Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 509: Changes in Heaven and Earth

After locking Chaohua, who looked unhappy, into the game cabin.

Qige immediately took the elevator back to her room.

Game cabin...

He definitely wouldn't dare to go in directly.

Before you understand the situation, entering the game stupidly is not asking for death.

But he must be ready to enter the game at any time.

Qi Ge lay next to the game cabin and dialed Li Xiaobai's AR phone number.

"Xiao Bai, what's going on over there in Ur? What's going on with being sucked into the temple? Tell me quickly."

"Boss, I have sent you the video, please take a look."


Qi Ge quickly checked the video.

In the sky, the Thunder Cloud Giant has become dilapidated under the indiscriminate bombardment of hellfire.

Ur's clothes also had a lot of damage.

"Huh? This is it?"

Qige's eyes focused on Ur's skirt. After Ur released a powerful magic, her skirt seemed to be burned by fire and turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Could it be said that Ur's clothes represent her divine power, and that her clothes will gradually disappear when her divine power is consumed?

Surprised, what kind of butter setting is this?

But judging from the current scene, Ur clearly has the advantage.

The Thunder Cloud Giant was already so tattered, but Ur's clothes were still very gorgeous.

Can El Zeus fail to defeat Ur? "

Qige's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"No, the possibility is very low.

Brakada's ability to become the strongest among the nine major forces is inseparable from the strength of Al Zeus.

Putting aside his character and morality, Al Zeus cannot be weak to be the first hero in the world of Yasha to obtain the Tears of Yasha.

Showing weakness to the enemy... setting a trap? "

The screen continued to play, and at the moment when the Thunder Cloud Giant was completely blown to pieces by Ur, a huge temple suddenly appeared in the sky!

The temple sat atop thick thunderclouds, surrounded by flashes of thunder.

Countless heavily armed Titans were stationed in every corner of the temple, wrapping the temple tightly!

"This is... a mythical building!"

Qi Ge's pupils suddenly dilated.

Although it was not in the game, for some reason, the name of the temple popped into his mind the moment he saw it.

“The mythical building [Thunder Sanctuary].

Credel is the greatest architect in the entire continent of Asa! When he built the Thunder Sanctuary for the Thunder Titan, he lit the divine fire and became a demigod!

This is a mythical building built by the Patriarch when he became a demigod! "

From the [Thunder Sanctuary], a dozen chains made of lightning suddenly appeared.

Lightning chains flew up and down in the air, flying towards Ur from different routes.

Ur frowned and disappeared in a flash, trying to escape by teleportation.

But the lightning chain penetrated the void and pulled Ur out of the void!

Ur was surrounded by the phantom of a terrifying abyss dragon, and lightning chains were wrapped around the abyss dragon one after another, constantly tightening.

There was an expression of disgust on Ur's pretty face.

She frowned slightly, her eyes were sharp, and the corners of her mouth turned down in displeasure, as if she had stepped on a cockroach with her bare feet.

As her expression changed, the abyss dragon around her began to struggle violently!

The thick dark scales of the abyss dragon boiled violently, and a large number of dark bone spurs spurted out!

These bone spurs are like drones, charging desperately at the lightning chains, constantly counteracting them.

The lightning chains continue to disintegrate, and new lightning chains will be rapidly generated in [Thunder Sanctuary].

The situation was temporarily deadlocked, but it soon changed.

The opportunity for change is a pair of thunder and lightning hands that appear out of thin air!

Just when the Abyss Evil Dragon had just let go of a bone spur, and the old power had just gone, but the new power had not yet been regenerated, the thunder and lightning big hand suddenly grabbed all the chains, and the divine power exploded in an instant, pulling the Abyss Evil Dragon and Ur into the [Thunderbolt] Sanctuary】.

The tail of the abyss dragon has been swaying left and right outside [Thunder Sanctuary], struggling desperately, but it was still sucked into [Thunder Sanctuary] bit by bit.

