Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 671 The Diary of the God of War

Homemade buildings.

Holding 26 blank design drawings, Qi Ge couldn't help but recall the scenes he saw when he was building miracle buildings and mythical buildings.

The overwhelming magic circle, like the vast starry sky, left a very deep impression on him.

"If you want to be recognized by the Mother Goddess, you must at least create a miraculous building, right?

With my ability, can I control so many magic circles? "

Seeing that Qige seemed a little uneasy, Agaide comforted him:

"Apprentice, don't worry, your talent in design is so outstanding, you will definitely not be stuck like the teacher before.

26 chances are enough for you to try.

Besides, if I were really stuck, wouldn't I still be able to take on a disciple?

If I can have a disciple like you, you can do it too. "

Having said this, Agaide emphasized:

"You should now have a quota for accepting disciples. When you reach level 40 and 45, you will unlock the second and third quota respectively.

The mentorship between us architects is different from other professions. It is a community of interests that is closer than father and son. When you accept a disciple, you must consider it carefully.

Don't take someone who is not smart enough, don't take someone who is not talented enough, don't take someone who looks like they will die young at first glance, be cautious, be cautious.

I was too confident back then and accepted two losers pretending to be geniuses. If I hadn't met you, I might have died of old age. "

"Good teacher."

Qi Ge recovered his thoughts, nodded solemnly, and then said:

"By the way, teacher, my promotion to master should not be made public yet.

Xingfeng's identity is still valuable, and I can make some use of my promotion to master.

Our reform plan for Brakada has reached the mid-term, and may enter the final stage at any time depending on changes in the situation. During this period, I would also like to trouble you, teacher, to keep an eye on Brakada and make sure nothing goes wrong. "

"Yeah, no problem."

Agaide touched his chin and smiled broadly:

“Qi Ge, you are Yasha’s divine choice, you have been in Yasha world for less than a year.

Technically you're not even a year old yet.

Less than 1 year old, he became a master, which is unprecedented.

Even Serena is not as talented as you, you are worthy of being my apprentice, hahahaha. "

Qi Ge followed Agaed and laughed twice and said:

"Teacher, since I am fully prepared, I am going to go to the World Tree to find Tanan.

Teacher, please pay more attention to this side of God's Chosen City and Brakada. "

Speaking of this, Aged suddenly became serious and explained seriously:

"Apprentice, you must be careful when you go to find Tanan.

Tanan's strength is too strong and too dangerous.

Before Tanan became a demigod, his nickname was not the Man of All Changes, but the God of War of Ruins.

He has been fighting all the way on his way to being a demigod, and no fewer than two digits of legends have died at his hands.

In terms of performance, there are few people in the entire Yasha world who can match him. "

"The God of War of Ruins..."

The seven pigeons looked at the sky in trance.

Tanan got the title [God of War of Ruins] not long after the first race of all races fought for hegemony.

That period of history is deeply buried, and it is an undisclosed secret that can only be found in the historical records in the game.

Qi Ge murmured to himself unconsciously:

"It would be great if I could find the records of Tanan's rise, so that I can know more about Tanan."

Agaide heard the murmur of the seven pigeons, clapped his hands and said:

"It just so happened that I was about to tell you this.

Apprentice, do you still remember the two keys to the Wisdom Library that the Great Council rewarded you when you defeated the Demon King Territory?

I inquired and found out that in the Wisdom Library on the east side, there is a collection of diaries written by Tanan when he was young.

If you want to understand Tanan, that diary should be of great help to you. "

Qi Ge:!

Is there such a good thing?

Seven Pigeons followed the key's guidance and came to a snow mountain around the [Snow Top Fortress] northeast of Brakada. To the southwest is the ice and snow plateau, and further north is the Yongshuang Icefield where Yongshuang City is located.

This is a snow mountain with a height of 2,000 meters. It snows all year round and is extremely cold. The mountain road is extremely difficult to walk.

The seven pigeons holding the key successfully passed through an invisible barrier, passed the review of the Titans at the foot of the mountain, and entered the snow-capped mountains.

