Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 436 [Conspiracy against Demigod]

Agade was shocked:

"Is your [Courage Inscription] permanent?"

Qi Ge looked confused: "Yes!"

"Quick, let me take a closer look."

Aged anxiously took Qi Ge's hand, and Qi Ge showed his [Courage Inscription] attributes very cooperatively.

[Courage Inscription

Passive effect: Constantly gain morale +3.

After activating the inscription:

Each time the unit triggers morale, it will enhance the attack and defense of all friendly units by 1 point and last until the end of the battle.

All our troops will definitely trigger high morale and become immune to fear in this battle.

After the inscription is activated, it will enter a one-week cooldown]

After reading the properties of Seven Doves' permanent version of [Inscription of Courage], Agede fell into a long state of silence, speechless for a long time.

Qige looked at his stiff expression and asked carefully:

"Teacher, can the permanent version of [Inscription of Courage] be used as a ticket?"

Agaide said nothing and stared deeply at Qi Ge, making Qi Ge feel hairy all over his body.

Qige asked with some fear: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Agaide pondered for a while and said:

"Apprentice, there are no outsiders here, please tell the teacher honestly.

Do you have any special skills for clearing historical echoes?

The last architect who got a one-time [Inscription of Courage] was when he led two hundred wolf cavalry to defeat a Behemoth beast.

For such an epic feat, one can only obtain a one-time [Inscription of Courage].

No matter how much I think about it, I can't figure out what kind of earth-shattering thing you have to do to get the permanent inscription. "

Qi Ge:......

"Teacher, have you heard of [Fortress of Doom]?"

“Not only have I heard about it, I’ve seen it.

That is the level 6 True Chaos unit.

When Master Credel was still here, he took me to fight that thing.

Its terrifying combat power impressed me deeply. "

Agaide looked at the seven pigeons and asked strangely:

"Why do you suddenly ask this? Did you defeat a [Doomsday Fortress] last time in history?"

Qi Ge then asked: "Teacher, have you heard of [Ghost Crow King]?"

"Of course I've heard of it, it's also a True Chaos unit.

No, my dear disciple, what exactly do you want to say? "

Qi Ge looked serious and whispered:

"Teacher, I have killed more than a dozen of the true chaos soldiers like [Ghost Crow King]."


"Apprentice, what did you do in the last historical echo?"

Qi Ge said calmly:

“I didn’t do much, I just ended the chaos invasion in the ancient archipelago ahead of schedule.

Well, I also met the final BOSS of the second Chaos Invasion, the true god-level Chaos Node [Swallowing the Sky]. "

Aqed:? ? ?

After listening to Qige's story, Agaide took several breaths of cold air.

He sat on the pillow of the Snake Queen and could not speak for a long time.

After a while, Agaide said with admiration:

"The ancient archipelago, the second invasion of chaos, the true body traveled through.

If it were me, I might not even be able to withstand the first wave of Chaos attacks.

Apprentice, your talents and talents really amaze me. "

Agaed sighed for a while and continued:

"Apprentice, teacher, I estimate that your permanent [Courage Inscription] may be a permanent ticket.

Maybe, you can repeatedly enter the historical echo of [Holy Dragon King Allah]. "

Qige's eyes were piercing: "Teacher, if we can enter repeatedly, even if we fail in calculation, we can continue to sort out the information until we pass."

Agaide touched his chin with a worried look on his face:

"No, it's not that simple. Qi Ge, don't forget that after the failure of the first two architects, their memories were deleted and they both suffered some mental damage.

They can obtain the one-time [Inscription of Courage] and are already heroes among architects.

Even they ended up like this after their failure, let alone us..."

After Agaide said this, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He looked at Qi Ge, who was listening attentively with wide eyes and an innocent look on his face.

Agaide's heart was blocked in one breath, and he changed his words in great discomfort:

“Even they ended up like this after they failed, let alone me, teacher.

