Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 628 Organizing the Harvest

Returning to the City of God's Choice, the first thing Qi Ge did was not count the harvest, hold a celebration banquet, or even check the properties of the Immortal Forest.

The first thing he did was to summon the citizens of God's Choice City and hold a grand and solemn memorial service in front of the [Supreme Temple] of God's Choice City.

At the memorial service, all the fairies who died in the Sea of ​​Chaos had their names engraved on the pillars in front of the sublime temple one by one by Qige and Koroko.

Qi Ge stood on a high platform and looked down.

The current area of ​​control of God's Chosen City is much larger than before, and the number of its citizens is also much larger.

Many of the people in the territory have never had contact with these goblins who followed Qi Ge on the expedition but were killed by evil spirits, and they have never even heard of their names.

They knew they were there to attend the memorial service, but they didn't know why they were attending. They were simply following orders.

Qige took a deep breath and said loudly:

"First of all, let me read out the list of the citizens of our God's Chosen City who sacrificed their lives in the Sea of ​​Chaos this time.

Bruno...Big Guy, Er Shameow...Xianyue San. "

After reading a long list, Qi Ge raised his head and said:

“When they died in the Sea of ​​Chaos, someone suggested to me that in order to prevent the spread of the disease, their relics should be buried in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

I disagree.

Fallen leaves return to their roots and rest in the soil.

They are the people of the city chosen by God. They sacrificed their lives, and we cannot bury them in the wilderness.

For some reason, they did not leave any remains, but I still brought all their belongings back and held this memorial service.

Among the people we sacrificed this time, some are known to everyone, and some are unknown to everyone.

For example.

Bruno, from the Hope Fairy Chamber of Commerce, was born in poverty and had a short life.

Among the people of our God’s Chosen City, he is an ordinary goblin;

In the army that went out to the Sea of ​​Chaos, he was an ordinary logistics soldier;

He is an unknown soldier and has always been an unknown devotee.

He had no official position, no property, no all-powerful legend, no magnificent ideals and aspirations, and even his sacrifices were inexplicable.

He came to this world in an ordinary way and went away in an ordinary way, dedicating his life.

He did not follow the path of a hero, failed to become a hero, and his rank was not high.

In our God's Chosen City, most of them are unknown soldiers like Bruno.

But this definitely does not mean that his sacrifice is not worthy of our condolences.

In his short life, Bruno turned his goal of making God's Chosen City into a simple and simple daily work. He faithfully and selflessly worked hard at every position for the development of God's Chosen City, and finally sacrificed himself at his job. superior.

Ordinary Bruno is the most representative member of the people of God's Chosen City. He is very ordinary, but for God's Chosen City, he is a well-deserved hero.

I have always firmly believed that the real value of God’s Chosen City has never been this city, nor the miracles and mythical buildings that are scattered throughout this city.

It’s the citizens who live in God’s Chosen City and work together for the bright future of God’s Chosen City.

That is, everyone including me.

I often say that the citizens of God’s Chosen City are all comrades.

What is gay? Like-minded people are comrades.

We all have the desire to protect the city chosen by the gods and obtain a better life.

It is this desire that brings us together and strives for it throughout our lives.

I believe that when every citizen of the Chosen City dies, a memorial service should be held. The number of people participating does not need to be as large as today, but there must be.

We need to record the names of each fallen comrade and their deeds so that comrades who don’t know them can also see their stories.

Although the body is dead, the name can be hung on the inscription.


Maybe one day in the future, I will no longer be there, and even everyone present will no longer be there.

The next generation of citizens of God's Chosen City, and even the next generation of citizens, can still use these records to remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for God's Chosen City.

I hope that for those of us who cannot remember, or even remember time, this city can help us remember.

In this way, the sacrifice of every citizen and comrade will not go unnoticed. "

After Qi Ge finished speaking, the expressions of the citizens who were originally indifferent or who found it baffling became solemn and serious.

