Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 445 The ground is shaking like the sky is burning.

The battle of Yongshuang Plain did not start.

Brakada spent so much manpower and material resources and mobilized more than half of the country's troops, but it was all in vain.

Thousands of soldiers and heroes came from all directions, only to watch a wonderful movie together.

It was as if they were being played.

But instead of being angry, those soldiers and heroes were delighted.

In a war with chaos, people will die, many people will die.

No one wants to fight if they can.

What's more, no one's trip was in vain.

They all knew in their hearts that they were witnessing a new sun rising.


This name spread from the Yongshuang Icefield at an extremely fast speed.

An ordinary hero conquered the Chaos Treasure House [Demon King's Territory], saved the Everfrost Icefield, was awarded the title of [Immortal Hero], and served as the [Honorary Permanent Member of the Brakada Great Council].

Even the most outrageous bard would not dare to spin such a heroic tale.

But now, this thing has really happened under the witness of countless people!

Anyone who can tell any tidbits about Xingfeng will immediately become the focus of everyone.

For a time, even the upcoming election for Brakada Speaker was overshadowed.

At this moment, the seven pigeons who stole the show were surrounded by a group of legends.

Dairis held the harp and played "Victory Song" selflessly to celebrate the seven doves.

Jonesfield's face was full of enthusiasm, and he held Qi Ge's hand and refused to let go for a moment.

"Xingfeng, were you in that giant iron man's head, directing the giant iron man to fight?

I am very interested in the body structure of the giant iron man.

Do you still remember the parts of the giant iron man? How does it move?

Can you draw a simple drawing for me to study? "

Trossa stood aside, equally interested, and his voice was a little louder:

"If you still remember Xingfeng, wait until we can jointly develop it.

If we can mass-produce it, not only will we be able to make considerable profits, but Bracada will also benefit a lot from it. "

Fafner was quite unconvinced:

"You guys are just looking at the machine, but you've missed the point!

The focus is on the person controlling the machine, our big hero Starwind.

Starwind, you must have been in the Erathian army. The combat skills you used in the machine have obvious traces of Erathian.

In particular, the move [Swinging Punch] and the move [Serial Kick] are both Erathia's military combat skills. "

When Qi Ge heard this, he quickly gave a thumbs up and said:

"Your Majesty Fafner has good eyesight. Before I became a hero, I had been serving in Erathia's army.

Bracada was so peaceful that there was no opportunity for me to exercise. "

When Fafner heard this, he immediately burst out laughing:

"Haha! It's true! Very good, Xingfeng, you have the heart of a warrior!

Xingfeng, are you interested in coming to my place?

Based on your achievements this time, I can directly promote you to the rank of Brigadier General Brakada.

The brigadier general can directly serve as the deputy city lord of any main city, and can also obtain the command of 30% of the troops in the main city.

Originally, only a master could be qualified for this position, but with your achievements this time, Xingfeng, no one dares to gossip about it. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

Is there such a good thing? !

But before Qi Ge could speak, Trossa laughed coldly and taunted Fafner:

"Let a noble and rare architect join the army?

Oh my God.

I really want to shoot your head open with a ballista to see which brain you used to come up with such a bad idea.

Oh, sorry, I forgot, you are an elemental creature, no brains, pfft. "

Fafner was ridiculed and was about to refute when he suddenly realized that Trossa was right.

There is really no reason in this world for architects to join the army.

This made Fafner's face turn blue and white. He pursed his lips and wanted to speak, but couldn't.

Although Fafner was very at odds with Trossa, he was not a face-conscious person.

He snorted, ignored Trosa, and continued to speak to Qige:

"Forget it, Xingfeng, just think I didn't say that just now.

Letting you join the army is a bit ill-advised. "

Qi Ge:......

"No. Your Majesty Fafner, I think your proposal is great.

I also yearn for the military. "

"That's not okay."

Eschar walked over with a smile after finishing the military affairs.

He slowly leaned on his crutches, first dug a hole in the snow with the crutches, and then took a small step.

He walked over with such grace and grace.

"Xingfeng, Fafner's army is different from the armies in other people's hands. It is mainly responsible for conquering Chaos and major tasks.

When you join his army, you have military status from then on.

Whether it is guarding Chaos or fighting a war of forces, we must charge forward.

You are an architect and you are very precious.

Our laws in Bracada prohibit architects from holding positions that are too dangerous.

Fafner's army was naturally included. "

Qi Ge looked regretful:

"Oh, that's such a shame.

Why do I always have tears in my eyes?

Because of my deep love for Bracada.

If possible, I really want to go to the army to have a good experience. "

Escher laughed and said:

“If you are really interested in the military, you can join Serena’s Thunder City Standing Army.

