Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 565 Another Fairy Prophet

"Petra, look at the shape of that big snow pit on the ground and imagine a mountain growing out of it."

Qige pointed to a sunken snow valley ahead and said to Petra.


"Lord, please forgive me for my poor imagination. I can't imagine it."

Qi Ge blinked and took out the pen and paper.

"It doesn't matter! I'll draw it for you!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

With just a few strokes, a majestic mountain peak appears on the page.

Qige put the painting in front of Petra and said, "Look, is it this one?"

Petra's eyes suddenly widened: "Yes, yes! This is it! How did you know, Lord Lord?"

Qi Ge:......

It really is……

Qi Ge turned the paper over and drew another mountain peak.

"Petra, look at this, do you have any impression?"

"Huh? Isn't this the [Mithril Mountain Range] in our territory?"

"Hey, right.

Viewed horizontally, it looks like a ridge and a peak on the side, with different heights near and far.

Although it looks different, it's just a matter of perspective.

The mountain you encountered first is the [Mithril Mountain Range] in our territory. "

Petra suddenly woke up: "Is the [Mithril Mountain Range] in the territory the same one we stayed in before?!

Wait a minute, Lord Lord, how did you move that ~~~~big~~【Mithril Mountain Range】?

Isn’t this too awesome? "

"Ahem, that's not the point," Qi Ge coughed awkwardly and said:

"Petra, did anything happen to your goblin team in the Mithril Mountains?"

Mentioning this, Petra's mood gradually dropped.


He sighed and said carefully:

"When we just came out of the portal, there were 701 goblins including me. Our food reserves were almost gone, and we had to find something to eat immediately.

The wilderness is full of dangers, and we dare not run around for fear of running into wild monsters and mages.

Once a fleeing goblin like us is caught by a mage, there is only one way to die.

Fortunately we discovered the [Mithril Mountains].

The [Mithril Mountains] are covered with strange silver trees with silver glowing leaves.

We were a little scared at first.

But the situation quickly changed.

At that time, there was a snow fairy in our team who was so hungry that he couldn't stand it any longer, so he picked leaves from the silver trees and ate them.

Contrary to our expectations, the silvery leaves are actually edible and taste pretty good.

The whole mountain is full of these silvery trees, and the leaves are impossible to eat.

For us, it’s endless food.

We fell into ecstasy, thinking we had found the Utopia mentioned by the great prophet.

Although this mountain is somewhat different from the ideal land described by the great prophet.

But after discussion, we thought that maybe there are several Utopias in this world, and it is normal for some errors to occur.

Being able to eat well and survive is already a dreamland for us. "

Petra seemed to recall the scene at that time. He paused, with guilt and sadness on his face.

"But we were wrong.

Although the silvery leaves are edible, don't eat too much of them.

It only took about three days for a goblin to react.

He began to vomit continuously and spit out a lot of silvery powder from his stomach. After that, the whole goblin became much weaker.

The goblins in the team began to have adverse reactions one after another, and developed a natural aversion to the silver leaves. They could not and did not dare to put the silver leaves in their mouths anymore.

At that time, the mood of all the goblins was very pessimistic. We thought that this ideal land was rejecting us and unwilling to let us continue to live here.

We were so sad that we had to pack up all the gifts and continue to look for the ideal land for our fairies. "

Qi Ge said softly:

“This response is an evolutionary failure.

The leaves of the mithril trees on the [Mithril Mountains] will contain a very small amount of mithril. If the unit is compatible with mithril, it can evolve by eating a lot of leaves.

Once the evolution is successful, not only will the innate level change, but there may even be a chance to directly improve the quality.

All the fairies failed, which means that the adaptability between the fairies and mithril is not very good.

If Mithril cannot be absorbed, then Mithril will not only not be helpful to you, but will become a poison.

This is the source of your natural aversion to leaves. "

"Is that so?" Petra sighed and said:

"That's such a pity. If our compatibility with Mithril was good enough, perhaps the tragedy that followed would not have happened.

