Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 689 Black Dragon Biology Competition

"Since you know the name Madam Red, you should know that this is not a good memory for us elves."

Alama shook his head and said to Qige:

"I used to be the court painter of the Golden Elf. In terms of my understanding of Mary Red, there are few people in the entire Yasha world who are better than me.

I could tell you about Mary Red, but you should understand that information and knowledge are valuable. "

Qi Ge understood:

"I understand. What do you need? Gold coins? Resources? Just ask."

"What I need isn't that cheap."

Alama touched his chin, smiled and said to Qige:

"If you know me, you should understand that I have participated in several black dragon biological conferences, but they all ended in failure.

This September is another new Black Dragon Biology Conference.

The Black Dragon Biology Conference is held every fifty years. I have been preparing for it for fifty years, and I will never fail again this time.

While I was very confident in the little treasure I had created, I needed some winning cards to be sure. "

"What's the trump card you're talking about?" Qi Ge asked.

"Don't worry, let me introduce the situation clearly to you first, so that you can understand the difficulty of the task."

Alama clapped his hands, and a huge canvas fell behind him to block the window.

On the canvas is a huge and ferocious black dragon soaring in the cave. Under the black dragon, behind countless magicians hiding in the dark, stand strange creatures created by each of them.

Alama said:

“In Negan, only powerful magicians who are proficient in pharmacy, war equipment, magic and plant research can be qualified to participate in the Black Dragon Creature Competition.

The winner of the final Black Dragon Biology Competition will not only receive the Black Dragon Medal, which is as effective as a fifth-level treasure, but will also be eligible to freely meet the Dark Dragon King.

Being able to meet the Dark Dragon King freely not only allows you to get guidance from the Dark Dragon King, but also means a higher social status.

In addition to His Majesty Moriel, the lords who hold the Order of the Black Dragon are the pinnacle of Negan's power.

The Dark Dragon King himself is a monarch who is very interested in biological transformation. It is said that the magic immunity of the Black Dragon clan comes from his transformation.

The Black Dragon Medal represents Negan’s supreme privilege after His Majesty Moriel, and it is a precious treasure that all sorcerers dream of.

Because of this, the fighting in the Black Dragon Biology Competition is extremely fierce every year.

I have participated in the Black Dragon Biology Competition three times.

For the first time, I carefully cultivated [Mushroom Detection Caveman]. These little babies can search for rare mushrooms in dark caves.

These rare mushrooms can bring abundant high-quality food to Negan, which can benefit Nigan as a whole.

But such a powerful logistics unit was defeated by the even more powerful [Perfume Harpy].

[Perfume Harpy] can collect the fragrance of flowers and produce perfume that can restore energy.

These perfumes have been researched and mass-produced by magicians, which can greatly benefit the entire Negan's logistics arm.

Even I have to admit that I am convinced that I lost. This is the terrifying difficulty of the Black Dragon Biology Competition.

The second time, I mixed Porcupine and Medusa and developed [Cactus Medusa].

[Cactus Medusa] can pull out the spikes on her body and use them as crossbow arrows, which perfectly makes up for the shortcomings of the Medusa family's insufficient number of arrows.

It's a pity that the Manticore Queen happened to develop the [Auto-fertilizing Manticore Flying Lion] that year——

Oh, Mother Goddess, how could it be so perfect that my [Cactus Medusa] meets the perfect logistics unit that can increase the food production of the entire Negan.

I finally realized that a creature that could be developed in just fifty years was not enough for me to obtain the Black Dragon Medal.

So, I spent a full hundred years settling down, and took my supreme masterpiece - the flying hydra, the blood-stained monster to participate in the third Black Dragon Creature Competition.

Originally, I was full of confidence and felt that I had to be the winner this time, but in the end, I was still defeated.

Damn it, that Jedit guy just happened to launch the [Stealth Camouflage Minotaur], which is a powerful unit that is born to be a miracle at level 1. It can also rely on stealth to make up for the Minotaur's weak health.

Once the mass production of the [Stealth Camouflage Minotaur] is completed, the fragile spell-casting troops in the tower will tremble in front of the invincible army in the dungeon.

Naturally, I failed again. "

Qi Ge:......

"Is the Black Dragon Creature Contest that sounds so funny actually such a valuable event in a dungeon?!"

There is no requirement for strength to participate in the Black Dragon Biology Competition. It only requires possessing the four medals of Earth, Fire, Water and Wind at the same time.

But the heroes who hold these four medals are basically legends.

At this time, players in previous lives had no idea about this black dragon creature competition, which basically only legendary heroes had the opportunity to participate in.

