Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 542 The Queen’s Anger

After calculating and processing the location distribution of each village, Qi Ge asked in the friend system.

Chaohua and Mixue Bingtang's city buildings have not yet been completed, and there is still half a day before the territory adjustment.

Taking advantage of this half-day, Qi Ge decided to test the [Sublimation Transformation] special ability of [Sequencing Hammer] first.

[Sublimation transformation: One building or one architectural drawing can be sublimated every week.

If the sublimation is successful, the building or drawing will be elevated by a quality, the highest miracle.

If sublimation fails, the building or drawing will randomly mutate (mutation is not necessarily good or necessarily bad). 】

The highest miracle, that is to say, the way to maximize value is to use sublimation transformation to sublimate hidden buildings.

If you sublimate the hidden building blueprints and turn the hidden building into a miracle, then a large amount of additional resources will be consumed during construction.

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to build a miracle building by yourself based on the blueprints of a miracle building. How can it be more cost-effective to directly sublimate a hidden building into a miracle building?

In the entire territory, the most valuable thing is the hidden building [Fairy Dam].

【Fairy Dam

Neutral forces hidden buildings


It can intercept rivers and raise river water levels.

After the river water level is raised, the gold coin output of the fairy waterwheel can be greatly increased.

At the same time, the land on both sides of the river will be slowly transformed into wetland terrain.

After constructing the Fairy Dam, a Fairy Waterwheel will automatically be given to you. 】

With the addition of [Fairy Dam], the gold coin production efficiency of [Fairy Waterwheel] has almost doubled.

Coupled with the gift of the fairy waterwheel, it is equivalent to quadrupling the gold coin production capacity.

Hiding has this effect, how can it be a miracle?

“Furthermore, the blueprint of [Fairy Dam] in my hand is a rare plural blueprint and can be used twice.

It's not that I don't want to build it, but that only one [Fairy Dam] can be built in a river area.

The Nephthys River and the Wheel River are too close and are recognized by the system as the same river basin, so I can only keep the other two construction opportunities of the [Fairy Great Dam].

But it's different now.

Even if I sublimate and mutate this [Fairy Dam], it stands to reason that the sublimated [Fairy Dam] will no longer be [Fairy Dam].

You can free up a construction quota for me, and I can still make up for it. "

So, Qi Ge took the [Sequencing Hammer] and took Xiaobai, Fu Fu, Le Meng, and Lin Xi to the vicinity of the [Fairy Dam].

[The Great Goblin Dam] is formed by [Giant Beaver] using saplings, branches or scraps staggered and stacked in small river channels.

The base of the [Fairy Dam] is made of thicker branches.

When it was first built, the dam body of [Fairy Dam] was extremely permeable.

But now, the [Fairy Dam] has been filled with silt, small rocks, soil, and dead branches and leaves that have moved downstream in the river.

This acted as a water barrier and created a reservoir that significantly raised the water level of the Lun River.

Since there is a forest near the Lun River, the water that overflows from the Lun River will not be wasted, but will be absorbed by the soil of the Lun River forest.

Over time, the topography of the Lunhe Forest will add wetlands.

Teacher Agaide said that this will greatly increase the output of plants and fish in the Lunhe Forest, and will also allow the area of ​​the Lunhe Forest to continue to expand, with no harm at all.

When Seven Pigeons and the others arrived, a group of giant beavers were chewing down trees under the leadership of the beaver goblin.

The giant beaver stands on its hind legs, uses its tail as a stool to support its body, grabs the tree with its front paws, and then bites the tree until it breaks.

Before the tree is bitten off and toppled, the giant beaver will also beat the ground with its tail to warn its companions to pay attention to safety and get away quickly, which is quite smart.

The cutting speed of these giant beavers is no worse than [Centaur Skilled Woodcutter].

Just the wood output produced by their daily grinding of teeth can rival the level 3 logistics unit.

