Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 439 Yongshuang City

Evelin was sitting on the pneumatic car, her brows and eyes looking quite lost.

In her mind, the scene of her negotiation with Xingfeng kept replaying.

From the beginning, he was at a disadvantage and kept giving in, even handing over his most critical trump card, just to gain some time alone.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity to be alone, he spoke eloquently and pressed forward step by step. He originally thought that he would soon be able to make Xingfeng speak out his promises and accept the defeat.

But in the end, he was chased and beaten by Xingfeng and was defeated.

Whatever should be said and what should not be said, he has said it all.

Evelin put her hand on her belly and thought to herself:

"No wonder Xingfeng is so fascinated by Serena.

The ability is really quite big.

Fortunately, the things His Majesty Trosa asked me to bring him, I finally brought them. "

"Military Equipment Monopoly Plan"

[Little friend Xingfeng, it’s me again, Trossa.

You must have been a little irritated by my harassment recently.

Please forgive me, I am too eager for the position of Grand Speaker.

I think you must think that I want to serve as the Speaker for power and benefit, right?

In fact, with my current wealth, my desire for power and benefit is almost gone.

Those things that other heroes pursue tirelessly are within easy reach for me.

I am still pursuing the position of Grand Speaker diligently because I need to speed up the implementation of the factoryization of Brakada.

Please see below for specific reasons.

The promotion of troops in the Yasha world requires the consumption of gold coins and resources.

Through our data research, it can be determined that with sufficient military equipment, the gold coins and resource consumption required for troop advancement can be greatly reduced.

It takes 10 gold coins to advance to level 1 and level 1 goblin. To advance to level 1 and level 2 great goblin.

If you use military equipment to assist in advancement, you only need 5 gold coins.

After deducting 2 gold coins from the production cost of unit equipment, you can save 3 gold coins.

In other words, we can price the goblin unit equipment at 4 gold coins.

In this case, it only takes 9 gold coins to advance from the goblin to the great goblin, and you can still save 1 gold coin.

Therefore, the profit margin of fairy equipment is about 100%.

The advanced gargoyle can earn 5 gold coins, with a profit margin of about 120%.

A mage can earn 20 gold coins, 1 gem, and a profit rate of 168% if he advances to the archmage level.

The profit margin of military equipment is more obvious in the more advanced and higher-level military units.

When a level 6 unit advances to level 5, if you use unit equipment to assist, you can even reach a profit rate of more than 800%.

For specific data, if you are interested in Xingfeng, you can check the table I attached below.

The biggest effect of factoryization is to continue to reduce the production costs of military equipment and increase profit margins.

Not only our Brakada troops can be assisted by military equipment, but also the troops of other forces.

Other forces do not have factories, only blacksmith shops.

The cost of producing arms in the blacksmith shop is much higher than that in the factory.

We can continue to expand the scale of production and reduce costs, so that the selling price of our military equipment is lower than the cost of their blacksmith shops.

When our military equipment is cheap enough, we can start dumping it on the other eight major forces.

With unit equipment that can save a lot of money, no hero will be willing to directly upgrade the unit.

Once they develop dependence, we can force them to use Titan coins to purchase unit equipment.

This is a crucial step for Titan Coin to be promoted to the entire Yasha world.

When the scale of use of Titan coins reaches the level of gold coins, we Brakada will have super control over other forces.

You and your teacher Agede, as members of the Great Council of Brakada, will naturally be able to rise with the tide.

Little friend Xingfeng, as long as I become the Grand Speaker, I will cover all your expenses from master to demigod.

Whether it’s the treasures you need, or the gold coins and resources you need to build your territory and maintain your army, I will provide them all.

Little friend Xingfeng, you just need to help me bring a message to the permanent director of Agaide.

All military equipment factories have a 10% share reserved exclusively for him. 】

Looking at the document in his hand, Qi Ge frowned and fell deeply into thought.

It is indeed not easy for Trossa to become a legendary hero.

