Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 310 Level 5 Alchemy Treasure

Qi Ge flipped through a magic book and confidently introduced to Smit:

"Smit, look, level 4 air magic, Storm Feather Blade, has a range of damage and a range of enemy slowdown effect.

Apart from being slightly more difficult to learn, it is definitely a good magic. "

Smit said with some trepidation: "But I remember that this magic is on my mother's bookshelf. It was given to her by my grandmother."

The shopping guide looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he called him a good guy.

Storm Feather Blade is a self-created magic created by a legendary crown prince. Although it is only a level 4 magic, its effect is even more powerful than some level 5 magic.

This is the only book we got in the entire Magic Bookstore, and we just grabbed it recently.

You said you have it at home, why don’t I believe it?

The shopping guide took a closer look at Smit's clothes.

Although her clothes were clean and made of silk material, they were already a bit old.

Even the lace strips on the edge of the clothes have been washed and turned white.

No, she doesn't look like a lady from a wealthy family.

Even though she didn't believe it in her heart, the shopping guide lady remained silent.

It is even less possible to taunt someone.

Very few ordinary people come to this kind of place to have fun.

Even if he is a beggar in rags, as long as he dares to go to the ninth floor, they have to be prepared to receive him with 200 points of spirit.

Dogs look down on people, and if they make a mistake, it will not be as simple as losing their job.

Qi Ge kept flipping through Ba Feng Feather Blade until he reached the last page, only to see the name of the creator:


Specialty: Attack Acceleration, Lafite's biological grandmother, Smit's maternal grandmother.

Oh, that's okay, just change it.

After careful selection, Qi Ge found the right magic book.

Level 4 air strategic magic, spring breeze turns into rain.

Although it is of little use in combat, you can use magic to summon rainwater rich in Yasha energy to make the leaves of [Dense Mist Mulberry] that require a lot of water grow more tender and larger, so that the yield and quality of silk will be higher. .

The silkworm industry in Aihua Laling has just started, and this magic can come in handy.

Moreover, "Spring Breeze Turns Rain" is a self-made magic that was just created this year, so you don't have to worry about buying it at a high price.

Seeing the magic of Qi Ge's selection, Smit held Qi Ge's hand and said happily:

"Seven Pigeons are great, Mom will definitely like them."

After arriving, Qi Ge asked the shopping guide to help take care of Smit and walked deeper into the bookstore.

The magic in Yasha's world is full of strange things, and there is always something sentimental about it.

Powerful and long-lasting, infinite endurance, attack acceleration, dragon impact, etc.

Teacher Agede was promoted to legend and regained his youth.

As the saying goes, an old man is brave but his ambition is thousands of miles.

In his old age, the martyr was full of lust.

Just enough to buy a sentimental magic book as a gift for the teacher.

The [Sleeping Mushroom Extract] given in a hurry last time was still a little shabby as a gift to a legendary hero.

Although the teacher didn't say anything, Qi Ge felt that what should be made up for should be made up for.

"Jitter Technique" has three gears, automatically adjusted.

"Shrink Yang into the Belly" This... is not advisable or desirable.

"Dream Intercourse" can be used by both parties at the same time. When they meet in a dream, they can move but cannot talk, and enjoy silent love.

Hiss~ As expected of a mage, he just knows how to play.

Qi Ge spent a long time picking through a pile of magic books, admiring them in his heart.

In the end, he chose a book called "Warming Technique", which was specifically aimed at temperature-changing animals such as Medusa and Naga, and was just right for the teacher.

These magic books cannot be directly imprinted in the hero's magic book, and can only be learned through self-modelling.

Unfortunately, this kind of strange magic is not recognized by Mother Goddess Yasha at all, and it cannot be learned in magic guilds or magic towers.

A large number of academic masters in the past life eventually joined the mage profession, and Qi Ge always felt that these strange magic books were indispensable.

Qi Ge also bought a few less difficult magic books related to energy value, just in case of emergencies.

Even if you can't learn it yourself, you can still use it as a children's book for little Ziyuan.

