Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 643 Chaos cheats again

Qige and Smit expressed their thoughts to each other and cuddled for a while.

Seeing that Smit's mood had stabilized, Qige said seriously:

"Smit, you must remember what I tell you next."


Qi Ge took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and transformed an extremely strange-looking map into the air.

Smit tilted his head in confusion.

In the hands of Qi Ge, miniature cubes form a map with staggered heights.

The top of each cube has a different scene.

Mountains, plains, seas, Jedi, canyons, abyss of death...

Qi Ge pointed at the map and said:

"The world in this Chaos Treasure House is called the Grid World.

As you can see, the top of each square is a piece of terrain.

These terrains are distinct from the terrains on other squares. Depending on the terrain, you can find corresponding wild buildings and outputs on the terrain.

For example, orchards can produce food and wood, plains can produce food and ores, and waters can produce food, gems, and so on.

Our location is the center of the world.

Except for the square we are in, there will be Chaos Monsters responsible for guarding every square. Only by defeating them can we occupy the square.

After occupying the square, you can execute the 4 commands of exploration, collection, development and destruction.

[Exploration] You can search for hidden buildings, special resources, distressed troops, etc. on the grid.

[Collect] can obtain a large amount of corresponding resources, but it will reduce the effect of the terrain on the grid, that is, the more you collect, the less it will be.

If you collect the same square repeatedly, you will eventually collect nothing.

[Development] You can build a garrison on the grid. After stationing a certain number of soldiers, you will continue to get output from this terrain.

[Destroy] will directly destroy the square and turn it into an impassable void, but you will get a large amount of resources at once.

Unlike in the Yasha world, where we can handle every detail specifically, in the grid world, we can only get simpler rewards after issuing instructions.

Even the offensive process is beyond our control.

This is our biggest difficulty. "

Smit listened very carefully and remembered it clearly.

Seeing that Smit could keep up, Qige continued:

“When you occupy 9 squares that form a nine-square grid, you can use these nine-square grid to build a city.

After owning a city, your strength will be greatly improved and you will gain a stable source of troops.

But there is more than one way to obtain a city, and the specific explanation is more complicated. I will remind you if you encounter similar opportunities after the official start. "

"Yeah! I took note of it!"

Smit nodded vigorously.

Next comes the most important part.

Qige took a deep breath and said seriously:

“The name of the Chaos Treasure House we are going to conquer is called the Land of Ghost Transformation.

The reason for this name is because our opponent is the ghost butterfly who can turn the square into a ghost. "

Qi Ge stretched out his finger and clicked on a square. In an instant, all the terrain on the square disappeared, and the square turned into strange brown scorched earth. On this brown scorched earth, a large group of green caterpillars were growing. Squirming and looking extremely disgusting.

Qige explained:

“This is the place of demonization.

The ghostly square will become unoccupied, and troops will be sent directly to attack the ghostly place. As many as possible will die without any suspense.

However, the Demonized Land will continue to send chaos monsters to the squares around it.

Dispatch does not only dispatch to adjacent squares, there are some flying Chaos troops that can jump to farther squares.

If the Chaos troops on the square are not cleared away in time, when the number of Chaos monsters accumulated exceeds the carrying capacity of the square, the square will also turn into ghosts.

The only way to eliminate the ghostly land is to restrict and surround it. "

Qi Dove pointed his finger, and flags representing Smit were placed on the four adjacent squares of the ghostly place.

"When the surrounding areas of the Demonized Land are occupied by your territory, the Demonized Land will be restricted and will no longer be able to send chaos monsters around."

Qi Ge snapped his fingers again, and cities appeared next to the four squares with Smit's flag.

“After the city is successfully built, the city can consume construction points to expand to the surrounding area, and include the surrounding squares of the city into its own city range one by one.

If the ghostly land is surrounded by cities, the ghostly land will be destroyed and returned to a normal grid. "

Smit blinked and suddenly realized:

"Oh, I get it.

If all the squares on the entire map become the scope of my city, won't the ghostly land be unable to be generated? "

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Yes, but no need for 'all'."

Qi Ge stretched out his finger and drew delicate lines on the map.

