Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 606 The truth about cutting the ant tribe

The rules in the capital of the Florida Empire [McKenzie] are very simple.

In this city built on an ammonite snail, the higher the place, the higher the status of the people who live there.

The ace animal trainer's station is naturally at the top of the ammonite snail, which belongs to the second ring of the ammonite snail.

The entire ammonite conch ring is the palace of the king of the Florida Empire. Unless one can become the king of the empire or become the king's concubine, the second ring is already the limit of the limits.

After arriving at the ace trainer's residence, Qi Ge discovered that it was more of a palace than a residence.

Each ace beast trainer has a separate palace and is served by more than 3,000 servants.

There are kobold guards responsible for guarding, seal people making food, and many human maids.

Wash your face, wash your feet, fold quilts, hold mouthwash, and receive mouthwash... Those who are responsible for wearing socks, shoes, and underwear...

Just getting out of bed requires the cooperation of more than 60 maids.

Qi Ge can even go from lying down to getting dressed without even moving his little finger.

In a world with such advanced technology, this kind of feudal slavery is simply incomprehensible to Qi Ge.

After careful questioning, Qi Ge learned that the Florida Empire was a powerful empire that unified the entire world, and that King Kaidong controlled the high-end military force of the entire empire.

In this country, most of the work is done by machines and slave beasts, leaving a large number of ordinary people without jobs.

It is clear that the Florida Empire has the ability to support the entire population so that they do not have to work, but King Kaidong is unwilling to do so.

No matter how many resources there are, as long as they are extremely in the hands of a very small number of people, the majority of the remaining people will do whatever it takes to survive.

It's like cutting a cake.

A person with extremely high strength cut all the cake away, leaving only a little bit for a hundred people to share. The hundred people either resisted or fought for their heads.

With Kaidong in control of absolute force, most ordinary people in the Florida Empire could only choose to sell themselves as slaves (they called these maids and butlers) in exchange for meager wages.

Precisely because manpower is worthless enough, the Ace Knights can enjoy this kind of meticulous care.

Qi Ge felt that if this was not the Mud Illusion of the Beast Tamer, then why would he bring the slave beasts and the people of the Florida Empire to a vigorous fight to make the king of Florida sober up.

But alas, this is an illusion.

The Seven Doves no longer had any motive to overthrow the King of Florida.

Neither Sylvia nor Qige are used to this kind of excessive care.

As a result, most of the servants in their palace were forced to take a vacation.

As a couple, it is of course impossible to separate.

At this time, Qige and Sylvia were living in the same house.

After Qi Ge repeatedly used magic to confirm that there were no surveillance methods around, he pulled Sylvia to exchange information with each other.

Of course, it's not DNA information, it's normal information about illusions.

From Sylvia's mouth, Qi Ge learned that she came more than a month earlier than him.

In this month, Sylvia became the sea war god of the Florida Empire just like in Erathia.

Whether it is a controlled mechanical sea beast or an imperial warship, as long as it is under Sylvia's command, it can exert extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

Under the leadership of Sylvia, the Florida Empire defeated many powerful sea beasts that could not be defeated in the past, and greatly expanded the empire's territory.

The Florida Empire is a powerful empire that unifies the world. Every sea monster they cannot defeat is equivalent to a world BOSS level existence.

Before Sylvia led them to defeat the first giant calamari, they never even thought that these bosses could be defeated and controlled.

The King Squid is a powerful soldier whose eighteen tentacles can turn into giant sniper rifles.

One shot can kill the Florida Empire's strongest heavy naval battleship.

After taking control of the King Calamari, the senior leaders of the Florida Empire suddenly became inflated and arrogantly asked Sylvia to take the King Calamari and the naval fleet to fight Chaos.

Those idiots at the top of the Florida Empire don't know how powerful Chaos is, how can Sylvia not know it?

She flatly refused on the spot and persuaded them to calm down and develop further.

But how could the already swollen senior management listen?