Shortly after we left the [Mithril Mountains], we bumped into a mage caravan.

That mage caravan attacked us goblins mercilessly.

Out of a team of 700 goblins, only 512 could successfully escape with me.

Our team was suddenly reduced by less than half.

This is because those mages did not pursue us. If they continued to pursue us, we would all die in Silver Snow City. "

Hearing this, Qige seemed to understand something.

He patted Petra on the shoulder and said:

"Come on, Petra.

Let’s go to [Silver Snow City] to have a look.

Maybe some of the goblins who were separated from your large army survived. "

"Yeah!" Petra nodded vigorously.

The life span of low-level fairies is only 6 to 7 years.

Unless there are goblins who have their lifespan extended in wild resource buildings like Petra.

Otherwise, the fairies who were born at the same time as Petra and still live to this day must be at least level 4.

Under normal circumstances, high-level goblins in Brakada need to be registered.

If he wanted to know if any of the fairies in Yinxue City had Petra's original companions, Qi Ge could just go to the city lord's mansion and check.

[Silver Snow City] is Mr. Agede’s basic game, and it is also the basic game of Qige.

Qi Ge took Petra and walked to the [Fairy Tavern] with great swagger.

At the entrance of the Goblin Tavern, although it was not as grand as when it first opened, there was still a long queue.

There are both players and NPCs in the team.

As long as Qi Ge shows his identity a little bit, he will definitely not have to queue up.

But Qige didn't want to attract attention, so he honestly took Petra and lined up to enter.

This row lasts for twenty minutes.

"In front of you, my lord."

After entering the goblin tavern, Qi Ge saw that there was no one around, so he poked the goblin attendant who was leading him and asked:

"Is Wolfs here?"

"you are?"

The goblin attendant looked at Qi Ge strangely.

Qi Ge dispelled his disguise and quickly resumed his disguise.

"Lead, lead. Lead."


Qi Ge signaled the goblin attendant to quiet down, and then asked:

"Is Wolfs here?"

The goblin immediately shook his head and replied: "The big boss is not here, but the store manager is.

Sir, I will take you to the VIP room, and then immediately notify the store manager to see you. "

Arriving at the VIP room, Qi Ge saw Petra staring at the goblin's back in trance.

"What? Do you know him?"

Qi Ge asked doubtfully.

"Ah, of course. He is Paul Kocha, Wolfs' most diligent goblin.

When Wolfs was still in our territory, he rushed to work every day and left a very good impression on me. "

Petra said softly:

“I see myself in him.

When I was still in the Mage Tower, I was like him, thinking that hard work would lead to a future.

Of all the goblin guards, I have been on duty the longest and done the most work. "

Qi Ge:......

found it! The culprit of the goblins working overtime in the territory has been found!

Petra, as the acting lord of the city, you actually took the lead in getting involved, which is a heinous crime!

You are worthy of the God's Chosen City, and you are worthy of the goblin!

“I see, then I’ll mention it to Wolfs and ask him to promote this little guy.

For a hard-working elf like him, what is often missing is the right direction and enough opportunities. "

Petra said with some emotion:

“Yeah, it’s just a lack of opportunities.

But there are fairies everywhere who work hard, but there are very few fairies who have a chance.

I can meet Lord Qi Ge, it is really the goddess of fate who favors me. "

Soon, the manager of the Goblin Tavern hurried over.

Qi Ge wrote a letter and asked him to take it to the city lord's palace and give it to the fat quartermaster Charlie Fat.

The relationship between the Fat Quartermaster and Qi Ge is very close.

A while ago, Silver Snow City's core natural wonder [Mithril Mountains] was moved away by Negan's crazy terrorists.

Agade was furious, and the director of Yinxue City's logistics department resigned.

