Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 522 The strange dark sea area

"What to do! The ancestors actually recognized him!"

Jiaoyu bit his lip and stared at Qige, becoming more and more curious.

There is a secret that has been passed down from generation to generation among the Siren leaders.

Their ancestor Ake Roy has the ability to sense minds.

Those who are close to the evil spirit and will persecute the Siren will have their feathers turn gray, and they can use the power of the feathers to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

If someone is close to a person with a pure heart and loves the siren, his feathers will glow in recognition of him.

Over the years, Jiaoyu has experimented countless times, but the feathers have never glowed, but have turned gray several times.

But this time, the light of the feather in the hands of Qi Dove was about to break through the sky.

"I can not accept.

The guy who approached us with deception turned out to be a person with a pure heart and someone who would love and protect the Sirens.

Could it be that, as Qi Ge said, he avoided the battle because he couldn't bear for us to get hurt? "

Logically speaking, the ancestors have already approved it, so the test is meaningless.

He should immediately lead his tribe to join Qi Ge's men.

However, Jiaoyu was still a little unconvinced.

He had already raised the difficulty of the tests, and he resolved them one by one, and they still seemed so easy.

"If he is really that powerful, then he should be able to complete the subsequent tests.

If it doesn't work out, I'll protect him secretly and just protect him from death. "

Seeing the light of the feathers on Qi Ge's hands slowly dissipating, Jiao Yu took a deep breath and said:

"The ancestors have approved you. A timid person will not be able to get the approval of the ancestors.

Congratulations on passing the test of courage.

The next test is force.

To the north of our [Siren Lair], there is a [Dark Sea], where there is a group of hateful sea monsters [Water Shooting Poison Fish].

[Water-shooting venomous fish] can dive underwater and spit venom into the sky, making us unbearable.

Although under the protection of its ancestors, the [Water Shooting Poison Fish] dare not launch an attack on the [Siren Lair], but it often wanders around the [Siren Lair], waiting for opportunities to attack.

In the past few years, dozens of tribesmen have been killed by [Shooting Water Poison Fish] sneak attacks.

If you can help us take revenge, it will be enough to prove your strength. "

Jiaoyu paused and said hesitantly:

"You have to be careful, that team of [Shooting Water Poison Fish] are Chaos Generals, which is equivalent to a miracle unit.

Although a single [Water Shooting Poison Fish] is not as powerful as me, they are numerous and very dangerous. "

"General Chaos?"

Qi Ge frowned.

"How come wild monsters of the Chaos General level appear in the sea? This is already the category of Chaos Monsters.

Under the protection of Poseidon, chaos monsters should be unable to move in the sea.

There is no Sea of ​​Chaos nearby, no Chaos Nodes, and no Chaos Treasure Houses capable of spawning Chaos Monsters.

Chief Yu, do you know when [Shooting Water Poison Fish] appeared? "

"Isn't it true that Qi Ge was scared when he heard General Chaos?

Also, this kind of powerful enemy may not be our opponent even if our entire clan comes together. "

Jiaoyu suddenly felt bad.

But she still answered Qige:

“The first time we ran into the [Venomous Shooting Fish] was three years ago when our tribe was chasing the Canghai Marlin and accidentally broke into the [Dark Sea].

Then we were targeted by it.

But the creatures in the [Dark Sea] are very powerful, so we rarely go there.

Therefore, we are not sure when exactly [Shooting Water Poison Fish] appeared. "

Something is fishy.

Qi Ge said in a deep voice:

"I understand, tell me the specific location and I'll leave right away."

"If you are scared, you can just change the target...

Um? What did you say? "

Jiaoyu looked at Qige in surprise.

Qige said seriously:

"Chief Yu, please tell me the location.

I promised you that I would bring you happiness.

If we don't even have the power to protect you, bringing you happiness will be empty talk.

I consider all sirens to be precious treasures.

The [Shooting Water Poison Fish] who killed you is my sworn enemy.

