Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 705 The Lost Elves

In the blink of an eye, I almost died...

Qi Ge had a new understanding of the words "staring at her".

He doesn't know what to say now. In short, he regrets very much why he tried to commit suicide.

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief, tried his best to stare at Shi Xin with his eyes wide open, and stepped back little by little, keeping his neck slightly away from Shi Xin's palm.

Shi Xin is currently fixed in the air in a very unscientific posture, remaining still in the air, and is extremely close to Qi Ge.

"Now the question is, if I can't take my eyes off Stone Heart, how am I going to go?

I can back up, and I can back up all the way around the corner, but there are always times when my vision is limited.

If there is no stone heart in the field of vision at this time, wouldn't it be impossible to walk? "

Qige bit her finger and began to think deeply:

"There are two ways, one is more cruel, dig out one of your own eyes and put it on the ground to fix the stone heart.

But there is a problem with this method, and that is whether eyeballs count as [field of vision].

In reality, what people can see is composed of two parts.

The light from the object passes through the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous body in the eye, and forms an inverted image on the retina.

The photoreceptor cells on the retina are stimulated by light and generate impulses, which are then transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve to form vision.

Simply put, the existence of people's vision is the result of joint processing by the eyes and brain.

In the world of Yasha, the journey of vision is more complicated. Lemeng had studied the specific details in his previous life, and Qi Ge couldn't remember them clearly, but in short, they were related to the soul.

To sum up, the eyeball is only a receiver of the visual field, not the entire visual field.

The eyeball alone may not have the power to fix the heart of stone, and it is very likely that the digging will be in vain.

The other method is definitely effective, but it is more cruel than gouging out your eyes. "

Qige took out a breath and stood up from the ground.

He opened his hands, held the stone heart in his arms, and pulled it out of the air!

Contrary to Qi Ge's expectation, although Shi Xing looked like a statue, he was surprisingly light when he held it, as if he were holding a balloon.

"So light? No wonder it can move so fast."

Qi Ge grabbed Shi Xin and placed her directly in front of him.

He kept staring at Shixin, circling it several times, scanning up and down.

I have to say that although she is a female ghost, Shi Xin's figure is really good, with bulging front and back, without a trace of fat, and even her hair is very regular, with just a handful forming a heart shape.

"So what if Shi Xin is a female ghost?

Xiao Longnu's martial arts skills were much higher than Yin Zhiping's. Didn't Yin Zhiping do whatever he wanted when Xiao Longnu was being tapped? "

As for whether desecrating Stone Heart will make Stone Heart angry...

Huh, that's like saying Stone Heart won't kill me if I don't blaspheme. "

Gradually, a strange smile appeared on Qi Ge's face. He held Shi Xin's chin, looked down at Shi Xin, and said:

"Tsk. By the way, you all want me to be the groom, right?

Then it is reasonable for me as a husband to touch my wife, right?

I want to touch it...

Shi Xin, don’t say I won’t give you a chance. I’ll give you three seconds to reject me. If you don’t reject me, I’ll take it as your acquiescence.


Tsk, you didn’t reject me! You dirty bitch, do you really want me to touch you?

Your Honor, you saw that she agreed to let me touch her. "

Qi Ge breathed into his hand and stretched out his sinful hand towards Shi Xin from under the quilt.

Qi Ge moved his hands up and down Shi Xin's body, squeezing here and there, and even tried to grab Shi Xin's arm and squeeze it hard.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make any change in Shi Xin's appearance, not even leaving a fingerprint on his chest.

“So light, but with such high physical strength.

Isn't this the best cover? ! "

Seven pigeons surprise:

"This is not a female ghost, this is a shield!!

As long as I keep holding Stone Heart in front of me, my field of vision will not break away from her. If I encounter any long-range attack, I can still block it with Stone Heart.

But before that..."

Qi Ge took a deep breath and slowly stretched out his hand...

When I just checked Shi Xin, there were two places that Qi Ge never dared to check.

One is Stone Heart's mouth, the other is...

The inside of Stone Heart's slightly open mouth was pink, as was that area.

In the entire stone core, only these two places are not gray-white in color.

It was obviously a stone statue, but Shi Xin's mouth was flesh-like, with layers of wrinkles on top of each other. It looked like a room made of cotton, with two small fangs at the door.

Qi Ge always felt that her slightly open mouth seemed to be inviting him in.

This actually made Qi Ge afraid to try.

But since Shi Xin was to be taken with him now, Qi Ge had to confirm whether these two strange places were dangerous.

He stretched out his fingers and slowly inserted them into Shi Xin's mouth, ready to pull out at any time.

He first poked the inner wall of Shi Xin's mouth, and then immediately pulled it out.