The lines intersect with each other to form a special pattern.

There is exactly a square sandwiched between each line, just like a fishing net.

Qige explained:

“The number of squares each city can accommodate is limited, and building a city requires a lot of resources.

Therefore, we need to use as few cities as possible to control as many squares as possible.

According to my calculations, under the most perfect situation, only seven cities can form a perfect blockade network.

When no more ghostly lands can be generated on this map, we will win and the strategy will be successful.

And if we fail to withstand the offensive of the Demonic Land, we will fail. "

Qi Ge pointed at the map and said:

"If you choose to destroy the square, the void left by the square will inevitably generate a ghostly land after three rounds.

Therefore, you must be careful when destroying squares.

Also, look at Smit.

If you want to restrict or surround a single square of ghostly land, you only need to control the top, bottom, left, and right 4 squares.

But if two ghostly lands are connected together, you will have to control six squares to surround them all.

At the same time, the larger the area of ​​​​the ghostly land, the more powerful the chaotic monsters it generates, and the stronger the attack on the surrounding areas. It may even destroy the city that has not yet formed an encirclement.

If the area of ​​​​ghost transformation is too large, it will become unable to be restricted and surrounded.

Once the ghostly land forms a nine-square connection, whether it is a nine-square grid or a weird connection, we will directly fail.

Therefore, it is necessary to avoid contiguous ghostly places.

Smit said nervously:

"I understand, we must develop as quickly as possible and compete with the Ghostly Land in terms of development speed, right?"


Qige nodded solemnly.

"There is also good news. Originally, the Ghostly Land should appear at the same time as us, but because you are only level 5, the Ghostly Land will be delayed for ten rounds.

Let's start, there will be more time. "


Smit's eyes lit up: "Could it be that this treasure house is a turn-based system?"

"Yes." Qi Ge smiled and said, "This is also an area our hero is familiar with."

Seven Pigeons explained many details to Smit, and the preparation time he had was gradually passing by.

After everything was explained, Qi Ge looked at his palms. His palms were gradually fading and seemed to disappear at any time.

Qi Ge held Smit’s hand and said seriously:

"Next, I have no way to communicate with you directly, I can only contact you through some special methods.

But don't be afraid, don't panic.

You must remember that although you can't see me, I can see every move you make.

When you encounter insurmountable difficulties, pay close attention to your surroundings, and you will surely find the hints I have managed to convey to you. "


Smit nodded vigorously, time flowed again, but the seven pigeons disappeared beside her.

Smit stretched out his hand and grabbed the empty air, feeling a little nostalgic.

She patted her cheek and cheered to herself:

"Come on! In order to stand beside Brother Qi Ge."

Smit took a step forward, and a hundred human soldiers with firm eyes said to Smit at the same time:

"My Lady Saint, please give the order."

Smit took a deep breath, pointed at the troops, and said:

"Twenty armored spearmen stayed, 10 of them [explored] in place, and the other 10 [explored] the local area.

The remaining troops are divided into 2 teams and attack the southern and northern squares respectively. "

"Yes! Die for the saint."

Watching Smit dispatch his troops from God's perspective, Qi Ge smiled slightly.

Smit did a great job.

If you want to develop rapidly, you must divide your forces.

The prerequisite for dividing the troops to attack two squares at the same time is that the initial troops must be strong enough.

At this point, Smit's military strength was completely satisfied.

At that time, when Smit's military strength had just been calculated, the people of Qige were dumbfounded.

[Twilight Wanderer], [Warhammer Priest], [Heavy Swordsman], [Unfallen Flag], [Star Han Heavy Crossbowman]...

There are a total of 100 human units, 30 level 5 myths, 50 level 5 miracles, and only 20 level 4 [heavy armored spearmen] are hidden.

【Twilight Wanderer

Level: 6

Rank: 5

Quality: Mythical

Attack: 38

Defense: 20

Life: 1200

Speed: 25

Damage: 60-70 (Lance), 100 (Epee)


Charge: For each square moved when attacking, the damage is increased by 5%.