Qi Ge touched his chin and said softly.

“Speaking of which, Grandmaster’s [Thunder Sanctuary] can even imprison true god-level beings. This is too perverted.

The mythical architecture may be stronger than I imagined.

If there is a way to get close to [Thunder Sanctuary]. "

Qi Ge immediately recalled his auxiliary skills.

【Copy design drawings

Branch auxiliary skills (design branch)

Effect: You can copy one building every week, and there is a chance to obtain architectural drawing fragments or complete architectural drawings of the building]

“Previous opportunities for copying were used to copy hidden buildings with a high probability of obtaining complete architectural drawings.

After all, I can't find the time to copy a certain building brush fragment over and over again.

However, [Thunder Sanctuary], as the mythical building that allowed the Patriarch to successfully become a demigod, is worthy of a gamble.

Even if it fails, it will be a waste of skills at most, and there will be no other punishment.

If you win the complete [Thunder Sanctuary] blueprint, wouldn’t it be..."


The Thunder Sanctuary suddenly closed, and the Abyss Dragon was completely trapped in the [Thunder Sanctuary].

The roar of the abyss dragon was accompanied by strong firelight from the windows of [Thunder Sanctuary], and various loud noises continued to explode in the sky! !

It can be seen that Ur is constantly resisting in [Thunder Sanctuary].

“Imprisonment, chains, restraint…

hiss! ! Just seeing this scene, countless strange plots have flashed through my mind.

Abyss Will Open Diary? Is Abyss Girl Wu miserable?

Gee, why do you feel so disgusted by NTR for no reason? "

Toot toot!

At this moment, Qi Ge's AR phone automatically connected again, and Li Xiaobai's anxious voice rang again.

"Boss! Boss! Ur is out!

Chaos broke out! ! ! "

Qi Ge:! ! !

Huge fireworks bloomed over Thunder City! !

A big hole was opened in the roof of [Thunder Sanctuary], and terrifying divine power soared into the sky!

The [Thunder Sanctuary] in the sky was crumbling as if it was about to collapse, and the boulders that made up the [Thunder Sanctuary] cracked one after another.

Rushing out of the big hole in the roof of Ur, her appearance has undergone many changes - broken abyss dragon wings have grown on her back, twisted devil horns have appeared on her head, and dark dragon scales are covered on her hands and legs!

thunderbolt! !

There was a loud thunder, and a Titan shadow appeared in the sky!

His whole body exudes bright lightning, the pupil of one eye is made of white lightning, and the other eye is filled with black thunder!

The residents in Thunder City immediately fell to their knees after looking up to the sky!

"Lord of Thunder! His Majesty the God King!"

"Lord of Brakada! God of Thunder!"

"His Majesty the God King!!"

With the appearance of Al Zeus, more Titans entered Thunder City and began to assist the army in the city in fighting!

In the sky, Al Zeus was scolding Ur with a divine voice that could not be heard by others!

"Are you crazy? I just want you to calm down.

But you actually unleashed your divine power without restraint?

If I hadn't taken a step back and removed the protection of [Thunder Sanctuary], chaos would have broken out by now!

Outer God! Do you want to destroy the world of Yasha? "

Ur seemed unable to hear El Zeus's words. She raised her head suddenly, her hair flying wildly, and her eyes sharp!

"How dare you, how dare you kidnap my favorite seven pigeons.

Give me the seven pigeons...! ! "

With an angry shout, Ur suddenly stretched out his hand!

The sky split open instantly, and an abyss dragon with scars all over its body emerged from the sky accompanied by meteorites all over the sky!

"My name is Ur! The incarnation of the abyss, the announcer of doom!

I am the embodiment of doom! !

Kingdom of God! Shattered Abyss! "

"Kingdom of God?!"

Al Zeus really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Madman! How dare you summon the Kingdom of God to my territory!

Then don't blame me for being rude!

