, 1 multi-treasure tree, and 2 miracle trees!

Qi Ge said excitedly: "Yinhe, look, your efforts have succeeded, two miracle trees!

Yinhe finally burst into laughter and became happy, shouting: "It's true! Brother Admiral, Yinhe succeeded."

"Keruoke, please take away the money tree and bread tree. We will deal with the multi-treasure tree and miracle tree when we have free time.


Ke Ruoke liked this task so much that he couldn't wait to hug the trunk of the money tree and shake it hard.

With such a shake, it was like touching a switch on the money tree. The whole money tree collapsed into gold coins and fell down with a clatter.

Not only the leaves of the money tree, but also the trunk of the money tree turned into gold coins.

A large number of gold coins suddenly appeared, burying Keruoke inside.

[System prompt: The gold coin tree is in excellent growth condition. It triggers a critical hit and obtains 5 times the harvest. Congratulations to the player for obtaining 10,000 gold coins. 】

Qige:? !

Is this the work of disaster forces?

But as soon as Ruoke poked her head out from the pile of gold coins, Little Galaxy couldn't stay still.

She shouted loudly: "I'm coming!"

Then she went sideways, spinning like a bowling ball into several bread and coin trees.

The gold coin tree turned into gold coins, and the bread tree turned into magic bread.

[System prompt: Trigger critical strike! 】

[System prompt: Trigger critical strike! 】

A series of prompts sounded, and all the trees smashed by the galaxy triggered critical hits, ranging from 2 times to 5 times.

Qi Ge picked up a piece of magic bread. The bread was still warm, as if it had just been taken out of the oven. It also exuded a strong wheat fragrance, which made people move their index fingers just by smelling it.

【Magic Bread


Treated as 1 unit of food, up to 300 magic bread can be used at the same time, treated as a unit to gain 300 units of food reserve. 】

Damn it! This is so strong.

This means that if a soldier that normally only consumes one unit of food per day eats 300 magic bread at a time, he will not need to eat for 300 days.

The soldiers in the Yasha world do not need to use their mouths to eat. If they are not pursuing taste enjoyment, they can just absorb it if they are piled around them.

Qi Ge took a look and found that the magic bread in one place was guaranteed to cost more than 100,000 yuan.

Qige couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

With plenty of forest moss and magic bread, the goblins in their territory can earn overtime without having to sleep or eat.

A 16-hour work system must be introduced urgently. A goblin can only work a maximum of 16 hours a day, leaving 1 hour to sleep and 7 hours to study compulsorily at the Logistics Goblin Academy.

Working on the waterwheel itself will allow fairies to gain experience points, and studying at the Fairy Logistics Academy will allow fairies to choose the advancement direction they are interested in.

Improving the advancement speed of fairies will also allow fairies to work harder without having any money left.

Simply perfect!

Wait a minute, if the Bread Tree and Money Tree are critically hit, will the Duobao Tree, which randomly produces 1,000 Level 1~2 resources, also change?

Qi Ge quickly turned around and looked.

really. On the Duobao tree, all the hanging resources are not ordinary 1~2 level resources, but starting with level 3 resources.

What about the miracle tree?

The Miracle Tree is not so much a tree as it is two large light strips that light up.

They have only one trunk, no branches or leaves, and they flicker and release white light.

Just as Qi Ge was about to step forward and touch Li Ke’s particularly unique miracle tree, Galaxy shouted:

"Brother Admiral, the upgrade is complete!"

