Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 637 Becoming an undercover agent

The Battle of the Shadow of Death ended. After defeating Sandro, the four-person team parted ways and each embarked on their own journey.

Life has dreams, each of which is wonderful.

York became the leader of the Cyclops clan and worked hard to pursue the ultimate in strength.

Kenloh Haggar battles on the border of Chaos, honing his attack power and pursuing the ultimate.

Jeanne returned to Aveili and became the essentially powerful prime minister of Aveili.

Gru... Gru is accompanying (trailing) and (traveling) Catherine.

As Gru and Kenlo Hagar became demigods one after another, the reputation of the four-person team became more and more famous, but few people knew that the four of them had always been in private contact and their relationship was very close.

Among them, the relationship between Gru and Kenlo Hager is particularly good.

One of them secretly controls Avili, and the other is the uncrowned king of Crulod. They have always been each other's horns, watching and helping each other.

Avili has highly skilled airmen, ranged, and mages. Krolod has a ground force that is not afraid of death. Their advantages complement each other and form a horn-like situation in the north and south to contain Diya.

Relying on Gru's relationship, Qi Ge successfully obtained Kenlo Hager's position.

When he saw it, he was dumbfounded.

Kenro Haggar is actually in [Sand Sea City] in the north of Crulod.

Although Krolod is not facing the sea on all sides, there is an extremely magical inland sea - the natural wonder, the Quicksand Sea.

In the world of Yasha, sea is a concept that refers to a large amount of flow.

The quicksand sea is naturally a kind of sea.

The Quicksand Sea of ​​the stronghold force is a mysterious and vibrant place.

It is located in the north of Krolod. It looks like an ordinary dry desert, but there are secrets hidden inside.

Under the calm desert, there is a constant flow of yellow sand, like a wave, pushing the desert to rotate.

The speed of quicksand is very fast, even reaching 4~6 meters per second.

Once a creature is trapped in the quicksand sea, no matter how hard it tries, it will be dragged underground into the quicksand and turn into withered bones that will never see the light of day in the quicksand sea.

It does not rain all year round in Liushahai, resulting in an extremely dry climate that makes people feel like they are in a furnace.

Surrounding the quicksand sea are tall sand dunes and rough rocks. The surface is bare and extremely monotonous.

But even such a seemingly deserted place also contains life.

In the quicksand sea, there are many strange animals living.

Especially the many animals that resemble sea creatures.

For example, [Quicksand Tuna], [Sand Flounder], [Sun Sponge], [Pineapple Starfish]...

The most successful creature in the quicksand sea is the [Sand Sailfish].

Their bodies are streamlined, with a pair of large protruding eyes and a long tail, and a huge yellow dorsal fin growing on their backs.

They can obtain energy by basking in the sun with their dorsal fins and can survive without eating, so their population dominates the entire quicksand sea.

In addition to these strange animals, Liushahai also has amazing natural landscapes.

Whenever the sun sets, the quicksand sea becomes particularly beautiful.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the quicksand sea, dyeing the entire desert golden yellow, and the stars began to twinkle, contrasting with the golden desert.

At this time, you can see many animals wandering in the quicksand sea. After the sun disappears, the gradually spreading mist of chaos will be converted into yasha energy by the quicksand sea.

For the creatures living in the quicksand sea, this is tantamount to a gluttonous feast.

Whether you can eat enough for a day depends on this meal.

If you are lucky, you may even see the spectacular sight of quicksand flowing in the Quicksand Sea at sunset.

You can even enjoy an unforgettable fishing trip in the quicksand sea.

There are many varieties of desert fish here, with various shapes and colors, and you can even see hexagonal "roller fish".

They can live and reproduce in the quicksand sea like normal fish.

You can use special bait to attract them, wrestle them, fight them, and finally drag them to the shore, or be dragged into the sea by them.

There are huge differences in the level, size, strength, and other aspects of the fish in the Quicksand Sea. If you don't have absolute strength, after catching a fish, your life and death will all depend on your fate. So does the fish's life and death, and so does your life and death.

Although fishing in the quicksand sea is very dangerous, it is definitely a fun and challenging activity.

Every year, countless barbarians and orcs die in the quicksand sea, or are sought after by thousands of people.

Every big fish caught in the Quicksand Sea will be registered by Shahai City.

At the end of every year, the top 100 holders of the [Big Fish Record] are called together to hold a fishing competition.

