Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 625 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

Yinhe was just congratulating herself that she had escaped disaster. Suddenly, she felt panicked and her eyes immediately turned to the bottom of the sea.

A huge silver jaw emerged from the bottom of the sea like a guillotine, as if it was going to cut the Silver Spirit in two! !

Yinhe's pupils shrank and he immediately shouted:

"Grandpa Snake! Help!!"

boom! !

A powerful elemental energy suddenly erupted from Yinling's body.

This elemental energy is so powerful that it even evaporates all the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms] around the Silver Spirit in an instant!

A total of 60 huge elemental sea emperor snakes suddenly appeared around the Silver Spirit.

Sixty huge snake tails were all tied to the body of the [King Tiger Beetle Fly], entangling the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] so that it could not move!

【Elemental Sea King Snake

Neutral Level 6 and Level 5 Miracle Troops

Speed: 28

Life: 600

Defense: 30

Attack: 30

Damage: 60


Super Giant Troops: It occupies 19 squares (two hexagonal circles) and the damage caused by all non-super giant units is reduced by 40%. When the enemy does not have super giant units, its morale is -2.

Amphibious troops: can move freely on sea and land.

Elemental Body: Immune to magical effects except banishment.

Attacks deal magic damage.

Submersible: When operating in the sea, you can dive to the bottom of the sea to avoid all attacks from the sea.

Entangling attack: After attacking, the enemy will be unable to move until the elemental sea king snake leaves the enemy's side.

Big Mouth: When the Elemental Sea King Snake attacks, it also attacks the enemies 3*3 blocks in front.

Devour: When the Elemental Sea King Snake attacks, it has a chance to directly devour troops whose total health value is less than its own maximum health value. 】

The Silver Spirit awakened 3 times can consume 2,400 magic points every week to summon 3 permanent [Elemental Sea King Snakes].

This is the last trump card of the Silver Spirit, and it is also the most powerful guardian!

"Well done."

Qi Ge, who saw everything through the special perspective given by Poseidon, clenched his fist hard.

"The 60 elemental sea emperor snakes are all guardian elemental beasts belonging to the Silver Spirit. Even in the big battlefield mode, their power is superimposed.

One line has 600 health, totaling 36,000 health. Can it directly trigger Devour?

Destiny, favor your followers. "

Qi Ge prayed silently in his heart.

At this moment, the Elemental Sea Emperor Snake bit the [King Tiger Fly]!

A blazing fire flashed, and the entire [King Tiger Fly] was decomposed into elemental energy in an instant, and was then swallowed separately by the Sea King Snake!

“Really triggered!

BOSS has no immunity to instant death! "

Qi Ge was extremely excited.


At this moment, the [King Tiger Fly], which was being mocked by Lionheart in the distance, suddenly roared angrily.

The [King Tiger Fly], which had been gliding on the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms], suddenly split open on its back and opened a pair of huge wings.

[Big King Tiger Fly] flew up into the sky and sank into [Evil Sea Linkong].

Immediately afterwards, on the [Evil Sea Linkong], fly heads popped up one after another.

【King Tiger Maggot】

In the sky, densely packed [King Tiger Armor Maggots] all opened their round mouths, and the terrifyingly dense sea of ​​​​worms bombarded towards Qige's fleet.

"Hiss... long-range arms!"

Qige's pupils shrank.

Such dense insect cannons almost covered the entire [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms], and it seemed that both the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale had no way to hide.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly emitted from the Silver Spirit.

Jade Qilin·Feng Fury stepped on the mist, looking up to the sky and roaring:

"Clouds turn into wind, mist turns into air, everything becomes invisible!"


Two water mist barriers unfolded above the heads of the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale at the same time, and swallowed the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale inside at the same time.

The Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale were wrapped in mist and carried by the strong wind, and left the sea in an instant.

Under the control of Feng Fury, the mist drifted all the way to the ordinary sea area that had been cleared by the Netherworld Flame.

There is no effect of [Evil Sea in the Sky] in the sky over this sea area, and neither [King Tiger Beetle Fly] nor [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] can pursue it quickly.

Seeing this, Qi Ge couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I never let the Qilin clan waste their spiritual power.

