Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 295 Fighting between gods!

Yingye didn't speak any more. She sat on the ground, holding the tip of her tail with both hands and stroking it gently.

In this desolate underground tunnel, her figure was quite lonely.

It was as if she was following her own memories, returning to the time when she was still a weak soldier and stood on the execution platform.

Surrounded by a circle of her tribe, there may also be her relatives or close friends.

The proud queen stood in front of the stage and counted her crimes one by one. She was innocent, but no one spoke up for her.

She could even see the schadenfreude and cold ridicule in the eyes of the people around her.

Qi Ge sighed inwardly.

Even though Yingye is now a legendary hero, she still has such a lonely past.

Yingye was silent for a long time before slowly speaking:

“That was the biggest crisis of my life, but it was also the biggest opportunity of my life.

The power of the Queen is so powerful that I simply cannot resist it.

She had countless ways to kill me, but she chose the wrong way.

This is her misfortune, but it is my luck.

She chose to completely petrify me, that is, to petrify me at the moment she killed me.

Then I would become a stone sculpture and become part of her palace collection to terrify those disobedient Medusas.

Under her attack, my body gradually turned to stone.

But the process of my body becoming petrified finally made me understand the most important part.

I put the last piece of the puzzle together, and I finally understood the nature of petrification. "

Yingye paused and said:

"It's funny to say that if there was no queen, I might not be able to muster up the courage to let others completely petrify me on my own.

In a way, she helped me. "

“The force of ‘petrification’ is a wave, a vibration in the air similar to sound, similar to water waves spreading across the surface of the water.

As long as the "petrification wave" is transmitted to a living creature, it can cause the creature's most basic Yasha energy to resonate, causing the Yasha energy to deform, ultimately changing the state of the creature.

The "petrification wave" will quickly decompose in the air, so the Medusas must be close enough to petrify the creatures they come into contact with.

The process of "petrification wave" affecting living creatures is very unstable. Once a living creature is attacked, the petrified state will be broken.

Even if it is left alone, once time passes, the power of the "petrification wave" will be exhausted, and the petrification will be automatically lifted due to the instinctive resistance of biological consciousness.

Only by killing the creature with the final blow and subjecting the creature to the "petrification wave" can the petrification be completely retained.

Because living things die and lose consciousness, they cannot remove petrification from within themselves.

When I fully realized the nature of petrification, all the experience points I had accumulated over the years were consumed, allowing me to break through my bottleneck.

I successfully advanced to the level 5 miracle unit - Medusa Sage.

This is a unit that has never appeared in Medusa's history, and is a completely different branch from Medusa's theological advancement route.

Medusa Sage's power is so powerful that even if the rank is the same, the queen is no match for me.

I defeated the original queen, Pope Medusa, and in turn turned her into stone in front of all the Medusas.

I have also successfully opened another path of advancement that is completely different from theology. I do not rely on God, but only rely on my own path. I call this path science!

Study the laws of the world, master the laws of the world, and ultimately change or even strengthen the laws of the world.

This is my way! "

Qige feels that Yingye is a bit handsome at this moment.

In the world of Yasha, a world with a real creator god and various true gods, we must study the laws of the world without relying on gods.

No matter whether this path is right or not, whether it can be passed through or not.

Yingye dared to take this path, which was a kind of bravery in itself.

Like Sir M'rak, Sousa, and Adela, she exudes the brilliance of an idealist.

They are in different environments, but they all choose the ideal that transcends the environment.

Sure enough, every legend who relies on his own strength to get out of the way is not simple.

"It's so beautiful."

Qige couldn't help but sigh.

"This kind of unswerving and uncompromising look for one's own dream is so bright that it shines brightly."

Speaking of this, Yingye seemed a little embarrassed. She twisted twice and turned the tip of her tail left and right several times before continuing:

“If the story ended here, it would be a perfect story.

Unfortunately, something happened a little, little, little unexpectedly. "

Yingye stretched out her hand and made a "pinch" gesture with her index finger and thumb, indicating that the accident was very small.

Qige sneered silently in her heart.

Haha, I believed your lies. The more you deliberately emphasize it, the more it shows your guilty conscience.

There is a universe at your fingertips, right?

Yingye continued:

"After I became the Medusa Sage, not only did I not stop researching petrification, but I became even more obsessed with it.

I realized a problem, since "petrification" is an unstable wave that can easily decompose.

Then as long as this wave is made stable and difficult to decompose, wouldn't it be possible to remotely petrify living things?

So, I started doing a lot of research.

Unfortunately, my research seems to have reached a bottleneck.

I wasted a lot of time and ended up getting nowhere.

So I changed my mind and started researching other things.

For example, how to improve the movement speed, vision, range, health, etc. of the Medusa family!

The earliest version of [Earth Boat] was developed while studying how to speed up the movement of the Medusa clan.

