Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 675 Seven pigeons use the little purple dragon brilliantly

Qi Ge looked at the Wisdom Stone in his hand. The powerful repulsion of the Wisdom Stone made his palms hurt. He could still clearly feel the heat in his palms.

If it weren't for the fact that physical damage would not take effect in the Wisdom Forest, he felt like he would have been shocked to death by now.

He asked Ziyuan with a confused look on his face:

"Aster, are you making the usage of this Wisdom Stone too simple? Just put the magic and magic runes in it and that's it?"

"Yes, that's how the wisdom stone is used." Ziyuan blinked and said:

"This is the testing ground for our purple dragons to experiment with magic. All the simple and easy-to-use magic in Yasha world today were tested by my sister and us.

This is how we edit magic. "

"Wait a minute." Qi Ge was a little curious: "You also use the wisdom stone?"

"Yes, what you consume with the Wisdom Stone is the power of the Wisdom Stone. These powers will be recycled by the Wisdom Stone, which means it is not consumed."

No wonder...

Qi Ge looked at the wisdom stone in his hand, which weighed more than ten kilograms, and was speechless.

No wonder this thing is so heavy. It turns out it's not for humans at all, but for dragons.

"Then you should know a lot about wisdom stones. Apart from the two you just told me about, do you have any other tips?"

Hearing Qige's question, Ziyuan turned her head a little embarrassed:

"What, brother savior, I am the youngest among all the purple dragons.

So while the other purple dragons were studying magic, I was sleeping. "

Qi Ge:......

"So, what I just taught you is the result of my best efforts."

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge tried hard to hold it in, but still couldn't hold back the disgust in his eyes.

Ziyuan lowered her head guiltily: "That's the truth. I think it's better to tell the truth than to pretend to understand and mislead you by talking nonsense."

Seeing Ziyuan's depressed expression, Qi Ge sighed in his heart, quickly rubbed Ziyuan's head and said comfortingly:

“You have the right idea and you have done a great job.

Besides, I have a huge advantage here.

I'm immune to magic damage, so I'm almost invincible here. "

As Qi Ge was talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong: "Well, wait a minute, where is my immunity to magic damage?"

He checked it and then said in annoyance, "Oh, my magic damage immunity is the combined effect brought by the [Girl's Attachment] five-piece set. All the treasures are disabled and cannot take effect."

Ziyuan complained timidly:

"Brother savior, are you stupid? This is near my sister's Kingdom of God. How can magic immunity be allowed to appear?

All the rules related to magic resistance and magic immunity are negated by my sister's kingdom here.

Only the World Tree and the Wisdom Tree can rely on the protection of the Wisdom Stone to ignore magic damage. "

Qi Ge:......

"Only..." Qi Ge suddenly realized a problem:

"Shion, what about the spell caster? I mean, will the magic I release hurt myself?"

"Yes." Ziyuan blinked:

"So brother savior, you must be careful when editing magic, otherwise you will kill yourself if you are not careful.

If you die, you will be resurrected immediately, but the magic and magic runes saved in your wisdom stone will randomly drop many.

Only the most basic magic arrows and the one brought by your specialty will not drop. "

"What if I die with only the magic arrows and swift runes left?"

Ziyuan said leisurely: "That's really dead.

You will be teleported out of the Wisdom Forest and will not be able to come in for a long time.

Now that the Wisdom Forest is invaded by Chaos, it may lead to other punishments,

So brother savior, the top priority is that we must find other runes or magic so that we can have more chances of resurrection. "

Qi Ge:......

This is not a scam! Fortunately I asked in advance.

No wonder this is a forest of wisdom. When I edit magic, I not only have to consider the power of magic, but also the stability and harmlessness of magic.

If we just pursue power, even if we build a nuclear bomb, it will be meaningless.

What you get on paper is shallow, but you know that you have to do it in detail.

No matter how much discussion there is, it is meaningless. We still need actual experiments to know the effect.

But before the experiment started, Qi Ge had to adjust the wisdom stone first.

