Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 500 The Fortress Where the Earth Will Not Fall

Over, Southland.

Since the Poseidon Church began to attack Over, it has strictly followed Qi Ge's plan and carried out advance operations in an orderly manner.

First lay down the coastal city near the sea, then use seismic techniques to sink the city near the city, and then let the sea water flood it.

Based on the seaside, it gradually radiates to the surroundings along the river.

After forming an encirclement with the sea, the surrounded and helpless city was slowly encroached upon.

The combat effectiveness of maritime troops in the sea is completely different from that on land.

Once the city of hell is swallowed by the sea, it is almost impossible to recapture it.

This is the most standard, there is no flaw in using force to overwhelm others.

At the same time, it is also a royal strategy to fully utilize the Poseidon Church’s advantages in the sea area.

Interestingly, the person responsible for executing this strategy among the Poseidon Church and the human coalition is neither the demigod-level Sea Apple nor the legendary Adela.

But it was Luo Shi who had just completed his journey as a master.

Strength does not mean command ability.

Qi Ge had never worked with Luo Shi in his previous life, but he believed in Sir Mulak's vision and the vision of the forces in hell.

Even his enemies had to admit how difficult Luo Shi was.

Before Qi Ge and Luo Shi met, the forces of hell had sent two groups of hell legions to attack Luo Shi's territory.

In the end, Hell's sneak attack force was wiped out by Seven Pigeons, along with the human spies in Mrak's leadership. Adela's old subordinates were exposed, causing Adela to completely lose confidence in the church and completely fall to Qi Ge's side.

If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't defeat it head-on, they wouldn't have adopted such a risky method.

Facts finally proved that there was nothing wrong with the selection of seven pigeons.

Luo Shi not only perfectly understood Qi Ge's strategic intentions, but also expanded many very effective tactics based on his understanding of Qi Ge's strategic intentions.

Fiona and Names, who were responsible for guarding the southern border of hell, were defeated steadily by Luo Shi.

Just three of the main cities in the southern border have been captured by Luo Shi.

There are countless county and acropolis.

The players of the World Hegemony Guild followed Luo Shi to conquer cities and territories, supporting war with war, and all gained a lot.

More than a dozen players, including Meteor, have exceeded level 20 and have full-body real treasure sets.

Although there is still some gap compared to a few people from Qige Studio, among all the players, they are already at the top of the pyramid.

Adela wore a blue and white nun's robe and stood on the newly conquered hell city.

Her expression was serious, her hands were clasped in front of her chest, and she stood tall.

That awe-inspiring posture was enough to scare away those around him.

There was obviously no one around Adela, but Adela seemed to be talking to someone, talking to herself and nodding her head.


"I understand, teacher.

I will try my best to persuade Sylvia and let Sylvia hold back the Poseidon Church. "

"Of course, I'll be careful.

Teacher, don’t worry, Sylvia has no doubts about me at all.

After all, she and I are lifelong friends. "

"Ah, teacher, please don't be sorry.

I volunteered to come here as a craftsman.

My destination is Yunzhong City and the Holy Angel Church.

For the sake of my faith and the people of Erathia, I will do whatever it takes.

Even if I betray Sylvia, who trusts me the most, I will not hesitate. "

"Give me a little more time, and I will soon be able to find out what agreement the Poseidon Church and Catherine have reached."

Feeling that the cross in her hand finally lost strength and shattered, Adela took a deep breath.

The person talking to Adela was Ronis.

He was once the person Adela respected the most, but now he is the opponent Adela now has to face.

Adela didn't lie. She would do anything for her faith and the people of Erathia.

It's just a pity that for Adela, Ronis is now standing opposite the people and the faith.

"Boom!! Crack!!"

The earth is shaking, and the hell city that has just been conquered is sinking.

Not far away, the stormy waves caused by Sea Apple were sweeping in like a swallowing whale.

Soon, this hell city will be submerged in the ocean.

"Your Majesty, we are about to retreat."

A mermaid jumped on the waves to Adela's side.

"General Luo Shi said that my established strategic goals have been completed, and now I can shrink my forces and digest the results of the battle."

"So, has that time already come?"

Adela's eyes flickered, and she raised her head slightly to look at the sky.

The sea breeze mixed with the moisture of the sea water blew away the thick sulfur smell of hell.

This warm and moist sea breeze brought Adela's memories back to her childhood.

The father who was responsible for fishing and was sunburned all over his body, and the mother who had rough skin and vulgar language, but was extremely gentle.

Already, from that time on, what lingered in her heart was the smell of sea water.