From ancient times to the present, there are countless architects who have been lost in the echoes of history.

Even if your permanent [Inscription of Courage] can really continuously enter the historical echo of [Holy Dragon King Allah], we must be as prepared as possible to strive for success. "

Qi Ge responded with a solemn expression:

"I understand, teacher. Then I will act according to the original plan and wait for your good news."

"Yeah." Agaide nodded and said:

"I will attend the Grand Council the day after tomorrow, and after I have made your arrangements, I will leave Bracada.

Qige, I'm not with you, so you have to be careful about everything. "

Qige nodded solemnly.

The Great Council of Thunder City has been in a strange atmosphere since Agede arrived.

There are only two political parties of equal strength in the beautiful country, and every election can be chaotic.

There are four political forces with comparable strength in Brakada.

In peacetime, the four factions, namely the Industrial Faction, the Magical Faction, the War Faction, and the Logistics Faction, scheming and collaborating in the Great Council every day.

For various interests, betrayals and conspiracies are always staged in the Great Council, and coincidences and reversals occur every day.

But after Agade arrived, the situation suddenly changed.

The overt and covert struggles of the four major factions suddenly disappeared from the stage to behind the scenes.

Eschar, Dairis, Trossa, Fafner.

The leaders of the four major factions no longer attended the Grand Council, and instead used various methods to invite Algaed to gatherings.

They all wanted to turn into brown candy, stick to Agaide, and then bounce the others away.

Although Algaed is only a legend, Algaed is a legendary architect.

As a rule of Yasha, architects default to a half-level higher level.

Master Architect, his status is roughly the same as other legendary heroes.

A legendary architect whose status rivals that of a demigod.

A demigod architect, his status is comparable to that of a true god.

Agede is not only a legendary architect himself, but he also has a demigod architect teacher, Credel!

Credel, that is a great hero who has made great contributions to Brakada!

Even the Thunder Titan's Thunder Temple was built by Credel.

As the saying goes, the threat of death is still there, what's more, Credel is just missing, not dead yet.

In the past, Agede was old and had no need to be the successor of Credel.

But now, this status is equivalent to the sword of Shang Fang, the iron coupon of the alchemy book, and the yellow mantle given by Empress Cixi!

Whether in terms of strength or bloodline, Agede is a well-deserved top dignitary in Brakada.

It can be said that who among the four major factions will win now all depends on Aqade's face.

Because of this, although Agede has not yet reported to the Grand Council, the position of a permanent member jointly proposed by the leaders of the four major factions has already been prepared and is waiting for Agede to take up the post.

So, it all became very interesting.

The person who can decide the future speaker of the Grand Council is not yet a member of the Grand Council.

For a time, the struggle for power among the ordinary members of the factions in the Great Council became less explosive.

What are you fighting for? What is there to fight for?

After working hard to win the position, when the dust of the Grand Speaker has settled, I have to clean it up again.

The money you can make from being in power is not as much as the money you spend to buy an official position.

At this time, the daily meeting of the Brakada Great Council is about to be held. People from the four major factions are sitting together, enjoying themselves, and the atmosphere is rare and harmonious.

"Hahaha, Congressman Larkan, good morning."

Kelfo, a councilman from the magic faction, happily greeted Larkan from the industrial faction.

"Oh, Lord of Kelford! Long time no see!

The years have aged your appearance, but made your magic more exquisite.

Oh, look at me, I'm confused.

Congratulations on your promotion from Falling Moon Leader to Director of Austrian Academy of Law. I should call you Director Kelfu now. "

"Hey, what's there to congratulate?

This is my job for leisure and retirement. "

The modesty on Kelfo's lips could not cover up the joy on his face.

Larkan held the staff, approached Kelfo, and asked quietly:

"Director, I heard that you have a good relationship with His Highness Xingfeng, the legendary disciple of Agede?"

Kelfu smiled broadly:

"It's okay, we know each other.

