Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 546 Accidents happen frequently

The fifth and sixth cycles have ended one after another, and the output of green wheat is gradually increasing.

After six rounds of screening, green wheat can now be [considered as 2.6 units of food].

At this time, Qi Ge has been in the echoes of history for more than a month.

In the past month or so, Qi Ge has quietly killed a lot of beasts.

Now he has reached level 3.

[Name: Jean Roland Carbone

Weapon: Unyielding Paladin

Level: 6

Rank: 3

Quality: Hidden (Normal)


Speed: 14(1)

Lives: 220 (170)

Defense: 38

Attack: 45

Damage: 32~48


The enemy cannot counterattack when attacking. Ring attack.

Clumsy as Cunning: One's own quality is always regarded as an ordinary soldier.


Not affected by any negative effects that lower morale, immune to hypnosis, blindness, and fear.

When fighting against units of higher quality than your own, you will not be affected by the quality suppression effect.

Moreover, the damage caused when attacking will be continuously doubled according to the quality difference between the two parties.

Indomitable body:

After killing the enemy, restore (number of kills * 10) points of health.

If the enemy you kill is of higher quality than yourself, the HP recovered will be doubled based on the quality difference between the two parties. (up to 8 times)

Can resurrect companions.

Disability of both legs (personal stunt): Losing both legs, the upper limit of life is reduced, and the movement speed is reduced.

Combat skills:

Griffin·Heart·Sword Technique: Attack distance +5, you can attack enemies within 5 blocks across the distance, which is regarded as a melee attack.

Attacks using this combat skill will not be counterattacked. 】

These are all the attributes of Qige now.

It has to be said that the paladin is indeed a natural level 6 weapon, both in terms of attributes and special skills, they are all ridiculously strong.

Especially the [Indomitable Body] stunt that Qi Ge only learned at level 3!

With ring attack and blood-stealing, the number of weak enemies is meaningless in front of Qi Ge.

Even the [Vampire King] looked down in shame.

What is worth mentioning is the combat skill: [Gryphon·Heart·Sword Technique].

[Gryphon·Heart·Sword Technique] was given to Qi Ge by the Djinn Legend [Fafner] in the previous game.

This combat skill is very difficult to learn, but because [Pseudo Griffin Heart Sword] is in Qi Ge’s hands, it has a special bonus to this combat skill, so Qi Ge learned it easily.

In this historical echo, Qi Ge practiced a little and soon regained the mastery of [Gryphon·Heart·Sword Technique].

At this time, [Gryphon, Heart, and Sword Technique] have not yet been created by Lien.

Qi Ge also has no intention of teaching [Gryphon·Heart·Sword Technique] to others.

One is because this combat skill is really difficult to learn, and not many people can learn it.

The second reason is that teaching [Gryphon·Heart·Sword Technique] to Lien and others, or Qi Ge himself frequently using this sword technique, will greatly reduce the difficulty of historical echoes.

Qige is worried that such cheating will make Yinghun disapprove of him.

He just mastered [Gryphon·Heart·Sword Technique] first, just in case.

Although Qi Ge's personal strength has progressed rapidly, it has not all been smooth sailing for him.

“The most important thing is that it’s been a month since Echoes of History, and I haven’t triggered the [main quest] yet.

The task requirement of the main mission is to find [Agricultural Scholar].

Now, Mr. Tyndall has cultivated green wheat [considered as 2 units of food], but the [main quest] has still not been triggered.

From all aspects of his performance, the old man clearly meets the requirements of an [agricultural scholar].

Could it be that I made a mistake? Is there another agricultural scholar? "

This made Qi Ge feel a little anxious.

When people are in a hurry, they want to do something.

Qi Ge is now lying on the wooden bed on the third floor, and Mr. Tyndall is lying on the other bed next to him.

The old man can't do it, but the aunt downstairs...can do it, but it's not necessary.

It's still exciting to fuck a beast.

However, Qi Ge discovered that the old man couldn't sleep tonight for some reason.