By the time the players found out about this competition, the competition was already over.

The next one will not be held until fifty years later, and players will hardly receive tasks related to the competition.

Therefore, most players, including Qi Ge, regard the Black Dragon Biology Competition as a funny easter egg planted by the official.

Qi Ge really didn't expect that the Black Dragon Biology Competition would be such a serious and high-end event.

Alama sighed with a melancholy expression:

"After listening to my introduction, you should also understand the cruelty of the Black Dragon Biology Competition.

But with all due respect, you definitely don't understand enough.

There are many requirements in the Black Dragon Creature Contest.

1. Creatures that have participated in the competition are not allowed to compete again.

This means that all my cuties from previous games have been banned.

Even if I disguise and package a bloodstained monster with championship potential, slightly modify it and re-enter the competition, I still can't escape the judges' sharp eyes.

2. The competition is divided into three stages: preliminary, semi-finals and finals.

Only in the final stage, the referee needs to make a comprehensive evaluation of the modified creatures. The other two stages are simple and crude fights between modified creatures in the arena, purely to compare combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is also reasonable.

A magician who couldn't even guarantee the combat power of a transformed creature, something as simple as this, was not qualified to participate in the finals.

Different modified organisms can be used in these three stages.

There are no requirements for the type of modified creatures used in the preliminary round and semi-finals.

If he has the strength and confidence, the magician can choose different modified creatures for each battle without any problem.

But the final was different.

Each magician needs to choose a creature as his final representative at the beginning of the competition.

3. The magician can prepare to transform the high-level form of the creature to show the potential of transforming the creature, but the first-level troops must be used in the preliminary and semi-final battles.

4. The Black Dragon Creature Competition tests the combat effectiveness of modified creatures rather than magicians. Therefore, magicians cannot participate in the preliminary and semi-final battles, nor can they provide bonuses to modified creatures in any way.

There are many things we can do with these rules. "

A flash of light flashed in Alama's eyes, and he said seriously to Qige:

“The most important thing among them is that every magician needs to choose his own finalist representative in advance.

We elves have an old saying: The elves who know the time when fruits ripen will not go hungry.

I need your help to discover the other contestants' final creatures.

There is one of the four medal competitions of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind every year, with a cycle of four years. The frequency is much higher than the Black Dragon Biology Competition.

But it is not easy to collect these four medals.

This year, apart from me, there are only four heroes who are qualified to participate in the competition, and they are all true legends.

They are Ajit, who specializes in [Evil Eye];

Emma, ​​the veteran legend who specializes in [reincarnation],

Daxdo, who specializes in [body protection stone skin],

And [Crystal Daughter] Sephiroth.

Among them, the ones that scare me the most are Emma and Savros.

Unlike Ajit and Daxdo, who have just collected the four-element medals this time, both of them have obtained the four-element medals a long time ago, but have never participated in the Black Dragon Biology Competition. Now they suddenly participate in the competition. , there must be a major breakthrough.

I would be more confident if I could get detailed information on their creatures before the tournament starts. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: The secret agent is reporting]

[Task name: The secret agent reports

Task requirements:

Explore the units of Eget, Emma, ​​Daxdor, and Savros participating in the Black Dragon Creature Competition.

Task reward: Obtain information about Mrs. Hong based on the detailed level of the reported information.

The more detailed information is reported, the more detailed information about Madam Red will be obtained.

When the reported information is detailed enough, an additional portrait [Scarlet Parade] will be obtained. 】

Seeing that the task was triggered, Qige hit his head with a headache.

Faced with the task of Alama, Qi Ge has two choices.

One way is for players to complete tasks and then find Alama to get rewards.

There is also an NPC method - directly reveal his background identity, and then find Moriel to force Alama to hand over the information to him.

Of course, the latter is tantamount to falling out.

The former hurts time, the latter hurts feelings, you can't have both.

After thinking about it, Qi Ge sighed and said:

"Your Majesty Alama, I am willing to help you, but you seem to be a little biased in your intelligence."


Alama was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Qi Ge shook his head and said seriously:

"You made a mistake. Lord Emma is not a legend, but a demigod.

In other words, the task you gave me is to try to explore the privacy of a demigod.

You should be very clear about what this concept is. "

"Demigod..." Alama was obviously surprised: "Although His Majesty Emma has been famous for a long time, I have never heard of him becoming a demigod."

"It's just a secret. I can't provide evidence that he is indeed a demigod. Whether you want to believe it or not depends entirely on your subjective judgment."

Qi Ge said unceremoniously:

"Emma is an ancient hero who has been active in the world of Yasha when the Elf Empire was strong. It's not surprising at all that he became a demigod, isn't it?