After adding agility, the magic arrows are too fast, and the hit rate is difficult to control.

Qi Ge sank his consciousness into the magic stone and carefully observed the swift runes.

"This swift rune is made up of 4 magic rings connected, corresponding to 4 times of acceleration.

I'll try to see if I can remove the magic ring. "

Qi Ge carefully tried to disconnect the magic ring from the middle.

With a snap, the magic ring separated, and one swift was split into two [quick] by Qi Ge.

"It's really okay!"

Qi Ge was surprised.

Qi Ge separated [Quick] again and tried repeatedly, finally getting the runes corresponding to different numbers of magic rings.

"One is acceleration, two are fast, three are extreme speed, and four are swift.

My specialty is extreme speed and infinite movement, which happens to correspond to agility that is stronger than extreme speed. Is this a coincidence? "

Qi Ge experimented, accelerating the magic arrow, shooting two rounds at a time, once every 5 seconds.

Rapidly fires 3 rounds each time, once every 4 seconds.

Shoots 8 rounds at a very high speed, once every 3 seconds.

Swift fires 17 rounds each time, once every 2 seconds.

"17 shots in two seconds is too fast, I can't bear it.

But the 8-shot CD in 3 seconds is a bit slower, and the difference is a huge difference. "

Qi Ge thought for a moment and tried again.

He first placed an extreme speed behind the magic arrow, and then placed a fast one.

"Da da da da da!"

After trying again, Qi Ge was extremely satisfied.

"8 shots in 2 seconds! Perfect! Well, try it the other way around."

The seven pigeons first [speed] and then [accelerate].

All of a sudden, the magic arrow's attack speed changed to 3 shots/1 second, and it kept shooting.

Although the total number of magic arrows per unit time is reduced, it has the ability to continuously attack, and the vacuum time is greatly shortened.

“Interesting, so interesting.

The exact same magic runes have undergone such interesting changes just because of the change in order. "

Qi Ge studied for a long time before coming up with the solution that he was most satisfied with.

Magic Arrow + Rapid + Acceleration + Acceleration, 2 shots in half a second, the total amount is the same as 8 shots in 2 seconds, the recoil is smaller, and the output vacuum time is shortened again.

"Ta da, da da, da da..."

The seven pigeons were having a great time playing with the wisdom stone.

"Wow hahaha! This feels so good. This is simply a laser rifle in dual-shot mode.

It's just a pity that now I only have magic arrows to use. If I can replace the magic arrows with flaming fireballs, then I can upgrade the rifle to a howitzer, but unfortunately, I can't. "

Ziyuan looked at Qige in surprise:

"Brother Savior, it's great that you figured out the secret of using the Wisdom Stone so quickly. Let's go defeat the Chaos Monster and get more magic and magic runes!"

"Let's go, let's see me kill them."

"Hmm, we are now at the edge of the Wisdom Forest. As long as we reach the center, we can see the World Tree."

Seven Pigeons looked around and saw trees everywhere.

He asked doubtfully:

"Shion, where should we go now? How about we fly up and find the way?"

"You can't fly here. Only with flying magic can you fly." Ziyuan puffed her lips and said:

"When I was a child, it was because I could never learn the magic of flying and could only crawl on the ground, so I didn't like playing with my sisters."

Qi Ge had a bad premonition: "What about you now? Will you still do it?"

"I forgot...hehe." Ziyuan stuck out her tongue playfully.

Qi Ge:......

I really want to hit her. If it weren't for my own horse, I would have designated her as the one to punch her today.

Zi Yuan was of no use, and Qi Ge didn't want to try his luck anywhere.

Since this is a forest of wisdom, you have to rely on your own wisdom for everything.

"The Wisdom Slate is the entrance to the Kingdom of Magic. The World Tree Yggdrasil grows on the Wisdom Slate, so the higher the concentration of magic power, the more likely it is that the Wisdom Slate is in the direction."

Qi Ge closed his eyes and used the half-elf's natural magic perception to observe the world.

In an instant, the whole world became colorful.