Later, the scope of my experiments even began to involve understanding the truth about the world.

For example, how resources are formed, the principles of troop advancement...

I made a lot of conjectures, tried a lot of experiments, discovered many new principles, and falsified many of my own conjectures.

This has accumulated a lot of experimental data and experience for me.

With rich accumulation, it will be much easier to return to the study of petrochemicals.

In the end, I succeeded and failed.

I used the principle that "waves" can reflect and successfully developed an extremely powerful petrochemical wave.

I call it [Petrified Reflection Wave].

[Petrified Reflection Wave] can continuously reflect in the air, and absorb the energy of yasha in the air during the reflection process to maintain its own stability.

Relying on the invention of [Petrified Reflection Wave], I advanced to the level 6 mythical unit Medusa Great Sage, and started the road to heroism.

But I discovered tragically that the [Petrified Reflection Wave] is uncontrollable.

It emanates with the sound of my voice and the look of my eyes.

Even if a creature looks at my face, it will trigger a counterattack.

Even I can't interrupt the petrification process of other creatures.

Fortunately, after petrifying three rabbits, two chickens, and a skeleton soldier, I discovered the problem of petrified reflected waves in time and did not leave the laboratory and return to the tribe.

Otherwise, I might become the queen who massacred the most people in the history of the Yingye Tribe. "


Qi Ge almost couldn't hold it back.

This is obviously a sad story, why do I want to laugh so much.

He quickly used the question to hide his smile:

"Your Majesty Yingye, what happened next? Did you successfully solve the problem of petrified reflected waves?"

Yingye's voice was filled with a touch of sadness:


After research, I found that the stability, sustainability, and controllability of [Petrochemical Wave] are an [Incompatibility Triangle].

As long as stability and sustainability are improved, controllability will inevitably be poor.

To improve controllability and sustainability, stability must not be enough.

Improve stability and controllability, and sustainability will become extremely poor.

As for my [Petrified Reflection Wave], its stability and sustainability have reached its peak, so there is no controllability at all.

Moreover, [Petrified Reflection Wave] has become completely integrated with me as I advanced, and has become my special skill, which cannot be stripped away. "

Qi Ge understood it, and changed it to the special skills of the soldiers to understand.

Remote petrification, increasing the duration of petrification, and controlling whether to turn on petrification cannot be satisfied at the same time.

If you want it to be remote and controllable, the duration of petrification will be very short.

If you want petrification to last for a long time and still be controllable, you can't do it remotely.

If you want to be long-range, it will be difficult to control if the petrification lasts for a long time.

Yingye has fully used the ability to remotely petrify and extend the duration of petrification, so her control over the petrification stunt is 0.

What a sad story. Please allow me to observe three silences.

ha! ha! ha!

Yingye didn't realize that the unscrupulous Qi Ge was so happy that he couldn't stop, and continued:

"My [Petrified Reflection Wave] is too strong and too uncontrollable.

Even if I look in the mirror and hear my own voice, I will be petrified, but the rate of petrification is very slow and can be interrupted by myself from the inside.

I can interrupt my own petrification process, but I can't interrupt the petrification process of other creatures.

This made me afraid to leave the laboratory at all.

Helpless, I could only complete the journey of becoming a hero in the laboratory, hoping to see if becoming a hero could control my petrification ability. "

Yingye pointed at herself and said helplessly:

"As you can see, it doesn't work at all.

Even now, after I have become a legend, it still doesn’t work.

So after I became a hero, I could only make a mask that could isolate the [Petrified Wave] and cover my face.

Also learn ventriloquism without making sounds from your throat.

This allowed me to barely go out and move around.

But I must always be careful not to let the mask fall off, not to have cracks in the mask, and not to use my throat when speaking, especially when patrolling the tribe.

Otherwise, I will massacre the city accidentally.

It was hard to get used to it at first, so I had to force myself to adapt. Fortunately, I haven’t made any mistakes for so many years.

This mask on my face is the 236th version I made.

Although it is very troublesome to wear, it has good performance and is not easily damaged. It also has a cleansing function, which can make the skin whiter, smoother and more shiny. "

Qige:? ? ?

Wait a minute, what weird feature is this?

It turns out that you are wearing a high-end facial mask? !

After seeing Yingye finish speaking, Qi Ge quickly comforted:

"Your Majesty Yingye, don't be sad.

The road to pursuing science is always full of ups and downs.

We may and will encounter various mistakes and problems, and danger is always with you and me.

But none of this can stop us, let alone stop us from exploring science and truth! "

Yingye pinched Qige's cheek and said angrily:

"You actually used what I just said to comfort me, which is not sincere at all.

Can't you make one up yourself? "

Qi Ge was having fun and said:

"Your Majesty Yingye, I think your words are absolutely wise!