[System prompt: Your war machine: the small aircraft carrier-level elf battleship - Yinling has been upgraded and has grown into a medium-sized aircraft carrier-level elf battleship - Yinling]

【Silver Spirit

Medium aircraft carrier class elf battleship

Armor value: 3000

Magic shield: 3000+1000 (captain's cabin) (the magic shield can be slowly restored by consuming magic values)

Speed: 28

Casting distance: 40

Magic value: 1600


Basic ship operation magic

Level 6: Fairy Heavy Cannon

Level 5: Summon water element, magic resonance

Level 4: Hellfire, Earth Fury, Poseidon Cannon, Roaring Tornado

Level 3: Magic missile, blizzard, anti-magic spell

Specialty: Mori moss 250 units/day

Specialty: Nine-color fern 50 units/day

Specialties: Level 2 magic wood*1, Level 3 magic wood*18 types, Level 4 magic wood*2 types, Level 5 magic wood*1 type

Captain's room shield

Shield value: 1000 (self-replenished)

[Wind Travel: When operating at sea on the big map, all wind directions will accelerate the ship, increasing by +1~+5 according to the wind level. 】

[Barcarolle: Play the Barcarolle of the Silver Spirit during battle, and the morale of all your troops will be +1, and the morale of the troops whose morale is lower than 0 will be +2. 】

[A trouble-free ship: When the Silver Spirit encounters ocean disasters such as tsunamis, storms, and large waves, the Silver Spirit will not be affected.

At the same time, it can absorb part of the disaster's power and convert it into magic points and experience points. 】

[Elemental Sea King Snake Guardian]

[Navigation Carrier: The space inside the Silver Spirit is folded, and it can accommodate a total of 4 times its own volume of troops and ships.

The Silver Spirit has a magical exit port on the sea surface and a magical exit port on the bottom of the sea, and can launch the convoy fleet through magic.

All ships fused by the Silver Spirit will be regarded as parts of the Silver Spirit. Even if they are completely destroyed, they can be reborn on the Silver Spirit by consuming gold coins and resources. 】

[Meow Shark Lair: The Silver Spirit comes with a Meow Shark Lair, which consumes resources to give birth to 3 little Meow Shark Npcs every week, and accelerates the growth of the Little Meow Shark Npcs. The Little Meow Shark Npcs will grow to 5 in 1 week. Level 1 Meow Shark. 】

[Flower Demon Crew: The Silver Spirit has powerful magic power, and you can freely plant magic trees on the ship.

After the magic wood matures and blooms, flower demon Npcs of different forms will be born according to the type of magic wood.

The flower demon born on the Silver Spirit will obtain basic crew abilities from the ship Spirit Galaxy. 】】

Hiss, the Silver Spirit is getting stronger and more unique.

If the previous Yinling was an aircraft carrier plus a resource production base, the current Yinling is a fully functional mobile maritime fortress.

Excluding Meow Shark does not count.

If it were advanced as normal, the current Silver Spirit would have sugar coconut trees and forest moss to produce its own food, flower demons as the main combat unit, fleet warehouses to accommodate escort formations, and powerful magic as ship protection.

It looks like it is about to take root at sea.

Although there are seven pigeons that have awakened the factors of the ship spirit, even without the ship spirit, the upgrade route of the Silver Spirit is the same.

Whether it is forest moss or nine-color fern, it would not have been born out of thin air if there were not seeds hidden in the magic wood of the Silver Spirit.

Qi Ge has a bold guess. Rather than saying that the Silver Spirit is a battleship, it is better to say that the Silver Spirit is Noah's Ark that preserves fire.

In other words, the Silver Spirit was probably a sea base built at the end of the old Elf Empire, but for some unknown reason, it perished in the battle with Chaos, and ended up being advantaged by Seven Pigeons.

After Silver Spirit was promoted, it was Little Galaxy's turn.

In the center of the Silver Spirit, a silver flower suddenly appeared. The Milky Way floated 1 centimeter above the ground and was wrapped in the flower.

Qi Ge noticed that in the middle of the Silver Spirit, the shadow of a giant tree was slowly appearing. It is covered with a tree of silver-white leaves and a tree of gorgeous circles, with layers of halos that are brighter than the previous layers.

Among its lush silver branches and leaves, a vine hangs down. Among the silver buds on the vine, the Milky Way is among them.