The colorful magic power forms a constantly surging magic tide, surrounding the seven pigeons layer by layer.

"Found it, right here."

Qi Ge opened his eyes and turned 90 degrees.

There was a big tree in front of him. Going around this big tree was the direction with the strongest magic power.

However, behind this big tree, there is a magic black spot that Qi Ge is very concerned about.

Qi Ge held his breath, jumped up to the treetops with Ziyuan in his arms, and peered down from the lush canopy of the big tree.

Under another wisdom tree, there is a huge shadow wolf.

There is a white wisdom stone inlaid on the top of its head, and it is constantly hitting the wisdom tree with its body.

Suddenly, the wisdom stone above its head lit up, and then the shadow wolf expanded suddenly, tripling its size and becoming much faster.

The frequency of its collision with the Wisdom Tree has obviously increased, and the banging, banging, banging sound is endless.

Ziyuan recognized the magic it used at a glance and whispered to Qi Ge: "Brother Savior, this is an early version of bloodthirsty thaumaturgy. We prefer to call it strengthening magic. The effect is to make the volume larger. At the same time, The speed will become several times faster, and the physical attack will also increase significantly."

Qi Ge was a little surprised: "Physical attack? In the Wisdom Forest, aren't physical attacks unable to cause damage?"

"Yes, so the physical attack improvement effect here is equivalent to having no effect, but just increasing the speed is very useful. By moving faster, you can avoid many magic that cannot be avoided."

"I understand, let's try to kill it first."

Qi Ge took out the wisdom stone and aimed at the shadow wolf. The moment the effect of the shadow wolf strengthening technique ended, Qi Ge took action boldly!

Da da! Da da! Da da!

The [laser gun] improved by Qi Ge fired magic arrows continuously at an ultra-fast frequency, bombarding the newly shrunk shadow wolf one after another.

The shadow wolf's body was shaking from the beating, appearing and disappearing at any time, as if it would disappear at any time. It quickly stepped forward and ran, wailing and rushing behind the wisdom tree in an attempt to avoid the attack.

"You also know how to find cover, which is quite smart. Unfortunately, I'm in a tree."

Qi Ge subtly adjusted the wisdom stone, always keeping the magic arrow's landing point consistent with the shadow wolf, not giving the other party a chance to escape.

When the Shadow Wolf hid behind the Wisdom Tree, Qi Ge grabbed the branches of the Wisdom Tree and, like Tarzan, swung to the crown of another Wisdom Tree. From a high position, he continued to shoot the Shadow Wolf inhumanely one-sidedly. .


Finally, the shadow wolf's life value was emptied. It let out a shrill wail, and its body turned into black smoke and dissipated. And its wisdom stone also fell to the ground with a bang and shattered into pieces.

From the fragments of the wisdom stone, a light blue magic rune rose up and rushed straight towards Qi Dove, sinking into Qi Dove's wisdom stone.

Magic: Strengthen.

"Wow, brother savior is awesome." Ziyuan clapped her hands and praised happily. "Now we have an extra life."

"I'll try strengthening it first."

Qi Ge sinks his mind into the Wisdom Stone and replaces the magic arrow with enhanced magic.

He used Strengthening on himself.

Qi Ge's body suddenly swelled to a height of more than three meters.

He stretched out his hand and touched it, and found with satisfaction that even the little Qige had grown up a lot.

"Grows huge, accelerates, hardens, and increases physical attack.

Hiss, if this magic can be brought out, I can challenge the Titans alone. "

Qi Ge was extremely satisfied: "Good magic! This is definitely good magic!"

Ziyuan touched Qi Ge's hard muscles and said regretfully:

“It just lasts a little bit shorter, lasting 60 seconds and cooling down for 10 minutes.

60 seconds is simply not enough time for the savior brother to perform.

Between me, Sister Feng and Sister Mawei, it will take 24 hours. "

Qi Ge:......

hiss! shut up. What are you talking about? The one-on-one battle I'm talking about is not the one-on-one battle. It's like a toothpick stirring up a big vat. I can't even fill it up with the Titan one.