Although the "Military Equipment Monopoly Plan" is vague, Qi Ge can clearly see the terrifying power in it that can change the entire Yasha world.

If this power is in the hands of Ibracada, it can indeed form a terrifying blood-draining network.

Use military equipment to help the military units of major forces reduce advancement costs.

This seems like a great thing.

But what Trosa wants is not to benefit Yasha, but to use military equipment to open the door of the major forces and force them to settle with Titan coins.

In the early days, the eight major forces may not see much, but once Titan coins replace gold coins and become the mainstream currency, Brakada can use this to do many things.

Qi Ge can come up with a bunch of tricks just thinking about it.

For example, Brakada can issue more Titan Coins without any pressure and exchange Titan Coins for high-quality resources from other world powers.

As long as the exchange rate of Titan coins to gold coins is maintained on the surface, other forces will see nothing.

In the event of a war, Bracada can also cut off the exchange of Titan coins at any time, turning the Titan coins into waste paper.

Brakada wanted to open another big hole in the bodies of the major forces, insert the blood-sucking straw into the mouth openly, and suck out the bones and marrow of the other eight major forces.

Now, what kind of life do the goblins of Brakada live? When Trosa's plan succeeds, what kind of life will the other forces in the world of Yasha have to live.

"If I was still a little hesitant before, now, the Chancellor has completely lost my relationship with you, Your Majesty Trossa."

Qi Ge squeezed hard, and scorching flames lit up from his hand, burning the "Military Equipment Monopoly Plan" to ashes.

Of course, Qi Ge carefully preserved the "Military Equipment Monopoly Plan" and the appendices on the back by taking photos.

Qi Ge read the appendix carefully.

The manufacturing costs and prices of the equipment for the nine major forces from level 1 to level 5, as well as from level 1 to level 4, are all available.

Brakada's [Arms Factory] is actually a [blacksmith shop] that can be mass-produced and produced on a large scale.

The blacksmith shop in the Chosen City can also manufacture military equipment.

The appendix sent by Trossa is of great reference value.

Serena stayed in Xinyue Village for more than an hour, following Clarence and the goblins to catch helmet-headed frogs.

There is a legendary hero to help, a helmet-headed frog tribe, a helmet-headed frog tribe.

The poisonous helmeted frog was shocked by Serena's lightning magic, and its legs were twitching on its back.

The fairies picked up the helmet-headed frogs in small buckets and brought them to the frog pond built in the village to raise them.

Once the goblins get familiar with these low-intelligent helmet-headed frogs, they can collect venom from the helmet-headed frogs without harming them.


After sorting out the materials, Qi Ge found Serena and greeted her from a long distance away.


Serena jumped up to Qi Ge and shouted happily:

"Xingfeng! That bad woman is finally gone?"

"Let's go. She is here to deliver the letter for Trosa."

"Then let's go kill the wild monsters!"

Qi Ge shook his head and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, we won't farm monsters today.

Let’s go to Yongshuang City first. "


Through the teleportation array in Thunder City, Seven Pigeons teleported to Yongshuang City in the northernmost part of Brakada.

The climate near Yongshuang City is very cold.

To the north of Yongshuang City is the coldest ocean in the Yasha World - the Arctic Ocean.

As the name of the Arctic Ocean suggests, there is not a drop of water in the entire ocean, it is all flowing ice.

The ice narwhal that Qi Ge had seen before was a magical creature living in the Arctic Ocean.

Further north in the Arctic Ocean is the extremely cold place of the Yasha World.

Some players once measured that the temperature in extremely cold places is around minus 200 degrees.

There, even the flames of Yasha's world will be frozen and turn into magical [frozen fire].

The extremely cold place is also where the ice fairy lives.

Qi Ge learned from the goddess of magic that the ice-ringed girl Adrid learned ice magic from the ice fairies in an extremely cold place.

Qige and Serena walked out of the teleportation array in Yongshuang City.

Both of them held a hot alchemical treasure [Warm Stone] in their hands.