With the help of Qi Ge, the fat quartermaster was quickly promoted from the director of the Yinxue City Military Supplies Department to the position of director of the Yinxue City Logistics Department.

The Minister of Logistics is responsible for both civilian and military needs. He is also in charge of all the official mines and factories in Yinxue City. He is a fat man who can make oil and water flow on the table.

In return, the Fat Quartermaster also took great care of the Goblin Tavern. As long as Wolfs came to him, he would do his best within the scope of his authority and never shirk the responsibility.

Even if his authority cannot handle it, he will work hard to build bridges and help Wolfs pave the way.

The Fat Quartermaster is a little greedy, but it's really easy to use.

Soon, the fat quartermaster was brought in through the back door by the owner of the Goblin Tavern.

His chubby face was covered with sweat, and he looked like he was running over.

"Lord Hoshikaze! I'm here.

I have also brought what you asked for, making sure there are no mistakes or omissions. "

Having reached this status, Charlie Fatty finally understood the importance of Seven Pigeons in Brakada.

He no longer dares to use the previous titles such as "old brother".

He respectfully handed a document with the word "confidential" to Qi Ge with a very humble attitude.

Qi Ge took the document, tore open the envelope and read it carefully.

"Oh? There are only 3 level 4 and above fairies in the entire Silver Snow City? So few?"

"My lord, that's already too much."

The fat quartermaster said cautiously: "It is difficult to find a level 4 goblin in other major cities."

"That's true."

Qi Ge sighed in his heart and said to the fat quartermaster: "Okay, you can go. Thank you."

The fat quartermaster breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily:

"Hey! It's the right thing to do for you, Mr. Xingfeng."

Seeing the fat quartermaster backing away and preparing to leave, Qi Ge coughed and said:

"Ahem, by the way, there's one more thing."

The fat quartermaster stopped immediately: "Sir, please give me instructions."

"Charlie, what level are you at now?"

"Thanks to you, sir, I'm already at level 5."

"What about the path of a hero?"

The fat quartermaster wiped the sweat from his face and said with some shame:

"No clue."

Qi Ge asked knowingly:

"Charlie, are you confident that you will walk the path of a hero? Tell the truth."

The fat quartermaster was even more ashamed:

"Sir, my body has been completely drained by the Medusa maids at home. My energy and energy are gone. I really can't muster any confidence."

"What about advancement? Miracle? Myth?"

The fat quartermaster's legs softened: "Hey, Lord Xingfeng, please stop teasing me. If I have this ability, I won't think about being ripped off every day.

If I have even the slightest hope of becoming a mythical soldier, I will definitely quit and fight to the death to advance. "

"Then replace Medusa with Naga, right?"

Qi Ge glanced at the fat quartermaster frivolously.

The fat quartermaster laughed: "Sir, you better understand me. This is my hobby."

Qi Ge patted the table and stood up.

He said as he walked:

“Tell me the truth, don’t mind.

Charlie, I looked into you.

When you were a quartermaster, you fell in love with the Medusa maid in the flower tavern.

Later, when you were promoted to Director of Munitions, you did not forget her, but always kept her with you.

Now that you are the Minister of Logistics, she is far from a promiscuous woman worthy of you, but instead of abandoning her, you married her as your wife.

Wealth never forgets his wife, you are somewhat of a sentimental person and you still have some shining points.

Charlie, you should know that the Minister is as far as you can go without becoming a hero.

But if you want to move up, you have to be a hero. "

Qige walked up to the fat quartermaster, leaned into his ear, and said:

"You should know very well how precious a Hero Token is; it's a price you may not be able to get out of it in your lifetime.

I can take you to the Realm of Chaos to fight for the Hero Order for free.

But you should know what it means to ask me to take action, right? "

The fat quartermaster suddenly woke up.

He immediately knelt down in front of Qi Ge and kowtowed violently with joy.

"Lord Xingfeng, I, Charlie, want you to be my leader in this life. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west!"