They looked at the stone pillars behind Qi Ge, as if through the stone pillars, they saw ordinary and great figures.

Qi Ge turned around and shouted to the stone pillar:

"Bow, salute."

He took the lead in bowing, and behind him, the citizens of God's Chosen City used the etiquette of their respective races to pay respect to the sacrificed soldiers.

"They are the mosses that bloom on the Gold Coast,

So brave, so strong.

They threw themselves into the cruel sea of ​​chaos,

They dedicated their blood to the city of God’s Chosen.

Although withered,

But their lives are so brilliant.

Their departure took away our pain,

But it left an everlasting memory.

They are the most beautiful existences in our hearts,

Their sacrifice will always be remembered.

Today we cry for them,

They are the greatest heroes in this cruel world.

Fallen leaves return to their roots, and the departed heroes will not leave.

Their names are cast on monuments and will protect us forever.

Bow again and salute.

Farewell to our comrades.

Good luck on your journey, comrades. "

There was no rehearsal or any training beforehand.

But at this moment, all the citizens of God's Chosen City followed Qi Ge's movements and bowed at the same time.

Thousands of people spoke in unison.

"Comrades, have a good journey!"

At this moment, the system prompts rang loudly in Qi Ge's ears.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, your territory, the Chosen City, has held a special ceremony: Heroic Soul Memorial]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, your territory has obtained a rare treasure: a memorial stone pillar. 】

The stone pillars in front of the sublime temple, engraved with the names of the sacrificed soldiers, suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

In the countless white lights, Qige seemed to see the lights and shadows of goblins, flower demons, and cat sharks one after another. They waved to themselves and saluted, and then disappeared into the stone pillars.

The soul that had been completely swallowed by Chaos was suddenly pulled back into pieces!

【Memorial Pillar

rare treasure


After the troops belonging to your territory are sacrificed, the true spirit will not be taken away.

Carving the name of the victim on the memorial pillar will recall the true spirit of the victim.

If the Yasha Fire in your territory is attacked, Yasha energy will be automatically consumed to resurrect these dead heroes to fight for you. 】

After reading the attributes of the memorial stone pillar, Qige froze on the spot.

After a long time, he smiled slightly, stretched out his fingers, gently touched the memorial stone pillar with his fingertips, and said softly:

“So that’s it, you don’t want to leave and you never left.

Fellow citizens, welcome home. "

After the mourning ceremony ended, Qi Ge immediately got into intense and busy work.

Having just returned to God's Chosen City from the Sea of ​​Chaos, there is too much work waiting for Qi Ge.

The summons sent back from Erathia, the "Proposal for Handling the Smit and Dynasty Arms Incident" written by Rossi and Sir Mrak, was all overturned due to the return of Seven Pigeons.

A message came from Bracada.

Wolfs' Goblin Tavern has successfully spread all over Bracada's main cities. Request next steps of action.

Blood Blade sent a message: The Snake Girl Clan has basically advanced. After the advancement, the Naga Clan no longer has an urgent need for Melinda Stone, but the demand has become even greater.

Mixue Bingtang brought back the news and successfully contacted the owner of [Lighthouse City], the legendary Titan hero Mrs. Yobol, and successfully opened the [Jenova Chamber of Commerce] station in [Lighthouse City].

These incidents are numerous and complex.

Qi Ge quickly classified and organized all the events into priorities, and started to deal with the most important and urgent parts by himself.

The rest is left to Le Meng, Petra, and Koroko to discuss alternative plans first to reduce their workload.

After two full days of busy work, Qi Ge took time to visit the Immortal Forest.

【Immortal Forest

mythical architecture


[Produce 100 wood every day, random 10~30 level 3~7 wood resources]

[Two sawmills are generated in the Immortal Forest every week, and a maximum of 50 are generated at the same time. 】

[The daily output of all sawmills in the territory has doubled. 】

[Natural Wonder Immortal Wood Effect:

Specialties produced:

Level 4 resource Immortal Leaves, 200 per week.