This is Jade Qilin's magic [Thousands of Miles of Mist], which is somewhat similar to the teleportation magic, but has a longer range, more targets that can be teleported, and a longer teleportation time.

Out of the coverage of [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] and [Evil Sea in the Sky], the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale are temporarily safe.

However, Qi Ge can clearly see that the [King Tiger Armor Maggots] are still in the [Evil Sea Linkong], staring covetously in the direction of Qi Ge's fleet.

If Zhang Fu and others can't find a way to deal with the [King Tiger Armor Maggot], they can only temporarily rest in the safe sea area that has been purified.

"Zhang Fu and the others can't get through, which means that the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] will soon organize another attack on the Immortal Wood, and even this time even the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] and [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] will Appear.

Without me as their commander, Galaxy and the others will not be able to exert their maximum combat power.

Without my helpless subordinates like them, it would be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Tsk. Being divided, the situation is a bit difficult to handle. "

Qige thought for a moment.

“I still have the means to return to the Silver Spirit.

Wait until tomorrow before committing suicide.

But if I do this, all my heroic soul troops will die.

Without the large number of heroic soul troops I brought here, the Immortal Wood cannot be defended.

If the attacks of [King Tiger Beetle Fly] and [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] cannot be dealt with quickly, then the Immortal Wood will be in danger.

Not long after I arrived, Chaos took out several strange things for me one after another. Who knows what other disgusting things are hidden in the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] that has been developed for so long. "

Just as Qi Ge was lost in thought, the light of the Poseidon statue slowly disappeared, and Poseidon's scales fell off the statue and fell into Qi Ge's hands.

Holding the warm and moist Poseidon scales, Qi Ge came up with a bold idea.

"How about using Poseidon's scales to knock out an underwater city to support the war?"

But this bold idea was immediately rejected by Qi Ge.

"Hiss, no, that's too bold.

This is the sea of ​​chaos. If you knock on the city here, the fog of chaos in all directions will instantly riot.

Without a dozen demigods with full strength, they are not even qualified to defend the city. "

"Think carefully about what other cards I have in my hand that can help me get out of the current predicament..."

Qi Ge sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly flashed in Qi Ge's mind.

He sat up suddenly and slapped his thigh hard.

"Damn! I actually forgot about such a big baby!"

The next day, the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] in the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] once again led a large number of [Tiger Beetle Maggots] to attack, and was then attacked head-on by Seven Pigeons.

But this attack was just a test by [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly]. After discovering that Seven Pigeons were still guarding the Immortal Wood, [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] immediately returned with his troops.

Seeing this, Qi Ge immediately understood that the [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Flies] wanted to concentrate their superior forces and eat the Silver Spirit and Sky Whale first.

"How can I let you succeed?"

The view of the sky is opened, and the Shenzhou must arrive and deliver. Faced with the crisis, Qi Ge chooses to shake people! !

A bright light flashed, and Nu Qier threw herself into Qi Ge's arms and said softly:

"Master, your lovely succubus comes at your call."

"Well done."

Qi Ge hugged Nu Qi'er and wanted to pinch her butt out of habit, but Qi Ge immediately realized that now was not the time to pay for energy points, so he rubbed Nu Qi'er's head instead.

"Qier, are you ready?"

"Don't worry, Master, there will be no problem."

Nu Qier's eyes were as charming as silk, and she immediately took out a stack of scrolls and placed them in Qi Ge's hand.

Qige nodded and felt relieved.

He turned around and looked at the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] with high spirits:

"You have your plan, and I have my ladder.

Want to limit me? Then I will let you see what is the dual-line operation of professional players. "

Zhang Fu stared at the sea in the distance with a solemn expression.

8 [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Flies] were constantly rising and falling in the evil sea of ​​insects. From time to time, they would poke out their maggot-like lower bodies from the insect cloud, and then expel purple egg sheaths from their lower bodies.

The egg sheath will burst in mid-air, and a swarm of purple bugs will fly out.

These pests quickly merge into the pure ocean, dyeing it purple.

The more powerful [King Tiger Fly] is constantly patrolling in the air to prevent the Sky Whale from sneaking into the [Broken Wing Tiger Fly].

It was obvious that the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] was gradually closing the circle with the evil sea of ​​swarms, trying to trap the Silver Spirit and the [Sky Whale] in the urn.

