Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 535 The Myth Returns

The Mermaid Tide Warlock has a magical tidal pool that can create a 5*5 sea terrain out of thin air at any location, and can make the sea terrain constantly move.

The mermaid sea herder can herd the ocean. Each mermaid sea herder can convert one land grid around the sea terrain into the sea area every round, and up to ten grids can be converted at the same time.

Each transformation requires 5 points of Mermaid Sea Shepherd's magic points, totaling 50 points.

The Wave Witch can consume one block of sea or water within the casting range each round, and restore 30 magic points for all spell-casting units within 6 blocks around herself.

The combination of the three can form a perpetual motion machine to replenish magic while constantly creating sea terrain on the battlefield.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Mermaid Tide Warlock, Wave Witch, and Mermaid Sea Shepherd have been repeating this process, allowing the sea area on the cliff to continue to expand.

While the Wave Witch restores the magic value of Mermaid Tide Warlock and Mermaid Sea Shepherd, it can also replenish the magic value of Chaohua's [Sister of Purity].

The Sister of Purity can transfer mana to any friendly unit present, even war buildings and war machines!

[Pure Heart: The Purity Priest can sacrifice his own magic points and health points and transfer them to friendly units. 】

Yes, there is no distance limit for the Pure Heart stunt! !

As long as it is on the battlefield, any friendly party can hand it over!

Although Chaohua's city has not yet been completed, the building order has been taken. Therefore, Chaohua already belongs to the God's Chosen City, and her troops can naturally enjoy the powerful bonuses of the God's Chosen City.

【Chosen City】

[Blessing of the Magic Goddess Zi·Sha]:

[When fighting around the territory: All spell-casting units gain the upper limit of temporary magic value and gain temporary magic value. (Knowledge*10)】

Temporary magic points cannot be retained after the battle. Casting spells during battle will consume temporary magic points first. 】

【Chosen City】

【Magic Fish Pond】

[The magic value recovery speed of all spell-casting units in the territory is +50%. This effect can last for 24 hours after the spell-casting unit leaves the territory. 】

A pure nun has 4 points of basic knowledge, which is the upper limit of 40 points of magic value. The blessing of the goddess of magic takes effect, changing from 40 points to 80 points.

The two Spray Witches replenish 60 points in one wave, and coupled with the accelerated recovery speed of magic points, it can be guaranteed that the magic points of [Purity Priest] will always be at full 80 points!

Chaohua has 64 pure priests, which is a magic pool of 5120 points!

This magic pool is automatically filled every ten minutes.

Agede's most mana-consuming legendary magic consumes only 120 mana points and has a CD of two hours.

Ferry's Leeroy, the most mana-consuming burst of arrows, requires 200 mana points and takes 20 minutes to blast once.

Even legendary heroes can be easily filled by [Purity Priest].

Even if all the spell-casting units in the Chosen City were at full firepower, it would be very difficult to waste more than 5,000 magic points in ten minutes.

With [Purity Priest] here, all units that can use magic points can use them to their fullest. If you throw magic at will, the magic points will never be used up.

It’s just that Chaohua is more difficult.

She is not as strong as Qi Ge. Just operating 64 pure priests to heal demons everywhere is enough for her.

In this battle to defend the city, Chaohua could only act as a demon-repairing tool, unable to spare any effort.

The Holy Phoenix is ​​dead, but the threat has not yet been completely eliminated.

The Phoenix army in the sky is still there.


Power: Elemental

Level: 7

Rank: 2

Quality: ordinary

Speed: 52

HP: 250

Defense: 18

Attack: 21

Damage: 30~45

Special Skills: Immune to fire magic.

Resurrection from Ashes: Resurrection once after death (20% of total health).

Phoenix Breath (can attack two targets in front).

Body of Flame: When an enemy unit is flown by a phoenix, it will immediately receive true damage equal to 10*the number of phoenixes.

Enemies staying next to the Phoenix, or being stopped by the Phoenix, take double this damage. 】

At first glance, the Phoenix's index is very average, almost at the bottom among the level 7 and 2 arms.

But that doesn't mean Phoenix is ​​weak.

First of all, the basic growth rate of Phoenix is ​​2 per week, which is double that of other level 7 units.