Watching more of these is good for your physical and mental health.

Qi Ge brought a thick set of magic books to the front desk to check out.

The young lady at the front desk is a cat-human or a black cat-human.

When she was helping Qi Ge calculate the price, her two black cat ears were shaking back and forth, which was extremely cute.

The cat girl at the front desk quickly checked and confirmed that it was correct, and said respectfully: "Hero, Chenghui has a total of 36,000 gold coins."


But a dozen books cost more than 36,000 gold coins.

Three hundred gold coins can buy a gryphon.

There is no way, in the world of Yasha, magic has always been a luxury.

Especially this kind of hero's self-created magic is copyrighted.

The magic patterns in many magic books are encrypted by the creator and cannot be printed at all.

Fortunately, Qi Ge is not short of money.

He randomly counted out enough gold coins and placed them on the counter in a gold coin bag. The black cat's eyes suddenly turned into slits and his tail swung rapidly.

"I'll wrap it up for you, meow."

Qi Ge took out [Spring Breeze and Rain] and [Heating Technique] and said:

"You don't need these two books."

"Okay, Meow!"

The black cat at the front desk folded the books one by one with his fleshy cat paws and placed them in a crystal glass.

She covered the crystal glass, which automatically shrank and wrapped the books inside.

If you do this, the book will only occupy one slot in the hero's backpack, so you can save a slot.

"This is a gift, meow~meow~"

The black cat at the front desk held a pink snail shell with two cat paws and handed it to Qige.

Qi Ge was stunned for a moment. There were also gifts, which he had never encountered in his previous life.

Is it a hidden mission?

The black cat receptionist was a little surprised to see Qige, showed a cute smile, and said shyly:

"This is not a gift from the bookstore, meow, this is my personal gift, meow~

Heroes can use this to contact me. I will have a rest at night. "

Qi Ge smiled inwardly when she saw the black cat shyly turning her head away, her eyes following her own restless tail, looking very panicked.

Qige is not that kind of person.

But he gently considered that a girl mustered up the courage to "add your WeChat account" and it would be impolite not to.

He gently picked up the snail shell and said gracefully:

“I may not be free today.

If I come to Yinwu City next time, I may need you to deliver the goods to my door by chance, and I will trouble you then. "


When Qi Ge returned to the counter of Qi Element Books, he frowned.

Smit is gone.

Qige looked around twice before another shopping guide came over and said respectfully:

"Hero, the lovely lady who came with you, ask my colleague to lead the way to the treasure maker area."

Qi Ge nodded, said thanks, and walked towards the treasure maker area.

There are not many treasure makers in the world of Asa.

The treasure maker area is also extremely small, only about 40 square meters in total.

Qi Ge spotted Smit at a glance. She was holding a beautiful glass box with a piece of clothing neatly placed in it.

Smit frowned, looking confused.

The dancer shopping guide was standing next to Smit, chattering endlessly about introductions.

Qi Ge walked over, and Smit, as if he had received an amnesty, put down his clothes and stepped towards Qi Ge, happily saying:

"You have finished buying the seven pigeons, let's go."

Qige most likely guessed what happened.

It was probably the shopping guide and dancer who coaxed Smit over while she was buying books. Smit probably took a fancy to the dress, but was dissuaded by the price.

This is the ninth floor, and the prices of things are a bit high.

He took Rasmit's hand and said, "Smit, wait a moment, let me take a look."


Smit pulled the seven pigeons but did not pull.

Qi Ge picked up the clothes that Smit had seen before.

This dress is made of black and white, with large lace edges on it, and the skirt is very short, just a little bit.

It looks a bit like a sexy maid outfit.

【Chocolate cook robe

Level 5 Alchemy Treasure

Equipment requirements:

Occupation: Chef

Occupation: Treasure maker

Basic attributes: cooking skills +6, inspiration +1


According to the treasure maker's professional level, the effect of cooking is increased.

Bonus 1% per level

According to the chef's professional level, the effect of making treasures is increased.