Even if you don't tell me the location, Chief Yu, I will keep searching around here until I find it. "

Jiaoyu was inexplicably moved:

"Then I'll take you there!"

Will you take me there? How can I cheat if you take me there?

“No, no, no, it’s too dangerous.

Chief Yu, you just need to tell me the specific location. "

Qige took out the chart and pen and said:

"Just draw a circle at the approximate location of the [Dark Sea]."

When Jiao Yu finished painting in a daze, Qi Ge smiled cheerfully.

"Chief Yu, I'm going.

wait me back. "

"Wait a minute!" Jiaoyu shouted excitedly.

Qi Ge was stunned for a moment and asked gently: "Chief Yu, are you reluctant to leave me?

Don't worry, I will come back safely, I promise. "

Jiaoyu pointed at Qige's chest expressionlessly:

"The feathers of the ancestors. You just put away the feathers of the ancestors as if nothing happened, right?"


"Ah, sorry, sorry. I got excited."

Qi Ge smiled awkwardly and took out [Ake Roy]'s feathers.

"Ancestor, please return."

Jiaoyu waved to Feather.

The feathers were motionless.

She waved again, but the feathers still didn't move.

Jiaoyu:? ! !

Qi Ge noticed Jiao Yu's embarrassment and reached out to return the feather to Jiao Yu.

Jiaoyu made his hands look like holding water, showing great respect.

The seven doves spread out their fingers, and the bright feathers caught the air.

The feather stuck to Qi Pigeon's hand!

Even seven pigeons can't be shaken off.

Jiaoyu:? ? ?

Jiaoyu almost burst into tears:

"The feathers of the ancestors! What on earth did you do to the feathers of the ancestors?!"

"I swear, I didn't do anything!"

In the end, Qi Ge found a way to take off [Ake Roy]'s feathers and return them to Jiao Yu.

Conveniently, he gained 5 favorability points from Jiaoyu.

"So, the way you complete the martial arts test is to rely on me?"

Anosaki looked at the seven pigeons with disdain.

"The test of Siren is under the protection of Mother Goddess Asa. You dare to cheat even in the test of Mother Goddess. You are really brave!

Do you think this method will work?

If you didn't lay it down yourself, the sirens will sense it. "

"Of course I know."

Qige said seriously:

"Uncle Thief, I have carefully studied the loopholes in the Siren Clan's test.

In a test of force, you cannot take action in actual combat.

But to create combat conditions, it's okay for you to intervene.

For example, help me find the [Dark Water Fish] from the [Dark Sea].

Catch the [water-shooting poisonous fish] and throw it on the shore.

It will not affect the settlement of results. "

Qi Ge said proudly:

"As long as I kill the [Water Shooting Poison Fish] with my own hands in a fair one-on-one battle!"

Anosaki looked at Qi Ge with even more contempt:

"You obviously said so many high-sounding words to Siren just are really a 100% scumbag."

"Please call this extraordinary wisdom, thank you."

Anosaki knocked Qi Pigeon on the head without hesitation.

"How dare you take on such a troublesome job when you are unsure of yourself."

Qi Ge rubbed his head and said with a smile:

"It's not because the Milky Way is not here.

Without the Silver Spirit, the heroic soul troops in me cannot fight in naval battles.

If the Milky Way was here, I wouldn't need to trouble you so much. "


Anosaki was about to get angry, but suppressed it.


He sighed and said:

“Qi Ge, listen to me carefully.

I am strong.

I am a demigod, and I can help you solve most of the problems you encounter.

However, I have grown to my limit. If I want to move forward, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

I am a strong person who can no longer become strong, and you are a weak person who can continue to become stronger.

Although you are weak now, you have unlimited potential for growth.

If you habitually rely on me to solve your problems, I will stifle your growth potential by overly helping you.

In the future, when you encounter problems that we are helpless to solve, there will be no hope at all.

Therefore, I will only help you when you are in crisis.