The old man didn't sleep, and Qi Ge couldn't find a chance to sneak out to find wild beasts to gain experience and get some food at the same time.

Usually, the old man would sleep soundly at night.

At this moment, Qi Ge heard a rustling sound next to him, and the old man actually sat up from the bed.

He seemed to be afraid of disturbing Qi Ge, so he quietly opened the door and left the room.

"Huh? It's so late, where is the old man going?"

Qi Ge suddenly opened his eyes and followed quietly behind the old man.

The corridor was very dark, so the old man didn't light a torch, so he held on to the grass wall with his hands and slowly went downstairs.

The old man gestured and borrowed a torch from the guard, and then walked slowly towards the field.

The old man walked to the field, being careful not to step on the wheat seedlings.

He used the light of a torch to carefully check the growth of wheat seedlings one by one.

The wind was very strong and cold at night. It blew on my body and chilled me to the bone.

Qi Ge himself can bear it, but the old man's body may not be able to bear it.

He emerged from the darkness and walked toward Mr. Tyndall with his hands on the ground.

"Old man, why did you run out so late?"

Tyndall saw the seven pigeons and laughed.

Qi Ge didn't know how to describe his smile.

A little embarrassed, a little guilty, and a little happy.


Tyndall pointed to the rice, made a flowering gesture, and then stretched out three fingers.

He shook the three fingers vigorously several times and smiled even brighter.

Qi Ge vaguely understood:

"You mean, this batch of [green wheat] can triple the previous size?"


Tyndall nodded sharply and kept shaking his three fingers.

He made many gestures, but Qi Ge looked at them once and didn't understand them, so he repeated them two or three times.

Qi Ge tried to translate:

"Old man, what you mean is that you promised me before, and now that you have done it, you are very happy."


Tyndall nodded sharply, made another hugging gesture with his hands, then gradually opened his arms, and kept laughing.

"There is more and more food, are you happy?"


Tyndall touched his belly, patted it again, then pointed around the village with his hand and smiled.

"Everyone in the village has enough to eat, and you are happy."


The old man smiled and shed some tears, crying with joy.

Although Mr. Tyndall was speechless, the voice in his heart was deafening.

He was beaten, wronged, and misunderstood. He had such deep feelings for Mai Miao. Maybe he just had a very simple idea:

I want everyone to be fed.

In novels, he is a kind old man, but in reality, he is a treasure of mankind.

If you were like Mr. Tyndall in the real world, you should enjoy the admiration of all people and enjoy all the blessings in the world.

Unfortunately, this is the world of Yasha that is in danger.

Characters like Mr. Tyndall do not even exist in historical records.

"I still suspect that I have found the wrong person. If even the old man is not qualified to be an agricultural scholar, then no one is qualified."

Qi Ge stood at the edge of the field and couldn't help but feel a little sad. He smiled and said:

"Old man, it's windy and cold outside. Let's go back. Don't be in a hurry. We'll come back tomorrow."


The old man nodded, climbed up, followed Qi Ge holding a torch, and Qi Ge walked towards the three-story thatched house in the darkness.

The torches burned, and wherever they walked they were always illuminated.

It's dawn the next day.

Ryan Hart brought all the remaining troops and axis weights to the new camp to join everyone.

With a stable food supply, the three leaders gathered together, which heralded the completion of the new base of the human tribe.

Qi Ge felt in his heart that the day when the old man became an [agricultural scholar] might be today.

Therefore, he stood outside the new tribe early in the morning, waiting for Rean Hart to arrive.

Seven Pigeons did not wait long, and Ryan Hart successfully arrived with all the troops.

After Rian Hart, Sahara Edric, and Mrak Gallant completed the handover, Qige immediately pulled Rian Hart to his office and said impatiently:

"Uncle! Good news!

After Mr. Tyndall’s selective breeding, the average yield of [green wheat] is now twice that of before.

Moreover, according to Mr. Tyndall, this batch of [green wheat] should be able to triple the yield! "

"Three times! It can actually reach three times."

