Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 685 Goblin Food Plan

Falling Moon Territory, the waters near Rhode Island.

A dilapidated garbage ship sailed on the sea.

Because it is close to the garbage island, the sea here is covered with oil flowers of various colors.

Black oil, corpse water, juice left by rotten food, sewage from various factories, alchemical waste discharged from the mage tower, fire, water, wind, ice, thunder and dark light in the periodic table of elements, all circulate endlessly in the sea, making The sea was filled with an unbearable sour smell.

However, Wally, the captain of the garbage ship, did not wear a mask. Instead, he stood on the bow of the ship, facing the sea breeze, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

“This smell is the smell of glory and wealth, and the smell of a glorious future.

Shishasha, it smells so good, it smells so good! "

Wally's eyes were red, his big yellow teeth exposed, and he opened his mouth to breathe sharply.

When Qige came to the garbage island for the first time, he told Wally, the only boatman on the garbage island, that as long as he could adapt to the smell of the garbage island and smell the fragrance from the smell, he would accept Wally as his subordinate.

This kind of demanding request would have been impossible to fulfill, but Wally was already at the end of his rope, and no matter how difficult the request was, he would have no choice but to bear it.

It turns out that the potential of living things is unlimited.

Wally actually got used to the smell of the garbage island after being unconscious for dozens of times.

After Qige learned the news, she was a little dumbfounded.

He secretly expressed admiration that this Wally is a ruthless character.

When things got to this point, Qi Ge took over Wally, but he did not let Wally come into contact with his core circle. He just asked Wolfs to send a few men to interact with Wally.

As a result, Wally's dilapidated garbage boat was replaced by a luxurious giant cruise ship, and his identity changed from a boatman to the [Minister of Health of Falling Moon Territory].

This position comes with a mage tower, and the salary is three times the average salary of Falling Moon. The income is guaranteed during droughts and floods. It also has some rights to recruit and allocate cleaning staff.

This step to the sky made Wally very happy.

He specially found someone to custom-make a statue of Xingfeng as an offering, and he would kneel down and worship it every morning and before going to bed to express his loyalty.

Seven Pigeons also made many arrangements around Rhode Island through Wally.

"Suck it!"

Wally sniffed and smelled his familiar fishy smell from the sea breeze. He immediately looked at the sea and blew the conch in his hand.


The melodious sound of conch rang out, and soon, a large row of black bubbles appeared on the sea surface.


The blisters burst, and a group of fishmen with green skin emerged from the sea riding black slimes.

"Wow!" The leader of the red-skinned murloc raised his harpoon at Wally, speaking in a non-standard Asahi common language.

"Where is the thing?"

Wally clapped his hands excitedly and shouted:

"Old fisherman, what you want will be delivered to you immediately."

Wally whistled, and the goblins on the garbage boat dropped a large row of well-packaged packages one after another.

At the red-skinned fishman's order, the fishmen and slimes surrounded the garbage boat and dragged all the materials tightly wrapped in waterproof cloth into the water.

"Jiligua~very good!"

The red-skinned fishman nodded, threw the harpoon in his hand, and accurately inserted it into the deck at Wally's feet.

"Here are the eggs for next month."

Wally took off the list from the harpoon, read it carefully, and shouted:

"No problem, I'll deliver it as soon as possible."


The fishman brought the slime back to the bottom of the sea. Wally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had once again perfectly completed the task assigned to him by Lord Starwind.

He took a deep breath of the stench from the sea and shouted intoxicatedly:


"So, this Wally actually did a pretty good job?"

Not far away, Qi Ge stood on the sea, looking at Rhodes beside him with a complicated expression.

Rhodes scratched his dirty hat and said with emotion:

"Yes, I never thought he would have such a terrifying work ethic.

The supplies we applied for were always delivered within a week, and the quality and quantity were guaranteed, and there were never any problems.

In the Falling Moon Territory, the goblin you sent to monitor him also said that he has never revealed any information about you on any occasion.