They abandoned Sylvia and took the King Calamari and the naval fleet to challenge Chaos.

Chaos said, your light navy, mint flavor, so delicious, sucks.

Thanks to Lao Tie for the king calamari, double click 666!

As a result, King Calamari was killed, the navy fleet was reduced by half, and even the ace trainer team only survived 1/3.

King Kaidong was furious when he "learned about this". He beheaded more than a dozen senior officials and apologized to Sylvia.

Now, the Florida Empire, which was already weak in strength, became even more dependent on Sylvia.

This is also the main reason why Sylvia receives such high treatment in the empire.

When Qi Ge heard this, he could think clearly. How could Kaidong, as the king, not know about the dispatch of the imperial fleet? How could he not have approved it? He might even have ordered it.

However, according to the rules of the world, the king cannot make mistakes, only his subordinates can make mistakes.

The Seven Pigeons never appeared in the illusion, so Sylvia adhered to the principle of "be careful and wait for the Seven Pigeons" and stayed calm in the Florida Empire without causing trouble.

If the empire asked, she would go out and help defeat the boss. If there was no request, she would eat and drink, trying to create a persona that was harmless to humans and animals.

Now that the Seven Pigeons have arrived, Sylvia decided to give up thinking and leave everything to her external brain.

The only player who cleared Tamer's Mud in his previous life explained in great detail in his strategy post that if he wanted to clear Tamer's Mud, he had to increase his popularity. He didn't know how much, but the more, the better.

Qi Ge thought for a while, and in order to be well-known and famous in this illusion, instead of rebuilding a power, it would be better to directly parasitize the Florida Empire.

With the help of the powerful image of the ancient beast tamer created by Sylvia, a wave of power comes from the fox and the tiger.

Fortunately, the Florida Empire has a powerful enough publicity machine that can help it achieve its goal of spreading popularity.

Of course, Qi Ge does not rule out the possibility that the player in the previous life deliberately posted the wrong post, or that the conditions for clearing each fantasy are different.

But it's better to have a goal to try than to hit the target blindly.

Qi Ge feels that in this illusion with the background of Chaos invasion, it is always right to bring local creatures to fight against Chaos.

In the process of fighting against chaos, it won't be too troublesome to increase your popularity.

"That's what I say, but how do we convince the higher-ups of the Florida Empire to help the three of us promote it?"

Qi Ge thought for a while and soon came up with a brilliant idea.

"It's rare for Sylvia to create the character of a hermit with no desires and desires. It would be a pity not to use it."

The day after Qi Ge and Sylvia arrived at the palace, Casey came to visit with a team of ace animal trainers.

Above the second-ring palace complex, there is a protective shield to protect the animal trainers, allowing the animal trainers to move freely without wearing combat uniforms.

At this time, the ace hunting team came in full costume.

The uniform, cap, and epaulettes are all brand new and straight.

Prince Casey and many team members all had medals representing merit and honor hanging on their chests.

These medals are customized according to the powerful creatures tamed by the beast tamers. They are simple to understand and full of oppression.

They gathered outside Qige's palace and sent greetings, but did not go in directly.

Several members of the arrogant ace animal trainer group were somewhat aggrieved.

“Prince, that ancient beast tamer named Qi Ge is really annoying.

Sylvia is so powerful and they are all polite to us.

He threatened us in various ways as soon as he came up, without any regard for the overall situation of the empire. "

"Such a guy, why are you so cautious, Prince?"

"That's it, as I say, just break in."

“The virtues of a villain like him are not worthy of His Excellency Sylvia.

According to me, Sir Sylvia should be the wife of the prince. "


Casey waved his hand and said coldly:

"Your Excellency Qi Ge is right, we ask for them, but they ask for nothing from us.

Our position is already at a disadvantage.

Don't be too arrogant.

Did you forget so quickly what happened to the naval fleet? "

As soon as Casey spoke, everyone immediately fell silent.