However, you need to be more careful in your movements.

When you and Serena get married, according to the principle that couples cannot be on the same team, you won't be able to enter. "

As Qier said this, he raised his head and looked around triumphantly, looking like a winner.

At the same time, everyone present looked at Qi Ge and Serena who was standing next to Qi Ge.

Everyone had different expressions, some were full of envy and blessing, some were jealous and angry, and some were indignant.

But none of them raised any doubts about Eskel's words.

Even Serena stood beside Qi Ge openly, looking extremely natural.

The only person in doubt is precisely the seven pigeons in the center of the crowd.

Wait a moment!

When did I say I was going to marry Serena? !

The seven pigeons were stunned.

Escher walked up to Qi Ge, gently patted Qi Ge on the shoulder, and said:

"Xingfeng, although I really want to ask what happened in the [Demon King's Territory].

But after nearly four days of hard work, you definitely need a rest more than anyone else.

I'll take you back to Thunder City first. You go home and have a good night's rest. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow. "

Escher knocked the scepter and said:

"Everyone, I hope you can give Xingfeng some time to rest and don't disturb him too much.

Otherwise, the legend of Agaide will definitely be very unhappy when he returns.

Don’t forget, Xingfeng is now an [Immortal Hero] or an [Honorary Permanent], and he also has the right to vote in the election of the Grand Speaker.

Moreover, Xingfeng’s [vote power] is second only to the [permanent members].

Coupled with the relationship between Serena and Starwind..."

"I hope you can carefully consider how valuable Starwind is now."

Escher said in a faint voice:

"It's not Agaide's students, but Xingfeng himself. How valuable is he?"

After Escher finished speaking, the air on the field where Seven Pigeons arrived was obviously a little solemn.

The expressions of Trossa, Fafner, Helen, and even Eschar himself were a little serious.

There was only a confused look on his face and a nonchalant Serena next to him, which was incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere.

“What is the situation, what is the situation now?

What happened to my marriage to Serena?

What is [Immortal Hero]?

[Honorary permanent appointment] What is it? "

Qi Ge clearly felt that when he entered the [Demon King's Territory], something must have happened that he didn't understand but that everyone else knew very well.

The top priority now is to find a reliable person who understands everything.

Since you want to find someone reliable, let’s rule out Serena first.

The decision is yours!

Yes, it's you, the one who's been playing the harp next to you!


Seeing Dairis protecting Xingfeng and Serena as they entered the teleportation formation, Eschar returned to his room with a smile.

The smile on his face disappeared little by little with his melodious steps.

He sat gently on the chair and leaned back slightly.

After a long time, he sighed softly:

"Good things are not always good things sometimes."

He opened his eyes, thoughts wandering in his mind.

Whether Xingfeng dies in [Demon King's Territory] or whether Xingfeng successfully conquers [Demon King's Territory], it is a good thing for him.

But Escher never expected that Xingfeng not only conquered the [Demon King's Territory], but also conquered it so successfully.

Even Mother Goddess Asa sent down miraculous blessings to promote Starwind's achievements.

What is even more unacceptable to Eskel is that as Star Wind successfully conquered the [Demon King's Territory], the power of order descended and swept away the chaotic energy of the [Eternal Frost Ice Field], allowing the [Eternal Frost Ice Field] to return to Brakada. control.

This means that the Brakada army that was supposed to be held back by the [Eternal Frost Ice Field] has been liberated.

Escher's eyes flickered.

“The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Evelin's card has been played, so she can't return without success.

Trosa, just help me carry this pot. "

【Pingdi City】

A fortress-main city in southern Bracada.

Different from the Falling Moon Territory where the sea is calm, the sea is quiet, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, [Plain City] has been the gateway between Brakada and Negan since its construction.

At the same time, it is also proof of Bracada's victory in the last large-scale war.

[Flatland City] is like a nail, dividing Negan's land into two parts.

[Flatland City] To the south is Nigen's fertile agricultural area. The output of all territories is mainly food and basic resources.

[Plain City] To the north is Negan’s core area.

Negan's capital, Black Dragon City, the wizard academy complex, large-scale alchemy workshops, and other core buildings that require the consumption of resources to produce high value-added products are all located in the northern district of [Pingland City].

[Pingdi City] is like a pole, one end carries Negan's resource production area, and the other end carries Negan's resource consumption area.

When [Flatland City] was still in Negan's hands, it was Negan's largest trading city.

After [Flatland City] fell into Brakada's hands, it became a thorn in Negan's heart, a thorn in his flesh, and a thorn in his side.

It can be said that even if [Plain City] does nothing, just existing there will restrict Negan's development.

