
The dragon spreads its wings and flies high.

The [Dragon Eagle] legion led by Qi Ge and Moriel flew towards the west of Brakada without concealing their figures.

The huge dragons lined up in neat formations, rushing across the sky and disturbing the clouds.

Whenever they pass by mines and factories, Seven Pigeons will lead the [Dragon Eagle] legion and rush down from the sky.

Even if Moriel doesn't show up, the Seven Pigeons alone can support the powerful offensive of the [Dragon Eagle] Legion.

Compared with those rotten heroes who guard the mines, Qi Ge's command experience is too rich.

In front of Qi Ge, their tactical intentions could not be hidden at all, and Qi Ge would easily see through them.

Coupled with the strength of the [Dragon Eagle] Legion, those enemy heroes who dared to resist were all able to seek mercy and receive mercy very smoothly.

Seven Pigeons led the [Dragon Eagle] Legion and flew eastward from the hinterland of Brakada. Seven Pigeons did not let go of all the factories and mines along the way and captured them all.

But as the [Dragon Eagle] Legion deepened, the situation began to change.

"Your Highness Xingfeng! The factory we just attacked was empty.

Equipment and personnel retreated, and not a single goblin was found. "

"Report. Your Highness Xingfeng, the three mines are all empty. There is nothing in them."

Listening to the reports of the harpies, Qi Ge frowned.

“Strong walls clear the wilderness.

Brakada's command had anticipated our guerrilla tactics and began to take countermeasures at all costs. "

As a farming civilization in ancient China, strengthening walls and clearing fields was one of the common strategies used to face nomadic attacks.

To put it simply, all the food outside the city wall is collected, and then the strong and solid city wall is used to prevent the opponent's attack, so that the nomadic troops retreat under logistical pressure.

The most typical example is the Great Wall, which was built since the Qin Dynasty.

Brakada evacuated all the resources and goblins in the mine and retreated, so Seven Pigeons' attack would have no effect.

In this way, although the Thunder Lords could not catch up with Qi Ge for the time being, Qi Ge's troops could not cause substantial damage to Brakada.

Once Qi Ge retreats, the mines and factories can quickly resume work.

"Little strategist, you seem to be in trouble."

Moriel looked at Qi Ge with a half-smile and asked:

"What strategy are you planning to use this time to solve the problem?"

Qi Ge shook his head seriously and said, "No solution. Brakada can reduce losses, but that doesn't mean they have no losses.

Our strategic purpose is to suppress Brakada's logistics production and disrupt the military morale of the frontline lords.

Mine destruction and mine shutdown have the same effect on us.

It is a pity that we cannot continue to destroy Bracada's war potential.

But that was just a casual thing.

As long as the main purpose is achieved, we will not lose money.

It's better for them to hold on to the wall and clear the field, so we don't have to waste time attacking the mines and can focus on dealing with the Thunder Lords' army. "

After a short adjustment, the [Dragon Eagle] Legion set off again, heading towards [Lava City].

Under the giant dragon, mountains, rivers and cities continued to retreat.

The cold wind blew, the rolling clouds were vast, and the white snow was flying.

Qi Ge sat on the [Dark Infinite Dragon] and introduced his tactical intentions to Moriel.

"It's going to get hotter from now on.

Soon the snow terrain will disappear and gradually give way to grass terrain.

After that, there is the lava terrain.

Continuing westward along the lava terrain, you will arrive at the [Lava City] at the far west of Bracada.

That's our ultimate goal.

But we can’t fly straight to [Lava City].

Once our tactical intentions are exposed, Brakada only needs to set up interception troops along the way, or simply lay out an encirclement in [Lava City], and we will become very passive.

What is virtual is real, what is real is virtual.

We must constantly change our route and give the appearance of continuing to wreak havoc in the hinterland of Bracada.

It's best if you can actually cause some damage.

In a word, make trouble and try every means to make trouble.

As a result, the entire Brakada's eyes were focused on the hinterland, and the troops who wanted to intercept us began to concentrate towards the hinterland.

Then we pretended to be on the run and let the Bracada lords see the hope of eating us.

When all the main cities in the hinterland of Brakada began to send troops to pursue and intercept us, we gave them a big surprise.

We suddenly accelerated, rushed out of the encirclement, and went straight to [Lava City], cutting off Somra's retreat!

At that time, the expressions of those lords will definitely be wonderful. "

"I don't know if their expressions are wonderful or not. Little Military Advisor, your expression is going to be wonderful."

Moriel laughed and waved her hand, and the magic book turned automatically.

Strategic Magic: [Perspective Atmosphere]

A screen unfolded in front of Qige and Moriel, indicating that in front of the blue dot of the [Dragon Eagle Legion], a large dense red dot was blocking the only way for the [Dragon Eagle Legion] to pass.

