Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 631 I’ll pay for the little things

After returning to the City of God's Choice through the method of quickly returning to the city, Qi Ge ran into the Sphinx immediately, startling Qiuzhi who was playing with his tail.

"You, you, you, why did you come in without saying hello!"

Qiuzhi hurriedly put away his tail.

Qi Ge glanced at Qiuzhi doubtfully and asked:

"I usually don't say hello when I come in, so you don't have any objection.

Are you doing something shameful? "

Qiuzhi's face became serious:

"No, I'm just counting your lifespan.

We signed a contract, and I have to stay in God's Chosen City as long as you are alive, so your life span is my sentence.

I’m calculating when I can gain precious freedom~~~~”

Qiuzhi raised his hands exaggeratedly.

Although Qi Ge felt that she was most likely talking nonsense, he still couldn't help but ask:

"Then how did you figure it out?"

Qiuzhi said silently:

"You're supposed to live 86 years, but every time you experience a woman you lose one day."

Qige:? ? ?

"Then what?"

Qiu Qi opened his mouth:

“And now you owe fifty years!

And I’m not done counting yet!

Qige, why are you still alive? Why don't you die? ! "

Qi Ge:......

Grass! What soul torture.

"Bah! Don't make blind calculations if you don't know how to calculate. Calculating everything will only harm you."

Qi Ge finally determined that Qiu Zhi was talking nonsense. He felt sad for himself who believed Qiu Zhi a second ago.

"Stop talking nonsense and talk about business."

Qi Ge sat opposite Qiuzhi and asked:

"I want to know, do you know how the Elf Empire fell?"

"Elf Empire?"

Qiuzhi glanced at Qige strangely:

"Why are you curious about this?

I know, I know.

But there is no Sphinx in the Elven Subcontinent, so we only have rough information compiled from various sources, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Currently, there are three different hypotheses in the mainstream view.

One is the theory of cursed dragon.

There once appeared in the Elf Empire a powerful Chaos army called the Cursed Demonic Dragon.

Although the cursed dragon was finally defeated, the power of the cursed dragon before its death has been cursing the Elf Empire to inevitable destruction.

The second is the theory of chaos invasion.

There are three invasion points for the third Chaos Invasion, one of which is located in the Elven Subcontinent.

The third chaos invasion was far stronger than the previous two.

During this Chaos invasion, a Chaos leader who was comparable to the True God bypassed the True God battlefield and descended into a clone on the Elf subcontinent.

The elven subcontinent, which was not fully prepared, failed to successfully resist the Chaos invasion and was completely swallowed up by successive Chaos outbreaks.

Eventually, the remaining elves fled to Avili with the help of the golden dragon and became its vassals. "

Having said this, Qiuzhi paused for a moment and then said:

"The third hypothesis is that the prince betrayed him.

There are rumors that Prince Malodi Crown of the Elf Empire is unstable after ascending to the throne.

Many leaders of the golden elves feel that the little princess Malodia should ascend to the throne.

In order to keep his throne, Malodi Guan chose to cooperate with the undead tribe and prepared to eliminate the opposition within the elves.

But he made a mistake in the end, and the undead's ambitions were greater than he imagined.

After secretly entering the elven subcontinent, the undead quickly planned a king-killing plan, which was implemented by Madam Red herself.

Prince Malodi Crown was killed, and the Elf Royal Court fell into chaos. The undead took the opportunity to massacre and plunder.

This hypothesis holds that the outbreak of the undead natural disaster was the culprit that led to the collapse of the Elf Empire, and that the subsequent Chaos invasion only dealt the final blow to the Elf race.

Even without the invasion of Chaos, the Elf Empire, which had experienced the undead natural disaster, could only slowly decline.

Although the undead natural disaster theory sounds the least reliable, it is actually the most likely hypothesis.

To this day, Dia still has many magical technologies that came from the Elf Empire.

For example, the infamous level 7 strategic magic [Natural Decay] was modified from the Elf Empire's level 7 magic [Natural Resurrection]. "

"The clone of the leader of Chaos has arrived... In addition to the cursed dragon and the undead natural disaster, there is another possibility that will lead to the destruction of the Elf Empire?"

Qi Ge murmured to himself:

"It's even possible that all three hypotheses are true.

First came the Cursed Dragon, then the Scourge of the Undead, and then the Chaos Leader.

These three disasters, taken alone, are catastrophic enough to shake the foundation of power.

The Elf Empire ate three of them.