Originally, Qi Ge was a little worried that if the giant beavers continued to cut down the forest like this, they would clear up the Lunhe Forest.

But Qige soon discovered that when the number of trees in Lunhe Forest decreased to a certain extent, those trees that had been cut down would regenerate at a very rapid rate.

In about a week, a tree that has been completely cut down will grow back.

It’s simply like growing trees in the void, and cutting down trees in a perpetual motion machine.

This is equivalent to [Lunhe Forest] itself being a logging farm with unlimited timber reserves.

This discovery also gave Qige a deeper understanding of the word miracle in "Miracle Building".

When they were about to reach the [Fairy Dam], Qi Ge suddenly threw the [Sequencing Hammer] on the ground in a very grandiose manner.


what happened?

Whose ordering hammer fell? !

This is a semi-artifact-level combination that can add 10 points of attack, 10 points of defense, 10 points of knowledge, 10 points of magic power, 15 points of inspiration, 10 points of charm, 30 damage, 20% stun, and 5 special skills. Treasure [Hammer of Sequence]!

What a careless thing! Who on earth could get rid of such a precious thing?


It turns out I dropped it.

Sorry, sorry, I'll pick it up right away. "

"Fuck! Boss, you are so mean!"

"I can't stay in this studio anymore. I need to resign. I want to resign!"

"Boss, is this little hen on the oven? Is it burning?"

"You are the only one who has a professional-specific combination of treasures, right?

Fuck, there really is only one, my phantom bow has not been synthesized yet. "

Lin Xi and the others gritted their teeth in envy.

Qi Ge calmed down the atmosphere and had a friendly interaction with the studio staff.

"Ha ha."

A cup of tea will make you feel refreshed.

While the five of them were enjoying themselves, a giant beaver with exceptionally smooth fur emerged from the water.


Out of the giant beaver's fur came a small and exquisite beaver fairy.

It danced and struggled to gain a foothold on the beaver's smooth back, then adjusted its clothes and saluted the Seven Pigeons in a decent manner.

"Lord! Woody, the leader of the [Beaver Fairy Forest Construction and Development Corps], reports to you!

[Beaver Fairy Forest Construction and Development Corps] Everything is going well! "

Qi Ge touched the giant beaver's head and said with a smile: "Woody, send a few beavers to take us to the big dam."


Woody blew his whistle, and four giant beavers quickly emerged from the river and carried the five people to the dam.

Qi Ge asked:

“Woody, I want to renovate the big goblin dam. Do any of you beaver goblins live in the big dam?

If so, let them move out first and then move back when the upgrades are completed. "

Woody shook his head and replied:

"Lord, please don't worry.

[Fairy Water] The dam will slow down the flow of the rapid river. We will build a still water area around the dam and build our nest in the still water area.

So we don't actually live in the river dam.

You can remodel with confidence. "

"I see, I have learned a lot."

Qi Ge raised the [Sequencing Hammer] and said:

"Then I'll start, you guys stay back."

After the beaver swam away with everyone, Qi Ge picked up the hammer and hit the dam continuously!

"Eighty! Eighty! Eighty!"

[System prompt: Your building [Fairy Dam] can be sublimated and transformed. Do you want to initiate sublimation transformation? 】


A bright light lit up from Qi Ge's [Sequencing Hammer].

The entire [Fairy Dam] also lit up!

A strong wind blew up out of thin air in the Lunhe Forest, causing ripples and the rustling of leaves on the calm river surface.

Zhang Fu was very excited: "Damn it, this news must have happened."

Xiaobai is also looking forward to it: "That's right, the boss is the Apostle of Destiny, and we have the protection of the Goddess of Destiny in our God's Chosen City. How could it not be possible?"

The corners of Qi Ge's mouth raised slightly...

[System prompt: Sublimation transformation failed. 】

The corners of Qi Ge's mouth suddenly froze...


This movement actually failed? !