Moreover, they can also attack enemies within 2 blocks like dragons, and they also have almost invincible speed, which is incredibly fast.

The speed of level 1 Firebird is 26 points.

Level 2 Phoenix has 52, which is even faster than Ziyuan.

Phoenix's exaggerated movement speed can ensure the hero's right to cast spells first.

Before starting the fight, eat a Doomsday Judgment first, or be slowed down, allowing all the opponent's units to act first.

Losing the right to cast spells first means losing half of the battle in PVP.

Of course, Phoenix has obvious advantages and obvious shortcomings.

Even with the support of resurrection ability, Phoenix's blood volume is still too little.

“As long as there is a weakness, it’s easy to target it!

Lin Xi, it’s your turn! "

Lin Xi on the Silver Spirit slowly opened her eyes, her hair moving automatically without wind.

He raised one hand flat and held it in a virtual grip, and slowly pulled his other hand back, as if he was holding an invisible bow and arrow.

"Galaxy, please. Magic resonance, unfold!"


Yinhe stood next to Lin Xi, imitating Qi Ge's movements and pointing towards the distance!

"The highest crystallization of the elves, the unwillingness from the distant empire, condense into the light of destruction that destroys the world.

Tell Yasha World, tell Yasha World, what do you want to tell?

Yeah yeah! Forget it, never mind!

In short, it’s magic resonance! Expand! "

Massive amounts of magic power condensed and swirled on the Silver Spirit, and every magic tree on the Silver Spirit shone brightly.

In the sky of the Silver Spirit, the mysterious shadow of the mithril tree slowly appeared.

The mithril tree suspended in the air emits a dazzling silver-white light, and the light beam pierces the sky, making the night sky as bright as day!

At the end of the light pillar, a huge amount of magic energy gathered and formed, reflecting the world from the sky, as if announcing the beginning of the end of all things.

Directly above the Silver Spirit, the inverted silhouette of the Silver Spirit was emerging.

A real mithril tree, a phantom mithril tree, the branches and leaves of the two sacred trees intersect with each other, converging the magic power into a constantly rotating ball of light.

"Level 6 full magic, fairy heavy artillery!"

"It's now!"

The huge magic power surged, and at the moment when it was about to explode, Lin Xi's pupils suddenly dilated!

The fairy heavy artillery that was supposed to explode immediately fell silent for an instant and turned into countless light points, which converged on Lin Xi's hand, forming a bow and arrow made entirely of magic power.

Lin Xi is a professional elf marksman. Level 20 professional skill: Demon-infused bow

【Demon-Infused Bow

Effect: Use magic to generate bows and arrows, change magic damage to real damage, and enjoy the range and archery bonuses from the hero. 】

The golden bow, tree elf bow, divine beast's mane, and Lin Xi's level 15 professional skill [Excellent Archery] allowed Lin Xi's shooting range to reach a full 36 points.

Everything was ready, but Lin Xi still did not fire the [Fairy Heavy Cannon] in her hand.

Lin Xi’s level 10 professional stunt: Concentrated Strike.

It consumes an extra round to double the range for three rounds, and the next time you shoot, the damage will not be halved due to the doubled range.

After 10 minutes of charging, Lin Xi's shooting range reached 72, which doubled to 144!

At this time, Phoenix happened to be within twice Lin Xi's shooting range.

The huge magic power was held in Lin Xi's hand and kept vibrating, as if it was about to jump out at any time.

But Lin Xi's hands were still as steady as a mountain.

"Boss, what is Phoenix's weakness?"

Lin Xi tilted her head and asked softly.

"Between the eyebrows, the center."

The sound of seven doves is accompanied by the sound of hunting wind.

"I understand.

The distance is far, just a second.

What I have in my hand is a sniper! "


[Fairy Heavy Cannon] exploded instantly, like a meteor piercing the dark night, landing on the eyebrow of the first phoenix with incomparable accuracy!

【Fairy Heavy Cannon

Level 6, all series, mana cost 200


The Fairy Heavy Cannon can only be used after releasing the magic resonance first.

Causes magic damage equal to the number of enemies * 200, with a minimum of 2,000 and a maximum of 50,000.

If [Faerie Heavy Cannon] completely kills the enemy, it will immediately cause additional damage equal to half of the total damage value to all enemy units within 50 blocks around the target.