Bonus 1% per level

Explanation: A treasure maker who can’t cook is not a good maid]

No wonder Smit couldn't let go.

Qi Ge remembered that Smit seemed to be very interested in cooking. Maybe she wanted to work part-time as a chef?

Now Smit is only a weapon and a treasure maker, so even if he puts on the [Chocolate Cook's Robe], his special skills will not take effect.

But once Smit reaches the fifth level and completes the path of a hero, it will be no problem to learn the chef profession.

You can stock up first.

Qige asked: "How to sell this dress?"

The dancer shopping guide was overjoyed, the big money came, and the commission was granted!

She replied softly: "Dear hero, this piece only sells for 24,000 gold coins. It is the masterpiece of the cat people's master treasure maker, Chocolate!"

Not expensive and good value for money.

It would be better to say that the price of the fifth-level alchemy treasure is even cheaper.

"Qi Ge, wait a minute, don't buy it."

Smit took Qi Ge's hand and pulled Qi Ge aside. She said anxiously:

"Seven Pigeons, I don't really want them either. Let's not buy them, okay?"

Then Smit pouted and said:

"How good that sister is, she told me to take me to see it, but as soon as I told her that I like cooking, she started selling it to me!

There are also bonuses on cooking skills and treasure-making skills. How can I refuse this?

She knew my weaknesses and was a terrible woman.

Qige, let’s not be fooled by her, let’s go quickly. "

After Smit finished speaking, he pouted and became angry.

Qi Ge found it funny. She just said she didn't want it, but she was exposed as she said it.

“The price of a level 5 alchemy treasure is actually not expensive.

It may be related to the harsh conditions of use.

Treasure makers need to consume energy to make treasures, and chefs also need to consume energy to make food.

Few heroes choose these two logistics professions for part-time work.

There is no such store for this alchemy treasure that is so suitable for you after passing through this village. "

Smit muttered and practiced boxing with Qi Ge's belly. His weak fists hit Qi Ge's abdominal muscles, like scratching an itch.

"Wow, Qi Ge, you are still trying to persuade me with her. Whose side are you on?"

"I'll buy it for you!"

"No, I've already collected a lot of things from you."

"I'm your brother. Why can't a brother buy something for his sister?"

"Not even if you are my husband. You can't spend gold coins indiscriminately."

It was not an option to continue the quarrel like this. Many store clerks on the ninth floor looked over.

Qi Ge was thick-skinned, so it didn't matter, but Smit was a little flustered by being stared at by so many strange races, and hid in Qi Ge's cloak again.

Qi Ge gently stroked Smit’s little body and said:

"Smit, I want to buy you this dress and let you wear it for me, is that okay?"

"Um~, no~"

Smit's voice was muffled, and Qi Ge pretended that he didn't hear it clearly.

He hugged Smit and said nothing. He just put 24,000 gold coins in a gold coin bag (an alchemy tool that can hold gold coins) and threw it to the dancer's shopping guide.

And he continued to go back and forth with Smit on whether to buy it or not.

The dancer's shopping guide was also very clever. As soon as she got the gold coin bag, she ran to the counter to confirm that the amount was correct.

Then he tiptoed back and handed it to Qi Ge along with the gold coin bag and [Chocolate Cook's Robe].

A deal was successfully concluded, and Qi Ge felt proud.

As adults, there are always many solutions to problems.

The dancer's shopping guide looked at Smit with awe, and looked at Qi Ge with passion.

Qi Ge noticed that the gold coin bag had been replaced by a higher-end one. The difference was about 2,000 gold coins, and it also came with a membership card.

Merchants in Yinwu City really do business like little sows wearing bras, one set after another.

Qi Ge put the things away with his backhand, patted Smit on the back and said:

"Okay, I won't buy it. Let's go home, Smit."

"Okay, let's go home."

Smit's voice sounded a little happy.

Qi Ge took Smit and bought another hawthorn jam on the way back.