Level 5 magic wood, mithril tree.

Even the leaves of the Mithril Tree are magical plants that can extract the level 5 resource Mithril. It is between illusion and reality. It draws energy from nothingness in a way that mortals cannot understand. Its existence itself is a natural wonder. .

This upgrade of the Silver Spirit finally revived the mithril tree.

Even though the mithril tree is now more than ten meters in diameter, it is still in its young state.

When the mithril tree matures, it will become a super giant tree with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

No matter how big the mithril tree is, its mass is 0.

Just like Mithril, you don't even feel like you're holding something when you hold Mithril.

"Oh, oh, oh, I feel it, it's the power under the crown of peace.

Mithril tree, silver flower demon.

I see.

No wonder I feel a sense of intimacy when I see you.

I thought it was because of Poseidon, but it turns out that you are also the favored one under the Crown of Peace. "

Olifal's voice sounded again in Qige's heart.

Qige asked in surprise: "Boss Olifal, do you believe in the goddess of peace?"

"I forgot to tell you, I am a peace-loving seal.

Not only that, I, Olifal, am also a loyal believer in the Crown of Peace, the Crown of Destiny, and the Crown of Poseidon.

The one who pats his belly and prays every night before going to bed. "

Seven Pigeons: Loyal...

Are you also a domestic slave with the third surname?

Lu Olipal Bou?

Qige felt that Olifal's affinity for him was probably because he was the apostle of destiny, but there was no need to tell him right now.

“Since Yinhe is a silver flower demon, as a believer, I cannot be stingy.

This is my offering, which represents my devotion to His Majesty Peace and my best wishes for His Majesty’s early return. "

As soon as Olifar finished speaking, a dragon tooth fell out of the void and landed on the Silver Spirit.

As soon as the dragon's tooth fell down, Yinling, just like the female neighbor who saw you, couldn't wait to open the gap and take the dragon's tooth into her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful fountain appeared on the deck of the Silver Spirit.

Qi Ge quickly checked the attribute panel of the Silver Spirit and found that there was another special part on the Silver Spirit.

[Dragon Tooth Spring Water: Through the teeth of the holy dragon, ordinary sea water is continuously transformed into dragon marrow fluid rich in the power of the holy dragon.

Can produce 10 units of dragon marrow liquid every day]

"Hiss! Boss, this dragon marrow liquid..."

"Yes, it's just as you think, the dragon marrow liquid is the sea water of the Dragon Ocean.

If you want to use it to upgrade your little shark, almost 70 units will be enough. "

This gift is too heavy.

Normally, Dragon Ocean is a map that can only be accessed by players above level 50. In other words, this Dragon Marrow Liquid is a legendary level material.

The fountain of Longya Spring exudes a strong fragrance, which floats in the fresh air and penetrates people's lungs.

Just by smelling it, Qi Ge felt like taking a sip.

Seven Pigeons were like this, and the Meow Sharks couldn't bear it even more.

A meow shark covered its body with moss and lay on the ground, squirming little by little. Unfortunately, it was so big that Qi Ge could see it at a glance.

Really stealing in person.


Dragon Meow Shark grabbed Meow Shark's tail hard to prevent his people from making mistakes.

But that meow shark made a bad start, and more and more meow sharks disguised themselves poorly and crawled towards Longya Spring.

Dragon Meow Shark used both hands and feet, a mouth and a tail, but it could only restrain six tribesmen.

Qi Ge quickly took control of the Silver Spirit and moved the Dragon Tooth Spring water deep into the cabin.

He also specifically chose a location away from the cabin where Fei Mengmeng was.

This Dragon Marrow Liquid is used for advancement. It is only 10 units per day, so it must not be wasted.

Seeing the Dragon Tooth Spring water disappearing, the Meow Sharks felt lost and lay listlessly on the ground.

Happiness is gone.

"Lord, the silver bud has moved."