I hope you can understand my good intentions and don't blame me for standing idly by. "

"I see, Uncle Anosaki, I understand what you mean."

Qige said seriously.

"Uncle, you may have some misunderstandings.

For me, when planning every solution, I always consider at least three alternatives.

It's just that if you are willing to take action, it will be more efficient.

I am good at asking for help from others, but I never rely on others.

As long as I hold enough thighs, my growth will not be restricted by my thighs! "

Qi Ge walked to the beach and took out a rainbow-colored shell token from his arms.

He soaked the token in the sea water, closed his eyes and read:

"Ocean, sea, tiān pìn, meaning sea)!!

The flow carried by the cycle is solidified here! !

My soul declares in the name of the King of the Sea

In the morning and evening pool that stretches across 1.94 billion square kilometers, there are endless sea monsters. Please appear here and help me! "


The Sea King Token in Qi Ge's hand sounded gently in the sea water, and a ripple spread at the speed of light, spreading throughout the surrounding sea area in an instant.

Countless creatures lurking in the ocean felt the call of the seven doves and all resonated.

"Too small, too weak, even this won't work...

found it!

One, two, three...

Are there only three in the entire 50 million square kilometers of sea area?

To be conservative, pull it all up.

Be more prudent and form an army..."

Qi Ge opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the ground.

Anosaki asked confusedly:

"Qi Ge, what did you do?"

Qi Ge turned around and smiled mysteriously.

"Call for reinforcements."

boom! ! !

In the sea behind Qi Ge, a water column rose into the sky! !

A translucent giant whale jumped out of the sea and soared into the sky!

The wind was surging, and the white clouds in the sky seemed to be sucked away by a vacuum cleaner, turning into vortexes in the air and being swallowed into the mouth by the transparent whale!

Anosaki's eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief:

"Level 5 and 6 super giant mythical unit [Sky Cloud Whale]?!

Beast, what did you call? "


Suddenly, the sea surface fluctuated violently.

Just like tapping the water in a glass with chopsticks, ripples spread out on the sea surface one after another.

With a chirping sound, a huge "mountain" suddenly emerged from the sea.

This is an extremely huge crab. The two crab claws combined are as big as a [Sky Cloud Whale].

Dark gray heavy rocks cover the whole body of the crab, and 9 gems of different colors are inlaid on the rocky mountains.

"Level 5 and 6 extremely giant mythical arms [Emperor Crab]?

[Emperor Crab] moves slowly, why did I not notice it until it was so close? "

Just when Anosaki was surprised, a whirlpool suddenly formed around [Emperor Crab].

A very old-looking crab man holding a cane said tremblingly:

"Boo boo! King of the Sea, I am [Mother Whirlpool Crab, Treasure Crab], and this is my silly husband [Emperor Crab, King Crab].

We, husband and wife, responded to the call. "

"Level 4 and 6 mage-type mythical arms [Whirlpool Crab Mother].

So that’s it, was she the one who teleported the [Sky Cloud Whale] and [Emperor Crab]? "

Anosaki looked at the seven pigeons and was secretly surprised in his heart.

He knew that Qi Ge had a good relationship with the Poseidon Church, and also knew that Qi Ge was having an affair with a witch from the Poseidon Church.

But he didn't expect that Qige's relationship with Poseidon Church would be so good that even mythical-level troops could be temporarily recruited.

"No wonder he is so confident. If he really takes action at sea, even a real legend may not be able to beat him."

Anosaki felt relieved.

Protected by three mythical arms that are good at sea combat, the Seven Pigeons can roam freely even in the vast sea.

"Uncle Thief, please pay more attention to my situation later.

Chaos monsters suddenly appeared in the sea, and I thought something might go wrong. "

"Understood, I will take action at the critical moment."

