
The most famous demigod hero in the entire underground city.

She is not only the king of Negan, but also a well-known dragon lady in the entire Yasha world.

The power to dominate the world, coupled with the peak power and top beauty in the world.

She can be called the supreme empress in fairy novels.

Moriel is the ultimate dream of all male creatures in the world of Asa.

Not even Queen Catherine of Erathia can compare with her.

People who have never met Moriel will always have many fantasies about Moriel.

For example, she is stunningly beautiful, but has a cruel personality, bad nature, stern and vigilant, ambitious, cruel, etc.

These fantasies have something to do with Moriel's successful plot to usurp the throne and drive Hadward off Negan's throne.

In fact, their fantasies were too underestimated.

Not only her beauty but also her personality are underestimated.

Although Moriel often appears in public in the form of a dragon girl, Qi Ge knows that she is a high-level black dragon through and through.

As we all know, the black dragon belongs to the evil camp.

If we insist on dividing according to the rules of DND, the black dragon is lawful evil.

Of course, so is Moriel.

She is a female dragon with an extremely bad personality and an extremely beautiful one.

It's like a rose with thorns on its petals.

But Moriel's ability to sit firmly on the throne also benefited from a special charm in her body.

Keep your word.

If I say I'll kill your whole family, I'll kill your whole family, not even a chicken will be spared, and the egg yolks will be shaken away for you.

If I say I will reward you, I will reward you. Mythical troops, main cities, and combined treasures, as long as Moriel promises, they will all be fulfilled.

As Moriel's subordinate, you never have to worry that she will take away your credit, nor will you have to worry that she will make you take the blame.

As long as you do your best to complete the tasks she assigns to you, she will let you get results equal to your efforts.

Anyone who has met Moriel knows that she is a sparkling woman.


Literally sparkles.

Moriel in human form always wears a lot of reflective jewelry.

From the horns on her head to the tip of her tail, everything is covered.

Even the rose-red suspender panties she likes to wear have an octahedral crystal as big as a thumb hanging from the front.

If she stood next to the electric lamp, it would be a human-shaped diffuser that could scatter light in one direction throughout the room.

Echoing Moriel's exaggerated decorations is her striking presence.

Some people are born to be protagonists, and this sentence is most appropriate to describe Moriel.

Even if she wears the simplest clothes and uses disguise techniques to completely disguise herself as a human being, everyone will still see her at first sight in a huge crowd.

There is an extremely special temperament in her.

Qi Ge is accustomed to calling this temperament Longwei.

Speaking of Moriel's story, the most famous one is probably that Moriel single-handedly overthrew the rule of Hardward and achieved the feat of being a demigod.

There has never been a shortage of ambitious people from various forces in the Yasha Continent who want to seize the throne, but over the years, only Moriel has truly succeeded.

When bards tell the story of Moriel, they always waste a lot of pen and ink on the dragon's blood bottle.

They said with certainty that Moriel became a dragon after drinking the ancient dragon's blood from the dragon's blood bottle.

This even gave rise to an even more outrageous rumor - if you can drink Moriel's blood, you can become a dragon like Moriel.

In this regard, Qi Ge said that these statements are purely obscene.

Moriel said that she was born with the ability to command dragons, and no matter black dragons, red dragons, green dragons or golden dragons, they all bowed to her.

What's more, Qi Ge has seen the [Dragon Blood Bottle], and it's full of dragon blood, but he can't open it at all.

The most important thing is that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Whether it was Moriel's Dragon Lady's blood, Dragon Lady's saliva, or Dragon Lady's sister juice, Qi Ge had tried it all, but it had no effect at all.

Well, all I need is a dragon lady.

There is really nothing we can do about this Qi Ge.

After all, his strength in his previous life was only legendary, and he was powerless.

Qi Ge raised his head slightly and followed Basilei step by step to the [Dark Dragon City] conference hall.

Qi Ge was still a little excited about meeting his old friend from his previous life.

It's like an old prostitute returning to the old brothel in her hometown.

This put a smile on Qi Ge's face involuntarily.

Seeing Qi Ge's frivolous face, Basilei frowned slightly.

She deliberately took a step behind and said to Qi Ge nervously:

"Xingfeng, when you see His Majesty later, you must be more cautious.

Your Majesty is not as easy to talk to as I am. She hates exaggerated and frivolous people the most.

Especially men who are flamboyant and frivolous. "

Qi Ge nodded in appreciation.

You are right, but not accurate enough.

Moriel doesn't hate exaggeration; she hates bragging.

As long as you can prove your abilities and talents to her, her tolerance for you will increase.

In the end, it will even rise infinitely. Even some of the more extreme requests will be agreed to.

She doesn't care about birth, character, morals or even loyalty.

Only talent and talent are considered.

This is Moriel's extraordinary pattern.