Ke Ruoke, who had been paying attention to the situation of the Milky Way, tugged on Qi Ge's clothes. Qi Ge quickly looked at it. The flower bud just opened, and a pretty girl appeared in front of Qi Ge.

Her silver eyes had an eccentric luster, and her long silver hair spread over her shoulders like a waterfall, hanging down to her waist.

Her face looked like it was carved out of white jade. It was white, smooth, exquisite and translucent, and it was blooming with a kind of eye-catching brilliance. Through her face, you could still vaguely see the silver-white blood vessels.

Her upper body was wearing a sailor uniform that only covered her breasts. It was stretched so much that it was almost deformed. Qi Ge felt that the fabric on Yinhe's chest was moaning in pain.

She exposed her smooth and slender belly, and her lower body only had a very short pleated sailor skirt, just like an elementary school student's uniform was forced on a high school student.

Qi Ge was inexplicably shocked. In just a short moment, the Ball Galaxy Beast evolved into the Great Galaxy!

There's something wrong with this dress, it's almost as shameful as Lu Qier's.

The existence itself means that adults and minors under the age of 25 are prohibited from viewing.

As the luster in Yinhe's eyes faded, she spotted Qi Ge at a glance and jumped towards them with a smile on her face.

"Brother Admiral, Galaxy has grown up!"

Da Yinhe was in close and intense contact with Qi Ge like she was when she was a child, but she was completely unaware of the impact her body shape would have on Qi Ge.

Toot toot!

Referee, give me a yellow card, Yinhe hit someone with the ball!

"Hey hey hey, Admiral brother Tie Tie."

Yinhe's head has now reached Qi Ge's chest, and he is as tall as Smit, but his voice is still very childish.

Um? Although you look grown up, do you still have the personality of a child?

Qi Ge was held by Yin Xin, and his hands moved uneasily. It was true that the grown-up Yin Xin's whole body exuded charm, which made Qi Ge's hands a little confused and didn't know where to put them.

The key is, Ke Ruoke and a bunch of goblins are here.

It would be better if there was only Meow Shark.

At this moment, Yinhe noticed something was wrong. She felt that Qi Ge's chest was too hard.

Yinhe squatted down, hugged Qi Ge's thigh, and rubbed his face.

The clothes on her chest "squeaked" and squeezed out a dazzling silver-white trench, as if it was about to burst.

Qi Ge raised his head and lowered his eyes and said:

"Yinhe, your clothes are going to tear, stand up quickly."

At this time, Da Yinhe also noticed that the clothes were not suitable for him.

She deeply felt that this body shape was inconvenient. With a wave of her hand, her body suddenly shrunk a lot and turned back into Little Galaxy. Then she jumped up and tied Qi Ge's thighs tightly with both hands and feet, completely It stuck to Qi Ge's thigh.

Qi Ge struggled to take Yinhe off his lap, lifted her up by her armpits, and asked doubtfully:

"Yinhe, what's wrong with you? Why are you so clingy to Admiral brother all of a sudden?"

Yinhe gestured with his hands and said, "Brother Admiral, Yinhe saw a super, super beautiful big sister in the bud."

Yinhe emphasized again,

“A big sister who is more beautiful than Sister Adela and Sister Sea Apple!

She has been teaching little Galaxy to study.

Little Galaxy doesn't want to study, but she can't escape no matter how hard she runs.

She taught Yinhe a lot of things, but when Yinhe woke up now, he forgot what she had taught him.

But Yinhe could feel that he had stayed in the bud for a long time.

Yinhe wants to supervise his brother. "

After hearing Yinhe's description, Qige immediately locked onto the target.

Goddess of peace? !

He quickly asked: "What does that super beautiful big sister look like? What color are her pupils and hair?"

Yinhe muttered and replied: "Yinhe can't remember, Yinhe wants to post something to Admiral brother."

