Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 307 Elements Aggregation Point

The bloodstained monsters have not yet realized the seriousness of the situation. They still stretch their necks and roar at the weak, pitiful and helpless split slime clones.

Qi Ge gave an order, and thousands of sword dancers instantly switched places with the split slime clones, sending the split slime clones onto the faces of the blood-stained monsters.


The remaining three teams of blood-stained monsters rushed towards the clones without any hesitation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three teams of blood-stained monsters surrounded the split slime clones, biting them for a whole round, but not even one of them could be killed.

The split slime clone stretched out a tentacle very humanely and scratched its body.


It stretched out its tentacles and gestured at the blood-stained monster, as if asking very politely:

"Have you eaten?

You must not have eaten yet, right?

Just this little strength? "

Unfortunately, the bloodstained monsters did not want to communicate with the split slime clone at all. A group of bloodstained monsters even put three heads in front of the split slime, opened their big mouths, and tried to smoke the split slime clone to death with their breath.


The Split Slime clone couldn't bear it any longer, stretched out a ball of soft slime tentacles, and with one tap, all 60 huge blood-stained monsters in the team were patted into meat pies.

Haha, that's it.

The remaining two teams of blood-stained monsters had no idea what was going on. They were still looking at the corpses of their companions in a daze, looking not very smart.

"Poor blood-stained monsters, they will never understand until they die. Even if they try their best to defeat an enemy that is impossible to defeat, they just killed a clone."

Zhang Fu was filled with emotions.

Lin Xi added: "And it will also make the next clone twice as strong."

Le Meng rolled his eyes and said: "This tactic can be broken if the opponent has a hero, but if it is used to fight wild monsters without heroes, it is simply invincible."

Qige added sensibly:

“Another point is that the battlefield must be big enough.

If the battlefield is too small, the split slime body will be easily killed.

Moreover, some creatures have the ability to block special skills, and the special skills will become ineffective if blocked.

There is also the magic of dispelling summoned creatures. Logically speaking, the dispelled clones are not killed and will not double the number of [Plague Spread] layers of the main body.

But this is indeed a powerful tactic that can help us overcome many difficulties. "

The invincible Split Slime clone happily patted the Bloodstained Monster.

One pat for a patty, one pat for a patty.

After three rounds, the last blood-stained monster was lightly tapped by a tentacle and died an unpeaceful death.

Splitting the slime clones kills this unfair battle.

A brilliant victory!

[System prompt: Rewards are being settled. 】


[Defeat the "Devouring Monster": All rewards are sublimated, and you will receive an additional level 26 treasure chest that was devoured by the "Devouring Monster", 80 sulfur, and level 4 treasure: Shenxing Boots. 】

[System prompt: The total bonus of fixed rewards is 100%, sublimated three times]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for gaining 30,000 gold coins, 1 attack power point, 1 defense power point, 1 magic power point, and 30,000 experience points. 】

[System prompt: The total bonus of random rewards is 120%, sublimated three times]

[System prompt: Please select a random reward:

Hidden auxiliary skills, mythical building fragments, troops (limited to levels 4 to 6)]

Qi Ge was shocked. The Devouring Monster dropped a level 4 true treasure, the God Walking Boots!

Fragments of mythical buildings are randomly awarded!

Needless to say about the mythical building fragments, according to the legend of Agede, each mythical building has the power to bring about earth-shaking changes in the territory.

Hidden auxiliary skills, the hidden auxiliary skills that appeared three times have been sublimated, and there will be basically no garbage.

When selecting arms, if level 6 arms can be selected randomly, Qi Ge's combat effectiveness will be greatly increased.

I want them all so much, how do I choose?

Qi Ge thought about it carefully, and although he was very reluctant to part with the mythical building fragments and hidden auxiliary skills, he still chose the army.

The mythical building fragments are like stock trading. If you are not careful, you will be stuck. If you cannot synthesize them, it means they are nothing.

The auxiliary skills are limited. Instead of relying on randomness, Qi Ge prefers to rely on his own ability to complete tasks and find the one that suits him best.

"I choose a branch of arms!"

