[Task Name: Extreme Speed·Infinite Movement

Mission Level: Golden Demigod Level

Task opening conditions:

Acquire Sir M'Lak's "Quick Insights"

Learned of Sir M'rak's deal with Sere.

Task requirements:

Not using Sir M'Lak's "Speed ​​Tips" (Completed)

Obtain Seri's "Attack Acceleration Experience" (Completed)

Obtain the combined treasures Windrunner's Gloves (Speed ​​Cloak, Speed ​​Necklace, Traveler's Ring)

(Clues have been found. The component of the Windrunner gauntlet [Speed ​​Cloak] may currently belong to the stronghold force legendary hero [Turlock].)

Help Seri unlock the secret of troop movement speed and become a demigod.

Mission reward: Mythical Specialty: Extreme Speed·Endless Movement]

Extreme speed and infinite movement, mythical specialties related to speed.

Speed ​​is a magical attribute in the heroic soul world.


Extreme speed can change many, many things.

At the same time, the versatility of extreme speed and infinite movement is also frightening.

No matter what type of troops Qi Ge carries, speed can come in handy, which is perfectly matched with the God's Chosen City that can be compatible with any power city.

From the moment Qi Ge got this task, one of his specialties was locked by Qi Ge himself.

Qi Ge could have gone to the stronghold to complete the mission a long time ago, but he has been putting it off until now.

The reason is also very simple.

Turlock was previously one of the heroes of the stronghold force guarding the Chaos Frontier.

As the most heavily defended place in the entire stronghold, it would be extremely difficult to find Turlock at the Border of Chaos.

But at this time, Turlock had already changed his shift and returned to the hinterland of Krulod (the stronghold force).

Just three days ago, a player discovered Turok in the Great Gobi Wild Wolf Tribe.

In the player's strategy post, Turlock came back to take care of his dying mother this time. He would have to return to the Border of Chaos soon, so it was difficult to get close to him.

Just because other players can't get close doesn't mean Qi Ge can't get close.

For Qige, this is an excellent opportunity to complete a special task.

The Wild Wolf tribe is located in the Great Gobi Wild Wolf Desert.

The Wolf Desert is a very charming desert and one of the largest deserts in the world of Asa.

The Wolf Desert is densely covered with countless sand dunes.

These dunes are one of the most spectacular sights in the area, reaching tens of meters high, some even hundreds of meters high, and taking on various shapes, such as cones, pyramids and horseshoes.

Under the sun, the desert of Wolf Desert appears golden, like a golden ocean.

This sea of ​​sand also displays different colors depending on the wind direction, ranging from gray to dark yellow.

The Wolf Desert is an extremely desolate area with almost no human habitation except for a few oases where people can survive. The sky here is blue and the sun is bright, but it is also very dry and hot.

But desolation does not mean lifeless.

In the Wild Wolf Desert, there are many strange types of soldiers living.

For example, the dust eel can bury its body in the desert, secrete mucus, and swim in the sand sea, and the sand boa is ferocious in appearance but docile...

In some parts of the Wolf Desert, the dunes are mobile. These sand dunes are blown by the wind like water waves, one after another. This phenomenon is called "sand wave".

Not only are sand waves beautiful to look at, they are also dangerous.

Every sand wave is a sandstorm from childhood.

Once the wind blows, it will instantly turn into a god of death that swallows everything.

As night falls, the scenery of the Wild Wolf Desert becomes more mysterious and magnificent.

The desert under the stars looks peaceful and leisurely, with only the occasional desert storm breaking the tranquility.

In the darkness, the dust and sand that have absorbed sunlight will dispel the fog of chaos without emitting light.

Therefore, the Wild Wolf Desert is one of the very few areas in the Yasha world where one can move freely at night without relying on the protection of a city.

The residents living in the Wild Wolf Desert all believe that this is because of the blessing of Gai Earth, the Lord of the Earth Element.

In fact, their guess was not wrong.

Throughout the stronghold, there are altars of earth elements everywhere, and you can often see various special outdoor buildings that cannot be seen in other areas.

It happened to be night when Qige arrived at the Wild Wolf Desert.

At this time, Qi Ge had already used the art of disguise to disguise himself as a barbarian.

“For those in poor and backward strongholds, it would be a dream to take armed airships to various sub-cities or villages like Brakada.

I was lucky enough to find a Thunderbird to transport me to the Wild Wolf Desert.