At this time, an old man beside Casey who had never spoken stood up:

"Prince, this is the truth.

But I don’t think that Qige is a kind person.

You must not forget what we discussed before. "

Casey nodded and replied: "Teacher Peak, I remember it all.

If he dares to make so many demands, we must see the corresponding results.

The advantages of our Florida Empire are not so easy to take advantage of. "

As soon as Casey finished speaking, the door to the bedroom was suddenly opened.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Qi Ge staggered out wearing pajamas.

Sylvia was wearing formal clothes, but she had obviously changed her clothes.

Regarding the grand attire of the Ace Beast Taming Team, Qi Ge's frivolous look simply added fuel to the fire.

They looked at Qige, the sullen look on their faces becoming even more obvious.

Qi Ge seemed oblivious to their dissatisfaction.

As he walked over, he greeted with a bright smile:

"Prince Casey, good morning."

Even Casey, who tried his best not to conflict with Qi Ge, didn't know how to reply at this time.

This obvious disrespect made him unable to let go.

This time, even Peak, who did not support head-on conflict, was a little dissatisfied.

He took a step forward and said to Qi Ge: "Sir, I think it is basic courtesy and respect to have corresponding emphasis during meetings..."

Before Peak finished speaking, Qi Ge's clothes had turned into gorgeous formal clothes at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The splendid Oracle's crown, the gorgeous Smit six-piece suit, the pure white night shadow, the robe of the forest sage, the scepter of tranquility, the token of rest, the holy boots...

This equipment with full light effects made the seven pigeons look like gods descending to earth, making it impossible to look directly at them.

If Casey and the others have played games on Earth, they will definitely understand how uncomfortable it is for an ordinary player to see a rich player with various light effects all over his body and 36D gorgeous wings.

Qi Ge looked at Peak and said softly:

"This is my formal wear, and I think it looks a little less approachable.

What do you think? "

This second change of clothes, coupled with this pretense, made Peak feel a little uncomfortable.

He took two deep breaths and slowly said:

"I think what you wore yesterday was quite appropriate."

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

"Sorry, I washed it off and haven't dried it yet. But I still have a spare set of regular clothes."

As he spoke, all the treasures on Qige's body were hidden and turned into a priest's attire.

Although the black and white priest fashion obviously does not conform to the aesthetics of the Florida Empire, it is much better than pajamas and blindfold suits.

"Bah bang bang!"

Casey clapped vigorously and said to Qi Ge approvingly:

"Amazing, he is worthy of being an ancient beast tamer, his methods are diverse.

Mr. Qi Ge, you must show us a good show today. To be honest, Mr. Sylvia is already the strongest trainer we have ever seen. You are stronger than Mr. Sylvia. What kind of thing is this? We are all curious about what kind of realm it is. "

"Hahaha, of course I won't disappoint you."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“My wife and I both learned from teachers, but we learned different things.

My wife is more of a fighting person, and I am more of a miracle person. "

"A miracle?" Casey was confused and very confused.

"Creating something from nowhere, turning the impossible into possible, is a miracle."

Sylvia looked at the seven doves with admiration and said softly: "My husband can bring the dead back to life, and can create things from the void."

"so smart?"

As soon as Sylvia said this, the ace hunters all looked at each other, at a loss.

Qi Ge didn't explain anything, just led Sylvia and walked past the crowd.

He stretched out his hand in the air and pointed to the sky.

"Beep beep! beep beep!"

The instrument in Rick's hand suddenly rang.

He said in astonishment:

"This is!! Your Highness, there is a high-energy reaction in the sky."


There was an explosion, and a thunderbolt from the clear sky snaked down from the nine heavens, and was held in the hands of seven pigeons!

The ace hunter group was all startled. They all looked at the figure of Qi Dove holding lightning in his hand, and they were speechless for a moment.

Only Rick murmured in disbelief:

"Impossible! This is impossible. The protective shield did not play any role and was directly penetrated."

Qi Ge smiled knowingly.