The winner will be awarded the title of [King Fish Hunter] in Sand Sea City and receive generous rewards.

If the winner of [Kingfish Hunter] is a soldier, the legendary city lord of Sand Sea City will even personally take him to the border of Chaos and help him get a Hero Token.

Because of this, there are always many 4th and 5th level high-level troops gathered around Shahai City. Most of these troops will choose to settle in Liusha City and become the citizens of Liusha City.

This method of attracting the settlement of high-level troops has low investment, remarkable results, and good effects.

Even Qi Ge had to admit that the city lord of Shahai City was very talented in attracting talents.

Precisely because of the existence of the Quicksand Sea, Krolod, whose territory is not surrounded by seas on all sides, actually has a navy.

The only naval force in the entire Krolod is located in Sand Sea City. It was named: [Invincible Navy] by the city lord of Sand Sea City [Zubin] (who has the specialty of always hitting the target).

[Invincible Navy] is a well-deserved invincible navy.

In the entire history of the Yasha world, no other navy has ever defeated them, with a defeat rate of 0.

Now Seven Pigeons has a huge problem.

"How should I get to Shahai City?"

The traffic situation in Krolod is extremely bad, and there are a few key main cities and capitals with standard teleportation arrays in Erathia and Bracada.

The giant thunderbird responsible for transportation in the main city does not appear every day, so you can only try your luck.

If you want to move from Thunderbird City to Sand Sea City, you have to cross an entire stronghold.

Even if he were to ride Ziyuan, he would still have to fly for half a month without running into any wild monsters.

There was no way Qi Ge could waste half a month on the road.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Qi Ge took out his dagger and chose to commit suicide.

[Shahai City], in the main castle.

Kenlo Hager was holding a serrated sword, sitting half-tilted on a huge animal bone chair, and asked Zubin next to him:

"Zubin, has anyone else behind West investigated clearly?"

Zubin shook his head and said:

"Not yet, he is so cunning, I can't even find his fox tail."

"Ha~ The guys from the fox clan have no fighting skills, but they have more ways of causing destruction behind the scenes than anyone else.

I'll check again. If there's no result in two days, I'll kill West to save myself the trouble. "


As soon as Zubin exited the room, Kenlo Hager suddenly smiled.

He took out a leaf, placed it in front of his eyes, and said:

"Gru, what's going on?"

The veins on the leaves flickered for a moment, and Gru's shadow soon condensed.

Gru said to Kenlo Hager:

"Seven Pigeons have already arrived at your place and were stopped by your guards. Go and pick them up."

"So fast? Hey, the new leader shouldn't be proficient in the door to another dimension, right?"

Kenlo Hager raised his eyebrows and asked:

"You're wasting a leaf just for this little thing? I don't have much left here."

Gru raised his lips and said:

"Wanliye is outdated. Now we are all using more advanced communication tools. Qige will give you a copy when the time comes. You will know after reading it."

"Oh?" Kenlo Hager raised his head and showed an interested expression:

"Looking at your attitude, are you completely on Qi Ge's side?

Hey, Tanan has such a good relationship with you, why have you rebelled?

Is this new leader so capable? "

"Bigger than you think."

Gru smiled and said:

"When he grows up, the four of us plus Sandro may not be able to compete with him."

"Is it that powerful?"

Kenlo Hager obviously didn't believe it.

"Hager, you have to know that Qi Ge is still an ordinary hero, but his achievements on the surface are almost the same as Tanan's achievements.

And secretly, his achievements in the world of Yasha can even allow him to make up for the strength gap between him and Tanan.

If you really don’t believe it, you can test him.

The result will not disappoint you. "

"Ho ho ho, then I really want to try it."

Kenlo Hager laughed:

“I’m good at everything, but I’m not smart enough.

I believe in absolute strength.

But now I understand more and more that absolute strength can tear the enemy to pieces, but it can do nothing to myself.

No matter how powerful a strong man is, he cannot lift himself up by his own feet.

It just so happens that Crowlod has some cunning rats that he can help me catch. "

"Then just wait and see."

As soon as Gru finished speaking, Wanliye flickered, burned automatically, and turned into ashes.

Kenlo Hager took the remaining leaves of Marigold in his hand, crushed them carefully, and then blew them away in one gulp.

He stood up in large strides and shouted toward the door as he walked:

"Come here, go to the gate of the castle and bring a guy named Qige to see me."