Next, would you like to prepare a gift before going?

If you want to prepare a gift, what should you prepare? "

While Qi Ge was deep in thought, a big-eared monster stabbed Qi Ge:

"Hey, brother, which guild are you from? If you dare to come to such a high-level monster area alone, you must be a big player, right?

Why haven't I seen you before? "

Qi Ge turned around and saw that this big-eared monster player was another passenger who had just taken the Thunderbird with him.

The familiar big-eared monster player laughed honestly:

"I am the president of the Chaos Arbiter Guild [Fuxu Huanzhen]. Thanks to the respect of my brothers, they all call me Brother Guang."

[The radiance is real] As he spoke, he touched his shiny head.

The big-eared monster has hair, and his handsome hairstyle can only be achieved by himself.

"Brother, what level are you? If your level is higher than mine, don't call me Brother Guang. Just call me Xiaoguang."

"Brother Guang, nice to meet you."

Qige stretched out her hand and shook the little bald head warmly.

"My level is not high either. I am barely in my early twenties."

"You're in your early twenties! That's amazing! He is indeed a master."

The bald, big-eared monster glanced at Qi Ge excitedly.

"I am now level 27, which can barely be considered the first echelon. I also have three to two hundred powerful heroic soul soldiers under my command, so I can be considered a moderate master.

I dare not say anything else, but I can still protect anyone I want to protect in the stronghold.

Brother, are you a Sanren? Are you interested in learning more about our Chaos Arbiter Guild?

We Arbiters of Chaos are all warmongers, all capable of fighting and running. "

As the bald player said this, he sent over a friend request.

[System prompt: [Female element is really true] Request to add you as a friend. 】

He was stunned: "Anonymous player? Huh? This game also has the function of anonymity? Brother, you have the ability."

There are only a few players in the stronghold force, and most of them belong to a guild. It is really not easy to meet a stronghold player who is not from your own guild. Therefore, Qi Ge can also understand the behavior of bald players who refuse to apply as friends when they meet.

He smiled and didn't choose to refuse, but he didn't accept either.

“Anonymous players are actually very easy to do.

Brother Guang, go find the Thieves Guild, and then do the quest to get a night cloak. Then you can be anonymous on the equipment. It’s not a big deal. "

"Hey, Brother Guang, as the president of the guild, you come to this Wild Wolf Desert alone. Do you have any big mission?

How about taking my little brother with you? "

"Brother, you are on to something right now."

The bald player suddenly became excited:

“Our Chaos Arbiter Guild has been operating in this area of ​​the Wild Wolf Desert.

Just a while ago, we discovered that there was suddenly an additional Npc here.

Hey! That is a powerful legendary hero! He is also a master who can shout magic.

Our stronghold is called the Magic Desert. We finally found a master and tried our best to pick him up and break his legs. "

"That makes sense."

Qi Ge nodded with deep understanding and asked:

"Brother Guang, the Master you are talking about is the Legend of Turlock, right?"

The bald man clapped his hands: "Brother, how do you know? Did you also read the post on the forum?

That's what our association issued.

That guy Turlock has a bad temper and we can't get close at all. Anyone who tries to get close is kicked away by him.

Our guild really had no choice, so we posted a post to call on the experts to try it together. "

"What a coincidence."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Brother Guang, little brother, I did a mission before and accidentally learned about Turlock's legendary preferences, so I came here specifically for this purpose."

"And there's this thing!" Baldhead was overjoyed: "Brother, take care of me. I have more than 300 powerful soldiers, they will definitely come in handy."

"Easy to say. Come on, let's grab something first."

"Catch something? Catch what?"

Seven Pigeons smiled mysteriously:

"Let me know."

Qi Ge took the bald brother and walked in the desolate Wild Wolf Desert.

Under the guidance of Qi Ge, they would not go to any dangerous areas at all, and they did not encounter any enemies during the whole process.

When he had some free time, Qi Ge started chatting with the bald brother.

The two talked about everything from fighting techniques to the Gobi desert, and their words were quite harmonious.

"Looking at the map of the Yasha world, the two forces, the stronghold and the fortress, together form a distinct continent.

The southwest of the mainland is a swamp rainforest, which makes up the damp and sticky atmosphere of the fortress. The large amount of mud is not suitable for the rapid movement of creatures, so most of the arms of the fortress choose stacked armor.