Level 5 resource Immortal Spring, 10 per week.

Level 6 resource Immortal Wood, 1~2 per week.

All trees belonging to the [Immortal Forest] will never die or stop growing.

The reserves of all sawmills in the territory are restored by 10% of the upper limit every day.

The resource production efficiency of the sawmill is increased by 500%.

Provide special territory terrain: Immortal Wood

Troops who live on the Immortal Wood for a long time can live longer (lifespan +20%) and have a chance to obtain certain special advancements. 】

[When the player successfully collects 5 buildings: Cold Pond Crypt, Immortal Forest, Cave Harpy Lair, Underground River, and Underground Mountains, they will be synthesized into a mythical building: Ancient Crypt]

Land area: 4900 building spaces (70*70)】

After the arrival of the Immortal Wood, the newly reborn Immortal Forest entered a state of terrifying growth.

The forest, which originally had only 49 building spaces, suddenly expanded 100 times.

Fortunately, Qi Ge had already reserved enough space for the Immortal Forest.

The thirty-seven kilometers of immortal trees brought great shock to the citizens of God's Chosen City.

The thick tree trunk that stretched into the clouds and led to nowhere made the citizens of God's Chosen City couldn't help but worship it.

The goblins and cave people who are responsible for cleaning the city of God’s Choice expressed their emotions like this:

"Mother Goddess, what evil have I done?

The lord has brought back such a big tree. How long will it take to sweep the leaves? "

But soon, they discovered that the immortal tree did not shed its leaves at all.

Not only the immortal wood will not fall, but also the trees in the Immortal Forest will not fall.

“Now that the ancient crypt is completely completed, only the underground mountains are left.

I have asked the teacher and the goblin architect team to suspend other construction projects and focus on building the [Underground Mountain].

Now the seeds have been planted, and [Bottom of the Golden Mountain] and [Pillar of the Steel Mountain] will soon be harvested.

In this way, only the ancient dwarves are left. "

[Seeds from the bottom of the golden mountain]

natural wonder seeds

Effect: After being planted underground for 30 days, it can grow into the base of a golden mountain. 】

【Steel Mountain Pillar Seeds


Qi Ge took out a piece of white paper and wrote down a plan to search for the ancient dwarves, with a time limit of 30 days.

“It would be best to move one hundred thousand ancient dwarves to the God’s Chosen City before the Golden Mountain Bottom and the Steel Mountain Pillar grow up.

When the two natural wonders have grown up, they will be able to meet all the conditions at the same time and synthesize the [Ancient Crypt].

By the way, I remember that I also have a task related to the sacred mountain Tianfeng. "

Thinking of this, Qi Ge opened his taskbar.

【Underground mountains

Architect profession-specific tasks

Mission requirements: Go to the historical echo [Underground Mountains] and obtain the natural wonders [Under the Golden Mountain] and [The Pillar of the Steel Mountain].

mission rewards:

1. Obtain the natural wonder: [Silver Mountain Range] (obtained in advance)

2. Obtain natural wonders: [Sacred Mountain·Tianfeng].

3. Get the clue of [Obelisk: Rune Fortress]. 】

"Obtain clues to [Obelisk: Rune Fortress]...

Runes + Fortress.

There is no way that these two words have nothing to do with the ancient dwarves.

In this way, [Silver Mountain Range] probably knows the clues about the ancient dwarves. "

Thinking of this, Qige made a decisive decision and immediately set off for the [Silver Mountain Range].

Arriving at the foot of the [Silver Mountain Range], Qi Ge saw a group of girls, Silver Elves, holding the Silver Pegasus and grazing on the [Silver Mountain Range].

The Silver Pegasus squinted their eyes and happily chewed the leaves of the [Silver Light Tree] at the foot of the sacred mountain Tianfeng Mountain.

Qi Ge took a deep look at the silver Pegasus and knew what they were going to do.

“Almost all Silver Pegasus have adapted to the leaves of the [Silver Light Tree] containing faint mithril.