However, Qi Ge fought with his wits and courage, and Shi Xin didn't react at all.

Qi Ge rubbed his fingertips and said softly:

"It feels cold and soft to the touch, and it feels a little slimy, but there is no real mucus. At least my hands are dry..."

The first contact was successful, and Qi Ge became more courageous.

He started trying again and again...

Once, twice, three times. At first, Qi Ge would touch and then take his fingers away, fearing that Shi Xin would suddenly wake up.

But Shi Xin never changed, and Qi Ge's movements became more and more intense.

He stroked the inner wall of Shi Xin's mouth and even tried to pull out Shi Xin's teeth, but unfortunately he could not pull them out.

Finally, the oral exploration is complete.

Qi Ge took a deep breath and extended his middle finger.

He thought for a moment and stretched out his index finger again...

He thought again and stretched out his ring finger again!

Then he nodded with satisfaction, put three fingers together, lay on Shi Xin from behind, and stretched his hand towards Shi Xin's belly.

Qige's fingers skimmed over Shi Xin's hair, found the place, and gently tested the shape...


In just such an instant, Shi Xin disappeared in Qi Ge's arms without any warning. Qi Ge lost all support and fell straight to the ground.

Qige:? ? ?

"What the hell, what's going on? Why is Shi Xin gone? It can't be that Shi Xin is shy because of me, right?"

Qige stood up confused and looked left and right for a while, but couldn't find Shi Xin.

"This... Could it be that Shi Xin, like Mi Zang, will temporarily stop acting when certain conditions are met?

The condition to stop hiding is to meet other female ghosts while looking for me, and the condition to stop Shi Xin is...


Seven Pigeons were shocked:

"Other than me, who is all kinds of but shapeless, but very bold, who can test it out?

If my guess is correct, as I said before, why has no one mentioned Shixin’s stopping conditions?

Either no one among them has discovered it...or, they think that as long as I keep an eye on Stone Heart, I will naturally discover it...

Gee, although I feel very unhappy, I feel that the second conjecture is the truth.

As expected of me, you really understand me. "

Qi Ge put his fingers in front of his nose and smelled it. The familiar fragrance and stench were mixed again.

The smell on Shi Xin's body was obviously very light, but when Qi Ge sniffed his fingers, he could clearly smell the rich fragrance like gardenia.

Of course, there's also the smell of carrion mixed in with the gardenias.

"Huh, although I don't fully understand it, it looks like it's safe for the time being... I have to rush to the kitchen as soon as possible while Stone Heart and Mizang stop moving!"

Qi Ge walked toward the kitchen. He was cautious along the way, looking left and right, and suddenly turning back from time to time, fearing that Shi Xin had just teleported to another location and would suddenly appear in his blind spot.

Passing by the weird sacrificial market, and then walking through the market road to the fountain garden, nothing happened along the way.

This made Qi Ge finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that I scared myself. Shi Xin should really stop acting."

He walked to the kitchen, leaned against the kitchen wall, and carefully pushed open the nanmu door of the kitchen.

From the kitchen, there was a faint green light, which was obviously the light of candles.

"It seems there is no door open to kill..."

Qige poked her head in front of the kitchen door for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, she slipped into the kitchen and closed the door.

There is no stove in the elves' kitchen, only a magic-controlled stove similar to a stove.

The biggest function of this furnace is to suppress the power of fire magic and soften the flames.

They use fire magic to make fires and heat food, so the chefs in various elven empires are very proficient in fire magic.

Qi Ge saw that there was only an empty magic control stove in the center of the kitchen, and there were only green candles on the four walls around the kitchen, a bucket and an ingredient storage cabinet. It looked very simple.

Qi Ge did not check the food storage cabinet or the magic control furnace first, but immediately ran to the bucket.

Although the bucket didn't look like he could hide in it, as long as it was water, it might be a pool that could save his life. Rules are very strange.

The moment Qi Ge's hand touched the bucket, the bucket turned into a toy-sized model with a whoosh and ran into Qi Ge's palm.

【Portable Hideout

Gift of Wealth (White)

Effect: After use, it turns back into a bucket and allows you to hide in it. It is regarded as hiding in a puddle.

You can only hide for a minute at most.

Disappears after use. 】


It’s really a waterhole, and it’s actually portable! "

Qi Ge was shocked.

He was overjoyed:

"This thing is great! Isn't it equivalent to a life?

If you are blocked by a female ghost, you can escape through this. "

Qi Ge checked the magic furnace again. The furnace was made of stone and crystal and was very heavy. Qi Ge couldn't lift it at all.

Now that he has no magic power, there is no way to use fire magic to verify whether the magic furnace can work normally.