“It seems like our movements have been noticed.

There are at least three legends waiting for us in the army ahead.

Well, a pure air force composed entirely of djinn and gargoyles, totaling over nine thousand.

At present, the main force is not here. To gather this quantity, I am afraid that all the air forces of several nearby cities will be mobilized. "

Moriel looked at Qi Ge with a smile and asked:

"Little military advisor, how are you doing?

Should we take a detour or go back the way we came?

Or should I take action? "

Qi Ge's face was as dark as water and he said softly:

"Your Majesty, please wait patiently, but this is what I expected."

Seven pigeons rode on Ziyuan and commanded coolly:

"The Harpy is back, the Black Dragon Legion is taking off!"


Relying on Moriel's reconnaissance advantage, the Black Dragon Legion quickly took off before approaching the enemy.

Dragons have unique physical advantages in the world of Yasha.

Gravity also exists in the Yasha world, and it is not an easy task to overcome gravity.

Every cell in the dragon's body can hold a large amount of air elements.

The huge air element can make the dragon's body extremely light, and it can float in the air without even waving its wings.

This allows the dragon to easily fly over 12,000 meters.

The red dragon can fly up to more than 18,000 meters, and the black dragon can fly up to 20,000 meters.

The natural advantages of this race are simply unmatched by other races.

Junior gargoyles can fly up to about 2,000 meters, while advanced gargoyles can only fly up to 4,000~6,000 meters.

Before reaching level 5, an altitude of 10,000 meters is simply beyond the reach of the gargoyle.

Although the djinn is an elemental creature, there are four elements that make up the djinn, the main ones being the water element and the earth element.

Because of this, the Djinn can rely on the air element to accelerate, but cannot rely on the air element to keep himself rising.

The flying height of the djinn is generally between 6,000 meters and 9,200 meters. The level 4 miracle unit [Bright Djinn] is the highest flying among all the level 4 djinn, and can only reach between 13,600 meters and 16,000 meters.

Of course, gargoyles can't fly that high, and neither can harpies.

There is also a [Yasha World Energy Balance Code] involved here.

In other words, the Yasha energy in the Yasha world always slowly transfers from more places to less places.

At the same time, the lower the unit level and rank, the weaker the ability to lock Yasha energy in one's body.

Although the creatures in the Yasha world do not rely on oxygen to survive, most creatures need to absorb Yasha energy from the outside world to maintain their existence.

But in high altitude, Yasha's energy is very thin.

Unlike the dragon, the harpy does not have a large amount of structure on its body to store Yasha energy.

Because of [Yasha World Energy Balance Code].

At high altitude, a harpy that does not have the ability to lock in Yasha's energy will continue to lose Yasha's energy in its body.

When the altitude reaches 13,000 meters, the harpy can only survive for ten minutes.

Each time the height increases, the harpy's survival time will be shortened.

If they want to avoid the pursuit of the opponent's flying units, the [Dragon Eagle Legion] must rise to at least about 15,000 meters. This height is simply murder for the Harpy.

However, how could Qi Ge not have considered this issue.

"All the troops are listening, Harpy, take the [Resource Bottle]!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The harpies immediately reached out and took off a small glass bottle tied to their inner thighs.

On the side of the glass bottle, there are several large characters clearly engraved:

【Made in Philomena's workshop.

Produced by Philomena, quality guaranteed. 】

【Resource Bottle

Level 1 Alchemy Treasure

Equipment location: miscellaneous items

Can be used to load resources, up to 16 units of standard resources. 】

[Resource Bottle] is an alchemical treasure that is useless to heroes. Its only function is to store resources.

But heroes will all have space backpacks given by the Mother Goddess, which can store unlimited resources.

Therefore, [Resource Bottle] will only be used by some units that go to the wild to collect resources.

Sister Deng Shen didn’t ask Qi Ge what she wanted to do, and gave Qi Ge a bunch of them very generously.

"All the harpies, open the resource bottles! Release the warm stones!"

Qi Ge gave the order, and the Harpies immediately opened the mouth of the [Resource Bottle] and placed the warm stone on the mouth of the [Resource Bottle].

Under the heating of the warm stone, the temperature inside the [Resource Bottle] immediately began to rise.

The wood, ore, gems, crystals, sulfur, and mercury stored in the [Resource Bottle] quickly begin to melt.

These standardized resources contain the most active and easily absorbed Yasha energy in the Yasha world.

This Yasha energy can be easily absorbed by the soldiers as long as the shell that stores this energy is broken.

Of course, the cost is extremely high.

One [resource bottle] needs to contain 4 wood and 4 stones, and 2 secondary resources each.

And all the resources in a [Resource Bottle] are burned out, and only the Harpy can survive for twenty minutes.

