Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 694 690 Conspiracy and Betrayal

In the deep crypt, Sandro leaned on crutches and looked up at the ceiling of the crypt.

Above his head, a blue giant egg shaped like a tear was flashing.

Under the dome, a large group of undead auras of death kept hovering, seemingly trying to find a gap to get into the dome, but failed.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh."

Sandro groaned, stretched out his palm, and redirected the undead energy in the air back to himself.

He sat down a little tiredly and said to himself with a headache:

“It still doesn’t work, this [Tian Yuan Sea Snake] egg is more troublesome than I thought.

Tsk tsk, the Tianyuan Sea Snake is level 6 and level 6 as soon as it is hatched. With a little training, it can reach level 7, or even level 8.

It's such a good thing, but I can't eat it. It's really uncomfortable. "

Sandro sighed dejectedly, quickly regained his energy, and began to continue studying the plan for the undead to transform into a sea serpent in the abyss.

"Dong dong dong..."

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door, which made Sandro a little annoyed.

"Didn't you tell me not to disturb me?"

Sandro waved his hand, peering through the atmosphere and looking out the door.

A girl with pale skin wearing a maid uniform was knocking anxiously on the door of his research room.


Sandro's anger disappeared, he put away all the unpleasantness, and put on a cold look.

He waved his hand and opened the door.

"What's up?"


Widnina bit her lip and walked into the room and said worriedly:

"I have just received news that King Finis Verma has issued an order declaring you a traitor to Diya, depriving you of the position of [King's General Counsel] and the title of Grand Duke, and requiring you to return to the capital immediately for trial."

"Huh?!" Sandro was puzzled:

"That idiot Phoenix? How dare he?

Doesn’t he know that it’s all because of me that he’s sitting in that position now?

Widnina, help me contact Strong, Degar, Tamik, and Stephen. I want to activate the king's removal.

Forget it, I'll go there myself. "

Widnina said nervously:

“Teacher, there’s no need to contact you, they don’t dare to help you.

The one who gave the order in Diya was a blood dragon. "

"Blood Dragon!"

Sandro's voice suddenly became heavy.

"It is the Lord's command to depose me... Why is this?

I, Sandro, am loyal to my lord, and I have even made great achievements in recovering the ghost king's cloak and cursed armor. My lord has no reason to target me. "

Sandro noticed that Vidnina's lips trembled twice, as if she wanted to say something, but she hesitated.

He said in a deep voice: "Widnina, do you have any news to tell me?"

Vidnina took a deep breath and said:

"Teacher, I heard that the shadow of Poseidon appeared near the port of the royal capital.

The Lord's blood dragon clone briefly confronted the Poseidon's shadow.

Teacher, did it happen that you snatched the egg? "

"Huh?" Sandro looked at the egg of the Abyssal Sea Serpent, his voice full of doubts:

"It shouldn't be.

It's just a sixth-level and sixth-level soldier. It's barely useful to us demigods, but what does it mean to a true god?

How is this thing worthy of Poseidon personally taking action?

If it is really because of this egg, then it means that there must be secrets in the Tianyuan Sea Snake egg that I don't know about.

Being able to let Poseidon take action himself... is interesting. "

When Widnina heard Sandro's words, she immediately became anxious:

"Teacher, please don't do anything stupid.

You are a demigod, and you have made so many contributions to Diya. As long as you return the egg and talk to the Lord, everything will be fine.

But if you insist on keeping this egg, you will have to face the pursuit of the two major forces of Poseidon and Dia. Even you, the teacher, will be in crisis. "

"Crisis? I, Sandro, am afraid of a crisis?

The first chaos invasion nearly destroyed the world of Yasha.

After the crisis passed, the two ancient gods of destiny and magic were born, and the four monarchs of earth, fire, water and wind hung high in the sky.

During the second invasion of Chaos, wealth and peace ascended to the throne of God and became true gods.

During the third invasion of chaos, Poseidon and the Sun were otherworldly. One controlled the sea, and the other turned into a scorching sun.

