Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 511 The Thief and the Godfather

After listening to Anosaki's words, Qige fell into silence.

After Grandmaster Credel designed the [Sky Boat], he died at the hands of Al Zeus.

If it was just for this reason, why didn't Anosaki tell himself at that time?

Qi Ge felt that this was not something that needed to be concealed.

Do you want to continue asking questions, or should you just let it go?

Qi Ge hesitated for a moment and decided to synthesize the blueprints of the [Sky Boat] first to give Anosaki some hope so that he would not be too angry.

He stretched out his hand to grab [Sky Boat Fragment 5], and a system prompt immediately sounded in his mind.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining blueprint fragments 1-9 of the mythical building [Sky Boat]. Do you want to synthesize the blueprints?

Note: Once synthesized, all fragments will be consumed. Without special skills, the drawing cannot be broken into fragments. 】

Anosaki saw the fragments on Qi Ge's hand glowing slightly and immediately said:

"Wait a minute, don't synthesize it here, it can be easily detected.

Come with me and don't resist. "

Anosaki grabbed Qi Ge's hand, and the shadows beneath their feet instantly opened.

Twenty minutes later, Anosaki and Qige appeared in a thieves guild.

Before Qi Ge could take a look at the thieves coming and going, Anosaki pulled Qi Ge into the [Between the Leaders] of the Thieves Guild.

The leader of the thieves, who was wearing a dark brown thieves robe, was startled by the two people who suddenly broke in.

He reacted quickly and took out the dagger, and at the same time aimed at the two of them with poisonous crossbow arrows, and asked:

"Who are you and how did you get in?"


As soon as Qi Dove's eyes were dazzled, Anosaki appeared in front of the bandit leader, and the crossbow arrows and daggers in the thieves leader's hands were all in Anosaki's hands.

Anosage instantly kicked and elbowed the thief leader, knocking him to the ground. He pointed a crossbow at the thief leader's head, put the dagger on the thief leader's neck, and snorted coldly.

"Your Majesty! I surrender! Our Thieves Guild is a peace-loving organization. We can discuss anything!"

The leader of the thieves felt the sharpness on his neck and forehead and did not dare to move at all. He immediately began to beg for mercy without any backbone.

"When facing someone who comes in without saying hello, before you speak, you must first neutralize the opponent!

If you were really a sneak attacker, I wouldn't give you a chance to speak.

Knowing that begging for mercy to save one's life is not bad at all, barely passing the mark. "

Anosaki threw the dagger and crossbow back to the bandit leader casually.

He took out something and waved it in front of the bandit leader.

"Teach, teach...big, big, big man!!"

The leader of the thieves trembled with excitement. He immediately bent down and saluted, his attitude was extremely respectful.

Anosaki rubbed his forehead lovingly and said softly:

"No outsiders are here, just call me godfather.

I'll requisition the room. You go out first and hold the door for me. "


Godfather, don't worry, even if someone steps over my body, I will be resurrected as an undead and grab the other person's feet, and I will never let the other person disturb you, sir! "

The leader of the thieves ran out of the room in great excitement and bowed several times when passing Qi Ge.

Qi Ge was certain that he had never seen this orc thief before.

The other party would be so respectful to me only because of Anosaki.

Moreover, Qi Ge was particularly concerned about the fact that the other party called Anosaki his godfather.

In the real world, the godfather is usually the leader of the mafia, which has a certain religious overtone.

Is there a church behind Anosaki?

Cult of Thieves?

Qi Ge blinked and asked while thinking doubtfully:

"Uncle Thief, he seems to admire you very much?

Because you are a demigod? Or is it because you are the leader of the Thieves Guild? "


Anosaki shook his head and said:

“Strength and power will only make people feared, while character and loyalty will make people respected.

This is what Creder told me, and it has been my mantra throughout my life.

The world of Yasha is not peaceful, and wars and chaos invasions occur from time to time.

Therefore, there are many helpless orphans in our world.

When I established the Thieves Guild, I also established an orphanage in a small plane specifically to adopt orphans who had no one to take care of them.

I provide them with shelter, food, education, etc. until they reach adulthood and are able to earn a living on their own.

For those who are willing to start a new life, I will find ways to prepare suitable identities for them to help them integrate into other forces.

