Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 503 Awakening from the Abyss

Qi Ge was about to leave, but was stopped by Catherine who was not finished talking and insisted on chatting for more than ten minutes.

Feeling the increasingly obvious sharpness between his eyebrows, Qi Ge knew that he could not stay any longer no matter what.

It's not easy to establish a good relationship with a certain demigod who is the protagonist of the world. If the friendship breaks down because of such a trivial matter, it would be a big loss.

Qi Ge couldn't laugh or cry in her heart when she thought that every time she said another word to Catherine, a [Favorability -1] would pop up on Gru's head.

"Haha, in a sense, this is also evidence that I am recognized by Gru.

If it were men who weren't good enough, Gru wouldn't be so defensive at all. "

Qi Ge was thinking and said goodbye again:

"Your Majesty, it has been a pleasure speaking with you.

But I still have a lot of things to be busy with.

After all, the plan has come to a head.

If possible, please allow me to excuse myself. "

Catherine had a relaxed smile on her face and asked softly:

“In that case, I’ll just ask one last question.

Qige, where did you deceive my navy commander?

From the time Christine helped me deliver the letter to now, Sylvia has not come back.

Without the support of her and the Blue Whale at sea, I always feel that the rear is unstable. "


A mysterious smile appeared on Qi Ge's face.

“Sylvia is a crucial part of the plan we just talked about.

She is dealing with a task that only she can complete in the entire Yasha world. "


Catherine looked at the seven pigeons meaningfully:

"Without my consent, you just transferred our Erathia naval commander away in such an upright manner?

Isn’t the right small?

What, you also want to compete with Roland for the title of Prince of Erathia? "

"Ahem. Ahem. Ahem."

Qi Ge felt that the sharpness on his forehead suddenly gathered on his neck, even penetrating the skin of his neck and affecting his trachea, causing him to cough violently.

"Your Majesty, this joke is related to my life and death. You must not make it randomly."


Catherine looked up at the sky and suddenly smiled mischievously:

"I'm sorry, even if you really want to, you can't.

There is already a competitor, so before he gives up, you'd better wait in line slowly. "


Qi Ge felt that the sharpness disappeared instantly, as if the ice on the earth had melted away in spring.

Only then did he realize a strange sense of dissonance.

Qige asked with a wry smile:

"Your Majesty, was this intentional from the beginning?

You kept me here for so long on purpose. "

Catherine blinked at Qige and stuck out her tongue:


You obviously had a plan but you kept hiding it from me. This is my little revenge.

I am also a woman, and it is normal for me to be a little willful from time to time. "


Qi Ge's heart beat suddenly.

Tsk! hateful! Who are you!

My Majesty the Queen cannot be this lovely.

Queen Catherine, who has always been majestic and inviolable, suddenly acts cute. Who can stand it?

! ! !

No, the sharpness appears again!


Finally leaving Misty Rain City smoothly, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, a warm and soft hand slipped into Qi Ge's palm.

Nu Qier casually inserted her fingers into Qi Ge's fingers and clasped them tightly.

"How's it going? Is the matter settled?"

“Well, I’ve only seen Her Majesty the Queen for the time being.

But if my guess is correct, the target should come to me soon. "


Suddenly, a hand pressed Qi Ge's shoulder hard, and Gru's voice sounded behind Qi Ge.

"The target you mentioned refers to me, right?"

When Nu Qier looked back, she was shocked and shouted unconsciously:

"When did it appear? Why didn't I feel any breath at all?"

Gru glanced at Nu Qier strangely and replied:

"I'm a jungle warrior. Isn't it normal that I'm good at sneaking in the jungle?"


Qi Ge looked around suspiciously.

The top of the dark lava is dotted with holes of all sizes. The boiling magma in the holes makes a roaring noise, and from time to time a boiling magma bubble pops up.

"Um, where's the jungle?"

Gru smiled disdainfully and said, "If there is no jungle, wouldn't I take care of it myself?"

He turned his hand and took out a green branch.

Then he grabbed the branch and blocked his face, so Gru and the branch disappeared together.

Gru's voice came from the air.

"That's probably what it looks like."

Qige:? ? ?

Your Majesty Gru, do you have any misunderstanding about the word jungle? ?

grass! Is this okay?

So what can I say? You are a demigod and you have the final say.

The air fluctuated, and Gru appeared again.

He asked calmly:

"Let's stop talking here.

Qige, what do you want from me? "

"Your Majesty Gru, I have two things to ask you."

Qi Ge said:

“The first thing is about the [Holy Blood Bottle].

I have gathered together the components of [Holy Blood Bottle], but now I still lack the synthesis blueprint.