After the experiment, Qi Ge began to want to die.

"What will be the effect of strengthening and agility?"

He tried it immediately, then waited for the enhanced CD to end and released it to himself.

With a "biu~" sound, Qi Ge completed strengthening in one go.

The enhancement that originally took 0.1 seconds to complete is now completed in 0.01 seconds.

"Well, there doesn't seem to be much difference. It seems that the combination of strengthening magic and agility does not work well."

At this moment, Qi Ge had a sudden idea.

"Hey! Since the enhancement can be effective on me, can it be effective on the magic arrow?"

Just do it, Qi Ge immediately tried it.

He was in the Wisdom Stone, sorting magic.

Start casting: [Simultaneous release: Strengthening + Magic Arrow] + Rapid + Acceleration + Acceleration.

Bang bang!

A huge explosion sounded immediately, and two magical arrows as thick as seven pigeon thighs were shot out.

This magical arrow struck two terrifying holes in the ground!

"Fuck! This recoil."

The Qi Ge people were all frightened. The huge recoil pushed Qi Ge back dozens of meters and hit a rock.

"Brother the savior!" Ziyuan was startled. She and Qi Ge were bound. Qi Ge was blown away, and she was automatically teleported to Qi Ge.

"Ahem, luckily there is no physical way to cause damage here, otherwise I might not have fallen to death directly."

Qi Ge sat up from the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something.

"That's right! I can't fall to death anyway!"

"Brother Savior, do you really want to do this?"

Ziyuan lay timidly on Qi Ge's back and looked at him with a worried look.

"This is the fastest way for me to find the World Tree now. Ziyuan, I'll rely on you later."

Qi Ge took a deep breath, jumped down from the tree, and pointed the wisdom stone at the ground!

Bump! Bump! Bump!

The Wisdom Stone fired one after another, and the huge recoil of the enhanced magic arrow sent the seven pigeons flying high.

He was rising crookedly and swaying left and right in the sky. The scene was extremely thrilling, but he could still fly.


Shion screamed in fright.

After rising to a certain height, Qi Ge controlled the wisdom stone to hit the ground, trying hard not to fall down, and shouted to him:

"Ziyuan, look quickly!"

"I saw it, I saw it! The World Tree is there!"

Ziyuan's shout made Qi Ge suddenly breathe a sigh of relief.

He stopped bombing and fell straight down from the air, making a big crater on the ground with a thud.

"Bah, bah, bah."

The seven pigeons spit out the dirt from their mouths and crawled out of the pit.

Being immune to physical damage and shutting down the sense of pain gave Qi Ge the confidence to act mischievously.

He proved to be very successful.

"Brother the savior!" Ziyuan opened her eyes wide and said to Qi Ge:

"I saw the World Tree, it's in that direction, but I also have bad news."


"We made too much noise just now, and all the chaos monsters around here were attracted to us. Brother savior, let's run for our lives!"

Qige:? ! !

Qi Ge hurriedly rolled around in the mud in the pit. At this moment, a huge ice pick exploded at Qi Ge's original position.

A giant mechanical bear with a wisdom stone on its chest was staring at him not far away from Qi Ge, while making threatening roars one after another.

In a hurry, Qige quickly adjusted the wisdom stone and counterattacked with unstrengthened magic arrows.

However, a dark purple protective shield actually appeared on the giant mechanical bear, blocking all of Qi Ge's magic arrows.

"Ah, it's Ice Thunder + Anti-Magic. Brother Savior, be careful, it has two magics."

"Hmm?! Anti-magic magic? Didn't you just say that magic resistance is ineffective here?"

“But the anti-magic method itself is also magic, and magic is effective in bringing about magic resistance.

In addition to anti-magic magic, there are also protective magics such as magic shield and sublime force shield that are effective. "

In the middle of speaking, Ziyuan suddenly exclaimed: "Ah, there are three more over there!"

"Drink!" Qige put the enhancement on himself, relied on the acceleration brought by the enhancement to duck behind the wisdom tree, and relied on the wisdom tree to block an ice bolt again.