I'm a stupid person, I don't know how to praise people, and I can't make up anything better. "

Yingye's voice rose: "Listen to what you say, are you still an honest person?"

Qi Ge slapped his thigh and said in a loud voice:

"Honest! I'm too honest.

My dad often says that my child has been honest since he was a child.

There's nothing you can do about it, it's something you're born with and can't be changed. "


Yingye laughed twice, and her voice regained its confidence:

“After so many years, it’s not like I haven’t made any progress at all.

Through my research, I found that the power of ‘petrification’ is not only [wave], but also [particle].

This led me to find my path to being a demigod.

As long as I study the properties of [Petrified Particles], I can break the "Incompatible Triangle" law and master the power of [Petrified Particles] at a deeper level. Then I won't have to wear a mask.

Having said that, I also want to thank you.

Qi Dove, it was the [Gorgon's Eye] you gave me, which allowed me to extract another ray of petrification rules, which verified my guess.

Our ancestors of Medusa, the Gorgon family, their petrification ability is particles, not waves. "

Qi Ge blinked and said:

"Then I can take some credit? How about, Your Majesty, take off the mask and see if I can hold on?"

Maybe I can bring you some surprises in your research on [Petrochemicals]? "

Yingye shook his head, stood up, took out the tools again and started repairing the luxurious [Earth Boat].

As she repaired it, she said:

"Qi Ge, when studying science, you should have the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and sacrifices.

But we must also rationally avoid foreseeable risks and crises.

When I become a demigod and take off my mask for the first time, I will definitely show it to you.

This is also part of repaying your life-saving grace.

Just wait patiently. "

[System prompt: Congratulations player, your legendary hidden mission: [Ying Ye’s Request] has been covered.

You have obtained the demigod-level hidden mission: Rules·Petrification]


Mission Level: Golden Demigod Level

Task requirements:

1. Yingye’s favorability reaches 100.

2. Collect [Gorgon's Shadow] (cloak), [Gorgon's Power] (shield), [Gorgon's Scale] (accessory), [Gorgon's Snake Hair] (hat), [Gorgon's Hair] Eyes of Ergon] (weapon, collected) and handed over to Yingye.

3. Wait for or assist Yingye to complete the research on [Rules·Petrification] and become a demigod

mission rewards:

1. [Demi-god hero Yingye] joins your territory

2. [NPC force Yingye Tribe] joins your territory,

3. You obtain [Mythical Architectural Blueprint: Gorgon Garden]

4. The NPC main city [Floating City·Unextinguished] becomes your branch city]

A demigod hero, a super powerful tribe, a main city, and a complete mythical building? !

These four rewards really made Qi Ge feel a little excited.

But Qi Ge was also a little worried.

[Combo Treasure: Gorgon Garden] is not a unique combo treasure.

Except for [Gorgon's Snake Hair] and [Gorgon's Shadow], which are level 4 treasures and are relatively difficult to collect, the other treasures are only level 3 treasures.

If the difficulty of the task and the reward do not match at all, it means there must be something fishy about the task.

Tasks 1 and 2 are not difficult, so the problem can only arise in task 3.

[Wait or assist Yingye to complete the research on [Rules·Petrification] and be promoted to Demigod. 】

Or maybe Yingye would have trouble when he was promoted to demigod.

Either that or [Rule·Petrification] is not that easy to complete.

In other words, Yingye's current route may be incomplete or even wrong.

Qi Ge buried this information deeply in his heart. He would not speak freely without conclusive evidence.

But he'll be on the lookout for information on petrification rules.

In particular, another unit that regards petrification as its specialty.

Greater Basilisk of the Fortress Force!


In the Everlasting City, Qige followed Yingye to the top platform of the palace.

Yingye placed her hand on the Yasha fire in the Everlasting City and prayed silently.

Qige stood next to Yingye, took a deep breath, and chose to submit the task.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the second ring of [Destruction and Rebirth]]

[System prompt: The legendary hero Yingye is opening the authority of the Everlasting City, and the goddess of magic Zi Xi is taking over. 】

[System prompt: "Underground World No. 1486" is being taken over by the goddess of magic Zi·Sha]

As soon as the task was submitted, Qi Ge felt like the whole world was shaking, as if the whole world was groaning in pain.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ge discovered that the entire dome of the underground world had turned into a mysterious deep purple!

In the Everlasting City, the exclamations of the Medusas kept ringing out.

[System prompt: The goddess of magic Zi Xiang is clearing the chaotic energy of "Underground World No. 1486". 】

[System prompt: Your mission target: The ghost knight at coordinates (4396, 1557) has been eliminated by the goddess of magic. 】

Qi Ge was stunned, this.

My quest monster was killed by the magic little wife?

[System prompt: It is determined that the arrival of the goddess of magic is related to you, and it is deemed that you have killed the ghost knight. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for completing the competitive mission "Underground Mystery Cloud\

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