[System prompt: Sublimation transformation failed and random mutation started. 】

At this moment, the branches that formed the [Fairy Dam] collapsed one by one, and the soil quickly dried and became stiff, and cracked open.

An ominous black energy came out from the [Fairy Dam].

[System prompt: Mutation direction: change of force affiliation.

Force affiliation changed to: Cemetery

[The Fairy Dam] will soon mutate into a rotten dam]


Damn it! Rotting dam? ! It doesn't sound like a good thing at first glance.

If this rotten dam affects the Lunhe Forest, isn't it the end of the world? !


At this moment, the [Scale of Destiny] hanging on Qi Dove's waist suddenly flashed, and at the same time, the statue of the goddess of fate Mine in the great temple also suddenly opened its eyes.

On the [Fairy Dam] that was gradually turning black, a bunch of green four-leaf clover suddenly bloomed.

[System prompt: The blessing of the goddess of destiny takes effect.

This mutation trigger is a great success! 】

[The direction of mutation is changed to: building activation

Building activation: Turn buildings into military units. 】

Qige:? ? ?

What a strange mutation this is.

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge, a new unit [Dam Element] was born in your territory. 】

【Dam element

Power: Elemental

Level: Level 5

Level: Level 3

Quality: hidden

Attack: 14

Defense: 19

Damage: 26~29

Lives: 680

Speed: 1


Elemental creatures, giant units, amphibious units

Cement generation: You can summon it once every three rounds, and you can always summon (10*own number) water elements and earth elements.

Mud spitting: When the cement generation stunt is triggered, you can spit your summoned creatures to any corner on the battlefield.

Description: Transformed from the building [Fairy Dam], he is born with the ability to master the power of water and mud.

Lazy by nature and unwilling to move. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on the birth of the player's territory [Dam Element].

The dam element can be produced by advanced earth element.

Your territory gets the dam element birth point (Runhe Forest)

One [Dam Element] will be born naturally every month. 】

Qi Ge:......

From the outside, the Fairy Dam has not changed at all, but Qi Ge can already feel the rhythm of life of the dam elements.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"


"Hello! Brother Dam Element? I am your lord!"


"Can you move?"


After trying to communicate with the dam element, Qi Ge discovered that the dam element’s thoughts were very pure:

Love whoever you want, do whatever you want, but just don’t disturb my sleep.

The output of this [Dam Element] is only 1 per month, and the quantity cannot be accumulated at all.

Although it is a giant unit, the attributes and special skills of [Dam Element] are not outstanding.

Moreover, [Dam Element] is still an NPC unit with only 1 point of movement.

When marching with this type of troops, not even skeleton soldiers can outrun them.

"This unit has a hammer."

Qi Ge got off the dam element with a confused look on his face and returned to the shore sitting on the beaver.

Lemeng immediately came up excitedly:

"Boss, how are you? Has the transformation been successful?"

Qi Ge had a strange expression: "Succeeded."

"How's it going? What's the effect?"

"It's become a military branch. It's hard to describe in one word, just see for yourselves."

Qi Ge posted the attribute of [Dam Element] in the message.

As a result, the number of people with complicated emotions increased from one to five.

"What's the use of this thing?"

Lin Xi issued a soul torture.

"Does this count as triggering great luck? Doesn't it mean that it hasn't changed since it has changed?"

Zhang Fu was very strange:

“Boss, I think this great luck has been triggered, it must not be that simple.

Boss, think about where the [Dam Element] could come in handy. "


At this moment, Lemeng suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Boss, look at the quick territory panel.

In the territory panel, [Fairy Dam] has not disappeared! "


Qi Ge quickly opened the territory panel and took a look.

[Fairy Dam (Dam Element)].

Sure enough, the bonus provided by [Fairy Dam] is still there!

“Oh my gosh, is this dam element going to have both architectural panels and biological panels?”

Qige suddenly understood.

"Doesn't that mean that every [Dam Element] born in the territory every month can turn into a [Fairy Dam]?"