This world in the fantasy world is extremely special.

Many magics that can only be used in the battle space in the heroic soul world can be cast arbitrarily in this world, and there are no restrictions on the release of strategic magic.

Many magics from the heroic soul world are like miracles in this world.

In terms of combat power, Seven Pigeons cannot beat Sylvia, but in terms of magic, Seven Pigeons can do more than Sylvia.

Qi Ge Ka waved his hand violently at the right time, and the lightning falling from the sky dissipated in Qi Ge's hands.

The ease and ease with which he raised his hand and waved his hand made all the ace animal trainers speechless.

But this was just the prelude to what Qige had prepared for them.

He continued to walk forward casually, and rows of powerful walls of fire suddenly rose around Qi Ge.

Seven Pigeons paused, and bright icicles condensed down from the sky, forming a staircase at Seven Pigeons' feet.

Qi Ge walked up the stairs step by step, stood at the top of the steps, stretched out his hands in the air, and shouted loudly:


Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen lightning bolts were struck in succession, as if they were free of charge, and they all hit Qi Ge.

Thousands of thunders have passed through, and even a piece of electricity has not touched me.

Seven Pigeons, who possesses the special ability of being immune to magic damage, looked calm in the midst of this terrifying thunder, as if a halo had been added to the world and a god came to the world.

This scene really shocked everyone in the Ace Beast Taming Team.

Seemingly feeling that it was too embarrassing to watch this, a team member gritted his teeth and stood up, shouting loudly:

"Your Excellency, you are both fire and thunder, you are just looking to bluff people.

But at this level, many war beasts can do it.

Sir, please show us your true skills. "

Qi Ge glanced at him with pity, looked solemn, pointed to the ground, and said softly: "The earth roared."

The earth-shaking magic was activated immediately, and the entire capital of the Florida Empire trembled.

The muffled sound of "rumbling" kept sounding. The ground shook first from side to side, and then bumped back and forth. Countless people in the square lost their footing and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the vibration became more intense, and crisscrossing cracks appeared on the ground. Stone pillars collapsed, buildings collapsed, and the entire capital of the Florida Empire seemed to be destroyed.

Casey suddenly screamed:

"Your Excellency Qi Ge, Your Excellency Qi Ge, we have seen it, please withdraw your magical powers."

As soon as Casey finished speaking, the earth-shaking effect ended.

The entire ground returned to calm in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

But collapsed buildings and gaps in the ground cannot fool anyone.

Casey looked at the seven pigeons and was a little distracted for a moment.

With fire as pillars and ice as steps, the Heavenly Constitution is in his mouth, and the earth quakes and thunders.

He didn't lie, he was really strong.

Very strong very strong.

It was so strong that Casey felt he couldn't understand it.

After the earthquake ended, Rick immediately received the report.

He said to Cathy in shock:

"Your Highness, from the 72nd Ring Road to the 1st Ring Road of the Capital, earthquakes have occurred all over the place, and even the inner core has been damaged.

But none of the buildings that collapsed crushed people.

Apart from property damage, there was almost no loss of life, and there were only a few reports of injuries. "

Casey was in disbelief: "Such a powerful earthquake, but almost no human losses. Is this the result of his intentional control?"

Rick whispered:

“Whether you want to believe it or not, you can only believe it.

From a probabilistic analysis, this can only be the result of precise manipulation. "

【The earth shook and the mountains shook

Level 4 magic, earth, advanced

Effect: Randomly destroy 4 city defense buildings. 】

The characteristic of Earthquake's magic is that it only destroys buildings but does not damage troops.

This kind of rule in this world reflects the wonderful results it has now.

But Rick and Casey couldn't possibly know, and they couldn't imagine that such a powerful force could not hurt anyone.

Due to the information gap, they could only rely on their past experience to judge that no one was hurt because Qige did not want to hurt anyone.

The wall of fire and the ice steps disappeared one after another, and the seven pigeons walked down slowly.

