Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 276 House of Prediction

Looking at Li Xiaobai's triumphant expression, Qi Ge felt that he looked like a seal flexing its muscles in front of a polar bear.

This made Qi Ge really unable to hold back. He hit the seal hard on the head and warned:

"Don't be too arrogant, fighting monsters is nothing.

This time we are likely to have to fight the NPC with real swords and guns.

There are heroes one after another, and there are completely unknown magics, so be careful.

Even I can't guarantee that my car won't roll over. Are you better than me? "

Li Xiaobai touched his head embarrassedly and said:

"Yes, boss, I understand."

Just as he was talking, the Silver Spirit finally arrived at the City of God's Choice.

Qi Ge jumped off the Silver Spirit riding Zi Yuan.

Le Meng and Lin Xi immediately gathered around.

"Boss, you are finally back."

"Boss, Fu Fu is attacking a gem lake. He will be back after finishing the attack."

"Boss, the territory has been constructed very quickly recently, and we have exceeded our goals."

Qi Ge patted Le Meng on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we'll talk about it later."

The docked Silver Spirit transformed into a small Milky Way again in a burst of white light.

Elani's family, Luo Xiang's family, Wolfs and his goblins on the ship were all transported to the land by magic channels.

Wolfs looked at the city wall in front of him, his jaw almost dropped.

Numerous bones were piled up into a snow-white wall, and there were all kinds of bones.

In the middle of the skeleton wall, there is a gate made of animal and human skulls.

hiss! !

Lord Qi Ge's city could be the city of the undead.


How can this be! Master Qi Ge is a half-elf and not a necromancer. How can he build a city of the undead?

Could it be that Lord Qige is in disguise?

Then do I still have a way to survive?

Looking at the fairies surrounding him, trying to protect him, Wolfs felt bleak in his heart.

Luo Xiang's wife hugged her newborn child and hid behind Luo Xiang.

Luo Xiang felt his mouth taste bitter. He promised his wife that she would live a good life after coming to God's Choice City.

But Master Qi Ge's city wall, which emitted strange wailing sounds, did not look like it could make mortals feel happy.

It's over, I'm not in a den of thieves.

Elani pointed to a big cow skull on the wall of bones and shouted: "Mom, look, what a handsome bone."

Lalan covered Elani's eyes and said, "Don't be afraid, mom is here."

Elani was a little strange. Her mother's hands were obviously shaking, but she told me not to be afraid?

Hey, mom is a coward.

[System prompt: Wolfs’ favorability towards you -8, loyalty -4]

[System prompt: Luo Xiang’s favorability towards you is -4, loyalty is -2]

[System prompt: Lalan’s favorability is -6]

Hearing the system prompt, Qi Ge realized something was wrong.

Damn it, I forgot that there is the Undead Wall to the south.

The forces of the undead are notorious and are the mortal enemies of all living things. It is normal for humans to be afraid of the undead.

Qi Ge coughed quickly and said, "You don't have to be afraid, my God's Chosen City is a magical city protected by Mother Goddess Asa.

The cemetery building is only a part of my city. There are also three different parts: ramparts, castles, and towers, which you will see later.

Don't worry, if I want to harm you, you don't need to wait until now, you can't resist, right? "

Hearing the voice of Seven Pigeons, Wolfs and others' emotions eased a lot.

But there are still some doubts.

A city composed of four different factions?

How is this possible? This has never been heard of in the world of Yasha.

Qige clapped her hands and said, "Lin Xi, take them to visit our city."

Then Qige typed: "Go to the cemetery last, don't let them be too scared."

Lin Xi: Got it.

Lin Xi, who had a standard elf appearance, stood in front of everyone and made them relax a lot.

As we all know, Avili (elf force) and Diya (cemetery force) are incompatible, just like Erathia and Ofer.

Qi Ge then said: "Xiao Bai, you and Koroko, Yinhe, and Fei Rui will temporarily place the Meow Shark, Griffin, and Pegasus."

"Galaxy understands."

Returning home made Little Galaxy very happy. She rode on the back of Dragon Meow Shark and commanded Meow Shark Griffin Pegasus to start moving.

Fei Rui immediately shouted: "Black-hearted Carrot, my crossbow workshop!"

Qi Ge waved his hand and said perfunctorily: "Don't worry, I won't forget to build it. There are still some materials needed. I will collect them as soon as possible."

After arranging other people's work, Qi Ge followed Le Meng towards the territory.

Lemeng then introduced: "Boss, the gem coral reef you just built has been placed near the south city wall. You can recruit 9 gem starfish every week.