[Warm Stone] can slowly release heat and relieve the cold of Yongshuang City.

Without [Warm Stone], Qi Ge and Serena would still be so cold that they would shiver even if they wrapped themselves into fur balls.

"Xingfeng. Why do we come to Yongshuang City?

It's so cold here and I don't like it here at all. "

Serena shrank her neck and said a little aggrievedly.

Qi Ge rubbed the [Warm Stone] on her hands, and after her hands became hot, she placed her hands on Serena's neck.

The warmth of his hands made Serena moan in comfort.

Qige said with a smile:

"For the Chaos Treasure House.

Didn't Evelin just come and tell me the location of a Chaos Treasure House?

The Chaos Treasure House is near Yongshuang City. "

"Chaos Treasure House?"

Serena asked strangely:

“Can’t we just report such dangerous things directly to the Great Council and let the Great Council send people to deal with them?”

Qi Ge shook his head and said:

"No, I have to deal with the Chaos Treasure House myself.

I can't explain the specific reasons.

In short, it has something to do with my career as an architect. "

"Oh, then there's nothing we can do."

Simple Serena believed it.

In fact, Qi Ge is looking for the Chaos Treasure House because of the fragments of the [Sky Boat].

Among the 5 [Sky Boat] fragments obtained by Qi Ge.

Fragment 1 was created by clearing out hundreds of groups of wild monsters at once.

Fragment 2 is the reward after conquering the Chaos Treasure House [Gargoyle Dome].

Fragment 3 is the reward after conquering the Chaos Treasure House [Slimy].

Fragment 4 is the reward after conquering the Chaos Treasure House [Swamp Camp].

Fragment 9 was given to him by Anosaki.

After a little analysis, you can find that you get the [Sky Boat] fragments the most by conquering the Chaos Treasure House.

Qi Ge asked Anosaki and confirmed that attacking the [Chaos Treasure House] was an act of [making a huge contribution to the world of Yasha].

Fragment 5 is in Somra's hands, and we have to wait for Anosaki to complete the layout.

The remaining fragments 6, 7, and 8 can only be obtained by Qi Ge by trying to conquer the Chaos Treasure House.

“It’s very difficult to fight even one of the Chaos Treasure Houses, I have to fight at least three.

It's really hard. "

Qi Ge gently exhaled a breath of white breath and looked at Yongshuang City.

A large number of white ice sculpture houses are lined up, and a group of djinn and golden men are walking back and forth among these ice sculpture houses.

The entire Yongshuang City is built on an ice cliff.

The mages of Bracada used magic to hollow out the ice walls and create the Everfrost City, which looks a bit like a modern suite.

There are thirty-six floors in the entire Yongshuang City, and each floor is different in size.

The largest is tens of thousands of square meters, and the smallest is less than a thousand square meters.

All buildings in Yongshuang City are distributed on these scattered layers of ice.

Each ice layer is independent of the other.

If you want to go up or down, you can only go through the teleportation array.

Qi Ge really wanted to take a stroll in Yongshuang City.

[Petra's Ambition] Among the four cities required in this Petra promotion mission, there is Eternal Frost City.

However, the most important thing now is the Chaos Treasure House.

Qige and Serena arrived at the bottom of Everfrost City.

The lowest level of Yongshuang City is an out-and-out military zone.

Here, twelve top-level magic towers are stationed, as well as mage camps that are three times the size of the magic towers.

One hundred and seventy-two gargoyle outposts, and sixty-nine gargoyle maintenance centers.

It can be said that the force of Yongshuang City alone accounts for 70% of the total force of Brakada's entire northern border.

The reason why the defense is so strict is because a Chaos invasion broke out in the northern border of Brakada, the Everfrost Icefield.

Although the Chaos invasion was successfully repelled, the Everfrost Icefield has become very unstable, and there is a possibility of another Chaos invasion breaking out at any time.

Of course, such a heavily defended military zone also has corresponding vigilance.

Qige and Serena had just teleported to the bottom floor when they were surrounded by the sentries of Yongshuang City.

