Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 677 Summoning the Fairy Dragon

World Tree was laughing, and Tanan was scratching his head next to him.

He looked at World Tree strangely and asked:

"Why are you asking me such a strange question?

What city can sacrifice one person to generate enough magic power for the entire city?

If there is such a good thing, I will line up the criminals who deserve the death penalty and throw them in. "

"Hahaha~" Yggdrasil laughed twice more and said to Tanan: "This question was asked to me by God Zisha once. Do you know how I answered it?"

"how to answer?"

Yggdrasil laughed and said: "You also realize, how is it possible to sacrifice one person to make the entire city full of magic?

Only God can do this, and he is a true God with powerful divine power.

The city the goddess talked about was the world of Yasha. The person He said was to be sacrificed was Himself.

During the second chaos invasion, God told me that He could sacrifice himself and bring the kingdom of God into the world of Yasha, completely becoming part of the basic rules of the Yasha world.

In this way, the originally unruly magic of Yasha's world will become more docile and tamed.

All arms in the Yasha world will gain the ability to cast spells and be upgraded to spell-casting arms.

But magic is dangerous, even after it is tamed. The more powerful the magic, the more destructive it is.

God wants me to lead the creatures in the Yasha world to understand and master the power of magic after I sacrifice myself, so that magic can bring benefits rather than harm to the Yasha world. "

Tanan fantasized about it and said with emotion:

"If this is really the case, then the entire Yasha world will undergo earth-shaking changes. Magic and magic are no longer precious resources exclusive to a few elites and heroes. All living things can possess magic.

Beasts that fight with only claws become magical beasts that can use magic. All arms can use magical weapons. Children must learn about magic from an early age.

The goddess wants to open a door to the world of Yasha, called the door of magic. "

"Yes, you guessed it right, the goddess wants to sacrifice herself and open the door to magic.

He named his plan the Might and Magic Project. "

World Tree said with nostalgia.

"Then, what was your answer then? Why wasn't the Might and Magic Project implemented?"

Tanan asked.

World Tree recalled:

"I was just a young sapling that had just been born. I couldn't understand the greatness of the goddess's plan, let alone the price she had to pay. I couldn't even understand what she wanted to tell me.

I answered Him that I would destroy the magic circle.

If you agree to sacrifice the interests of the few for the interests of the many.

The one who sacrifices first must be a noble person who is willing to sacrifice.

The selfish people left behind will also compete with each other for the inexhaustible magic power.

Over time, it is likely that selfish vested interests who have enjoyed the benefits and become stronger will bury everything except themselves underground, letting others bear the pain, and enjoying everything themselves.

The god didn't speak for a long time, just smiled and left.

Later, due to the apotheosis of peace and wealth, the second chaos invasion ended prematurely, and there was no need to implement the Might and Magic Gate plan.

Later, when I was guarding the Wisdom Slate, the goddess discovered that even if she did not implement the Might and Magic Project, she could gradually increase the magic concentration in the Yasha world.

Compared with the Might and Magic Project, it is more reliable to gradually increase the concentration of magic power, and the upper limit is also higher. "

World Tree looked at the chaotic area surrounding it and said to Tanan:

"The explanation is more complicated. In short, the Wisdom Forest is necessary for the goddess to slowly control the magic power of the Yasha world.

If I die, I will die. The only thing I worry about now is that if the Wisdom Forest falls, the goddess will restart the Might and Magic Project again.

Because of this, I can't follow you out of here. Without my protection, there will be no way to regain the fallen territory. "

Tanan scratched his head and sighed:

"What should we do? Are we just waiting here? Chaos will not give us time."

World Tree shook his body and said:

"Didn't I say we have reinforcements?"

"Reinforcements, reinforcements, reinforcements. You were talking about reinforcements half a month ago, but you haven't even seen them yet.

Is the reinforcement you called for reliable? "

"Hahaha, I just called two reinforcements, one is you and the other is him.

If you two can't solve the trouble here, it's useless for me to call anyone. "

Tanan asked in confusion: "Are you so confident? Which demigod is he?"

"Oh haha." World Tree laughed heartily: "Compared to you, in terms of strength and age, he is just a young man."

"Young man? How old? What level?"

"I don't know how old I am, but I'm definitely under 30 years old. My level is just a master."

"Huh? 30 years old? Master?" Tanan didn't know why. "You expect children to save you?"

"Hey, don't look down on young people. This young man is still your biggest competitor. I think you will lose with a high probability."

Yggdrasil said cheerfully, with an expression that was not too big a deal to watch the fun.

"My competitors... there are too many. What do you mean?" Tanan was still thinking when a roar suddenly came from the distance.

"Ouch!!" A corpse dragon with corpse liquid dripping from its body flew towards the World Tree from the chaotic area.

"Here we go again." Tanan's eyes darkened, and the wisdom stone in his hand flashed brightly.