Anyone who wants to stay in the guild will inherit my position and become the [godmother or godfather] who takes care of orphans.

Generation after generation, slowly, the orphanage grew larger and larger.

There are more and more people who trust me and are willing to entrust their lives to me.

Those companions scattered in various forces have become our sources of intelligence.

After that, we continued to absorb other homeless people, helping them while cultivating them to become peripheral members.

Unknowingly, the Thieves Guild has become a huge organization that even I could not have imagined.

Children like these who have special respect for me are usually brought up by me myself. "

Qi Ge was shocked when he heard this.

“So, godfather refers to [teacher and father]?

Dedicated to an isolated fragment of the world, and cultivating members from an early age, the purity of the Thieves Guild is simply shocking.

No wonder no force can penetrate into the Thieves Guild, an organization spread across nine major forces. "

Anosaki smiled proudly and replied:

"Although there are not absolutely no traitors, compared to other organizations, the difficulty of bribing formal members of our Thieves Guild is definitely nightmare-level.

Well, correspondingly, the experience of dealing with traitors is also very uncomfortable for us.

Every member is a brother or sister, a beloved relative or friend. "

Anosaki sat on the chair, and even his voice became much softer.

“What connects us is not only organization and interests, but also family ties.


To me, every Thieves Guild chapter is a home for my children. "

Anosaki gave a thumbs up to the seven pigeons and said proudly:

"Our Thieves Guild has a barrier designed to detect divine power. Here, you can synthesize with confidence and boldness.

bring it on! Hurry up and synthesize Credel's masterpiece. "

"Then I'll start."

Qi Ge took a deep breath and selected 9 fragments in his backpack.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining blueprint fragments 1-9 of the mythical building [Sky Boat]. Do you want to synthesize the blueprints?

Note: Once synthesized, all fragments will be consumed. Without special skills, the drawing cannot be broken into fragments. 】

"Confirm synthesis."

The nine fragments in Qi Ge's package immediately flew out. They continued to melt and assemble in the air, and finally turned into the shape of a spaceship and landed in Qi Ge's hands.

【Sky Boat Architectural Drawings

mythical architecture

Building requirements:

City size: County town

Terrain requirements: The sky and territory must have at least miracle buildings or natural wonders

Resource requirements:

100,000 gold coins,

Level 2~4 resources total 12,000 (list omitted)

Level 5 resources: Mithril 15, Sky Bar 15, Immortal Wood 15, Floating Water 15

Basic effect:

The weekly production of heroic soul units in the territory is increased by 50%.

Provides an additional 5,000 gold coins for your territory every day, and increases the knowledge of the garrisoned hero by 15 (when the hero leaves the town, he will lose the increased magic value).


Astronomy Connections:

[Sky Boat] can connect to the Divine Power Network and serve as a node to provide support for the Divine Power Network.

All heroes in the territory gain temporary [Advanced Astronomy] in the territory.

Heroes around [Sky Boat] use [Astronomy] to transport items or resources without any consumption.

After the [Sky Boat] is completed, the [Astronomy] network will open the heroic soul unit exchange function.

Heroes with astronomy can earn contributions by completing the missions of the gods, and use their contributions to purchase troops from the gods.

Sky vision: After providing the coordinates, you can view any location in the Yasha world (1KM*1KM*1KM, lasting twenty minutes), once a day.

Space partition: After expanding the sky vision, the space within the vision range can be cut off to separate it from the Yasha world (considered as a large battlefield) until the sky vision disappears.

Shenzhou must reach: After expanding the sky vision, any number of heroes and troops around the [Sky Boat] can be projected into the field of vision. (Unlimited times, no quantity limit, but each delivery requires an interval of 5 minutes.)

Land area: 25 building spaces (5*5)

Explanation: Inheritor, although I don’t know who you are, if you can see this explanation, it means that my hard work has not been in vain.

The sky boat can explore any corner of the Yasha world, including world fragments and chaotic areas.

However, when exploring the chaotic zone, the field of view will become very small, only about 100M*100M*100M, and the time will be greatly shortened. This needs to be noted.

The Sky Boat can isolate the connection between the false gods and the Kingdom of God, and directly deliver troops to the false gods. It is an indispensable weapon to defeat the false gods.