The magic searchlights on the two magic towers were lit, illuminating Qi Ge and Serena.

At the same time, a voice rang above Qi Ge and Serena.

“I am Yongshuang Tower Spirit No. 1, Han Dong.

Identification is in progress, please do not make any resistance, otherwise it will be treated as an intrusion.

Identification in progress...

Recognition completed.

Not a resident of Yongshuang City.

Loading database, please wait...

Retrieval successful.

Councilor Serena from Thunder City, Councilor Starwind, and Everfrost City welcome you.

Please note that the Everfrost Icefield is in a period of change, and there are an extremely large number of wandering wild monsters.

Please choose carefully whether to enter the Everfrost Icefield.

If you need to enter the Everfrost Icefield, I will notify the guards for you. "

Serena said coldly:

"I am Serena, a member of the Grand Council and the commander-in-chief of the Magic Standing Army. I need to enter the Everfrost Ice Field and ask the city lord to come out to see me."

"Roger, calling you."

Seeing Serena's appearance, Qi Ge smiled inwardly.

Although Serena is not tall or old, she is a true legendary hero.

In terms of strength, identity, and status, Serena is Brakada's top military noble.

If Serena wasn't here, he would have to face a lot of difficulties if he wanted to enter the Everfrost Icefield.

It's a pity that my seven pigeons only eat soft food and don't suffer hardship.

Soon, Helen, the city lord of Yongshuang City, rushed over.

Helen is also a true legend, specializing in occult arts.

His legendary specialty allows him to restore mana very efficiently during battle and transfer mana to all friendly units on the battlefield.

All of this even includes magic towers of the type [City Defense Building].

Helen is a djinn, but he usually likes to turn into a big-eared monster.

Yes, it is the big-eared monster, a level 1 unit of the stronghold force.

It is said that when Helen was young, she felt very bored studying magic, so she went out to explore.

He learned to use mud to release the magic [Body Protective Stone Skin] from an old big-eared monster in the stronghold.

This made him feel very interesting.

As a price for learning this magic, Helen stayed in the big-eared monster tribe for a long time to help the big-eared monsters hunt beasts and giant insects in the desert.

After returning to Bracada, Helen has been showing the image of a big-eared monster to others.

Helen didn't look as tall as Serena.

Helen was obviously tired at this moment. His eyelids were drooped, his skin was loose and dark yellow, and even his green bald head looked numb and not round at all.

When he saw Serena, he sat on the ground in a very shameless manner and shouted loudly:

"Oh! Thank God!

Serena, you have finally come to take over from me.

I can't stay in this broken Yongshuang City for a second.

The work is boring and there are many troubles.

Recently, there have been strange and chaotic movements in the Yongshuang Icefield from time to time, which makes me nervous every day.

Now, I should be rolling in the puddles in Huagu City, instead of staring at a pile of broken snow here.

Fortunately, you are finally here. "

Serena glanced at Helen sympathetically and said:

“Sorry, Helen, I’m not here to replace you.

I just have something to go to the Everfrost Icefield.

The person who will replace you should be Chairman Eschar.

But there is an election for Speaker recently, so, you know. "

"Oh! Oh my gosh! That Eschar should be stuffed into Behemoth's ass!"

Helen suddenly shouted!

“I still have to wait until the election for Speaker is over?!

I really want to find an ogre with a foul mouth and a sweet-smelling Escher's wife!

Make his cock ooze pus!

Doesn't he know how to arrange for someone to take my place first?

I have been stationed for more than three months! Are you still here for half a month? ! "

"What is a cow?"

Serena blinked and asked strangely.


Qi Ge quickly interrupted Serena.

"That's not an important thing. Let's talk about the Everfrost Icefield."

When Helen saw Xingfeng, she jumped up from the ground.

“Oh oh oh!

With this look and appearance, I can guarantee that even the big-eared monster with the most sensitive sense of smell has a nose that is not as straight as yours.

You must be the star that has been making a lot of noise lately!