This also allows the fortress forces' troops to stand out on the road of defense.

The northeastern part of the continent is plains and deserts, which are the territory of the stronghold forces.

The stronghold's wide terrain is suitable for running, and there are no obstacles to make hiding difficult.

The military units that can survive in stronghold forces have all gone through a long evolution.

The harsh environment and lack of resources make hunting and being hunted the main theme here.

For example, the fight for the oasis.

Many oases of stronghold forces do not always exist, but will be refreshed randomly with the flow of wind and sand.

Once this random oasis appears, it will bring a large amount of fresh water, gold, food and other resources.

In order to compete for this resource, nearby creatures will gather together.

If a creature doesn't have enough attack power to finish off all other opponents before the next batch of enemies arrives, the creature won't even have time to get the loot.

A large number of repeated battles that can break out at any time make the troops of the stronghold forces more inclined to attack than to defend.

The same is true in the Wild Wolf Desert.

In the Wolf Desert, there are a large number of impressive sand dunes everywhere.

The reason why there are these strange sand dunes and rocks is because the Wild Wolf Desert was originally a wetland rich in water and grass, and it may even be a large lake or sea area.

After the water dried up, the surface cracked and the soil turned into dust.

Strong winds eroded the cracks in the earth, exposing rocks originally covered by soil.

Over thousands of years, the endless strong winds carrying fine sand grains have worn the large rocks into strange shapes.

Sometimes the stone is mostly buried in the sand for a long time, but then the sand blows away. The difference in time has resulted in lower wear on the lower side of the stone and higher wear on the upper side, resulting in a castle shape that is larger at the bottom and smaller at the top.

Sometimes, the entire stone is exposed.

Since sand is relatively heavy, the closer to the ground the stronger the wind is and the more sand there is. The lower part is constantly being worn away, but the upper part is not much worn.

As a result, the lower part of the stone is more worn, and it appears as a "wind mushroom" that is larger at the top and smaller at the bottom. "


Baldhead interrupted Qi Ge’s introduction and asked:

"Brother, you said this was originally a wetland or a lake? Isn't that too ridiculous?"

"It's not ridiculous at all. The stronghold forces have experienced great changes. Everything we can see in front of us is the result of a long time."

Qi Ge laughed.

“Actually, some clues can be seen from the common types of troops in stronghold forces.

For example, ogres are common in stronghold forces.

Although the ogre is called an ogre, he can not only eat people, but his appetite is extremely exaggerated. When there is a lack of food, he can even eat sand and rocks to survive.

There is no doubt that this is definitely not an ability that normal creatures should have.

According to the historical records and archaeological records of the Yasha world, the ancestor of the ogre was a kind of silt bug.

To this day, this kind of silt bug still exists in the world of Yasha, but they all live on the deep sea bottom and need the help of currents to move.

Silt bugs have the ability to digest rocks and sand, have powerful self-healing capabilities, and move slowly.

These characteristics have been preserved by the ogres.

And Thunderbirds.

Thunderbirds are scattered throughout the stronghold, but there is no rain in 90% of the stronghold's area, and no thunder or lightning can be seen at all. So why does the Thunderbird have the power to release lightning magic?

According to fossil evidence, the ancestors of giant eagles were seabirds that made a living by eating fish.

Thousands of years ago, thunderclouds often occurred in the stronghold. Living in thunderclouds for a long time allowed the ancestors of the giant eagles to develop the ability to use thunder and lightning. "

Qi Ge pointed at the rolling sand dunes in the distance as he spoke.

"This kind of continuous sand dunes is called underground river dunes.

Under these sand dunes, a special type of soldier can often be found, which is the target of our trip [Dust Eels].

The existence of dust eels is also proof that the stronghold power was once a wetland.

Dust eels can store water in their bodies and form a very special slime layer on their bodies.

Relying on this mucus layer, they can swim freely in the sand, just like fish swimming in water.

They can even continue to dive in the desert until they dive into underground rivers dozens of kilometers deep, replenish water in the underground rivers, and then return to the surface to hunt.

Do you think this creature looks like a species that could evolve in a dry area?

In addition to dust eels, there are also creatures such as [Sand-dwelling Scorpion Crab], [Five-Pointed Sand Snake], etc., all of which evolved from marine creatures. "

Baldhead was very shocked:

"Fuck! Absolutely amazing! How much thought did the game designers of Heroic Soul World put into it?

