Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 468 Demigod Encounter

Fafner looked at the three players in front of him with a serious expression.

Xiaobai and the other three looked serious on the outside, but they were complaining about Fafner's bald head in an internal private chat.

After a long moment, he nodded solemnly and said: "He is indeed a very outstanding warrior.

I could see the twinkle in their eyes. "

Speaking in human language: flashing light = level 20 or above

Although heroes above level 20 do not sound powerful, they are not even masters.

But in fact, heroes below level 20 can only be regarded as ordinary heroes, and heroes above level 20 can be called elites or quasi-masters.

This is because NPCs are different from players.

Players can be resurrected if they die, but NPCs are gone if they die.

Of course, there is actually a huge gap in combat power between the player's level 20 and the NPC's level 20.

This is because the player is a blank slate, and the NPC will have basic troop capabilities.

But neither Fafner nor Nila knew this yet.

"Warriors invited by the Mother Goddess, I have a task for you."

Nila said to Li Xiaobai and the others.

"There is a powerful family in the south of Brakada - the Kaier family.

The Kel family are descendants of the legendary hero Castor.

Castor was the hero of the founding of Brakada and had been guarding the demigod Gavin.

Of course, he's gone now.

Kelvin, the city lord of [Pingdi City], is from the Kel family.

I have now determined that Kelvin betrayed Brakada, and it was he and his men who destroyed a large number of [Flatland City]'s defense equipment that led to [Flatland City]'s fall.

Kelvin also has an older brother, Kelfu, the city lord of Falling Moon Territory.

I need you to go to the Moonfall Territory, inquire about Kelfo and secretly observe whether Kelfo has rebelled.

If you can get hold of Kelfo, don't act rashly and notify us immediately with this conch. "

Nila handed over a magic conch and continued:

"You guys must be careful. Although the Kaier family is no longer as powerful as before, it is still an old family with a wide network of connections in the south of the empire.

Put your own life first. "

The princes, generals and ministers stood up straight and responded solemnly:

"Your Majesty Nila, Your Majesty Fafner, please rest assured, we promise to complete the mission!"

After leaving the camp, Li Xiaobai, Lin Xi, and the princes and generals returned to their rooms and began to discuss.

"Has everyone received the mission?"

"Received, [Searching for Evidence of Kelfor's Rebellion], legendary mission."

Li Xiaobai said with a tangled expression:

"This is a bit troublesome. To do this task, we have to go to Falling Moon Territory, but the boss asked us to monitor the movements of Brakada's army here.

If I keep putting off doing it, I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of Fafner and the others. "

The prince thought for a while, sighed, and said: "If it doesn't work, we can only act separately.

Two went to Kelford and one stayed here. "

"No, it's still easy to arouse suspicion. Moreover, one person cannot cover everything, which will leave big loopholes in intelligence surveillance."

Lin Xi denied calmly.

"so what should I do now?"

"Wait a minute, let me think about it."

Lin Xi lowered his head.

Sunset Arrow: Boss! We're in trouble here.


Sunset Arrow: Jiligulu, Bilibili...

Qi Ge: Got it. You will report directly to Nila after a while.

Tell Nila that Ralph is not in the Fallen Moon Territory and that he has been transferred to Thunder City.

Qi Ge: Nila and Fafner will give you permission to enter Thunder City, most likely three identity cards.

Qi Ge: Then if you delay a little longer, I will find a way to mobilize Kelfu to the front line.

Sunset Arrow: Huh? Let the Npc come to us directly? Is there such an operation? Boss, you are too awesome.

Sunset Arrow: I understand!

Lin Xi raised her head, full of confidence.

"Done! Sure enough, nothing can trouble me."

On the vast Arctic Ocean, the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops and the ice whale group have gradually approached the shallow sea area.

It is only about twenty kilometers away from the land of Yongshuang Icefield.

Even without the help of the ice narwhal group, the temperature was within the tolerance range of the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops.

Ice narwhals are easily stranded when they enter shallow seas. Once here, Qi Ge will be separated from them.


[Buzzing] Chirping as quietly as possible, reluctantly saying goodbye to the seven pigeons.

Qi Ge gently stroked [Buzzing]'s horn and said softly:

"Thank you for your hard work, [buzzing].

I promised you that I would make the mages of Brakada pay with their blood. "

“Buzz~~” (I wish you a safe journey and success, warrior!)

"Woo~" (Be sure to come back safely, we will be nearby to pick you up.)

The kind-hearted ice narwhal family gave their blessings to the seven pigeons who were about to go on an expedition.

The low-volume whale calls joined together, creating ripples on the blue sea.

Seven Pigeons rode on Ziyuan and waved to them.

"Everyone, don't get too close. Be careful to attract the attention of the Bracada sentry."