A demigod who is good at magic and resourceful. You should know how much risk I have to take to find out information about him. "

Alama hesitated for a moment, but finally had no choice but to respond: "Hey, you are right.

If that's the case, then forget about Emma..."

Qi Ge immediately interrupted: "Your Majesty, you may have misunderstood. What I mean is that you have to pay more and you have to give it in advance.

As your Majesty said, information is valuable.

The value of a demigod's information far exceeds that of Lady Red.

If you want to know what modified creatures Her Majesty Emma will send to compete, you need to pay more and pay me part of the deposit in advance. "

Alama frowned and looked at Qige:

"You mean, even if Emma is a demigod, you dare to get her entry information?

Please don't joke with me. I think neither of us has the time or leisure to joke. "

Qi Ge looked deeply at Alama and smiled at him, saying:

"Since you would choose to give me such a task, you must have a certain understanding of me.

How did you learn about me? I don't mind how much you learn. I just want to tell you that what you can learn must be the tip of my iceberg.

Since I am confident that what I say can help you detect information, I will definitely be able to do it.

I still say the same thing, the choice is yours.

It's up to you to decide whether you believe me or not. "

Alama thought deeply for a while, took a breath, and said:

"I understand. Later I will compile part of Madam Hong's information and write it down on paper and give it to you.

After you get the information and confirm it is correct, then set out to help me get the information.

I use the credibility of the elves as a guarantee. As long as the information you bring back is detailed enough, I will definitely not hide anything.

I will tell you everything I know about the Red Lady. "

"That would be great."

Qi Ge stood up and shook hands with Alama:

“A pleasure to work with.”

[System prompt: You have accepted the mission [The Secret Agent Reports]. 】

Alama breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How long do you need? Is one month enough?"

A month? Are you kidding me? One month is enough for Lu Qier to get pregnant. Did I waste a month on this rubbish task of yours?

Qige smiled politely and replied:

"I'll be back as soon as possible in the afternoon."

Alama:? ? ?

"So, we finally meet again, and you just want this from me?"

With a complicated expression, Moriel placed a gold-gilded scroll in front of Qi Ge.

Qi Ge opened the scroll, and it clearly recorded the names of the final units reported by the five contestants who participated in the Black Dragon Biology Competition.

Ajit: [Pink Tentacle Eyeless Monster]

Emma: [Shadow Dragon]

Daxdor [Self-Petrified Medusa],

Sephiroth [Crystal Caveman].

And most importantly, seven pigeons also found Alama’s name on the list.

[Alama]: [Underground Hydra].

Qi Ge:......

Alama is really at odds with Hydra.

The Bloodstained Monster he developed 50 years ago was also based on Hydra.

"Do you have detailed information?"

Qi Ge held the scroll and asked Moriel who was standing beside him.

Moriel glanced at Qi Ge with a complicated expression and sighed:

“Hey, I owe you a favor after all.

The detailed information can only be dictated by me. I will only say it once. How much you can remember depends on your own ability. "

"[Pink Tentacle Eyeless Monster] is a strange creature studied by Ajit. It is level 3 and has hidden natural qualities.

It has completely lost its eyesight and is immune to the blinding spell just like the caveman.

To compensate for its degraded vision, its tentacles have become thicker and larger, and it can also emit magic waves around to observe the environment.

It has the special skills [Enter Attack], [Infinite Counterattack] and [Charm].

Enemy units attacked by it will be entangled and unable to leave.

Male soldiers near it will have a chance to be controlled by it before each action begins.

Its probability and control time are equivalent to the deceptive magic with primary effects.

Dragon King's evaluation of this unit is that it is an excellent but impractical strategic unit with no value for large-scale mass production.

[Self-Petrified Medusa], Daxdo's wonderful creation.

Level 4 arms, quality hidden.

Its special ability is to petrify itself after every shot and attack, turning itself into a petrified statue.

But this petrification effect will be automatically lifted when it is your turn to act.

This unit is very useful for dealing with mindless Chaos.

Because as long as there are other soldiers, Chaos will think that the soldiers in the petrified state are not lethal to them, and will not attack [Self-Petrified Medusa].

But if you're facing a hero's battle, then this stunt is meaningless.

[Crystal Caveman], Sephiroth's proud work.

Level 1 hidden

[Crystal Caveman] can swallow crystals, crystal ore, and other food in daily life.

But they cannot digest crystals and crystal minerals, and eventually these crystals will accumulate on the surface of their skin, forming pustules one by one.

By popping these pustules, you can get a higher quality level 3 resource [Blood Crystal].