Ryan Hart laughed heartily. In front of Qi Ge, he couldn't help but be excited and walked around the room.

"It can actually reach 3 times!

Great, really great.

With food, our tribe can multiply, and with tribes multiplying, we can have hope.

There will be more and more types of soldiers in the next generation, from thatched huts to white stone houses, everything will be fine.

Qinge, you and Mr. Dindal have made great contributions. "

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“I don’t have much credit, I mainly rely on Mr. Tyndall.

Uncle, you said Mr. Tyndall has made such great contributions, should we give him a title to reward him?

I think the title of agricultural scholar sounds good. "

Qi Ge crazy hints.

"Yes! Must!"

Ryan Hart touched his chin, thought for a while, and asked:

"Qinge, tell me, is it useful for me to make Mr. Tindall a noble now?"

Before Qi Ge could answer, Ryan Hart said with some disappointment:

"Qinge, we are no longer the Enroth we used to be. How can we speak of nobles and commoners?

We are all a group of desperate people, and the leader and the led share life and death.

He was so poor and clean that even if he wanted to reward Mr. Tyndall, he had nothing to offer. "

Qi Ge:......

To be honest, even Qi Ge himself was not sure whether he would be happy to give the old man a noble title.

The old man's son has unfortunately passed away. The old man's only ideal is to feed everyone.

The old man is an old farmer in the second level of the army. He is so old, and material comforts are of little significance to him.

Qi Ge thought for a while and said to Ryan Hart:

"Uncle, I have an idea.

We took some time to take the old man to the wild together to find some easy-to-deal with wild beasts.

Then we tried to cripple the beast and control it, and let the old man make up the final blow.

Give the old man some experience, and then give him the resources to advance.

If the old man can advance successfully, he can live a few more years. "

Ryan Hart's eyes lit up, he slammed his hand and said:

"What a great idea! I'm a hero and I can open up a fighting space for you.

Lancelot has a swift charge that can cripple beasts.

Come on, let's go find Lancelot to discuss it now. "

Qi Ge was about to leave with Ryan Hart when suddenly, one after another exclamations came from outside the house, attracting their attention at the same time.

The distance was a bit far and Qi Ge couldn't hear clearly, but the words floating vaguely in the wind made Qi Ge feel chills all over his body.



Oops, something happened!

Qi Ge put his hands on the ground and ran over quickly.

Ryan Hart stretched out his hand, grabbed Qi Ge directly by the armpit, and lifted Qi Ge up.

"I'll take you."

Seven Pigeons is a paladin, Ryan Hart is also a paladin, and Ryan Hart is still a hero. With a minimum level of 5, of course he can carry Seven Pigeons.

Rean Hart took long strides and ran toward the center of the village with seven pigeons.

Military camps, residential areas, and warehouses ran past them one after another. Qi Ge and the others were getting closer and closer to the farmland, and the ominous premonition in Qi Ge's heart grew stronger.

The two arrived at the farmland area, where a large group of farmers and soldiers were surrounding the farmland.

The newly planted green wheat was bent a lot, but no one cared.

Ryan Hart shouted angrily:

"What's wrong? What happened?"

When the crowd heard the sound, they immediately turned around. The expressions on everyone's faces were very sad and sorrowful.

The crowd slowly dispersed, and Hades knelt on the ground, holding Tyndall in his hands.

Tyndall held an ear of wheat that had not yet sprouted with both hands, and opened his mouth slightly.

When Hades saw Qi Ge and Lien Hart, he burst into tears and said in tears:

"The leader, the hero. Mr. Ding, Mr. Ding is dead."

"Dead!!" Qige was shocked and angry:

"How did he die?! Why don't you take good care of him?"

Ryan Hart gritted his teeth and felt very uncomfortable.

He patted the seven pigeons and said:

“Mr. Tyndall will die of old age.

End of life.

Qin Ge, sad and obedient. "

Ryan Hart took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee, and declared loudly:

"Mr. Tyndall, he devoted himself to the tribe, worked hard together, and died a worthy death!