In order to prevent himself from spilling the beans when he was drunk, he even quit drinking after having been an alcoholic for more than ten years. His self-discipline is shocking. "

Wolfs, wearing a protective mask, added:

"Lord, I have investigated Wally's background. He once served as the general of a mage unit, at the level of squadron leader. He was in charge of three teams of ten people. He can be considered a person with power.

He and his two brothers were stationed at the border customs near Crulod, and accumulated a small fortune by smuggling and selling maned dogs, gnolls, and orcs from the sea.

But his eldest brother and second brother died due to failure in the power struggle with others, and he was demoted to the Falling Moon Territory as the city guard captain.

While he was serving as captain, he also invested in opening a trading house, hoping to accumulate wealth to avenge his two brothers.

But later, his son participated in a gambling game and committed suicide because he owed 260,000 gold coins and was unable to pay back. His wife couldn't think of it and jumped into the sea too.

The death of his family was a huge blow to him, and he never recovered, and therefore lost his job as city guard captain.

His business guild had no one to take care of it, and he had to pay off his son's gambling debts, so it went bankrupt.

After a series of blows, he finally became the only garbage boatman in Rhode Island.

With his level, it is not impossible to find out how high your status is in Brakada, Lord.

He should know very well that to you, his enemies who were once out of reach are just little ants that can be dealt with easily.

People who have lost everything will naturally cherish it if they find the opportunity to gain everything again.

My lord, although Wally is just a small character with no immediate needs, I think he is cruel enough to others and himself, and he also knows how to seize opportunities and distinguish between priorities, so he is quite useful. "

Qige nodded and said:

"Since you think it can be used, then go ahead and use it. He will leave it to you from now on."

"Yes, sir." Wolfs nodded happily.

As Qi Ge walked towards the depths of the garbage island, he asked Koroko and Rhodes who were following him:

"Hey, now that we are here, you two should stop showing off.

Tell me, what did you find? He was mysterious along the way and refused to say anything. "

"Hehe!" "Haha!" Ke Ruoke and Rhodes looked at each other and smiled.

Ke Ruoke shook his robe and said excitedly: "Lord Qi Ge, we discovered the reason why goblins are not good at growing crops!"


Rhodes coughed and said loudly:

"Lord, Koroko and I have been struggling with the problem of how to make the goblins self-sufficient in food.

We believe that if we want to solve this problem, we must start from the root of the problem.

According to our comparative research, goblins are not good at growing plants because we goblins absorb the characteristics of negative emotions. "

Ke Ruoke added: "Lord, you may not believe it, but plants also have negative emotions!

This negative emotion comes from plants being dissatisfied with their living conditions.

It's so dark inside the seeds, I have to germinate and get out quickly.

Why is the grass growing so tall around me and why am I so short?

Why isn't it raining yet? I want to drink water. When it rains, I will drink it to my heart's content.

Other plants have bloomed, but I haven’t bloomed yet. I want to bloom, and I want my pollen to stick to the pistils of other flowers and stick them all!

It is these negative emotions that make plants grow faster. "

Rhodes continued: "We, the fairies, will absorb this negative emotion, which means we will absorb the power of plant growth and development.

The plants that have absorbed our negative emotions lie flat and don't want to do anything.

Fertile soil? Is the environment suitable? Whatever you want, what does love have to do with you, what does it have to do with me?

That's probably it. "

“Therefore, it is difficult for the seeds planted by our fairies to germinate, and the plants near our fairies grow particularly slowly.

So whatever we goblins sow will die, and the crops will not survive at all. "

"Each plant has a different dependence on negative emotions. Trees and herbal plants are relatively less dependent on negative emotions as a driving force for growth.

However, most of the staple foods in the Yasha world, such as potatoes, barley, and rice, require negative emotions.

So it’s not that we fairies can’t grow anything. In theory, we can still find suitable crops if we search carefully. "

Having said this, Keruoke added seriously:

“However, different levels of dependence do not mean no dependence at all.

Even if we find suitable crops, the yield will still be reduced due to us fairies absorbing negative emotions.