For such a strategically important city, Brakada naturally invested a large number of troops in its defense.

In the entire [Pingdi City], there are 5 legendary heroes alone.

One is a true legend and four are pseudo-legends.

The true legend stationed in [Plain City] is Nila, the [Tower Shield] who is best at defending the city in Brakada.

Neela is good at defensive magic.

Any defensive magic will have several times the effect under Nila's hands.

With the addition of Nila's magic, even the little goblin can have a defense that is not inferior to that of a golden man.

This is no joke.

In fact, Nila once used defensive magic to defeat a level 1 and 1 goblin in a colosseum, defeating a level 3 and 3 golden man.

In addition to many legendary heroes, [Pingdi City] also has a large number of military teleportation magic arrays.

Once a war breaks out, the surrounding cities can rush over to support through the teleportation magic circle at any time.

With strong defense forces, a large number of teleportation magic circles, and Nila guarding it, [Pingdi City] is simply impregnable.

However, although Nila is a true legend, she is not the city lord of [Pingland City].

The city lord of [Flat City] is Kelvin, an industrial legend who specializes in catapults.

The reason is quite simple.

As an officer of the war faction, Nila cannot serve as the city leader unless there are special circumstances.

To put it bluntly, the Great Council does not want the city below to be under the control of the city lord's military and political affairs.

The lord of the main city has both military and political power. Once he becomes powerful, he will be the emperor of the land.

Kelvin is a mage pseudo-legend.

As a pseudo-legend who has become a hopeless demigod, Kelvin has a long life and a strong body, but he has no upward motivation.

If it were anyone else, it would be easy to fall into this situation.

Either they are addicted to female (male) sex, or they are intoxicated with power, or they do not want to make progress and pursue enjoyment.

But Kelvin is different. He is a hero who has escaped from vulgar taste.

In his free time when he has no official duties, what Kelvin likes most is to raise cute pets and accompany them to grow up slowly.

At this time, there were still ten minutes before Qi Ge returned to Yasha World.

Kelvin was playing with small animals in his room as usual.

Suddenly, the secret door in his room that was supposed to be closed was pushed open from under the bed.

"who is it?!"

Kelvin immediately became alert and carefully climbed down from the mother ptarmigan.


The female ptarmigan was in high spirits, but the sudden emptiness made her very dissatisfied.

A burst of crackling lightning made Kelvin's body numb.

Normally, Kelvin would have enjoyed the little romance he had with his pet.

But the secret door was opened, leaving him in no mood to continue.

He could only stroke the thunderbird and whisper comfort:

"Good girl, wait a minute. Dad, I'm going to take a look. I'll be back in a minute."


Ignoring the complaints from the female ptarmigan, Kelvin got dressed and jumped out of the nest.

At a glance, he saw a mage dressed in black robes sitting next to his bed.

There is something wrong with this kind of picture.

According to common sense, Kelvin should immediately call the guards in at this time.

But he didn't know why. Instead of shouting, he lowered his voice and asked:

"Who are you? What are you here for?"

Evelin lifted the black robe above her head and looked at Kelvin with blank eyes.

She held the necklace on her chest and opened and closed her mouth in a dull manner.

Her voice was too quiet for Kelvin to hear.

Kelvin frowned and moved slightly closer.

It wasn't until Kelvin was about to stick to Evelin that Evelin's voice became louder.

“The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire.

The ground shook like the sky was on fire.

The ground shook like the sky was on fire.


Evelin kept repeating this sentence like a machine.

As Evelin repeated, Kelvin's eyes slowly lost their light.

"The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire."

"The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire."

Kelvin also started chanting along with Evelin.

As he muttered, he turned around and walked towards the door.

The sound of Kelvin opening the door made the mage guards at the door look over immediately.

They soon discovered something was wrong with Kelvin.

At this time, Kelvin, like Evelin, had an extremely dull expression.

Except for the movement of his mouth, even his pupils were unfocused.

"Lord Kelvin, what's wrong with you?"

Just as the guards were about to get closer to Kelvin, Kelvin's voice sounded in their ears.

"The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire."

"Ah! The trembling has begun!"

"Burn, I will burn the underground world and destroy Negan's ashes!"

Those guards turned around and ran away as if they had received some order!

【Pingdi City】Military Camp

"The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire."

【Pingdi City】Weapon depot

"The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire."

【Pingdi City】Defense gun tower

"The ground was shaking like the sky was on fire."

Countless soldiers from all directions and in major important places quickly lost their consciousness after hearing these words.

At this moment, they are no longer living individuals, but machines whose instructions have been programmed long ago!

In less than half an hour, the entire [Pingdi City] miraculously completed preparations.