[System prompt: The total random reward bonus is 120%]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining level 6 and level 3 troops with automatic fertilizing manticore flying lion*20]

Level 6 3! ! !

Wait a minute, it seems like the cheers are early, this name is not quite right.

Qi Ge quickly opened the troop column and almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

【Automatic Fertilization Manticore Flying Lion

Level: 6

Rank: 3

Quality: ordinary

Attack 16

Defense 14

Damage 14~20

Life 80

Speed ​​11

Double body shape


Flying arms.

20% chance of the enemy being paralyzed after attacking. (Unable to act, lasts for 3 rounds or is released after being attacked).

Fertilizer production: When garrisoned in the city, you can consume 50 units of food and produce 40 units of chemical fertilizer (the special skill of each automatic fertilizing manticore is calculated independently)

Automatic fertilization: After the automatic fertilizing manticore is released, it can automatically fertilize the land planned by the hero in the territory.

Description: The self-fertilizing manticore is the perfect masterpiece of Silica, the lord of Potato City.

With this, she defeated Alama, the powerful master of biological production, and won the 13th Black Dragon Medal.

In Potato City, there is extremely vast fertile soil and a large number of potatoes are grown.

Long-term potato cultivation will inevitably lead to a decrease in soil fertility.

The body and intestines of the self-fertilizing manticore have been specially modified by Silica, integrating the characteristics of birds, so that they can be eaten and cooked immediately!

When they fly high in the sky, they can spread a large amount of pure natural fertilizer.

Since the fertilizer of the self-fertilizing Manticore contains mild paralyzing toxins that are harmless to plants, almost all pests will be paralyzed to the point of starving to death.

Therefore, the fertilizer used to automatically fertilize the Manticore also has the effect of eliminating insects.

Just one self-fertilizing manticore can replace 2,000 cavemen.

It’s simply a creature from across the ages! 】

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge opened the troop column and took a closer look. The automatic fertilizing manticore-tailed flying lion looked like a fattened "Galaxy Ball", with a round bead sticking out.

Their wings are extremely degraded, only as big as a palm.

When its wings are flapping hard, it can only lift the self-fertilizing manticore one meter off the ground.

Imagine a manticore ball that can barely fly, pulling daddy while flying.

That picture is so deceiving!

Good guy, if you take this unit out to fight wild monsters, the monsters will be laughed to death.

A normal level 1 manticore has 120 health points, a level 2 poisonous manticore has a full 160 health, and the auto-fertilizing manticore only has 80 health points.

It only has 11 points of speed, and even the centaur marksman can't catch up.

This unit is actually a level 6 and 3 unit? !

Wait a minute, I need to calm down.

Existence is reasonable.

If you think about it carefully, if the automatic fertilizing manticore is really bad, how can you get the Black Dragon Medal?

Judging from the description, the auto-fertilizing Manticore is likely to be a powerful logistics unit.

Even such powerful combat power as Alama's Bloodstained Monster failed to make the list.

One self-fertilizing manticore can replace 2,000 cavemen. 20 of them can take on 40,000 cavemen?

Although God's Choice City does not have such a large farm now, there will be one sooner or later in the future.

Food, gold coins, and resources are the core of all sustainable development. The amount of gold coins and resources determines the recruitment and advancement of troops.

Food determines the maintenance of troops.

To put it simply, the food production in your territory determines how many soldiers and NPCs you can raise.

Without sufficient food, all development is impossible, and no matter how powerful the territory is, it is just a castle in the air.

Thinking about it this way, Qi Ge felt much better because he was hurt because he didn't get a powerful main battle unit.

Fortunately, even if the units are not very powerful, just a pair of walking boots and the fixed reward experience points and attribute points are already worth the price of admission.

This battle cannot be considered in vain.

【Shenxing boots

Level 4 treasure

Effect: The land march speed of all troops is +6, and the impact of terrain on movement speed is reduced by 20%.

After the hero joins the battle, his movement speed +6]

Every attribute of the Divine Walking Boots is of the highest quality.

Due to the limitation of command value, in the late game, players have to recruit a large number of NPC troops.

