Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 538 Golden Triangle

Anosaki said softly:

“I have two things I need to do.

First thing.

I need to inform other members of the Conferred God Organization about the news that you have obtained the Scepter of the Conferred God.

It was Credel's last wish to build the [Sky Boat].

Even though he is no longer here, if you fulfill his last wish, it means that you are the next leader recommended by him, and it also means that your status among the gods has been elevated to the same level as a demigod like me.

This is a huge plus point in the Fengshen Organization.

Most of the members of the Conferred God Organization have received more or less favors from Credel, and they will take this into consideration when voting for the final leader.

If the other candidates don't have any exaggerated special contributions, you will be a sure shot at becoming the leader of the Conferred God Organization. "

Qi Ge asked strangely:

"Uncle Thief, you have mentioned this to me many times.

Who are my competitors?

When I asked you before, you said I was not qualified enough to know.

Now that I have obtained the Scepter of the Gods, am I qualified enough? "

"Of course."

Anosaki hesitated for a moment and said:

"Don't feel too much psychological burden after listening to this. Even though your competitors are very strong, you still have the advantage now.

You have identified three opponents.

Dragon Slayer, Kronis, and

Tanan. "

Hearing the last name, even Qi Ge, who was extremely qualitative, couldn't help but tremble.

"God of War Tanan?! He is also a member of the Conferred God Organization?!"

"Of course, Tanan is recognized as the strongest demigod in the world of Yasha, and his achievements are only one step away from becoming a god.

In fact, Tanan, like Credel and I, is the founder of the Conferred God Organization.

Before you came, Tanan had the highest voice for becoming the leader. "

Anosaki said in a deep voice.

Damn, are you competing with Tanan for the position of the boss of Fengshen?

Doesn’t this require me to be the protagonist of the world?


Qi Ge asked strangely:

"Uncle Thief, why have I never heard you mention Tanan before?"

“Of course this is because you are not qualified enough.

Tanan's reputation is too great, and too many eyes are paying attention to him.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Tanan will rarely be invited to participate in various meetings of our Fengshen Organization.

But we will contact him regularly to share some of the organization's plans and results with him.

Tanan’s situation is a bit special, so I’ll leave it to the end.

Let me tell you about your other two competitors first. "

Anosaki said as he led Qi Ge to sit down on the sofa.

He turned his hand and took out a strange jar, which looked like a wine jar.

He pulled away the red cloth from the mouth of the jar, and a rich aroma suddenly filled the whole room.

Anosaki took a small bowl, placed it in front of the seven pigeons, and filled it up.

"This is [Memory Fragrance].

A special alchemical potion made from the fruits of the soul tree found only in Dia.

After drinking this jar of [Memory Fragrance], your memory will be protected forever.

All means of viewing memories, even the [Soul Dialysis] of Diya’s true god behind the scenes, [Dragon Lich], cannot peek into your memories.

As a rule, every member of the Conferred God Organization must drink this when they begin to accept some of the most core secrets.

I don't know if [Memory Fragrance] has any effect on Yasha God's Choice like you, but in short, you should drink it, even if it is useless, there is no harm. "

I have never heard of this thing in my previous life, so it is most likely extremely rare.

Qi Ge subconsciously assessed it.

【Fragrance of memory

Demigod level alchemy potion

Effect: Maximum energy value +200.

Explanation: The soul tree blooms once every thousand years and bears fruit once every thousand years. It will only produce one fruit at a time.

It takes at least 10 soul fruits to make memory fragrance.

Even demigod-level pharmacists have a chance of failing when making memory fragrance, and the success rate of legendary pharmacists is even pitifully low.

Memory fragrance can directly replenish soul strength and is extremely rare. 】

Hiss~ It actually increases the upper limit of energy value!

In my previous life, I had never heard of a potion that increased the energy limit!

I must drink this!

Seven pigeons picked up [Fragrance of Memory] and took a sip first.


The pungent smell rushed into Qi Ge's mind, causing Qi Ge's mind to hurt like a stabbing pain.

Although it smelled so good, the taste of [Fragrance of Memory] was as unpleasant as drinking gasoline. It was also accompanied by a severe headache, which made Qi Ge almost vomit.

But Qige Shengsheng used his willpower to overcome it and swallowed it.


After one gulp, Qige's throat and stomach felt as if they were on fire, making her extremely uncomfortable.

"Hehehe, drink it slowly." Anosaki said with a smile: "This stuff is terrible to drink, but it is indeed good stuff."

Qi Ge snapped and adjusted the sensitivity to 0, then took the [Memory Fragrance] from Anosaki's hand, brought it to his mouth, and suddenly raised his head, in the astonished eyes of Anosaki, tons and tons Tons and tons~drink it all in one gulp!

[System prompt: Your energy limit is +200]


Qi Ge wiped his mouth, still unfinished.