A rich burial! Erect a monument! "

Rean Hart's voice penetrated the sky, and everyone in the entire human tribe could hear it no matter what they were doing.

"Mr. Tyndall's life has come to an end."

Bai Hart held her hands on her chest, feeling very uncomfortable. Over the past twenty days, she also admired the old man very much.

Over the past twenty days, the image of Tyndall not thinking about eating and drinking in order to produce more food for the territory was still engraved in her mind.

Bai Hart took a deep breath and knelt down on one knee.

The archer releases his spear, the knight dismounts, the swordsman holds his sword...

The entire human tribe was half-kneeling, expressing the highest respect for Tyndall.

Only Qi Ge was still standing there stupidly, unable to accept the facts.

"Mr. Tyndall passed away? The mission has not been triggered yet?

Isn’t the old man an [agricultural scholar]?

impossible! He is not worthy of being an agricultural scholar, who else is? "

"Humans obey the order! Kneel down and ask the Mother Goddess to protect Tyndall's heroic soul.

Thank you Yasha! "


"Second worship to the ancestors!"


"Three thanks to Tyndall!"


Three kowtows sounded throughout the tribe at the same time, causing Qi Ge to wake up from his trance.

He supported his body with both hands and walked to the body of Mr. Tyndall.

The wheat ears in the old man's hands are green and green, full of hope of life.

Prometheus stole fire from the sky and brought light and civilization to mankind.

He was punished by Zeus for this and was tied to the Caucasus Mountains, where he endured the wind, sun and eagles pecking him every day.

The old man had just ignited the flame of hope for the human tribe, but his weak torch suddenly disappeared.

We always hope that the world is fair and that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil. However, the world is always unfair.

"In other words, the old man had a premonition that he had no time last night, so he went to the fields to take a look?"

The spring silkworm's silk will not be used up until it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes.

Qi Ge grabbed Mr. Tyndall's hand and felt inexplicably sad.

If Mr. Tyndall was not an agricultural scholar, in real history, would Tyndall have been depressed because he was misunderstood?

Even after his death, no one knew how great he was, why the tears in his eyes flowed, or how much he could revolutionize human agriculture.

Perhaps when the villagers passed the grave of Mr. Tyndall, they would spit and curse: "This madman is finally dead. He robbed the widow of her life-saving food. He deserves to die."

"I should have thought of it earlier. If I had thought earlier that Mr. Tyndall would not have long to live, I could have taken him out earlier to gain experience.

In that case, maybe the old man can advance earlier and have more lifespan. Now the old man won't die. It's all my fault. "

Ryan Hart stamped his foot remorsefully.

Qi Ge was silent for a while and said to Ryan Hart:

"Uncle, can you help me take away the old man's body?

I wanted to bury him myself. "

Qige spent half a day digging out a beautiful coffin out of wood.

On the outside of the coffin, Qige carved a stick figure with a broken leg and another complete stick figure.

Two stick figures holding hands are standing in a lush wheat field.

Bai Hart stood behind Qi Ge, looking at the pattern on the coffin, and sniffed involuntarily.

Qi Ge smiled bitterly and said:

"The level is limited, it makes you laugh."

"Qin Ge, in today's world, life, separation and death are commonplace.

Although Mr. Tyndall has passed away, he left us hope, and we must continue to pass on the hope he passed on to us.

Qin Ge, you need to cheer up. "

"I'm very excited."

Qi Ge pushed himself up with both hands.

"I'm just a little upset."

Bai Hart's expression immediately became serious, and he spoke with murderous intent:

"Can't calm down? What do you mean?

Could it be that you and Mr. Tyndall were treated unfairly?

who is it? Who has the guts to do such a thing?

Qin Ge, tell me boldly and I will definitely give you justice. "

"No, no. I can't explain it clearly. It's my own problem. Auntie, don't think too much about it."

Qi Ge put a green wheat seedling into Tyndall's coffin as he spoke.

He glanced at Tyndall for the last time. Tyndall's expression was quiet and peaceful, and the green wheat seedlings beside him were green and green.