“It looks like, finally, it’s finally starting.

Seven pigeons.

The bright future you promised me.

Are the conditions finally good enough? "


That's enough. "

Like a conversation across the air, Hai Pingguo solemnly nodded to Luo Shi in the command center thousands of miles away.

“Such a huge land area is completely enough to serve as the foundation for our Poseidon Church to develop on land.

God is also very pleased with our success. "

"That's good."

Although he has become a master hero, Luo Shi is actually much thinner than when he was separated from Qi Ge.

But in contrast, there was the confidence and brilliance shining in his starry eyes.

“Then, as long as we don’t put too much pressure on Hell, Sellon can be free to deal with Tower and Ronis.

When the time promised by Qige comes, we will be able to achieve our ultimate strategic goal. "

Luo Shi vigorously slapped a war chess piece representing the king on the map, and all his strength spread out, forming a strong wind howling in the tent.

“This step is to sound the trumpet of victory and the dawn that tears through the eternal night.

The day Sir Sir wakes up will be the day when mankind rises! "

Haiping Pingguo's eyes followed the king's war chess in Luo Shi's hand and went deep into the map.

It was as if her gaze had penetrated thousands of miles away and descended into the depths of hell.

Finally, it settled on...

Guilty Castle.

The strongest city in hell, the strongest shield facing Erathia in the abyss.

If you want to attack [Heart of the Abyss] from the direction of Erathia, you must capture [Fortress of Sin].

It was a fortified city that could not be bypassed or avoided.

Otherwise, no matter how great the victory is, it will not threaten the core of hell.

In countless holy wars, even if Erathia gained the upper hand, it had never conquered the [Fortress of Sin].

In [Guilty Castle], there is a natural wonder [Sulfur Cloud Storm] and a city defense miracle building [Illusion of Hell].

【Sulfur cloud storm

natural wonders


The power of all heroes in the territory when they release fire magic is doubled.

All released chain fireball magic is upgraded to hellfire.

The battlefield weather is forced to change to sulfurous rain.

Rain of Brimstone: Non-hell force troops lose all resistance to fire magic, and hell force troops gain immunity to fire magic. 】

【The Fantasy of Hell

miracle building

Effect: During a siege, all enemy units need to throw a coin at the beginning of each round.

The enemy unit whose coin is tails will be hit by a series of fireballs out of thin air.

The damage of the chain fireball is calculated based on the damage that the city defender can cause. 】

A wonder and a miraculous building, working together, make [Fortress of Sin] a veritable place of sin.

As long as there is a hero with higher fire magic damage as the main commander, [Guilty Castle] will be a terrifying fortress that is difficult to attack.

There is no need for many defenders, or even a battle.

Even if the Lord of [Guilty Castle] has nothing to do and summons a bunch of succubi to have a silver party in [Guilty Castle],

The siege troops outside [Guilty Castle] will also be destroyed one by one due to the combined effects of [Hell Illusion] and [Sulfur Cloud Storm].

Therefore, even though Catherine's army has long been outside [Guilty Castle], the demons in [Guilty Castle] still live in a leisurely atmosphere.

On a street filled with lava and flames, two horned evil spirits were striking each other with their horns.

A group of evil gods were beating the monsters like tops, comparing whose monsters could spin longer.

Mag rides on the three-headed hell dog and runs in groups in [Guilty Castle].

At this time, in the corner of [Guilty Castle], in the basement of a tavern that almost no one paid attention to, a storm was brewing that could set off everything.

Nu Qier tried her best to let her breath invade Qi Ge's mouth. Even though Qi Ge was already coughing because of it, Nu Qier had no intention of letting go.

It was as if she wanted to pour the thoughts of this time apart into Qi Ge's body.

Saliva flowed out one after another from the corner of Qi Ge's almost deformed mouth, flowing down the corner of Qi Ge's mouth and back to his neck.

But Qi Ge was no longer able to pay attention to such small things. He had reached the point where he had to seize every gap to even breathe.

Finally, finally, after struggling hard, Qi Ge finally got a little space to speak.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Qier, at least get on the bed, the ground is cold.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, ah~, ah ha. "

"Uh-huh, don't worry, it will heat up soon."


Nu Qier stared at the handsome evil god in front of her until she could see her own purple pupils in the evil god's eyes.

She touched Qi Ge's cheek, and her slightly blurred purple pupils seemed to be able to see Qi Ge's true body through Qi Ge's [Disguise Technique], full of fascination and dependence.

"Very good, perfect!"

Nu Qier nodded with satisfaction and said.