Qi Ge stood outside the main castle of Shahai City, silently observing the troops and heroes entering and leaving the main castle.

Contrary to Qi Ge's expectation, players accounted for about 60% of the heroes entering and exiting Shahai City.

“It seems that while I’m working hard, the other players haven’t fallen behind either.

Being able to freely enter and exit the main city-level castle requires not only a large amount of city reputation, but also high-ranking NPCs who have connections and are familiar with the castle.

Players who can achieve these two points must have put in a lot of energy and time, and at the same time their strength is not low. "

Of course, Qi Ge also understands that there is a reason why there are so many powerful players in Liusha City.

The lord of Shahai City is Zubin.

Contrary to Trossa, who specializes in crossbows but has no artillery skills, Zubin is very good at gunnery, but does not specialize in long ballistas.

His [Marksman War Cry] can make the units that cannot attack from a distance become able to attack from a distance. At the same time, the damage of units that can attack from a distance will also be greatly increased.

If you want to clear the jungle without taking any damage, the quantity and quality of long-range troops are really crucial.

However, players in the stronghold force had to painfully use the half-orcs to clear the jungle in the early stage.

For stronghold players who lack long-range power, [War Machine·Ballista] is an excellent reinforcement.

As for the NPC heroes who can teach artillery skills in the stronghold force, except for the Gnisenge Cannon (specialized ballista), the only one left is Zubin.

At the same time, Shahai City is the most open city in the entire stronghold, and its reputation is much easier to cultivate than the [Big Cannon City] of Cannon.

Qi Ge estimated that about 60% of the players in the entire stronghold were concentrated in Shahai City.

With a large player base, the probability of elites appearing is naturally high.

[Cute Girl Compass] Although she is very good, she is a big eagle, and she already has special skills.

Unless she becomes a barbarian or a Beamon and has a great opportunity to open the second speciality grid, there is no way to learn the powerful [Behemoth Commander] speciality.

[Speciality: Behemoth Commander Quest Scroll

Conditions of use: Race: Barbarian, Beamon

Effect: After opening, you will get the task chain. The mission reward is Specialty: Commander Beamon

Commander Beamon: Passive Specialty

The Behemoth he leads gains all attributes +20%.

After defeating level 7 wild monsters, you can sacrifice the enemy's corpse to summon the Behemoth heroic soul troops. The ratio is: 20/1. If there is insufficient, it cannot be summoned. 】

This means that Qi Ge still has to find a barbarian or Beamon player.

You can both grab grass and hunt rabbits.

Just in time to come to Shahai City, Qi Ge was thinking about whether he could find another potential stock.

Just as Qige was staring at a hot barbarian player carefully, several orcs holding large axes suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Qi Ge, the King of War wants you to come in."

(War King is the name given to demigods by the orc clan.)

Qi Ge withdrew his gaze from the crowd of players, tugged on his cloak and said:

"Go! Lead the way!"

The meeting with Kenlo Hager went much smoother than Qi Ge had imagined.

When talking to the straightforward Kenlo Hager, Qi Ge didn't need to think about what to say.

After delivering the telescoping conch and some things that Seven Pigeons had prepared for Kenlo Hager, Seven Pigeons told him his request.

After listening to Qige’s request, Kenlo Hager scratched his thick beard and said:

"Let me help Turlock guard the border of Chaos...

Um. It’s not that difficult.

I have been free for the past two or three years and can help.

However, I can't help you in vain, Qi Ge, do you understand what I mean? "


Qi Ge said seriously to Kenlo Hager:

“War King, you must have heard of Erathia’s dynasty weapons.

You must also know the powerful effect of [Revival Blade].

In fact, the treasure maker who can forge dynasty weapons does not belong to Erathia, but to me.

If you, King of War, are willing to help, I can promise to give priority to helping the stronghold forces forge dynasty weapons. "

"Huh? Belongs to you?"

Kenlo Hager was stunned:

"You boy, you are really capable.

Wait a minute, his grandma, are you lying to me?

Gru and his son have already announced that the next casting rights will be auctioned, and the highest bidder will get it. If you gave me the casting rights, how can Catherine step down? "

"It's easy."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

“The auction is open and transparent, but the settlement of the auction is neither public nor transparent.

When the time comes, you just scream for the price, and then Catherine announces that she has received your payment, isn't that enough?