Listening to what you said, brother, I feel that I, a scumbag who has just passed nine years of compulsory education, am not worthy of playing this game.

Brother, you are really amazing at knowing so much. "

"No no."

Qi Ge said quickly:

"I just happen to be more interested in this aspect, so I did some research."

"Brother, this can't be discovered by casual research. It's too humble to be humble."

The bald brother had completely put away his previous pretense and asked honestly:

"Brother, why are you catching this [dust eel]?"

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“Dust eels have a characteristic that once the surrounding temperature rises, they secrete mucus in their bodies to cool down.

Live dust eels are wrapped in sand and roasted over a fire.

When dust eels are heated, they will continuously secrete mucus to save themselves.

The mucus of dust eel is not simple. If you eat this mucus alone, it is like a mixture of thick glucose syrup and sweet plum physalis. It is sweet and sour.

This way, the slime will blend with the sand, forming a crust around the dust eel.

After baking for thirty minutes, the crust will be as hard as a rock.

A large amount of mucus will wrap the dust eel inside, and as the flame becomes hot, the fragrance will be fragrant. "

Following Qi Ge's words, Bald Head thought about the taste of dust eel meat and swallowed involuntarily.

“At this time, crack the shell open, catch the dust eel, and then eat the shell.

Tsk tsk, this is a rare and supremely delicious dish. "

"Oh, eat the shell...huh?! Eat the shell?!"

Baldhead was shocked!


Qige explained:

“The meat of the dust eel is full of hard gravel, which makes it unpalatable.

And eating dust eels is also a waste.

As a type of soldier in the desert, dust eels are very heat-resistant, and they will not be burned to death in just half an hour.

You can put it back after baking.

After a while, after the dust eel burrows into the underground river, it can be caught again. "

A picture suddenly appeared in the bald head's mind.

An eel worked hard to burrow into the ground and stretched out, sucked up water, was caught and roasted, and the water was baked out. Then it was thrown back into the sand, worked hard to burrow into the soil, and was caught again...

"Fuck, this is too cruel! I might as well kill it."

Qi Ge chuckled and said:

“After grilling the dust eel shell, the sand on the outside will be softened and dissolved by the mucus, making it edible. It tastes like sweet rice crackers.

There is still a lot of mucus inside the shell, which can be sucked out like a coconut. The taste is somewhat similar to yogurt, but warm and delicious.

It is smooth and sweet in the mouth, making your lips and teeth wet, but it is extremely delicious.

As far as I know, Turlock likes to eat [eel shell] the most.

However, dust eels are extremely difficult to catch, and troublesome "sand-dwelling scorpion crabs" often survive in their habitats.

These [Sand-dwelling Scorpion Crabs] feed specifically on [Dust Eels]. They move quickly and contain highly toxic substances in their bodies, making them difficult to guard against.

Therefore, although [eel shell] is a supreme delicacy, it is extremely difficult to obtain.

If we can get one, why worry about not seeing Turlock? "

The bald man blinked, no longer caring about sympathizing with [Dust Eel], and immediately said: "Okay! Listen to brother.

Brother, how do you want to catch me? "

Qi Ge stamped his feet, pointed at a huge mushroom-shaped sand dune in front of him and said:

"Based on my experience, there is one under the sand. Let's go."

Qi Ge ran to the bottom of the sand dune with his bald head, and the two of them took out the treasure shovels and dug up the sand one shovel after another.

But the confident two people dug together for more than half an hour, and a huge deep hole was dug out on the ground, but they still didn't see anything.

The bald man put down his shovel and asked breathlessly:

"Brother, is your experience reliable?"

"Must be reliable!"

Qi Ge suddenly hit the pit with a shovel, and there was a bang, and the ground suddenly shook!

The huge sand dune rose up from the sand, throwing Qi Ge and Bald Head out!


The bald man fell to the ground and looked ahead in shock.

Under the mushroom-shaped dune, it had been hollowed out. A giant beast with both scorpion and crab claws roared angrily in front of the dune.

The treasure digging shovel that Qi Ge just smashed down was embedded in one of its bulging eyeballs.

The bald man took a closer look and took a deep breath.

[Sand-dwelling Scorpion and Crab] There are actually scorpions on the left and crabs on the right, just like one unit that has been spliced ​​together.