Blessings never come alone, and misfortunes never come alone.

The Nether Flame has been devoured by [Tiger Armor Nymph]. Elena and Nimbas have also developed several methods to deal with [Insect Swarm Evil Sea], but they are either restrained by [Tiger Armor Nymph] or have no effect. Not obvious.

Zhang Fu became angrier the more he thought about it:

"Damn! While the boss was here, he cleared 70% of the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] and [Evil Sea in the Sky], and those fly monsters didn't dare to resist.

As soon as the boss left, they all appeared.

This is clearly looking down on me. "

Yinhe also said angrily:

"Yes! I just look down on you! Rich brother, hurry up and teach them a lesson."

Zhang Fu's face turned bitter: "If I had a way to teach them a lesson, we wouldn't be suppressed here.

I just logged off and asked the boss. He said there was no need to panic. He had already thought of a solution and let us wait and see what happens. ""

Sylvia asked with a serious expression:

"Vampire, what are Qi Ge's plans?

Only a small half of the sea area we finally captured is left. After a while, we will inevitably enter the range of those bugs that can launch cannonballs.

Even if the Sky Whale's defense could withstand it, the Silver Spirit couldn't. "

Zhang Fu looked bitter:

"I don't know either. In the Chaotic Sea, communication between me and the boss is not that convenient."

Sylvia looked at the sky, secretly worried.

This feeling of watching the enemy gradually develop, but having no way to do anything about it, is too uncomfortable.


After half an hour, the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] pushed forward a lot again.

[King Tiger Beetle Fly] made a piercing cry in the air and swooped down from the sky.

At this moment, a bright white light suddenly appeared on the Silver Spirit and Sky Whale.

Immediately afterwards, both the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale disappeared in the white light.

boom! !

The Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale instantly crossed the boundless [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] and were teleported to the sea around the Immortal Wood!

The seven pigeons landed majestically on the deck of the Silver Spirit, smiling at Sylvia and the others:

"Sorry for the wait.

It will take some time to clear a sea area that can accommodate the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale. "

"Seven pigeons!!" Sylvia raised her head and looked behind the seven pigeons in great surprise:

"Could it be that this is the immortal wood?!

Qige, how did you bring us here? "

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Two demigod-level teleportation scrolls, teleporting the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale respectively.

I have a very good secondary hero, she is not only a legendary scroller, but also a magic user.

Using a combination of professional skills, she can create demi-god-level magic scrolls. "

【Legendary Scroll Master

Basic attributes: Knowledge +10

Career Skill 1: By consuming materials, you can copy the magic you know into [Disposable Magic Scroll] or [Permanent Magic Scroll]. 】

【Magic God

Professional Skill Three (Legendary): You can consume additional magic points to greatly enhance the effect of the next magic (up to the demigod level)]

"I see."

Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief:

"You told me if you had such a trump card, it made me worry for a long time.

There is such a powerful scroll master, please introduce him to me next time. "

Qi Ge:......

I also introduce you to...

To be a true King of the Sea, you have to make all the fish in the fish pond your best friends, right?

I get it, I am the master of besties.

Qi Ge smiled mysteriously without making a sound.

He waved his hand and shouted loudly:

"Rich! Help me notify the entire army to prepare.

The enemy's main force is still far away from us now. We must clear out the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] as much as possible while there is no enemy interference. "

"Okay, boss."

This time when Nu Qier arrived, she also brought another super magic weapon to clean up the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects].

【Purgatory Mag

Force: Hell

Level: 2

Rank: 4

Quality: hidden

Attack: 4

Defense: 14

Damage: 3~6

Ammo: Unlimited

Range: 8

Ability Power: 3

Knowledge: 6

Casting distance: 12

Lives: 16

Speed: 6

Special skill: Flame Shot: Normal attack causes fire magic damage in 5*5 range.

Sticky flames:

After attacking, it will continue to burn all units within the range, causing 20% ​​damage until no unit survives. After that, the flames will gradually disappear within 5 rounds.

If a soldier enters the flame range while the flame is disappearing, it will continue to cause damage to it and stop disappearing.

Possess magic: bursting fireball, fire wall, fire rain. 】

[Purgatory Magg], a very common hidden unit in Over, comes from the refugee camp of the God's Chosen City.