After bidding farewell to the Ice Whale, Qi Ge returned to the back of [Dark Infinite Dragon].

Moriel looked at Qi Ge with a half-smile, and said with emotion:

“The extremely cold climate of the Arctic Ocean has always made this place a legendary forbidden area.

I have been thinking about how you would use our troops to cross the Arctic Ocean.

I thought you were going to pull out a magical combination treasure, or that you were actually an ice demigod with a hidden identity.

But I never imagined that you could have such close contact with the overlord of the Arctic Ocean.

I have to say, you surprised me. "

Qi Ge knew that Moriel would not praise him for no reason.

Since she boasted like that, there must be something behind her tail.

So he didn't reply, just waited with a smile.

Sure enough, Moriel nodded and then asked:

"Xingfeng, getting here is just the first step. Next, we have to try to cross the Everfrost Icefield.

Brakada has been cultivating the Yongshuang Icefield for many years. Even during the period when the Yongshuang Icefield was unstable, there were still countless outposts guarding the Yongshuang Icefield.

According to your plan, we need to enter the hinterland of Bracada without being discovered by anyone.

Otherwise, once Bracada is prepared, the effect of our surprise attack will be greatly reduced.

At that time I asked you how to infiltrate.

You said it would be kept secret for now.

Out of trust in you, I did not ask you in detail.

Now that we’re here, it’s time for you to give me an explanation, right? "

Hearing Moriel's inquiry, Basilei, Silica, Hora and Elni all turned their heads and looked at them curiously.

Qi Ge smiled softly and replied:

“Indeed, Brakada has many outposts in the Everfrost Ice Field.

But the Everfrost Icefield is extremely cold when it is unstable.

Gargoyles and golems will lose their combat ability due to cold (movement speed reduced to 1, attack and defense -10.)

Mages and djinn who do not have the ability to adapt to the cold cannot live in the outpost for a long time.

Although mages and djinn can rely on constant replacement of warm stones to maintain body temperature, no mage or djinn would choose to do so.

Because when the Everfrost Icefield is unstable, these outposts are likely to be attacked by powerful wandering wild monsters, and are always in danger of destruction.

For Brakada, the outposts densely spread across the Everfrost Icefield are all consumables.

Naturally, mages and djinn are not consumables.

Therefore, the guards in all outposts are snow elves.

And those snow fairies are now our own.

They will rely on the wide field of vision of the outpost to help us plan our route and ensure that we can reach the ice and snow plateau on the border of the Everfrost Icefield without being discovered by anyone. "


Moriel was shocked.

"Xingfeng, you have to know that as long as a goblin reports, our whereabouts will be discovered.

Unless you can ensure that the entire Everfrost Icefield, so many outposts, and all the snow elves will help us.

But how is this possible?

The goblin clan is one of the seven major races of Brakada, and they are the people of Brakada. "

Qi Ge shook his head and replied with emotion:

"nothing is impossible.

I am 100% sure that all the goblins will be on our side.

Although the goblins are the subjects of the tower force, the tower is really cruel to the goblins.

If the monarch treats the people as his own brothers and sisters, then the people will treat the monarch as their own heart and soul;

If the monarch treats the people like dogs and horses, then the people will treat the monarch like strangers;

If the monarch treats his people like grass and grass, the people will treat the monarch like enemies.

The ruling class of Brakada regards goblins as firewood to light the furnace, as livestock for repeated harvesting, and as soil that is trampled wantonly.

The goblin clan naturally regards them as sworn enemies. "

Qi Ge took out an exquisite glass cabinet from his space backpack. The cabinet contained colorful scraps of fabric, large and small.

He stared into Moriel's eyes and said seriously:

“I told the goblins guarding the sentry that if something unexpected happened and the things they helped us with were discovered.

It is very likely that they will all be executed, and I may not be able to rescue them in time.

After those goblins listened to my words.

They all took off all their military equipment and placed them on the ground. Each of them cut off a small piece of rag from his robe.

The goblins told me that if they were executed, I would bury their rags as proof that they had been in this world.

They have long regarded death as home, and even the fear of death cannot shake them, so how could they report on us? "

"The monarch treats his people like grass and grass, and the people will treat the monarch like enemies."

Moriel chewed Qi Ge's words and her expression gradually became serious.

"Xingfeng, you are so brave.

Are you not just talking about Bracada, but also about me? "

"I never meant that!"

Qi Ge lowered his head slightly, thinking:

Actually I have.

Negan’s ladder slavery is Negan’s biggest hidden danger.

Negan’s lowest-level slaves are cavemen, but in Negan’s true legend, Elache, Demak, Sact, Jaeger, and Jean are also cavemen.