[System prompt: Level 4 and 5 [Mire Archmage] Charlie Fat admires you and requests to join your territory secretly. Do you agree? 】


Qi Ge took a quick glance at the Fat Quartermaster's attributes.

“Loyalty 96, favorability 99.

It's not too low, just barely usable. "

He helped the fat quartermaster up and said:

“Very well, Charlie, I have a task for you.

You must remember that you must keep these tasks strictly confidential. Even if you are killed, you cannot tell them. "

Charlie nodded sharply, with a sincere look on his face:

"Don't worry, Lord Xingfeng, I will never leak anything."

“From today on, all guards and managers in Silver Snow City’s mines, factories, and warehouses will become your subordinates.

I'm talking about the kind of subordinates who can die for you.

Preferably the kind that sticks their heads on the waistband of your pants, you know what I mean? "

The fat quartermaster's eyes were so frightened that his eyes widened. As soon as he heard this, he knew that Qi Ge's plan was not trivial.

But he knew very well that Xingfeng had already told him these words, and there was no possibility of him getting off the ship.

Whether it was a luxury yacht or a leaky boat, he had no choice but to live and die with Xingfeng on the boat.

"Yes! Sir, I understand!"

The fat quartermaster left the Goblin Tavern in a daze. Qige shook the paper in his hand at Petra and said:

"Let's go, Petra, let's find out if any of those high-level goblins are your companions.

Start looking for it from the first stop.

Hora Philomena's Jewelry Workshop. "

"Master Hora, I leave this equipment to you.

I am just such a child, lest he die young.

I visited more than a dozen major cities, but no master treasure maker dared to take my order.

I can’t afford the legendary treasure maker’s appearance fee.

Now you are the only one willing to help me, Master Hora. "

An old mage hero pushed a large bag of gold coins in front of Hora, his voice trembling and hoarse.

“Don’t worry, you know my credibility.

Within three days, I will definitely give you the [Escape Boots]. "

Hora, who had returned to her true form, had a beaded veil on her face, revealing only a pair of enchanting eyes.

She accepted the gold coins, and Shi Shiran stood up and left.

Behind her, the old mage kept shouting: "Master Hora, please be more careful."

Just when Hora walked out of the living room, a maiden of the djinn guarding the door immediately came up to her and whispered:

"Master, someone is looking for you and has been sent to your bedroom."


Hora frowned.

"If you don't arrange it in the living room, how can you arrange it directly in my bedroom?"

The maiden of the genie covered her mouth and snickered: "The person who comes to see you is your half-elf."

"Seven doves!" Hora exclaimed in surprise and gave the maid of the djinn a happy squeeze.

"Well done. You still understand me.

Get the incense and wine ready. I'll clap my hands and you'll be brought in. "

"Okay, Master, have fun tonight."

Hora flew back to the bedroom in high spirits, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw Qige sitting by the bed.

She couldn't wait to laugh and threw herself into Qi Ge's arms.

"Bad brother, he came to see my sister and didn't say hello in advance. My sister didn't even have time to prepare."

Qi Ge hugged Hora and said with some embarrassment: "Sister, wait a minute, I'm the one who brought people here. I have something serious to do."

Hora's lips had already bit Qi Ge's shoulder, and he was suddenly stunned.

She turned her head and saw Petra standing by the wall, shivering with embarrassment.

Petra was excited and said quickly:

"Hello, Master Hora, I am the Lord Lord's acting city lord."

Hora quickly pushed Qige away, straightened her clothes, and suddenly became serious:

"Qige, you came to me, do you need my help with anything?"

Qi Ge looked at Hora pretending to be calm and snickered in his heart. He immediately answered and handed Hora the ladder to dilute the awkward atmosphere:

"Master Hora, I heard that there is a level 5 [Fairy Jeweler] in your territory. I wonder if you can take us to meet it?