The years are always quiet at this moment.

"Goodbye, old man, even if you are not an agricultural scholar in history, you are still an agricultural scholar in my heart.

May the Mother Goddess always protect your heroic spirit. "

The seven doves closed the coffin boards, dug a hole, buried their heads, and erected a monument.

Mr. Tyndall had no children, so Qi Ge personally died for Tyndall.

There was no feast and no funeral service.

Just buried it so simply.

But Qige didn't have any dissatisfaction.

In troubled times, keep everything simple.

It is difficult for ordinary people to even stay alive, and there are countless people who die silently.

Mr. Tyndall can have a coffin, a tombstone, and a collective farewell of more than 6,000 people. The salary is high enough.

If the sense of ritual is to make one day different from other days, it makes one moment different from other moments.

Then the old man's funeral was already ceremonial enough.

Perhaps when he was alive, he never imagined that so many people would kneel down to pay tribute to him after his death.

But all this means nothing to a dead man.

Mr. Tyndall is dead, but the main mission has not failed.

Although Qi Ge thinks that [Mr. Tyndall is not an agricultural scholar] is very outrageous, the system will always be right, and you have to look for it when you need to.

After burying Mr. Tyndall, Qige returned to the farmland area.

He chatted with the farmers one by one and got information one by one, but he could never find any special talents.

Ask them about their past lives, and you won't find anything remarkable about them.

Even when Enroth was not destroyed, their lives were so monotonous that they needed to use the fast forward button to get some flavor.

Helpless, Qige could only console herself that maybe the fate has not come yet, and when the fate comes, the agricultural scholar will jump out.

The agricultural scholar couldn't be found, so Qige first targeted the griffon.

Although Sun Knights and Paladins are good, Sun Knights and Paladins are both level 6 arms. Even if you get the arms building, there is a risk that [Chosen City] will not be able to be built.

Although the level of griffins is only level 3, griffins have a very special status among human forces.

In the building tree of the castle force, the recruiting building for griffons is called [Gryphon Tower]. To build [Gryphon Tower], [Barracks] is required as a precursor.

[Barracks] is a military building for recruiting level 4 swordsmen. It requires a county town to build, but an acropolis cannot be built.

In other words, as a third-level unit, griffons need to reach the county seat before they can build unit buildings through the unit tree for recruitment.

This situation is unique among the nine major forces.

If you want to build a [Gryphon Tower] on the Acropolis, you can only use some special means.

For example, consuming additional building drawings, or attacking the griffin's lair from the wild.

(After the griffin's lair is captured, with a very low probability, you can choose to transfer the lair in the reward options.

After the griffon lair is transferred to the territory, the [Gryphon Tower] can also be unlocked. )

This special situation is mainly because griffins have a really high status among human forces, and griffins are really strong.

The gryphon is the price of a level 3 soldier, has the panel attributes of a level 3.5 soldier, and has no weaknesses in terms of attack, defense, health, damage, and speed.

Even ordinary quality griffins and royal griffons are very cost-effective.

Coupled with Qi Ge's understanding of the griffin in his previous life, the griffon became Qi Ge's number one target.

If you want to get the gryphon-type heroic soul unit, Sahara Edric's strategy is indispensable.

If you want to get the recognition of the heroic soul, you must help the heroic soul make up for its regrets.

Qi Ge knew about Sahara Edric's regret from the beginning.

In the previous life, when Qi Ge was working under Adrik to gain a good impression, she heard Adrik say countless times:

“An extremely powerful mythical griffin [Dragon King Griffin] was once born in the Griffin Cliff area, and all the dragon-blooded griffins surrendered to the Dragon King Griffin.

[Dragon King Gryphon] is a griffon that is about to evolve into a giant dragon.

If it succeeds, perhaps there will be another kind of dragon in the world of Yasha.

Ancestor Sahara tried many times but could not conquer it.

When Chaos broke out for the second time, if the Sahara Ancestors could successfully conquer the [Dragon King Gryphon], the [Dragon King Gryphon] would not have arrogantly rushed towards Chaos alone.

