Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 497 Under the Snowy Night·Heart to Heart

"I am a genius?"

Hearing Serui's praise, Qi Ge was a little surprised.

He pursed his lips in embarrassment and said with a smile:

“If we talk about Smit alone, he is indeed a rare genius in the entire Yasha world.

As for me, I'm just an ordinary mortal. "


Seri didn't know why, so she sighed softly.

She smiled and rubbed Smit's head and said:

“I’m proud to say that my granddaughter is the most talented treasure maker I have ever met.

Even her teacher, Jonesfield, was full of praise for her talent.

And the little rock candy I saw a while ago.

To be honest, her sense of business, her greedy use of people's hearts, and her endless deception techniques.

Even an old man like me, who has lived for so long, feels a chill in my back.

And she is still so young.

They are all geniuses.

Geniuses and geniuses will attract each other.

Just like that boy Luo Shi became Mrak's subordinate, Serena became Somra's disciple.

How can you be a mortal who allows so many geniuses to follow you willingly?

I see an extremely dazzling light in you.

Just like Creedel, Tanan, Deken, Gru, Sandro, Mrak...these geniuses.

You all have clear obsessions that can affect the entire Yasha world. "

Qi Ge:......

Although you make a good point.

However, I am indeed a human being.

I am just a mortal who has taken advantage of the prophet.

If there's anything extraordinary about me, it's probably my energy level.

Only in terms of the upper limit of energy value and the recovery speed of energy value, I have the confidence to say that I am a genius.

Well... what I find hard to say is that I only gained this talent by relying on the Scepter of Silence and the Token of Stop.

Therefore, Qi Ge could only take a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Your Majesty Serui, you are very grateful. I am just a mortal who tries my best to make everything the best."

Seri looked at Qige with a smile and said:

"If you really think that, remember your current thoughts firmly.

Afterwards, no matter what happens, no matter how many hardships you go through, even if you have to experience the pain of death and the despair of losing everything, don’t forget your current [heart].

The difference between genius and mortal is sometimes this [heart].

Once you put it down, you can never pick it up again. "

Qi Ge always felt that there was something in Serui's words. Just as he was about to ask in detail, Serui changed the subject.

"You can keep this M'lak's experience for now.

I think you'll need it more than I do. "

Ah this...

If you don't want Jazz's experience, how can you break through to demigods?


I can't tell you that I still have the transcript in my hand.

Take it, take it, don't be polite to your grandson?

Although Seri's words were gentle, his actions revealed a strength that belonged to a legendary hero.

She didn't give Qi Ge any chance to refuse, and directly used magic to deliver "Speed ​​​​Experience" to Qi Ge.

“Then, I’ll leave this to you.

At the same time, it’s up to you to explore the secret of speed.

By the way, Smit is also handed over to you. "

Seri waved with a smile.

A gentle breeze rolled up Smit like a kitten and threw him onto Qi Ge.

Being treated like this by his cherished grandmother made Smit's head short-circuit for a moment.

She tilted her neck and made a strange cry: "Huh?"

Qi Ge was also caught off guard and could only quickly hug Smit with both hands.

Seri smiled and said to the two of them:

"Smit, you should spend more time with your godbrother.

I am always here.

But Qige had to leave in the afternoon.

Don't waste your precious time on me, an old woman.

Youth is fleeting and years are like water.

Time is always cruel but fair.

You guys, cherish it. "

"Your Majesty."

Seeing the kind smile on Serui's face, Qi Ge seemed to understand why Serui's friends were all over the world of Yasha.

That understanding that seems to be able to see through people's hearts is enough to melt any cold person.

At this moment, even a little politeness is not appreciated.

Qige said sincerely:

"Your Majesty, thank you very much. Actually, I also want to spend more time with Smit.

Smit? "

Smit glanced at Qige with complicated eyes, turned around and said goodbye to Seri with a smile:

"Grandma...then I'll come with you in the afternoon."

Seri smiled kindly and said:

"go Go.