My acting city lord used to have some goblin friends who were separated in Silver Snow City. He and I came back specifically to find them and let them reconnect with old times. "

"[Elf Jeweller]? Oh, you're talking about [Cherry], right?

No problem, I'll take you to see him.

Come with me. "


Goblins are genderless, so Qi Ge was not surprised to hear this feminine name.

He glanced at Petra covertly, and Petra shook her head, indicating that there was no goblin with this name in the original goblin team, which made Qi Ge's expectations drop a bit.

But Qi Ge considered that after so many years, there was a possibility that the goblin might change its name.

Therefore, Seven Pigeons did not make a sound, but followed Master Hora silently with Petra.

After leaving the treasure-making workshop, Master Hora summoned a gorgeous magic carpet and took Seven Doves and Petra with him.

The magic carpet flew out of Silver Snow City and flew towards the snow outside Silver Snow City.

Master Hora explained that although I work in Silver Snow City, I also have my own territory.

My territory is the subordinate county of Yinxue City [Pearl City].

The place is very beautiful, and there are many troops and heroes related to the treasure-making industry gathered there.

You'll see later. "

Half an hour later, the magic carpet flew over a small snow mountain for the three of them.

A sparkling lake appeared in front of Seven Pigeons.

Dozens of bamboo rafts are lined up side by side on the lake, like a ribbon on the lake.

There are some fairies and mages moving around on the bamboo raft. "

Hora proudly introduced:

“This is my Pearl Lake, the source of all raw materials for our Pearl City.

Zhuguang Lake can not only cultivate pearl clams, but also terrestrial corals and gemstone snails.

Their outputs are all excellent materials for making [jewellery-type alchemical treasures].

Although Zhuguang Lake is not as natural as a wonder, it is also an extremely rare special terrain.

Now that the [Mithril Mountain Range] is lost, my place is the most valuable in the entire Silver Snow City. "

Qi Ge glanced at Master Hora enviously and praised:

"Sister Hora, you must have the favor of the goddess of magic to be able to monopolize such a special terrain. It's really enviable."

Hora smiled and patted the seven pigeons.

"Where, brother Qi Ge, don't praise me hypocritically.

I'm far behind your teacher.

A winner in life like your teacher who doesn't care even if he loses a [natural wonder] is the real one favored by the goddess. "

Soon, under the leadership of Hora, Qige and the others met the fifth-level [Fairy Jeweler] [Cherry].

Cherry is wearing a very fashionable yellow coat with various pearls and emeralds hanging densely on it.

His lining was a gothic-style dress, with wide bustles that held up the entire skirt.

There are also some small bells made of jewelry hanging under the skirt, which jingle as she walks.

When Petra saw the cherry, he froze in place. He blinked and confirmed again before shouting in surprise:

"Saradhika? Is that you?!"

When Cherry heard Petra's shout, she was stunned and blinked.

He took a deep breath and shouted in disbelief:

"Captain Petra!! Is it Captain Petra?!"

These two shouts confirmed the identities of both parties.

Petra was so excited that she ran up and hugged Saladika.

He shouted with tears in his eyes: “Great, Saratika, you are still alive.

I thought you were all killed by those cruel mages. "

Saladika was also very excited. He hugged Petra and slapped Petra on the back repeatedly, crying:

"Me too! I also thought that Captain Petra and the goblin team were both dead.

I never thought you were still alive. "

Seeing this scene, Master Hora chuckled lightly, pinched Qi Ge's butt, then turned and left, leaving the three of them a chance to talk.

Petra kept asking Cherry about the past, while Qi Ge gradually pieced together the story of that year.

After the goblin escape team led by Petra dispersed in Silver Snow City, half of the goblins who stayed in Silver Snow City were killed by mages, and the other half were thrown back to the goblin villages around Silver Snow City.

As is the fate of most goblins, most of the remaining goblins died violent deaths, but three lucky goblins survived.

One of them is cherry.

Cherry was lucky enough to be forcibly summoned to [Pearllight City].