Qige clapped her hands and walked towards the food storage cabinet by the wall.

The cabinet has three levels: upper, middle and lower. The upper and lower cabinets are relatively large and have two small drawers in the middle.

"According to my routine of playing horror games, there are often female ghosts hidden in such cabinets."

Qi Ge took a deep breath, hid on the side, held the wings of escape with one hand, and suddenly opened the cabinet above with the other hand!

A crunch!

In an instant, all the contents of the cabinet poured out and piled into a pile on the floor.

There were a lot of fresh limbs in the cabinet...

Eyes, kidneys, liver, heart, and even a head!

These limbs were covered with red blood, which looked extremely strange under the green light.

Qi Ge took a breath of air and forced himself to calm down. He looked at the heads carefully and felt a chill go down his back.

These heads are all his own!

"This...this...this, are these the dead me?

Who cut their bodies into pieces and stuffed them into the cabinet..."

A chill ran down Qi Ge's back, but he endured the discomfort and started rummaging through the corpses.

After looking through it carefully, Qi Ge was very sure that these corpses were those of him in the past, but the number just didn't match up.

He could easily piece these corpses roughly together to form three complete seven pigeons.

"Materials for the sacrifice bazaar were found...

Use bright red hearts to exchange disguised groom clothes.

Use eyes that won't shed tears in exchange for hiding and stopping action for an hour.

Use your slender thighs in exchange for maps.

Use your proud head in exchange for an immortal seal.

Gee, not only can I change it, but I can also change it into three copies, using one to save and one to throw away.

That's weird...

Unless absolutely necessary, I would never exchange anything in that weird market. "

Qi Ge cleaned his body parts aside and carefully opened the two drawers in the middle.

One drawer is empty, and in the other drawer is a peach that is almost rotten and dehydrated...


Qi Ge's eyes lit up and he reached out to touch the peach. The rotten peach suddenly came back to life.

【Peach of Energy (Gold)

gift of wealth

Effect: Restores 5 energy points after use and disappears after use.

A maximum of 2 energy peaches can be used for each resurrection. 】

"A maximum of two can be used for each resurrection! Does that mean that this peach has at least two?

As long as two peaches are needed, 10 points of energy can be restored. With 10 points of energy, you can die once, which is equivalent to dying in vain.

The Goddess of Wealth is awesome. Without this peach, I would have died 10 times.

From today on, I am the most devout believer of the Goddess of Wealth. "

Qi Ge used Tao Zi without hesitation. In an instant, Tao Zi turned into liquid and merged into Qi Ge's body.

At the same time, a line of golden text appeared again on Qige's thigh.

[Energy value: 35/100]

"Huh, this means I have saved half my life."

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief and carefully opened the cabinet underneath.


There was nothing in the cabinet, but there were a lot of bloody small words!

[The water is so cold and painful. 】

[No, no, don’t eat me. 】

[Why do we have to bear all the suffering, and why do you get all the benefits. 】

[Master's love, prince's love, you have so much love, but we have nothing. 】

【Hate hate hate hate hate】

[I can't move, someone come and save me. 】

[Ah, my throat, give me my throat back, you have everything, and all I have left is singing. 】

A large number of bloody words full of pain and wailing made Qi Ge shudder.

These words are like a collection of negative emotions such as hatred, anger, jealousy, sadness, pain, etc., nakedly cursing the world.

"Is this...could it be left behind by those red wedding dresses?"

The seven pigeons were counted, but the number was wrong. There are 27 of these texts in total, and ten female ghosts are not enough.

He tried wiping the bloody words with the quilt, but it didn't come off.

"Huh. Anyway, write down these words first. It may be useful later."

Qi Ge memorized the content of the text and then closed the cabinet door.


He looked at his body parts and shook his head.

No matter what, it was all him, and it was really unacceptable for him to let his body be exposed like this.

"They are all meritorious ministers who have left their last words. Let's give them a water burial."

Qi Ge opened the kitchen door, picked up his body parts, and threw them into the fountain.

The body parts were submerged into the fountain, and the blood quickly spread in the fountain, and then slowly disappeared, and the body parts were lying quietly at the bottom of the fountain.

Qige spent some time throwing all the corpses on the ground into the fountain, and then cleaned up the cabinet above.

When he lifted up the last remaining thigh, he was shocked to find a piece of papyrus filled with blood beneath the body!


Qi Ge was stunned for a moment, then reached out and picked up the papyrus.

The blood on the papyrus faded instantly, turning into a very clear map.

[Blood Wedding Room Map (Gold)

gift of wealth

Effect: See for yourself. 】

Qi Ge looked at the map.

The fountain garden is in the middle, with the bedrooms on top and the kitchen on the left.