Dragon King said. This kind of unit that can convert first-level resources into third-level resources has unlimited potential and a wide range of applications.

It's just that this process was too cruel, which he couldn't accept. At the same time, it is also easy to cause dissatisfaction among cavemen and shake Negan's stability.

Sephiroth's thoughts and ideas are good. It can be seen that she is very talented in the field of biological research. In time, she will definitely become an excellent biological transformer.

It's just that she is still too anxious now. Strictly speaking, her unit is only a semi-finished product with too many side effects.

It may take a period of time for her to settle down before she is eligible to receive the Black Dragon Medal.

[Underground Hydra] A powerful unit carefully designed by Alama

Level 5 and Level 1 hidden.

Although [Underground Hydra] cannot fly, it perfectly inherits Hydra's counterattack and non-retaliation stunts, and also has a powerful enraging stunt. Whenever friendly units other than [Underground Hydra] die on the battlefield, , will increase the damage of [Underground Hydra].

Dragon King said that Alama’s greatest contribution was to transfer the stunts that originally appeared on level 7 arms to level 5 arms.

The underground hydra's attributes are very balanced in all aspects, and its health and defense have no weaknesses. Except for its slower speed, it can be said to be a perfect transformation.

Although the [Underground Hydra] is only a fifth-level soldier, its strength can fully challenge a sixth-level Manticore in a duel and defeat it.

The most powerful thing is the reproductive ability of [Underground Hydra].

[Underground Hydra] is a level 5 unit, but it can reach the output of level 4 units. It can be produced in large quantities very quickly, and then used as a reinforcement for the tauren.

If it were a black dragon creature competition in other worlds, Alama would probably win the championship.

Unfortunately, he met Emma.

Shadow Dragon

Level 7 1

A powerful creature that cleverly combines the Red Dragon Clan and the Shadow Dragon Clan. It has a void form that can avoid 80% of physical damage, and it still has the red dragon's magic immunity special ability.

As the strongest race in the entire Negan, the red dragons' special skills are already very perfect. If you want to make any changes to them, it will take a lot of effort.

As soon as Emma's Shadow Dragon appeared, there was no suspense in the Black Dragon Creature Competition. "

Qi Ge:......

Why is this happening again? Have you made arrangements?

Every time Alama wants to make some achievements, there will always be a super stumbling block that pops up in front of him out of nowhere, completely destroying his design concepts and design techniques.

“Fortunately, the task I received was to help Alama collect intelligence, not to help him win the Black Dragon Biology Competition.

I just need to bring the information back. As for how to defeat the Shadow Dragon, that is a headache for Alama and has nothing to do with me. "

Qige expressed her gratitude to the Dragon Queen and turned to leave her room, but was grabbed by Moriel.

"Don't leave in a hurry, little strategist."

Moriel's hands passed through Qi Ge's armpits and wrapped around Qi Ge's chest. Two balls of warmth and abundance rested on Qi Ge's back.

"Little strategist, you helped us so much during the last war between Negan and Brakada. I haven't had time to thank you yet."

As she spoke, a pair of red dragon wings spread out from behind her and pressed on Qi Ge's legs.

Qi Ge was shocked and immediately tried to dissuade her:

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, you must never be so close.

You have a noble body, if this scene is seen by others, it will be a serious blow to your reputation. "

Moriel did not answer. Instead, she leaned her head forward, buried her face in Qi Ge's neck, and sniffed hard.


Well, it certainly feels right.

Little strategist, when we met this time, there was something about you that was very attractive to me.

But I know very well that this is definitely not a perfume or a magic effect.

This is the fragrance engraved in your soul by the Mother Goddess, the charm that makes us, the dragon clan, extremely throbbing.

It seems that you must have done something very remarkable for the Mother Goddess to give you such a huge reward. "

As Moriel spoke, she gently bit Qi Ge's earlobe. Her soft and moist lips made Qi Ge's whole body tremble.

Qi Ge felt a chill in his heart, and immediately understood that the title [Dragon Friend] had a strange effect.

The Dragon Queen bit Qi Ge's ear and said vaguely:

“How dare you appear before me with such fragrance.

It was as if I had deliberately covered myself with honey and brought it to my mouth.

Do you think I'm the kind of female dragon who can tolerate her own desires?

Since this is all your own fault, you can't blame me for being eaten by me, right? "


Qi Ge's eyes were completely blocked by the Dragon Queen's wings, and his whole body was wrapped by the huge wings behind Moriel.

"Sorry, Alama, it seems we can only see you tonight."

The desperate Qi Ge sighed and silently endured his fate.

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