This shows that they all have the potential to become the mythical unit [Valkyrie Pegasus].

Even the Elf Empire with the mithril tree was unable to cultivate [Valkyrie Pegasus] in batches, but it succeeded in the Chosen City.

No matter how special the sacred mountain and Tianfeng is, it cannot be more special than the mithril tree.

It is very possible that the world cap is gradually being relaxed as I thought, and a new round of full-scale invasion by Chaos is getting closer. "

Qi Ge greeted the silver elves and told them to notify him in time if they noticed any changes in the silver pegasus.

After that, he climbed to the sacred mountain and Tianfeng, entered the architect's field of vision, and got in touch with [Sacred Mountain and Tianfeng].


Seven pigeons.

You finally came! "

As soon as Qige got in touch, before Qi Ge could say anything, Shenshan Tianfeng burst into hearty laughter, and his excitement was self-evident.

“One success, one success!

Qi Ge, you actually retrieved my two lower bodies from the echoes of history in one go.

Compared with Qigeyou's talent, Credel feels inferior.

I can't thank you enough for helping me get my body back.

Qige, are you checking the growth of [Gold Mountain] and [Steel Mountain]?

Don’t worry, their seeds are all under my protection and I won’t let anyone affect them. "

Qi Ge smiled. Even if he was praised so highly by Shenshan Tianfeng, Qi Ge would not dare to think that he was better than Grandmaster Credel.

He felt that he could do what Grandmaster Credel couldn't do, most likely because Grandmaster Credel couldn't write poetry.

Regarding this, Qige is still very confident.

Among architects, he wrote the best bardic poetry.

Among the bards, he is the most skilled at being a duck.

Among the ducks, he is the strongest architect.

This, this is called misplaced competition.

"Brother Tianfeng, thank you for your praise, I'm just lucky.

Brother, can I still feel uneasy when I look at the bottom of the golden mountain and the pillars of the steel mountain?

I came here to ask brother if you know where to find the ancient dwarves?

Now, brother, you are about to rebuild your body and regain your full strength.

I have to help you find those younger brothers who once believed in you, brother, don’t you think so? "

After hearing Qi Ge's question, Shen Shan answered excitedly:

"Oh?! Qige, you want to find the ancient dwarves?

That couldn't be better.

When I was young, they were the ones who took care of me.

I was still young at that time and couldn't communicate with them, which has always been my regret.

I am the totem worshiped by the ancient dwarves, and I can sense the location where the ancient dwarves worship me.

Just relax and I'll share the coordinates with you.

Following the coordinates, you can find the ancient dwarves. "

[System prompt: Shenshan Tianfeng wants to share some coordinates with you. Do you agree? 】

"Of course I agree."

This is what Qige is waiting for.

[System prompt: Sharing successful. 】

As the system prompt sounded, Qi Ge's map suddenly changed.

Countless coordinates located in the very depths of the Yasha world appeared on the map. These light points were connected together like stars all over the ground.

The depth of these light spots exceeds the crust of the Yasha world and is located in the mantle, with a depth of more than 3,000 kilometers.

It is extremely difficult to get there by conventional means.

However, Qi Ge always has a way.

There is an invincible boat in the sky. As long as you know the coordinates, it can reach everywhere in the sky and on the earth. The seven pigeons can gallop in all the worlds of Asa.

Just as Qi Ge was about to thank her and leave, Shen Shan suddenly spoke:

"Qi Ge, have you noticed the biggest light spot?

It is the only point of light located at the center of the earth.

That is the capital of the ancient dwarves, and I can feel that the dwarf king who once believed in me is also here.

They enshrined my totem on an obelisk.

If you can obtain the obelisk's approval, you may be able to get clues to [Asha's Tears].

Kukuku, this coordinate is also my thank you for bringing back my body. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the coordinates of [Obelisk: Rune Fortress] in advance. 】

It turns out to be here.