I invested in a small business with him. "

Larkan was in awe:

"It's amazing. We have never even met His Highness Xingfeng. Director, you are already able to have business cooperation with His Highness Xingfeng.

Director, if you are free, can you help me make a recommendation? "

Just when Kelfo smiled and wanted to refuse, two more MPs came over and intervened.

"I seem to have heard His Highness Xingfeng's name?"

"Oh ho ho, we two can't pretend we didn't hear this."

"We are also very interested in His Highness Xingfeng."

"A talented architect with a bright future cannot be yours alone."

Another beautiful 36D female mage came closer.

"I heard that His Highness Xingfeng is so beautiful and charming that even Somla's students fell in love with him at first sight."

"I testify. I saw it with my own eyes at that time. Serena said personally that she must accompany His Highness Starwind before she would support the front line."

"Not only Serena, but also Dairis Changzhang is very familiar with His Highness Xingfeng."

"Hey, you can't say this nonsense."

"Why are you talking nonsense? Do you know who the mysterious person was who played at the Grand Music Hall last week?"

“You logistics guys insist that he is His Highness Xingfeng, don’t you just want to frame our Highness Xingfeng’s reputation and make His Highness Serena suspicious?


Our Highness Xingfeng and His Highness Serena are beautiful and talented, and they are a perfect match. It is your turn to cause trouble for those in the logistics department? "

"You magicians don't want to lose face anymore, right?

His Highness Hoshikaze has admitted to having a relationship with Senator Serena?

One by one, we thought that His Highness Xingfeng had already joined your magic sect. "

When Kelfo saw this scene, he silently stepped aside and smiled without saying a word.

In Thunder City now, people as high-end as Eschar are talking about the legend of Algaed.

Those who are not up to par like me are talking about His Highness Xingfeng.

It's almost become a trend.

It was as if he was falling behind if he couldn't tell any gossip about His Highness Xingfeng while chatting.

Unfortunately, they didn't understand the situation clearly.

The legend of Agede has ulterior motives, but His Highness Xingfeng has long been on the same page as our faction.

President Eskel has already told me.

His Highness Xingfeng told him that he would secretly help our magic faction!

Just when Kelfu was feeling proud, a djinn suddenly flew into the Great Council in a hurry.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Legend of Agaide is bringing His Highness Starwind to the Great Council!

The four permanent officials are arriving soon, everyone should get in position quickly! ! "

Kelfo:! ! !


"We are selling newspapers! The latest [Chaowen Lei·Emergency Supplement]!

Big news! Big news!

Legend Agaide serves as the 13th permanent council member of Thunder City! "

"Big news! Big news!

Standing Eskel nominated Xingfeng to join the Grand Council, and the remaining twelve permanent members all agreed.

The youngest member of parliament in history is born! !

Add 2,000 gold coins and you can get the meeting minutes crystal ball! "

"Big news! Big news!

Permanent Aguede announced in a high-profile manner that Congressman Xingfeng was solely responsible for his voting and speech.

An ordinary hero may influence the election of the Grand Speaker! "

Halflings selling newspapers roamed the streets and alleys, spreading breaking news one after another throughout Thunder City.

In just one morning, Xingfeng, who was already somewhat famous, became a household name in Thunder City.

Some people scolded Agade behind his back for being childish, some analyzed that Xingfeng might be a shield for being pushed out by Agade, and some were crazy about eating melons and enjoying themselves!

For a time, the entire Thunder City was filled with uproar!

At this moment, what is Xingfeng, who is at the center of the incident, doing?


"Daris, I am an apostle of the goddess of destiny, and I am a family member with you.

You must believe me.

I will help you secretly, but you must not tell others. "

"Permanent Fafner, you brought so many combat skills here, I really deserve it.

I accepted the snake demon personal guard on behalf of the teacher.

Don't worry, I will help you secretly, but you must not tell others. "

"Tellossa is here to stay. I'll keep the gold coins and treasures, but I really can't take those two factories.