The magic tower built in [Pingland City] began to output magic power, and six magic crystal cannons were fired at the same time, blasting towards the ground outside [Pingland City]!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Six gunshots!

Under the huge magic bombardment, the ground near [Pingdi City] trembled!

The huge magic light illuminated the sky, and the whole sky turned red.

It was like there was a raging flame burning in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, not far from [Pingdi City], a terrifying loud noise came from the ground!


"Dong dong dong!"

"Come on, come on, open the door."

Thunder City, the residence of Seven Pigeons.

The butler fairy, who had been ordered by Qige a long time ago, opened the back door of the magic tower.

The deacon fairy looked up and down at the ordinary-looking male mage standing at the door, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"You're finally here, please come inside."

The male mage walked into the magic tower and asked:

"Where is the magic player you want to repair?"

"It's on the top floor, the young master's office. Come on, I'll take you there right now."

The deacon goblin brought the male mage to the door of Qi Ge's room and reported to Qi Ge carefully.

Qi Ge glanced at the male mage who walked in the door, and said to the butler goblin:

“You go out and do your business.

By the way, please let me know and tell others not to come near my room unless they have nothing to do.

If there are guests, use magic props to notify me. "

"Yes! Master."

After the butler fairy closed the door and left, Qi Ge nodded to the male mage.

The male mage's body began to slowly dissolve, and soon turned into the appearance of Dairis.

She looked at the seven pigeons in amazement and said:

"Qi Ge, your disguise technique is quite easy to use. It's even more effective than my own transformation technique."

Qi Ge smiled modestly and said:

"It's just a small trick.

Dairis, your avatar ability is unique.

How's it going? Has it been delivered to Serena? "

Dairis shrugged her shoulders indifferently, went straight to the sofa and sat down, crossed her legs, and said to Qi Ge:

"It's being delivered, we'll be arriving at Thunder Tower soon.

What, you still care about her? "

Qi Ge smiled and did not answer, but changed the topic:

"Your Majesty Dairis, I would like to ask, what did Chief Eschar say about [Immortal Hero] and [Honorary Permanent] at that time?"

"Huh? You don't know? Serena didn't tell you?

Tsk, this girl is so lazy. "

Dairis stepped in and replied:

“It was because you stayed in the [Demon King’s Territory] for so long that Eskel and the others thought you were dead.

In order to win favor with Aqed, they started throwing honor at you, a dead man.

[Immortal Hero] is not the immortal from the undead tribe.

But it means that it will always live in the hearts of our Brakada people, passed down from generation to generation, and will never be forgotten.

[Immortal Hero] is one of our highest honors in Brakada, and is usually awarded to the dead.

There are only two living people before you, and you are the third.

The previous ones who received the title of [Immortal Hero] were His Majesty Gavin and His Majesty Magnus.

Gavin received the [Immortal Hero] from his crown, and it was he who invented the magical technology.

Magnus received the [Immortal Hero] because he led Bracada to defeat Negon.

Both of them are demigods. "

“Ah, it’s this immortality.

[Some people are alive, but they are already dead.

Some people die, but they live forever. 】

But I am indeed still alive. Isn’t this a curse? "

Qi Ge said with some toothache:

Dairis spread her hands and said:

"But then both His Majesty Gavin and His Majesty Magnus disappeared.

[Immortal Hero] This title seems to have a curse, so I can’t tell. "

Qi Ge:......

“What about [honorary permanent position]?”

Dairis suddenly became energetic:

“This is awesome.

To put it simply, in Bracada, you can enjoy all the benefits of a permanent member.

Including tax exemption, annual resource quota, treasure quota, medicine quota, voting rights... and a lot of things.

But you have no permanent rights or obligations.

To put it simply, you can only eat, don’t work, and still vote!

Your vote weight is 5, between 10 for a permanent member and 1 for a council member.

In other words, you can defeat 5 MPs by yourself!

Moreover, according to the rules of our Grand Council, if the permanent vote is tied, your vote can participate in the permanent vote and become the crucial 5 votes!

As long as you and your teacher vote for me, I will definitely be elected as the Speaker!

Qige, listen to me..."

"Wait wait... don't worry!"

Let her talk endlessly.

Qi Ge quickly interrupted and asked quickly:

"Then what happened to Serena and my marriage?"

ps: I worked overtime today and didn't get home until 19 o'clock. I originally wanted to take leave.

But when I looked at the book club group, my friend, the book friend actually said that I didn’t update enough and planned to form a group to catch hamsters offline.

I was scared, so I quickly coded it out with all my strength.

Seeing that the hamster is working so hard, I’ll give him a monthly pass potion to encourage him.

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