No, before that there was the accident at the True God Battlefield and the shattering of the [Soul Guardian Statue]. "

"Flowers are covered with brocade, and fire is cooking oil. The higher you rise, the harder you fall."

Qi Ge shook his head and asked:

"For knowledge, do you know about the Blind Brotherhood?"

"Blind Brotherhood!!!"

Qiuzhi stood up excitedly, held Qi Ge's shoulders, shook him vigorously and said:

"How did you know that name?"

"Don't shake, don't shake."

Qi Ge patted the hands seeking knowledge and asked:

"What happened to the Blind Brotherhood? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

"Wait a moment."

Qiuzhi suddenly turned around and got into her room.

In her room, there was a mountain of garbage.

Her upper body was completely buried in the garbage, and she muttered loudly while rummaging through:

"It's not this, it's not this, where is it?"

Qi Ge looked at Qiuzhi's completely suspended lower body and his tail swaying left and right, and a strange idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Ah! Found it! Oops, I'm stuck. Qi Ge, please pull me out quickly."

Qi Ge:......

grass! The idea came true.

"According to the development of the plot at this time, should I take off my pants, and then approach her with a cunning smile while asking for knowledge in a horrified voice?"

Qi Ge walked up behind Qiuzhi silently and patted Qiuzhi's butt mercilessly:

"This can also be stuck, silly."

He hugged Qiuzhi's waist and pulled Qiuzhi out with a pop.

Qiuzhi held a slate in his hand and said excitedly:

"Come on, Qige, this is recorded by our Zhi Luosha clan. Regarding the history of the Blind Brotherhood, I will translate it for you."

She sat on the ground, pointed at the densely packed text on the stone slab and said:

“Rachel is still weak, and gold coin promotion is struggling.

Even though Rachel has a lot of money, the prices of her collections are too high.

For low-level units, high-level resources are useless.

If you want to promote gold coins, it is useless to only promote them among high-level arms. A large number of low-level arms must recognize gold coins.

When Rachel arrives in the middle of nowhere.

There is a group of blindfolded necromancers, calling themselves the Blind Brotherhood, who exchanged a large amount of low-level resources for Rachel with many gold coins and high-level resources.

His level of wealth is comparable to Rachel's. "

Qiuzhi said excitedly:

"This is the earliest record about the Blind Brotherhood of our Zhiraksha clan.

At that time, our Zhiraksha clan had not yet been overthrown.

This was before the second Chaos invasion had begun, before the goddess of peace became a god, and before the concept of heroes had even appeared. "

Qi Ge was very shocked:

"The history of the Blind Brotherhood is so long?! But why is their reputation not visible in the world of Asa?"

Qiuzhi said proudly:

"Hmph, hum. This is also an unsolved mystery of our Zhiraksha clan.

It’s not over yet, there is a bigger mystery behind. "

“After the peaceful conferment of gods, before the third chaos invasion began, a natural disaster of the undead was suspected to have broken out in the elven subcontinent.

There is a blindfolded bone dragon whose name is unknown, claiming to be a blind man and the commander of the undead.

The undead slaughtered countless elves, and bones were everywhere. "

Qiuzhi then read:

“The third invasion of Chaos is over, and the struggle for hegemony among all races has begun.

The first Tears of Asa were born in a desolate land.

At this time, there are many undead souls in the desolate land, and the living cannot stay long.

The Black Knight and the Undead Dragon clan had easy access to the Tears of Yasha, but they were blocked by a djinn wrapped in gauze.

The Djinn claims to be from the Brotherhood of the Blind.

The Djinn God ordered that the undead have not yet established their power.

As a result, all the undead in the desolate land retreated.

One djinn, one command, can drive away hundreds of millions of undead souls.

It was later discovered that the djinn's name was Dove, a legendary hero who later joined the giant race.

In the subsequent fight, Dove did not make any effort, but the giants respected her like a god. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

"Dove? Deken's mother, the Dragon Slayer? She is also a member of the Blind Brotherhood?

But she is not undead. "

"Huh huh huh." Qiuzhi puffed out his chest and said:

"I never said that the members of the Blind Brotherhood are undead.

According to our records, the majority of members of the Blind Brotherhood are undead, but there are a small number of other races.

But they all have one thing in common, they are blindfolded. "

"It's not over yet."

Qiuzhi continued:

“The second Tears of Asa were born in the Endless Desert.

At this time, there was a rebellion in our clan and we were unable to fight for it.

The person in charge of the Endless Desert is the Mummy Lord, a level 3 and 9th-level soldier [Dark Pharaoh King Exonia].