He glanced at the animal trainer who had just born and questioned him, and said softly:

"Prince Casey, I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength a little bit.

For a being like me, it is more difficult to suppress the power than to release it with all my strength. "

When Casey heard these words, he was even more in awe of the Seven Pigeons.

He said seriously:

"Your Excellency Qi Ge, we are fully aware of your power.

Powerful, terrifying, incredible.

With your help and Sir Sylvia's help, we will definitely defeat the dark fog. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

“Working together, that’s what we agreed to do yesterday.

Before we officially start our cooperation, I have two unwelcome requests. I wonder if you, Prince Casey, can provide us with a little help. "

It's time to negotiate terms.

After Qi Ge showed such terrifying power, Casey secretly lowered the bottom line in his heart.

He was ready for the Seven Doves and Lions to speak loudly, and asked seriously:

"Your Excellency Qi Ge, please speak."

"Two things."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“First, in fact, in addition to me and Sylvia, our sect also has a junior sister, her name is Elena.

Although her current strength is not as good as that of Sylvia and I, her potential is even greater than ours, and Master also loves and values ​​her very much.

This time I came out, in addition to getting Sylvia back, I also wanted to get Elena back.

But Elena is so good at hiding and disguising that it’s not easy even for me to find her.

Your Highness, I wonder if you are willing to mobilize the propaganda power of the empire to help me, Sylvia and my master shoot a propaganda video.

After Elena sees this promotional video, she will know our location and find us. "

Casey was overjoyed:

"Your Excellency Qi Ge, you mean that your successor..."

The seven pigeons laughed and laughed:

"Of course, Sylvia and I are both here. Master will definitely not sit idly by."

The two inheritance disciples are so powerful, how strong will the inheritor be?

Plus a younger junior sister who is even more talented.

Casey trembled with excitement, feeling that great things could be expected, and the rise of the empire was just around the corner.

He immediately said:

"Your Excellency Qi Ge, we will immediately arrange for all media to cover the entire empire from top to bottom to ensure that your junior sister can see you no matter where you are in the empire."

Qi Ge smiled: "Don't be in a hurry, take your time.

And one more thing.

I wonder, Your Highness Casey, have you ever heard of the Ant Clan? "

"Cut the ants?"

Casey looked around him in confusion. Rick checked the equipment on his hand and whispered:

"Your Majesty, you are the race that produces ant royal jelly.

Ordinary-level slave beasts are not a great thing. Apart from the ant royal jelly, they have no development value.

Your Majesty, your favorite snack [raw shrimp yogurt] is added with ant royal jelly. "

Casey suddenly realized:

"Oh, Lord Qi Ge, I know, what happened to the Qie Ant Tribe?"

Rick thought he spoke very quietly, but his words were clearly heard by Sylvia, who had reconnaissance skills.

After getting Sylvia’s hint, Qi Ge said casually:

“When I was searching for Sylvia, the Che Ant Tribe helped me a lot.

I am a little interested in this race. If possible, I hope you can give me the cutting ant tribe. "

Casey glanced at Rick, who nodded without hesitation.

So Cathy agreed:

"No problem! I will arrange the handover immediately.

Your Excellency Qige, do you need us to move the Qie ants to your palace? "

"No, just let them live there.

The main purpose is to return a favor to them. "

After getting down to business, Qi Ge waved and said:

"Your Highness, please come with me.

I will tell you something about the Dark Mist. "

Next, Qi Ge told Casey some basic methods of fighting Chaos.

From judging the emergence of chaotic nodes to responding to chaotic outbreaks, there are sixteen items in total.

These rules and experiences were gained by countless lives in the Yasha world. For the Florida Empire at this time, it was like rain after a long drought.

The Florida Empire is incredibly efficient.

Soon, the Sixteen Strategies of the Ancient Beast Tamer were spread throughout the Florida Empire.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Ge was also in the room and saw the dressed-up Ant-Man and the Queen.