The recruitment cost is a bit more expensive than that of the Great Elf, but not much more.

The territory happens to be short of maritime troops, and they have already been recruited. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said: "There will be no shortage soon, our mermaid tribe is coming."

Le Meng then introduced: "In addition to the magical fish pond, the miraculous buildings in the territory, the Centaur campfire tent group was also completed in just two hours.

The 40 newly transferred elf construction supervisors (Level 1 and Level 2) were a big help.

The effect of forest moss and undead inspectors is remarkable, and the scholarship program has made the goblins more enthusiastic about learning.

These 40 fairies who have successfully advanced are all kings of scrolls. In addition to one hour of sleeping time, they study for 23 hours a day. They even hold books while eating. Their experience points increase faster than when they fight monsters. They are better than what I did when I graduated. Researching and writing papers are all hard work. "

Qi Ge couldn't help but sigh: "Practice brings true knowledge! This shows that Sen Moss and the undead are the supervisors. Bah, the method of supervising students is very effective."

In the future, the Undead Inspector Team will become the standard configuration of the Goblin Logistics Academy.

In addition, we must proactively provide free upgrade services.

Don't always be a skeleton soldier.

After being in contact for a long time, the fairies are no longer afraid.

Zombies and ghosts can be arranged. If there are enough vampires, it is not impossible to consider them. "

Qi Ge paused, thought for two seconds, and sighed again.

“In order to entertain and teach, I have worked really hard to make the goblins’ study life less boring.

Presumably, playing the haunted house adventure and learning at the same time will definitely make the playful fairies excited. "

Lemeng nodded with deep understanding and said with admiration:

"The boss is wise.

If any goblin falls behind in his studies and wants to sleep lazily, send a ghost to wake him up and study.

Those goblins must have been very moved, like a traveler in the desert who suddenly had a glass of cool water when his mouth was dry.

No, it should be ice water, the kind of ice that makes your whole body tremble. "

"Hey hey hey..."*2

The two of them laughed evilly together.

Le Meng suddenly heard something and said:

"By the way, boss, when it comes to practice bringing true knowledge, there is one more thing.

Sure enough, as you might have guessed, every miracle building is more than just what the system says.

After this period of research, we have achieved great results.

The first is this superconducting magic wheat. "

Lemeng took something out of his backpack as he walked.

【Superconducting Magic Wheat】

[Considered as 0.2 units of food. Long-term use of superconducting magic wheat by NPC troops can greatly improve their spellcasting talents, making it easier to advance into spellcasting troops]

Qi Ge looked at the bag of wheat in his hand with some joy in his eyes.

Lemeng pushed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and said loudly with a bright smile on his handsome face:

“This is the latest variety produced by us using the seawater from the magic fish pond to irrigate the wheat planted in the Lunhe Forest.

Wheat seeds are only planted in the Lunhe Forest. Apart from a slight increase in yield, there are almost no other changes.

The water in the magic fish pond can only be used to water [Magic Rich Wheat].

The combination of the two can give birth to a powerful food like [Superconducting Magic Wheat].

This means that our territory has a large number of means to cultivate spellcasting troops. "

This is equivalent to helping ordinary soldiers open the second line of Ren and Du!

If this wheat was to be included in a martial arts novel, it would have to be a natural treasure like ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum.

Qi Ge quickly asked: "Where is the yield?"

“Because we were doing an experiment, we used birth-inducing drugs regardless of the cost.

Under normal circumstances, based on the amount of birth-stimulating agent used, each acre of land in Lunhe Forest will be harvested once every two weeks, with about 5,000 units at a time, which is equivalent to 1,000 units of normal food.

The output is not low! "

"very good!

If there is this output, it is basically enough to allocate 5 acres of land for planting.

It is impossible for everyone in the spell-casting arms to change their profession, and we do not have that condition yet.

Only NPCs who love magic and research need us to focus on cultivating them.

But in the future, if [Superconducting Magic Wheat] produces enough, it is not impossible for all the people to have magicians and develop a magical civilization. "

Le Meng's smile was still bright. He took out another plant and asked proudly: "Boss? What do you think this is?"

Qige's eyebrows raised and he asked doubtfully: "It looks a bit like a nine-color fern, but each nine-color fern has only one color.

This plant has nine fern leaves with different colors. "

Lemeng didn't show off anymore, handed the plant in his hand to Qi Ge, and said: "Boss, you guessed it right, it's the Nine-Colored Fern!"