[Exonia] You can take the Tears of Yasha at any time. If you don’t take it, give it to the Behemoth tribe.

A year later, [Exonia] took off with [Pyramid of Darkness] and went to the battlefield of the True God, but disappeared. The whereabouts of the [Mummy] clan were subsequently unknown.

[Exonia] is an undead, blindfolded with a ring of Oliha steel, and has chains on its hands and feet, as if it is self-sealing, and is highly suspected of being a member of the Blind Brotherhood. "

"This, this, this..."

Seven Pigeons were shocked:

"Of the first five Tears of Asa, two are related to the Blind Brotherhood?

They gave up on the greatest treasure in the world of Yasha? "

"That's not all. Listen to me and tell you slowly."

As the story told by Qiuzhi continues to unfold, an extremely large and mysterious organization gradually unfolds in front of Qige.

Starting from the ancient times of the Yasha world, the second chaos invasion, the peace god, the wealth god, the third chaos invasion, the destruction of the elven empire, the sun god, the sea god god, all races compete for hegemony, and the fourth chaos invasion , the five major forces were established, the two major forces of Castle and Hell were established, the shadow of death filled Yasha, and the cemetery force was established...

The Brotherhood of the Blind seems to have existed throughout the history of the world of Asa, and they have participated in many major events in the world of Asa.

But they are so mysterious. Every time they appear, they disappear at an extremely fast speed, as if they never appeared.

"Cough cough cough!"

Qiuzhi finally gave Qige a summary.

“According to the investigation of our Zhiraksha clan, the members of the Blind Brotherhood do not believe in any other gods but only the mother goddess Asa.

Everything they do seems to have a deep meaning behind it.

The strangest thing is that the members of the Blind Brotherhood do not seem to know each other and do not belong to each other.

Every time the Brotherhood of the Blind appeared, there was one person in charge, and only one person, and it was never repeated. "

Qi Ge keenly felt that the Blind Brotherhood seemed to be an organization even stranger than the Conferred Gods.

He asked curiously:

"You, the Zhiraksha clan, have been tracking down the Blind Brotherhood for so many years, but you haven't found any key clues?"

Seeking knowledge seems very anxious:

"Bah, bah, bah! What kind of investigation? Don't talk nonsense.

We Zhirakshasas just collect, organize and save the information we accidentally get.

This is all information that some tribesmen had to obtain by accident and unintentionally. "

Qi Ge:......

"Your desire to live is too full..."

"Of course, what do you think our Zhiraksha clan relies on to survive so far?

We are the standard and we know what we should know, and we absolutely don’t know what we shouldn’t know.

Hum, knowledge also has weight and danger.

Excessive curiosity will kill the wise Rakshasa. "

Clearly, the pursuit of knowledge is very self-aware.

She also warned Qi Ge seriously:

"By the way, you must remember that if you want to track down the Blind Brotherhood, you must be very careful.

This kind of organization hidden in the fog of history is definitely not hidden casually.

They often have very special tasks.

If you get involved with them, even if you won't be killed for keeping secrets, you will be forced to take on some responsibilities that you shouldn't bear.

All in all, nothing good happens. "

Qi Ge looked at Qiuzhi up and down and marveled:

"I didn't expect you to be so sober. Sure enough, the race from ancient times to the present has two brushes.

Let me just say, you are not curious when the Yingzhou forces and the special troops from Penglai Wonderland come to the territory. It turns out that you have already guessed that there is a trap behind it. "

Qiuzhi suddenly covered his ears.

"Ahhh. I can't hear what you said."

She raised her eyebrows crazily at Qige:

"Oops, but if someone accidentally leaves some weird information to me, then I can only keep it for confidentiality reasons."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm always careful in what I do, and I won't be careless."

Qi Ge laughed and strode out of the Sphinx, leaving behind Qi Qi who kept making faces at himself and secretly cursing himself for being stingy.

Qi Ge walked on the way back to the main castle, thinking constantly in his mind.

“Since Dove is a member of the Blind Brotherhood, it became my best choice to learn about the Blind Brotherhood from her.

Although I haven't met the Dragon Slayer yet, I have a two-level relationship with her at the same time.

One level is the Conferred God Organization, and the other level is a small alliance composed of myself, Deken, and the Dragon Slayer.

But Dove should be in Thunder City now. Is Xingfeng's identity suitable to appear in Thunder City at this time?

Be more cautious. "

Qige returned to the main castle and started to deal with another matter.