Double skill with gun and sword: Use a spear when attacking actively, and gain special skills:

The enemy cannot counterattack and penetrates. 20% of the attack will cause dizziness.

Use a heavy sword when counterattacking.

Obtain special skills: unlimited counterattack, knocking back the opponent 20~30 blocks when counterattacking.

Last Light: Attacks and counterattacks cause true damage, and are immune to instant death effects.

Wanderer: Before taking action, you can choose to skip one of your own turns and get two consecutive actions in the next round. 】

【Don't Fell Flag

Level: 4

Rank: 5

Quality: Mythical

Attack: 18

Defense: 40

Lives: 1800

Speed: 10

Damage: 50~70

Special skill: Brilliant Battle Flag: All friendly human units on the battlefield gain morale +2, and gain an additional chance to boost morale each round.

Undefeated Guard: Consumes one turn to enter shield-raising mode, reduce speed to 0 points, gain 80% full damage reduction and immunity to instant death. 】

Each team has 10 [Twilight Wanderers] and 2 [Unfallen Flags], leading the remaining 28 human units, which is enough to form a powerful fighting group without the leadership of a hero.

"Smit is the God of Luck and has exclusive special skills. After she became a hero, she gained the primary treasure-making skill and the advanced luck skill.

[Lucky God’s Choice: Luck +6, Inspiration +12]

Her super high basic luck value, coupled with the bonus of advanced luck skills, gave her a strong initial force.

The strong initial force allows Smit to perform more operations in more rounds.

At the beginning of the first round, 10 [Heavy Armored Lancers] began to search on the grassland grid.

At the same time, in front of Qi Ge, a hundred cards were quietly suspended in the air.

These cards have different designs:

The soldier knelt on the grass, opened the treasure chest, and was filled with joy;

The soldier fell into the pit with a look of horror on his face.

The terrifying giant beast landed and trampled a large group of soldiers into pulp.

One hundred cards are divided into fifty good cards and fifty bad cards, but among the forty good cards, there are only ten good cards that can really play a role, and the rest are better than nothing.

Qi Ge suddenly realized:

"I see.

The total number of cards is directly proportional to the number of people exploring. For every additional number of people exploring, 1 gold card, 4 white cards, 4 gray cards and 1 black card will be added.

After all, Smit has the special skill of Lucky God, so he shouldn't be much worse.

Wife fate bless me, as long as I don’t draw gray cards and black cards, I can accept even 10 white cards. "

Qi Ge stared at the cards carefully. One hundred cards were flying up and down, and then ten cards fell from the sky.

These cards seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making it difficult for Qi Ge to see clearly.

"Be sure to encounter a black card at the beginning. Every soldier is important in the beginning."

While Qi Ge was praying tremblingly, ten cards were turned over one after another, and the bright golden light almost blinded Qi Ge.

“What the hell?!

Ten cards, all in dazzling gold! Not even a white card?

Outrageous? ! How could it be so outrageous? "

The cards are turned over one by one, revealing the patterns on them.

[Crystal Farm: A heavily armored spearman discovered a crystal farm with crystal flowers blooming on the grassland.

Flowing Water Grassland grid development progress +10%, crystal output +50/round]

[Taoyuan Refugees: A heavily armored spearman discovered a refugee village.

There are 200 farmers in the village.

After some communication, the entire village joins your party.

The development progress of the flowing water grassland grid is +20%, and you can obtain level 1 and level 1 farmers*200]

[Herds of bison: A heavily armored spearman discovered a large herd of cattle.

You can slaughter cattle to get a lot of food, or you can domesticate cattle to develop animal husbandry.

please choose……】

The exploration order was given by Smit, but every choice found during the exploration was made by Seven Pigeons.

“Slaughtering can get a lot of food in the early stage, but it is definitely not as good as domestication.

Developing animal husbandry can provide a stable cattle pasture. The earlier the animal husbandry is developed, the more total food can be obtained. "

Qi Ge did not hesitate to choose domestication.

[Domestication is completed, and your territory has obtained [Buffalo Ranch].

Food +20/turn, food produced by farmland +30%. 】

[Barbaric land:

A heavily armored spearman discovered a special grassland where the grass grew extra tall.