“That’s of no use.

Each river basin has an upper limit on the capacity of the [Fairy Dam].

Even if there are dams, there aren’t that many rivers in our territory to put dams on. "

Li Xiaobai's expression was tangled.

"No! Xiaobai, you have overlooked one point. Soldiers can grow!

If the current [Dam Element] is [Fairy Dam], what will it become if the [Dam Element] continues to advance? "

Li Xiaobai, Zhang Fu, Le Meng and Lin Xi were all shocked.

"That's right! If the dam element can be upgraded into a miracle weapon, will the [Fairy Dam] also become a miracle building?

Miracle, myth?

Or even, a dam elemental hero?

What would happen if the dam element became a hero? "

Qi Ge suddenly clapped his hands.

"I'll go find the teacher and ask!"

After hearing the news about Qige, Agede, who had just returned to Thunder City and was still hot on his butt, ran back again using the [Scroll of Return to City].

He stood next to Lun He, looking at the [Dam Element] and muttering to himself in disbelief:

"It's actually an architectural creature. It's amazing."

Another new term appeared, Qi Ge quickly asked:

"Teacher, what are architectural creatures?"

"Actually, you have all come into contact with architectural creatures."

Agaide looked around at Qige and the others and said:

“The ultimate form of architectural living things is a natural wonder.”

"Natural wonder!!"*5

"Yes." Aguede said: "There are three ways for natural wonders to be born.

1. I am uniquely blessed by nature and was born directly in Yasha by some coincidences.

For example, [Falling Moon Lake] in Falling Moon Territory, and [Mountain Fortress] in Qi Ge’s territory.

2. The creations of the gods, such as the mahogany watchtower and the elemental gathering point, are all creations of the elemental monarchs.

3. Building organisms. Architectural creatures are extremely rare, and the birth of each architectural creature is a unique miracle.

As you might imagine from Seven Pigeons, building creatures can also be advanced.

As building creatures advance, the characteristics of their buildings will gradually strengthen, and the characteristics of the creatures will become weaker and weaker.

When advanced to a sufficient level, it becomes a natural wonder. "

Algaed sighed and said:

“This is what my mentor Credel told me.

But I have never seen a building creature in my life.

Disciple, your luck is so good that it makes people jealous. "

Li Xiaobai suddenly became surprised:

“Old man, isn’t there a birthplace of the dam element in our territory?

Could it be said that our territory can produce building organisms? "

"It's pretty beautiful to think about."

Agade shook his head and said:

“I’ve said it before, every architectural creature is a unique miracle.

The [Dam Elements] born in your territory will only be ordinary Dam Elements.

But don’t worry, elemental creatures have aggregation properties.

The birth point is here with you. When the number of dam elements increases, the birth speed will become faster and faster.

In two years, we should be able to reach the normal limit of two dam elements born per week.

Level 5 giant units, with more numbers, can be used to defend the city even if they are slow. "

Aqed pointed to the big dam and said:

"Apprentice, this architectural creature is extremely precious. If you can't grasp it, let me teach you.

Didn’t you set up a [Murloc Treasure House Leveling Point]?

I suggest that other units take it easy first, free it up, and let [Dam Element] brush it.

If you can trust me, then I will take this matter. "

"How could I not trust you, teacher? Then I'll leave it to you."

Agaide is willing to help, but it's not too late for Qi Ge to be happy.

He happily became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Agaide smiled, patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and said:

"Tomorrow Sunday, the historical echoes of this week, don't forget it."

"is teacher!"

Queen collar.

Catherine, who finally returned to her own territory, took off her full body armor in her palace.

Wearing soft nightgown, she lay relaxed on her bed, leaning against a pillow stuffed with gryphon feathers.

Ofer was gone, the holy war was over, and she could finally take a break.

Catherine looked out the window. Her horse, the Unicorn, was in front of the window sill, looking at the sky and making a "hum, hum" sound.

