Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 301 New skin! The peerless beauty Elena!

When Qi Ge saw Elena, she was standing alone outside the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group]. She was leaning against the trunk of a big banyan tree, her hands behind her back, and her head slightly raised.

[Centaur Bonfire Tent Group] is full of lights and bustle, but it seems lonely and deserted under the big banyan tree.

The cold wind at night danced in the night sky like a sharp sword, beating the leaves and making a sharp scream.

Qi Ge watched Elena's small body huddled in the shadow of the banyan tree, as if she was far away from the prosperity of her territory and could not fit in.

But the way she looked at the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group] was filled with envy and desire.

Qi Ge thinks so too.

In her own territory, Elena only knows Agaide, Milola and herself.

Master Agaide was practicing miracles, and Milola, the unreliable one, went to retreat, leaving him alone, but he was very busy.

For some reason, Qige looked at Elena and suddenly thought of a poem.

There is a beauty in the north, peerless and independent.

He was unwilling to ruin the scene and walked gently to Elena's left side.

As he got closer, Qige realized that Elena was dressed extremely solemnly today.

Her coat was thick, inlaid with emerald leaves, and there was a silver leaf on her chest.

Her lower skirt was made of an unknown fabric that vaguely reflected a little silver light even in the dark.

There are two badges on the left and right sides of her beautiful golden crown.

The badge on the left looks like a lush giant tree. This is the national emblem of the old Elf Empire.

The other emblem on the right is a small silver flower with six leaves. It is clearly embedded in the crown, but it seems to be illusory, constantly flickering and looming.

This is the emblem of the Silver Elf clan.

The national emblem on the left and the clan emblem on the right.

So solemn and extraordinary.

When Elena stands here now, she no longer represents her personally, but represents the entire Silver Elf family.

Are the Silver Elf clan so interested in meeting the Galaxy?

It seems that the Silver Flower Demon means more than just an ally to the Silver Elf.

Qi Ge carefully recalled the memories of his previous life, but found nothing.

He actually hadn't seen any documents about the relationship between the Silver Flower Demon and the Silver Elf.

This shows that either their relationship is not important, or the relationship between them is too important, so it is artificially and deliberately hidden.

Qige's nose moved.

From Elena's body, along with the cold wind at night, waves of refreshing fragrance floated, like freshly cut passion fruit.

Elena seemed to be thinking about something, her silver pupils looked a little hollow under the night, and her mouth was still opening and closing, as if talking to herself.

Qi Ge did not come forward to disturb, but quietly admired it on the left side for a while.

A man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on his saddle.

Elena, who was originally young and beautiful, looked extremely noble thanks to her attire.

This feeling is very strange, just like a female neighbor who is familiar with you and usually wears simple school uniforms.

Suddenly one day, she changed into mature and sexy pajamas and invited you to her house to help repair her computer.

Qi Ge was fascinated when suddenly Elena raised her head slightly and took a deep breath.

Her chest became more upright as she breathed in, and her beautiful silver eyes shone dimly in the shadow of the banyan tree, like stars blocked by thin clouds.


Qi Ge coughed deliberately to remind Elena of his arrival.

Elena woke up suddenly. She turned around and saw Qi Ge walking towards her. She took a deep breath again, lifted up her skirt, and bent her knees slightly.

Her eyelids were lowered, silver eyelashes covered her pupils, and a voice floated softly from her lips:

"Lord Seven Pigeons City, thank you for arranging the opportunity for me to meet Yinhe."

Qi Ge followed the ancient etiquette of the Silver Elf, squatted down, supported Elena's hands holding the hem of her skirt, gently lifted her up, and said:

"There is no need for this. After Yinhe heard about you, he also wanted to meet you.

I'm just playing a role in it.

Elena, you can come directly into the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group], there is no need to wait outside.

From the moment I agreed to your agreement, you were already one of our own in our territory. "

Elena smiled, nodded, and replied:

"I know, even if you want to treat me as an outsider, we have signed a contract.

However, I always feel that the reunion between our Silver Elf clan and the Silver Flower Demon clan always requires some sense of ceremony.

This has been the long-cherished wish of our Silver Elf clan for thousands of years since the fall of the Elf Empire. "

Sure enough, the relationship between their two races is not that simple.

But now is not the time to inquire. If you inquire rashly, it will be more likely to arouse Elena's vigilance.

Qi Ge calmly lowered his hand and laid it flat. Elena stretched out her hand very naturally and placed it on Qi Ge's hand.

"Let's go, I will take you to realize your long-cherished wish."

"Yes. All this is under your witness."

Elena's dress is very beautiful, but this kind of clothes is not convenient for movement.

Especially her obviously ill-fitting skirt, which easily hung to the ground.

It was a rare reunion, and Elena was definitely not willing to ruin her careful preparations because of the dirty hem of her skirt.