Unlike other ant-people, the queen's belly is almost transparent and milky white, and you can even see the silicon fluid flowing inside her body.

With the help of several animal trainers, Qi Ge took out the control chip from the queen ant's brain.

Creatures controlled by chips are actually conscious, but the connection between their consciousness and their bodies is severed.

They can think and receive information from the outside world, but they cannot process the information.

Now that she has been released from control by Seven Pigeons, the queen ant is obviously a little timid and scared.

She looked at the seven pigeons and lowered her head humbly:

"The Queen of the Cut Ant Tribe expresses her surrender to the powerful Tamer."

Qi Ge raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Whether they are teacher ants, soldier ants or worker ants, all members of the Che ant tribe are full of blood.

Facing the almost invincible beast trainer clan, they dared to plan a counterattack.

But the queen ant, who has the highest status in the ant tribe, looks so weak and can be bullied.

Qige asked patiently:

"Queen ant, do you have a name?"

The queen ant shook her head:

"I don't have a name.

Since I was born, I have known that I am the queen ant, and I only know that I am the queen ant. "

"I see."

Qi Ge paused and asked:

"Queen Ant, do you want to go back to the ant nest to live? Be with your people."

"Ant nest? Why should I go back?"

The queen ant seemed a little panicked:

“I live so happily here, someone brings food and water.

I don’t even have to move, and I don’t have to keep laying eggs.

I don't want to go back. "

Qi Ge:......

Why are you happy here and not thinking about Shu?

Is your ant queen named Liu?

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows and asked the animal trainers around him to leave first.

When only Qi Ge and the Queen Ant were left, Qi Ge asked seriously:

"Queen Ant, I can assure you that I am different from those animal trainers, I really want to help you.

I ask you again, do you want to return to the ant nest?

If you really don't want to, I can install the control chip back and let you continue to follow those trainers. "

The queen ant's body trembled obviously, she lowered her head and said:

“Actually, I want to go back.

But I'm worried that when I go back, the ant nest will be attacked by the trainers again.

Then many tribesmen would die in battle again.

I don't want to see my people sacrifice for me anymore. "


Qi Ge stood up and said:

"Don't worry, I'm here to tell you that you are free.

You, the Cutting Ant Tribe, will no longer be enslaved, and no animal trainers will attack your Cutting Ant Tribe, because all of the Cutting Ant Tribe have now become my subordinates and property.

From today on, there is only one master of your ant tribe, and that is me.

Under my protection, you don’t have to hand over your ant royal jelly, you can all distribute it yourself.

No one dares to violate you, otherwise they are challenging me.

You should be able to tell that my status is much higher than other animal trainers you have seen. "

The queen ant asked excitedly:

"Are you serious? Are you really willing to let me go back?"


Qi Ge took out more than a dozen jars of ant royal jelly and said:

"We will leave tomorrow, so you can enjoy it here today.

Don't worry, these are yours. "

The next day, the seven pigeons returned to Ant-Man's nest with Sylvia, the Queen, and a large group of tails.

Teacher Ant almost suffocated when he saw the army of trainers behind Qi Pigeon.

It also thought that Qige was going to lead the animal trainer to attack the nest, and that disaster seemed to be imminent.

Fortunately, the return of the queen ant quickly cleared up the misunderstanding.

When the teacher ants learned that the seven pigeons had rescued the queen ant and relieved them of their status as slave beasts, they all cried with joy.

Only the dumber worker ants and soldier ants were still a little at a loss.

The queen ants are back, and it no longer matters whether Qi Pigeon deceived them before.

Under the command of Teacher Ant, Qi Ge enjoyed the highest level of courtesy from Ant-Man.

Soon, at the request of Seven Pigeons, the teacher ants returned to the nest and brought Nimbas out.

Before Nimbas could speak, Qi Ge waved his hands and shouted loudly:

"Teacher! Sylvia and I are back. I finally found Sylvia."