The only one who can make Catherine's unicorn so close is Gru.

The person usually responsible for guarding the window sill is Catherine's most trusted guard, Sousa.

But now Sosa is not here, and he can't find any guards temporarily, so Catherine can only let her mount work hard.

Knowing that Gru was still by her side, Catherine smiled slightly and prepared to have a good sleep.

But before Catherine could close her eyes, there was an urgent knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

"Your Majesty, an emergency order has been sent from Shengtian City."


Catherine frowned and sat up from the bed. The straps of her pajamas slipped off her shoulders, revealing half of her bright white skin.

"Has Ronis been so impatient to take action since I first came back?

It seemed that the Poseidon Church put a lot of pressure on him. "

Catherine smiled frivolously, changed into formal clothes, and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a miraculous swordsman from the [Holy Sword: Queen's Guard of the Round Table].

She held the letter in her hand and handed it to Catherine.

“Your Majesty, it has been checked and there are no traps or curses.

For your safety, I have reviewed the contents of the letter and ask for your forgiveness. "

"This is your duty, there is nothing to be sorry for.

Serena, come in and talk. "

Catherine returned to the room, turned around, jumped back, and jumped gently onto the bed.

The soft mattress made Catherine shake up and down several times.

Without the protection of armor, Catherine's chest began to shake.

For some reason, Catherine's horse grunted in displeasure.

The unicorn turned around and blocked the sunlight coming in from the window.

"His Majesty……

After you read it, don't get too excited.

This must be a church conspiracy. "

Serena hesitated twice before speaking in a low voice.

"Oh? It seems that the content of this letter makes you very uncomfortable."

Catherine raised an eyebrow.

"Let me see what return gift Ronis has prepared for me."

She took the letter out of the envelope and saw the angel feathers fused to the letter at first glance.

【Heaven Order】.

A special stationery that only high-level angels can produce.

Using this piece of paper to convey an order shows that this letter is not only an order from [Holy Sky Church], but also an order from [Yunzhong City].

This made Catherine frown.

[Queen Catherine:


King Geffen Hart's body was stolen by Diya and has been resurrected as an undead.

King Geffen Hart is planning to attack Erathia, and the undead army has crossed the border and is attacking [Ghoststone Castle].


King Geffen Hart is extremely dangerous and must be stopped.


It would be most appropriate for Queen Catherine to lead the troops to stop it.


Queen Catherine gathered the troops and went to [Ghoststone Castle] to assist the trapped [Baron Stone].

Time limit is one week.

Michael Ling]

The final signature was obviously just a name written on paper, but when Catherine focused her attention on it, she could feel the name radiating dazzling holy light and a strong sense of oppression.

This method can only be accomplished by Michael himself.

The letterhead with this name written on it has no possibility of being counterfeited or forged.

In other words, this [Heaven Order] is an out-and-out [Oracle].

"King Geffen Hart...


Catherine's hands holding the letter trembled angrily.

"Ronis!!! In order to deal with me, you actually dared to turn my father into an undead!!

Ronis! ! ! "

Even though she was mentally prepared, Catherine couldn't hold back her anger.

She was on the front line, fighting tooth and nail for Erathia, and fought several deadly battles with the Hell Legion.

But after returning to Erathia, she found that her father was taken to Diya and made into an undead, and now she and her father were asked to kill each other.

This is simply too much!

"Since you don't want the past love, the past kindness, and the past righteousness, then we will fight to the end!"

Catherine held the letter and stood up from the bed.

She angrily said to Serena, a member of the [Holy Sword: Queen’s Guard of the Round Table]:

“Send the order and announce tomorrow that the Queen’s Territory has broken with the Holy Heaven Church in the entire southern part of Erathia!

Expelled all monasteries and monks, and established the Poseidon Church as the main faith.

Reject the engagement between Roland and me, request a marriage from Aveli, and ask Gru to marry me! "

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

Serena was stunned.