"[Sand-dwelling Scorpion and Crab King], a level 5 giant unit."

Qi Ge patted his bald head and said, "Brother Guang, it's time for your 300 powerful troops to appear."

Baldhead immediately took a look at the attributes of [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King].

【Sand-dwelling Scorpion and Crab King

Power: Neutral

Level: 5

Rank: 5

Quality: Miracle

Speed: 5

Life: 450

Defense: 60

Attack: 16

Damage: 80~90


Enemies cannot counterattack during giant troop types, amphibious troop types, ring attacks, and attacks.

Sojourn in the Sand Shell: Physical damage taken is reduced by 90%, immune to magic damage.

However, if the health value is lower than 250 points, you will lose this special skill and gain the Stinging Scorpion Tail and Furious Blow.

Poisonous Scorpion Tail: The attack inflicts poison damage of 20% of the enemy's total health and poisons the opponent for 5 rounds.

Angry Blow: Hit enemies within a 6*6 range in front of you, causing triple damage and stunning you for one round. 】

"What is this? Miracle, giant, ring attack? 90% reduction in physical damage?"

The bald man was dumbfounded.

He looked at the seven pigeons tremblingly, feeling panicked in his heart.

Qi Ge didn't know anything about it. Instead, he patted his shoulder hard and said:

"Brother Guang, you have to be more merciful and don't beat it to death.

We still need to rely on it to help us find [Dust Eels]. "

The bald man had a bitter look on his face:

"Brother, do you think too highly of me? Although there is only one opponent, it is a level 5 giant miracle unit.

And this 90% damage reduction.

I was afraid it would kill me.

Brothers all blame me for bragging and making you overestimate my strength. I'll cut you off, so you can run away quickly. We can't both die. One of us can run away. "

"Ah this."

Qi Ge scratched his head and said:

"Okay, Brother Guang, please stand back and help me shake the place, and I'll deal with it."

Under the surprised gaze of the bald man, Qi Ge strode forward.

With a flick of his finger, Wei Chengfeng turned into an eternally sleeping dragon and hung high in the sky!

"Hiss!!! Wait, what is this?!"

When the bald man looked at the giant dragon covering the sky, he felt dumbfounded.


The Eternal Sleeping Dragon roared in the air at the [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King]. The strong sound and the pressure from the mythical arms pressed heavily on the [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King].

[Sand Scorpion and Crab King] who was still showing his teeth and claws suddenly lowered his claws and lay on the sand shivering.

Not to mention that [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King] doesn’t dare to move, even Baldhead doesn’t dare to move.

He sat on the ground in shock, looked at Qi Ge's back, and kept shouting, "Fuck!" He had completely forgotten all the idioms he had learned in the nine years of compulsory education.

Qi Ge strode forward, jumped on the [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King] in two steps, pulled out the treasure digging shovel, and conveniently added a [Healing] magic to [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King].

He patted the big pincers of [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King] with a treasure digging shovel, shook his chin and asked:

"Hey, do you want to fight?"


[Sand Scorpion and Crab King] is very humane and shakes its head repeatedly, making it want to shake its head off, as if the dragon's breath in the sky will hit it if it is too late.

Qige then asked:

"Then can you be obedient?"

[Sand Scorpion and Crab King] nodded suddenly, not daring to waste a moment.

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“I know that you [Sand-dwelling Scorpion and Crab King] have the habit of breeding [Dust Eels].

You have grown to a level 5 miracle, you must have raised several, right? Give me one, is there any problem? "

[Sand Scorpion and Crab King] hesitated.


Qi Ge glanced at it, and Wei Chengfeng in the air immediately lowered her head in cooperation, with the huge dragon's mouth suspended in the sky above the "Sand Scorpion and Crab King".

[Sand-dwelling Scorpion and Crab King] was so frightened that he suddenly got into the sand dunes and then got out again.

Its two claws clamped a giant eel that was constantly beating and struggling, shaking it violently.

"Thank you very much."

Qi Ge smiled, took out about two hundred gold coins, and sprinkled them on [Sand Scorpion and Crab King].

"I won't let you suffer either. You can take these with you and go."

Qi Ge held the two-and-a-half-meter-long [Dust Eel] in his arms and jumped off [Sand-Dwelling Scorpion and Crab King] with a swish.

He put Wei Chengfeng away, smiled at the bald head, and said, "Brother Guang, thanks to you, we can do it."