"The runes are ever-changing, the undead killer!"

The dark crawler, wrapped in expulsion clouds, is now very unhappy.

It is the leader of this chaotic area, and all chaos monsters obey its orders. But not long ago, it felt that one team after another of its men disappeared.

A large rolling boulder has been killing its men mercilessly, almost killing it into a mere commander.

It crawled like crazy in the chaotic area, but it could never find the guy who killed it.

Just as [Dark Creeper] was preparing for his third inspection, a strange mist slowly fell from the sky.

This mist blends perfectly with the expulsion cloud around [Dark Creeper], without distinguishing each other. [Dark Creeper] felt dizzy. It clearly wanted to move forward, but its right hind leg was moving backward, its left hind leg wanted to jump up, and its two front legs were fighting with each other.

"Very good, the Chaos Cloud experiment was successful."

In the distance, Qige and Zi Yuan happily high-fived each other.

Qi Ge was happy because the magic experiment was successful.

Ziyuan was also happy because she didn't die this time.

Sixteen magic spells and twenty complex magic runes are intertwined with each other, and finally condensed into a simple and beautiful formula: [Confusion + Rainfall + Separation]

[Chaos Cloud] can incapacitate all enemies in a 16-meter area around the explosion.

This magic is a weather effect and is not affected by Banishing Fog.

Continuously releasing [Chaos Cloud] will keep [Dark Creeper] unable to move.

The inability of the [Dark Creeper] to move means that it cannot continuously release magic power to burn and expel the fog.

Without the protection of these two magics, [Dark Creeper]'s body was exposed to the air.

"Da da da da da..."

Qi Ge kept switching between the [Chaos Cloud] magic and [Tracking Magic Arrow] in the Wisdom Stone, using the [Dark Creeper] as a target.

Three minutes later, the [Dark Creeper], which had no resistance at all, collapsed under Qi Ge's magic output, and a lot of magic that made Qi Ge's covet burst out from its body.

As the [Dark Creeper] died, the dark chaotic area began to gradually dissipate.

Qi Ge picked up the magic dropped by [Dark Creeper] and saw a magic that excited him at a glance.

[Driving Skeleton Soldiers: Use a dead troop to create skeleton soldiers. 】

"Damn it! We have soldiers!"

Qi Ge, who got the new toy, immediately started experimenting with it. After some tinkering, he quickly transformed the magic.

[Group driven skeleton cavalry: Use all the surrounding corpses to create skeleton cavalry. 】

A brand-new magic composed of 26 magic spells and 13 magic runes, with [Exerting Skeleton Soldiers] as the core.

Qige immediately asked Ziyuan to experiment with the wisdom stone. Ziyuan closed her eyes and released the magic in aggrieved manner.

There is nothing else in the dissipating chaotic area, and corpses are enough.

After Shion released her magic, more than 300 skeleton cavalry stood up.

These skeleton cavalry completely obey the orders of Qige and Ziyuan and can be commanded freely.

Ziyuan asked strangely: "Brother Savior, there is no way to cause physical damage in the Wisdom Forest. Even if we have these skeleton cavalry, what is the use?"

"Don't worry, just watch first."

Qi Ge excitedly modified the [Reindeer Fishing Law Enforcement Technique]. This time he removed the random movement of the reindeer and changed it to track surrounding targets after being hit.

Immediately afterwards, he asked the skeleton cavalry to pick up the reindeer one by one.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Qi Ge was in high spirits and rushed to the next chaotic area with the skeleton cavalry.

After arriving in the new chaotic area, the Skeleton Cavalry Regiment was broken into pieces under the control of Seven Pigeons and dispersed into the chaotic area.

Qi Ge can share the sight of the Skeleton Cavalry Regiment. Once he discovers the Chaos Monster, he will ask the Skeleton Cavalry to throw the reindeer hard, then turn around and run away.

The reindeer breaks out and can kill a Chaos Monster if it hits one.

The skeleton cavalry who completes the mission will be replenished by a reindeer after returning to Seven Pigeons.

At this moment, Seven Pigeons became the aircraft carrier providing ammunition and fuel, while the Skeleton Cavalry became the bomber parked on the aircraft carrier.

The Skeleton Cavalry Regiment, controlled by Seven Pigeons, conducts a blanket search across the entire area. Compared to random encounters with reindeer running around, the efficiency is so high that they don’t even know where they are.

The Chaos boss in this area also has a magic shield, but it is not as troublesome as the previous [Dark Creeper], it is just a powerful anti-magic spell.

There is a limit to resisting demons, and Seven Pigeons' reindeer army can easily break through this limit.

Under the continuous bombardment of thousands of reindeer, the Chaos boss was killed instantly.

Qi Ge, who got the new magic, once again strengthened his magic. This time he finally got the flying magic he had been dreaming about.

