Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 587 There is a plan within the plan

Endless ocean.

Mermaid Temple.

Ogtavia took a deep breath and looked at Qi Ge who was fishing next to her. Seeing Qi Ge's leisurely look, she became very angry.

"Seven Pigeons, I went with you Erathia, and I caught Roland for you.

You promised me that you would let me see my mother after everything is completed.

If I can't see my mother, you'll be roasted on the fire. "


Qi Ge lifted the fishing rod, and there were two pieces of kelp hanging on the hook.

Seven pigeons are happy.

"Hehe, that's fine, not counting the Air Force."

He put the kelp into the fish basket and said to [Ogatavia]:

"Don't worry, how could I lie to you.

You are a demigod, how can I have the courage? "

[Ogatavia] laughed angrily: "Just now you were discussing with me how to kill Sellon and Ronis, now you are saying this, it's not a shame for you."

“It’s different, it’s different.

They are my enemies and you are my allies.

I am as warm as the spring breeze to my allies and make them moist.

I am as cold as the autumn wind to my enemies, causing them to wither. "

"Yes, when we first met, you said it was the wind."

[Ogatavia] sat next to Qi Ge, and placed her hot palm on the inner thigh of Qi Ge.

"What kind of moistening method? Can you demonstrate it?"

Qi Ge held [Ogatavia]'s hand, raised her hand, and pointed at the rising sun rising from the sea level.

"Do you feel it? This warm and moist sea breeze.

The Mermaid Shrine is coming soon. "

The relationship between the fire elves and the gods and monsters is not good, and the relationship with the sea tribe is not much better.

Especially the Sea Tribe, who are hostile to the fire elves.

[Ogatavia] is a fire elf, and Sea Apple is a mermaid.

Fire and water were incompatible, and the two of them had no good impressions from the moment they met.

[Ogatavia] and Sea Apple looked at each other fiercely, and there was a burning smell in the air.

"Come on, let's go see Ur together."

As if Qi Ge couldn't see the atmosphere, one with his left hand and one with his right hand held both of their hands.

His hand seemed to have magic power, and the two people who were at war with each other instantly softened.

Ur is placed in the center of the Poseidon statue in the Poseidon Church, wrapped in a blue and white water ball.

Sea Apple pointed at Ur and said to the Seven Doves:

"This is a ball of divine power from the gods. It can warm Ur's body and prevent her condition from deteriorating."

[Ogatavia] obviously saw Ur's weakness, and she asked in disbelief:

"Mom, why are you so weak?"

Sea Apple: "Don't you know yet? The Broken Abyss of the Kingdom of Ur is about to collapse.

If my guess is correct, natural disasters should frequently break out in Over, the output of various mineral veins is also declining, and the frequency of chaos zones and wild monster zones has increased significantly.

This is all the negative impact caused by Ur's poor condition. "

"The Kingdom of God is shattered?!"

[Ogatavia] was very surprised: “My mother was so seriously damaged in the battle with the kingdom of Bracada.

No wonder that bastard Serron was so nervous after his mother disappeared. He kept it secret from us and didn't tell us. "

[Ogatavia] turned to Seven Pigeons and asked:

"Can I take my mother back?"

Qi Ge shrugged his shoulders: "I'm sorry, I can't. You have seen that Ur can still survive under the protection of the sea god, and Ur's condition will only worsen faster if you take him back."

After hearing Qige's words, [Ogtavia] knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ur three times:

"Mother, my daughter is unfilial and cannot serve you."

Qi Ge was a little strange: "[Ogtavia], aren't the troops of your abyssal forces all from the Chaos camp? Seeing that Ur is weak, shouldn't your thought be [Bike can replace him]?"

[Ogatavia] glanced at Qi Ge angrily and said:

"Don't compare us fire elves with demons and the like.

We fire elves and other abyss creatures are all children of our mother, but we are filial sons and they are rebellious sons. "

Qi Ge:......

"Is there still such a thing?"

[Ogatavia] stood up from the ground and said seriously to Qi Ge:

"Yes, we fire elves are different from other abyss creatures. We were born from the fire in the center of the abyss.

Other abyssal creatures can still survive and reproduce even if the abyss dies.

But if there is no fire in the core of the earth, our fire elves will gradually become extinct.

Therefore, our level of loyalty to Mother Abyss is different. "

"Believe it or not."

[Ogatavia] looked at Ur worriedly and asked seriously:

"Qi Ge, what can I do to make my mother return to normal?"

"It's very simple. Find a new piece of the abyss and integrate it into the Kingdom of Ur."

[Ogatavia]'s eyes suddenly widened: "Are you kidding? When our abyss world split, we used the space rules of our abyss.

The distance between each abyss is incalculable,

Even the true God may not be able to travel such a long distance in the void! "

"There will always be a way."

Qi Ge said: "Since your world can be found by Yasha World, maybe other abyss worlds will hit Yasha one day."

"It's not that easy."

[Ogatavia] looked a little solemn, and she asked Sea Apple:

"Priest, how long can my mother last?"

Hai Pingguo looked at Qi Ge, and when he saw Qi Ge nodded, he said:

“Wur can still hold on, it depends on how long Qi Ge wants Ur to hold on.

Before Ur fell into coma, she had bound the sacrifice channel of her kingdom to the seven pigeons.