"No, no, no, you're hurting me. Brother, you are my brother."

How can a bald man not know that he has met a true master?

He is now like the [Sand Scorpion and Crab King] who is holding gold coins and trying to bury himself back in the sand. He is three parts awe-stricken, three parts nervous and one hundred and ninety-four parts excited.

"Brother, may I have the honor to ask, do you have your surname?"

Qi Ge held [Dust Eel] in his arms, tilted his head out, and his body shape gradually changed.

He took off his disguise and turned back into a half-elf, smiling and saying:

"Brother Guang, how about you guess it? If you guess it right, I'll add you as a friend?"

The bald head's eyes widened and he almost blurted out:

"Fuck!! Master Seven Pigeons!"

"Haha. Don't fuck, don't fuck, I'm not 0, bah, I'm straight.

Let's just add a friend. "

Qi Ge laughed, disguised himself again, shook his head at the bald head, and said:

"Keep it a secret for me."

The success coupled with the bald head of Qi Ge's friend was extremely exciting.

He immediately ran to Qi Ge and helped Qi Ge pick up [Dust Eel] while saying:

"Master, I will definitely keep it secret. Don't worry, I won't even tell my brothers in my guild."

Qige patted the bald man on the shoulder and said:

"Come on, Brother Guang, let's bake it, and then I'll take you to conquer Turlock."

"Okay! It all depends on you, great master."

An hour later, Bald Head followed Qi Ge, holding a huge black ball in his hand, and arrived at the entrance of the Wild Wolf Tribe.

Baldhead said excitedly:

"Master, this is it. My brother said that Turlock is in there with his family, and he hasn't gone anywhere."

"Okay, let's go directly to him."

Qi Ge walked straight to Turlock's tent with his bald head.

Along the way, many stronghold players saw this scene.

The Chaos Arbiter Guild is somewhat famous in the Wild Wolf Desert, and its bald head is even more famous.

But now the bald man is following Qi Ge, looking like he considers himself his younger brother. This can't help but make the onlookers very curious.

Fortunately, with the bald man and his little brother blocking him, no one could approach Qi Ge and harass him.

When we get near Turlock's tent, there are even more players.

However, they all surrounded him from a distance, and no one dared to get close, for fear of being disliked by Turok and losing his favorability points.

Qi Ge took a look and saw Turlock's iconic mount - the giant black sand wolf king.

This shows that Turlock is in his tent.

So Qige nodded to the bald head, jumped over the shallow fence with the bald head, and climbed in.

This scene shocked the surrounding players.

"Who is this? So fierce?

Wasn't he afraid of death if he jumped in without Turlock's permission? "

"You're not another idiot who wants to trade your life for an opportunity, are you?"

Qi Ge ignored the noise of the players and shouted directly:

"Your Majesty Turlock, I am Serig's nephew. I came here to visit you. Do you have time to meet me?"

Phew, Turlock's tent suddenly opened, he poked his head out, sniffed, and laughed:

"Oh? Come on, bring any gifts.

Your uncle has already greeted me, come in. "

"Excuse me, thank you."

Qi Ge walked straight into the tent with a bald head and a confused look on his face.

The players outside the tent were immediately in an uproar. They all knew that the first player to eat crabs was born!

Yaoshou, the crab is going to be eaten!

"What did he just shout?

Why did Turlock just let him in? "

"I understand. If you want to see Turlock, you must have a prerequisite mission! No wonder we haven't been able to get in."

"Then is the reputation of the Desolate Wolf Tribe still useful? Do you want to continue to gain it?"

"If anyone knows that player, please ask."

"Ask Brother Guang, Brother Guang must know..."

Just when the players were extremely excited, Qige and Bald had already followed Turlock into the tent.

Qi Ge shook his head and placed the [Eel Water Shell] on the ground.

Turlock sniffed reluctantly and said:

"Seven pigeons, right? You are really serious. This dust eel is a rare thing and difficult to catch.

My mother and I both love eating this, thank you for your hard work. "

[System prompt: Turlock’s favorability towards you is +15, currently 35 (appreciation)]

Hearing the system prompt, Qige said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, this is an honor. I am a junior. There is no reason to come to see you empty-handed."

As Qige spoke, her appearance changed and she turned back into a half-elf.

He cupped his hands and said:

"Sorry, there are too many people here. I can't see the light, so I can only pretend to be myself."

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