Nothing for now.

You can choose to continue exploring this place next turn. If you choose to continue exploring, you will need to send 19 additional soldiers. You will lose control of these soldiers before the exploration is successful. 】

【Lost Treasure Chest

Your soldiers discovered a huge treasure chest buried deep in the soil. After opening the treasure chest, you obtained 30,000 gold coins, 50 gems, 50 crystals, 50 sulfur, and 50 mercury.

You have reason to believe that this is the treasure left by the previous dynasty.

The soldiers thought this must be a gift from God.

They were able to discover this treasure chest because the Holy Lady was the savior sent from heaven.

The morale of all your soldiers is permanently increased by one. 】

【Abandoned outpost

There are still some veterans stationed in an abandoned outpost. It costs 4,000 gold coins to recruit 40 archers and 50 spearmen.

For another 10,000 gold coins, you can buy the entire abandoned outpost and remodel it into a spearman tower or archer tower. 】

With 10 golden cards, the development progress of Flowing Water Grassland was reached to 70%, a lot of resources were obtained, and a large number of resource points and a recruitment point were obtained.

Seven Pigeons witnessed with their own eyes how incredible Smit’s luck was, which also made him more confident about passing in one go.

【End of development】

[10 heavy armored spearmen successfully developed 10%, and the flowing water grassland grid obtained:

Food: 10/round, gold coins 100/round.

The current total development progress is 80%, and the grassland road has been successfully constructed. 】

[Prairie Chi Road: The wide Chi Road allows all troops to pass unimpeded.

It does not take time for troops to pass through the flowing water grassland grid. 】

Under normal circumstances, each time the troops pass through a square, they need to consume a fixed amount of time and some food.

However, buildings that are beneficial to Smit's side will be built on squares where the development progress exceeds 50%, eliminating the time required to move.

Squares that reach 100% development will automatically supply troops passing by, so that they do not need to consume food.

So development options are very important.

Of course, if the square is included in the city, the square will automatically gain 100% development, but the number of rounds required to build the city is far greater than the number of rounds required for development.

On squares with 100% development, the time required to build a city will also be shortened.

Development was over, and news of the campaign soon followed.

[Battle Report 1: The southern [Wojiao Plain] was successfully captured, with a total loss of 3 soldiers.

[Warhammer Priest] Successfully resurrected 2 people.

A total of 1 [Holy Guard] (Level 4 and Level 5 Miracle) was lost. 】

[Battle Report 2: The northern [Moist Mountain] was successfully captured, with a total loss of 9 soldiers.

[Warhammer Priest] Successfully resurrected 3 people.

A total of 2 [Holy Guards], 1 [Twilight Wanderer], and 3 [Star Han Heavy Crossbowmen] were lost. 】

In the first round, 1 myth and 6 miracles were lost.

Seeing the battle report, Qi Ge felt a little heartbroken.

Such losses could have been avoided if the troops had not been divided.

But now is not the time to feel sorry for the battle losses. While it is just starting, without the harassment of [Ghost Transformation Land], it is the right way to trade the battle losses for development speed.

No matter how strong the initial force is, it is only the initial force.

Even if all the initial troops are retained without loss, it is still unrealistic to rely on 100 soldiers to fight against the terrifying [Ghosted Land].

The sooner you build as many cities as possible, the better your chances of winning later.

In Qige's eyes, battle losses were just a number, but in Smit's eyes, battle losses were people who disappeared alive in front of her eyes.

After the battle, the troops who returned to Smit's side were enveloped in the sadness of losing their comrades.

But fortunately, they won both battles and their morale was not greatly affected.

Time begins to fast forward, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the vegetation grows vigorously, and the flowers gradually bloom.

Spring has passed and summer has arrived.

In this special treasure house of chaos, every turn is a season.

The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter rotate continuously.

Among them, the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn have no negative impact, with the exception of winter. In winter, the grain output of all squares will be halved.

If there is not enough food at the end of the round, the soldiers' morale will begin to decline and they may even starve to death and flee.

There is still plenty of food at the moment, and Smit can't even think about winter.

A new round has arrived.

Qi Ge thought for a moment.