He exposed half of his head and looked in the direction that Ziyuan pointed.

There, a sika deer with tentacles on its head and a steelback were running over at the same time.

Three chaos monsters.

"This is trouble."

Qi Ge shook the wisdom stone in his hand and his eyes became solemn: "It seems that the next step will definitely be a hard battle. Very good, I'm excited."


At this moment, a bright red light lit up the top of the steel-backed beast that saw Qi Ge, and then there was a loud bang, and a huge flame mushroom cloud bloomed in place.

The smoke and dust quickly dissipated. Under the impact of flames that were almost like nuclear bombs, all the mechanical bears, steel-backed beasts and sika deer were completely dead. Only a few magic and magic runes that had not been picked up were left in place.

Qi Ge:......


"Yes!" Qige suddenly realized:

"My magic will hit me, and the chaos monster's magic will also hit me!

Chaos monsters have no intelligence at all. Whatever magic or runes they obtain will be put into the wisdom stone. It is not surprising that the ghost magic will have any effect. "

Ziyuan said excitedly: "Quick, brother savior, go pick up the loot. If no one picks it up, it will disappear in a minute."


Magic: Fireball, Ice Bolt, Acid, Disposable Anti-Magic Shield

Magic runes: trigger, strengthen, bifurcate, stagnate]

Qi Ge studied it and soon understood it.

[Stagnation Rune] can cause magic that will fly out after being released to stagnate for a period of time before flying out.

You can also reverse the [Stagnation Rune] to make the magic stagnate at the destination for a period of time.

Qi Ge estimated that the steel-backed beast used [Enhanced Fireball] + Stasis.

As a result, it ran while releasing magic, and bumped into its own stasis fireball, causing a super explosion, trapping itself and its teammates.

Well, what a wonderful way to die.

With so much magic available at once, Qi Ge immediately started experimenting.

But he was much more careful during this experiment.

Before, I didn't have much on my body anyway, so I would die if I died. I was no longer afraid of wearing shoes when I was barefoot. Now that I am rich, dying once would be a loss.

During the experiment, Qi Ge suddenly became conscious.

"Xiao Ziyuan, if, I mean if if.

I am not dead, but what will happen if you die in the Wisdom Forest? "

Ziyuan replied with emotion: "Brother savior, are you worried about me? Don't be afraid. As long as you are not dead, brother savior, I can resurrect you without any damage. It only takes a few minutes to resurrect."

It may be a little painful, but people will bear it. "

"Ho! It's like this." Qi Ge looked at Zi Yuan and his eyes immediately became serious. He put his hand on Zi Yuan's shoulders seriously and said with a sense of oppression:

"I finally know why Mirola said that with you here, I will have an advantage in the Wisdom Forest.

Little Ziyuan, can you do a little favor for your brother~"

Shion:? ? ?

After repeated experiments, Qi Ge experimented with several combinations based on the materials at hand.

Among them, Qi Ge's favorite is: releasing [enhanced fireball + enhanced ice thunder + one-time anti-magic shield] + rapid + acceleration + acceleration at the same time.

This magic releases a ball of ice and fire wrapped in an anti-magic shield.

The one-time anti-magic shield lasts for 5 seconds and can protect magic from exploding immediately.

After waiting for 5 seconds, the fireball and ice thunderbolt will react quickly, causing a big explosion and scattering a large number of ice flakes, while leaving a large area of ​​high-temperature water vapor in place.

Qi Ge named this magic [Two Heavens of Ice and Fire].

Without the three speed-accelerating magics, [Two Heavens of Ice and Fire] would be blown up together with the seven pigeons due to insufficient flight distance. It is a powerful but very dangerous magic.

As for how Qige knew...

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuakupu, brother savior, you have no heart, you are not a human! Any very safe magic is just a trick to the dragon!"

Book recommendation: Breath of the Dead

Featherman's new book.

Old readers who have watched Invincible Heroes should all know Yu Min Da Da. If you like it, you can check it out.

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