Outside Catherine's window, Gru had fallen into ecstasy, even biting the Phantom Bow.


Catherine took several deep breaths to calm down.

Her eyes regained their composure, but they were still very cold.

"Sorry, Serena.

I was angry just now, but you just pretended that I didn't say anything.

As a woman, or as a queen, Catherine can do this, but as the head of a country, Catherine cannot do this.

Qi Ge said that angels are weapons, and this weapon is now in the hands of the Holy Sky Church.

But weapons can be snatched away.

After my order is issued, it is equivalent to pushing the angel to Ronis's side. The Lord of Yunzhong City, the terrifying true god-level existence, will completely become my enemy.

Roland and Ronis will join forces and use all their forces to eliminate me.

A large-scale civil war in Erathia will become inevitable. "


Catherine hammered the bed hard and said:

"Now is not the time.

The holy war has just ended, and the people are already suffering enough.

If a civil war breaks out now, no matter who wins in the end, Erathia will be beaten to the point where the people are in dire straits and will be in pieces.

I can only endure it for now. "

Gru's eyes were like a dead fish.

He expressionlessly rubbed his phantom bow with leaves, like a bow-wiping machine without emotion.

Serena also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Catherine was really carried away by anger, she really didn't know whether she should pass on this order.

Catherine closed her eyes and thought for a while.

Finally, she took out a conch and crushed it gently.

"Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Qi Ge, I need your help."

"That's it, I understand."

After listening to Catherine's words, Qi Ge softly comforted:

"Your Majesty, I promised you that I will use all my wisdom to help you clear the obstacles.

But the stakes were too high for me to make an immediate decision.

Please give me some time to think. "

The conch gradually dimmed, and Qi Ge also rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a headache.

Li Xiaobai's [Blood Recommendation to Xuanyuan] mission chain clearly stated that King Geffen Hart's body fell into Diya's hands a long time ago.

And now, Geffen Hart has been transformed into an undead. Regardless of whether there is Michael's order or not, Catherine will definitely confront Geffen Hart.

Geffen Hart is Katherine Hart's father and the teacher who educated Katherine from an early age.

With Catherine's character, it was impossible to leave Geffen Hart alone, it was fate.

If it were the previous life, Qi Ge would be very relieved to arrange Li Xiaobai next to Catherine and let Xiaobai follow along.

Because Catherine in her previous life could hang up the undead Geffen Hart and beat him.

In her previous life, Catherine's life was not as comfortable as it is now.

Without Seven Pigeons in her previous life, Catherine's fate would have been like this:

First of all, Sir M'rak did not break away from Erathia, but died on the front lines as a hero of the castle forces.

The time is about two months after the game was launched.

After Sir Mulak died in the battle, the church claimed that Sir Mulak was ordered by God and died heroically in the decisive battle with the devil.

He also posthumously named M'Lak the [God's Chosen Knight Commander], placed M'Lak's body in a crystal coffin, and displayed it in the Yunxia Square in Yunzhong City.

They also sent a large group of monks to sing hymns around Sir Mulak's coffin day and night.

This incident was an intolerable and huge blow to Catherine and the people's livelihood faction represented by Catherine.

Catherine applied several times for Sir Mulak to be laid to rest, but was rejected by the church.

Then, about half a year after the game started, Sousa died under siege by war fanatics led by Inheim.

Moreover, Sosa was labeled as "colluding with the devil" by the church.

The corpse was brought back to Holy Sky City by Inheim. In the presence of countless residents of Holy Sky City, it was burned by the holy light for three days and three nights. It was so soul-crushing that it didn't even have the chance to become a hermit.

At that time, the jihad was still going on. When Catherine heard the news on the front line, she burst into tears and almost collapsed emotionally.

Because it was Catherine herself who ordered Sousa to create chaos and help Mrak escape.

Sousa did not betray Catherine until her death, but as long as she did not betray Catherine, she could not explain why she rebelled.