“Under normal circumstances, development orders are the safest, after all, exploration is risky.

But Smit's luck is really unreasonable.

Ten heavy spearmen were responsible for the exploration and pulled out the ten most valuable golden cards.

Grandma, as long as there is a miracle, she will definitely be able to hold it in her hands, right?

Destiny is only my ally, but she is her own mother.

10 Heavy Lancers were developed, but only 10% of the progress was achieved.

10 Heavy Lancers searched and found 70% of the development progress and a lot of good things.

Everyone knows which one to choose. "

At the critical moment when an order is about to be issued.

Smit looked around nervously.

At this moment, a flower appeared at Smit's feet.

In front of Smit, the flower completed the three steps of budding, budding and blooming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, a string of flowers unfolded one after another.

"Red, red, green, blue, purple and blue, red, yellow and blue..."

Seeing these little flowers, Smit did some calculations in his mind and understood the hint of the seven pigeons.

She gave the order without hesitation.

"Expedition Team 1 and Team 2 added 20 spearmen and 10 archers respectively, and were still divided into two groups to attack the east and west respectively.

Leave 10 spearmen and 9 farmers to search [Barbarian Land], and 20 farmers to develop [Floating Plains].

The remaining farmers were all divided into two groups and attacked and explored the [Wogao Plain] and [Moist Mountain] respectively. "

Seeing that Smit understood his hint, Qi Ge felt very proud.

He and Smit had a heart-to-heart connection, and with only some simple color codes and a comparison book, Smit could understand what he meant.

Next, it’s time to compete in terms of development speed.


[Alpine Bird's Nest:

Your soldiers discover a massive bird's nest high in the mountains.

Experienced soldiers will tell you that these nests may once have been inhabited by harpies, but now they have disappeared.

The nests could be dismantled and used as housing for soldiers.

You can choose to dismantle the nest and get +500 wood.

You can also choose to leave the bird's nest, and the development rate of moist mountains will be +15%]

[Alpine Mine:


[Fruit forest at the bottom of the mountain:...]

[Mountain Horse Group:

Your heavily armored spearmen have discovered a herd of athletic horses that are free to run high in the mountains.

A brave heavily armored spearman worked hard and successfully tamed the horse king.

You have obtained the level 4 and level 1 mythical unit [Mountain Heavy Cavalry]*1

You have obtained the level 1 and 1st level unit [Mountain Horse]*180. 】

[Huge farmland:

A farmer discovered a large piece of black soil on the plain. He was so amazed at the fertility of the soil that he almost knelt down and cried bitterly.

Even if there is no need to cultivate, as long as wheat seeds are thrown around, you can harvest twice in a season.

This farmland must be a gift from God.

Soldier morale permanently +1

[Wogao Plain] development +20%, food production +50%]

[Qinglie wells:


[Savage Village:

Number of farmers +100, number of spearmen +20, number of swordsmen +20]

In the second round of exploration, a total of two hundred cards were drawn.

A total of forty gold cards, one hundred and fifty white cards, and only ten gray cards were drawn.

The development degree of the two newly acquired territories is directly 100%.

An extremely important treasure was also found.

[Ancient ruins:

Your soldiers defeated a group of mindless undead deep in the wilderness, losing 10 spearmen and obtaining a strange treasure.

Through your research, this treasure can reveal surrounding dangers.

Obtain level 6 treasure: Chaos Compass]

After possessing the Chaos Compass, Qi Ge's perspective changed.

There are more skulls of different sizes on all the squares adjacent to Smit's territory.

After seven pigeons' research, the size and color of the skull reflected the strength of the Chaos forces stationed on the square.

This also made Qi Ge discover some bad news.

Among the eight squares around the leveling plain, the difficulty of the seven squares is almost the same, but on the square in the northeast corner, there is a huge skull that is red to black.

This shows that there are many true Chaos troop-level [BOSSs] there, as well as a huge number of other Chaos monsters.

This made Qi Ge feel troubled, but also a little lucky.

If you want to build a city as soon as possible, you must quickly build a nine-square grid with the flowing plain as the center.