She pulled up the hem of her skirt halfway with one hand and walked cautiously

Qi Ge noticed this very carefully.

He pulled Elena, suppressed his steps, and walked towards the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group] one step at a time.

As he got closer, the fragrance of Elena's body penetrated into Qi Ge's nose, especially her snow-white neck, the fragrance was particularly strong.

Qi Ge feels that Elena should feel lucky that she is the one accompanying her.

"Fortunately, I am a gentleman. If I were an ordinary man, I would be lying on her neck and smelling her."

At this moment, Qi Ge noticed that Elena's breathing was a little rapid, and she even held her breath sometimes, and couldn't help but ask:

"Elena, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Elena breathed out gently, let go of Qi Ge's hand, faced Qi Ge, and said:

"Qige, please take a look for me. Is my dress neat?

Will it look messy? "

Was that what you were worried about? Qi Ge felt a little funny and quickly answered with a smile:

“It won’t be messy.

Your dress is very solemn and beautiful. I can guarantee that you will be the most beautiful pearl in the whole dinner. "

"Where is the crown? Is the crown crooked?"

"No, don't worry."

"Is your skirt properly worn?"

You can't lower your head yourself...oh, it's blocked.

"Yes, yes."

Elena pursed her lips from side to side, put on a smile, and then asked:

"What about my smile?

Do you think Galaxy will like it after watching it? "

Qi Ge always felt that Elena's palms were a little wet. He thought it was the dew on the bark of the banyan tree, but now that he thought about it, it was probably sweat.

It seemed that Elena was more nervous than she thought.

He quickly comforted: "Don't worry, your smile is perfect and very approachable. Yinhe will definitely like it."

Elena received Qi Ge's encouragement and finally calmed down a little. She took a deep breath and held Qi Ge's hand again.

When Qi Ge took Elena into the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group], Elena instantly attracted the attention of almost everyone.

The charm value of the Silver Elf itself is one of the best among all races. Coupled with the full set of gorgeous clothes around Elena, Elena temporarily gained the same 30 points of charm as Qi Ge, which made Elena look particularly radiant. Eye-catching.

Ocean Warlock Wolfs originally thought that Fei Rui and Adela beside His Majesty Seven Doves were the most beautiful women in the world, but when he saw Elena, he realized that he was wrong, how wrong he was.

The beauties he had seen in the tower who he thought were stunningly beautiful all turned into vulgar fans compared with Elena.

He couldn't help but be stunned and silently admired:

"A perfect match! A perfect match! Only such a beautiful woman can match our Lord of Seven Pigeons City."

Fluorescent fruit stared at Elena intently, shocked by her charm and a little ashamed of herself.

Qi Ge is a half-elf, and Elena is a silver elf. They match up very well in terms of race, and they are almost the same in appearance.

When Qi Ge and Elena came together, they were a match made in heaven. There was no comparison in appearance between him and Elena.

But the fluorescent fruit quickly recovered.

Petra said that His Majesty Qi Ge is definitely not the kind of superficial man who only cares about race and appearance. Soul resonance is what His Majesty Qi Ge pursues.

I will never lose to anyone on this point.

Elena and Qi Ge firmly attracted everyone's attention.

From Sister Medusa's point of view, Elena dressed like this and arriving at the banquet to welcome them was simply menacing, as if she was declaring her status as the hostess.

But when the Medusa nuns saw the goblins in Qi Dove's territory looking at Elena in surprise, they were confused about the situation.

After the Medusa nuns quietly asked the goblins, they learned that it was also the first time for the goblins to see Elena.

The Medusa nuns also received good news. Lord Seven Doves has not yet announced that there is a mistress in the territory.

In other words, this valuable spot is probably still vacant.

The Yasha world has a very wonderful characteristic. There are many races that only have females, but there are almost no races that have only males. This leads to the overall population of Yasha world being more female than male.

Even if all are taken into account, the ratio of men to women can reach an incredible 1:5.

Coupled with the strange rule that males must be stronger than females in order to reproduce, powerful males cannot survive without having a harem.

Therefore, a normal city lord of the Acropolis will have 6 to 10 official wives of the city lord, and there are countless more who have no status in private.

And Qi Ge still doesn’t have a wife, which means that every Medusa nun has a chance!

Elena was watched by everyone. She looked very calm on the surface, but in fact she was extremely panicked inside.

All she could think about was how to leave a good impression on Yinhe in front of him.

“As the envoy chosen by the Silver Elf clan, I must successfully make the Galaxy have a favorable impression of us Silver Elf.

If I screw up, I'll be a sinner forever. "

Qige glanced around and finally saw Little Galaxy among the crowd.

She should have been the other protagonist in "The Silver Elf and the Silver Flower Demon Reconnect" this time.

But she completely ignored Elena, who was walking towards her. She was staggeringly stacking Arhats with two goblins, preparing to attack the iron claw lobster on the table.