I heard that the last [Holy Blood Bottle] was synthesized in your hand.

So I wanted to ask you.

"Holy blood bottle."

A look of nostalgia appeared on Gru's face.

"I was still very weak back then, but I suffered a lot in order to collect the sacred blood bottles."

Qi Ge:......

Delga has been psychologically affected by you. What are you talking about?

I believed your evil deeds!

Gru recalled a little and said to Qige:

"The blueprint of the sacred blood bottle is [Silver Blood], and only the Church of the Goddess of Peace has it.

There is a legend that the "Silver Blood" is the blood left behind by the goddess of peace before she became a god, and there is also a legend that the "Silver Blood" is the holy water that gushes out from the Spring of Peace.

In short, if you want to synthesize the sacred blood bottle, you must go to the headquarters of the Goddess of Peace Church.

Oh, by the way, the Peace Church has rarely been active in the Yasha world. You must not know where the church’s headquarters is. "

No, I know, don’t say it yet!

"The headquarters is located near the waters of the Ancient Archipelago, and has been responsible for resisting the invasion of Chaos in the [Sea of ​​Flowers]."

If you discover [Sea of ​​Flowers] through exploration, you can get 1 more point of spell power.

"Forget it, you might not know it just by talking about it. I happen to have a map here."

The kind and enthusiastic Gru took out a map and stuffed it into Qi Ge's hands.

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining information about the map [Sea of ​​Flowers]]

On Qi Ge's map, in the originally chaotic sea area near the ancient archipelago, the fog suddenly dissipated, and a piece of land appeared out of thin air.

The shape of the land is like a blooming flower.

Very good, the magic power is gone.

Your Majesty Gru, why are you moving so fast?

If you keep going so fast, you will be disliked by Her Majesty Catherine.

Qige's eyelids twitched twice and said with a wry smile:

"Thank you!"

"Then, what's the other thing? Let's solve it quickly. I have to go back quickly."

Qi Ge knew that Gru was anxious to go back to protect Catherine, so he didn't delay and asked directly:

“Your Majesty Gru, do you know the whereabouts of Your Majesty Jenny and Princess Malodia?

On my side, there is a mission related to the two of them. "

"Jenny? Marodia?"

Gru gave Qige a strange look.

"Unfortunately, you came to them at this time.

They have important things to do, and they have all left Aveli now.

But I have their contact information. If you really want to find them, I can help you introduce them now and save you the trouble of running around. "

Leaving Aveli…

Most likely to track down the Sea Elf.

Tsk, trouble.

"No, not yet."

Qi Ge flatly refused.

"I will keep your kindness in mind, Your Majesty Gru, but it is not yet time for me to meet them."

Gru nodded very simply and asked:

"Have you finished asking what you want to ask?"

"Finished asking."

"That's my turn."

Gru narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"I also have two things for you.

the first thing.

Anosaki asked me to inform you that plan 1 failed, and plan 2 is being prepared. He is coming from Thunder City to join you. "

Plan 1 failed?

Qi Ge was stunned.

That means Anosaki didn’t find the last fragment of the [Sky Boat] in the Tower of Thunder?

Anosaki is a demigod thief, proficient in business and full of skills.

Even he couldn't find fragment 5 of [Sky Boat], which can only mean that fragment 5 was carried by Somra.

This is troublesome.

Either trade, or kill Somra and use the sin points to retrieve the space backpack...

Neither method is easy.

Qi Ge nodded understandingly and replied: "I understand."

Suddenly, Qi Ge felt the familiar sharpness again, condensing on his throat.

Qige:? ? ?

Gru stared straight at Qi Ge's throat and asked gently:

"another thing.

Qige, what exactly did you write to Catherine?

Can you explain it to me a little briefly? "

The seven pigeons trembled:

"Simple, to simplify it specifically?"

Gru said kindly:

"let me see……

Best if you can memorize it word for word.

This can reduce the occurrence of misunderstandings.

You said, right? "


In the deep darkness, a strange groan came out.

The true master of the hell forces, Satan Lucifer, who has been sleeping deep in the Temple of Demons, opened his eyes.

"I woke up?"

Satan was stunned for a moment.

Woke up too early.

The source was reversely extracted by the Tears of Yasha, and divine power was expended to restore the Great Sulfur Mountains.

Under the double overdraft, he originally expected that he would sleep for more than ten years.

Satan opened his palms and felt the state of his body.

“Power is emerging continuously.

The abyss is getting stronger. "

Understanding the current situation, a wild smile appeared on Satan's face.

"Ha, after so many blows, finally there is good news.