He upgraded the [Driving Skeleton Cavalry] into the [Driving Skeleton Vulture]. With the ability to fly, the Skeleton Vulture is more like a bomber.

The increase in their speed and the huge improvement in their movement methods also doubled the efficiency of Qi Ge in clearing the Chaos Monsters.

Areas of chaos were constantly being conquered by Qi Ge, with extremely high efficiency.

I don’t know if it was because Qi Ge was too ruthless, but several surrounding chaotic areas began to actively send troops to search in the direction of Qi Ge.

This not only did not trouble Qi Ge, but made Qi Ge even more excited.

"I originally had to look around to find where the Chaos Area was, but now I don't need to. Just follow the way they came and push them over one by one!"

There were more and more magic and magic runes in Qi Ge's hands. When approaching the core area, Qi Ge even combined the two powerful magics of [Life Essence] and [Perseverance].

Perseverance allows Seven Pigeons and soldiers to survive for an additional 10 minutes with only a little health left, no matter how much damage they take.

And [Life Essence] allows them to recover 100 health points every minute when they are out of combat.

For a skeleton cavalry with a total health value of only 70 points, 100 points of life can directly fill up the tank.

Most importantly, Shion can be more daring by experimenting with magic!

Even if Qi Ge comes up with some deceptive combinations, Ziyuan will not die, but will only suffer a little pain, which greatly increases the efficiency and success rate of magic experiments.

Everyone except Shion thought this was good news.

With a more efficient experimental mechanism, Qi Ge became more and more able to study magic.

Having tasted the sweetness of driving skeleton vultures, Qi Ge became more and more fond of the summoning magic that could permanently increase the number of troops in the Wisdom Forest.

The outer perimeter of the Wisdom Forest has been completely cleared by Qige, and now only the core area surrounding the world is left.

Breaking through the core area, Qige can see the World Tree.

But before entering the core area, Qige discovered a big treasure.

It was a huge colorful wisdom tree, larger than other wisdom trees.

Its crown is like a rainbow spotlight, shining on the lush green land. Each color represents an element, from the basic earth, fire, water, and wind, to the ice, stone, thunder, and mist composed of basic elements, and even more. For complex elements, corresponding colors can be found.

Its green is the power of life, warm and lasting; its blue is the symbol of water, quiet and deep; its fiery red is the representative of flame, passionate and full of power; its gold is the symbol of metal, noble and mysterious …

Each of its leaves is like a star, shining with its own light, like a colorful galaxy.

This big tree is filled with powerful vitality and magical power. Even in the chaotic area, it is still surrounded by a vibrant grassland, not contaminated by chaos at all.

And its magical power is unparalleled.

Under the canopy of this wisdom tree, Qi Ge can feel the surge of magic. Everything around him seems to be surrounded by magic, mysterious and wonderful.

Ziyuan explained: "Brother Savior, this is the Elemental Enlightenment Tree, a powerful wisdom tree second only to the World Tree.

It allows you to break down the magic you have mastered into its most basic elements and use these elements to combine into new magic. "

Qi Ge immediately tried it. Except for his basic magical arrows that could not be decomposed, any other magic he obtained could be used to decompose it.

Since he was coming, he had to be ruthless. Qi Ge did not hesitate to disintegrate most of his useless idle magic and obtained a large number of elements.

Under the guidance of the elemental enlightenment tree, Qi Ge combined these elements in the direction of summoning magic.

Summon jungle goblins, summon wolves, create illusions, summon satyrs, summon the four elements...

A large amount of summoning magic was combined by Qi Ge, but none of them satisfied Qi Ge.

"Also, there must be something stronger. Let me think about it, is there a unit that can still display terrifying combat effectiveness in the Wisdom Forest even without the Wisdom Stone?

Well, such a unit must have strong spellcasting ability, be able to release powerful magic without relying on wisdom stones, and also have certain magical self-protection capabilities that can block magical attacks. "

Qi Ge was thinking about it, and a soldier type suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Hiss! Why am I seeking the distance instead of the near? Isn't the most powerful magic-casting unit in the world of Yasha right next to me?"

Qige exited the Elemental Enlightenment Tree, grabbed Ziyuan's hand with fiery eyes, and asked excitedly:

"Xiao Shion, what elements are you made of?"


"Gu! Brother savior, you no longer want a sister, do you want another sister?

You actually want to break me into elements, what a cruel heart. "

Qige rubbed Ziyuan's face and said, "Stop playing around. I want to study whether I can come up with a magic to summon the purple dragon."

"Woooo~" Ziyuan's face was rubbed by Qige, and her words were unclear: "But our purple dragon was born before the elements and is composed of pure Yasha energy. How can you, savior brother, use elements to restore the purple dragon? ah."

The seven pigeons stopped.

"Yeah. No, that's not right.

Even if you can't recover, you can still get infinitely close.