Master Hora is not strict with the goblins. Although she does not dare to take too much care of the goblins due to Brakada's attitude towards the goblins, she still gives the goblins working in [Pearl Lake] enough food. Three meals a day.

Cherry, who has experienced hardships, cherishes such hard-won opportunities more than anyone else.

He worked very hard in Pearl City and advanced step by step.

It wasn't until he became a level 3 [Fairy Jewelry Apprentice] that he was promoted by Hora to manage Pearl Lake.

Later, he made progress little by little as he continued to help Master Hora, and finally became a [Fairy Jeweler].

The other two fairies [Qi Lu] and [Qi Yan] took completely different routes.

They became the guard fairies guarding the death row in Silver Snow City.

Goblins will never be imprisoned in Silver Snow City's death row. Goblins are not worthy.

Anyone who can go to death row must be a mage.

With a strong hatred for mages, [Qi Lu] and [Qi Yan] tried the mages who were on death row without any psychological burden.

After countless meritorious service, [Qi Lu] and [Qi Yan] advanced step by step to become level 5 [Fairy Guardsmen].

After confirming his identity, Qi Ge immediately found Master Hora and borrowed the cherries.

And he returned to Silver Snow City and asked the Fat Quartermaster to help bring [Qi Lu] and [Qi Yan] out of death row.

Four goblins who had fled together sat together and recalled the past, with four pairs of eyes bursting into tears.

After reminiscing, Cherry asked Petra expectantly:

"Captain Petra, how many of the goblins who fled together are still alive? Is Kino still alive? Is Kambuda still alive? Is Tatora still alive? Have you found Utopia? Have you succeeded? Resurrect the Great Prophet and them.”

Mentioning this, Petra said with disappointment:

"Unfortunately, the three goblins you mentioned have all died on our way to escape.

After I left Silver Snow City, I went through many twists and turns and wandered around.

In the end, I only took a hundred goblins to reach the human force Erathia, and found a waterwheel in Erathia.

We relied on the shelter of the waterwheel to survive.

Until Master Qige appeared beside us and gave us new life.

The goblins who were still alive in the escape team were basically in Lord Qi Ge's territory.

Although it is not the Utopia described by the Great Prophet, to me, Lord Qi Ge’s territory is better than Utopia. "

Petra rambled on and told the other three fairies how much Qi Ge valued herself and the fairies.

When they heard that Petra had become the acting city lord of Seven Pigeons, they all exclaimed in disbelief.

"Acting City Lord? Oh my God, Captain Pecola, you actually became the Acting City Lord!

This is really, really, amazing! "

"Oh my God! Someone among us goblins has actually become the acting city lord of a county. This is really an honor for our entire race!"

"Captain Petra, the person I admired most has always been the Great Prophet, but it is no longer the case. You have replaced the Great Prophet in my heart."

These three goblins who followed Petra to escape from misfortune were happy for Petra from the bottom of their hearts.

Listening to the praises of the three goblins, Petra smiled forcefully, the expression on her face becoming more and more complicated.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything about his desire to resign as acting city lord.

This was repeated several times.

Qi Ge noticed Petra's struggles.

He smiled, put his hand on Petra's head, rubbed it, and said:

“During Petra’s tenure as acting city lord, she has always managed my territory very, very well.

He works from dawn to dusk, works hard without complaint, is thoughtful and fair in his dealings.

Not even many mage heroes can reach the level of Petra.

In my mind, Petra is much more powerful than those idle mages.

I am very glad that I chose Petra as my acting city lord. "

"Lord." Petra looked at Qi Ge, her lips pursed tightly, and she was extremely moved.

Qige looked at Petra tenderly and said softly:

"I sincerely hope that you can always be my acting city lord.