This hawthorn jam is very suitable to Smit's appetite, and the price is also very cheap, 12 tower coins (100 tower coins: 1 gold coin) per serving.

Smit did not refuse this time. He said thank you sweetly and accepted it happily.

Qi Ge took Smit on the magic ladder and left the Yinwu collar. When they were almost at the portal, they couldn't hold back anymore and took out the [Chocolate Cook's Robe].

"Dang! Smit, look what this is."

"Ah! Qi Ge, you lied, but you still bought it for me!"

"Hey, I bought it secretly, are you happy?"


Smit held the [Chocolate Chef's Robe] and looked up and down carefully, with a sweet smile on his face.

Qi Ge held Smit's hand and said, "Let's go home and see again."

24,000 gold coins, in exchange for a smile from Smit, Qi Ge felt it was not a loss.

He took Smit's soft little hand and walked forward, but Smit walked slower and slower.

Smit took his hand out of Qi Ge's.

Qi Ge turned around and looked at Smit, who had a strange expression on his face.

"Smit, what's wrong?"

Smit raised his head, sniffed, and said, "Seven Pigeons, let's take them and return them."

Qige was stunned and asked, "Huh? What's wrong? Don't you like it, Smit?"

"I like it, but..."

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

“If it’s too expensive, don’t worry.

I have earned a lot of money recently, and it’s just a piece of clothing, which is nothing to me.

You see, I have come this far and I have to go back again. How tiring it is to run around.

You can't not feel sorry for me so much. "

Smit lowered his head and said nothing.

Qi Ge felt something was wrong, so he walked over quickly and asked, "Smit, what's wrong?"

Smit raised his head, holding Qi Ge's cloak with one hand, and rested his head on Qi Ge's arm, his voice trembling:

“Seven pigeons.

I know you are a hero and Yasha's chosen one, and you are very capable.

You can always easily solve the problems that my mother is helpless in the territory.

I also know that 24,000 gold coins may be nothing to you.

However, that is 24,000 gold coins after all.

Not to mention 20,000, for me, even 4,000 gold coins is a very big number. I have to save it for several years.

That’s not how money is spent.

I used to worry when my dad went out to clean up monsters.

You are a hero, and you will definitely want to go out and do some dangerous things like your father in the future.

If you are stronger, I will worry less.

With more than 20,000 gold coins, it is worth it to recruit more soldiers and buy more treasures, so that you can be less injured in the battle.

It's not worth spending money on this dress.

I just like the style of this dress.

When I go back, I can use cheaper fabrics to make something even better than this dress.

As for attributes, I’m not even a hero yet, and my path to becoming a hero is so troublesome. I won’t be able to use them for years and months.

Seven pigeons, let’s take them and return them. "

Qi Ge looked at Smit. There was both pleading and determination in Smit's eyes.

At this moment, Smit's figure seemed to overlap with when Qige saved her for the second time.

That time, she also dragged her broken right leg and told Qi Ge that she would go to the village to help the villagers with treatment no matter what, and the villagers were waiting for her.

Maybe Smit will appear cute and clumsy in some aspects, but she has always been a strong and independent girl in essence.

Qi Ge thought a lot in that moment.

Adults always have solutions.

For example, he deceived Smit and said that he could not return the money after buying it. For example, he took out all the gold coins in his backpack and told Smit that he really had no shortage of gold coins, etc.

But all seven pigeons gave up.

These would not be the answers Smith wanted.

He stroked Smit's hair and said, "Okay, let's take it back together."

Smit looked into Qi Ge's eyes and saw love and pampering in Qi Ge's eyes. Her slumped mouth gradually opened, and her eyes smiled and said:


Qi Ge took Smit back to the ninth floor, said sorry to the dancer shopping guide, and returned the [Chocolate Chef Robe] under the guidance of the dancer shopping guide.

The dancer shopping guide refused Qi Ge’s request to return the membership card, bowed politely and said:

“Even if we fail to reach a deal this time, it must be because our products are not perfect enough.

Hero, please continue to support our Somla Chamber of Commerce.