After flying halfway up the mountain, Qige looked up. The area of ​​the snow-capped mountain began to shrink rapidly from halfway up the mountain, taking on a pyramid shape. At the top of the mountain, there was only a very thin ice cone.

The magnificent [Library of the Wise] is located on the icicle.

The [Wise Man Library], which covers an area of ​​nearly thousands of square meters, stands on tiny icicles. Just looking at it makes people terrified, as if it will fall down at any time.

The appearance of the Library of the Wise is solemn and elegant, with flawless white stone pillars supporting a huge marble dome. Its tall dome is inlaid with gorgeous golden decorations, as if it is a laurel crown symbolizing honor.

[Library of the Wise] is a natural wonder rich in cultural and historical heritage, which is completely different from other natural wonders.

It is the condensation of the history of the Yasha world, the home of countless ethnic civilizations, the palace of knowledge, and the crystallization of wisdom.

The birth of each [Wise Man's Library] corresponds to a splendid civilization in the Yasha world.

Just looking at the [Wise Man Library], Qi Ge felt a sense of respect in his heart.

There is such a huge snow-capped mountain, and there is no one else around except Seven Pigeons.

The Titans responsible for guarding the [Library of the Wise Men] in Brakada did not approach this majestic and majestic building, and only dared to camp at the foot of the mountain.

It was eerily quiet.

The seven pigeons flew near the top of the mountain, put away the aster religiously, and climbed to the top of the mountain with their feet and hands in the wind and snow.

The test of [Wise Man Library] has begun at this moment.

The Zhirakshas who guard the [Wise Man Library] believe that the journey to seek the truth must be full of difficulties and obstacles. In the process of seeking the truth, every bit of laziness will greatly compromise the final truth obtained. .

Therefore, the more the knowledge seeker shows respect for knowledge when entering the [Wise Man Library], the higher the favorability of the [Wise Man Library] administrator towards the knowledge seeker.

The seven pigeons braved the frost and wind and snow to get under the icicles, put on their hooks and spiked shoes, and climbed slowly and steadily along the straight icicles to the bottom of the [Library of the Wise Men].

He faced the ground of [Wise Man Library] and said piously:

"The palace of wisdom. I am the master hero Qi Ge and a devout seeker of knowledge. Please allow me to peek into wisdom and truth."

[System prompt: The administrator heard your call and reviewed you in detail. 】

In Qi Ge's ears, an old voice sounded out of thin air: "It's been a long time since a seeker came. Let me take a good look."

"In terms of wisdom, you only have advanced wisdom skills, and in terms of level, you are only level 30.

You have neither wisdom nor strength. If you want to get in, you can only rely on your reputation.

Show me your reputation..."

"Huh? The favor of four gods, the recommendation of three power masters, and the approval of my mother!"

The old voice suddenly became softer:

"You are actually a noble architect and a great being who has been favored by the gods.

All palaces of wisdom will not shut you out. It's cold under the mountain, so come in and rest quickly. "

[System prompt: The administrator lets you enter the Wise Library. Although you can only stay for a short time, you can learn a lot]

A flash of white light flashed, and the seven pigeons were teleported to the door of the [Wise Man Library].

Qi Ge climbed up the marble steps of the [Library of the Wise], admiring the magnificent sculptures and decorative patterns around the steps.

The first Chaos invasion, the struggle for hegemony among all races, the grand occasion of the Elf Empire... every detail of the sculptures and decorations corresponds to the history of the Yasha world.

For people like Qige who are familiar with the history of Yasha, just walking through these steps will give them a sense of sacredness as they are participating in a [Holy Land Tour].

The door of [Wise Man Library] has been opened, and Qi Ge strode inside.

Inside the library, tall bookshelves are like mountains, extending to the end of the line of sight.

Every book is carefully placed, divided into categories, and neatly arranged. The obsessive-compulsive disorder is ecstatic after reading it.

They are as vast as the ocean and as deep and mysterious as the forest.