Tears of Yasha are the most precious and powerful treasure in the entire Yasha world.

This thank you gift is not a small one.

Qi Ge took a deep breath and sincerely thanked:

"Brother Tianfeng, thank you for your generosity, it helps me a lot."


If you can really see the ancient dwarves, tell them for me and thank them for taking care of me. "


After leaving the sacred mountain and Tianfeng, Qi Ge thought that if he wanted to return to the main castle, he would have to pass through the Immortal Forest, so he might as well take a look at the situation of the harpies and the Penglai Wonderland tribe on the way.

Especially the Penglai Wonderland ethnic group.

In the past few days, Ren Shiba proposed several times that he wanted to return to Penglai Wonderland as soon as possible, but Qige suppressed him.

"I'm just kidding, I have to pluck half of the hair off the wild geese flying over my God's Chosen City.

You have so many unicorns, ice maidens, and Chuanlings coming to Penglai Wonderland, but you still dare to think about escaping unscathed?

Delay some time and let those soldiers feel the superior environment of God's Chosen City and leave as much as they can.

Mine, mine, all mine. "

Of course, Qi Ge will not use coercion. He will only delay it with great gentleness. He can delay it for one day, but he can't delay it any longer.

“As for the safety of Penglai Wonderland.

Oh, the Horai Fairyland family has a great cause, and they really won’t be in danger without Ren Shiba.

If the situation is really urgent, I can also let them join the God's Chosen City first, then use the sky boat projection to send them back directly, and then cancel their status as citizens.

Now that God's Choice City has the coordinates of Penglai Wonderland, if you want to go there, you no longer need to cross the dangerous sea of ​​chaos.

It's just that it's easy to "send it away" but difficult to "bring it back".

Such a good opportunity, if we can't gather some of the elites of these Yingzhou forces, I will wake up uncomfortable when I sleep.

Didn't Master Renshiba say that it doesn't matter no matter how many grievances they suffer, then just torture them for a while.

I have to keep my promise and I can't let them go back without being wronged. "

As soon as Qige arrived at the Immortal Forest, they discovered a strange phenomenon. A large group of centaur woodcutter stood outside the Immortal Forest, discussing something with great excitement.

Seven pigeons dropped from the sky curiously, and the centaurs started to greet each other:

"Hello, Lord Lord!"

"Thank you everyone for your hard work."

Qige nodded and asked:

"I just saw that you were having a very lively discussion. What were you discussing?"

An exceptionally strong centaur woodcutter stood out from the crowd and replied:

"Lord, the lumberyard is haunted. Everyone is too frightened to work in the lumberyard."


There are no undead troubles in the system prompts. Qi Ge was very strange and asked:

"What's the trouble?"

The woodcutter picked up the ax and made several cutting motions, and explained:

"Lord, we used to cut down trees to collect wood, so we have to do it like this, using all our strength to cut down the wood.

But now..."

He turned around and pushed aside the crowd, walked to a tall pine tree, and said to the pine tree:

"I'm going to cut down the tree."

With a "crash", the pine tree suddenly split open on its own, neatly divided into hundreds of pieces of exactly the same size in mid-air, and piled into a regular cube on the ground.

The remaining pine trees, with just one stump sticking out of the ground, are still sprouting and growing again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surrounding centaurs were immediately frightened and took a big step back, talking among themselves:

"Lord, this is too scary."

"I have heard others in the tribe say that after the forest is cut down, the spirit of vengeance will take over. This must be the spirit of vengeance. We must be targeted by the spirit of vengeance."

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge was silent. He understood at a glance that this was the effect of the Immortal Forest.

[The resource production efficiency of the sawmill is increased by 500%. 】

“The efficiency has increased by 500%, is this an improvement?

It is indeed a mythical building, but this is too unreasonable. "

Qi Ge explained to the centaur:

“Don’t worry, this is because the forest is now protected by immortal trees.

Immortal Wood is the king of this forest, and the entire forest is her people.