Two hearts that are close to each other should stick together. "

Qi Ge held Smit's hand and led Smit out of the castle.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

The two of them just stood in the snow for a while, and the snowflakes piled up snowmen on their hats.

"Bracada is still as cold as ever."

Qi Ge took out a breath of cold air and covered Smit with his cloak.

He was in a good mood, looked down at Smit and asked:

"Smit, we still have about four hours. Although it is not a long time, I will do my best to accompany you during this time.

Is there anywhere you want to go? "


Smit didn't look up, just hummed softly.

Qi Ge felt that Smit's attitude was vaguely strange, so he asked again.

"Smit, is there anywhere you want to go?"

“There’s not much place I want to go.

Brother, just make your decision. "


elder brother……

Qi Ge sensitively noticed that something was wrong with the title.

Usually, Smit would either call himself by his first name, or he would call himself Brother Qi Ge.

This is the first time for me to address my brother directly like this.

Although this title is not offensive to Qi Ge.

No, rather, Qige became more excited after hearing this.

But Qige still noticed carefully that there seemed to be something wrong with Smit's attitude.

Could it be that...she is angry?

Is it because I keep repeating that I am Smit’s godbrother in front of Seri?

"Brother, what are you doing?

Isn’t it precious brother and sister time together?

There are only 4 hours, brother, you have to cherish it. "

Qi Ge:......

Ah, sure.

I'm angry.

"Ah, well, Smit, it was not convenient for me to directly talk about our relationship in front of His Majesty Seri just now. After all..."

After all, you are only so old and you make me look like an animal.

Qi Ge's hesitation seemed to have the opposite effect, and Smit awkwardly walked out of Qi Ge's cloak.

She turned around with a bright smile on her face and said:

"Brother, what are you talking about?

I didn't mind at all.

Ah, how about we go have something to drink.

I suddenly remembered that my grandmother took me to a very nice store a few days ago.

Let's go there. "

Smit put his hands behind his back, took two steps forward, looked back, and asked doubtfully:

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why don't you follow me?"

Although Smit did not complain or show an angry expression, Qi Ge's heart still stung for some reason.

"Ah, here it comes."

Qi Ge approached Smit apologetically, asking for a cloak to protect her from the snow.

But Smit always slipped out from under the cloak nimbly, and then quickly opened two or three steps away from Qi Ge.

"That's good.

In this case, no matter who sees us, they will think that we are good siblings.

No one will misunderstand that we are a couple.

That's great, brother. "

Qi Ge:......


Is it because it's too cold? Qige felt her stomach hurt.

He quickly opened Smit's property panel and took a look.

With a bright 200 favorability rating, there is no sign of declining.

If the favorability level is 200, even if Smit puts on the succubus' clothes, ties the ribbon himself, and lies on his own bed, there won't be anything strange.

But now, she is actually having trouble with herself?

Could it be said that Smit's action logic has even exceeded the limit of the system's favorability?

It's so troublesome that this kind of thing still happens.

Seven pigeons have big heads.

I also have to deal with Mrak, collect Sky Ship fragments, attack Hell, and upgrade the county...

There are a lot of things that must be done that are still waiting for me.

At any rate, I can be considered a preparatory boss of an anti-social organization (Fengshen).

I really don’t have time to waste on my love interest here.

Besides, I'm not good at this either.

"Boom!!! Congratulations to Master Pei Jingguang for successfully investing in the [Tree of Life] Tavern and becoming the 368th partner!"

"Bah bang bang."

The shouts, applause and cheers from the [Jenova Chamber of Commerce] spread throughout the street at an inappropriate time.

As if to hide the hustle and bustle, the white snow slowly falling from the sky became denser and denser.

In order to find the source of this pure white, the seven pigeons looked up at the sky directly above.

No, nothing about saving the world, nothing about being too busy.

They're all just excuses.

In the final analysis, it's just that I have been avoiding responding to this feeling.