The unit that has released [Faerie Heavy Cannon] needs to stand still for 3 rounds. 】

boom! !

One shot down, destroying the world.

Using the [Fairy Heavy Cannon] to hit the Phoenix is ​​like hitting a mosquito with a cannon.

In the big battlefield mode, each team has only one phoenix, which cannot exert the powerful power of [Fairy Heavy Artillery] at all.

With a minimum damage of 2000, the critical point of the hit was doubled. Lin Xi's magic-infused bow bombarded the Phoenix with 4000 HP, instantly turning the Phoenix into ashes.

On the ashes of the Phoenix, powerful magic continued to erupt, sweeping away all Phoenixes.

More than a thousand phoenixes gathered together were all killed by one cannon!

More than a thousand balls of ashes began to be reborn at the same time!

At the moment when the phoenixes were resurrected, Qi Ge rode Ziyuan and flew to the side of the phoenixes!

"Magic, bewitching people!

Ziyuan's special skills, magic sharing, refreshing the cd of bewitching people, bewitching again.

Phoenix is ​​immune to fire, but [Bewitching People] is an air magic!

Moreover, the quality of the phoenix is ​​only ordinary, and there is no additional bonus in the calculation of bewitched blood volume of the miracle arms.

Seven pigeons can bewitch you at will!

The phoenix, who was bewitched by the seven pigeons, began to attack other phoenixes around it crazily.

A phoenix that has been resurrected once only has 50 health. The bewitched phoenix has the [Flame Body] special skill. It does not need to attack at all. As long as it flies back and forth with the large army, it can continuously burn the surrounding phoenixes to death.

The damage caused by [Body of Flame] is real damage, and even the Phoenix itself is not immune to it.

To Qige, all phoenixes are enemies.

But to Phoenix, the bewitched Phoenix is ​​also one of his own.

Therefore, only the phoenix of Qi Dove can trigger [Body of Flame], but the wild monster phoenix cannot!

Phoenix is ​​very fast, but Qi Pigeon is not slow either!

Ziyuan's own movement speed is 50 points, coupled with all kinds of messy acceleration magic, her speed can easily exceed 60.

In the big battlefield mode, Phoenix can't catch up with Shion at all.

Confusing People's Heart is a level 3 magic with a CD of only 3 minutes.

Half an hour later, more than a thousand phoenixes were burned down to only twenty.

These twenty phoenixes were all bewitched by the seven doves.

The merciless rain of arrows from the Elf Bow Priest washed away all the Phoenixes.

Although the Phoenix Army did not make any achievements, it also gave the Chaos monsters time to get closer.

After all the Phoenixes were killed, the coalition army composed of high-level soldiers had also approached the City of God's Choice.

Mixue Bingtang: "Seven pigeons, East 65th District, six hundred black dragons, four hundred golden dragons, and seven hundred archangels!

No special troops found!

West 95th District, there are 1,200 great demons and 800 ghost dragons! "

The black dragon is immune to all magic, while the golden dragon is only immune to level 1 to level 5 magic. However, the golden dragon is stronger than the black dragon in terms of blood volume and speed, and is resistant to long-range attacks.

Although Mr. Agede knows a few level 6 legendary magics, he doesn't have any direct damage ones and can't kill the golden dragon instantly.

Not to mention Ferry.

She is just that. As a legendary hero, she doesn't even care about the [Master Wisdom Technique].

Even her [Advanced Wisdom Technique] was learned after coming to [God's Choice City] and robbing Qi Ge of several [Miracle Fruits].

Therefore, compared to the black dragon, the golden dragon is more difficult to deal with Qi Ge and the others.

But there is good news.

Archangel's resurrection stunt produces a level 4 magic effect.

In other words, the archangel cannot resurrect the golden dragon and the black dragon.

"Seven Pigeons, bad news. Among the big demons in West 95th, there is a team of miraculous soldiers led by a team named Hellboy. There are 20 of them!"

There is actually Hellboy!

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed.

That being the case, so be it.

Qi Ge reached for his waist and picked off a conch.

In the West 95th District, under the leadership of the Demon Baron, the demons are constantly on their way through teleportation.