At that time, Catherine had already suppressed huge anger in her heart.

Also about six months into the game, Sylvia had a conflict with the church in the army, and she wounded more than a dozen archangels head-on.

As a result, Sylvia angrily left the army, returned to the port city of Via, and declared his separation from Erathia.

Catherine broke another arm, but she still had to suppress her temper and wrote to Yunzhong City to plead for Sylvia, asking Yunzhong City to let her have full authority to handle Sylvia's affairs.

The game lasts for about eight months, Hell has the upper hand, Catherine is going around to save the situation, and the people's livelihood in Erathia is declining due to the holy war.

If Christine hadn't brought Caitlin to join them later, farming and fighting at the same time, Queen Catherine would have died long ago.

(Caitlin: legendary hero, former subordinate of Roland, papal sect.

Specialties allow all human units in the army to gain the farming capabilities of farmers, and at the same time, they can convert food and gold coins into each other.

To avoid confusion, it will be translated as Cattleya from now on. )

After Catherine finally stabilized the situation, Ronis and Roland, who had been recuperating at the rear, suddenly gave full support to the battlefield and launched a general attack on Hell.

They are ready to pick peaches.

In February of the second year of the game in the previous life, the angel tribe joined the war. At the critical moment, the demon tribe came a little late.

Riska's fire elf troops were isolated and defeated by Catherine's troops.

But in the end, Catherine failed to capture Riska's head on the battlefield.

Roland took the head.

Then, the jihad ends.

Catherine was beaten to death, and her army was almost annihilated several times.

Roland became the hero who ended the Holy War.

One can imagine how much Catherine's mentality and willpower will be tempered after this series of events.

In March of the second year of the game in the previous life, Geffen Hart was resurrected.

At that time, Erathia, who had been fighting a holy war for more than a year, was far from as strong as it is now.

The rear was empty, the ground was full of hungry people, and the morale of the soldiers was completely depleted.

Geffen Hart was unstoppable, and Roland's troops collapsed at the first touch and suffered repeated defeats.

In the end, Geffen Hart almost reached the Holy Sky City.

Seeing this, Diya gave Geffen Hart huge support. Black Knights, Ghost Dragons and other high-level soldiers all joined Geffen Hart's men.

Rod Hart, who also made great achievements, was transformed into an undead by Dracolich himself, and was given powerful professions and specialties.

At the same time, rumors spread throughout Erathia, and there were rumors everywhere that King Geffen Hatt was resurrected by Catherine.

The purpose is to suppress the arrogance of [the great king who ended the Holy War] Roland and prevent Roland from threatening Catherine's rule.

There are also countless witnesses who appear from nowhere, claiming to have seen Catherine's troops providing human sacrifices and supplies to Geffen Hart's undead army.

At this time, Catherine was like the protagonist in a torture novel.

Countless setbacks and suppressions made her feel a huge pressure in her heart.

When God wants to place a heavy responsibility on someone, he must first make his mind distressed, his muscles and bones tired, make him hungry, make him live in poverty, and make every action he takes unsatisfactory, in order to motivate him. His determination makes him perseverant and increases his abilities that he does not possess.

This famous quote from a real-life sage is perfectly reflected in Catherine.

Heavy pressure, countless abuses, and even misunderstandings from some of her subordinates did not crush Catherine.

And if the spring that is pressed to the limit does not break, it will definitely usher in the strongest explosion and resistance!

Catherine took her well-trained troops from the south and headed north to fight against her father!

At the critical moment, Sylvia returned to Catherine, and Christine rescued Cattleya from Roland and also returned to the army.

The demigod hero Morgan Kendall (Grew's adoptive father, a legend when he left Erathia), who had despaired of Erathia, saw new hope in Catherine.

At Gru's request, he returned to Erathia and joined Catherine's forces.

Catherine's personal charm is endless, and almost all of Yasha's chosen ones are on Catherine's side.