Qi Ge once killed a semi-heroic unit of [Purgatory Mag] when he rescued Smit.

Although [Purgatory Mag] has both the ability to cast spells and long-range attacks, its damage is average, and the damage caused at the same time does not distinguish between friend and foe, so it is particularly difficult to use.

But now, [Purgatory Mag]'s special skills perfectly restrain [Insect Swarm Evil Sea]!

[Insect Swarm Evil Sea] is a collection of countless insect eggs and larvae, and each drop of [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] contains hundreds of larvae.

The health value of a single insect egg is not even 1 point.

However, with their insidious parasitic ability and unsolvable numbers, they make the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] extremely terrifying.

The attack of [Purgatory Mag] itself is 5*5 large-scale damage. This damage is pitifully low even for archers who are also level 2 long-range arms. However, it needs to kill the larvae and insects in [Insect Swarm Sea]. The eggs are more than enough.

Very large area, burning a large area.

The most terrifying thing is that the flames of [Purgatory Mag] will burn endlessly as long as there are soldiers to burn them.

A piece of [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] is put on a handful of sticky flames, and it can keep burning until it dries up and turns into a big hole.

Nu Qier brought a total of 140 [Purgatory Mages], and they all attacked together under the control of Qi Ge.

The flame exploded with a bang, and the hot, bright red, sticky flame burned more and more fiercely in the sea of ​​​​insects, and gradually downwards.

The evil insects around the flames are like moths flying to the flame, trying to replenish the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] burned by the flames.

But they can only continue to be fuel for the viscous fire.

Under the control of the seven pigeons, the [Purgatory Maggs] moved steadily, throwing flames on the [Insect Swarm Sea] row after row.

Once the viscous flame burns, it will not go out, which makes the area covered by the viscous flame become larger and larger.

The flames grew stronger and stronger, and the sea level of the [Insect Swarm Sea] dropped faster and faster, and finally it even reached the point where it was visible to the naked eye.

Ten minutes later, fire was burning in the endless sea of ​​insects.

The flames were soaring and the heat wave was rolling, as if it could burn everything to ashes.

The sky in the distance was dyed red by the firelight, and connected with the purple sky, forming a magnificent picture.

Wherever the fire went, the level of the Sea of ​​Insects dropped rapidly. A large number of adult insects that had grown up flashed purple fluorescence and tried to escape, but were ignited by the flames in the air and fell powerlessly back into the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects], leaving only charred corpses. Continue to be licked by the sticky flames.

The [Tiger Maggots] on the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] are not immune to the disaster.

As the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] was burned out, the [Tiger Maggot] had to give up the bubble that protected itself and evacuated backwards.

Some other [Tiger Armor Maggots] who were unwilling to die devoured each other, and gave birth to [Tiger Armor Nymphs] that could absorb fire.

[Tiger Beetle Nymph] opened its huge mouth and began to clean up the sticky flames.

However, the sticky flame will not stop burning even if it is eaten by the [Tiger Beetle Nymph].

Each of the chubby white [tiger beetle nymphs] was gradually swollen by the flames in their belly, and their bodies gradually turned red.

Finally, red sticky flames penetrated the body of [Tiger Beetle Nymph] and spurted out from various holes.

[Tiger beetle nymph] could only roll in pain in the sea of ​​​​insects, bringing the sticky flames to more locations in the sea of ​​​​insects, until [tiger beetle nymph] fell weakly, its body completely turned into charred black, and emitted black smoke and Bad bugs.

Qige took a deep breath.

The thick smoke and black smoke that had been nauseating now smelled so refreshing.

Finally, [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] seemed to realize that the desire of these sticky flames was insatiable, and took the initiative to cut with the ignited troops.

A large [Evil Sea of ​​Insects] quickly retreated, leaving a bottomless pit, forming an air barrier in an attempt to prevent the spread of the flames.

Without the continuous replenishment of the sea of ​​insects, the remaining evil insects can only be annihilated by the constant burning of the sticky flames.

The sea of ​​insects died, and the [Evil Sea in the Sky] was quickly burned by the sticky flames, turning into black fly ash and falling continuously.

But Qi Ge was not willing to let go of the escaping Chong Hai.