If I have to be more specific, I just feel that a girl as good as Smit is not worthy of a guy like me (a scumbag).

"Ah, brother, you are in a daze again."

Smit said softly:

"Really, it's always like this.

Brother, when you and I are together, your eyes always freeze in strange places.

It wouldn't matter if we had enough time, but now we only have 3 hours and 46 minutes.

Brother, if you don't leave, I will take the first step.

After all, I walk slowly.

Otherwise, even if I will always wait for you, time will not always wait for you. "


Only then did Qi Ge notice Smit's expression.

She muttered, but there was no reproach in her eyes.

It's a kind of helplessness that "there's really nothing I can do about you."

Through this expression, Qige finally understood the true meaning behind Smit's words.

He smiled and walked over to Smit.

“Although I’ll make you wait a little bit, I promise I won’t keep you waiting for too long.

Soon, soon your hero's journey will be on the right track.

I can also sort out this chaotic situation and gain valuable development time.

By then, we will have a lot of time together every day. "


Let me make sure for you, what I expect is not to simply be together like an ordinary brother and sister. "

Smit looked at Seven Pigeons suspiciously.

Qi Ge smiled slightly:

"Ah, we are definitely not ordinary siblings. There is a deep bond and agreement between us."

Smit frowned, slightly unhappy:

“Avoiding the important and ignoring the important. If you say it, it means you haven’t said it yet.

I always feel like you are trying to deal with me in a very clever way. "

Qi Ge:......

Smit is usually very easy-going and gentle.

But when the critical moment comes, he will always show unusual persistence and determination.


Regardless of whether it was in my previous life or in reality, I would never mess with such a troublesome woman. Why did I end up falling out of favor in this life?

Or was it that I was deceived by her cute appearance when we first met her?

If this continues, I'm afraid sooner or later I will get hot-headed and give it a try, which will lead to endless entanglements in desire, and eventually I will indulge in the fusion with that young but strong soul.

While falling into a whirlpool of self-blame and introspection, he spurned himself on being a hopeless scumbag, and continued to demand until the pure relationship between the two completely collapsed.

How can something like that be allowed?

Ahhhhhh, just imagining it makes me scared.

Qi Ge knew very well that once he and Smit crossed that line, this was bound to happen.

Smit's feelings for him have enough weight to crush him, and his response to Smit will also be hot enough to burn everything.

But before, he had been working hard to accumulate the relationship between the two of them.

It's like using high dams to block flooding.

Qige understood Dayu's principles of water control.

The more the feelings are blocked, the more the flood will accumulate.

When the embankment breaks, it will be a violent storm that will overwhelm the river and destroy everything.

Originally, Qige wanted to release Smit's feelings little by little.

Unfortunately, Qi Ge now realized that Smit had too much water and he couldn't stop it.

This gave Qi Ge a subtle headache.

He scratched his head, smiled relievedly, and said:

"Of course I do. Yes, Smit, of course I do.

The relationship between us is not an ordinary brother and sister relationship. "

In short, let’s find a way to deal with it first.

Qige took out the necklace around her neck and showed it off.

"Look, I've been wearing the necklace. I haven't taken it off for a second since you gave it to me."

Even if I was pushed to the ground by Nu Qier, even if I was knocked unconscious by the mermaids, I never took it off. (proud)

A smile finally broke out on Smit's face.

"Yes! I know it, and I have always believed it.

From the first time we met, to when we worked together to raise food for the territory... and even now, my brother has never let me down. "

"Huh? You still call me brother?"

"Hey, Qi Ge."



Smit's steps became much more brisk, and he was even in the mood to kick the snow while walking like a real elementary school student.

But what makes her happy is not "student" at all.

That is, in reality, even if Qi Ge is arrested and imprisoned, it is not an exaggeration. For Smit's age, it is a very excessive thing.

After all, what has been hanging around Qi Ge's neck is...

[Smit’s love necklace]

"Ah! It's coming."