Qige said hello to Anosaki, and after Anosaki confirmed it, he jumped on the giant claws of [Emperor Crab] and said to [Whirlpool Crab]:

"Chief Crab, thank you and your husband for coming. Without further ado, let's set out first. I will explain the specific situation to you as we go."


Although the movement speed of [Emperor Crab] is slow, it moves extremely spectacularly.

It uses a giant pincer to tap up and down in the sea water, and cooperates with the sliding crab legs on the soles of its feet, allowing it to run rampant on the water.

The huge sound reached the [Siren's Lair].

"what sound?"

Jiaoyu discovered that the situation was abnormal, and the sirens all started to commotion.

"Everyone calm down! I'm going to take a look."

Jiaoyu raised her hands high, and a white light appeared out of thin air on her hands.

The white light slowly solidified and turned into a jade bow.

The upper and lower bows of the jade bow are slightly higher, each with a pair of small wings, which looks very cute.

The bright feathers flapped their wings and flew hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

The moment she left the [Siren's Lair], she felt as if her chest had been hit by a hammer. Her heart was pounding with fear, and she could only exhale but not dare to inhale.

She looked at the sky in shock. A whale even bigger than their [Siren Lair] was slowly approaching.

The body of the whale turns into a cloud for one moment, and then becomes reality again, which is dazzling.

It also kept singing a melodious whale song, with a loud and powerful voice that penetrated the heart.

The bone-shattering coercion coming from the sky made Jiaoyu immediately understand who it was that appeared in front of him.

“God…mythical arms.

It is a mythical unit as powerful as its ancestors! "

Jiaoyu could feel that the whales in the sky were Yasha creatures like himself.

But the Yasha creatures have never been a happy family, and hunting each other is commonplace.

"Go back to the [Siren's Nest]. Under the protection of the ancestors' feathers, the opponent should not dare to chase you."

Just as Jiaoyu was about to turn around, he heard the loud noise just now again!

She took a closer look and saw the huge [Emperor Crab]!

"There is also a mythical unit!"

Jiaoyu suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Wait a minute, what is that?!"

Jiaoyu focused his attention on the top of the [Emperor Crab]'s head.

She was horrified to find that the seven pigeons that had just left the [Siren's Nest] were sitting on top of the [Emperor Crab]!

The sea breeze flapped the seven pigeons' long hair randomly, causing the seven pigeons' hair to fly wildly.

The cloak behind Qi Ge fluttered high and swayed randomly with the sea breeze.

Qi Ge's handsome appearance, coupled with the huge [Emperor Crab] under Qi Ge's body, is like a king patrolling his territory, full of oppression, which makes Jiao Yu feel like a deer.

"Could it be said that the mythical soldiers in the sky and the sea are all subordinates of Qi Ge?

I misunderstood him.

He really didn't want our sirens to get hurt so he deceived me. "

Guilt and Mu Qiang's emotions fermented in Jiaoyu's heart at the same time, and eventually brewed into an indescribable throbbing.

"Three mythical arms...

How powerful he is, yet so gentle.

Ancestor, thank you for your guidance.

I found it, Qige is the destined son that I have been waiting for. "

[Sky Cloud Whale], [Emperor Treasure Crab], and [Whirlpool Female Crab] soon brought Seven Pigeons to the vicinity of [Dark Sea].

Qi Ge stared carefully at the sea ahead.

On the sea, one side is clear dark blue, and the other side is thick ink black, forming a clear dividing line.

It's like the designers didn't handle the map texture well in early games.

[Whirlpool Female Crab] appeared next to Qi Ge, looking at the sea in front of her with a solemn expression:

"Neptune, I feel a very unpleasant aura.

This sea is sick and needs healing. "

Qige's eyes narrowed and he immediately asked:

"Chief Crab, the [Water Shooting Poison Fish] I told you before is in this sea area. Can you find a way to find it?"

"Of course. It's obligatory."

[Whirlpool Female Crab] raised the crutch in her hand and gently tapped the giant claws of [Emperor Crab].

"Level 4 Magic: Walrus Detection."