As for whether it was really received, who dares to check? Who can check? "

"Can this still happen?"

Kenlo Hager glanced at Qi Ge and slammed the table:

"Wouldn't that mean the entire auction is a scam? You were just giving it to whomever you wanted to give it to.

Okay! What Gru said is indeed true. You boy is indeed cunning, just as treacherous as that bitch Sandro.

Your conditions are very good, but I refuse! "

Kenlo Hager said:

“Although the dynasty weapons are good, we have to wait half a year, which is too long.

I was deceived by Sandro once, and I don’t want to be deceived by you again.

Rather than waiting for the ethereal dynasty weapons, I'd rather see something immediate. "


Qi Ge, who failed in the free prostitution, was dumbfounded in his heart.

He asked: "War King, what do you need?"

Kenlo Hager smiled, showing his big yellow teeth.

"I'll give you two choices.

I will always be stationed in Shahai City because of an accident in Liushahai.

The Quicksand Sea has a powerful ability to convert the chaotic mist that appears at night into Yasha energy, and ultimately form food and resources for use by the creatures in the Quicksand Sea.

But the carrying capacity of the quicksand sea has its limits.

If the amount of chaotic fog is too large, the Quicksand Sea cannot transform it, which will cause the area of ​​the Quicksand Sea to shrink.

The Quicksand Sea itself will grow slowly. Originally, the growth rate and shrinkage rate of the Quicksand Sea have always been in a balanced state.

But in the past two years, the Quicksand Sea has been shrinking rapidly.

This shows that the Quicksand Sea has been transforming excessive chaos mist.

After two weeks of investigation by Zubin and I, we finally determined that there should be a Chaos Treasure House in the Quicksand Sea area.

The first choice I give you is to find this Chaos Treasure House and attack it to restore the growth of the Quicksand Sea. "

Chaos Treasure House...

Give pillows to people who are sleepy.

Qi Ge opened his task panel. On his task panel, there was a bright colorful task hanging.

[Master promotion task

Task requirements:

Defeat 3 Chaos Treasure Houses.

Mission reward: Lift the current level cap of level 29.

Depending on the difficulty of the Chaos Treasure House, you will receive additional rewards after promotion.

Perfectly conquering the Chaos Treasure House can greatly increase the rewards. 】

Players' promotion tasks vary from person to person, and Qi Ge's task is undoubtedly the most difficult of all tasks.

Of course, high difficulty also means high rewards.

The higher the difficulty of the task, the more additional rewards you will get after becoming a master.

Qi Ge was already a little moved, but still asked patiently:

"What's the alternative?"

"Another option..."

Kenlo Hager’s face gradually became serious:

“Some places in our Krolod are poor, some are very poor, and some are very poor.

No one wants to remain poor, so local tribes in each place are working hard in their own ways.

There are those who take the right path, and naturally there are those who take the wrong path.

There is a main city in the southwest of Shahai City called [Benshan City].

The specialty of [Honshan Castle] is [Honshan Stone Ore], a special level 2 resource that can be used as both wood and ore.

If [Benshan Stone Mine] is processed into [Benshan Wood Mine] and then used to build a ballista, the ballista can also gain a shooting range bonus.

For Krulod, who lacks wood, [Honshan Stone Mine] is very important.

However, Benshan stone mines and ordinary stone mines are densely associated, and it is very difficult to separate them. The selling price of direct sales is also very different from the selling price of [Benshan wood mines] after processing.

The city lord of [Benshan City] is named West, and he is a fox man.

Last year, we discovered that West actually sold the [Benshan Stone Mine], which was expected to bring in 90 million gold coins, to the [Watso Joint Chamber of Commerce] in Bracada for 9 million gold coins.

Now the entire [Benshan Stone Mine] is occupied by the [Waterso Joint Chamber of Commerce]. They hoard goods, significantly increase the prices of [Benshan Stone Mine] and [Benshan Wood Mine], and slaughter Zubin and Ge Cannon like sheep. .

Logically speaking, Benshan Stone Mine belongs to Benshan City, and how to deal with it is the city lord West's own business.

However, the Benshan Stone Mine is not only a resource for their Benshan City, but also a resource for our Krolod.

West's behavior is tantamount to betraying the country.

Something worth 80 to 90 million yuan is sold for 9 million yuan. There can be no problems in this.