Relying on this almost luxurious method, the harpies gained valuable time in the air.

The dragon rose higher and higher, and soon reached an altitude of 15,000 meters!

The [Dragon Eagle Legion] was just like this, standing above the heads of Brakada's blocking army, passing through the sky above them openly and openly.

Sitting on the back of the Dark Infinite Dragon, Qi Ge's eyes were stern.

"Want to intercept me? You are overestimating your capabilities.

If you want to stop me, just let your precious miracle troops fly up alone.

An army of nine thousand? It just looks bluffing.

Under the premise of total war, how many miraculous troops can Brakada produce?

I want to take a closer look! "

Just as Qi Ge was in high spirits, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up on the interceptor army below.

Then a pair of huge wings of light covered the bodies of the gargoyles and djinn!

Legendary magic: flying magic!

【Flying Thaumaturgy

Legend, Qi system, strategy

Effect: Allowing troops unable to fly to gain flight capabilities, greatly increasing the flight height of the troops, and greatly extending the air control time of the troops]

"Fuck! A legend who specializes in air magic?!"

At this time, Qi Ge felt that he was a clown.

After putting on this showy show for a long time, he was subdued by the opponent's move.

Damn you, Li, if you have the magic of flying, you should have told me earlier!

With the blessing of flying magic, the flying height of the troops only depends on the hero's ability.

If you are a high-power mage with legendary air magic, flying to more than 20,000 meters is just the same.

Looking at Qi Ge’s frown and the drooped corners of her mouth, Moriel, who rarely saw Qi Ge deflated, laughed unscrupulously:

"Yo. Little strategist.

You seem to be in a bit of trouble?


In fact, you have done very well from Dark Dragon City to now.

Much better than I imagined.

Your intelligence and tactical acumen amaze me, but your strength is still your shortcoming after all.

This is not a problem that an ordinary hero should bear.

Relax, I'm here. Leave the rest to me. "

As Moriel said this, she slowly floated on the back of [Dark Infinite Dragon].

Her dragon wings spread out, her red hair flew, and she was about to take action.

Qige:? ? ?

How come I deceived everyone in my acting?

Qi Ge quickly said:

"Your Majesty! Please be patient."

Qi Ge said quickly:

“It’s not time for you to take action yet.

The arrogance of the Brakada mages stems from their mastery of magic.

Indeed, with the help of the goddess of magic, the magic in the world of Asha is definitely the most complete and perfect system.

Magic is useful, but magic is never omnipotent.

Arrogance always pays the price.

Now is the time for them to pay the price for their arrogance. "

Seeing Brakada's army flying higher and higher, the corners of Qi Ge's lips were slowly rising.


The legendary mage Drupo stared at the sky intently with a fanatical expression.

As a pseudo-legend floating in the core of Brakada, he is waiting for such an opportunity to prove himself.

His master specialty is to increase the duration of air magic (pseudo-legends do not have legendary specialties).

This specialty, which is neither good nor bad, is not ranked at all in Bracada, which is full of talents.

Drupo has been thinking hard about how to increase his voice and influence.

Years of hard work paid off, and Drupo actually came up with a way.

He can rely on attack acceleration and flying thaumaturgy to help the armed airship maneuver quickly!

Drupo, who has limited talent, knows well the reason why the stupid bird flies first.

Drupo devoted all his energy to studying the magic of flying thaumaturgy.

With limited talent, it would be too difficult for him to learn legendary magic.

But Drupo had no intention of giving up.

If it doesn't work in one year, then ten years; if it doesn't work in ten years, then twenty years.

Hard work paid off, and Drupo finally successfully learned the magic of flying!

It's a pity that fate plays tricks on people. After Drupo learned the flying thaumaturgy, he realized that the flying thaumaturgy has no effect on war machines such as armed airships.

The frustrated Drupo returned to the Skyrim Province, which is rich in armed airships, and planned to be a city lord in peace and contentment, no longer thinking about anything.

However, God sent an opportunity.

The appearance of the Black Dragon Legion gave Drupo hope of a comeback.

“The great [Thunder Lord] legion is on the way, and the demigod [Dragon Slayer] will arrive soon.

As long as I delay it for a little bit, I can make a huge contribution!

The two legendary mages beside me, one specializes in djinn and the other specializes in gargoyles.

But their contribution in this battle is definitely not as good as mine.

If I can be favored by His Majesty the [Dragon Slayer], maybe I can even hope to become a member of the Great Council and honor my ancestors!

Congressman Drupo, that sounds easy to me! "

Looking at the Black Dragon Legion getting closer and closer, Drupo's blood surged!

"Although the black dragon is immune to all magic, the red dragon is only immune to level 1~4 magic.

In addition to flying magic, I also have a legendary [Thunder Explosion] scroll!