Qi Ge put an evil smile on his face, and his voice was full of madness:

"Oh. It seems that I finally passed the test.

As expected, the creatures from hell are the hardest to act.

I have no idea what's going on in the chaotic creature's mind. "

Nu Qier teased:


Obviously as long as you can bring out half of the madness you just showed on me, you can act very well. "


Lord Nu Qier, for the sake of my personal reputation, please do not omit the word "struggle" in "Crazy struggle". "

"Personal reputation is nothing compared to the happiness between us.

Just shoot it off like you just did. "

"Obviously you are the only one who is happy, but I am in complete pain."

"Huh? What pain?"

"The pain of losing energy, the pain of betrayal, there are so many things that are hard to describe in words."

Nu Qier stretched out her finger, poked Qi Ge's cheek hard, and complained:

"You, despite taking advantage of everything, still act like a victim.

Really, really, truly, a complete scumbag.

When I think about having to follow a bastard like you for the rest of my life, I worry that I won't even get one night a week. "

Qi Ge:......

"I try to do it once a month."

"A month at a time?"

"Ah, kind-hearted Lord Nu Qier, please spare my life."


Qi Ge and Nu Qier looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Lord Nu Qier, let's go, it's time to meet with Riska."


Boom, boom, boom!

"Lord Riska, Ogatavia's envoy has arrived."

Riska, who was deep in thought, raised his head slightly, glanced outside the door, and said:

"Let them in."


"Chief Riska, this is our first meeting.

I brought greetings from my master.

A small gift as a welcome gift. "

Nu Qier walked into the room, sat down opposite Riska generously, and pushed a black gift box over.

Qi Ge stood beside Nu Qi'er with her head held high like a bodyguard.

Riska stretched out her hand to unfold the barrier.

He glanced at Nu Qier and said with some surprise:

“The legendary succubus.

In addition to Ash, our Ofer actually has a second legendary succubus?

As expected of Ogatavia, there is always something amazing under her hands.

I don't have time for intrigues now, just tell me directly, why is she so anxious to find me? "

Nu Qier smiled softly and said:

"Master wants to ask you a favor.

If His Majesty Sellon orders you to return to defend [Heart of the Abyss], please delay for a little while. "

"Return to defend [Heart of the Abyss]? Delay time..."

Riska savored this sentence over and over again, and asked quite meaningfully:

“Ogatavia what does this mean?

Will [Heart of the Abyss] be attacked?

By whom and when? "

Nu Qier covered her mouth and smiled:


Men who have to ask questions clearly about everything will make women dissatisfied.

Men would be happier if they were a little confused. "

Riska was unmoved:

“Don’t Ogatavia herself understand how much risk I am taking by disobeying His Majesty’s orders?

If you want my help, explain everything clearly. "

"It's really troublesome."

Nu Qier sighed and said:

“It’s not really a big deal.

It's the master who thinks that from the time we arrived in the world of Yasha to now, it's a bit boring to have demons as level 7 soldiers.

It's almost time to change. "

"Ha ha ha ha!

Are you saying that you want me to betray His Majesty Sellen?

Betraying our Lord of Hell?

For me to disobey his orders so that I can help Ogatavia achieve her ambition to overthrow His Majesty? "

Riska let out a heavy sigh from the bottom of her throat as if she had heard some big joke:


That's it? That's it?

Is Ogatavia already that bad?

I specially found a legendary succubus and mobilized a large number of people to come and deliver the message.

I thought she had some evil plan that made me shudder when I heard it.

Is this the result?

Betray Sellon, win the favor of the abyss, and make the fire elf a level 7 soldier?

Stop kidding me!

There is no treachery or cunning at all, no hint of betrayal or destruction.

Corny! Boring!

It's so corny that even if I told Sellen now, he wouldn't even laugh, he would just look down upon me.

It seems that Ogatavia has rotted and lost in the gold, losing enough evil spirits to please the abyss.

If that's all, I'm not interested in your plan at all. "

This answer was completely different from what Nu Qier had imagined, which really made Nu Qier feel a bit at a loss.

She frowned, and when she was thinking about how to answer, Qi Ge suddenly reached out and patted her shoulder.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's replace you."

Nu Qier was relieved, and her expression suddenly relaxed.

She stood up and looked at the seven pigeons affectionately.

Qige sat down with her legs spread wide and stretched out her arms.

Nu Qier sat in Qi Ge's arms with great cooperation and buried her head in Qi Ge's chest.

“You can’t say things so early.

How about opening the gift we gave you? "

Qige tapped the chair lightly with her fingers and raised her head slightly.