From the deepest part of the immortal wood, bright and clear seawater gushes out, filling the space left by the retreat of the insect sea.

The Silver Spirit carries [Purgatory Mag] and pursues the victory, starting a new cycle.

For half a day, the sea of ​​insects surrounding the Immortal Wood was cleared by seven pigeons for 500 nautical miles.

At this time, angry insects also sounded in the sky!

The fastest [King Tiger Beetle Fly], accompanied by a large group of [King Tiger Beetle Maggots], rushed over from the far sky.

The [King Tiger Beetle Fly] hiding in the [Evil Sea Rinkong] is the same as the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] hiding in the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects]. There is only an illusion of nothingness, that is, it is in an invincible state.

Although Qi Ge does not know the specific attributes of [King Tiger Beetle Fly], based on its previous process of dealing with the Silver Spirit and Sky Whale, Qi Ge can infer that [King Tiger Beetle Fly] and [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] ] Similarly, when entering the invincible state, it will also lose its offensive ability and can only rely on [King Tiger Armor Maggot] to fight.

Therefore, Qi Ge looked at the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] with disdain, ignored the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] and continued to use [Purgatory Mag] to clean up the [Insect Swarm Sea].

Qi Ge's attitude seemed to annoy the [King Tiger Beetle Fly], which gathered [King Tiger Beetle Maggots] in the air, and at the same time launched a powerful insect swarm cannon, blasting towards the Silver Spirit where Qi Ge was located.

Boom boom boom!

Thousands of artillery fire, the power is endless.

Among the insect cannons that filled the sky, a large group of dangerous and ferocious insects spread their wings with murderous intent in their eyes.

Facing the overwhelming insect cannons, Qi Ge did not panic at all, but instead laughed sinisterly.

More than a hundred huge blue flag whales suddenly rushed out of the clear water!

Mermaid Ocean Darling's stunt is an entry stunt, which is triggered when entering combat.

In the special battlefield of the Chaos Sea, Qi Ge can repeatedly summon and recycle the mermaids that are not out of combat to create the sea beasts they want!

【Blue flag whale

Neutral level 4 level 4 hidden


Special skills: giant arms, sea arms, infinite counterattack

Whale Swallowing: Before being attacked or actively attacking, if the opponent's total health is less than the total damage of the Blue Flag Whale, it will be swallowed by the Blue Riding Whale before attacking.

Siphon: When enemy troops whose health and size are smaller than the [Blue Flag Whale] approach the [Blue Flag Whale], they must attack the Blue Riding Whale. 】

Blue flag whales open their big mouths on the sea, and their mouths seem to have infinite attraction, sucking in all the insect shells.

Even the adults of the evil insects had pitifully low health points. They were unable to resist the powerful suction in the mouth of the blue flag whale and were swallowed up one after another.

"The endless pests are both the strength and the weakness of the Tiger Armor unit.

When the bug shells hit a troop type, they will cause a strong bug infection effect, but for this reason, the bug shells will also be considered as a troop type.

Special skills specific to the troop types will be effective against bug shells. "

His trump card was unexpectedly eliminated so easily.

Qige even continued to clean up the "Evil Sea of ​​Insects" despite the output of "King Tiger Maggot".

This made the [King Tiger Fly] in the sky surprisingly angry.

In [Evil Sea in the Sky], the phantom of [King Tiger Beetle Fly] opens its huge silver jaws and continuously cuts and swallows [King Tiger Beetle Maggot].

It ate and drank haphazardly, swallowing most of the [King Tiger Armor Maggots] in the sky in one mouthful.

Immediately afterwards, [King Tiger Fly] opened its mouth and spit out a cloud of purple mist.

In the depths of the [Evil Sea Linkong] formed by the evil insects, endless darkness and unknown terror are intertwined.

Qi Ge could feel that there was an indescribable force that was changing the ocean.

Gradually, purple mist suddenly began to rise in the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects], and they revealed a strange and terrifying aura that made people shudder.

As the purple mist spreads, some incredible things begin to appear on the sea.

There are some strange and deformed monsters wandering in this purple mist, and there is an unknown aura exuding around them.

Qige became vigilant and retreated from the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects].

After a while, a large number of [tiger beetle maggots] began to mutate in the purple mist.