I thought with my toes and knew that things were not simple.

In a normal transaction, who would sell a mine at a low price with clear expectations of income and energy that continuously generates wealth?

It is very likely that the [Watersoe Joint Chamber of Commerce] gave West a high kickback.

The income generated by [Benshan Stone Mine] should originally belong to the entire [Benshan City].

West turned the resources that originally belonged to the entire mountain city and the entire Krolod into private wealth that belonged to himself or some collectives including him.

West is just a pseudo-legendary hero. If you give him a hundred Behemoths' courage, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing.

There must be a big, big moth behind him that eats up most of the profits.

This borer must have a high status in Crowroad, and it is most likely that he is a close associate of Winston Burlage.

I need you to find out who is behind West and collect enough evidence.

You don't need to do it, you just need to be able to dig them out.

No matter how you use your methods, you don’t have to worry about retaliation afterwards. Even if you track down Winston Burlage, you’ll be fine.

As long as there is sufficient evidence, no matter who it is or who they are, I will kill them all. "


He actually asked me to track down West...

West, one of the most famous slave traders in the entire stronghold, mainly deals in high-level orc, half-orc, and barbarian slaves.

He stays in his high-end slave display camp, Fox Tower, all year round. If you want to get close to him, you must go to Fox Tower to test.

You have to spend at least 20,000 gold coins to get the chance to see him.

Qi Ge felt uncomfortable when he thought that in order to get close to West, he had to interact with the beautiful, young, beautiful, weak and boneless fox people, bunny girls, cat people and other beast-eared women.


For the future of Krulod, Qige can only choose to do so.

"Tell me, which of the two options do you choose?"

Qi Ge stretched out his hand and clenched his fist fiercely:

"War King, I want them all!

Don't worry, I will complete the two tasks you give me. "

"Is this true?!"

Kenlo Hager was overjoyed.

"It's a duty to do so, no joking."

The seven pigeons are upright and awe-inspiring.

[System prompt: You have accepted the mission: [Sudden Changes in the Sand Sea]. 】

[System prompt: You have accepted the mission: [Kill national traitors]. 】

Qi Ge quickly checked the two tasks and gave Kenlo Hager a fist in the arm: "War King, time is running out, I'll go first."

"How heroic! I just like to deal with cheerful people like you."

Kenlo Hager took out a large jar of spirits and said:

"I respect you and wish you a triumphant victory."

Qi Ge turned around gracefully and said as he walked:

"Put it here until I win and drink with the King of War!"


Kenlo Hager slapped the crock pot on the table and laughed: "Haha. Gru is right, this kid is indeed interesting."

Qi Ge disguised himself as an orc and came to the streets of [Benshan City]. He strolled to a shop selling clay pots, took out three gold coins, and slapped them heavily on the table:

"Boss, bring me a bone and clay plate, you know."

The owner of the clay pot shop, an old kobold who was older but still very muscular, clapped his hands vigorously and immediately came over.

"Hey, uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have made a fortune there recently..."

Seeing that the shopkeeper's hand was about to touch the gold coin, Qi Ge slapped his hand away and scolded:

"What are you doing? You want to take money without even taking the goods? Why don't you try to take my life?"

The shop owner immediately laughed and explained quickly:

"Misunderstandings and misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

This is not a misunderstanding, this is a temptation.

If you want to get close to West, in addition to taking the normal route, there is also a shortcut that few people know.

If you want to take this road, you have to be a proven old orc.

It just so happened that the Seven Pigeons in the previous life knew this path very well.

On this path, every step is a test, and every sentence is a code.

If Qi Ge hadn't slapped the dog shop owner's hand away, the road would have been cut off.

"Uncle, what kind of bone plate do you want?

Recently, we got a new baby rabbit, Lulu, and a flirty fox, Ningning. They are both good students studying at Brakada College. They come to our part-time job to earn some tuition. They won’t be able to work for long but they will leave soon. ,A rare opportunity. "

Qi Ge waved his hand and said:

“I don’t want new ones, I want old ones that have flavor.

Well, let me think about it, I want [Fendai]’s bone plate. "

Hearing what Qi Ge said, the kobold shop owner felt relieved.

"I'm a regular customer. It seems like I have a bad memory."

He clapped his hands, turned around, went under the cabinet, and took out a plate that looked like bones and tiles.