The griffons of Griffin Cliff can cooperate with King Lien's troops, and humans will not make such a big sacrifice in that Chaos invasion. "

Sahara Edric's regret must be taming the [Dragon King Griffon].

Now the [Dragon King Griffin] has not been born yet, and the rulers of the Griffin Cliff area are still the [Dragon Blood Griffins].

But no matter what, the [Dragon King Griffon] must be among the [Dragon Blood Gryphon].

"Forget it if I can't find [Agricultural Scholar], but I can't find [Dragon King Griffon]?"

Seven Pigeons are full of confidence.

“In my previous life, I was trained by Edric as his heir, and I was very familiar with griffons.

As long as I get my hands on it, I can clearly see how much potential this griffon has. "

The sixth cycle is coming to an end. Sahara Edric, who has completed his training, mounts his royal griffon mount and prepares to challenge the dragon-blooded griffon again.

Seven Pigeons, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately jumped out, hugged Sahara Adlik's thigh and said:

"Uncle Sahara, can you take me with you? I also want to see the dragon-blooded gryphon."


Sahara's expression was a little hesitant.

"Qinge, it's not that I don't want to take you, but the Griffin Cliff area is very dangerous.

We members of the Edric family often come to the Griffin Cliff area and have brought food to feed the griffins since we were young, so the griffins are very familiar with us.

But if other humans get close, they are easily attacked by griffons. "

Qi Ge patted his chest and said:

“Uncle Sahara, don’t worry.

Didn’t you also see it during this time? Now, I know the habits of griffons very well.

You see, I get along very happily with the griffins in our village. "

"Those are domesticated..."

Before Sahara Adlik finished speaking, Qi Ge looked at him pitifully and said miserably:

"When I was in good health, I had no confidence in whether I could become a hero.

In my current state, it will be even more difficult to advance to Level 5 and become a hero.

Uncle, I know that after the fusion of [Knight Arms] and [Mount Arms], a new [Cavalry Arm] may appear.

After becoming a new soldier. The disabilities of [Knight Arms] and [Mount Arms] will be repaired.

Neither ordinary griffins nor royal griffins can carry me. If I can tame the dragon-blooded griffin and get along with it day and night, maybe I can become the first [Paladin Dragon-blooded griffon knight]

If I could succeed, I could regain my whole body. "

Sahara Adlik had a strange look in his eyes:

"Qinge, please forgive me.

I remember I told you that the first step to tame a griffon is to get the griffin's permission, then ride on the griffin and hold the griffin tightly without affecting its flight.

Afterwards, the griffon will fly wildly in the air. Only by not being thrown down can the griffon be recognized.

You are missing your legs and cannot hold the gryphon at all. How can you talk about taming it? "

"Who said you have to use your legs to hold a griffon.

After researching for the past few days, I discovered that you can ride on a griffin even without using your legs. "



Qi Ge put his hand in his mouth and blew, and immediately there was a fierce eagle call in the distance.

An extremely powerful royal griffon circled in the air and quickly landed next to Qi Ge.

"Huh? Wait, cappuccino?! Why do you whistle and my gryphon comes down from the sky?"

The people of Sahara Edrik were stupid.

"Gee, don't worry about the details."

As Qige said that, he put his hands on the ground and made a small jump to ride on the cappuccino.

He passed the cappuccino's wing feathers with his hand, stuck it in a groove on its body, and pressed his body tightly against the cappuccino's body.

"Take off, cappuccino."

Cappuccino flapped his wings vigorously, floated with difficulty, and made two or three pirouettes in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Cappuccino fell to the ground from exhaustion.

Seven pigeons jumped off the cappuccino.

He touched Cappuccino's head, rubbed Cappuccino's feathers, and stuffed a piece of dried bear meat into Cappuccino's mouth.

The cappuccino was very tired, but the expression on the face was joyful and the eyes were blurred, and the cappuccino was chewed slowly with a look of great enjoyment.


Sahara Edric let out three exclamations in a row, each one louder than the last, and each one with a weirder tone.