The blisters that originally protected the [tiger beetle maggots] all sprouted tentacles and penetrated into the [tiger beetle maggot]'s body, making a sizzling sound like a hot iron pressing against the flesh.

Ten seconds later, each of the [tiger beetle maggots] turned into fly-headed, hard-armored, giant beetles with eight legs!

They spread their wings, made a buzzing sound, flew up one after another, and swooped down towards the Blue Riding Whale.

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed and he immediately ordered all the Blue Riding Whales to dive into the sea!

"Boom boom boom!"

The giant beetles bombarded the sea surface, causing splashes of water, but all of them were empty.

Qi Ge smiled softly:

“You are not the only ones who have the terrain advantage.

At sea, my maritime units also have terrain advantages.

Galaxy, take action! ! "


The Silver Spirit launched its magical resonance, and a fairy heavy cannon hit the giant beetle, sending the giant beetle flying in all directions.

However, not a single giant beetle was killed.

Qi Ge frowned: "Are you exempt from magic? Then try physics. Underwater commando team, dispatch."

Although the giant beetles were not killed, their organization was also broken up.

One of the giant beetles was trying hard to turn over. Suddenly, a bloody mouth emerged from the bottom of the sea and bit its limbs instantly.

This mouth was big enough to crush steel, but it was choked on the armor of the giant beetle.

Unexpectedly, even the Dragon Meow Shark couldn't bite through the giant beetle's defense.

From the feedback brought by Dragon Meow Shark, Qi Ge learned that this blow did not cause no damage, but the opponent's defense was simply too high and the physical damage was limited.

The giant beetle turned over angrily and looked around, but could not find any attack target on the sea.

Dragon Meow Shark, which already possesses the special skill of [Sea Diving Attack], has acquired the invincible [Permanent Sea Diving] with the blessing of Qi Ge.

Only units that also have the [Sea Diving] special ability can attack the Dragon Meow Shark in the [Sea Diving] state.

This means that only seven pigeons can defeat the giant beetle, but the giant beetle has nothing to do with his troops.

"If you can't bite through the defense, then tear it apart for me!"

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed, and another group of [tetraclawed squids] with submersible attack and [causing real damage] special ability suddenly stretched out their tentacles from the sea and wrapped around the eight abdominal limbs of the giant beetle.

The tentacles of the [Four-clawed Squid] tore violently in all directions, and after three consecutive tores, all the abdominal limbs of the giant beetle were torn off.

The giant beetle without legs has a hard armor but cannot move at all. It can only be entangled by the tentacles of the [tetraclaw squid] and dragged to the bottom of the sea.

After a while, good news came from the bottom of the sea. The giant beetle had been besieged to death by a large group of soldiers with permanent shallow sea special skills.

The other giant beetles sensed the death of their companions, became vigilant, and wanted to escape quickly, but their movement speed became slower and slower on the sea surface.

The seven pigeons lurk under the seabed [Coral Witch] and have reached the sea below them.

The professional stunt of Seven Doves Poseidon Apostle allows all troops with the [Amphibious Troop] and [Sea Troop] stunts to obtain the [Sea Diving] stunt.

Of course, the [Coral Archmiko], which is an amphibious unit, can also be obtained.

The sea diving stunt is very special, and it will only surface after attacking.

The deceleration stunt of [Coral Archmiko] does not require an attack at all to have an effect.

They hid in the extremely safe seabed and stared deeply at the giant beetle, as if the god of death was peeping in the dark.

The giant beetle, whose movement speed was reduced by 90%, changed from its original flying speed to a stumbling step.

They were arrogant and domineering when they came, but struggled to retreat when they wanted to.

As a result, the giant beetles fell into an extremely embarrassing situation. They wanted to fight, but they couldn't find enemies around them. They wanted to run, but they couldn't, and they could only die slowly.

One after another, the powerful giant beetles were constantly killed by Qi Ge's undersea agent team without any resistance and failed to cause any losses to Qi Ge.

Without the restrictions of the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects], the powerful troops specially selected by Qi Ge finally played their due role.

[King Tiger Beetle Fly] looked angry and anxious.

For this giant beetle offensive, it sacrificed at least 20,000 [King Tiger Maggots] and the same number of [Tiger Beetle Maggots], but the giant beetles failed to achieve even an inch and were about to be wiped out.