This kind of bone tile plate is a specialty of the [Bone Hidden Desert], but it is imported in large quantities by this mountain city.

The bone plate is a special communication prop with a very small scope of use. The two bone plates can only communicate with each other and can only transmit text and patterns.

It’s a bit like WeChat’s version of walkie-talkie.

Qi Ge took the plate, put it to his nose and smelled it, and then said with satisfaction: "Yes, it smells like this."

He took out six more gold coins and said:

"Nine pieces settled. Let's go."

"Hey, uncle, please walk slowly and come often."

The kobold shopkeeper immediately stuck out his tongue, rolled up Qi Dove's gold coins and held them in his mouth.

Qi Ge carried the bone plate and walked out of the store. He found a random pillar next to the store door and squatted down. Then he soaked some saliva and drew a cup of steaming wine on the bone plate.

After a moment, a line of orcish language appeared on the bone plate.


Qige wrote: "Benshan City; Blue Flag District"

Qi Ge then drew a round gold coin, and then wrote a question mark in the orc language.

The writing appeared again: 130 pieces.

Qi Ge made a check mark gracefully.




"The top of the beast king in the blue flag area."

[The Peak of the Beast King] is not a great thing, it is just a place name. It is the most upscale residential area for rich orcs in this mountain city.

As the main city is mainly populated by orcs and half-orcs, this name is quite reasonable. You can tell at a glance that those who can live here are either rich or noble.

Qi Ge snorted, summoned Zi Yuan who turned into a giant war wolf, rode Zi Yuan, and ran wildly along the avenue.

In the stronghold force, the giant warrior wolf is an expensive mount that only people of the [Master Hero] class can afford.

Even if it was the first time for the orc guards at [Beast King's Peak] to see Qi Ge, they did not dare to block Qi Ge. They immediately let the way go and neatly saluted Qi Ge after Qi Ge entered.

Qi Ge took out the bone plate and wrote: "I'm here. At the gate, I am the green orc riding a giant black wolf."

After a while, writing appeared on the bone plate:

"Go to the sixth house on your left and hand the Wolf Warrior over to the guard.

Go up the grand staircase to the sixth floor. If you are blocked by the checkpoint iron gate, send me a message. "

Qi Ge put away his bones and rode the giant wolf to a tall building.

This building has a very obvious Bracada style, and its appearance looks like two mage towers put together.

In fact, 90% of the mansions in [Beast King's Peak] were built with the help of Brakada's construction fairies.

Under the management of Winston Burrage, all of Krulod is very close to Bracada.

Brakada was dumping low-value, high-priced industrial products that could only be used for enjoyment at Krolod, supplying them to the chiefs and other senior classes of Krolod, while devouring Krolod with big mouthfuls. Practical and cheap resource assets.

Although it does not have the name of a tributary state, it has the actual status of a tributary state.

No wonder.

Most of the second-generation chiefs and second-generation heroes of Krolod are studying at the academy in Brakada. In order to prevent Kenro Hag's forceful liquidation, their wives, concubines and many assets were also transferred to Bracada.

It can be said that most of the high-level and middle-level people in Krolod have their lives and fortunes in Brakada's hands, and they cannot help but be disobedient.

The funniest thing is that they sent their family members in person.

They actually knew very well what they were doing and what the consequences would be if they were caught. They were even prepared to be liquidated, but they still did it.

To put it bluntly, they were betting that Kenlo Hager would turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye; they were betting that Winston Burrough would protect them.

It has to be said that people born in Crowlod always have a "bloody" nature that is not afraid of death, but these people always use their bloodiness in the wrong place.

Around the bustling mage towers, from time to time there would be some orcs hugging each other, walking into various buildings with gorgeously dressed orc girls.

If you take a closer look, you will find that the men who appear here are either rich or noble, and the women are all young and beautiful beast girls.

West's luxurious castle is also here.

It’s hard to imagine that in Krolod, where 70% of the people are struggling to survive without enough food, there is such a place where people are living in a life of luxury and luxury.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qi Ge silently closed his eyes.

"Get drunk, dance, play your music, and enjoy the last prosperity of this prosperous age.

Soon, when Kilgor defeats Winston, you will understand that truth is cruel, and Kenro Hagar is just a womanly, stinky brother.

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. It's not that they won't be repaid because the time has not yet come.

False prosperity is just a snap of the fingers, and eternal pain is your final outcome. "

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