There's just a small misunderstanding between Congressman Pickem and me, and it doesn't matter.

What, three seats!


Hey, I'm scared of you.

Mr. Trosa, I will help you secretly, but you must not tell others.

Councilor Pickem?

Did I have any conflicts with him? "

After dealing with three permanent members one after another, Qi Ge let out a long sigh of relief as he was mentally exhausted.

After arranging the snake demon escort team, Qi Ge turned around and returned to the office at the top of the mage tower.

The old fox Escher stroked his beard and laughed heartily as he looked at Qige.

"Hahaha! Xingfeng, you are so majestic.

The gift-giver crosses the threshold and begs you to accept it.

Tsk tsk tsk.

In my entire life, I have only received this kind of treatment when I became the chief of the magic guild.

You're still so young and you're enjoying it.

The person who gave the gift was of a higher standard than me. "

Qi Ge smiled bitterly:

"Eskel is here to stay.

Don't laugh at me.

The teacher threw me here and walked away, leaving me as a little person who knew nothing to deal with such a big scene.

You don't even look at the people who are bringing gifts.

They all said it was given to the teacher, how dare I not accept it for the teacher?

What I am receiving is not a gift, what I am receiving is mountains!

The mountain is pressing on my back. As long as my legs are weak and I don't handle it well, the mountain will crush me. "

"a ha ha ha."

Escher looked up to the sky and laughed.

“No wonder Aged values ​​you so much and dares to leave you alone.

In the face of such a situation where all the stars are holding the moon, you can still maintain a clear understanding. It is really not easy.

Qige, can you carry this mountain? "

Qi Ge shook his head decisively: "I can't bear it!"

"What should I do if I can't bear it?"

"Of course, find someone to carry it for me."

Escher's eyes narrowed and he smiled broadly: "Who are you looking for?"

Qige was unmoved and began to practice Tai Chi:

"Whoever is stronger, I will look for."

"Oh, then who do you think is stronger?"

With a smile on his face, Escher refused to give up and pursued the victory.

Qi Ge sat next to Eskel and said softly:

"I think Somla is very powerful."


Ascher smiled and tapped the floor with his cane.

"If Your Majesty Somra is willing to take on this responsibility, do we still have to fight?

This candidate is not good, Xingfeng, please find someone else to carry it. "

As Qier said this, he puffed out his chest to make himself look stronger.

Qi Ge suddenly smiled, lowered his voice, and said in an angry voice:


But what if a situation arises and His Majesty Somra has to take over? "

"Oh." Escher's eyes flashed. "Xingfeng, what do you mean?"

The seven pigeons are good at tempting:


According to our Brakada decree, if there is a large-scale war at the power level, the Grand Council must give up power and a demigod will serve as the Grand Speaker.

The teacher and I just came back from the dungeon force.

I found that these years of peace have made those underground lords very ambitious and ready to take action.

If someone sets a fire on the border, will Bracada and Negon explode like alchemical explosives? "

Escher didn't speak, but his eyes signaled Qi Ge to continue.

Seeing this, Qi Ge continued:

"Right now, the demigod Cedros is guarding the border of Chaos.

The dragon-slaying hero is studying in seclusion and not paying attention to worldly affairs.

The whereabouts of demigod Gavin and mentor Credel are unknown.

The only one left who has the time and ability to succeed the Grand Speaker is His Majesty Somra.

We have fought with Nigon for so many years and know each other well.

In this battle, there is a high probability that there will be no winner or loser.

Chief, we seize the opportunity and make contributions in the battle.

When the war is over and His Majesty Somra steps down, how do you think they can compete with you, Grand Speaker? "

Ascher looked at the seven pigeons and said nothing for a long time.

He tightened his grip on the cane several times, but finally relaxed.

After a while, Eschar scolded with a smile:

"Okay! Xingfeng, you kid, you haven't grown up yet, yet you dare to plot against His Majesty Somra!