To the lower right is the sacrificial bazaar, which leads to the mass graves and baths.

These are the places Qige has been to.

On the left side of the mass grave, there is an evil temple.

On the upper right side, which is the direction Leng Yu left before, there are three building locations:

Bridal boudoir, bridal kitchen, magic training ground.

At the top of the map, behind the bedroom, there is only one building, which takes up almost a quarter of the map.

Its name is: Bloody Wedding Room.

In other areas of the map, except for some trees, the remaining areas are all painted with skulls.

These skulls surround the entire map.

Under the map, there are three notes:

[You cannot go to the place where the skull is, you will die. 】

[Props are divided into random refresh and fixed refresh. There are only four fixed refresh props. Find them as soon as possible. 】

[You cannot enter the bloody wedding room alone, you must be accompanied by a red wedding dress, otherwise you will die. 】

Of these three tips, the first one is purple, and the last two are gold.

"Purple... this is... another death... can you still leave information on the map?

Gee, who is this me, stupid enough to enter the skull area?

Could it be that he was forced by the red wedding dress to have no choice but to try to escape? "

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows.

"The golden reminder... must be the reminder left by the goddess of wealth.

There are only four fixedly refreshed props... I found the others, I worked very hard, and I am the other one.

The map and peaches are refreshed randomly, it all depends on luck.

Tsk, then maybe, as I thought, there will be fewer and fewer peaches. Otherwise, I have been resurrected so many times, and it is not my turn to be unlucky and only find one so far.

A maximum of two peaches can be used for one resurrection... I might have found more than two peaches before, but now, it took me a long time to find one, or maybe even just this one.

Forget it, it's okay, I will definitely end the treasure house this time, with or without Taozi, it doesn't matter.

The bloody wedding room has the same name as the treasure house...accompanied by red wedding clothes...

The requirement for this treasure house is to survive for six hours.

But in my experience, every Chaos Treasure House usually has a normal strategy condition and a perfect strategy condition.

The Chaos Treasure House is a battlefield where Mother Goddess Asa and Chaos fight for something.

Only by completing the perfect strategy can you grab what they are fighting for at once.

The goddess of wealth specifically reminded me that I must be accompanied by a red wedding dress before I can enter the bloody wedding room.

The name of the treasure house is a reminder from the goddess. Does this mean that I need to go to the bloody wedding room for the perfect guide?

What is the fight for in this treasure house?

Those ten red wedding dresses?

No, it's impossible, it's too petty.

What is fought for in the Chaos Treasure House are things that can affect the outcome of Chaos and Yasha.

I don’t have a clue as to the composition of this treasure house, the mass graves, and the structures built by the Elf Empire. "

Qi Ge rubbed his forehead, not thinking clearly.

“There is still too little information, and the speculations made now may not be correct.

In short, try to live as long as possible first. A perfect strategy is something that can only be considered if you have the margin to easily pass the level. "

Qi Ge threw all his remains into the fountain, then returned to the kitchen and checked them one last time.

After making sure that nothing was missed, he left the kitchen and closed the door.


The moment the kitchen door closed, two voices sounded in Qi Ge's ears at the same time!

[Brother, brother, I am Hizang. I've had enough rest and I'm here to see you again! 】

[The distant wind blows the passing clouds, the forest is singing to you...]

The melodious sound of the flute, accompanied by a slight singing voice, made Qige suddenly energetic.

Qige is very familiar with this song.

This is a sad music that has been passed down since the time of the Elf Empire. It is a song often sung by Elf bards to bid farewell to their deceased friends.

Strictly speaking, this song does not have the function of summoning projections as a bard song, but almost all bards know this song.

Because its melody is extremely beautiful and easy to play, it has been widely spread.

The name of this song is [The Lost Elves], and its status among bards can be called an etude for practicing music theory.

"Wait a minute, now is not the time to appreciate it!

Don't let the song finish. If you finish singing, you will die!

This is the singing red wedding dress whose name I haven’t figured out yet. I have to find her as soon as possible and find a way to interrupt her singing. "

[Brother, brother, I’m here to find you in the bride’s boudoir! 】

The bridal boudoir, luckily, is not far away from me.

Qi Ge had just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly, his breathing became stagnant.

The voice of Mizang was obviously different from the song. The voice of Mizang sounded directly in his mind, but the song sounded from a distance. Qi Ge could vaguely judge the general direction.

Qi Ge is extremely confident in his ability to identify locations by listening to sounds.

The direction of the singing was clearly to the right of the fountain garden... where the bride's boudoir, bride's kitchen, and magic training ground were located.

Hide, blocking his way to stop Singing Red Wedding Dress.

Another combo, another dead end...

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