Those elves of the Mithril Fleet.

After returning from the Silver Elf Village, Qi Ge became more confident about his previous absolute action plan.

He called over Elena, Sylvia, Lionheart and Galaxy, and held a brief meeting.

Seven Doves informed Sylvia and Lionheart about the Mithril Fleet and the Guardian Statue of the Mind, and also told them part of the history of the Elf Empire.

Sylvia and Lionheart were amazed when they heard this.

After the preparation was over, Qi Ge said:

“Now, I can be very sure that Jenny and Malodia were both high-level leaders of the original [Recycling Faction].

They must know a lot of information about the Mithril Fleet.

This information is likely to be crucial to the galaxy.

I have a way to contact them.

I plan to use these imprisoned elves to exchange information on the mithril fleet with them. "

Lionheart frowned and asked:

"Intelligence is not like gold coins. It can't be seen or touched, and you don't know whether it's true or false. How can we exchange it?"

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“What is taken beforehand must be given first.

Send one back first.

Then, let them talk for themselves.

Mr. Lionheart, your return from the Sea of ​​Chaos King is unprecedented and unprecedented. Wouldn’t it be a pity if everyone in the entire Yasha world could not know about it.

How about let's go explore the waters of Avili together? "

Lionheart's eyes lit up and he immediately understood what Qi Ge meant.

"You mean, force your way into the Avili waters?"


"When to set off."

After being affirmed by Qi Dove, Lion Heart's blood became hot.

Qi Ge clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Your demigod returns and shocks the world today!

Waiting for a moment is unnecessary. "

Avery, Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast is neither in the Golden Sea nor has gold mines.

The reason for this name was purely because the elves wanted to commemorate the once glorious golden fleet.

Thirty kilometers north of the Gold Coast is the capital city of Avili [Golden Dragon City].

The Golden Dragon Cliff is here.

The Gold Coast was once extremely rich. A large number of shipwrights who retired from the Elf Empire lived here and built shipyards one after another.

But unfortunately, it is impossible to plant magic wood on a large scale in Avili's territory.

As the inventory of magic wood is gradually depleted, the elven boatmen on the Gold Coast are also losing their jobs one after another.

First it was the young apprentices, then the experienced masters, and finally even some famous masters were unable to get jobs.

In the end, the only ones left who can use magic wood to build ships are the top shipwrights.

The fate of the boatmen is so similar to that of the elves.

With the demise of the Elf Empire, the capital was eaten up bit by bit.

Most of the elves have also lost their once all-powerful, graceful and luxurious life, leaving only a very small number of the golden elven royal family, which can still retain part of the dignity and majesty of the past.

On the Gold Coast, Aveili’s strongest fleet is currently stationed—[Golden Aveili Fleet]

Although like the Golden Fleet, both have the word "gold" in their names, but the "gold" of [Golden Avili Fleet] refers to the "gold" of the golden dragon.

Having lost enough magic wood, in order to preserve their strength, the elves had to put aside their former pride and rely on the golden dragon as the main force in naval battles.

The power of death is still there. Although the Golden Fleet has perished, the remaining legacy of the Elf Empire still allows the [Golden Avili Fleet] to possess seven magical battleships with extremely powerful combat capabilities.

These seven magical battleships built on the Gold Coast were called the "Golden Seven Warriors" by the elves.

Meaning, there are seven battleships second only to the Golden Fleet in the entire Yasha world.

Of course, bragging can only deceive your own people.

Outsiders know that [Jin Aveli Fleet] ranks third among the Yasha world fleets.

Only the [Pirate Emperor Fleet] representing the [castle force] and the [Hydra Fleet] representing the fortress force are qualified to compete for first and second place.

It’s better when the water is clear and the water is shining.

[Jin Aveli Fleet] has just finished a day of daily training and patrol, and is on its way back to the Gold Coast.

The elves on the [Jin Aveli Fleet] were looking around warily while reminiscing about the thrill of killing the sea monster.

Of course, the so-called vigilance is actually just a show.

Everyone knows that the Gold Coast is the maritime gateway to the capital of Aveili.

No pirate dares to roam the waters around the Gold Coast.

That's how it should be.

"Captain! Look what that is."

On board the [Golden Light], the strongest battleship of [Kanashita Shichibu] and the flagship of [Kim Aveli Fleet], the first mate nervously handed the telescope in his hand to the captain beside him.

"What's going on? You're in a panic."

A young golden elf took the telescope from the first mate and looked at the sea in the distance.