Qi Ge learned a lot about rewards and punishments in his life, and he learned a lot from Moriel.

When Basilei saw Qi Ge nodding, she felt relieved. She laughed and then said:

“I didn’t expect that you have quite a wide network of contacts.

Not only can he invite Silica, but he can also invite the Church of Fortune and Her Majesty the Queen. "

"Haha, I did not invite Her Majesty the Queen, but the two crown princes of the Fortune Church invited her here for me.

Friends of friends are my friends! "

Basilei glanced at Qige curiously, and then said:

“Even if your friend invites you, it’s still your fault.

Moreover, why do I feel that your relationship with Pope Hora and Archbishop Erni is not as simple as friends? "

Qi Ge felt guilty: "If it's not a friend, what can it be?"

“Pope Hora and Archbishop Erni have been praising you in front of Silica and Her Majesty the Queen.

They say you are resourceful, thoughtful, wise and courageous, and even the God of Wealth highly values ​​you and praises you.

I’m almost praising you to the point where everything is in the sky and on the earth! "

Qi Ge was immediately furious:

“How could this Hola and this Erni do this!

Tell the truth no matter what, how can I pretend in the future? "

Basilelei couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, Xingfeng, you are really shameless."

But she quickly put away her smile and continued:

"It's coming, be careful."

After passing through a wooden corridor and climbing up a colorful staircase, Qi Ge and Basilei arrived at the conference hall.

Different from the simplicity and monotony of Basilei's bedroom, the conference hall of [Dark Dragon City] is particularly gorgeous.

This place turned out to be the palace of the "Benevolent Lord" of [Dark Dragon City], and a lot of gold coins were spent on its construction.

Not only is it spacious and bright, the hall also uses many Bracada magic crystal lamps.

Nowadays, magic crystal lamps that require burning magic crystals to light are outdated, but in the era of "Renjun", crystal lamps were a first-class luxury product.

After "Renjun" was executed by Basilei, Basilei reserved his palace to entertain distinguished guests and hold meetings.

As soon as Qi Ge entered the conference hall, his eyes were dazzled by the light emanating from Moriel.

Magic amethyst earrings, rainbow gemstone necklace, opal ring as big as an egg...

From the trinkets on clothes to all kinds of personal jewelry, they all reflect bright light.

Even the dragon wings on her back were equipped with a circle of bright glow gems.

Like bright treasures, typical dragon habits.

Fortunately, Qi Ge was prepared.

He took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his eyes to block the dazzling light.

"Seven...His Royal Highness Xingfeng!"

"Your Highness Xingfeng!"

The moment they saw the seven pigeons, Erni and Hora stood up at the same time and showed bright smiles.

Seeing this reaction, Lorelei strengthened his suspicion.

The relationship between Xingfeng and the two ministers of Fortune Church is definitely not a simple one.

"Your Majesty Hora, Your Majesty Elni, Lord Silika, Your Majesty the Queen."

After saying hello one by one, the seven pigeons strode forward.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Silica smiled and nodded to Qi Ge without saying a word.

Moriel glanced at Qige curiously and said:

"Are you Xingfeng?

I don't know whether he is smart or not, but he looks pretty good.

It's just that I've seen a lot of idiots who have no appearance.

I hope your talent is worthy of your skin. "

Moriel stood up and said with a straight face:

"Anyone who knows me well knows that I hate waiting.

Especially now that my kingdom and my soldiers are fighting against the decay of Brakada.

This is the time when I need to put all my energy into it.

Because of your invitation, I waited for half an hour.

If in the end, I find that my waiting was foolish. "

In the middle of her words, Moriel looked at Erni and Hora, and then said to Qige:

"For the sake of two old friends, I can spare your life.

But from now on, you will be hated and expelled by Negan. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: The Majesty of the Dragon Queen]

【The Majesty of the Dragon Queen

Golden Demigod Level

Mission requirements: Come up with an attack plan that is enough to impress Moriel, and persuade Moriel to send troops to Brakada.

Mission reward: Moriel's favorability +10, Negan's reputation +100, 9000 experience, third-level treasure: Dragon Eye Ring, unknown reward.

Mission punishment: Moriel's favorability -30, Negan's reputation becomes cold. 】

Tsk, she is still the same as in her previous life, giving out missions with generous rewards, but with punishments.

Qi Ge knew that Moriel was impatient and hated procrastination.

He was confident and sat down opposite Moriel without hesitation, looked around and said:

"All of you here are above legends, and Your Majesty is the Lord of Negan, a demigod.

And I am just an ordinary hero.

I dare to come here today. Naturally, I won't be bored and having fun. Otherwise, will I be seeking death?

Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty Hora, Her Majesty Erni, Lord Silica, Lord Basilele.

I have something to say, please listen carefully. "

After everyone sat down around Qi Ge, Qi Ge spread out several drawings he carried with him.