The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity. I am afraid that the crisis is not enough. "

Vidnina bit her lip and said worriedly:

"Teacher, after several chaos invasions, the world of Yasha suffered countless casualties, and only a few became gods."

"Then why can't it be me?"

Sandro chuckled and changed the subject.

"Vidnina, I know your Lord's character very well.

He will let the Blood Dragon clan declare that I will be deprived of my position, which means that his backhand has been activated. Otherwise, he will never alert the snake.

If you come to my place to tip me off, it is equivalent to exposing my position.

There must be a dragnet set up outside now, waiting for me to get out. "

Widnina frowned and said guiltily and nervously: "Then didn't I harm the teacher? Teacher."

“It’s not harmful, rather, it helped me a lot.

My underground laboratory is not exactly hidden in Diya. Even if you don't come to report to me, your Lord will find you sooner or later. At that time, I will be in real danger as I know nothing.

I had long expected that I would have a falling out with Diya, and I had prepared a backup plan very early.

Widnina, come with me. "

Sandro knocked on the floor with his crutch, and the Abyssal Sea Serpent egg in the air fell slowly and was held in his hand.

He recited a spell, waved the staff in his hand, and fired a stream of undead breath that hit the wall of the research room.

In an instant, the walls of the research room lit up with a faint green light, and a portal slowly opened on the wall.

"Let's go."

"Yes, teacher...Teacher, what about the equipment and materials in the alchemy room?"

"No, it's too late to clean up. I have more than one alchemy room."


Sandro walked towards the portal without hesitation, and Widnina immediately followed.

A green light flashed, and Sandro and Widnina disappeared into the room at the same time.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Widnina followed Sandro and traveled from one cave to another.

Drops of black water continued to fall from the ceiling, gathering into a small puddle on the floor.

Vidnina felt it, there was no magic element here, and the magic value could not be restored, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Teacher, where is this?"

Sandro was silent for a moment and replied:

“This is Diya’s [Soul-Destroying Dungeon], the most heavily guarded area in Diya.

Here, if you don't have a certain soul strength, you will die in an instant.

However, the guards of the [Soul-Destroying Dungeon] are outside. They only ensure that no prisoners can get out of the dungeon. They have no idea what is happening inside the dungeon.

Naturally, no one would have thought that we would be here.

Therefore, this is the best place to hide secrets in the entire Diya.

We are now on the sixth floor of the [Soul-Destroying Dungeon], where a powerful undead who betrayed the Lord of the Dragon Lich is imprisoned.

When you meet her later, don't talk randomly. "

"is teacher."

Sandro took Widnina through the underground passage without a trace of light and entered a cell.

In the cell, golden roses covered the ground, exuding vitality and golden light, illuminating the entire cell.

"Level 4 magic plant, Golden Sun Rose?

Teacher, why are there so many rare golden sun roses here? Isn’t this death row? "

Vidnina was confused.

"Of course because the owner of this cell likes it."

Sandro bowed respectfully and shouted:

"Lady Mary, I come as promised."

The golden roses suddenly trembled, and a coffin made of flowers rose from the rose bushes.

The lid of the coffin slowly opened, and a pale and delicate palm stretched out from the coffin.

“Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!”

A large number of white bats emerged from the coffin, and then, a beautiful girl in a white dress lay on a blanket made of bats and was lifted into the air by the bats.

Mary Red opened her blood-red eyes. She slowly sat up from the bat blanket, looked at Sandro, and said:

"Shandru, you came a little early. It's not time to hand over the shift yet.

If you come so early, you can easily attract the attention of the guards.

Moreover, you didn't say hello to me in advance. "

Sandro said respectfully: "Mrs. Mary, please forgive me for not saying hello in advance. You know, it is not easy for me to come here. I can only come when I find an opportunity."

"That's true. Since you brought me snacks, I will forgive your rudeness."

Madam Red looked at Widnina with a half-smile, frightening her so much that she took a step back.

Sandro stood in front of Widnina and said:

"Mrs. Mary, Widnina is my student, not the food I brought. Please be patient."

"It's boring. Such a pretty girl, with such a slender and fair throat, it would be a shame not to suck blood."