Suddenly, the sky shattered, and a mirror appeared, taking in all the demons and some ghost dragons!

[Thousands of Opportunities - Wanhua Mirror] can freely teleport and transfer troops on the battlefield.

This force does not say that it can only teleport friendly parties!

Just like teleportation magic can be cast on the enemy, the Wanhua Mirror can also teleport the enemy!

This is a brand new Wanhua Mirror with a full 1500 points of durability and can transport 1500 troops.

In the East 65th District, the Wanhua Mirror flashed past, throwing the big devil and the ghost dragon into the middle of the angel, golden dragon, and black dragon coalition forces!

This time, it was like getting a spoonful of water in boiling hot oil, and the scene exploded!

The archangel who was flying halfway suddenly turned around and rushed towards the archdevil in the team.

The big demon held a scythe and laughed at the archangels in the sky, but there was no smile in their eyes, only endless hatred.

The big demon and the archangel were obviously wild monsters, but they were fighting in the air!

This not only greatly delayed the progress of the United Air Force, but also caused the number of angels and demons in the United Army to continue to decrease.

"Fuck! Boss, isn't this amazing? Is the wild monster committing suicide?"

Zhang Fu's voice sounded in Qige's ears.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and replied:

“Devils and angels are mortal enemies, and this is the rule written into the stunts of both arms.

Even if they are both wild monsters, they can't stop them from killing each other.

If you put the angel's heroic soul unit and the demon's heroic soul unit in the same unit card, they can all fight in the unit card.

Not only will both parties die together, but other innocent heroic souls in the unit cards will also be affected.

It's like, now. "

In the sky, the big demon and the big angel were furious.

Especially Archangels.

Once there are troops other than the Archangel blocking the Archangel's way, the Archangel will attack ruthlessly.

The black dragon and the golden dragon will fight back when beaten, and these two dragons have dragon breath, which will inevitably affect Chiyu.

Once the dragon's breath attack hits Hellboy, Hellboy will trigger Taunt!

[Taunt: Avoid the target's melee and long-range attacks by moving randomly. The probability depends on the luck difference between the creatures on both sides.

After the taunt is triggered, the opponent will enter the [Crazy] and [Desperate] states at the same time (ignores magic immunity and mental resistance, and continues one attack.). 】

The crazy black dragon and golden dragon were fighting everywhere, and they would naturally hit the ghost dragon.

The ghost dragon counterattacks, with a probability of triggering level 4 magic mourning for the dead.

【Mourning for the Dead Souls

Level 4 magic, earth element

Effect: Causes (60+10*Ability Power) points of soul damage to all creatures within a 15*15 range. This damage ignores magic immunity.

(Ghost Dragon is not a spell-casting unit, and its spell power is 0 points)]

This group attack magic, which does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, seems so powerful at this moment!

Aqaid struck while the iron was hot and added fuel to the fire.

A new [Wanhua Mirror] fell from the sky, throwing more ghost dragons into the battlefield.

It’s chaos, it’s all chaos!

The whole sky turned into a mess!

The mourning sounds when the mourning of the dead was triggered continued to sound, and the corpses of golden dragons, black dragons, archangels, and archdevils continued to fall from the sky.

After a while, in this level 7 unit battle royale, only the ghost dragon was left alive.

Even Hellboy was killed in seconds by the [Mourning for the Dead] that was triggered one after another.

Every necromancer will be very familiar with this scene.

Especially Stephen, who specializes in death ripples.

I went out to fight with a bunch of messy troops. When I came back, I saw that only the undead were left, but there were a lot more skeleton soldiers.

Heroes from other forces leading mixed troops will only reduce morale, while heroes from the cemetery force leading mixed troops will purify the population.

It's just so true.

"Boom!" The fairy heavy artillery fell from the sky, sweeping away the ghost dragon that had made great achievements!

The dazzling light illuminates the darkness, reflecting the endless army of wild monsters in the distance!

The largest number of ground troops and mid- to low-level air forces are coming soon!

"It's red! It's all red!"

Michelle Bingtang looked at the pictures in [Perspective Earth], her breathing almost stopped.

Sky, sea, ground.

There are dense red dots everywhere around the entire city of God’s Choice!