【Ancient nine-color fern

Strange object

Effect: unknown

Explanation: Ferns have grown in the world of heroic souls since ancient times. They are plants from the same era as the four great dragons. They have incredible functions. 】

A plant of the same era as the Crystal Dragon, Poison Dragon, Fairy Dragon, and Holy Dragon?

The beginning of the creation of the Yasha world?

Le Meng triumphantly let out a sinister laugh from his nostrils and said:

"Based on the inspiration I got from Super Magic Wheat, I transplanted the Nine-Colored Fern into the medicine garden of the Fairy Sanjie Thatched Barn.

Then water the magic fish pond and the river water at the same time, and a new species is born!

It combines the power of three miracle buildings.

Although I still don’t know what the ancient nine-color fern is used for, I can guarantee that it is definitely not simple.

Calculated based on the number of birth-inducing potions I used, the normal growth cycle of the ancient nine-color fern in its natural state is as long as more than ten years! "

ten years?

This is unreasonable.

You know, mosses and ferns in Yasha World grow very fast.

Normally, it only takes 3 to 5 days for ferns to mature from germination to sowing.

Ten years have almost caught up with the growth cycle of woody plants.

A blade of grass takes longer to grow than a tree?

This is definitely not normal!

Qi Ge said quickly: "Hurry up and cultivate the medicine garden. We will see if it is useful. We can grow as many as we can. I will ask Yinhe to figure out a solution for the growth time problem."

Le Meng's smug smile appeared on his brows, and he said proudly: "It's already full. It was planted right away. I took care of it myself."

Qi Ge patted Le Meng on the back to express encouragement.

Lemeng is still reliable.

"It's not over yet. Boss, look at these."

Le Meng began to take things out of the backpack.

【Magic Mushroom】

[Considered as 3 units of food, the unit’s magic power +1 after consumption (duration 3 days)]

【Magic Storage Crystal】

[Level 3 resources, can be used as manufacturing materials]

【Lantern Pumpkin】

【Disposable treasure

During battle, a team of soldiers will receive a pumpkin shield with a total life of 150. Each team of soldiers can only be used once. 】

Qi Ge was stunned for a moment and said: "Wait a minute, I can understand the magic mushrooms, where did the lantern pumpkin come from?

Lemeng raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "Boss, this is also grown."



"A one-time treasure, grown?"


hiss! ! !

Is there any royal law for this?

Can disposable treasures be grown? Then how do you let the treasure maker live?

150 health points is almost more than the health of two ogres. If it is sold to players now, how much fault tolerance can be increased.

A wood elf only has 15 HP, and a pumpkin kills 10 less wood elves.

Players will go crazy.

Lemeng continued: "Plant the pumpkin in the Lunhe Forest, then water the magic fish pond, and when the pumpkin matures and falls off on its own, it will be ready.

Although only one pumpkin will grow from a vine, lantern pumpkins have a fast growth cycle and can be harvested in as little as two weeks.

The cost is negligible, just ordinary pumpkin seeds are enough. "


Qige's brain twitched.

The leeks in the Heroic Soul World want to run over with their own legs and cut them for me.

"Wait a minute, what about the magic storage crystal? It can't be planted, right?"

"Not this one.

Among the goblins who came last time, there was a goblin who worked in the mine of Brakada. He found the magic crystal mine in the Lunhe Forest. "

Qi Ge counted and found that there were a total of 7 more specialties in his territory this time!

These are all chemical reactions caused by the completion of the construction of the magic fish pond.

You know, there is also a prophet's cabin in Qige territory.

The two walked and came to where the Sphinx was.

The wise Rakshasa in the Sphinx, seeking knowledge, saw seven doves and his voice rang out.

"You are finally here, my lord.

I've been waiting for you to fulfill your promise. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the master-level hidden mission: Recruiting the natural wonder Sphinx]

Qi Ge took out a small book from his backpack and threw it into the Sphinx's mouth.

The Sphinx seemed to be chewing the small book, chewing it and swallowing it.

Seven Pigeons shouted loudly:

"For knowledge, this is all the information I have collected about the lava dragon, including the origin and attributes of the lava dragon.

There is also all the information about the Dragon of Silence and the Sea of ​​Silence. "

The voice of intellectual joy sounded from the Sphinx.

"This is what I am pursuing, the unknown knowledge.

Well done hero, you delivered on your promise.

I will stay in your territory for a month. If you need me to stay, bring me more knowledge. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden mission "Recruiting the Natural Wonder Sphinx\

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