We are always happy to welcome you again. "

The dancer and shopping guide watched Qi Ge lead Smit away chatting and laughing, silently remembering these two people.

She has seen many "second-generation masters" and "second-generation passers-by" who bring their girls to shop.

Naturally, I have seen many "gold-worshiping girls" who fish for money.

She originally thought that Smit was also that kind of woman, a high-ranking woman who pretended to be pitiable so that men would be willing to spend money on her.

But she found that she was very wrong.

A level 5 alchemy treasure can fetch more than 10,000 gold coins if resold directly.

But she actually brought her male companion over to withdraw.

This was the first time she had seen such a person.

She looked at the backs of Smit and Qige snuggling away, and felt that the two of them were too well matched.

When will I meet my own hero?

The dancer shopping guide couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Ah, it would be better if he didn't spend more than 10,000 gold coins to buy a dozen magic books to replenish his energy.

No matter how handsome and rich you are, it won’t work if you are short!

There is a large floor-to-ceiling window in Luo Shi's office.

Sunlight shines in from the window and spreads throughout the room, warming up the slightly depressing office room.

Lafite sat in front of his desk, his head lowered, reviewing one report after another.

As the number of refugees increases, so does the territory.

Those who quarrel with the villagers, those who are dissatisfied with the distribution of relief food, those who withhold relief food from refugees...

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

"Oh." Lafite sighed deeply, raised his head, and looked at the mirror opposite.

Her figure in the mirror was more or less inappropriate.

Her hair was messy and not tied up, and the bangs on her forehead were tangled like seaweed floating in the water.

She was bare-faced and looked haggard. There were dark circles under her eyes, and the buttons on her mage's robe were buttoned incorrectly.

"This won't work. How can I set an example for Smit as a mother like this?"

Lafite looked at the pile of reports on the table and felt that he couldn't finish them in a moment, so he simply put the reports down and walked to the dressing table.

I washed, put my hair up, put on light makeup, and rearranged my clothes.

Lafite looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

Finally, she looks like the wife of the city lord.

"The heartless one."

Thinking of the city lord's wife, Lafite thought of her husband, Roshi Aihuala Mulak.

Almost all the territory of the Mulak family is in the Mulak Territory, except for Luo Shi's Aihua La Territory.

Avala City is located in the territory of Queen Catherine. It belongs to the main city of White Rock City and the subordinate acropolis of the county city of Glory City.

If Luo Shi wants to come back, even if he doesn't use the teleportation array, he can get back to Aihuala City from the center line along the river in twenty days.

If he walked through the teleportation array faster, he could be back in less than a day.

Lafite took out the letter Luo Shi gave her and read it again.

Queen Catherine did not ban Ross from returning home.

But Luo Shi himself believed that none of the other subordinates of Lord Mulak could return to the territory of Mulak. As a commander, he must set an example, so he never came back.

Lafite can understand, but understanding does not mean acceptance.

As a direct descendant of the legend, she did not feel aggrieved at all when marrying Luo Shi, a collateral line of the Mulak family.

For her, being able to be with Luo Shi is a very happy thing in itself.

For Luo Shi, she gave up a life of fine clothing and fine food, and gave up the opportunity to steadily become a hero. As long as Luo Shi was still by her side, she would have no regrets.

Lafite was afraid that if the Luoshi people were gone, he would lose all his money.

Fortunately, Qi Ge is still here. Even if he and Luo Shi are gone, Smit still has a destination.

ps: I have Smit in my hand. You must hand over your monthly ticket within 3 seconds, otherwise I will stuff Smit with a bunch of candies and feed him into balls! !

I revised this chapter many times. After I settled on Smit’s character, I couldn’t write a lot of stories randomly.

With Smit's character, she won't just follow Qi Ge.

She wouldn't let Qi Ge spend so many gold coins to buy herself an alchemy treasure that she couldn't use for the time being.

If she accepted it frankly, she wouldn't be Smit.

I hope everyone will like this heroine who is a bit awkward, frugal and stubborn.


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