Riska took a closer look and did not see the strength of Qi Ge.

So, he started testing without hesitation.

A heavy pressure came from Riska, firmly pressing on Qige.

Qi Ge's expression remained unchanged, and he was even in the mood to grab Nao Qier's tail hanging on the ground and put it on his belly.

When Riska saw this, she withdrew her pressure.

He said calmly:

"Oh, it seems that you are the real messenger?

Although I have never met you, if you can conquer a legendary succubus, you must not be an unknown person.

Ogatavia is so annoying.

He obviously has enough talent and wealth, but he doesn't want to train himself, and always uses convenient methods to win over various subordinates.

Such power is just rootless duckweed. "

"Win over? Maybe you have some misunderstanding about the master.

The master does not need to win over anyone.

As long as one realizes the power and invincibility of the master and has some thinking ability, he will start to follow the master without hesitation. "

Qi Ge continued:

"Open it and take a look, and then you will know how big the gap is between you and the master.

“Hiding the carefully designed hole cards in the gift box given at the opening seems a bit abysmal.

Despicable, exciting, I like it.

Then let me see what surprise you have prepared for me. "

Riska said as she casually opened the black gift box.

Contrary to his expectation, the broken black gift box was empty.


Riska felt it carefully and immediately discovered the mystery.

"This is the power of rules.

This box was once filled with rules by a demigod.

Could it be that……"

Qi Ge said:

“We, the evil god clan, have decided to completely follow Lord Ogatavia.

Riska, have you ever thought about why the master never competes with you for the position of leader of the fire elves?

Seeing this, you can't still be naive and think that the master can't compete with you, right?

It's just that from the beginning, the master's eyes were not on you.


What the master wants is not just a position below one person but above ten thousand people.

However, we still need to confirm how weak that person is. "


Riska immediately understood the implication of Qi Ge’s words.

He knocked lightly on his chair and quickly made up his mind.

“I see, this does have a sweet flavor of conspiracy.

I see.

I procrastinate for a day at most. "


Qige patted Nu Qier's butt and stood up together with Nu Qier.

"Riska, you will never regret your decision today."

Qi Ge and Nu Qier were walking on the road to [Sinful Castle].

As Qi Ge turned his head intentionally or unintentionally, Nu Qier kept throwing magic scrolls.

Fire, lightning, storm, ice blade...

One after another magic was thrown out.

The eyes that followed the two men secretly were quickly dealt with.

Even so, Qi Ge was still worried.

At an uninhabited corner of [Guilty Castle], Qi Ge and Nu Qier suddenly disappeared as the gate of time and space fluctuated.

Riska, who was lying on a chair with her eyes closed and concentrating, opened her eyes somewhat disappointedly.

"You can use the Gate of Time Scroll in every city, this guy Octavia.

There are so many gold coins that it’s disgusting.

Tsk, wealth is also a kind of power, I have to agree. "

Nu Qier checked it several times with various magics, and finally confirmed that everything was safe.

She said happily:

"Seven pigeons, successfully passed the test."

"It went well."

Qi Ge, who had lifted his disguise, was lying in a safe cave, his face pale and his whole body dripping with cold sweat.

He looked at the fear state on his panel and said with a wry smile:

"Damn it, that's why I can't understand the chaos camp.

Under normal circumstances, anyone who uses coercion to test will have murderous intent.

If it weren't for my good acting skills, I would have almost flipped over. "

Nu Qier covered her mouth and said with a smile:

“The process is not important, as long as the result is good.

Didn't we achieve our intended goal? "

"Ah, yes."

Qi Ge smiled slightly.

The reason why [Guilty Castle] is the best among Jedi is because there are unstable high-level monster areas on both sides of [Guilty Castle]. It is almost impossible to lead troops through the monster areas.

Unlike other forces, even if the Chaos Node is generated in Hell, the Hell forces can rejoice in their misfortune and move the outbreak point to other parts of the Yasha world.

It's like a mosquito that has just sucked blood regurgitating its own waste.

If you want to bypass [Guilty Castle], there is actually a more difficult method than storming [Guilty Castle].

That is to destroy the Chaos Treasure House located in [Guilty Castle], and then go around [Guilty Castle].

The [Chaos Treasure House] located deep in the wild monster area of ​​[Guilty Castle] has a terrifying difficulty that has exploded the mentality of countless players in previous lives. It also has a name that perfectly matches the abyss.

【Endless Abyss】

However, Qi Ge had one more thing to do before heading to the endless abyss.

After the disguise, Qi Ge's face turned into Riska.

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