Nimbas responded quickly.

He just smiled and nodded without speaking.

Qi Ge immediately explained to the animal trainers:

"My teacher is like this, he cherishes words like gold.

His power is stronger than mine and harder to control. Everything he says will have an impact on those around him.

You can ask the teacher anything you want to ask.

The teacher will tell me through telepathic communication, and I will be responsible for answering. "

A group of members of the ace animal taming team wearing protective clothing gathered around, complimented Nimbas fiercely, and slapped rainbow farts wildly.

Nimbas didn't answer, he just kept smiling and letting Qi Ge do what he wanted.

Under Qi Ge's deception, Nimbas' image as a master was quickly established.

That night, Nimbas followed Qi Ge and Sylvia back to the capital of the Florida Empire.

In the evening, after Qi Ge introduced Nimbas to his current situation with Sylvia, he asked Nimbas about researching black fungi.

When he mentioned this, Nimbas was eloquent:

"Master, what a great discovery.

The racial potential of the Ant-Man race is greater than I imagined.

The earliest black fungus was actually cultured from the corpse of Ant-Man.

In other words, Ant-Man's body can transform into and out of ultra-high concentrations of undead death energy.

Even in a sense, the Ant-Man race is the undead!

However, this race is the undead of this world. "

Nimbas paused and said:

“The death energy of the undead itself has extremely strong plasticity, and this plasticity makes undead creatures extremely easy to transform.

The same trait appears in Ant-Man.

After research, I discovered that Ant-Man’s eggs are actually extremely malleable.

Many of the rules and characteristics of those soldiers devoured by the black fungus will be retained in the ant royal jelly.

I can use Ant Royal Jelly to incorporate these properties directly into the unhatched Ant-Man's body.

I guess the so-called evolution of Ant-Man and Queen is also based on this principle.

After the queen ant evolves, she can produce more powerful ant-men.

The powerful properties of these ant-men come from the ant royal jelly fed to the queen.

It's just that the queen ant's control and utilization of the rules in the ant royal jelly is less efficient, so the type of ant-man produced after evolution is not stable enough. "

After Qi Ge heard this, he immediately had an extremely strong premonition.

He immediately went to the Imperial Library of the Florida Empire and borrowed permission to find information about the Ant-Man attacked by the Florida Empire.

After confirming his suspicion, Qi Ge returned to the room and said excitedly to Sylvia and Nimbas:

"I understand it all."

Qige explained in detail:

“Ant-Man appeared at almost exactly the same time as the Realm of Chaos first appeared in this world.

When every world is invaded by chaos and is on the verge of extinction, it will take self-rescue actions like conditioned reflexes.

These ant-men are the product of this world's self-rescue operation.

Fungi cultured from corpses can digest and decompose almost all living things in the world.

The advantages of the entire world can be concentrated on the Ant-Man race.

The uncertainty of the ant queen laying eggs also gives the ant-men a strong diversity of troops.

Ant-Man's black mycelium can eat minerals, plants, animal carcasses, and almost anything.

This is a very powerful transformation ability.

When Chaos is completely unstoppable, Ant-Man can even turn the entire world into nutrients and frantically produce an army of Ant-Man. "

In the fifth year of the previous life, at the last moment of the Yasha world, the undead clan's plan for the underworld had already begun.

The fundamental purpose of this plan is to convert the entire Yasha world into territory.

Using the undead in the territory can absorb the death energy of the undead to survive, without any food supply characteristics, and engage in the ultimate war of attrition with chaos.

For Qige, these ant-men can even be regarded as the "Underworld Project" of this world.

Sylvia was very shocked after hearing this:

"So, the Qie Ant Tribe is the final trump card and savior of this world?"

Qige nodded and said:


They are the sharpest swords this world has prepared to deal with Chaos. "

Sylvia was even more stunned:

"But such a race that acts as a savior is enslaved by an animal trainer?"


Qige took a deep breath and said:

"In fact, the ruler of this world did not realize the potential of the ant tribe at all.