Poseidon Church, Erathia, when I return to full strength, I will make sure you look good. "

Satan shook his arms and was about to stand up and connect to the Tears of Asa to check on Ofer's current situation.

But suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

The strength returned too quickly.

As a true god-level hero, Satan is naturally favored by the abyss.

He knew very well that the process of transmitting power from the abyss to the dependents was generally gentle.

But now, the power of the abyss is like a high-pressure water gun, pouring into Satan's body continuously, and the speed is even faster than a true god-level hero can accept.

"How is this going?

Could it be that something went wrong with the Will of the Abyss? "

Just when Satan was about to use his consciousness to contact the abyss, suddenly, a terrifying power poured into Satan's mind! !


Satan's eyes suddenly widened, his whole body stiffened, and he couldn't even move a finger.

"How can this be!

What power is this?

I am a true god-level hero..."

Satan's eyes grew wider and wider, and after a moment of surprise, he immediately realized the truth.

Only the true God can be hurt.

The only thing that can make a true god defenseless is a true god whose rules completely cover him.

In other words, higher gods and lower gods.

The Mother Goddess of Asa is the superior god of the world of Asa.

The Will of the Abyss is naturally the superior god of the Abyss.

"Mother, why?!"

Satan looked horrified and murmured in disbelief.

He finally realized what was happening to him.

However, at this time, he had completely lost the power to resist.


Satan felt that his rules, his strength, and his body were all being broken.

These broken things were quickly sucked back into his own body and transformed into the nutrients that another great being needed when it fully awakened.

It's like a butterfly is about to be reborn in Satan's body.

Weathered Shikawa.

According to the speed of the armed airship, it is only 2 days away from the Flame Mountains.

If the armed airship and the [Thunder Lord Legion] go in both directions, it will only take about a day.

But this day, for the [Thunder Lord Legion], was like a nightmare.

"Boom boom boom!!"

On the red petrified soil, there would be huge roars from time to time.

The blazing fireballs formed violent flames, which continuously exploded on the divine shield of the [Thunder Lord Legion], causing ripples in the divine shield.

Occasionally, a fireball would miss the target and hit the petrified soil. In an instant, a mushroom cloud would rise like a nuclear bomb explosion, leaving a bottomless pit on the ground.

Starting from the hinterland of hell, he helped the [Thunder Lord Legion] prop up the divine shield and has persisted until now.

Among the nine major forces in the world of Yasha, only El Zeus and Phoenix Nephthys (the true god behind the scenes of the elements) can do it.

True god-level heroes like Satan and Michael who have not accumulated enough are reluctant to consume such a huge amount of divine power.

"Tch! Damn guy."

Titan looked behind him angrily.

[Hellboy] has been surrounding the divine shield, attacking the divine shield endlessly.

Sellon no longer cared about the consumption of magic points, and kept throwing powerful magic one after another.

The [Thunder Lord Legion] was about to successfully escape, and Sellon began to become anxious.

"Wait! You bastards of the abyss!

When I meet Somra, I will definitely come back with a thousandfold revenge. "

"Hey, you still have the courage to bark at this time."

Sellon looked down with disdain and smiled disdainfully.

“The purpose of our top races is to help us behind the scenes solve our problems.

But now, you bunch of bereaved dogs, not only cannot help the gods behind you, but also want the gods behind you to waste their divine power to protect you.




If you commit suicide earlier, you can save a little face for yourself. "

"Uh uh uh!!"

Titan gritted his teeth and was so angry that he was shaking all over.

But he couldn't refute anything.

Because there is nothing wrong with what Sellon said.

"Hmph! Have nothing to say?

Your copy should commit suicide immediately, but you are still trying to survive by relying on the protection of the gods behind you.

Ugly, really too ugly.

If you still have some dignity of the Miracle Legion, come out of this turtle shell and compete with us in an upright manner.

If you are really afraid, I can swear on my honor that I will not participate in the battle.

200 [Thunder Lords] versus 200 [Hellboys].

Beat them until they are all dead.

So, is my proposal good?

Think about it, you have harmed the god behind the scenes and consumed so much power.

Even if you successfully run back, so what?

Have you ever imagined how severely you will be punished when you go back?

Rather than being punished to death by your god, it is better to risk everything now and compete with my [Hellboy] legion. "

These heart-wrenching words hit the mark exactly on Titan's heart.

But Titan only wavered slightly and immediately shook off the thoughts that came to his mind.

Sellon is a devil!

Who dares to believe what the devil says?

Titan covered his ears, kept a straight face, and ran away.

"Tsk, it's ineffective, damn divine shield."