There is absolutely no falsehood in this statement. "

[System prompt: Petra’s favorability towards you +20, loyalty +20]

The three goblins were even happier, jumping up and down and hugging Petra in celebration.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the mission [Petra's Ambition·Silver Snow City], please go to the next city as soon as possible. 】

After reminiscing about old times, Qi Ge asked the three goblins if they were willing to join the City of God's Choice.

[Qi Lu] and [Qi Yan] agreed on the spot, and couldn't wait to express their desire to go home and pack their luggage.

【Fairy Guard

Grade 1

Rank: 5

Quality: hidden

Attack: 16

Defense: 16

Damage: 24~25

Life: 100

Speed: 13


Guard stance: When on the defensive side, health is doubled, damage is increased by 5, attack and defense are increased by 5, and speed is increased by 3.

Ruthless torture: When attacking actively, the goblin guard will carry out a morale blow to the opponent based on the morale difference between the two sides.

[Opponent’s morale – (Fairy guard morale – Opponent’s morale)]

Morale blow effects can be stacked, and the effect of each morale blow lasts for 2 rounds.

Repentance Blockade: When the opponent's morale value is lower than -8, immediately restore the opponent's morale value to zero.

And force the opponent to be demoralized the next time they act. 】

Only Cherry hesitated.

"Lord, I am very grateful for your care and concern for us fairies, and I am honored that you can extend an invitation to me.

But Master Hora showed kindness to me, and I really couldn’t leave her behind.

At least I won't consider leaving Bracada until I work hard to repay her kindness to me. "

Qi Ge expressed his understanding of this and asked Cherry to continue to work hard with Master Hora.

Qi Ge’s idea is very simple:

[You want to follow Master Hora, right? Okay. Then when I take in Master Huo La, don’t you have to follow me yourself?

Kill two birds with one stone, kill two eagles with one stone.

Mine, mine, all mine. 】

With the help of the fat quartermaster, Qige's recruitment procedures went very smoothly.

[Qi Lu] and [Qi Yan] were registered dead that morning because they accidentally ate poisonous fruit outside the death row.

As a result, Qi Ge and Petra's two-person team were joined by two more excellent escorts.

"Lord, after our team fled Silver Snow City, we were lucky enough to meet a kind-hearted djinn merchant.

With her help, we only had a team of 512 goblins left, and headed for the Falling Moon Territory in a carriage.

Unfortunately, the trading group of the Djinn Merchant encountered several attacks when passing through the wild monster area. We fairies also helped her trading group fight to the death with the wild monsters.

In the end, there were only 335 goblins left who successfully reached the Falling Moon Territory. .

It's ridiculous to say.

Although we sacrificed many goblins, we actually didn't help much.

We are too weak. "

After listening to Petra's somewhat disappointed expression, Qi Ge asked, "Did you not get separated from any other goblins along the way with the merchant team?"

Petra nodded and responded seriously:

"No. I'm sure of it.

I personally buried the remains of each of my fallen companions.

I can remember where each body is buried. "

In the mission [Petra's Ambition], the last stop is the Falling Moon Territory.

Morad City is the origin of everything, the point where the Goblin Escape happened. The Seven Doves have been unlocked in the echo of history.

[Eternal Frost City] and [Silver Snow City] are also ticked.

Qi Ge could have taken Petra and the two [Fairy Guards] directly to the [Falling Moon Territory] in the teleportation array.

But Qi Ge thought about it and decided to follow in the footsteps of the merchants and go all the way.

Qi Ge scratched the tip of his tongue before buying a level 4 alchemy treasure [Ascension Magic Carpet] from the reluctant Master Hora.

He used the [Lift-off Magic Carpet] and took the three fairies into the sky.

The journey from [Silver Snow City] to [Falling Moon Ridge] is not too long. If you use the [Two-Way Teleportation Gate] in the wild, you only need to pass through three wild monster areas.

The highest level of these three wild monster areas is only level 4.

Qi Ge did not hide his figure along the way and went straight forward.