In the sea of ​​these books, you will occasionally see some wise Rakshasa sitting quietly on the bench. They are concentrating on reading the books in their hands and recording and organizing the contents of the books.

Their figures looked hazy and mysterious under the light, and time seemed to be slowed down, like a static picture, making Qi Ge feel peaceful and peaceful.

A Zhi Luosha on crutches walked slowly to Qi Ge and said to Qi Ge softly:

"Knowledge seekers, welcome to the [Library of the Wise].

You can find any knowledge you want here, but remember, you can only stay here for half an hour, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it, so please hurry up. "

Although the opponent looks like an old lion with gray fur, he is definitely not weak if he can be the administrator of the [Wise Man Library].

The seven pigeons bowed and saluted:

"Dear Knowledge Manager, I would like to check the information about [Blind Brotherhood], [Red Lady Mary Red], [World Tree] and [Tanan]."

"Hmm." The administrator snorted lightly and said:

"It seems that your goal is very clear, which is good. The ocean of knowledge is vast, and half-heartedness will only lead to loss of direction.

We have a volume of information on Lady Red and some information on Tanan in our library.

I'll let someone take you there. "

"Thank you!"

The administrator called a young female Zhi Luosha. She took Qi Ge to a section called [Biography] and helped Qi Ge find some books.

"This is [Mary Hong's Legend], this is [The Rise of the God of War in Ruin], [Ten Thousand Phases Tower South], [The Legend of War God Tower South] and the most precious [Tanan Diary]."

The little lioness blushed and said to Qige: "This [Tannan Diary] cannot be copied because of the requirements of the God of War. It is the only one in the entire world of Yasha. You must be careful when reading it."

"Thank you."

Time was limited, Qi Ge responded with a smile, pushed the other books aside, picked up [Tanan's Diary] and started reading against the clock.

"Tanan's Diary"

[Prologue: Before I became a demigod hero, I was a barbarian. I led the barbarians who had not yet joined the stronghold forces to break free from the shackles of the wizard rulers and restore my people to their past greatness. However, I also committed many unthinkable things. Forgive mistakes.

This is my story, and my fall from grace. 】

[March 6th in the cactus calendar.

An old man staggered toward me, scaring some of my sheep away, and then he fell into my arms.

Only then did I notice that there was an arrow stuck in the old man's back.

He was weakened by blood loss, but when he grabbed my hand, I couldn't pull it away.

He told me that he was a bard, the last surviving one among them. Their bards had always insisted on recording the true history of the barbarians, but they had been persecuted by [Wizard King Gavin].

Our barbarian bards were classified as criminals by the Brakada Empire a long time ago, because the heroic stories they recorded could often encourage barbarian tribes to rebel.

Before he died, the bard mustered up his strength to tell me his last story - a true story about us barbarians, the truth that the Wizard King had been trying to hide]

[At that time, I realized that we barbarians were not born slaves of the Brakada Empire.

Long ago, one of the ancestors of my tribe, a great warrior named Jag, organized a large nomadic tribe and conquered all the lands between the seas - including part of Brakada. , and even almost defeated the two wizard kings Gavin and Magnus.

When I heard this story, my heart started beating hard.

It was like the excitement I felt when I was a child hiding in the wild, avoiding the prying eyes of prey, and then rushing out to kill the prey.

It also reminded me of a game I often played with my companions, in which I used a stick instead of a sword, playing the role of a barbarian hero, standing up against the evil wizard they played.

But when I grew up, I gave up these games and regarded them as children's fantasies. Countless facts and elders told me that we barbarians are born slaves of wizards, and resisting wizards is betraying tradition and going against nature.

But it happened, it really happened! Right in the history of our savages!

I can't help but think of the current barbarian lords.

I can't imagine that fat, alcoholic guy being able to lead any army, let alone win a war.

I couldn't help but reflect, why did the courage of our people disappear? 】

The first page of Tanan's diary whetted Qi Ge's appetite.