Queen Catherine has strong soldiers, strong morale, and a large group of cannon fodder who are not afraid of death.

She was unstoppable, brave and diligent, and even achieved a terrifying record of capturing three main cities in one day.

In the final battle, Catherine did not waver, first defeating Rod Hart, and then beheading her own father, completely purifying King Geffen Hart.

These two powerful enemies were defeated by Catherine herself.

At that time, Queen Catherine was capable of killing gods when she stood in the way of gods, and killing Buddhas when she stood in the way of Buddha. She had a spirit that surpassed all others.

She held her father's skull and sang the songs her father had taught her. Then she raised the skull high and declared to all of Erathia:

"It's time for my father to rest in peace.

In the name of King Griffin, I, Catherine, have completed the rebuilding of Erathia, and his glory will forever be matched by Erathia's prosperity. "

Immediately afterwards, Catherine reached the pinnacle of legend and started the road to being a demigod.

As a result, two of her [Holy Sword: Queen's Guards of the Round Table] evolved into level 6 myths.

Erathia obtained two level 6 mythical units at once, greatly increasing its combat power.

If chaos hadn't erupted later, as long as Catherine was given enough time, she might have been able to expel or kill Ronis and Roland and complete the unification of Erathia.

Then he implemented his own governing philosophy and became the renaissance master of Erathia.

“What Queen Catherine could do in her previous life, Queen Catherine of today may not be able to do.

Mrak is not dead, nor is Sousa. The Holy War was completely ended by me and the Poseidon Church.

I solved all the things that brought her endless pressure.

If Queen Catherine had memories of her previous life, she would make me kowtow.

However, precisely because of these hardships, Catherine's growth was far less than that of her previous life.

In her previous life, Catherine could chop the undead Geffen Hart (her father who loved her most) like wood. In this life, whether she can raise a sword against her father is a question.

It’s difficult to handle…”

Qi Ge sighed.

“Moreover, the current situation in Erathia is also different from the previous life.

The resurrection of Geffen Hart in his previous life was most likely not done by the church, but simply by Dia's conspiracy.

Because Roland was really beaten by Geffen Hart, Ronis also beat Degar, the demigod of Dia (the oldest vampire, the demigod of Dia who supported Geffen Hart). Several times.

But the resurrection of Geffen Hart in this life is 100% a joint conspiracy between the church and Diya.

In other words, the current Catherine is weaker than the Catherine in the previous life, and the enemies Catherine has to face are stronger than the enemies in the previous life.


Skull pain. "

Qi Ge analyzed it while writing and drawing on the paper.

“Degar and Gru are old rivals, they have competed before.

Although Degar lives a long time, he may not be able to defeat Gru.

But with Degar and Ronis, Gru may not be able to win.

At least one more demigod must be found to balance the high-end combat power.

If only Morgan Kendall would come back.

Catherine in her previous life could get his approval, but in this life... well, I'm not sure.

If I really can't find it, I'll have to ask for sea apples.

To beg one woman for another woman, tsk, it’s me as expected.

Catherine and Geffen Hart, no one can help with this, only Catherine herself.

If force is not enough, treasures will come to make up for it; if pressure is not enough, jade seals will come to make up for it.

If it doesn't work, let Xiaobai send the [Fake Griffin Heart Blade] to Catherine.

Her Majesty, this is Erathia's Sword of Destiny, take it!

No, the one holding this sword is the master of mankind.

Go ahead, take this sword and chop your father to death, chop him!

Well, maybe it works.

As for players, bring the "Long Live the Queen" guild.

Although they are a group of perverts no less than stalker Gru from the president to the members, their love for Catherine is real.

They should be able to accept dying hundreds or thousands of times for their beloved queen. "

As the plan was written down, Qi Ge suddenly had an idea!

"Wait a minute, why should I prioritize head-to-head combat? That's not my style.

Perhaps, there are other ways.

Even, I don’t need to take action...

Hiss, no, this plan is too vicious. "

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