"Uncle Thief, do you have any more? Please have some more."

Anosaki had a strange expression:

“You kid, I’m going to be cruel to you.

[Memory Fragrance] There are not many in the whole Fengshen. It is a controlled substance. It would be good to have this jar for you.

If you really want it, just open your Fengshen system and check it out yourself.

There are conditions for obtaining [Fragrance of Memory] inside.

Let me tell you about your opponent next. "

Anosaki took out a piece of bandage, put it on the table, pointed at the bandage and said:

"Dragon Slayer.

Few people know her real name, and I have never asked her, but everyone calls her that.

When our Fengshen Organization was first established, the system was not yet complete and there was no rule [only neutral forces can join].

It was at that time that your ancestor developed the Dragon Slayer into a member.

She has been a member of Fengshen for a long time and has made great contributions to the organization.

But her purpose in joining the Conferred Gods was just to collect resources to resurrect the four great dragons.

She doesn't have much interest or enthusiasm in completing the core goals of our Fengshen Organization.

However, due to her strength and qualifications, she still won the spot to compete for the leadership position.

After all, if she can really resurrect the four great dragons, our Conferred God Organization will gain four extremely powerful allies.

This is a qualitative improvement to the combat power of the Fengshen Organization.

Considering this aspect, by becoming the leader of the Conferred God Organization, she can also indirectly promote the completion of the core goal.

But compared to you, the current Dragon Slayer does not have an electoral advantage. "

Then, Anosaki took another leaf and said to the seven pigeons:

"Kronis is a man of killing nature.

Not only is he a demigod, but he also has a lineage of hermits behind him.

You should know that the Seven Doves of the Hermits travel around the world of Asa, imparting skills and wisdom to the heroes they meet. (auxiliary skills and attribute points)

The hermit lineage is never one person, but a large group of people.

The heroic spirits of soldiers are heroic souls, and the heroic spirits of heroes are hermits.

If the heroes of the Yasha world are not demigods, they will become hermits with the help of the [Ten Gods of Yasha] after their death.

With the help of the Holy Spirits, the hermit will walk around Asa and teach what he is best at in life to other heroes who are destined to do so.

Cronis, on the other hand, was born with the talent of communicating with hermits.

When he was young, he worshiped a hermit as his teacher.

At that time he thought he was worshiping one hermit, but in fact he was worshiping all the hermits.

After the hermit teaches a hero, he must return to the rules of the Yasha world to cultivate and regain strength. At this time, another hermit will come to teach Cronis.

Over time, more and more hermits became destined to Cronis.

Cronis wants to change the world and rebuild reincarnation so that his hermit teachers can be resurrected in the world of Asa.

If he succeeds, not only can the core purpose of becoming a god be accomplished, but even the threat of chaos can be greatly alleviated.

Those are all the heroes Yasha has had since his birth until now. "

Qige:? ? ?

Fucking Asa Yama?

I was shocked!


"No, wait a minute. Are Cronis's ambitions so ambitious?"

Qi Ge blurted out.

Anosaki gave Qige a strange look.

"What's the point? Cronis is an orphan. For him, the hermits are both his teachers and his fathers.

Isn’t it normal to want to resurrect your loved ones?

The world of Yasha doesn’t know how many people want to resurrect their relatives, but they just don’t have the ability to do it.

This is a normal little wish. "

Qi Ge:......

The cycle of life and death, if it were to be placed in a fairy tale novel, it would have to be the Great Luo Jinxian, and if it was to be placed in a fantasy novel, it would have to be a great divine power.

How come it has become a normal little wish in the Yasha world.

Do you demigods mean the same thing as us ordinary people?

Oh, I get it. Then my little wish is to marry the mother goddess Asa.

Anosaki went on to say:

“Although it is a small wish, this wish has a significant impact on the world of Yasha.

If all heroes could be resurrected without limit like you, Yasha Chosen, then the combat power of our world would become very terrifying.

Cronis's ideals are very difficult to achieve.

If he achieves it, not even you and Tanan will be qualified to compete with him.

But with only three months left before the final election, he probably won't be able to achieve it.

So you don't have to worry too much.

The opponent you need to be most wary of is Tanan. "

The main event is here.

Qige immediately cheered up.

“You should know about Tanan’s achievements.

He helped establish strongholds and fortress forces, brought back abyss fragments from the endless void, and established countless legends of his own.

His specialty is the ever-changing person, and he can possess almost all the specialties within his cognition.

Therefore, his strength is very terrifying.

The most troublesome thing is that unlike the Dragon Slayer and Cronis who were recommended by others, Tanan himself has the will to serve as the leader of the gods, and he is very strong.

Now Tanan is heading to the deepest part of the Abyss of the World under the orders of the four elemental monarchs to help the body of the [World Tree Yggdrasil] that has been eroded by chaos.