Under the orders of the Immortal Wood, these people are willing to sacrifice themselves to contribute to the God's Chosen City.

How should we cut down trees?

If you feel really sorry, everyone can collect the seeds of these trees, and then I will designate a unified planting area.

Cutting down one tree and planting another can help these trees grow their families. "

Hearing Qi Ge say this, the centaurs breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see, this is really amazing!"

"The lord has said so. It must be true. Let's work boldly."

“It’s so comfortable to be able to cut down trees without any effort.”

"The immortal wood is the king of this forest, and the immortal wood belongs to the lord. That means that the lord is the king of the forest!"

"Long live the King of the Forest!!"

"Are you stupid? Who is the king of the forest? The lord is the son of miracles and the embodiment of miracles!"

The centaur talked about the Seven Pigeons, and became more and more excited as he talked, with a strange enthusiasm on his face. It seemed that the more he blew the Seven Pigeons, the more glorious they would be.

After the matter was settled, Qi Ge couldn't stand the admiration and praise from the people, so he quickly interrupted:

"Everyone, please work hard. If you have any difficulties, please bring them up at any time. Petra and the others will find a way to help you solve it. Even if Petra can't solve it, I will still be here.

Don’t worry, the territory is your strongest backing.

I'll go to the Immortal Wood first and see you later. "

"Lord, walk slowly!"

"Long live the Miracle Son!!"

Arriving at the Immortal Wood, Qi Ge quickly saw the Harpy Queen who had regained her youth and wisdom.

After successfully leading all her tribe out of the Sea of ​​Chaos, she completed her heroic journey, became a hero, and regained her beauty and wisdom.

After becoming a hero, she shrunk a lot, becoming only the size of a normal harpy.

When a huge soldier becomes a hero, he can choose to reduce his size.

But in the world of Yasha, large size is often an advantage, and few heroes are willing to do this.

Qi Ge felt that she might want to be closer to her people in appearance.

This respectable ruler who sacrificed himself to allow his people to survive finally came to an end.

Recalling that he hadn't checked the opponent's attributes yet, Qi Ge opened his secondary hero panel and looked at it.

[Name: Mikami Yutaka·Aurangzeb...·Yuyou

Grade 1

Attributes: Attack: 16 Defense: 18 Ability Power: 3 Knowledge: 1

Loyalty: 100 Favorability: 100

Specialties: When carrying the harpy unit, all harpies have speed +5, attack and defense +5, damage +5, and gain the tenacious and unyielding stunt.

Tenacious and unyielding: When it is about to be completely wiped out, it will not die, but there will be one left with 1 point of health. It can only be triggered once per battle.

Occupation: Harpy King

Professional stunt 1:

Summon 3 teams, 30 in each team, with random 1st to 3rd level harpies.

Triggered once when entering combat, and once every 3 rounds thereafter.

Professional Skill 2: The carried harpy soldiers will not be afraid, will not be demoralized, and are immune to mind control magic.

Basic unit: Harpy Brood

Treasure: None]

【Harpy's Nest

Power: Neutral

Level: 2

Rank: 7

Quality: Mythical


Attack: 32

Defense: 36

Life: 1800

Speed: 5

Damage: 50-70

Special skills: flying arms, giant arms

Macrophagia: Requires 200 units of food per day, and will gradually weaken if there is insufficient food.

Brood reproduction:

80 Harpies NPCs can be produced every day. The produced Harpies reach adulthood very quickly, cannot advance, and have limited intelligence. However, they can do some repetitive simple tasks and also have fighting instincts.

It is also possible to produce 80 normal Harpy NPCs per week that [grow extremely fast].

Imperial Order: When damaged in battle, immediately summon 20 extremely powerful Harpy Guards (Level 2 and Level 5 Mythical).

It can only be triggered once per battle.

This perk cannot be triggered while in a weakened state. 】

"Summon 20 level 5 myths?! Produce Harpy NPCs?"

Qige was startled.