Now, only the Seven Doves can use special methods to provide energy for the Kingdom of Ur. "


[Ogatavia] was shocked.

"Why did mother choose you? You are not even an abyssal creature.

No, this is definitely not true! "

Qi Ge smiled softly:

“Wouldn’t you know if it’s true if you feel it for yourself?

As an abyssal creature, you should be able to feel the favor of the abyss towards me. "

Qi Ge stretched out his hand and held [Ogtavia]'s hand.

[Ogatavia] was shocked:

"It's actually true!

Mother has truly given you the passage to the Broken Abyss. "

Qi Ge grabbed [Ogtavia]'s hand and wouldn't let go. He lowered his voice and said:

"Your Majesty [Ogatavia], the lives of the abyss and the fire elves are now in my hands.

You should understand what this means, right? "

【Ogatavia】:! ! !

[Ogatavia]'s expression gradually became distorted. She moved her mouth several times but was unable to speak. She seemed very confused.

Qi Ge said calmly:

"Your Majesty [Ogatavia], if you cannot recognize the facts, I will be very troubled."

[Ogatavia] closed her eyes and forced out a sentence from her mouth:

"I know, I will serve you well in the future, father."

Qi Ge:......

Sea Apple:......

Hai Pingguo's eyes immediately looked at Qi Ge with murderous intent.

Qige said quickly: "Bah, bah, bah, don't talk nonsense, I just want you to do something for me."


[Ogatavia] took a deep breath and knelt down halfway.

"Lord Seven Doves, I [Ogatavia] swear by my real name that I will obey your words and serve you until my mother wakes up."

Qi Ge also knelt down, grabbed [Ogtavia's] hand, and kissed it gently.

"I swear in the name of Seven Doves that I will become your master and take you under my command."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, the demigod hero [Ogatavia] has temporarily become your secondary hero. 】

[Ogatavia] raised her head and asked:

"Lord, please give me your instructions."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Then I won't be polite.

The first task.

You must know the natural wonder of Guilty Castle, Sulphurous Storm, [Ogatavia].

Few people know that there is a vein of sulfur cloud at the heart of the sulfur cloud storm.

I hope you can find a piece of sulfurite from the sulfurite vein. "

"It's okay, but lord, why do you want sulfurite mother?"

[Ogatavia] asked doubtfully.

"Sulfur cloud ore can generate sulfur cloud, which is the main material for making hell catapults and [Sulfur Rain] ammunition.

I promised Fei Rui that I would help her get [Sulfite Ore]. "

[Ogatavia] glanced at Qi Ge with disdain, smiled and cursed:

“Let me, a woman, help you get something, and then you use it to please another woman.

You are really a scumbag. "

Qi Ge chuckled:

"How can I be a scumbag? Don't you have a very good relationship with Fei Rui?

Just think of it as doing Fei Rui a favor. "

"Hmph, okay, then I'll go back to Over."

"wait a minutes."

Qi Ge said:

"Your Fire Pirates are now in my hands.

Do you want to take them back? "

"The Flowing Fire Pirates? I just raised some small shrimps and gave them to you."

[Ogatavia] waved her hand indifferently.

Qi Ge was overjoyed: "Then you can write a letter for me, which will save me a lot of trouble."

After [Ogatavia] left, Qi Ge's playful smile faded.

He took the sea apple back to the room where Ur was and took out the stunning flower.

[System prompt: Ur is immune to the influence of the desire of the abyss, and the stunning flower cannot be used on Ur. 】

"As expected, it won't work."

Qi Ge sighed softly.

"Wow, this is a flower, so beautiful."

Haiping Apple looked at the stunning flower in Qi Ge's hand and marveled.

Qi Ge smiled and immediately raised the stunning flower.

"Do you like it? I prepared it specially for you.

This is a new species that has never appeared in the world of Yasha. "

[System prompt: You gave the sea apple a stunning flower as a gift. The charm value of the sea apple is +1, and your favorability is +20. The current value is 100 (can’t put it down)]

Hai Pingguo hugged Qi Ge's waist and kissed Qi Ge hard.

She leaned close to Qi Ge's ear and asked softly:

"My dear, although I like your flowers very much, you haven't explained to me clearly what is the relationship between you and that fire elf woman?

Is this flower just for me, or does she also have it? "

Qi Ge was dripping with cold sweat, and when he was about to speak, Hai Pingguo covered his mouth with his fingers.

"Don't worry, come to my room, I'll take my time and ask questions slowly."

Two hours later, Qi Ge, who finally escaped from Hai Apple's "interrogation", found the Liuhuo Pirates who were detained by the Poseidon Church.

After Versailles, the leader of the Flowing Fire Pirates, saw the letter written by [Ogatavia] to them, his heart was filled with despair and he completely surrendered to Qi Ge.

When Versailles asked Qi Ge what task he wanted to give them, Qi Ge laughed evilly:

"First of all, you hand over all your ships to me!"

Three days later, Qige returned to the City of God's Choice with a large ship of succubi.

These succubi were all brought out of Over by [Ogatavia] with the help of Seven Pigeons.

In the stunning paradise, a large group of succubi and Ash hugged each other, crying with joy.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the mission "Take in with malicious intent\

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