If ladder slavery is not eliminated, Negan will one day be counterattacked.

Just like Bracada.

Regarding Qi Ge's words, Silica and Basile Lei had different expressions.

Silica looked complicated.

Her [Potato City] is the main city with the most slaves in Negan.

The vast fertile plains require a large number of caveman slaves.

But Qi Ge's words also made her reflect a little.

This made her realize that perhaps the reason potato production in the Fertile Plains had not increased was because of slavery.

Basil Ray couldn't agree more.

In Negan, except for the [Dark Dragon City], the harpies are all second-class slaves, and their status is only a little higher than that of the cavemen.

Qige's words simply spoke to her heart.

[System prompt: Basilei’s favorability towards you +20]

[System prompt: Xilika’s favorability towards you +5]

Moriel took a deep look at Qige, snorted from her nostrils, turned around and said:

"You dare to scold me in such a roundabout way, and you are the first one.

Fortunately, what you said is not entirely wrong, so I will let you go once. "

[System prompt: Moriel’s favorability towards you +2]

Moriel then asked:

“You also said that when the Everfrost Icefield was unstable, the sentries were all manned by goblins.

But now that the Everfrost Icefield has stabilized, will your plan still be useful?

Wouldn't Brakada still send mages and djinn to guard posts? "

"of course."

A contemptuous smile appeared on Qi Ge's face.

"It's just that neither the mage nor the djinn is free.

The Yongshuang Icefield has just been recovered, and a large number of ownerless mines have appeared.

What a rare feast this is for the dignitaries of Everfrost City and the entire Brakada?

Merely plundering these mines is enough to occupy them to the death. How can there be a small air traffic control sentry?

Even Trossa Legend, who had just taken over Yongshuang City, was blocked in the main castle by those giving gifts.

He has not even inspected the territory once since he took over. "

"Oh, that's it. It's indeed Brakada's style."

Moriel also laughed contemptuously.

"Xingfeng, since you are so sure, let's set off quickly.

I can't wait to tear a big hole in the tower! "

"Hold on."

Qi Ge took out a red conch from his space backpack and tapped it three times.

"Buzz buzz!"

Three dull vibrations sounded simultaneously from the goblins in charge of every sentry post in the Yongshuang Icefield!

Kandra, who was far away near the guard post of Everfrost City, found a quiet place to sit down.

He took out a red conch from his backpack, his expression extremely serious.

He carefully stroked the conch in his hand, his eyes burning with hot fire, his expression pious.

Like a believer meeting his god.

"Great Son of Miracle, the ideal land you promised is the destination of our fairy clan.

This hypocritical and dirty Bracada will eventually be swept into the ruins of history by you. "

Candela held the crimson conch tightly and struck it five times.

"Boom--boom! Boom! Boom--boom--"

One is long, two is short, two is long.

This similar scene was repeated at every sentry post.

The seven pigeons held the conch. There were many protrusions on the conch, some turned red and some turned white.

After translating the conch patterns one by one, he marked each sentry post on the map of the Everfrost Icefield with a red or blue pen.

Moriel looked at Qige's movements and asked curiously:

"Little strategist, what are you doing?"


The fairies' response will cause the patterns on the conch to change. Only those who fully understand the meaning of each pattern can read the meaning of the pattern.

This is a unique communication method of the Sea Clan and is extremely confidential.

Communicating in this way can also be regarded as a kind of protection for the goblins. "

Qi Ge picked up the paper, pointed at the pattern on the paper, and said to Moriel:

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, please see, I have divided the entire Yongshuang Icefield into 7*7, a total of 49 squares.

The surveillance range of each goblin outpost is a circle.

The blue circle means passable, and the red circle means dangerous.

Our place is here now.

As long as you fly along the blue circle, you can avoid Bracada's surveillance.

Our flying altitude should be as high as possible, preferably above the clouds.

This not only prevents people from accidentally discovering me, but also gives me an emergency response in the event of an emergency. "

"It's quite thoughtful."

Moriel nodded with satisfaction.

The wind was freezing, with gusts of air and storms carrying snowflakes.

High in the sky, giant dragons flew neatly in several rows.

The closely connected white clouds are constantly being left behind by the dragon army.

Most of the dragons are well-trained and don't look sideways, except for one naughty red dragon who looks around curiously while flying.

Perhaps because it came to the sky of Brakada from the future, the red dragon was particularly excited, and even wanted to howl and spit out a breath of sulfur-smelling dragon breath to melt the clouds mixed with ice and snow.


The black dragon flying above his head flicked its tail and slapped it hard on the head, knocking him down.

Chilong immediately straightened his neck and raised his head, perfectly integrating into the team atmosphere.