So Rod and I finally came to a conclusion after a long discussion. "

Rhodes and Koroko said at the same time:

“Since we fairies are naturally incompatible with planting, then we won’t plant anymore.

The way to obtain stable food does not necessarily have to rely on plants. The slime balls produced by the slime garbage food processing plant underground on our garbage island are also a stable way to obtain food.

Even if we can’t grow food, we can still cultivate it.

Or, to go one step further, produce food in a more "fairy" way. "

Ke Ruoke and Rhodes said in unison:

“Since slimes can produce food by consuming garbage, plants can absorb the food produced by the Yasha world.

Then why can't we fairies do it?

We fairies can also find ways to synthesize non-food into food to achieve self-sufficiency in food.

Yes, the way out for our fairies in the future is the food synthesis factory! "

"Food synthesis factory?!"

Seven Pigeons were shocked:

"If you have any ideas, please tell me in detail."

Ke Ruoke said excitedly:

"Sir, this is what we think.

Now the food output of the Hades Farm in our God's Choice City is very high, but after all, the Hades Farm depends on the terrain and consumes a lot of resources.

Only Diya has the Underworld, only Erathia has the White Stone, only Avili has the Pegasus Spring, and only Bracada has the Iron Man Factory.

To create a large number of Hades farms, not only the cost is high, but also the cooperation of the four major forces is required, which is not universal.

Likewise, Rhode Island’s approach to producing food from waste is not universal.

Slime balls are good food, but not every faction has so much garbage to feed slimes.

At the same time, the food production efficiency of slime is still too low.

The entire Bracada, and most of the south, could support a Rhode Island.

Therefore, we must find ways to be more efficient. "

Rhodes cleared his throat and said:

“I have long studied the mechanism by which slimes consume garbage to create slime balls.

There are three processing tools in the body of slimes. The first processing tool dissolves the garbage they eat into a mixed liquid, and then separates the parts that can be absorbed and utilized by the slimes from the parts that cannot be absorbed and utilized.

The second processing tool is divided into two parts. One part absorbs the digestible part, and the other part sorts the mixture of the non-absorbable part again and excludes the toxic part.

A third processing tool converts the dissolved parts into slime balls that we eat.

Coincidentally, the slimes under our Rhode Island can absorb the part that we cannot absorb.

And the part they can't absorb can be used as our food.

According to my experiments, the part inside the second processing tool, that is, the liquid form of the solution, is still inedible, and most of it is composed of metallic minerals.

But by chance, in the third part, the solution processed by slime became edible.

Therefore, as long as we understand the working principles of the second and third parts and imitate the corresponding factories, we may be able to restore the slime ball production factory. "

Qige glanced at Rhodes appreciatively and was about to clap when she heard Rhodes continue:

“It’s just a route.

Another route is to imitate food crops.

Wheat and potatoes can convert Yasha energy into resources, why can’t we fairies?

For a long time, no one among the soldiers living in the Yasha world, including us fairies, was aware of a problem.

Why can some things be eaten and some things cannot be eaten?

We always take it for granted that if Mother Goddess Asa gives food marks, we can eat them, and we have never thought about the principle behind this.

Now the Lord Lord and Brother Koroko woke me up.

Since no one understands, let me do it.

I am willing to start a complete research on food, unravel the mystery of food attributes, analyze the underlying principles of food crops through our own power as fairies, and reproduce their transformation process. "

Rhodes said excitedly:

"Lord, I believe that this must be a great research that can change the entire Yasha!"

"Very good!! I believe it too" Qige finally found the opportunity to applaud.

He clapped vigorously and said:

“Use easily available resources to quickly synthesize hard-to-obtain food through factories, so that the survival problem of soldiers disappears.

The upper limit of food production efficiency will determine the upper limit of the number of arms in the entire Yasha world. The increase in the base of Yasha world's arms will naturally give birth to more high-level arms and heroes.

When you succeed, not only the goblin clan, but also the entire living beings in the Yasha world will benefit from this.