As a legendary hero, he possesses legendary reconnaissance skills and can see farther than the first mate.

A battleship that looks like a giant blue whale has raised a large ram angle and raised a huge flag.

On the flag is a skull with two bones crossed underneath.

Needless to say, this is the hallmark of a pirate ship.

This battleship is approaching one by one at a speed slightly faster than the [Jin Aveli Fleet]. On the other side's deck, a large group of human pirates are singing impassionedly.

He murmured to himself in shock:

"Pirates?! Are they crazy?"

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The golden elf captain immediately ordered: "Arch Druid, use the clairvoyant atmosphere to monitor them and see what they are singing and what their background is?"


The deputy captain immediately cast a spell, and a large screen appeared in the sky.

On the screen, the loud and clear pirate song was transmitted to the [Golden Light].

“The waves crashed and we sailed on the sea.

Fire falls from the sky and we sail across the sea.

The enemy wants to block us.

There are dangers and difficulties ahead, so what if you just smile.

With a drink of wine and a swing of the sword, life and death have long been forgotten.

When the ship moves, when the cannon fires, Poseidon is with me.

Rainstorms, tornadoes and tsunamis will still come to us.

Soldiers, crossbows and cannons, we will still come.

We hunt on the sea and you have nowhere to hide.

Rainstorms, tornadoes and tsunamis will still come to us.

Soldiers, crossbows and cannons, we will still come.

We hunt on the sea and you have nowhere to hide. "

The songs of the pirates were neither urgent nor slow, and the speed of the pirate ship was neither urgent nor slow, but there was an arrogance and domineering air that looked down on the world.

Even the golden elf captain took a breath.

He said solemnly:

"Notify the entire army that the fleet will stop sailing and turn around immediately!

The other party is the best among the best, and the one who comes is not good. "

The deputy captain was a little surprised, but he immediately conveyed the order.

After the order was conveyed, the vice-captain approached the serious-looking Golden Elf captain and asked:

"Captain, the other party is just a pirate ship. Do we need to be so vigilant?"

Captain Golden Elf shook his head silently and said:

"That's because you didn't see it.

Although the troops on that battleship were all kinds of strange, none of them were lower than level 4.

How could an ordinary pirate come up with this configuration? "

He put his hand on his heart and said in a deep voice:

“The most important thing is that the Golden Light is afraid.

The slightly spiritual Golden Light is afraid, which can only mean that the opponent is a ship spirit battleship with a complete ship spirit.

Pirate ship, ship spirit battleship, haven't you realized what happened? "

The deputy captain's pupils shrank:

“Sylvia, Blue Whale?!

However, the appearance is a little different.

Isn't the Blue Whale all blue?

This battleship is obviously blue and white. "

"I don't know that either."

Captain Golden Elf shook his head and said:

"It's possible that some modifications were made."

The deputy captain gritted his teeth and asked:

"Captain, the other side only has one battleship, and they didn't send the entire Pirate Emperor fleet. They shouldn't be here to start a war, right?

We are also in an alliance with Erathia, so there is no reason for Sylvia to come and attack us.

However, a pirate flag was hoisted on the opposite side. "

"I hope not."

Captain Golden Elf said:

"If so, then everyone, including me, please be prepared to sacrifice for Avili.

No matter what, the Blue Whale must be stopped and must not be allowed to approach the Gold Coast, otherwise all merchant ships will be robbed. "

Slowly, the Sky Whale got closer. The Elf warships were already arranged neatly, and melodious conch horns were blown one after another.

The battle flags representing the Avery Royal Navy were flying high, like a welcome and a warning.

A total of 1,300 warships, including a powerful fleet of two aircraft carrier-class warships, were so nervous on a small warship.

However, the momentum of that warship as it slowly approached was even more arrogant than the momentum of more than a thousand warships spread out.

The distance was close enough, and the "Blue Whale" still had no intention of launching an attack, but it did not stop either.

Captain Golden Elf took out his loudspeaker and began to warn:

"This is the sea area of ​​the United Kingdom of Avili. Please stop the warships in front immediately and explain your intention.

Otherwise, we will regard your behavior as an invasion and launch a defensive counterattack against you. "

Captain Golden Elf repeated the call three times in a row, but the Blue Whale's speed did not slow down at all, and the pirates' singing never stopped and kept moving forward.

This made Captain Golden Elf very angry, but he didn't dare to take action.

"Captain, do you want to fight?"