Once Tanan successfully returns within three months, he will have one more achievement.

At that time, even if you had Credel's recommendation, the outcome between you and him was still 50-50. "

In his previous life, Tanan was the world's protagonist recognized by all players and NPCs.

The biggest dream of players is to follow Tanan around and get some tasks from Tanan.

Now, do I have to compete head-on with Tanan? So exciting.

Just as Qi Ge was eager to try, Anosaki suddenly gave Qi Ge a strange look and said:

“I have some news that I don’t know if you know.

Tanan and the four elemental monarchs all know each other.

He once completed the test set by the four elemental monarchs for him and was appreciated by the four elemental monarchs.

Especially the Qi element monarch has a special appreciation for Tanan.

Moreover, Tanan once served as the teacher of [the daughter of the Air Elemental Lord] for a period of time.

According to himself, he loves [the daughter of the Lord of the Air Elements] very much.

I once heard him praise the daughter of the Lord of the Air Elements, saying that she was the most thoughtful and talented little girl he had ever seen.

He also vowed that the little girl would become as true a god as her father in the future.

Now, the Qi element [who will definitely become a true god in the future] has become your follower.

It cannot be lifted until you become a demigod.

I think Tanan may not have a good sense of you. At least, it is unlikely that he will let you go.

If he really returns successfully, he will probably fight with you to the end. "

Qige:? ? ?

Wait a moment……

The ever-changing man...

Transformation elements…

I should have thought of it earlier. Isn't Wei Chengfeng the military version of Tanan? !

Wei Chengfeng! ! Are you hiding something from me? ! "

Anosaki continued: "So, I will inform them in advance now so that they can have a deeper impression of you.

In this way, when you compete with Tanan, at least you won't be disadvantaged in terms of popularity.

After notifying them, I have one more thing to do.

I can't tell you the specifics of this.

All I can say is that it will be a very troublesome thing and will probably take me a long time.

Therefore, I will not be able to protect you by your side for a long time.

If you want to contact me about something and my magic conch doesn't respond, you can go find the Thieves Guild and leave a letter.

With your ability, you will definitely find it.

By the way, if you agree, I will let the Thieves Guild come to your territory to open a [Thieves Cave].

In this way, you can not only contact me through the Thief Cave, but also recruit the Thief Heroic Soul Unit, and also allow your subordinates to switch to the Thief profession.

Don't worry, the thieves sent to your territory must be my most trusted subordinates. "

[Thieves] This unit is the same as the forest centaur. It is a good thing that does not need to go into battle and can be effective as long as it is hung in the unit card.

After bringing the [Thieves] heroic soul unit, you can find out the specific number of wild monsters, the probability of wild monsters appearing in difficult battles, whether the wild monsters will admire you, how much money it costs to admire them... and other information.

It is equivalent to permanently turning on the secondary strategic magic [Eye of Perspective].

But the [Thieves Cave] in the wild is very rare, and you can only encounter it if you are very lucky.

Now that there is such a good thing, Qi Ge will definitely win it.

Qi Ge's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Uncle Thief, thank you very much."

"Ah, you mean Uncle Tanan."

Wei Chengfeng lay comfortably on Qi Ge's lap, crossed her legs and said:

"Of course he taught me.

[Infinite possibilities are the key to saving the world of Yasha. 】

This is what he told me too.

It was also because of his teachings that I thought of integrating the power of chaos.

His [Specialty of the Changing Man] was created after analyzing the rules of chaos.

If it hadn't been for him, I probably wouldn't have tried to survive.

A part of the rules of chaos are parsed from the power of chaos, and transformed into a miraculous weapon [Transformation Element] that can freely change forms.

If there is no successful precedent for such a dangerous thing, do you think my father would let me try it? "

The seven pigeons were silent:

"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier?"

Wei Chengfeng looked at Qi Ge in confusion:

"Is this important? Tanan is not the only teacher I have.

Destiny, magic, wealth, sister peace, aunt water, uncle fire and grandma earth all taught me.

There are also demigods from various elemental tribes who have also taught me. "

Qi Ge:......

Damn second generation god.

Wei Chengfeng rubbed her head on Qi Ge's thigh and said:

"Is there anything else? If not, I'm going to go back to sleep. I'm so tired."

"Chengfeng, do you know what kind of character Tanan is and whether he has any preferences?"

“Well, it’s been too long, I don’t remember.

I wasn't very familiar with him, and he didn't teach me for long, only two weeks. "

Qi Ge asked doubtfully: "Don't he dote on you very much?"


Wei Chengfeng tilted her head:

"Does he dote on me a lot? Apart from sending me gifts and cards every birthday, I don't feel how much he dotes on me?

I haven't spent as much time with him as I have with you. "

"Listen to what you said...

No wait! "

Qige discovered the blind spot.

"How long have you known each other?"