He spread out one and said to everyone:

“Everyone, please take a look, this is a comparison chart of the main battle arms between Brakada and our Negan.

Everyone must be able to clearly see that Brakada has only two flying units-gargoyles and djinn.

Among Brakada's arms, in addition to the two high-speed air forces of gargoyles and djinn, goblins, golems, mages, snake demons, and giants are all slow-speed ground arms.

And our Negan has three flying units, Harpy, Manticore and Red Dragon!

Although the harpy is comparable to the gargoyle in terms of attributes, its intelligence and special effects are far stronger than the gargoyle.

The manticore and red dragon suppressed the djinn in all aspects.

In other words, when it comes to high-speed air force, our Negan has an absolute advantage.

Then in the previous battle between Negan and Brakada, why couldn't the advantage of our air force be reflected? "

The seven pigeons asked and answered themselves:

“Because our Negan troops have a distinctive feature: they are very fast and very slow.

The harpy, manticore, and red dragon clan are all flying units with high mobility.

But cavemen, evil eyes, medusas, and tauren are all slow troops.

To engage in large-scale group operations, our flying units must advance together with the slow units.

This is tantamount to tying one's own hands and feet.

Therefore, my suggestion is to avoid all slow infantry.

Form a coalition of harpies, manticores and red dragons to launch a surprise attack on the hinterland of Brakada! "

Qige's impassioned speech not only failed to attract applause, but was ridiculed.

Basilei pouted, but stopped talking.

Silica frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.

Moriel snorted disdainfully, unable to hide her disappointment.

"I thought you specially invited me here because you had some great talk.

Unexpectedly, it is such nonsense. "

Moriel shook her head in disappointment.

Silica sighed and explained:

“Xingfeng, your idea is good, but after all, your understanding of Negan is not deep enough.

The Red Dragon tribe has a sparse population and is extremely precious.

Manticore's attributes are not top-notch among soldiers of the same level, and it can only rely on paralysis stunts as a support.

The harpy is fast, but its HP is too low to withstand the high magic output of the Brakada mage.

In our Negan war, the harpy and manticore can only be used as harassment forces. The real main force of melee attack will always be the caveman and minotaur with more balanced attributes. "

Qi Ge raised the corners of his mouth and said:

"That's because your style of play is wrong."

As soon as these words came out, not only Moriel, but also Basilei and Silica's expressions became ugly.

[System prompt: Moriel's favorability towards you -20, currently 0 (cold)]

Moriel stood up and stared at Qi Ge angrily.

She looked down at Qi Ge and asked coldly:

"Arrogant people!

Many of our Negan's tactics were summed up through experiments by generations of tactical experts from the Tactics Academy after countless underground lords and underground troops fought with their own lives and blood after thousands of battles.

Do you mean that your wisdom alone can surpass the countless wise men of our Negan from ancient times to the present? "


Negan is not as powerful as Brakada.

For so many years, Negan has been able to fight Brakada back and forth, and Negan's master tactics are indispensable.

Among the nine major forces, only Negan has a tactics academy.

Among Negan's heroes, let alone the distant ones, right now, there are three true legends with legendary tactics: Gunnar, Shacket, and Dais.

Moriel herself possesses semi-god-level tactics, and is also the dean of the [Black Dragon City Tactics Academy General Academy].

Now many of Negan's common tactics when facing Brakada have been improved by Moriel.

Qi Ge said in front of Moriel that she was not good at what she was best at.

To Moriel, this was like Qi Ge showing off his sword skills in front of Guan Gong, saying that Guan Gong was not good at swordsmanship; Qi Ge was trying to repair a wooden man in front of Lu Ban, saying that Lu Ban's skills were weak.

With her bad temper, it's only normal for her to be angry.

Qi Ge smiled slightly.

He dared to say this in front of Moriel, and he naturally understood Moriel's character.

Although she was a little angry now, she didn't take action directly or leave because she was waiting for herself to give her an explanation.

In another two minutes, whatever favor she loses will be given back to me twice as much.

Qi Ge smiled slightly, shook his head and said:

"Be calm and don't be impatient.

Your Majesty Moriel.

The more you discern, the clearer it becomes.

I still stand by my point of view, your style of play is wrong. "

Moriel's eyes became colder, but she still had no intention of leaving.

She sat down again, pointed to the military illustrations in front of Qi Ge and said:

"Although your argument is ridiculous, it is still somewhat novel after all.

For the sake of Erni and Hora's constant recommendation, I will argue with you.

All your air force tactics look good, but are not feasible at all.

The battle that Brakada is good at has never been a mobile battle, but a steady defensive counterattack.

Use snake monsters and stone men as defense forces to protect your own long-range troops, and rely on powerful long-range troops and magic to reduce the number of enemy troops.

Focus on the invincible position first, and then attack slowly.