Kingdom of God, the highest thundercloud! "

boom! ! !

The two divine kingdoms collided with each other, and El Zeus and Ur disappeared at the same time.

But a huge hole opened in the sky above Thunder City!

Iron-feathered ghost crows, giant demon-eating insects, city-breaking mechas...

A large number of Chaos troops poured out of the crack!

At the same time, all players in Brakada have received the main mission that is currently untouchable: [Chaos Arrives].

Minimum level to participate: Level 30

"I see."

Qi Ge looked at the tasks in Li Xiaobai's panel and the images in the video, and roughly guessed the current situation.

"Ur and El Zeus started a war for the Kingdom of God.

I remember it was said in the Conferred God System that once the war for the Kingdom of God begins, it will leave the world of Yasha and enter the void.

But the aftermath of a battle of this level alone is enough to cause huge damage to the world of Yasha.

Therefore, a Chaos invasion broke out directly over Thunder City.

Since fate and magic did not stop it, it means that the current situation should still be under the control of the gods. "

Qi Ge’s eyes focused:

“Now, the most important thing is that Abyss Will and Al Zeus have left this world and are unlikely to come back in a short time.

Perhaps the best time I have been waiting for has arrived! "

Qige immediately contacted Li Xiaobai:

"Xiao Bai, how is the situation at the Thunder Temple?

I'm ready to go online. "

Li Xiaobai:

"Boss, many people are guarding the entrance of Thunder Temple and are investigating things about you.

You will definitely be discovered if you go online. "

Qige: "Xiaobai, has Anosaki contacted you?"

Li Xiaobai: "Ah, not yet."

Qi Ge: "Damn, this thief uncle slipped up at the critical moment."

Qige hung up the phone, muttering in her heart.

"No, I don't know how long it will take for Anosaki to come. Now is the time to race against time.

This is all we can do. "


Qi Ge lay down in the game cabin, and as the cabin door closed, the sound of the system came.

[System prompt: Welcome home, distinguished Yasha God’s Choice. 】

"Stop logging in!"

"Request, after entering the game, commit suicide immediately!"

[System prompt: Suicide will cause you to lose part of your experience points. Are you sure? 】


[System prompt: Received, welcome home, distinguished Yasha God's Chosen. 】

A white light flashed, and under the strong control of the system, Qi Ge disappeared again just as he entered the world of Yasha!

The whole process takes less than 0.001 seconds.

For mages, in such a short period of time, the afterimages of the seven pigeons are not even enough for them to form a visual persistence.

The capture frequency of [Taling: Sky Eye] cannot capture such a fast strobe.

Only the djinn with elemental vision can vaguely detect the disturbance of the elements.

A djinn on guard rubbed his eyes strangely.

"What's wrong?" asked the mage next to the djinn.

"I seem to feel something flash?"

The Djinn said unconfidently.

"Really? I didn't see anything?

Stealth detection! "

The mage scratched his head strangely and cast a spell to check for invisible units in the open space. Of course, nothing was found.

"Look, there isn't one."

"Maybe I feel wrong."

The djinn swayed for a moment, not paying attention.

So, fate collapsed at this moment.

Qi Ge successfully escaped in full view of everyone.

The mage and the djinn never imagined that they would almost become the heroes who solved the mystery of the seven missing pigeons.

[System prompt: You are being resurrected]

The seven pigeons who were resurrected from the God's Chosen City drank the magic potion and ran to the seaside.

He opened the water path and teleported to the Arctic Ocean instantly.

"Qi Ge, don't resist."

As soon as they stepped out of the water gate, Qi Ge heard Sylvia's shout.

A rope fell from the sky, wrapped around Qi Ge's waist, and pulled Qi Ge onto the Blue Whale.

"First mate! You are finally here. The brothers are gearing up and waiting for you to lead the team."

[One Piece Guard] Caught Qi Ge with the knife, and used the knife to cut the rope wrapped around Qi Ge.