Wizard King, Gavin, Magnus, Barbarian, Tarnan, Slave...

These keywords made Qi Ge couldn't help but get excited.

In the previous life, players who were familiar with the stronghold knew that there were no barbarians in the [organized arms] of the stronghold force.

Many players who are unfamiliar with the stronghold will regard the riders of [Wolf Cavalry] as barbarians, but in fact, the riders of [Wolf Cavalry] are orcs.

The evidence is that using [Gobi Wolf] and [Barbarian] together cannot create a Wolf Cavalry.

The true purebred barbarian units are all [non-staff units] in the stronghold. For example, the nomads are the standard barbarian unit.

However, it is clear that none of the troops belong to the barbarian tribe organized by the stronghold force, but they have the largest number of heroes in the entire stronghold force, including legendary heroes such as Shiva, Goth, Turlock, and Oris.

Even the demigod hero Kenro Haggar, and later the great Korg, were barbarians.

According to the exploration of players in previous lives, barbarians did not belong to the sequence of stronghold forces at the beginning.

In other words, when the Behemoth clan established a stronghold force, the barbarians did not join.

But later, the barbarians perfectly integrated with the stronghold forces, and even became the backbone of the stronghold forces.

Everyone knows what must have happened during this period.

However, the history of this period seems to have been deliberately hidden by someone, and it is difficult to find relevant records.

"Perhaps Tanan has something to do with this history?"

Qi Ge thought for a while and continued to read "Tanan Diary".

[April 12th in the cactus calendar.

I kept telling the history of the hero Jag to the people in the tribe and told them that we barbarians should resist.

But strangely, after hearing the stories I told, the other tribesmen did not get as excited as I did.

Some say I am causing trouble and will one day attract the wrath of Bracada.

There are also people waiting to see if I have the strength to back up my declaration of resistance.

I heard a lot of people were talking about me privately.

They say there is an obstacle before me that I must defeat - Fatty Rabak, lord of all barbarians, appointed Lord of the Barbarians by the Wizard King Gavin.

They all agreed that there was no way I could defeat Rabak because he was a true hero.

We'll see, I won't give up. 】

[Cactus Calendar April 28th

The plan didn't go very smoothly.

Obviously I have tried my best and became the new leader of our tribe, but no one is still willing to follow me to resist Brakada.

Just when I thought no one but myself wanted to restore the glory of the savages, one night my father slipped into my camp with a group of savage herders.

They said they were impressed with my success so far, but like many, they had families to look after and so couldn't raise their swords and fight as they would have liked.

Instead, they gave me a gift, a sum of gold coins that my secret supporters had painstakingly gathered together.

"We've done our best," they said.

This cheered me up again. Although there were not many gold coins, at least it was a good start. 】

【May 7th in Cactus Calendar

Rumors about me defeating the former chief and becoming the new chief spread like wildfire. Taking this opportunity, I found some young people and asked them to go to other tribes to spread the story of Jagger and my determination to rebel.

As my spies return from all corners of my homeland, I know that other tribes remain silent and neutral.

They were neither with me nor against me, except for one person.

That's Rabak.

He declared unequivocally that I was a traitor to the barbarians, that Jagger's story was a rumor, and that he would kill me to silence me.

Rabak was appointed by the Wizard King to serve as the leader of our barbarians. He is the strongest tribal leader and a hero.

But I had never heard of Rabac doing anything for us savages. He was Bracada's dog.

He sat in the warm fortress and played songs every night.

And I remember many nights when my family had to go hungry because I had to use all my food reserves to pay taxes.

Rabak would not stand still while I angered the wizard. I am sure that the two of us will meet soon, and not as friends. I must prepare as soon as possible. 】

【May 8th in Cactus Calendar

One of my captains informed me that a messenger had been sent from Rabak.

What is there to say to this person? Of course he wasn't going to join me. Maybe some empty threats.

"Tell that messenger," I said, "unless he brings news of the unconditional surrender of Rabac, I will meet the so-called Lord of the Barbarians on the battlefield!\

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