Petra walked wherever she said she would go, and all the wild monsters she encountered were easily eliminated by Qige.

The two [Elf Guards] shuddered as they watched the wild monster being baptized by the flames.

They all stared at Petra with admiring eyes, thinking in their hearts:

“As expected of Captain Petra, he actually followed such a powerful hero!

With such a strong strength, his city will definitely not be weak.

At the expense of our brothers who were on the way to escape, we, the goblin clan, have really come out on top! "

Petra has a really good memory.

Every time he reached a sacrifice point where his former companions were sacrificed, he would ask Qi Ge to stop and take two goblins to worship the sacrificed goblin.

“Eve, Kate, Mog, Hambra, Don, Reardin…we came to see you.

We had a great time in Chosen City. Every goblin lived a happy life.

Chelton became a fairy paladin and is now stronger than me.

Stelav became a [Fairy Architect] and was happily busy on the construction site every day, building one splendid and magnificent building after another for our God's Chosen City.

Yorag is good at cooking. He is learning from the centaur chef and wants to become an elf chef.

That boy Moreau has been following me, and he also wants to become a housekeeper elf like me and take care of the castle for the lord.

Brothers, we are still alive.

Although we haven’t found the Fairy Utopia yet, sooner or later we will! Sooner or later! We will find the place we agreed on under the leadership of Lord Qige! "

"One bow! Two bows! Three bows!"

Under the leadership of Petra, the two goblin guards bowed to the vast snow together with Petra, mourning their dead companions in their own goblin way.

This solemn atmosphere made Qi Ge couldn't help but stand in awe, and he followed the fairies and bowed silently to the snow.

Petra's memory is really good. After so many years, Petra can name every place where the goblin died and every companion who died.

Even the tombstones set up by Petra for those sacrificed goblins have long been buried by the vast snow and have long since weathered without a trace in nature.

Just one place after another.

There were a total of 13 stops along the way from Silver Snow City to Falling Moon Territory, and more than 100 goblins died.

For the current Qi Ge, each of these goblins has become the name in Petra's mouth.

But for Petra, every name along the way is a comrade in common hardships.

They were either optimistic, cheerful, emotional, or compassionate, with different personalities and thoughts, but without exception they all died.

As the leader of the goblins, Petra was not only sentimental but also self-blame when facing the death of her companions.

It was hard for Qi Ge to imagine how strong Petra had to be to be able to withstand the ups and downs along the way.

Seeing Petra and the two [Fairy Guards] bending respectfully towards the snow, Qi Ge couldn't help but think of the familiar lyrics in his mind.

"I won't forget, the goblin won't forget,

Every image of you is in my heart! "

"I won't forget, the goblin won't forget,

Every image of you is in my heart! "

At the same time, Qige's mind also recalled the promise Cong Kelin made when the goblins sacrificed themselves for the first time:

"Comrades! They are all warriors of the Fairy God!

I received a revelation from the Goblin God.

When we successfully arrive in Utopia, the Fairy God will recall their souls through our memories of them, allowing them to enjoy happiness in Utopia with us!

As long as we don't forget them, as long as we can reach the ideal land!

So we can't be discouraged, we can't be negative, we can't be immersed in sadness.

Let’s go, let’s move forward, take our ideals with us, take us with our longing for them, and find our ideal hometown!

For us and for them!

Their sacrifice will not be in vain! "

Qi Ge silently sighed in his heart:

“The unity of knowledge and action.

From the promise Kelin made casually, Petra really did it.

If anyone has inherited Cong Kelin’s legacy, I think it must be Petra.

Maybe letting Petra lead the current city lord is really a waste of Petra's talent.

If my appearance hadn't changed Petra's fate, perhaps Petra would have become another goblin prophet. "

ps: Haha, the female hamster said, you can’t miss her because of her birthday.

She went to help me take care of the baby, so she gave me time to code.

The monthly vote list is still in the top 100, and continues to be in the tens of thousands every day.

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