Under the pure white night shadow, Smit held Qi Ge's hand, pointed at the big store sign in front, and said excitedly:


Grandma’s favorite tavern.

There is also a wine named after my mother, Lafite.

Unfortunately, because I can’t drink alcohol yet, I could only drink black dragon tea that time.

But Qi Ge can definitely have a drink?

After Qi Ge finishes drinking, tell me what you think and treat it as if I have finished drinking. "

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Smith, your proposal is terrible in every sense of the word.

As Lafite's daughter, you let me drink Lafite...

Ah, just thinking about it makes me feel immoral.

I'm sorry, Smit, our adult world is much dirtier than you think.

Just as Qi Ge was thinking about how to deal with Lafite, suddenly, Qi Ge's friend's message flashed quickly.

Many times, the development of things always interrupts people's plans.

Qi Ge really wanted to continue to accompany Smit.

He drank slowly, and Smit drank cup after cup of tea.

Then he listened to Smit ramble on about the insignificant but very interesting stories that happened in the city of God's Chosen.

However, fate is not up to anyone at all.

Meteor: Saint [Adela] received a magical message from Ronis, requesting the southern army to immediately set off to attack the Heart of the Abyss. Lord Seven Doves, what should we do?

Pineapple Bun: In the Cathedral of the Holy City, Ronis led the angel troops out.

There were about 200 of them, all of them angels with golden wings.

As for the direction, it should be towards hell.

Pineapple Bun: The Sant'Angelo takes off! ! Heading north, heading to the Arctic Ocean!

Taro: Somra retreats from the Flame Mountain, and the armed airship is going deep into the depths of hell.

Taro: The situation has changed dramatically. Brakada and the Church of Holy Angels have reached an alliance, and Sellon is mobilizing all forces for war through the Will of the Abyss.

A series of news shocked Qi Ge's brain.

Especially the ones sent by Xiangyao.

Xiangtao is a giant fire elf player from the Tianxia Hegemony Guild.

He is also the spy placed by Qi Ge next to Ogatavia.

Normally, the taro line would never be used.

As long as there is no order from Ogatavia, Xiangtao will not take the initiative to send news.

In other words, all the messages sent by Xiangtao were the most solemn reminders given to Qi Ge by Ogtavia in the manner of a traitor within Hell.

Qi Ge realized Somra's methods almost immediately.

At this critical moment, Brakada, which has always been strong, actually formed an alliance with the Church of Holy Angels!

“As for golden wings, no matter what you consider, it can only be the [Holy Angel Legion].

Miracle soldier, the supreme archangel.

The strongest trump card that Erathia has never used so far.

The Supreme Archangel and the Demon Baron both have their own strengths and weaknesses.

If we follow the rules of previous years, the Holy War will end when the forces of the Supreme Archangel and Demon Baron appear on the battlefield.

Neither the angels nor the demons can bear the brutal casualties caused by the meeting between the two top legions.

The church will kidnap the will of the angels, and the abyss will kidnap the will of the demons, forcing the two tribes to withdraw.

But now both armies have begun to gallop on the battlefield.

Things are already heading toward collapse, which is one of the directions Qi Ge least wants to see.

The intensity of the war escalated on a large scale.

Pawn against pawn, general against general, demigod against demigod, ace against ace.

This kind of bloody battlefield unfolds for the players, but it is not wonderful at all for Qi Ge.

He knew very well that the angels were the kind of pure war machines that would never calm down in hell.

Once the Supreme Archangel enters the territory of Over, he will definitely kill him all the way until the blood flows into a river.

With Sellon's character, he would definitely bring the Hellboy Legion to fight Ronis to the death.

This means that the Thunder Lord Legion and Somra will be liberated.

From a large chessboard perspective, this means

His own intention of consuming Brakada's troops and preventing the war between Brakada and Negan will be ruined.

At the same time, the Angel Clan's fate, no matter the cost, will also give the Holy Angel Church a large amount of promotional materials.

If the Holy Angels win and achieve sufficiently brilliant results, the influence of the Holy Angels Church in Erathia will rise rapidly.