On the back of the mythical soldier [Dark Infinite Dragon], Erni and Hora spread out a magic barrier to help the Seven Pigeons withstand the strong wind.

Qi Ge stared at the drawings and conches in his hands seriously, and kept recording on the paper with a magic pen.

Once the pattern on the conch changes, Qi Ge takes the magic pen and taps it lightly, and the colors of the blue and red circles will quickly change.

Relying on this method, Qi Ge continuously directed the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops to adjust their flight direction, perfectly avoiding all surveillance from Brakada.

Moriel sat next to Qi Ge, looked at Qi Ge’s drawings, and sighed:

"This drawing of yours, combined with your conch, can actually function as a real-time monitoring device on a large scale?

It is simply more convenient than the demigod level to see through the atmosphere and the earth. "

Qi Ge said with a smile: "The blueprint and the conch are just processing equipment, the real useful thing is the fairy sentry that provides information.

Those goblins who took huge risks to provide us with information are the main contributors to our smooth journey. "

Moriel raised her chest slightly and said:

"Of course I know that.

The goblins are always there. Don’t you deserve my praise for being able to organize these goblins?

Feel honored, little strategist.

I rarely appreciate others. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly.

Of course he knows.

Morel prefers simple and direct material rewards to appreciation.

Verbal praise is really not her style.

Of course Qi Ge understands what she means. This is to express her appreciation for herself.

She probably wants to include herself in the dungeon force now.

If it was a previous life, Qige might be very happy to accept it.

But not in this life.

Therefore, Qi Ge could only pretend to be confused and pretended not to understand and replied:

"If your Majesty is interested in my method, I can give you the detailed instructions for using this conch and how to set the password.

It’s just that this set of conches is a specialty of the mermaid clan and is relatively difficult to buy. "

Do I want conch? What I want is you!

How can someone as smart as you not understand what I mean?

Moriel glanced sideways at Qige, unable to tell for a moment whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

At this moment, the conch on Qi Ge's hand suddenly flickered.

The pattern on the conch suddenly changed, and large bright red dots flashed one after another!

"Is this?! The whole army stops!"

Qi Ge stood up in surprise and said quickly.


Moriel immediately blew a melodious whistle.

All the dragons suddenly stopped in the air at the same time!

It only took less than half a second for the dragon army to go from rapid movement to sudden stop!

Moriel asked with a serious expression: "What's going on?"

"It's not clear yet."

Qi Ge shook his head and picked up the drawing.

He pointed to the pattern on the drawing and said: "Look, Your Majesty, this is the southern part of the Everfrost Icefield. Starting from the direction closest to the Thunder Mountains, a large number of sentries are rapidly turning red.

From the interval between when the sentry turns red, the opponent's marching speed can be roughly calculated.

I suspect that it is very likely that there are troops carrying armed airships, setting off from the Thunder Mountains and heading to the eastern border of Brakada.

The only city near the Thunder Mountains is the tower capital Thunder City.

Thunder City has the strongest teleportation array in Brakada, which can easily teleport a large number of troops.

Only when the total number of troops exceeds 20,000, the teleportation array cannot be used and must be transported by armed airships.

If my guess is correct, this is most likely an army from Thunder City.

Moreover, it is the main army led by the demigod Somra. "

Hora stood aside and asked: "Your Highness, do you need me to use perspective magic to take a look?"


Qi Ge shook his head quickly.

"Somra is a demigod of the legal system. Magical fluctuations as strong as clairvoyance magic will definitely be noticed by him."

"Then, as long as he can't detect it."

Erni walked to Qi Ge and looked at Qi Ge confidently.

Qi Ge's eyes lit up and he understood immediately.

"Your Majesty Erni, thank you for your hard work."

"It's an act of duty."

Elni opened her hands, and golden light began to flash around her.

"My Goddess of Wealth, I pray and exchange one hundred thousand gold coins for you for the supreme miracle!

From now on, my magic will be silent and undetectable by anyone!

First level magic, see through the atmosphere.

A true god-level effect - overlooking from afar! "

This is Elni's legendary profession, which can enhance magical effects with gold coins.

The more gold coins Krypton has, the more powerful it is.

In front of Ernie, a bright screen gradually appeared.

On the screen, a mass of black armed airships covered the entire sky.

A large amount of black smoke emerged from the sky above the armed airship, forming a spectacular black cloud.

"Thousands, ten thousand"

Moriel bit her finger and said:

“A conservative estimate is tens of thousands of armed airships.

If these armed airships are used to carry mages, they can carry millions.

It is impossible for all the regular troops in Thunder City to have so many mages.

This can only show that there are a large number of armed airships carrying giant troops, one of which is enough to fill one vehicle.

It's very likely that the Titans are out.

You guessed it right, little strategist, he is indeed the main force. "

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