Moreover, the walking boots are the core component of the treasure combination [Traveler's Boots].

Having a pair of [Traveler's Boots] means that the player has both advanced logistics skills and advanced pathfinding skills, and the effect is outrageous.

There was also a level 26 treasure box in Qi Ge's backpack. He checked and found that this treasure box was an unlocked treasure box and could be opened directly.

So Qige chose to turn it on without hesitation.

【system hint:

The treasure chest has been opened. [Smit's Secret Ribbon] is currently available for use. Do you want to use it? 】


[System prompt: Smit’s secret ribbon has been used up.

This time the treasure chest is randomly upgraded by 1 to 12 levels. 】

Two familiar 6-sided dice appeared in front of Qige's eyes.

Before the dice rolled, Qi Ge prayed sincerely to the goddess of destiny for ten minutes.

Qi Ge still vividly remembers the tragic experience of the last time when three dice rolled out 1.

After praying, Qi Ge confidently rolled two dice.

Two dice were spinning rapidly in the air.

Goddess bless you! big! big! big!

Qi Ge prayed silently in his heart.

After the two dice touched, they stopped at the same time, exactly two 5 points!

[System prompt: The treasure chest has been upgraded to level 10. Congratulations to the player, you have obtained [Lucky Treasure House] Shard 2 from the level 36 treasure chest]

Um? !

Smit's happy house fragment?

It happens to be Shard 2. If I trade the Shards held by the "Shadow of Death" guild, I will have four Shards.

Qi Ge called Le Meng and asked him to help collect information about other fragments of the [Lucky Treasure House]. At the same time, he asked him to notify Lin Xi, Xiao Bai, Fu Fu, and Ke Ruo Ke to gather with him, leaving him alone in the territory. garrison.

After all, Qi Ge simply chose to open the way to the elemental gathering point.

Just do it.

Qige brought thousands of sword dancers and parasitic tree vines to chop down a group of dead wood guards on the spot.

After entering the battle, Qige took a look and found that no difficult battle was triggered.

That's it.

The moment the parasitic vines entered the battle, they wrapped around the feet of thousands of sword dancers, and continued to climb upwards, piercing their roots into the flesh and blood of thousands of sword dancers.

[Parasite: After entering the battle, the parasitic tree vine designates a friendly unit to parasitize.

After being parasitized, the parasitic tree vine loses the ability to move and follows the parasitized unit, but it still has normal attack capabilities.

The parasitized unit loses 10% of its maximum health at the beginning of each round, but it will not cause the death of the unit. That is, the maximum health of the parasitized unit is at least 1. 】

[Feedback: In the parasitic state, when the parasitic tree vine moves, it can skip its own action opportunity and allow the parasitized target to take one additional action. 】

Thousands of sword dancers and parasitic tree vines use waiting to form the ability to take two fixed actions per round. They can easily survive the siege of 7 teams of 50 deadwood guards each.

Qi Ge controls thousands of sword dancers, specifically picking out the dead wood guards to hit from behind. Every attack can trigger a back hit damage bonus.

The sword dance of the Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers, combined with the high luck value of the Seven Pigeons themselves, 20 Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers can take away about 10 to 40 deadwood guards in each round of attack.

But the deadwood guards couldn't touch the thousands of sword dancers at all, and they were overwhelmed by the show.

Although the upper limit of the health of Thousands of Sword Dancers quickly became 1 point, it had no impact on Qi Ge.

After 38 rounds, with Wanqian Sword Dancer performing a gorgeous six-hit combo from behind, the last group of deadwood guards were chopped to pieces and fell to the ground.


Qi Ge calculated it and found that the damage dealt by 20 Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers was similar to that of 100 Centaur Marksmen.

You know, the centaur marksman is a crispy long-range with high output.

A brilliant victory!

"Boss, handsome!"

"Thousands of Sword Dancers is a really strong and coquettish unit. If I want to get such a handsome unit in my cemetery, I may have to wait for the Death Knight."

"It's really handsome, but it's a pity that it's a close combat."

As soon as Qi Ge finished settling the battle rewards, he saw three careless guys commenting on him.

"You three are actually fishing here?"