Sellon glanced at the divine shield with resentment. If it hadn't been for this thing, his [blasphemy] would have been successful just now.

Furious, Sellon raised his hands in the air.

"I want to see how much Al Zeus will pay to guarantee you!

Doomsday judgment! ! ! "

Boom boom boom! !

The sky suddenly turned red, and thousands of meteorites continued to fall from the sky. Under the control of Sellon, these meteorites hit the [Thunder Lord Legion] directly! !


At this critical moment, more than a dozen ball lightning suddenly flashed across the sky!

The powerful lightning not only shattered all the falling meteorites, but also followed the meteorites and blasted them into the sky, breaking the red sky.

"Huh? This power is Somra?!"

Sellon looked at the sky, feeling a little strange.

"Something's wrong. According to the speed of the armed airship, I should have one day left!"


Sellon suddenly realized.

"Somra abandoned his troops and came alone!"

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

An ordinary cloud in the sky suddenly shrank rapidly, and Somra's figure slowly descended from the cloud.

"Your Majesty Sellen, in your capacity, it would be too rude to personally bully a group of immature soldiers."


Sellon looked to the sky in annoyance.

"What are you doing standing so high? Come down here!"

The air vibrated, and the entire weathered Shichuan River seemed to be glowing. The powerful force of rules shook the sky!

Somra fell from the air uncontrollably, but he didn't panic at all.

The ring on Somra's right thumb flashed!


As the power of rules on Somra lit up, endless lightning fell from the sky! !

Intertwined lightning fills the sky, dyeing the entire sky into a sea of ​​lightning!

The combined treasure [Mage's Ring] takes effect, and the damage of this level 6 magic [Thunder] is increased to an extremely terrifying level.

[Hellboy] Legion immediately teleported separately, trying to avoid this powerful magic.

"Want to escape? It's too late!"

Somra's eyes narrowed.

The thunder, like a dragon and a snake, spread towards the ground under the control of Somla! !

No matter how mysteriously [Hellboy] teleports, lightning still follows him!

Boom boom! !

The roaring lightning finally hit the target!

Sellon and the entire [Hellboy] legion were submerged in the sea of ​​lightning.

"It's done?!"

Somla was really surprised.

How could he hit this powerful magic so easily? !

"Wait a minute, something's wrong, teleport!"

The moment Somra disappeared with magic, a huge ax appeared out of thin air, cutting the entire space into pieces, revealing the deep void.

Sellon appeared in mid-air unscathed.

No, not only was Sellon unscathed, but the entire [Hellboy] legion was also unharmed.

"This is?"

Somra was shocked.

"Dian Shen pendant!"

Suddenly, Somla felt a sharp pain in his magic lamp, and his health dropped suddenly.

"Axe of the Brutal Barbarian Lord"

He looked at the ax in Sellon's hand and understood instantly.

【Dianshen pendant

Combination treasure

Special Skill: Makes heroes and troops immune to lightning magic damage. 】

[The Brutal Barbarian Lord’s Ax

Combination treasure

Basic attributes: 5 points each for attack and defense, 4 points each for strength and knowledge.

Special skills: 1. The creature you carry can increase its attack by one attack at close range. Give the hero pathfinding or pathfinding level plus 1.

2. After the enemy heroes and spell-casting units cast spells, they must receive real damage equal to 10 times the magic value consumed. 】

"I'm being targeted!"

Somra immediately realized that he had made a huge mistake.

He and Sellon are both demigods.

He was not ready to fight to the death with Sellon, so he still used his usual treasure set.

The treasures all over his body are designed to eliminate magic resistance, enhance the power of magic, and expand the range of magic.

But Sellon has replaced it with a highly targeted combination of treasures.

A Dian Shen pendant can restrain oneself to death.

When everyone is a demigod and has similar physical strength, the gap in treasures will be infinitely magnified.

"This is really... a big trouble."

A bitter smile appeared on Somra's face.

He dodged and got into the divine shield surrounding the [Thunder Lord Legion].

“Retreat first and join the main force.

The space breaks open in front of me! The door to another dimension! "

"Don't even think about it!"

Sellon roared angrily:

"Teleportation is prohibited here! Space is frozen!"

The light door that was opening in front of Somra seemed to be held down by someone, and then closed bit by bit.

"Hmph! I said I would keep you all."

A smile just appeared on Sellen's face, and suddenly, he felt his heart beating violently, and he was so shocked that he immediately turned around.

Also turning back at the same time was an entire [Hellboy] legion.

ps: It’s the last day. If you have any expired monthly passes, please give them to the hamsters.

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