"The Great God of Seven Pigeons!"

Chao Hua waved and ran towards Qi Ge.

Behind her, Adrid and Sylvia were fully armed, weapons ready, staring directly at Qige.

Qi Ge nodded solemnly and said loudly:

"The plan is as usual! Let's set off immediately!

The sky has changed! Right now! "

Sylvia laughed excitedly. She gently turned her captain's hat, raised the rapier in her hand high, and shouted:

"Blue Whale! Set sail!!"


With a bang, the fastest ship spirit battleship in the entire Yasha world suddenly started to work!

Sylvia's skills were fully activated from the beginning, and the huge whale shadow completely covered the Blue Whale!

"Prepare for bombardment!"

The pirates all returned to their positions, continued to load ammunition, and fired into the empty sea.

The Blue Whale is a close-combat ship with very poor artillery capabilities. It only has two gun ports in total.

But for Qi Ge, it was completely enough.

Because what Qi Ge is going to launch is not a cannonball at all, but one after another Poseidon statues made of coral!

"The time has come! Take action!"

Sea Apple raised her staff high and solemnly shouted:

“My compatriots in the sea, this moment has finally arrived!!

It depends on whether you will continue to be unknown or whether you will become the Poseidon in one fell swoop!

His Majesty the Sea King's seven pigeons have made all preparations for us, and we will win this battle! "

"Long live Poseidon!"



The usually empty Arctic Ocean is now crowded with countless giant sea beasts and mermaids.

They shouted in unison and prayed like the sea god at the same time!

Make the sea water tremble and the waves roll!

"The conversion rate of all cities has reached over 98%. We have finally caught up."

Bingyin lay in Bingqing's arms, drinking energy potion while waiting for the last moment to arrive. "

Beside her, an army of sea beasts is ready to attack!

"Pope Ronis? His Majesty the Pope? Your Holiness the Pope?"

Ronis woke up amidst Inheim's shouts.

He covered his forehead with his hands and said softly:

"Ah, I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I suddenly had an ominous premonition.

It has nothing to do with you, go on. "

Inheim glanced at Ronis strangely, but didn't pay attention, and then said:

"Due to Catherine's retreat, our troops had to split up to prepare for an attack by the garrison of Guilty Castle.

According to my speculation, it is expected that the Holy Angel will arrive at Sin Castle in three days..."

For some reason, Ronis was unable to calm down and listen to what was supposed to be a very important combat meeting.

He stretched out his hand toward the sky in confusion, felt the touch on his fingers, and said thoughtfully:

"Huh? The wind is blowing?"

"got windy."

Catherine gently waved her hair on her temples with her hands, then turned back to look in the direction of Ofer, her eyes blurred, as if she could speak a thousand words.

Christine looked at the opportunity, rode her horse to catch up with Catherine, and consoled her very gentlemanly:

"Oh!! Your Majesty the Queen, please don't be sad or sad.

We will be back! must!

As long as we are well prepared next time and stock up on more logistical supplies, we will definitely be able to take down the Guilty Fortress.

I can guarantee that the long-cherished wishes of kings throughout the ages will surely come true in you! "

"I can't come back..."

Catherine sighed softly and uttered a murmur that only she could hear.

"There will be no next time."

Only three hours!

The Blue Whale rushed from the Arctic Ocean, along the river on the border between Hell and Erathia, to the lava sea in the southernmost part of Hell!

"The City of Fire has arrived!"

The Blue Whale slowed down slowly and successfully merged with Luo Shi Adela's fleet in the lava sea.

Adela couldn't wait to use Lingbo Weibu to meet Qige.

She held Qi Ge's hand emotionally and turned around with Qi Ge to look in the direction of hell.

Adela suppressed her excitement and said with a trembling voice:

"The time has finally come! The first step for our [Holy Church]!"

"Yeah, it's finally time."

Qige held Adela's hand tightly, took a deep breath, and sent a group message:

"The extraordinary plan is launched!"