"Boss, we are not fishing, we are praising you for being handsome."

Li Xiaobai said matter-of-factly:

"You can fight wild monsters at any time, but you can't watch the boss' jungle farming tutorial at any time."

Qige glanced around and asked, "What about Ke Ruoke?"

"Brushing the jungle."

"You are not as proactive as an NPC. Hurry up and clear the way."


As Qi Ge was talking, a white light appeared not far away, and Ke Ruoke appeared out of thin air.

He put away the gold coins on the ground, ran to Qi Ge, and said with lingering fear:

"Sir, I just encountered a difficult battle.

A group of shackled tauren appeared on the other side, and they actually had the ability to block, surrender and escape.

Fortunately, I have the magic healer goblin, otherwise a lot of soldiers would have died. "

"Shackles? Where are the shackles?"

"On the leg of beef, at the base of the thigh, near the belly."

"That should be the Tauren Warden, a level 5 and 3rd level soldier. While he is alive, the enemy cannot surrender or escape. If you kill him, you can run away.

But with your fighting ability, as long as you kill it, the remaining minotaurs should be easily dealt with. "

Ke Ruoke shook his head repeatedly and said: "It's not casual, the thief is difficult to deal with, and he lost a lot of herbal medicine to me!"


Shouldn't it?

Qi Ge asked: "Ke Ruoke, how many herbs did you use after this battle?"


In other words, the miracle doctor fairy launched 26 resurrection stunts.

Qi Ge then asked:

"Then how many herbs did you get after this battle?"


"Huh? Isn't there no loss? I also made 4 profits."

"Oh, originally I didn't need to use any of the herbs, so I could make a net profit of 30, but now I've only earned 4. Isn't that a loss?"

Good guy, why are you a capitalist?

Seeing Ke Ruoke's distressed look, Qi Ge did not comfort her, but said:

"Yes, Ting Ke Ruoke, if you calculate like this, you will suffer a huge loss!

This won't work, but if you can, you should quickly fight a few more groups of wild monsters to make up for the losses. "

Ke Ruoke immediately cheered up and said:

"My lord is right, I will do it now."

At this moment, Li Xiaobai shouted loudly:

"Boss! We have chosen our opponents and are ready to fight!"

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Qi Ge and Keruo Ke led Li Xiaobai and the others to kill indiscriminately in the wild area. The wild monsters walked peacefully.

Qi Ge's main combat power is Thousands of Sword Dancers and Centaur Marksmen, and most of the wild monsters can be dealt with without any damage.

If it's really too much trouble, Seven Doves will send out splinter slimes and rotten plague zombies.

Seven Doves has a limited number of rotten plague zombies, starting with only 20 in total.

I just used 5 to fight the blood-stained monster, and there are 15 left.

However, rotten plague zombies cannot be resurrected. Even if Qi Ge uses [Army of the Dead], only zombies can be resurrected after the battle.

In other words, splinter slimes are guns and rotten plague zombies are bullets.

Shoot one and lose one.

Save if you can.

Fortunately, there are not many times when you really need to use your ultimate move along the way.

When Qi Ge still had 10 rotten plague zombies left, they successfully opened the road from God's Chosen City to the Elemental Assembly Point.

In a desolate Gobi desert, a ball of scorching magma, a clear stream of water, a violent tornado and a piece of solid land formed the elemental gathering point.

Being close to the elemental gathering point, you can feel the violent flames twisting the air, but you can also feel the coolness of the breeze blowing through the water, and the fragrance of earth lingers on the tip of your nose.

Indescribable magic

The energy of the four elements are gathered into a circle, arranged with wind up and earth down, fire on the left and water on the right, forming a special altar.

The energies of the four elements are distinct and will not interfere with each other at all.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for discovering a natural wonder: the elemental gathering point]

[Element convergence point

Elemental Assemblage Points allow you to

The price of each 1000 gold coins recruits 6 Qi elements,

Recruit 6 water elements at the price of 1200 gold coins each.

Recruit 5 fire elements at the price of 1400 gold coins each.

Recruit 4 earth elements for 1600 gold coins each.