Zu Chongzhi's calculation of pi is to gradually get closer by dividing it continuously. "

Qige held Ziyuan in her arms, closed her eyes, and opened her magical vision.

"Brother the savior?" Ziyuan was startled.

"Shh, don't talk, let me take a good look at you." Qi Ge rested his head on top of Ziyuan's head and scanned every inch of Ziyuan's skin and flesh with his magic vision.

The magic gaze was so hot, like a gentle and moist tongue, that it made Shion, who was very sensitive to magic, feel numb all over.

"Seven, seven pigeons~Brother~Brother~"

Ziyuan rested her head on Qi Ge's arms, feeling as if she had a fever and felt as weak as mud.

Qi Ge watched carefully for a long time, and suddenly a light came into his mind.

He hugged Ziyuan and said to her: "Let's enter the Elemental Enlightenment Tree together."


The consciousnesses of Qi Ge and Ziyuan entered the elemental enlightenment tree at the same time. Under Qi Ge's command, Ziyuan returned to her naked dragon shape and stood shyly in front of Qi Ge.

Qi Ge turned on his magic vision and surrounded Ziyuan up and down, looking at every corner of her body, especially carefully observing the looming magic circuits on Ziyuan's body.

Qi Ge drew a suitable magic circle using elements bit by bit, referring to Zi Yuan, as if making a sketch.

At this moment, Qi Ge was selfless. He seemed to ignore everything around him and only saw Ziyuan.

Those fiery eyes made Zi Yuan cry.

More than two hours later, Qi Ge finally completed his masterpiece!

With the earth element as the basis and the assistance of other element classifications, you can summon the powerful magic of beautiful and magical dragon-shaped creatures!

"Great! This magic is a joint creation of the two of us, and it is equal to our child!

Ziyuan, let’s go out and try it right away. "


Ziyuan was also very happy and immediately followed Qige out of the Elemental Enlightenment Tree.

Qi Ge, who was very confident in this magic, personally held the Wisdom Stone and took a deep breath: "The echo from the ancient times, please play in front of me and reveal the power and mystery of magic to the world!

I am the embodiment of magic!

Summon, Purple Dragon! "

The wisdom stone in Qi Ge's hand flashed, and a large number of magical elements reverberated in the air.

"Wow!!" Ziyuan looked at the powerful magic surging in front of her. She had a wonderful premonition that Qi Ge had really succeeded, which made her very excited.

Finally, after five minutes of waiting, the elements collided and gathered in the air, and a gorgeous and graceful dragon soared above the Seven Pigeons!

Qi Ge:......


Ziyuan pointed to the giant dragon in the sky that was all khaki in color and looked like a duck, and asked Qige:

"Is this a purple dragon?!"

Qi Ge:......

"Well, probably, maybe, maybe?"

"Is this considered a purple dragon?"

"How can this not be counted?"

"Brother Qi Ge, you spent a long time drawing on me, and then you drew this?!

Are you sure this is our child? "

Ziyuan felt extremely wronged:

"No, I don't admit it. This is definitely not our child.

Woohoo, brother savior, you must have cheated on me with some wild female earth dragon.

Are you thinking about that female earth dragon when you are looking at me?

What kind of advanced gameplay is this? I can not accept. "

"Haha." Qi Ge laughed awkwardly.

“Although there is a slight difference in appearance, there is definitely no problem in principle.

Let's experiment, experiment. "

After watching Qi Ge's demonstration, Ziyuan had to admit that although its appearance was quite outrageous, the [Purple Dragon] summoned by Qi Ge really possessed many of the purple dragon's special abilities.

It can release chaos, fire rings, fireballs and lightning, ice thunderbolts, ground thorns, and more than a dozen magics without relying on the wisdom stone. It has the ability to fly, and also has a constant magic shield that can absorb the magic damage it receives. and reflect negative magic to the other party, leaving yourself unaffected.

Needless to say, in the wisdom forest where physical attacks have no effect, this is definitely a powerful unit that is almost invincible.

But Ziyuan stared at the opponent's khaki skin and ugly appearance, and she really couldn't accept that Qi Ge called this magic [Summon Purple Dragon].

After a heated discussion between the two, they finally reached a consensus and decided to call this magic [Summon Fairy Dragon].

Qi Ge has made some minor modifications to the [Summon Fairy Dragon] magic, allowing this magic to summon 5 dragons at a time, and the casting time has been reduced to 2 minutes.

Two hours later, a total of 300 [Earth Fairy Dragons] flew over Qi Ge.

Qige, carrying little Ziyuan with an unacceptable look on her back, excitedly rode on the back of the [Earth Fairy Dragon] and pointed at the core area of ​​chaos.

"Let's go! It's time to teach Chaos a lesson!

I want this damn Chaos to know who has the final say in this Wisdom Forest! "

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