Not even one of the blue flag whales that caused huge trouble to the [King Tiger Fly] was killed.

[King Tiger Beetle Flies] seemed to realize that they could not kill Seven Pigeons on their own, and began to turn around and run away with the remaining [King Tiger Beetle Maggots], trying to join up with the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Flies].

Qi Ge smiled coldly:

"You can come when you want and leave when you want. What do you think I am? Just stay here, you beast!"

boom! !

The Sky Whale suddenly accelerated, drew a beautiful arc on the sea, and rushed into the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects].

A magic shield is shrouded outside the Sky Whale to protect the evil insects in the [Insect Swarm Sea] from affecting the troops on the Sky Whale.

Sixty [Naga Drifters] raised their swords and shouted loudly to the sky:


[Swordsman Challenge: Designate a team of enemy troops. After that, neither [Naga Drifter] nor that team of enemy troops can try to stay away from each other, but can only keep approaching.

Only one pair of enemy troops can be specified at most. 】

[King Tiger Fly] is invincible while hiding in [Evil Sea Rinkong] and will not be affected by [Naga Drifter]'s challenging stunts, but [King Tiger Maggot] is not invincible.

Waves of waves spread out from [Naga Wanderer], forcefully pulling out all the [King Tiger Armor Maggots] hidden in the air.

[King Tiger Armor Maggot] struggled and screamed, trying to return to [Evil Sea Linkong], but couldn't go back at all.

It was only then that Qi Ge finally saw the whole picture of [King Tiger Armor Maggot] clearly.

[King Tiger Maggot] The whole body is covered with sharp and fine hairs.

These hairs are covered with barbs, allowing them to hang on the evil insect adults in [Evil Sea Rinkong], and the evil insect adults fly with them.

There are several large flesh-and-blood tubes behind their tails. The tubes are inserted into the [Evil Sea Rinkong], allowing them to continuously absorb adult insects from [Evil Sea Rinkong] and spit out evil insect shells.

Now, [King Tiger Armor Maggot] has been locked by [Swordsman Challenge].

Under the influence of the stunt rules, they had no way to actively stay away from [Naga Swordsman].

Originally, [Naga Swordsman] could not stay away from [King Tiger Maggot], but [Naga Swordsman] was on the Sky Whale!

The Sky Whale immediately turned around and quickly returned to the blue sea.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, the [King Tiger Maggot] in the sky was like a kite tied to a string, forced to return with the Sky Whale.

The moment the Whale took the [King Tiger Armor Maggot] away from [Evil Sea Linkong], the body of [King Tiger Armor Maggot] quickly collapsed and dissolved in the air, eventually turning into purple slime and falling down.

[Purgatory Mag] takes action in time to burn all the slime in the sky.

A total of 60 [King Tiger Maggots] were killed in this wave!

The death of [King Tiger Maggot] means that [Naga Swordsman]’s [Swordsman Challenge] stunt is reset.

The Sky Whale scored twice, returned again, caught up with the [King Tiger Maggot] who was trying to evacuate, and pulled another wave.

60, 60, 60…

Every time the Sky Whale goes back and forth, it will be accompanied by the loss of a full 60 [King Tiger Maggots].

Although the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] is fast, the [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] is not that fast!

[King Tiger Beetle Flies] continue to escape with [King Tiger Beetle Maggots], and sooner or later all [King Tiger Beetle Maggots] will be killed by the Sky Whale.

[King Tiger Beetle] gives up [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] and runs away, but all [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] will still die.

This made the phantom of the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] angry and anxious. It kept making sharp insect sounds, seeming to warn the Sky Whale not to approach again.

But the Sky Whale is not willing to care about it. The more it calls the Sky Whale, the more excited it becomes!

As we all know, don’t mean don’t stop.

Lionheart finally let out a breath of bad breath and laughed happily.

He controlled the Sky Whale to run back and forth in the [Evil Sea of ​​Insects], going in and out, constantly pulling the [King Tiger Maggot] out of the [Evil Sea and Sky].

The [King Tiger Beetle Fly] screamed more and more bleakly. Finally, its phantom glanced at Qi Pigeon angrily and chose to abandon the [King Tiger Beetle Maggot] and run away alone.