Let me first use the blood of the red dragon to kick off my rise.

Well, something seems to have fallen from the sky? "

When the magic-forbidden realm of [Magic Shield] unfolded, Drupo still held the scroll of [Thunder Explosion] and looked at a loss.

The altitude at this time was more than 14,000 meters.

The flying magic effect on the djinn and gargoyles suddenly disappeared, and the restraint from gravity immediately pulled them down. '

Of course, so does Drupo.

His body is a mage, and without the help of magic, he has no ability to fly at all.

The thin air at high altitudes provides almost no air resistance.

Therefore, the falling speed of [Magic Shielder] is almost the same as their falling speed!

"Bang bang bang."

At an altitude of 14,000 meters, a level 2 and 2 advanced gargoyle could not hold on for more than ten seconds.

It wasn't until the gargoyles exploded rapidly that Drupo realized what was happening in a trance.

He looked around him in disbelief, feeling the ambiguity of the magic power in his body, and was horrified:

"Ban! Ban! Ban! Ban the magic ball!


Tanan who leads the Black Dragon Legion? !

Tanan joins Negan? ! "

Drupo almost woke up from the intense discomfort caused by the rapid descent.

"Then I'll give you a spanking! Run away!"

He immediately turned around and looked around, looking for a way to escape.

But as a mage, he seemed so powerless when his magic power was banned.

Even the escape scroll in his backpack requires magic to operate.

He quickly looked at his two legendary colleagues.

Unfortunately, what he saw were four eyes that were as panicked as him.

"Ah!! My body is going to explode."

The low-level gargoyle died, and soon it was the turn of the djinn.

The elemental bodies of these elemental creatures could no longer hold on and began to collapse.

And cracks began to appear on their elemental core, the magic lamp.

In half a minute at most, all the low-level magic lamps will die.

Only then did Drupo realize a problem.

The gargoyle doesn't matter. If he annihilates all the Djinn Legion, even if he survives, he may not be able to escape punishment in the end.

The Black Dragon Legion began to slowly descend in altitude to ensure that Brakada's army would not leave the battle space due to being too far away from the Seven Pigeons.

Under the command of Qi Ge, the Black Dragon Legion swooped gracefully.

This elegance also implies extreme malice and cruelty.

As long as the battle space does not disappear, the effect of [Magic Shield] will not end.

Seven pigeons, I'm afraid they won't be able to kill them all.

After throwing away a bunch of [Magic Shields], Qi Ge watched with cold eyes as the fireworks below continued to explode.

Moriel walked to Qi Ge and marveled at the scene in front of her.

"Awesome. So awesome.

I never imagined that you still have this skill.

The nine thousand legions led by three legends have not even touched our dragon's tail and are about to be declared destroyed. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

"Thank you for this, Your Majesty the Demigod.

Without you to expand the battle space in advance, I would not have been able to build a [Magic Shield] that could cover nine thousand troops in advance and apply it with optical camouflage. "

“This is just something that any legend can do, there is nothing that cannot be beaten.

Once you reach Legend, you can complete this strategy alone. "

Moriel glanced down, sighed boredly, and said:

"I thought they could cause you a little trouble so that I could show off my abilities in front of you.

After all, the king chooses his ministers, and the ministers choose their king.

Excellent talents will only surround themselves with excellent monarchs. "

Faced with Moriel's solicitation, Qi Ge pretended not to hear and said to himself:

"Actually, the reason why I succeeded this time was because I took advantage of the other party's impatience.

If the other party doesn't want to stop us, but relies on the advantage of flying magic to keep following us, even I won't be able to do anything against them.

To put it bluntly, this is what I call, creating opportunities.

If they are greedy for power and advance rashly, I will send them on their way. "

This is the second time Qige has rejected Moriel.

Moriel took a deep breath and wanted to get angry.

She is a giant dragon or a black dragon.

The black dragon has never been a good-tempered dragon.

Moriel took another deep breath and held it back.

People with ability have privileges here.

Qige has been considered by her as a person with special abilities, so she has great privileges!

She snorted coldly, rolled her eyes at Qi Ge, turned around and walked away angrily.

Qige looked at Moriel and felt funny in her heart.

She was still the same, even when she was holding her breath, she had to maintain a cold and arrogant attitude.

Suddenly, three white lights lit up underneath.

Qi Ge looked down and saw that the remaining djinn and the three legendary mages had disappeared.

He clicked his tongue lightly and sighed in his heart:

"Sure enough, it's not that easy. Without the shackles of war, we still can't block the other party's means of escape.

If he unfolded the shackles of war, he would be afraid that the Thunder Lord Legion would catch up and make him unable to escape. "


Qi Ge whispered:

“War is fought over intelligence.

If only there was some way to keep me informed of the [Thunder Lord] legion's information. "

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