Qi Ge quickly squeezed Elena's palm, stopped and said loudly:

"People, the person next to me is Elaine Na from the Silver Elf clan.

On behalf of the Silver Elf clan, she formally formed an alliance with our God's Chosen City.

Let us give her the warmest applause and the most sincere thanks for her arrival! "

"Snap, snap, snap!"

The clever Petra immediately understood what Qi Ge meant and clapped her hands vigorously.

"Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

The goblins woke up from a dream and immediately followed up with cheers and applause.

Elena had no stage fright and said openly:

"I am Yi Lina, the current speaker of the Silver Elf clan.

Just this morning, under the witness of the Goddess of Destiny, I had a cordial and friendly conversation with the Lord of Seven Pigeons City, reached a consensus on the future development direction of both parties, and signed an alliance contract.

The Lord of Seven Pigeons is honest, wise, strong, courageous and wise.

We, the Silver Elf clan, have formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the Lord of Seven Pigeons City, which makes us extremely honored.

We are convinced that forming an alliance with the Chosen City is the right and meaningful thing to do.

In the future, there will also be a group of silver elves who will serve as a bridge to deepen our friendship and join me in God's Chosen City and become your compatriots.

I firmly believe that under the leadership of the Lord of Seven Pigeons, our Silver Elf clan and the City of God’s Choice will have a bright and brilliant future.

Thank you everyone. "

[Centaur Campfire Tent Group] once again burst into warm applause.

Wolfs clapped his hands so hard that his palms turned red.

Zhang Fu was shocked: "The boss said that the Silver Elf girl is so beautiful?"

Lin Xi nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I was shocked when I first saw it. Fortunately, I have a girlfriend, otherwise I might have fallen."

Le Meng pushed his eyes, pushed Li Xiaobai who was extremely dull, and said:

"Xiaobai, don't be too embarrassed. It's a formal occasion."

Li Xiaobai woke up immediately, pushed Le Meng in turn and said:

"What are you still doing? Let's record a video.

Help the boss with an issue of "Biology of Yasha Continent·Silver Elf"

With Irina on the cover, the ratings will definitely explode! "

Qi Ge felt some appreciation in his heart. Elena's social skills were pretty good, and she had no stage fright in this kind of on-the-spot performance and was polite and courteous.

It was also vaguely revealed that Qi Ge and Shenxuan City occupied a dominant position in the cooperation between the two parties, giving Qi Ge enough face.

But when Qi Ge saw Little Galaxy, his mood was not so good.

Elena's appearance did not attract Little Galaxy's attention at all.

She even jumped on the table with the help of the fairies, and while everyone was still applauding, she happily gnawed on the feet of the iron lobster.

If Elena sees this, will she think that I have brought bad luck to the galaxy?

Elena rubbed Qi Ge's palm with her hand and signaled Qi Ge to take her to see Yinhe.

Qige glanced at Elena.

She was looking at the seven pigeons, with a bit of expectation, a bit of worry, and a bit of uneasiness and helplessness in her eyes, which made me feel pity for her.

No matter how much you worry, it's useless. The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Qi Ge took Elena's hand and walked towards Little Galaxy.

Yinhe was happily munching on lobster legs. When he saw Qi Ge coming over, he happily handed over the lobster legs in his hand and said cheerfully:

"Brother Admiral! This is delicious, spicy and spicy. Do you want to eat it together?"

"Yes! Get me another big one."

Qi Ge subconsciously took the lobster legs and suddenly reacted.

Ah, no, now is not the time to eat lobster. How come I was led astray by the Milky Way?

He coughed quickly, put down the lobster legs, picked up Little Yinhe, and wiped her greasy mouth with a handkerchief.

Qige pointed at Elena and said to Yinhe:

"This is Sister Elena from the Silver Elf clan. She comes specifically to see you. Brother Admiral has mentioned it to you before."

Yinghe sat in the crook of Qige's arm, his eyes bright, and he praised unabashedly:

"Wow! My sister is so beautiful. She's sparkling and sparkling."

Elena took a deep breath in front of Little Galaxy and thought to herself:

"Be gentle and leave a good impression on Galaxy."

She put one hand on her chest and said slightly nervously: "I, I am Yi, Yi, Elaine, Gawu."

Yinhe tilted his head strangely: "Elena Gawu? Isn't it Elena?"

Elena's silver pupils stared at the seven pigeons, with pear blossoms and rain, and she was about to cry.

"Qi Ge, I bit my tongue."

Qi Ge:......

Elena looked desperate, she thought to herself.

“It’s over, Yinhe will definitely think I’m stupid when he sees me.

Because I represent the Silver Elves, Galaxy will think the Silver Elves are stupid.

Galaxy thinks the Silver Elf is stupid, so he is unwilling to communicate with the Silver Elf.