Your reputation has spread from Thunder City to me.

How about it, as Agede's apprentice, do you want to come to Yongshuang City to experience it? "

Helen raised her eyebrows and approached Qi Ge and said:

"Let me tell you quietly, the sky is high here and the parliament is far away, and ordinary people can't control it at all.

Everyone who is in charge here knows your identity.

When you come here, you don't have to do anything.

I'll get you some fox girls and cat girls from Crow Lord to tease you every day.

It's your responsibility to lie back and enjoy it. "

Qige:? ? ?

Qi Ge immediately straightened his back and explained solemnly:

"No, no, no, I appreciate your kindness, Your Majesty Helen.

So what, I'm not interested in the beast-eared girl? "

Helen glanced at Qi Ge suspiciously and shouted in disbelief:

"Not interested? You?

How can it be?

You are Agede's apprentice. "

Qi Ge:......


Teacher Agaide, didn’t you say that you concealed yourself well so that others couldn’t tell? !

Serena was a little angry when she saw Helen and Qi Ge talking to each other and ignoring her.

Some lightning crackled on her body, forcibly separating the two.

"Uncle Helen, please stop making trouble, Xingfeng and I have serious business to do!"

"Oh Duo Duo."

Helen danced and exaggeratedly jumped away from Qi Ge.

He twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, and said to Serena:

"Look at you, your temper is still so bad.

If you want to go to the Yongshuang Icefield, then I advise you not to go.

A Chaos Treasure House was recently discovered in the Yongshuang Icefield, and it has developed into the [Demon King's Territory] that is close to the [Dragon Kingdom].

According to my observation, there are less than two months left for the [Demon King’s Territory] to develop into the [Dragon Kingdom].

Just to avoid causing panic, we are not disclosing the information.

Now Thane and Lorna have brought their troops to prepare for support. "

"Demon King's Leader?!"*2

Qi Ge and Serena screamed in surprise.

Serena immediately held Qi Ge's hand and looked at him worriedly.

Qi Ge ignored Serena and asked anxiously:

"Your Majesty Helen, since the Chaos Treasure House has developed into the Demon King's Territory, why not deal with it as soon as possible?

Yongshuangbing is inherently unstable. If the [Demon King's Territory] turns into the [Dragon Kingdom], there is always the risk of developing into a chaotic node. "

"deal with?"

Helen smiled and shook her head, looking at Qi Ge with a bit of disdain and pity.

"Xingfeng, are you from the academy?

Only a good student who has never experienced actual combat can ask such a question.

If it were an ordinary Chaos Treasure House, forget it.

[Demon King’s Territory] is the most difficult of all single-player treasure houses.

Who should be sent to deal with it?

The Chaos Treasure House will increase the difficulty based on the strength of the entering hero.

Based on the difficulty coefficient of [Demon King's Territory], send ordinary heroes or master heroes to kill as many as possible.

You can't let legends or demigods gamble their lives, right?

The more heroes die inside, the stronger the heroes are, and the faster the Chaos Treasure House will develop.

Whether I die inside or Serena dies inside, the [Demon King’s Territory] will explode immediately, do you believe it or not?

We can only prepare for the outbreak of chaotic nodes in advance, and directly destroy the chaotic nodes before they form a large scale.

This is the way to do the least damage to Bracada. "

Qige took a deep breath and asked:

“Then, what about the order race living on the Everfrost Icefield?

What about the snow elf villages around Everfrost City? "

Helen helplessly spread her hands and said:

"What else can be done?

Those who can be picked in will be picked in, and those who can't be picked in will have to wait and see.

Otherwise, who will handle it?

I go? Serena going?

Or send a demigod down? "

Qi Ge gritted his teeth and his eyes were bright:

"Your Majesty Helen, I will go."

Serena:! ! !

Helen: Huh? !

ps: It’s the end of the month, there is no double this month, everyone can just vote monthly.

Book friends who don’t vote monthly, the hamster is scolding you, Ouch┗|`O′|┛.

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