Feeling that the Milky Way was twisting and struggling in his hand, and kept leaning back, making it difficult for him to catch it, Qi Ge quickly put the Galaxy down, so the Galaxy once again became Qi Ge's leg pendant.

She showed a happy smile and felt very safe hanging on Qi Ge's lap.

Qi Ge frowned in thought.

At this moment, Yinhe suddenly said: "By the way, Admiral brother, that big sister said that when the number of Silver Flower Demon increases, she will come to Yinhe again!

When the time comes, Yinhe will help Admiral brother remember her appearance. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the true god-level main quest: Ode to Peace. 】

[Task name: Ode to Peace

Mission Level: Silver White True God Level

Mission requirements: First ring: The number of Silver Flower Demons reaches 1,000.

Mission reward: unknown]

Okay, the system has a stone hammer, a diamond hammer.

Definitely the goddess of peace.

1,000 Silver Flower Demons is easier said than done.

When the Elf Empire was at its most prosperous, there were only about 2,000 Silver Flower Demons.

As a member of the royal family among the flower demons, the conditions for the birth of the silver flower demon are extremely harsh. Only an adult mithril tree can give birth to the silver flower demon.

Moreover, a mithril tree can only give birth to a maximum of 3 Silver Flower Demons, and it is not uncommon even if none can be born.

1,000 silver flower demons, how many adult mithril trees are needed?

Could it be that artificial reproduction is the only option?

Qige's eyes became strange.

Are you forcing me to be "Akiyuki Takaichi"?

No, Yinhe calls me brother, is that forcing me to be a "Spring Pigeon"?

Hiss, it's too beastly, I can't do this.

We’ll discuss it later, we’ll discuss it later!


At this moment, Olifal roared, and the Silver Spirit followed the Holy Sea Dragon out of the deep sea whirlpool.


The Yinling, which was constantly absorbing disaster energy, suddenly stopped. Yinhe hugged Qi Ge's lap and burped cutely.

Qi Ge swallowed hard. In front of his eyes was a golden light that was so dazzling that it made people dizzy!

At this moment, Olifal picked up the Silver Spirit again and was rising in the trench.

Both sides of the trench are covered with dense gold mines. The golden light of the gold mines even dyes the emerald green Silver Spirit golden.

From the bottom, all the way up, there are gold mines as far as the eye can see!

"Gold, countless gold!" Ke Ruoke sat slumped on the Silver Spirit, his eyes blank.

Qi Ge was also stunned. He had no idea how many gold mines there were.

The gold coins in the Yasha world are different from the currency in the real world.

Currency in the real world is a general equivalent based on national credit. Without national credit, it is useless paper.

But the gold coins in the Yasha world actually contain energy, and they are pure energy that all soldiers need to advance and all heroes to create treasures.

The gold coins in the Yasha world not only fulfill the function of general equivalents, but are also a key strategic resource like oil.

No amount of gold coins will cause inflation.

If all these gold mines can be mined, Qi Ge's territory can even enter the main city.

"Haha, are you scared?"

Olifal's voice sounded.

“This is the bottom of the golden sea, the golden trench.

The gold mines you see are all real.

The golden sea area was smashed down by the Goddess of Wealth and the power of the Poseidon.

The two crown princes jointly suppressed an entire fallen realm of chaos, and as time passed, they slowly transformed the power of chaos into Yasha energy.

The guards of these gold mines are very powerful, but as long as you can defeat the seven pigeons, the benefits will be amazing.

The races in our sea area have all received orders from the Goddess of Wealth and the Poseidon, not to mine gold coins in the golden sea area.

These gold mines are gifts specially prepared by Mother Goddess Yasha for you chosen by Yasha God. It depends on whether you have the strength to take them. "

Olifal held the Silver Spirit up at a rapid speed.

"But Deep Sea King, you don't have to be too anxious. When you just passed through the deep sea whirlpool, the benefits you got were no less than these gold mines.

The deep sea vortex is essentially a marine disaster. Under normal circumstances, without my protection, heroes entering the deep sea vortex will lose 90% of their heroic souls.