Hidden, miraculous, and even mythical units can be found among the red dots.

Qi Ge knew in his heart that if he held on to this wave, he would have a long rest and preparation time to face the night.

"Seven pigeons, in about two hours, troops from all directions will approach the City of God's Choice!

The fastest to arrive are the enemy forces in the sea, which will arrive in about an hour.

"One enough."

Seven Pigeons took all the mermaid tide warlocks and jumped down from the cliff.

Shortly after the battle began, the Mermaid Sea Shepherd transformed a water staircase leading to the sea on the cliff.

In the special battle space of siege warfare, even if half of a mountain is converted into sea area, the sea area terrain will not be overwhelmed by the mountain peaks.

[God’s Chosen City] and the battlefield around [God’s Chosen City] will be regularized.

The level 4 magic tidal pool of the Mermaid Tide Warlock can make the sea terrain move.

An hour later, Qige directly evacuated all the sea terrain on the side of the sea outside the city of God's Choice, forming a huge ground ring.

The wild monsters that rushed out of the sea were all killed on the ground.

Bodies were strewn on the ground and blood flowed into rivers, which was shocking.

Sylvia, under the leadership of the murlocs, had already cleared away all the amphibious wild monsters in the sea near the City of God's Choice.

Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it will be easily solved by Qi Ge and the others.

The wild monsters in the sea have been cleared. The mermaid tide warlock's tidal pool was activated again, and the sea area outside the city of God's Choice was moved back.

The overwhelming seawater rose into the sky, covering up the tragedy that had occurred here.

Between entering and exiting, there are countless corpses of wild monsters.

The threat in the sea is resolved, and the threat on land follows.

There are far more wild monsters on land than in the sea, but Qige's preparations are not vegetarian.

[Harpy Resonator] and [Phoenix Dance Formation - Kaleidoscope] cooperate to continuously clean up the air force.

The Silver Spirit's Fairy Heavy Artillery and Ferry's Ballista also used all their firepower to deal with the approaching air force.

On the ground, the shadow traps in the wooden forest will erupt from time to time, restraining the wild monsters and hindering the progress of the wild monsters.

There are also iceberg obstacles prepared by Qige in advance, which continuously slow down the surrounding troops.

All this is to delay Qi Ge's killer move.

At this moment, Mixue Bingtang suddenly exclaimed in the conch:

"Seven Pigeons! Oh no! A mythical troop that changes the terrain has appeared!"

【Overlord Behemoth

Level 7 Level 4 Myth

Attack: 80

Defense: 0

Life: 1200

Speed: 16

Damage: 80-140

Special skills: giant soldiers, return of the myth, and the enemy cannot counterattack when attacking.

Overlord Breaks Defense: When actively attacking the enemy, all the enemy's defense will be deducted and added to your own attack.

When attacked, the enemy's attack power is deducted from the enemy's defense power.

Resistant to magic: Overlord Behemoth is not affected by any possession magic, whether beneficial or harmful.

Overlord Behemoth cannot be healed or resurrected by magic.

Bloodthirsty Breakout: When the total number of enemies within 6 blocks around you is greater than the total number of your own, you will receive a ring attack and double click.

Gobi King: Overlord Behemoth prohibits flying within 6 blocks and changes the battlefield to the Gobi Desert. 】

In the big battlefield mode, even mythical units cannot change the entire battlefield.

But wherever [Overlord Behemoth] walks, the sea will be filled with desert.

"Very good, Overlord Behemoth, right? You are very strong."

Seven Pigeons shouted:

"I am the lord of the yellow sand, the source of all sand and dust.

The capital of yellow sand, come back from the past, mighty warriors, fight for me for the glory of victory, come and please me! "

"Teacher! Do it! Summon the God of War!"

【Dou Shen City

marvel war architecture

Armor: 20000


Rakshasa Summoning: Summon 20 Rakshasa units of levels 1 to 5 each round.

The birth of the God of Fighting: After the tenth round when the City of Fighting God appears, the City of Fighting God disappears and summons a level 5 mythical unit [Little Fighting God Rakshasa] on the battlefield.

There can only be at most one [Little God of Fighting Rakshasa], and the blood volume of [Little God of Fighting Rakshasa] is the remaining armor value of Fighting God City. 】

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