In an instant, a dozen illusory walruses jumped out of the water in front of Qi Ge. These walruses scattered in the water in an instant and swam in all directions.

Qi Ge looked at this magic with envy.

[Walrus Detection], strategic magic.

The effect is to summon a walrus phantom to dive into the ocean floor for reconnaissance.

If there is master water magic, the summoned walrus can also enjoy the enhanced effect of the hero's body reconnaissance spell.

Walruses are phantoms and therefore cannot be attacked by enemies.

But after the walrus finds an enemy in the sea, it can lock the enemy and actively mark the enemy.

As long as the caster steps into a certain range of the marked person, the caster's sneak attack will be regarded as successful.

There is no need to enter dangerous sea areas, but the situation under the sea can be understood, and the fleet can be notified to make the right choice according to the situation.

For players who are familiar with the importance of intelligence, strategic magic like [Walrus Detection] is even more valuable than [Doomsday Judgment].

A player under Qi Ge in the previous life jumped from a low-level player to an elite group in one fell swoop because he learned [Walrus Detection], and became a scout in the elite group.

Ten minutes later, the first [Walrus Detection] returned in vain, and no [Water Shooting Poison Fish] was found.

But it’s not without gain.

[Whirlpool Female Crab] frowned and said to Qi Ge: "Neptune, I discovered a problem in this sea area.

Once deeper into this dark sea, about 20 crab claws away, my magic would be dissipated.

There is probably a different space there. "

"A different space? A world fragment or a dungeon entrance?"

The seven pigeons were thoughtful.

"Leader Crab Treasure, please check again."

The moment [Whirlpool Crab] released [Walrus Detection] for the second time, the system prompt suddenly jumped out!

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for simultaneously triggering the advanced Lucky Technique and Advanced Eagle Eye Technique.

You can spend 1 skill point to learn the Eagle Eye branch skill: Strategic Eagle Eye.

Strategic Eagle Eye: Your Eagle Eye can be triggered on the big map, and there is a small chance of learning strategic magic released by other heroes. 】

Qi Ge:! ! !

Is there such a good thing? ! Is this what your wishes come true? !

Qi Ge immediately chose to study without saying a word!

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for obtaining [Strategic Eagle Eye]. 】

Ten minutes later, the second release of [Walrus Detection] ended.

[Uzumaki Crab] shook her head silently.

Qi Ge immediately said:

"It doesn't matter, let's change positions and continue."

The third, fourth, fifth time...

Ten times in a row, [Whirlpool Female Crab] could not find [Water Shooting Poison Fish].

However, [Whirlpool Crab] found other chaos monsters except [Water Shooting Poison Fish].

8 teams of Chaos Vanguards (hidden), 20 teams of Chaos Monsters.

These little minions were all easily dealt with by Qi Ge and the others.

[Uzumaki Female Crab] was worried, but said somewhat happily:

"O Sea King, thank you for your help.

This is my husband's territory. He is lazy all day and only sleeps.

He didn't even notice that there was such an abnormality in his territorial waters.

Although I still don't know what happened, the current situation is definitely not optimistic.

The sea may be terminally ill.

Fortunately, you reminded me in time, otherwise if it causes a big disaster, my useless husband will have to be punished by Poseidon. "

[Emperor Crab] was too embarrassed to move its giant claws up and down, and followed [Whirlpool Female Crab] to express gratitude to Qi Ge.

"No need to do this, it's just about helping each other."

Qi Ge said righteously:

“Since there is a Chaos Monster here, we can’t turn a blind eye.

Today we will search carefully in the dark sea and clear out all the chaos monsters.

Don't worry, I will be here with you until the end. "

[Uzumaki Crab] said gratefully:

"Neptune, you are such a good person. It's just that I need to take a break. I'm almost out of magic points."

rest? !

I haven’t gotten to [Walrus Detection] yet, so you want to take a rest?

What should I do if you take a break?

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