They just followed their usual method of action - after discovering non-human beasts, they immediately used control chips to control and tame them.

"This is really stupid..."

Sylvia said:

"The animal trainers of the Florida Empire personally extinguished their last hope and kicked the entire world into the abyss."

Qi Ge sighed with emotion:

“This is not stupidity, this is arrogance.

I don't know that the beast tamers have a long accumulation, and they have gained absolute dominance through long accumulation.

So they treat all other creatures in the world arrogantly and never allow their dominance to be shaken in any way.

If they weren't so arrogant, maybe they would soon discover the potential of the ant tribe.

If they were more selfless, they would be willing to give up their arrogance and work together with the Qie ants.

With the help of the animal trainer, the entire world will become food for the growth of the ant tribe.

In this way, it may or may not be able to help them survive this chaotic crisis.

Of course, this is impossible.

If they could really let go of their arrogance, we wouldn't be seeing the world in this fantasy. "

When the truth about the ant tribe was learned by Qi Ge, the answers to the world's problems almost appeared on the paper.

Soon, at the suggestion of Qige, the Florida Empire launched an action to help the ants.

A large amount of ant royal jelly is eaten by the queen, who continues to evolve, and the ants she gives birth to become more and more powerful and more numerous.

Three months later, even the giant knife ants that were comparable to the fifth-level mythical soldiers had accumulated sixteen, including miraculous, hidden, and ordinary ones, and there were countless more.

There's the poison-spraying Ant-Man who can fire a poisonous spray;

There is the big-headed Ant-Man who can control enemies and stun them;

There is the Ant-Man, a melee weapon that transcends all others.

After confirming that they had accumulated enough troops, Qi Ge took Nimbas, Sylvia and the Che Ant Tribe to launch the first counterattack against the baby Chaos that invaded this world.

With the experienced Seven Pigeons and the powerful Sylvia, coupled with the ever-changing combat capabilities of the Qie Ant Tribe, the first counterattack was successful and a large area of ​​lost territory was recovered.

This is the first time in decades that the Florida Empire has successfully reclaimed the land that was engulfed by Chaos.

The media in the Florida Empire were crazy with joy. They seized on the news of the victory in the first expedition and publicized it throughout the entire Florida Empire.

Soon, not only the beast trainers, but also many slave beasts had heard the names of Qi Ge and the others.

Two months later, Qi Ge, who had once again organized his army, launched a second counterattack and won again.

The images of Seven Pigeons and others have spread all over the Florida Empire, but unfortunately, the illusion has not been conquered.

Another half year later, the Qie ant tribe had grown into a powerful civilization that was not inferior to the beast tamers.

Even the swamp flies in the hands of the animal trainers pose no threat to the ant tribe.

Originally, this situation would most likely cause a violent conflict between the old and new forces.

However, under the slogan that Qi Ge An must fight against foreigners, the Qie Ant Clan and the Beast Tamer Clan decided to put aside their disputes for the time being and fight against Chaos together.

A year has passed.

All the realms of chaos in the entire illusion were wiped out, and the last chaotic boss was also submerged by the vast sea of ​​ant-men.

The Chaos invasion was successfully ended.

At the moment when Qi Ge and the others succeeded in ending the Chaos BOSS in the illusion, the Mud of the Beast Tamer was also rapidly disintegrating on the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Before Qi Ge, Sylvia and Nimbas could celebrate, they were pulled back to the world of Yasha.

At this time in Yasha World, it was only half an hour before Qi Ge and the others entered the illusion.

As soon as Qi Ge returned to Yasha World, the system prompts sounded one after another.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering the Chaos Zone Beast Tamer Mud]

[System prompt: The Mud of the Beast Tamer in the Chaos Zone is returning to the world of Yasha. 】

[System prompt: You have gained 1.56 million experience, 9 skill points, 1 auxiliary skill grid, and death air mushroom spores]

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