Although the seven pigeons were too heavy, the cappuccino was only two or three meters above the ground.

But it did circle in the air several times, and none of the seven pigeons fell from it.

“But that’s not the point at all.

The point is, a griffon will only have one owner in its life, so why would I let you ride my cappuccino? ! "

"It's okay, you are the owner of Cappuccino, and I am the breeder of Cappuccino.

What happened to your griffin when it was allowed to be ridden by the keeper? Don't be so stingy.

Uncle Sahara, you love cappuccino and I love cappuccino too. We are on the same side. "

The seven pigeons are extremely free and easy.

Sahara Edric felt that his lifelong study of gryphons was all in vain!

"Feed, breeder?

What does breeder mean?

Is there such a thing? ! "

"Oh, this is easy to understand."

Seven Pigeons whistled a few more times, and several more Royal Griffins flew in from the sky.

They all leaned close to the seven pigeons docilely, and were fed and feathered one by one by the seven pigeons.

"Bruno, Dororo Luo, Kapasky..."

Seeing the griffins of the Gryphon Knights in the village fall to the hands of the Seven Pigeons one by one, Sahara Edric's brain shut down.

Qige explained:

"Look, you and the gryphon are bound to have a knight-mounted relationship.

Griffins will not let other knights ride them, and you are not allowed to become the knights of other griffins.

But I'm different. I'm a breeder and I can ride any griffon I want.

Uncle Sahara, you and Cappuccino belong to each other, but I belong to all griffins.

We are different. "

I have seven pigeons, and I am the old sea king.

"Ha!" Sahara Adlik's eyes lit up:

"How on earth is this done?! Qinge, teach me!"

"Easy talk, lots of massages, lots of feeding, so that the griffons will develop a dependence.

At first there will be some resistance and some reluctance from the gryphons.

But repeat it a few times, and when the griffin is intoxicated and can't leave you, you can try to ride on it...

The griffin will definitely resist very strongly at first, so you have to appease the griffin at this time.

You must tell the gryphon that you are a breeder, not a knight, and being ridden by you is not a betrayal.

Being ridden by a breeder is just a test flight.

Try it briefly and let the breeder help you determine whether there is any problem with your flight status.

After the flight, the keepers will give you a massage and give you delicious food.

Just like this step by step...

Ah wait a minute, now is not the time to talk about this.

Uncle Sahara, you have seen what I am capable of.

Now I want to heal my legs, but I have to rely on the dragon-blooded gryphon.

Uncle, please take me there, please. "

Sahara Adlik's mind was a little confused at this time. It was obviously a dangerous thing that Qinge could never be allowed to do, but he actually didn't know how to refuse.

After thinking for a long time, Sahara Edlick came up with a reason: "Qinge, the strength of cappuccino is almost the same as that of the dragon-blooded gryphon.

Even a cappuccino can't carry you, and a dragon-blooded gryphon probably can't carry you either. "

Qi Ge waved his hand indifferently: "That doesn't matter, the dragon-blooded gryphon can still advance!

I'm not in a hurry, I'll raise it slowly until the dragon-blooded gryphon is advanced enough to carry me. "

[This kid, I'm just afraid that something will happen to you, and I keep looking for excuses to get you off my feet. Can't you even see that?

So why be serious? 】

Sahara Adlik was extremely embarrassed. He thought for a long time and couldn't think of any reason to refuse. He simply closed his eyes and said:

"Okay. Go and tell your Uncle Lien.

Give you half an hour, and as long as Ryan Hart agrees, I will take you there. "

"I disagree!"

Ryan Hart patted the table lightly and said seriously:

"Qing Ge, the reason why you say this is because you know nothing about the dangers of griffins.

The griffins you see are all griffins that have lived among us humans for many years and have been domesticated.

You have no idea how powerful and ferocious the wild griffins are.

Griffins are united, loyal, and fearless. They dare to attack enemies that are more powerful than themselves, and they show no mercy to intruders who invade their territory.