He thought that Youyou's arms would be very special, but he also didn't expect that they would be so special.

As a level 7 mythical unit, Youyou has no resistance, no special skills to enhance combat power, and a negative special skill called Giant Food.

But her special skills allow her to form an army by herself.

“What is the concept of 80 harpies a week.

A normal Harpy unit building can only produce 8 Harpy souls per week.

This is still a heroic spirit... What Youyou produces is an NPC.

Small harpy tribes in the wild usually live in groups of 60 to 100.

A small tribe is produced in a week.

This is still a normal harpy.

If you go to extremes and produce harpies with no advancement potential, you can produce a tribe in one day. "

"No wonder the harpies can survive such a high-intensity attack by the sea of ​​evil insects."

As for Huang Ling’s stunts, Qi Ge thinks:

"If Youyou triggered the imperial order under my care, it would be a dereliction of duty on my part.

For such a respectable hero, before she has grown up, I must give her enough protection and not let her be harmed in the slightest. "

Qige looked at Mikami Yutaka's prefix and smiled softly.

Obviously, although Pocoyo is not the Harpy Queen in the echoes of history, she is a descendant of that one.

Fate is wonderful beyond words.

Qi Ge raised his head and saw that surrounded by a group of harpies, Youyou had a smile on his face and was listening to the [Harpy Envoy] speak, looking happy and calm.

Qi Ge coughed and made a noise to let the harpies know that he was here.

At the invitation of a group of harpies, seven doves slowly descended.

When Youyou saw Qi Ge, her eyes lit up and she quickly stood up.

She folded her rainbow-colored wings, dragged her lower body covered with black feathers and jumped in front of the seven doves, bowing in admiration and grace:

"Lord Lord.

I've heard everything.

Thank you for rescuing me and my people from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

I swear that our family will serve you to the death for the rest of our lives. "

Of course Qi Ge believes this. Including Youyou, all the harpies he rescued have more than 90 points of favorability and loyalty.

He quickly stepped forward to help Youyou up, who was about to sit down (for the harpy, this meant kneeling down), and responded respectfully:

"Your Majesty, there is no need for this.

You are the ruler and savior of the harpies.

I just did what I was supposed to do. "

Youyou took advantage of the situation and fell into Qi Ge's arms. He leaned against Qi Ge and asked with tears in his eyes:

"Lord, are you trying to refuse our allegiance?"

Qi Ge quickly denied:

"Of course not, I just think our relationship should be more equal.

I would rather be your ally than rule from a condescension.

Of course, in name, I am very happy to accept you as the subjects of God's Chosen City. "

Youyou stared at Qige closely and said delicately:

"Our family has suffered a lot in the Sea of ​​Chaos and has become very timid and fearful.

In this dangerous world, only a powerful presence like you can bring us a sense of security.

We want to rely on you and be completely controlled by you, so that we can feel safe and protected.

Lord, aren't you willing to protect us? "


What a good sister is this!

Qi Ge looked at Youyou's pitiful eyes, unable to say any words of rejection.

"Of course I'm willing to protect you.

From the moment you become my subjects, it is my duty and responsibility to ensure your safety. "

"Then it'll be fine."

Youyou hugged Qige's waist with her wings and said softly:

"Lord, please take complete control of us."


Wait, something seems wrong.

He looked up and before he knew it, he was surrounded by harpies.

Oops, I fell into a trap!

Qi Ge's heart feels cold and bitter. Today, my life is lost here!

Fortunately, at this time, the Harpy God stood up.

She used her wings to pull Youyou out of Qi Ge's arms and scolded unhappily:

"Your Majesty, don't cause trouble to the lord, we still have things to report."


Youyou pouted and whispered:

"It's too much. It took a lot of effort to create the atmosphere."

The Harpy God saluted the seven doves and said:

"Lord, there is a matter that requires your judgment.

The harpy tribe that already exists in your territory has been lingering around us to test us since our arrival.

Our harpy family has the habit of admiring the strong.