Sea Apple raised her scepter high and prayed to the ocean:

"The God of the Sea with infinite power!

Please use your mighty power to exile that sinful place to the ends of the earth!

We are willing to be the eternal guardians of that sinful place, trapping the prisoner called the abyss in the endless ocean! "


An extremely violent wave suddenly rose from the bottom of the Arctic Ocean and hit the territory of hell from the north.

Immediately afterwards, violent earthquakes began throughout the southern and western regions of Overan!

The ground in the Western Territory of Hell suddenly cracked open, and sea water spewed out!

Bingyin clasped his hands together and instantly transformed all the cities in the southern part of Hell that were captured by the Poseidon Church into deep-sea cities!

These deep-sea cities instantly separated from the plate of hell and came under the control of Poseidon.

Just like horses pulling a cart, a row of deep-sea cities pulled the entire hell force towards the endless ocean to the south!

"here we go!"

Catherine took a deep breath and picked up the tattered letter in her hand.

“In this regard, my plan is to [change the sky and the earth].

The conflict between Erathia and Hell is irreconcilable.

As long as angels exist and as long as demons exist, the Holy War will be repeated endlessly.

The existence of the will of the abyss has led to the indestructibility of the devil.

If we want to stop the holy war without destroying hell, we must find a way to separate Erathia and Ofer!

It's like two neighbors who quarreled every day and forced one of them to move away.

The only person in the entire Yasha world who can do this is Poseidon.

The rule that Poseidon masters is [massive flow].

In other words, it is [liquidity].

This flow is not limited to water.

Sand, trees, air, soil, and even continents, as long as they can produce a large amount of flow, are all under the control of Poseidon!

The territories of the nine major forces can be regarded as separate tiles, and the Hell Power tile is only connected to Erathia by land.

I want to cut off the connection between Erathia and the hell plate, and push the entire hell force to the endless sea in the south.

Use physical distance to completely isolate hell and castle!

All the wars I launched against Hell before were aimed at weakening the power of the cities on the edge of Hell.

Erathia attacked in the west, and Poseidon Church attacked in the south, taking away control of the hell city, thereby reducing the hell forces' control over the territory.

It's like putting tires under the iron block, allowing Poseidon to transport the hell plate out more easily.

After that, I managed to seduce Brakada and Ofer into a conflict, on the one hand to help Negan's forces rescue the siege, and on the other hand to turn Hell's attention to the eastern part of Hell.

Only when Hell's attention is diverted from the west will there be less resistance to the launch of our plan.

This is the [Heavenly Changes and Earth Changes] plan.

Once the [Heavenly Changes] plan is successful, from now on Orph will have to fight Erathia through the navy or the portal.

With Sylvia in Naval Erathia, Hell cannot defeat it.

The number of troops that can be transmitted through the portal is limited, and the scale of the battle is completely controllable and will not turn into a large-scale holy war.

From now on, no matter how ambitious Hell is, it can only look back and sigh.

Erathia can also get a valuable development period, and while restoring people's livelihood, it can devote its energy to solving the problems of [Holy Angel Church].

If the [Heavenly Changes and Earth Changes] plan is successful, then the [Blue Sky Plan] that I mentioned to you before can be put on the agenda.

The future is long and the journey is far away.

I am here to wish Her Majesty the Queen a prosperous military career and all the best.

——The wind of Erathia. "

"Hoo ho ho."

The wind suddenly rose, and Catherine took a deep breath.

The sour and salty smell of the sea penetrated her nostrils, making her feel extremely comfortable.

The shaking of the earth in the distance made her soldiers scream in surprise, and even the griffins were flying around and restlessly.

Only Catherine, who knew everything, smiled in admiration at the miraculous sight.

She and Gru, who was hiding in the clouds, expressed the same emotion at the same time.

"It's true, there's enough nonsense. This guy Qi Ge."

ps: During the double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass!

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