They are a collection of courage and force. Even giant dragons do not dare to provoke the griffin nests where there are enough people. "

Qi Gemei rubbed the center of her eyebrows.

He had been persuading him for more than ten minutes, but it was dangerous for Ryan Hart to kill the gryphon with one bite, and he would not let go no matter what Qi Ge said.

This stubborn character of not getting enough food and salt really gave Qi Ge a bit of a headache.

In desperation, Qi Ge could only use his ultimate move.

He counted his nose, tears filled his eyes, and his emotions were visibly lost. He pondered for a while and said:

"Uncle Ryan.

In fact, losing my legs was a huge blow to me. Whenever I see other people walking on their legs, I inevitably feel envious.

So I am working harder now than before just to not remind myself of the pain of losing my legs.

If I can tame the dragon-blooded gryphon, maybe I can heal my legs. This is the fastest, most effective and most successful method I can think of.

Uncle, if you don't let me go, you are cutting off my hope!

I know it's hard for normal people like you, uncle, to truly understand how I feel.

In the tribe, the only one who really understands me is Mr. Tyndall.

Now that Mr. Tyndall has gone, I am alone again.


If he could see me going to visit his grave with my legs intact, he would be very pleased. "

This triple combo of moral kidnapping, emotional catharsis, and macho tears is beyond the reach of Ryan Hart.

"Qinge, you!"

He was angry and guilty. He sat silently in his seat and drank water.

After drinking several bowls in a row, Ryan Hart couldn't stand the cry of Qi Pigeon.

He sighed and said:

"Qinge, you can go, but you must not do anything dangerous and do what you can.

Remember to follow your uncle Sahara, he is very familiar with griffons, and you must not do anything he tells you not to do.

You are so mature and you need to know how to take responsibility for every choice you make."

"Well! Uncle Ryan Hart, you agreed, that's great!"

Damn, I finally got it done.

Seven Pigeons was very happy to receive the permission. He couldn't wait to call Sahara Edric and prepared to follow him to Griffin Cliff.

The gryphon could not carry seven pigeons, so the seven pigeons rode on their own tricycles.

The speed of the tricycle is still so fast, but there is one less person in the back seat.

[Dragon Griffin Cliff] is getting closer and closer in front of Qige.

This [Dragon Griffin Cliff] is very familiar to Qi Ge. In his previous life, Qi Ge lived in [Dragon Griffin Cliff] for a year.

Even Qi Ge still remembers the attributes of [Dragon Griffin Cliff].

【Dragon Griffin Cliff

natural wonders

Basic attributes:

NPC griffon growth rate +200%.

Considered as a fixed griffon nest of 200 birds/week.


Provides troop advancements for [Young Dragon Griffin] (Level 2 Hidden), [Dragonborn Griffin] (Level 3 Hidden), and [Dragon Blood Griffon] (Level 4 Miracle).

All griffons fighting near the Dragon Griffin Cliff gain the [Griffin Rising Dragon] special skill

Griffin Ascension: Leaves the battlefield, re-enters the battlefield after two rounds, and launches an air attack on a designated 5*5 area (causing 1.2 damage of a normal attack and cannot be counterattacked). After the air attack, the entire battlefield will be randomly selected to stay. 】

Natural wonders also grow.

Qi Ge also doesn’t know whether the properties of the [Dragon Griffin Cliff] in the historical echo and the [Dragon Griffin Cliff] he stayed in in his previous life have changed.

However, the main function of [Dragon Griffon Cliff] should not change. It definitely has the basic function of accelerating the reproduction and growth of griffins.

[Dragon Griffin Cliff] The large area nearby is the main hunting area for griffons.

When Qi Ge was cleaning up the beasts for leveling, they were also very careful to avoid this area.

Under normal circumstances, humans are not part of the griffin's diet, and griffins will not take the initiative to attack humans when they see them.

But it's a different matter for humans to seek death.

It is not strange at all for griffins to regard enemies who snatch prey as their own prey.

If you eat my prey, I will eat you, it is fair and reasonable.

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