But your ship almost sucked up the power of the deep sea whirlpool, which is really amazing.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been in trouble if I wanted to go back.

Well, here we are. "


As soon as Olifal finished speaking, he rushed out of the water, and with the waves flying, the Silver Spirit returned to the surface of the Golden Sea.

Olifal turned over and dived into the sea again.

"King of the Deep Sea, I have to rush back to the deep sea vortex, it won't last long.

If there is fate next time, we will meet again. "

Qi Ge waved his hands and thanked loudly: "Boss Olifal, thank you very much for your help. Next time we meet, if you need anything on land, I will bring you some as a gift!"

Olifal's voice gradually faded away:

"Oh! If you can, help me bring some desert penguins from Korulod (stronghold force).

I haven’t eaten penguin in a long time. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the demigod-level hidden mission: Olifal’s snacks. 】

Qi Ge:......

A demigod-level mission means that you will definitely encounter a demigod during the execution of the mission.

Either the opponent of the task, the proposer of the task, or the target of the task.

The Sand Penguin itself is only a level 3 unit, and it is not difficult to capture. If you put it this way, is Olifal really a demigod?

The demigod-level Holy Sea Dragon still wants to eat penguins.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a seal, and he never forgets his original intention.

"Lord, gold mine!!"

Ke Ruoke's nervous heartbeat and even breathing were extremely clear on the Silver Spirit.

It's over, Ke Ruoke's obsessive-compulsive disorder due to insufficient gold coins was triggered.

Qi Ge patted Ke Ruoke and said, "Don't worry, we will build an underwater city near the trench and we will definitely capture these gold mines."

Ke Ruoke suddenly gained fighting spirit and smiled all over her face.

Qige marked it on the map and determined the location of the trench.

Then he gently patted the little Yinhe on his lap on the head and said, "Yinhe, it's time for us to set off, 36 degrees east."

"Yinhe received it, the Silver Spirit is starting up!"

The Silver Spirit pushed away the waves and rushed towards the direction of the God's Chosen City.

Qi Ge carefully looked at the attributes of the Silver Spirit again, not to mention how comfortable he felt.

At this moment, Wolfs tremblingly opened the deck door, accompanied by Elani and Salit Lalan, and Luo Xiang and his family were also with them.

Seeing the dense magic wood and forest moss on the Silver Spirit, Elani rubbed her eyes in disbelief and asked: "I remember, we are at sea, right? Why did I end up in the forest after taking a nap?"

Wolfs also said strangely: "There are many plants on Master Qi Ge's Silver Spirit, but I am very sure that there are not so many trees."

"Look at the Meow Shark Den!"

Luo Xiang's daughter had sharp eyes and saw the moss-covered Meow Shark's nest at a glance, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Great, we're still on the Silver Spirit."

At this moment, Fei Rui, who had picked a large number of mountain lions until they stopped growing, appeared from behind them with a guilty conscience.

When everyone saw Fei Rui, they all respectfully stepped aside and shouted: "Fei Rui's legend is safe."

But Fei Rui didn't notice them at all, her attention was all attracted by the magic wood around her.

"Level 3 Immortal Ginkgo, Level 3 Sycamore, Level 3 Ice Cypress, Level 4 Evergreen Pine..."

Fei Rui's expression became duller and duller as he looked at it, and he gradually forgot the purpose of coming up.

She subconsciously took out a carpenter's ax from her backpack, holding it with both hands, her eyes blank:

"I understand, I traveled through time, and this is the divine domain where ballistas are studied.

I picked these all up, and the Black-hearted Cabbage King has no control over them. "

Fei Rui holds a carpenter's ax and charges towards the magic wood forest!

ps: Ten thousand words! Thank you to the leader Dawn Tianlai.

Only two updates from alliance leader Tian Zixue are needed to pay it off.

Hey hey hey.

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