Because of Her Majesty and me, they are very eager to join our tribe. "

After being saved, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he felt vaguely disappointed for some reason.

Upon hearing the question from the Harpy God, Qi Ge immediately replied:

“I don’t have any problem with that.

The Harpy Banshee's matter is left to the Harpy Banshee to resolve.

Whether you want to merge or reject it is up to you. "

The harpy envoy breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"In that case, let's accept them.

It just so happens that there are still many things we don’t know about God’s Chosen City, and we can learn from them. "

Having said this, the harpy god sat down and said seriously:

"Lord, as I just said, our harpy clan has the habit of admiring the strong.

You are recognized by us as an absolute strong man with infinite wisdom, charm and force, and you are also the hero who saved us.

I know that in the Chosen City, no one can force anyone to have a relationship.

But if you allow me, our whole family, including myself and the Queen, would like to have your favor.

This is the common will of our entire family and our common desire. Please have mercy on us. "

After the harpy finished speaking, all the harpies, including Youyou, held their breath and stared at Qi Ge, waiting for Qi Ge's answer.

The other party made such a solemn request, which made Qi Ge understand that it was impossible to pass this level.

He suppressed the sadness in his heart and replied seriously:

“I know, I’ll try to find ways to make time at night.

We agreed to come one by one and never swarm them all. "

"Very good!"

"Long live the lord!!"

Seeing the collective cheers of the harpies, Qi Ge was very worried whether they would take his requests seriously.

Qi Ge stayed in the Harpy tribe for a while, recorded some of their difficulties and discomforts, and planned to help them solve them after returning.

Just as Qi Ge was about to leave to find the Penglai tribe, a harpy flew up dragging a goblin.

The butler goblin shouted anxiously to Qige:

"Lord Lord! It's not good!

The elf who came to our territory as a guest got into a fight with Domran, the steward of the Hades Farm. "

Qige:? ? ?

Are they the elves suspected of being part of the mithril fleet?

He quickly asked:

"what happened?"

The butler goblin landed in front of Qi Ge and said anxiously:

"I do not know either.

I am the goblin who takes care of those elves on your orders.

It was fine until yesterday.

Those elves are very familiar with life, are very vigilant, and have been unwilling to come down from the immortal tree.

This morning, at the request of the elves, I brought them some moss and raw pumpkin as food.

After they ate the raw pumpkin, they praised it for being delicious and asked me how I grew it and if I could give them some seeds.

I proudly told them that it was grown at Hades Farm, and they said they would follow me to visit.

I didn't think much and took them there.

But when they arrived at the Netherland Farm, their expressions changed immediately when they saw the pumpkin skeleton farmer. They picked me up by my collar and asked me if I was a lackey of the undead.

Manager Domran knew me. When he saw that I was being threatened, he immediately rushed over to stop me.

But who would have thought that as soon as those elves saw Butler Domlang, they took out various weapons and wanted to attack Butler Domlang.

There were more than thirty elves, all of whom were high-level soldiers. They were numerous and powerful. The situation at that time was too critical. "

The goblin took a deep breath, which made the seven pigeons become anxious:

"And then?"

“Then the elves were subdued by the passing Ferry legend.

Don't worry, Lord, Lord Domran and I were not harmed. "


Qi Ge felt his teeth hurt when he heard this.

"These are a bunch of stupid elves.

what happened? What on earth were they thinking?

Is it because God's Choice City didn't give them enough shock along the way or something? Why do they dare to take action in God's Choice City?

Now, it’s okay. The evidence for attacking the people is conclusive. I, the leader, should not punish them.

If there is no punishment, what does Domran think?

Punishment, how to punish? You can't kill him, right?

They are all remnants of the Elf Empire. What do you think if I kill Elena? "

Qige's head hurts.

He clapped his hands and said:

"Come on, I'll go with you. Let's understand why the elves attacked you first."

ps: The debt has been paid off.

"Cultivating Immortality by Raising Sea Beasts"

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