Now you dare to scheme against the demigods. If you become a legend in the future, will you still want to bring down the Titan King? "


you know too much!

Qige was startled by Escher's words and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, he quickly adjusted and explained aggrievedly:

"Chief Eschar.

Where are you?

You are the chief of the magic faction, and Crown Somra is the backstage of the magic faction.

I am your half-apprentice and a member of our magic faction.

How can one of his own people plot against his own people?

We are encountering difficulties and cannot carry this mountain, so can we just ask the demigods to help us carry it?

We are crushed to death by the mountains on our backs. Where can the demigods find such useful subordinates as us?

You said, right? "


Escher stroked his crutch and didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he stood up from the sofa.

He first looked at Qi Ge with a serious face for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled and handed a token to Qi Ge.

“It’s true that Agaide moved to a new house and didn’t even have any decent furniture.

When I take it out to entertain guests, I'm afraid they will laugh at him.

He doesn't care about face. As a brother, I can't stand this kind of thing.

Xingfeng, take this token and go to Somla Trading Company on the top floor of Yinwu Ling to buy some furniture for your teacher.

Bookshelf, magic book, crystal lamp...

Don’t miss out on anything you should buy.

Whatever you like, take it yourself.

Don't worry, Somla Trading Company only bears the name of the demigod, the real boss is me. "

Qi Ge was immediately shocked. Yin Wu led the top floor, which was the legendary demigod area.

This gift is no less than what Trosa gave her.

Qi Ge quickly became polite.

"Chief, you...

It is up to me as a student to arrange this matter, so how can I let you spend money on it?



Escher tapped his cane, looking unhappy.

"Me what?

You dare not not carry the mountain they gave me, but you dare not bear the mountain I gave you? "

"'s different. They are outsiders and you are one of our own!

As soon as these words came out, the wrinkles on Escher's face felt comfortable.

He slapped the token on the table and his tone became even more serious.

"Xingfeng, is this what Agaide taught you?

You regard me as a half-teacher. If the teacher asks you to do something, do you dare to refuse? "

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Qi Ge quickly took the token with a smile.

Escher smiled with satisfaction.

He gently hugged Qi Ge's shoulders and whispered:

"Xingfeng, please don't tell others about the fact that you secretly helped me."

"What did I help? Didn't I help?"

Qi Ge's eyes were blank, and his expression was extremely lifelike.

"Hahaha." Escher laughed so hard that he tapped his cane several times.

“You boy, no wonder Agede likes you so much.

It's a pity that Agede made the first move, otherwise, I really want to be your teacher. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the legendary hidden mission: Eskel’s Decision]

[System prompt: Escher’s favorability towards you is +30, currently 82 (appreciation)]

Ascher slowly pushed the door open. As he pushed the door open, he turned around and said to Qige:


There are several spies among the snake demon that Fafner gave you.

Let me use demagoguery to help you deal with it first.

The magic lasts you about a week.

When the time comes, you can handle it yourself. "

Qi Ge was overjoyed: "Okay, Chief, please go slowly!"


As soon as Escher closed the door, the shadow of Qi Ge twisted.

Anosaki stood behind Qi Ge, and his voice went directly into Qi Ge's ears.

"Qi Ge, are you sure Eskel will do what you say?"

Qi Ge raised his head slightly, his eyes dim.

"He's Eskel, a man who can become the leader of the magic guild using only his brains.

His ambition would not allow the position of Grand Speaker to be in the hands of Teacher Agaide.

When he heard my plan, his expression was too calm, as if he had expected it.

It's even possible that he's already starting to prepare before I even tell him. "

ps: There are several unimportant pretense plots in a row, and they will be conveyed in a few words.

Can you book lovers adapt to this fast pace?

I'm a little afraid that it won't be enough.

If I can adapt to it, I will write at this pace in the future.

It’s the end of the month, and you all have monthly votes that you can vote for to feed the hamsters.

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