Hearing the deputy captain's inquiry, the golden elf captain gritted his teeth and couldn't squeeze out a single typing. He was quite in a dilemma.

Just when he was stern and ready to take action at all costs, the "Blue Whale" suddenly stopped.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

A loud and hearty voice came out from the Blue Whale, and then, a lion with fluttering blond hair, a bare upper body, and a body full of brown muscles, walked up to the mast of the Blue Whale step by step.

He exuded his majesty and power without any reservation, making every elf in the [Jin Aveli Fleet] tremble.

The vice-captain said nervously:

"Captain, Captain, Demigod!!"

"I saw."

"It's difficult. Could it be that he is back?"

"It's him."

Captain Golden Elf sweated hard, feeling excited, anxious, and angry, all mixed emotions.

That bastard who brought countless troubles to the navies of the nine major forces is back!

He actually came back from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

"Hahaha! [Jin Avery Fleet] Ah, long time no see. I am your old friend, Lionheart."

Lionheart smiled boldly and announced his name.

His name made the recruits who had never seen him almost scream in surprise.

Lionheart waved his hands vigorously and said:

"You don't need to be so nervous, I'm not here to rob you today.

I'm here to give you a gift.

Oops, I brought back a lot of good things from the Sea of ​​Chaos this time.

Among them is something suitable for you Aveili. "

As he was speaking, Lionheart's eyes suddenly became dangerous:

"However, rather than handing the gift to you, I still prefer to deliver it to your port personally.

So, goodbye. "

boom! ! !

There was a sudden explosion, and the "Blue Whale", which had slowed to almost a stop, suddenly accelerated.

The golden elf captain's pupils shrank.

He saw nothing clearly.

He only felt a gust of wind blowing violently, and after several seconds, a large piece of water vapor brought by the wind hit his face and body.

When he realized what he was doing and turned around quickly, he could only see a long path of light in the distance!

Fast, too fast!


The golden elf captain was greatly shocked.

Lionheart and Blue Whale actually rushed through the gap between battleships in front of the thousands of battleships of the entire [Jin Avery Fleet].

The entire [Jin Avery Fleet] is useless and cannot even play a blocking role.

"Chase, chase me quickly!"

The golden elf captain roared at the top of his lungs.

There had never been a time since his birth that had humiliated him more than at this moment.

"Full sails, full rudder, burning magic, no matter what method you use, catch up to me!

Lionheart must not be allowed to be so arrogant, otherwise Avili's face will be completely embarrassed. "

"Yes!! The sails are full, the rudder is full, the magic is burning, the Druid army is ready, and the magic is accelerated."

The deputy captain had just given the order, but before the sailors had time to take action, suddenly, the light path in the distance suddenly rushed to the Golden Light from far to near!

boom! ! !

An explosion accompanied by waves and strong winds, like a ruthless hammer, dug a big hole into the deck of the Golden Light!

"Golden Light!!!"

After realizing what had happened, the Golden Elf captain felt the spiritual cry of the Golden Light and began to wail miserably.


Lionheart was still standing on the mast and touched his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't control it."

The Golden Elf Captain pulled out the long sword from his waist and roared at the Blue Whale:

"Lionheart! You can kill the elves, but you must not humiliate them!

What do you want to do? !

Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you are a demigod?

No matter how fast you are, you can't be faster than Gru Zun's arrow, and you can't escape Princess Malodia's prophecy.

If you want to declare war on Avili, then dye your battleship red with my blood!

come! "

"Hahaha, don't be so excited?"

Lionheart stood on the mast and said with a smile:

"I didn't tell you, I'm here to give you a gift.

The gift has been deposited at your port.

I'm here to talk to you.

That gift can only be received by Jenny and Malodia in person.

If others accept it, big things will happen.

As for the deck, I’ll be honest, it was really an accident. "

Lionheart suddenly lowered his head and roared:

"First mate, I accidentally damaged his boat. Please find a way to solve it."

“Okay boss.

I'll pay for the small things. "

Qi Ge, who had been directing the pirates to sing, tidied up his clothes and walked to the side of the deck.

boom! !

With a roar, the magic wood, which was as tall as the Sky Whale, suddenly fell onto the deck of the Golden Light, creating another crater.

Captain Golden Elf once again felt the wail of the [Golden Light] in his heart.

But he no longer felt distressed, and even wanted to shout:

"Just because you're being pretentious, didn't you just poke a small hole in it?

Brother, please ignore her, children are ignorant, here comes another one! ! No, she can bear it, come ten! "

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