After all, after so many holy wars, fighting against hell,

It’s no longer just the angel clan’s political correctness.

Rather, the political correctness of Erathia as a whole.

Even the children in the village of Erathia would role-play against demons when playing house.

"This is more than just a's a crisis."

Perhaps because his thoughts were too deep, Qi Ge unconsciously expressed his thoughts even though Smit was still by his side.

Ding ding~~

[Night] The welcoming bell at the door of the tavern rang appropriately.

Qi Ge was stunned and realized that he was the only one who arrived at the entrance of the [Yexia] tavern despite two people walking together.


Qi Ge looked back in surprise and found Smit standing in the snow with a lonely smile.

White snow fell in waves, paving a cold road between the two.

I actually didn't even realize when Smit emerged from under the cloak.

What a gaffe.

Qi Ge felt anxious and walked back quickly.

"Smit, I..."


Smit shook his head and braced himself:

"Qi Ge, you are so serious, you are always like this."

Smit said softly:

“Qi Ge, when you and I are together, your eyes always freeze in strange places.

If you stay in a daze for a long time, Brother Qige will always leave.

So, I kind of hate it when I see you in a daze...

However, I know, Qi Ge, you must have many things that you have to do.

When I arrived at God’s Chosen City, I heard so many stories about you.

Uncle Petra's, Uncle Koroko's, Sister Mirola's...

I suddenly realized that compared to what you have to do, I am really insignificant.

I will try my best to catch up with you Qige. One day, I will become a strong and great Smit who can stand by your side and face various difficulties with you.

But now, I'm still weak.

At least, I can't be a drag on you.


So, brother Qi Ge, whatever you want to do, just do it. "

Qi Ge touched Smit's face movingly.

"Smit, you are always so well-behaved and heart-warming.

In fact, even if you are more willful, I will not hate you. "

Smit blinked and took a step closer to Qi Ge.

"Then...before you leave, give me some compensation. Just a little bit will be fine."

Smit's bright red lips spit out words with floral fragrance and charm. Just smelling the mellow fragrance in the words made Qi Ge go into a trance.

"If you wish, I'd be happy to do so."

Qi Ge wrapped the two of them in a white cloak and bowed his head slightly.

Their breaths were close to each other, and the whole world seemed to be so quiet that only the sound of their heartbeats was left.


The slight gasp that escaped from the corner of Smit's mouth was quickly licked away by Qi Ge's tongue and eaten into his stomach.

In the snow that is enough to cause hypothermia, this is the only warmth that can melt everything, making Qi Ge greedy and unable to bear to leave.

Before Qi Ge could taste it, his tongue was bitten by Smit's tiger fangs.

"Hmm." Qi Ge left in confusion. "S. Smit?"

Smit's breathing was messy and his face was rosy.

She buried her face in Qi Ge's arms and panted hard.

"Hoo ho ho."

Qi Ge patted Smit's little body with a smile and asked softly again:


"Well, I'm fine. I just feel a little, subtle?"

"Brother Qi Ge, your actions are so obscene and also so skillful."

Qi Ge:......


"Now is not the time for you to say sorry.

Now, you should go where you should go, and wipe out the enemies in two or three strokes just like you did when you saved me twice.

Then, come back to me and pay me back the four hours you owe me.

Go and complete your mission, you stinky seven pigeons. "

There was generosity, greed, and reluctance in the girl's words, which made Qi Ge couldn't help laughing.

"Ha. At least, let me send you back first.

It's snowing and very cold. "

Smit hugged Qi Ge a little tighter.

"No, it's quite warm."

Smit’s voice: [At least, now. 】


Give everyone some candy on Christmas Eve

I thought about this part in my mind very early, and specially controlled the plot to be released on Christmas Eve.

Hamster wishes the book lovers who have a partner a happy marriage, and wishes the book friends who don’t have a partner a happy marriage as soon as possible.

Ha ha.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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