Rhodes, I unconditionally approve your and Koroko's research plan, and am willing to provide an unlimited number of gold coins and all resources as support. "

Rhodes said excitedly:

"That's great! Lord, I now need a mage tower that can study plants and slimes.

The alchemy laboratory left by the sages is certainly good, but most of the equipment there is for mechanical research.

I only need dozens of research equipment such as an internal magic mirror, an elemental light wave instrument, a flow witch pot, a high-speed freezing cave, a burst furnace, a rocking recliner, a sliding slide, a high-altitude falling hot air balloon, etc. to start research! "

Qi Ge:......

Wait, wait, there's a problem! There is indeed a problem!

I can still understand the things in the front, but what are the recliners and slides in the back used for?

Rhodes, are you trying to satisfy your unspeakable private desires under the guise of research?

Don’t think I don’t know!

I still know how many beast-eared girls, snake girls, and succubus girls my teacher Agede applied to Brakada in the name of researching military structures.

Qige looked at Rhodes' clear eyes and clicked her tongue in her heart.

Damn it, Rhodes is a goblin. Forget it, just give him whatever he wants.

The research process of goblins is not something that we normal creatures can understand.

When he was on the slide, he came up with a mass-energy formula that was very reasonable.

Qi Ge coughed and said, "No problem, most of the equipment you mentioned are produced by Brakada, I should be able to get them all.

When the time comes, give me a list so I don't miss anything. "

"Long live the lord!"

Rhodes cheered, and Ruoke also cheered.

Qi Ge waved to Wolfs and said:

"Wolfs, come with me. I have something to ask you."

After Qi Ge walked a little further, Ke Ruoke approached Rhodes and asked quietly:

"Hey, hey, hey, can you really do those experiments you want?"

Rhodes spread his hands and said, "I don't know either.

There were some books related to biological research in the trash. I saw a name that I thought was cool, so I asked the lord for one. "

"Huh?!" Keruoke was shocked: "Then you're lying to me, aren't you?"

"This is not a lie.

But brother Ruoke, think about the name. We can get some results from such an awesome thing if we just do it. What if we do it? !

Anyway, the lord is not short of gold coins. "

"That's right." Ke Ruoke touched her chin: "No, I still have to talk to the lord.

The lord is kind to us, and he will satisfy our requests, but we can't hide it from him like this.

Rhodes, let's tell the truth, the lord will not blame us. "

"Ha..." Rhodes tilted his head, thought for a while, and said:

"That's true. Okay, let's go find the lord together in a moment."

"Yeah! That's right! This is my good brother."

Ke Ruoke patted Rhodes on the shoulder and was very satisfied with Rhodes.

Wolfs walked beside Qi Ge, feeling a little uneasy.

He was afraid that Qi Ge would blame himself if he did something bad.

Qige glanced at Wolfs several times and asked uncertainly:

"Wolfs, if I remember correctly, your full name is Wolfs Alama.

Is Alama the name of your ancestor? "

Wolfs didn't know why Qi Ge suddenly mentioned this. He hesitated and chose to tell the truth:

"Yes, Lord Lord, our ancestor's name is Alama."

"What about the race of your ancestors? Mage or elf?"

Wolfs blinked and said: "I really don't know this. Our family tree records that our ancestors were real scum.

Our grandmother's family is a long-established aristocracy in the Falling Moon Territory. Our grandmother is the only daughter and the head of the family, and her ancestors were married into the family.

Later, he deceived our grandmother, took a large sum of money from her, and ran away.

However, he still had a clear conscience and left some powerful sea wizards to our grandmother so that our grandmother would not end up on the street.

But I think the ancestors of Alama were not elves.

My father, my grandfather's lineage, and several of my uncles and great-uncles who have passed away all followed my grandmother, and their arms are all sea wizards. "

"Is this really the same name?"

While Qi Ge was thinking, Wolfs whispered:

"Lord, are you interested in my ancestor? I remember that my uncle who immigrated to the underground city had a diary left by his grandmother at his home. There are many records about his ancestors in it."

Qi Ge:! ! !

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