As a result, there were nearly three thousand [King Tiger Armor Maggots] in the air, all of which were killed by the Sky Whale. No one was left.

Qi Ge smiled slightly and was not in a hurry to pursue the [King Tiger Beetle Fly]. Instead, he allowed the Sky Whale to attack the [King Tiger Beetle Maggot]. He took the [Purgatory Maggot] with him and continued to clean it up unhurriedly. 【Insect Swarm Evil Sea】.

Qi Ge is very clear that the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms] is the biggest obstacle to defeating the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Flies].

Only by eradicating all the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms] will [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] have nothing to hide from and will be willing to die.

After [Insect Swarm Evil Sea] disappears, [Evil Sea Rinku] as a weather effect will also be easily covered.

At that time, the location on the battlefield will be completely in his own hands.

But how could Chaos be indifferent to Qi Ge's behavior?

Just when the harpies on the immortal tree were cheering as they felt that great revenge could be avenged, on the sea level in the distance, the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] returned again with eight [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly].

[Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] just entered the scene and began to generate bubbles one after another on the sea surface.

Qi Ge finally managed to get rid of all the [Tiger Armor Maggots], so how could he let the [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] set up a large array of [Tiger Armor Maggots] again?

He waved his hand viciously, and the sky fire brewed quickly regardless of the distance.

"Come on! Let's see if I burn faster or if you set up faster, I'll beat eight of you one by one!"

Wei Chengfeng raised her fist and hit Qi Ge:

"Obviously there is still me!"

Qi Ge clapped his hands and agreed:

"Yes! The two of us beat the other eight!"

A large area of ​​sky fire elements is unknown, just stretching out its hands to let the hot sky fire come down!

Raging flames descended from the sky with tail wings, hitting the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms] like a meteor shower, accurately bombarding the newly generated [Tiger Maggot] bubbles.

Wei Chengfeng immediately followed, and the flame response from the [Extreme Heat Element] caused each [Tiger Armored Maggot] to be surrounded by a wall of fire.

The blazing flames cleansed the [Evil Sea of ​​Insect Swarms], causing the phantom of [Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] to scream continuously.

At this moment, a large group of [Tiger Beetle Nymphs] appeared on the sea level in the distance.

Obviously, [Broken Wing Tiger Beetle Fly] came prepared this time!

[Broken Wing Tiger Armor Fly] If you are prepared, how could Qi Ge not be?

Just as the [Tiger Beetle Nymph] was getting closer and closer, thick white mist suddenly enveloped the surface of the [Insect Swarm Evil Sea], blocking the [Tiger Beetle Nymph] in front of it.

In the mist, Ren Shiba appeared out of thin air with a large group of unicorns.

Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while.

The trump card that Qi Ge had kept until now was finally revealed.

There are a total of 75 Qilin tribes, each of which has the special ability of ignoring terrain when moving and being immune to negative effects.

Even the sea of ​​evil insects cannot stop them.

The Qilin, which can travel freely in the spirit world, is like a silent killer. While walking gracefully among the groups of [Tiger Armor Nymphs], it uses various magical techniques to kill [Tiger Armor Nymphs] one by one in seconds.

Boom boom! !

The [King Tiger Beetle Fly] that had just returned in the sky discovered the situation. It broke away from the protection of [Evil Sea Linkong] and rushed down towards the Kirins.

However, what greeted it was the trap that Qi Ge had prepared long ago.

The moment the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] rushed into the white mist, the fog suddenly dissipated and appeared around the Silver Spirit, bringing the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] back.

[King Tigerfly], who was alone in the attack, suddenly realized something was wrong, turned around and ran away, but it was too late.

The Elemental Sea Emperor Snake appeared again and instantly entangled the [King Tiger Armor Fly].

The entangled troops were unable to move, and the [King Tiger Fly] even surpassed the speed of the Sky Whale and became 0 points.

"Very good, that's it, let's get rid of the troublesome [King Tiger Fly] in one go!"

Just when Qi Ge thought that the Elemental Sea Emperor Snake could devour the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] like last time, the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] suddenly shook its body and shed its shell!

A huge maggot emerged from the shell of the [King Tiger Beetle Fly] and soared into the sky at an unimaginable speed.

"Fuck! Golden cicada escapes from its shell? Is this still possible?"

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