The eternal alliance between the Silver Flower Demon and the Silver Elf was thus interrupted.

I am the eternal sinner of the Silver Elf clan.

I was wrong, I should never have been an ambassador in the first place, and if I had not been an ambassador, I would not have..."

The more Irina thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and tears came to her eyes.


Yinhe suddenly laughed cutely. She leaned out from Qi Ge and touched Elena's head.

“Sister, don’t cry, Yinhe bites his tongue very often, and it won’t hurt after a while.

My sister has a very good smell, and Yinhe likes it very much. "

Elena was filled with joy and sorrow, and she suddenly realized that there seemed to be hope!

"Taste, what taste?

Is it this honey? ! Or these dream flowers? "

Elena took out all kinds of food from the space backpack, but Yinhe kept shaking his head and said:

"No, it's not these."

Qige came up with an idea and instantly understood Yinhe's intention. He immediately started to cooperate and asked to Yinhe:

"Yinhe, the smell you mentioned is the smell of disaster?"

Yinhe's eyes lit up, he nodded sharply and said, "That's right! It's the same smell as the last tsunami."

"The smell of disaster?!"

Elena was overjoyed. She took out several bottles of medicine from her backpack and said excitedly:

"Is that these?"

Yinhe's nose moved and he said with a smile: "Yes, that's the smell."

She picked up a lobster leg from the table and said expectantly:

"(*ω*)Sister Elena, can the medicine you have be given to Galaxy?

Galaxy will give you delicious food in exchange! "

"Ah, this..."

Elena was a little stunned.

She didn't want to refuse Yinhe's request, but the potions in her hands contained the power of disaster and were too dangerous for Yinhe.

Yinhe closed one eye, felt cruel, and picked up another lobster leg from the table, just one in each hand.

Yinhe shoved two lobster legs in front of Elena, holding back his greed and said:

"If one doesn't work, I'll give you Brother Admiral's.

If it still doesn't work.


Yinhe stared at Elena pitifully and said:

"Then Yinhe will ask again later."

Elena's heart was completely melted by Yinhe. She couldn't bear it any longer. She took the lobster legs from Yinhe and put them into her space backpack. Then she handed the six bottles of medicine to Yinhe and said to Yinhe earnestly:

"Sister can trade with Yinhe, but Yinhe has to promise her not to drink randomly."

Yinhe immediately changed hands and handed the potion to Qige, saying:

"Yinhe gives the potion to Admiral brother, so he won't drink it randomly!"

Seeing Yinhe turning his back to Elena and winking at him, Qi Ge secretly laughed.

While putting the potion away, he said, "Don't worry, I will definitely keep it well and it won't harm little Yinhe."

Elena was very happy when she saw Yinhe clapping her hands happily after getting her disaster potion.

She vaguely understood why Grandpa Huanteng chose herself, a silver elf who had just become a hero, to be the representative among so many outstanding silver elves.

This allowed Elena to finally calm down some of her nervousness and be able to communicate smoothly with Yinhe.

Qige watched the Milky Way talking to Elena with ease, making Elena laugh from time to time, and thought to herself.

"Xiao Yinhe's acting skills have improved so fast. Where did he learn this poor ability to pretend to be poor?"

He took the time to take a look at the potion that had just been "traded" by Yinhe. He suddenly felt physically and mentally comfortable, and his smile almost broke out.

【Magic Potion·Tsunami

Recovery after use immediately restores 40 magic points, and slowly restores 100 magic points within 10 hours. (average 10 points per hour)

If used at sea, it will summon natural disasters: tsunamis around itself.

If used on land, the hero will die immediately]

【Anti-magic potion·Earthquake

After use, the hero gains 80% magic resistance in the next battle. And summon natural disasters around itself: earthquakes]

【Icy Potion·Frost

After using it, the hero will gain ice magic specialization in the next battle (all ice magic effects are advanced).

And summon natural disasters around itself: frost]

Milola said that the probability of failure of Elena's potion is extremely high. A failed potion will have no effect and will only summon disaster.

But once she succeeds in making the potion, the effect of the potion will be very powerful.

The six bottles in Qi Ge's hands are all disaster potions with powerful effects. They are probably Elena's inventory for a long time.

The most important thing is that there are two bottles in it:

[The best energy potion·Sea Dragon Scroll

Effect: After drinking, restore 20% of one's own energy and summon natural disasters: seaspouts around oneself]

Next time when the fairy ginkgo on the Silver Spirit matures, you can try it with Elena to make a more effective energy potion.

If you sell it to LSPs who don't know how to exercise restraint, you will definitely make a fortune!

Thanks to all the book friends, the female hamster’s fever finally subsided!

Hooray, let’s celebrate by coding 6,000 words.

When the mother hamster is all well, the hamster will celebrate with another 10,000 words!

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