In addition to the above two points, the Sky Boat is also the core node of astronomy, allowing heroes and gods to cooperate more closely.

In addition to fighting the gods, the Sky Boat is also a useful weapon against Chaos.

Time is limited and I can't leave you with much advice.

Heirs, please remember.

Everyone in the Conferred Gods has their own purposes and need to be careful with each other.

Except Anosaki.

Anosaki is trustworthy and will be your most loyal ally.

Not all false gods are your enemies, and the reasons why they stay in the world of Asa are also different.

Distinguish carefully and don't resort to force altogether.

When the nine gods become gods, the world of Yasha will be reborn.


Qi Ge came back to his senses and suddenly discovered that Anosaki was just like him, staring intently at the drawings of the [Sky Boat] suspended in the air.

Qige was particularly troubled when she thought of the advice Credel left in the explanation.

Credel actually put the matter of "Believe in Anosaki" on the same level as "Not all false gods are your enemies".

This shows that at least in Credel's mind, Anosaki is extremely trustworthy.

But the NPCs in the Yasha world are all living people with high intelligence, and there are endless cases of NPCs deceiving players.

It was impossible for Seven Pigeons to take everything Credel said at face value.

Moreover, even if Anosaki was trustworthy back then, now that Credel is gone, the situation may not be the same as before.

"It's been synthesized, finally.

Just because of such a stupid thing, you risked your own life.

You're a fool too. "

Anosaki seemed to have a thousand words to say, but didn't say them.

He sighed and said to Qige:

“When Credel was designing the blueprints, he asked me to collect resources.

However, the original list is an estimate and may be inaccurate.

Please write me a list of the specific resources needed. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

Grandmaster, you are absolutely right, Anosaki is worthy of trust!

"Wait a moment."

Qi Ge immediately took out a pen and paper, and while writing down the resources of [Sky Boat], he also secretly mixed in the resources of [Beautiful Heaven].

Compared with [Sky Boat], [Stunning Heaven] requires far fewer resources, so sneaking in is not noticeable at all.

It seems that, just like miraculous buildings, there are also hierarchies among mythical buildings.

"Uncle Thief, that's all..."

Qi Ge solemnly handed over a page of paper filled with resources.

Anosaki took the paper and looked at it, and immediately let out an exclamation from deep in his throat.


Abyssal lava? Dream branches? Furry drill? How come there are so many strange level 4 and level 5 resources?

You kid, couldn't you have mixed resources from other buildings into it? "

Qige was serious and answered instantly:

"Of course! If I have a rare chance, I will definitely have fun."

"Tsk. Be honest, or I will beat you up right now."

Anosaki was furious.

“How could a guy as serious as Credel choose an inheritor like you who is not serious?

Tell me, how many of your kids have gotten in? Could it be a miracle? "

"Ah, how could it be?

No matter how greedy I am, I will never get into a miracle building. That would be too much. "

"Really?" Anosaki looked at Qige with great suspicion.

"Of course!" Qi Ge's face didn't turn red and his heart didn't beat. "I promise not to mess with miracles. I swear to the goddess of fate."

"That would be troublesome.

Everything else is easy to say. I have an impression. I should be able to find it out by looking through the warehouse.

What the Dream Branch is, I have never heard of it. "

Qi Ge suddenly became excited.


"Then you are great! Allocate the resources of [Sky Boat] honestly.

For the ones you sneaked in, I can give them to you personally, but for those belonging to the Thieves Guild, you can buy them yourself by paying gold coins. "

"Uncle Thief!!!"

Qi Ge was moved and wanted to rush forward to give Anosaki a hug, but was held down by Anosaki.

"Don't come any closer, asshole."

Qi Ge came closer with a smile:

"Hey hey hey hey~~"

"Don't laugh, it's disgusting!"

"Uncle, actually I still have a few miracle buildings that are a little short of resources..."

"Huh?! How many more are there? Where did you get so many miracle buildings?"

Anosaki was shocked.

“Wait, that’s not right!

Did your kid just get into the Miracle Building? "

"how could be!"

ps: I am sorting out the outline and adjusting the plot today, and there is a more difficult part to write next.

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