4 opportunities a week, each time you can choose one of the four items

And the weekly output of the four major elemental military buildings in your town will be +1.

During normal recruitment, level 1~4 elemental troops are randomly selected, and there is a very low probability of randomly receiving 2 level 6 spiritual elements (level 1~4).

By spending additional gold coins and special resources, you can specify the type of elemental creature to be summoned. (Limited to the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind, limited to levels 1~3)

You need to pass the guard's test and incorporate the elemental gathering point into your own territory before you can start recruiting. 】

Qi Ge did not hesitate to take out another [Territorial Expansion Order] given to him by the Legend of Agede from his arms.

[System prompt: Do you want to use [Territorial Expansion Order] to temporarily include the surrounding areas into your territory? 】


[System prompt: This range has been included in your territory. 】

Then Qi Ge took out the drawings of the hidden building [Magic Outpost] and built a Magic Outpost in a few clicks.

[Magic Outpost] is a trophy delivered by Qi Ge from a hero led by Mrak.

Its function is similar to that of a general warning post, except that it has the added function of displaying invisible creatures around it.

[Magic Outpost] is of little significance to the City of God's Chosen, it is just used to occupy the territory.

After the [Magic Outpost] was built, Qige said to the people behind him:

"The test of guarding the elemental assembly point is a bit nonsensical. Whether you can pass it has little to do with your strength, but mainly depends on luck and fate.

We will form a team to visit later, as long as one person can pass the test. "

Li Xiaobai raised his hands high and asked: "Boss, what is the specific test?"

“You will know once you enter, and someone will introduce you to the rules.

Let's start. "

Qi Ge placed his hand on the element assembly point, and the system prompt sounded.

[System prompt: Congratulations on discovering a natural wonder: the elemental gathering point.

Unfortunately, you discover that a powerful force is guarding the Elemental Assemblage Point, making it impossible for you to enter.

Only by passing the test of the elements can one enter the elemental gathering point. 】

[System prompt: Do you want to start the elemental trial? 】


With a whoosh, the seven pigeons and everyone turned into white light and disappeared into the elemental gathering point.

[System prompt: The elemental trial begins! The elemental trial you extracted is: Elemental Harmony]

Qi Ge opened his eyes. He was floating quietly in the air of nothingness. In front of him was a fire element.

The fire element spoke:

"Hero, please listen to the question.

Now you have 4 units of elemental energy in your hand, which are

One unit of fire, one unit of wind, one unit of water, and one unit of earth.

And your enemies are the Chaos Demon Dogs, which have the largest number of Chaos Demon Monsters, with a total of 20 of them.

You need to use the elemental energy in your hands to combine into elemental troops to defeat the enemy.

You have 30 seconds to answer.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, start. "

Qi Ge said without hesitation:

"Mix half a unit of water and one unit of soil to summon a level 5 and level 2 mud flow element."

Following Qi Ge's words, a drop of water and a handful of soil appeared in the void.

The water drop split into two, half of it melted into the soil, and the other half was still floating in the sky.

The soil shook violently, and an elemental soldier that looked like mud stood up.

"Mix half a unit of wind and one unit of fire to summon the wild fire element.

The remaining half unit of wind mixes with the half unit of water, summoning the waterfall element. "

A group of green fire people and a light blue water element emerged.

Qi Ge continued: "The mud flow element can release quicksand traps to buy time for other units.

Waterfall Elemental and Wild Fire Elemental are both long-range units. They can kill a Chaos Demon Dog in two attacks.

The corpse of the Chaos Demon Dog killed by the wild fire element will be turned into a Level 1 Fire Man. The Fire Man is a flying unit and can lure the Chaos Demon Dog to the quicksand trap.

Even if a Chaos Demonic Dog manages to get close, the waterfall element can use waterfall impact magic to rush them away. "


In the void, 20 Chaos Demon Dogs were instantly generated.

They pounce on Qi Ge's elemental troops like wolves and tigers, and the battle is about to break out!

ps: The monthly ticket is over 2,000, and it will be 10,000 words tomorrow.

Brothers and sisters outside the station have all seen this, so come to the starting point to visit the hamster~

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