"I can't remember, it seems like five or six hundred years ago?"

"Five or six hundred years?! I send you gifts and greeting cards every year. This isn't enough love!"

"Does this count?!"

"Doesn't this count?!"

Qige and Wei Chengfeng stared at each other with big eyes.

"I think it's quite common. Every year, a bunch of people send me gifts, but I never receive them. My dad keeps them all.

My dad said that these can only be used by heroes, but I cannot use them as a soldier, and relying on foreign objects for growth will affect my future.

So I kept them all for me, and when I get married, I will use these gifts as my dowry. "


Qige caressed Wei Chengfeng's cheek affectionately.

"Fu...oh no, Chengfeng, let's get married."


Wei Chengfeng became angry and punched Qige hard.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? I am your follower and I am one with you.

If you marry me, isn't it equivalent to marrying yourself?

And I have become your follower, and you still propose to me?

Followers are a closer relationship than husband and wife. Do you want to marry me twice? "

"The dowry..."

Wei Chengfeng's eyes were strange: "I followed a playboy like you. It would be great if my father didn't kill you. You still want a dowry?"

Qi Ge:......

"That's right, then it's okay."

Wei Chengfeng looked around, put her arms around Qi Ge's neck, leaned into Qi Ge's ear, and whispered:

“When you become a legend, you won’t be beaten when you go to see my dad.

When the time comes, I will try to find a way to go to my dad's place and get the stuff out of him.

Don't worry, it's all ours, we can't run away. "


In the air elemental world, Viti, who was peeping with magic, laughed out loud.

She turned off the magic monitoring and said to the air element maid beside her:

“Delete this paragraph, don’t let the cheapskates see it.

The Chaos offensive has been fierce recently, and he has a bad temper. After seeing this, he will easily explode with anger. "


Several beautiful wind element maids were holding back their laughter.

Erathia borders Diya to the west.

Although Dia mainly has a problem with Avili, those lawless necromancers don't mind at all whether the materials used to make skeleton soldiers are human or elves.

Therefore, this place is not peaceful, and some vicious incidents often occur.

For example, necromancers deceive humans, kill them and resurrect them into skeleton soldiers, and vampires abduct humans from human territory to use as food or make blood slaves.

But this land still attracts the attention of many humans.

Every year, a large number of people migrate from the safe hinterland of Erathia to live in the west.

This is because in addition to Diya, Avili also has part of its territory adjacent to Erathia.

In addition to the deadwood guards who can photosynthesize and the unicorns who can absorb a lot of magic power from the air and sunlight,

The elves, centaurs, dwarves, and golden dragons of Avili also need food to survive.

Elves like to eat fruits picked from trees,

Dwarves like to eat the meat of goats or mountain oxen, and like to drink spirits brewed from various plants.

Centaurs are omnivores and will eat just about anything, but they especially like to eat king bamboo grass and alfalfa.

Although unicorns can absorb magic from the air, they will not refuse the finest purple wheat and rich magic flowers.

Not to mention the golden dragons. Only giant soldiers can satisfy their appetite. Otherwise, they have to eat gold coins to supplement their nutrition.

In the Elf Empire, the silver elves are responsible for the food of the elves and their allies.

But now, the silver elves have parted ways with the elves of Avili.

The elves in Avili can only find a solution on their own.

If citizens have needs, Aveli must develop animal husbandry and agriculture.

But although Avili is rich, its citizens are few in number and have high quality, so they cannot spare the time to engage in such basic things.

Therefore, hiring humans from our ally Erathia to help with planting is the best choice.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Avili, who inherited the rich inheritance of the Elf Empire, is much richer than Erathia.

In Erathia, a farmer worked for a year and had almost no money left after deducting church and state taxes.

Not to mention buying daily necessities, even survival is very difficult.

It will be even worse if you encounter some lords who are not close.

But it's different in western Erathia.

Human farmers who go to work in Aveli are lucky enough to save one gold coin a year.

Some high-level herdsmen or skilled farmers can even save about 5 gold coins a year.

It would be even more amazing if you could advance to the fourth level hidden unit [Agricultural Scholar].

Each agricultural scholar can increase the daily food production of ten garrisoned farmers by 5.

Agricultural scholars can also spend time improving seeds or cultivating advanced plants with their own hands.

As long as you can become an [Agricultural Scholar], you can live a good life in Aveli.

With any annual income, one can buy a house in Erathia.

Therefore, the western part of Erathia can always attract countless humans waiting for the opportunity to change their destiny.

Erathia earned gold coins from Avili, Avili relied on humans to obtain high-quality food, and Dia obtained corpses and materials from Erathia and Avili.

Everyone has a bright future.

Because of this, whether it is the people of Erathia, the wizards of Dia, or the elves of Avili, they all call the chaotic place at the junction of the Three Kingdoms:

Golden triangle.

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