Black dragons are not afraid of magic, but harpies and manticores will become targets of magic output.

The Black Dragon alone has no other main force and will only be unable to struggle under the siege of other arms.

This tactic of yours is even worse than just taking the black dragon and throwing Doomsday Judgment.

Originally, everyone had soldiers of levels 1 to 7, just like everyone had armor, sword, and shield.

You take off your armor and shield when you come up and want to fight with a sword while someone is fully armed? "

Moriel shook her head, her disappointment evident.

Qi Ge was not moved at all, but smiled and said:

"It would be best if we could use the Black Dragon Doomsday Style.

But we don’t have that many black dragons, and we don’t have that many heroes who are good at the Doomsday Judgment. "

Qi Ge pointed at the weapon guide again and said loudly:

"So, I say, you are wrong!

Your Majesty Moriel, your thinking and that of countless Negan sages are still limited to frontal combat.

Because the battle in the Yasha world has always been like this.

No matter how many twists and turns you go through in the middle, a big battlefield or battle space will eventually unfold, and it will be a matter of life and death.

It's always been like this.

But it’s always been like this, right? "

It's time for the showdown.

Qi Ge put away the soldier's illustrated book and replaced it with a map.

“This is a national topographic map of Bracada.

Just yesterday, Brakada had deployed a large number of troops across the country to attack Negan from six directions.

The total number of troops is limited.

If there are more troops to attack, there will be fewer troops to defend. "

The seven doves pointed their fingers at the Arctic Ocean in the northernmost part of Brakada, and then said:

“As long as we arrive here through the maelstrom, we can go all the way down the Arctic Ocean, from the Everfrost Icefield, over the extremely cold highlands, bypass the Thunder Mountains, and directly enter the hinterland of Brakada.

Then, relying on the mobility advantage of the air force, flowers bloomed in all directions! Catch them unprepared!

This tactic cannot be used at all when the Yongshuang Icefield is still unstable.

Because the vast number of wild monsters on the Yongshuang Icefield alone is enough for us to drink a pot.

But now, the Everfrost Icefield has stabilized.

It was precisely because of the stability of the Everfrost Icefield that Brakada dared to mobilize so many troops for a frontal attack.

But also because the Everfrost Icefield is stable, we have a direct passage to the depths of Negan. "

Qige's words made Moriel calm down a little.

She stared at the map carefully, analyzed it in her mind, and said:

“I have to say, it is indeed a very creative idea.

It's just a pity that it can't be done.

I know the power of Bracada better than anyone.

Brakada has mobilized a lot of troops, but this does not mean that they have no defensive strength.

Brakada's city defense itself is very strong, and each main city is also stationed with magic crystal cannons.

If we only bring the air force, we may not even be able to capture any major city.

But if you bring infantry with you, it will slow down your actions. Once you are overtaken, you will be left alone and helpless. "

Qi Ge smiled mysteriously: "Then, wouldn't it be better if we didn't attack the city?"


Qi Ge took out a new map and took the last trump card!

“This is a map of all wild mines and wild factories in Bracada.

Brakada's special lord private army system makes the city lords of all cities relatively financially independent.

Because of this, every city lord values ​​resources and gold coins.

Even if a full-scale war begins, they will not let their mines stop for a single second.

Brakada's second-level and third-level arms are all inanimate mechanical dolls.

The factories that produce gargoyles and golems occupy a large area and are basically unable to be built in the city, so they are scattered in large numbers in the wild.

In addition to the arsenal, there are also ballista factories, ship factories, commodity factories... and so on!

Compared with the defense of cities, the defense of mines and factories is almost zero for us.

Bringing only the air force means that Bracada's troops cannot catch up with us.

We don't attack cities, only mines and factories.

Take away or destroy all inventory in the mines and factories.

Capture all the goblins working in the mines and factories.

It only takes ten minutes for us to destroy a mine or a factory.

For Brakada to restore a mine to production, it would take at least a day from recruiting goblins to transporting it.

We can come and go like the wind in the hinterland of Bracada and destroy the economic lifeline of Bracada!

No matter how strong the financial strength of the city lords of Brakada is, they cannot afford the loss of the source being cut off.

Those city lords on the front lines will definitely be disinclined to fight when they hear the fire in their backyards, their morale will plummet, and the pressure on the front lines will suddenly be relieved.

If everything goes well, with one wave, we can bring Bracada's industrial system back to two hundred years ago! "

Moriel's eyes shone brightly when she heard this, and she was extremely shocked.

As a master tactician, she has seen the feasibility and vitality of Qi Ge's combat plan.

She pointed to the city on the map and said:

"If the defenders of those cities are under pressure, they will station troops in the mines and factories."

Qi Ge and Moriel said in unison:

"We can concentrate our superior forces and rob the city!"

Book title: "After Rebirth, My Friend's Mother Became My Maid"

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