Madam Red moved her eyes away from Widnina and asked Sandro:

"Tell me, why did you come to me?"

Sandro said softly:

"I'm here to take a look at the transformation progress of the [Original Birth Pool], and see if there's anything I can do to help."

Mary Hong stretched out her fingers, and the golden roses parted, revealing the dark ground.

Blood sprouted from her fingers and she drew a magic circle on the ground.

The magic circle lights up, and the brilliant and holy [Primary Birth Pool] rises from the ground.

At this time, the water in the [Primary Birth Pool] had turned half bright red and half pure white.

Mary Red glanced at Sandro and said:

"As you can see, we're already halfway there.

Soon, the new race you have been waiting for will be born in my hands. "

Sandro looked at the half-transformed original birth pool and said happily:

“Life is unpredictable, full of chaos, filth, and pain.

Death means peace, order and eternal beauty.

The angel who represents death and can use the power of death is really exciting. "

"I prefer blood to death."

Mary Red said:

"He will be a killer who can draw blood from life, strong and fearless, enough to complete our plan."

"Before he is born, we may be able to study some other arms as a snack before the meal."

Sandro said as he took out the egg of the [Abyssal Sea Serpent].

"This is a new toy I got by accident. Are you interested in studying it, Mrs. Mary?"

"The dark blue egg is so huge... Sandro, could this be the egg of some kind of giant dragon?"

Mary Red looked at the [Tian Yuan Sea Snake Egg] curiously.

"It's not that ordinary. You'll know when you feel it."

Sandro handed the [Abyss Sea Serpent Egg] to Mary Hong. Mary Hong observed it for a while and frowned.

"Why does an egg have so much vitality? It's incredible.

I feel that once the little guy inside hatches, he will be a high-level mythical soldier.

Sandru, where did you get it? "

"It doesn't matter, does it?

I guarantee that his power is even greater than that of the angels who are about to be born.

If we could undead it, we would now have a powerful helper. "

"That's true. Let me try it first."

A large amount of blood came out of Mary Hong's hands out of thin air. The blood followed the eggshell of the [Tian Abyss Sea Snake Egg] and completely wrapped the [Tian Abyss Sea Snake Egg].

After a while, Mary Hong frowned deeply.

"It's more powerful and more troublesome than I imagined. I'm actually helpless against an egg that doesn't move."

"That's such a pity. I didn't expect that the power of your blood, madam, wouldn't be able to affect it."

Sandro sighed softly.

"Madam, I want to stay with my apprentice for a while. You don't mind, right?"

"Well, that depends on whether you fulfill your promise to me."

"Of course, I dare not forget it for a moment."

Sandro said as he pulled out a mirror.

"This is it."

Mary Hong was overjoyed.

She waved, and the mirror in Sandro's hand flew into her hand.

In the mirror, Mary Red's reflection was clearly visible.

Suddenly, Mary Red disappeared, leaving only a mirror spinning slowly in the air.

"Teacher, what is this?"

"This is Mary Red's special ability.

Mirror world.

She can enter a mirror and teleport out of any nearby mirror.

As long as there is a mirror, Mary Red can easily break through this damn cell. "

Widnina suddenly understood and had new questions:

"Teacher, if she leaves and never comes back, what will we do?"

"Don't worry, she will definitely come back." Sandro licked his lips:

"She has lived here for so long, and this is her home."


Just as Sandro was speaking, a crisp sound rang out, startling both Sandro and Widnina.

"Could it be that the Tianyuan Sea Snake is about to hatch?"

Sandro quickly looked at the [Tian Yuan Sea Snake Egg], [Tian Yuan Sea Snake Egg] was still spinning smoothly, without any change.

"It's not [Tianyuan Sea Snake Egg], that's..."

"Roar!! Teacher, look, the mirror is cracked."

Sandro:! ! !

Sandro quickly looked at the mirror, just in time to see Mary Red emerging from the mirror, covering her heart.

Mary Red glanced at Sandro weakly and said hurriedly:

"No, the Lord is coming up. We have been discovered."

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