A super difficult square appeared in the northeast corner, which instantly ruined the Seven Pigeons plan.

At the same time, Qi Ge was very happy that he had obtained the [Chaos Compass].

If there were no prompts from the Chaos Compass, he would still divide his forces and hit the troops, which might lead to the complete annihilation of the troops.

After thinking about it, Qige decided to go around that square.

The number of enemies in that square is at least 10 times that of other squares. Even if all the initial troops are gathered, the fight may result in heavy losses.

It is better to expand to the west and play three more squares.

After four rounds, using the flower communication, Smit perfectly completed the intention of the seven pigeons.

The nine-square grid was formed, the total strength of Smit's troops reached 1450, and the construction of the city began.

Since 7 of the 9 grids in the nine-square grid have been completely developed, it only takes two rounds to build the city when all players participate in the construction of the city.

After two rounds, the city is completed!

Grand fireworks bloomed in the sky, and a tall castle was built on the plain where Smit was!

Smit very naughtily named this newly built city the God's Chosen City, hoping that the real God's Chosen City would bring good luck to this new city.

Perhaps the name really played a role. Just after the construction of God's Chosen City was completed, Qi Ge received a piece of good news that cheered him up.

Among the two undeveloped squares, there is a [Kingfisher Wetland].

On the [Kingfisher Wetland], a natural wonder was discovered!

【Great Tomb of Nazarick

Effect: 30 Corpse Witches are produced every round, and any level 5 troops can be converted into Corpse Witches.

When a corpse witch is born, there is a chance that a corpse witch hero will be born. 】

[The Great Tomb of Nazarick] had just been discovered, and 90 corpse witch guards were provided to the city at once.

In the eighth round of the treasure house, Smit's troops changed from purely human beings to a combined army of humans and undead.

The addition of new races suddenly caused an explosion in Smit's territory.

[The Bone Burial Ground is discovered in the Leveling Plain. The dead life soldiers can turn into skeleton soldiers in the Bone Burial Ground. 】

[Underworld mines are found in humid mountains. Mining the mines can obtain the undead death energy. Note that only undead troops can mine them. 】

[Discover the Institute of Undead Magic. 】

[Discover the undead laboratory. 】

The long list of news stunned Qi Ge and Smit.

After careful study, Qi Ge discovered to great joy that with the addition of the new race, the output that each square can provide has almost doubled!

This discovery suddenly made Qi Ge realize the correct way to play [Ghost Transformation Land].

"Adding the undead race will increase the output, but what about other races? Orcs, elves, Beamon, elements, titans...

[The Great Tomb of Nazarick] is a natural wonder, so it was discovered by me during the construction of the city.

It is very likely that there are some buildings that are not at the level of wonders still in the wild.

In this Chaos Treasure House, the exploration instructions are more useful than I thought. "

Therefore, under the prompts of Seven Pigeons, Smit immediately increased his investment in exploration instructions.

At the same time, vigorous construction of the new city also began.

Buildings were built one after another on the new city, which not only increased the prosperity of the city, but also gave Smit more stable military camps.

As the number of soldiers increases, Smit can enable multi-line operations.

In the tenth round, Smit simultaneously attacked 5 easier-to-attack squares.

But at the same time, the first [Ghost Transformation Land] was born.


Qige looked at the map in shock.

There are more than 2,000 squares in total, but this first [Ghost Transformation Land] was actually born in the northeast corner of the Flooding Plain, only half a square away from Smit's original place.

In the first round when [Ghosted Land] is generated, it begins to send more Chaos Monsters around.

Qi Ge saw with his own eyes that the square that originally had only one small skull instantly turned into three skulls after a round of reinforcements from the [Ghost Transformation Land], making the battle three times more difficult!

Qi Ge could hardly help but curse:

"Cheating! This is cheating!

Just slap the boss in the face? I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't intentional.

Fortunately, I grabbed the development speed at any cost.

If I didn't build the city now, I might not have the chance to build the city at all.

Oops, I can see where the [Ghosted Land] appears, but Smit can't. She must be notified immediately to send troops to clean up the area around the [Ghosted Land]. Skulls must not be allowed to accumulate. "

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