The Temple of Thunder, the lamp representing Trossa, went out.

The Thunder Temple immediately informed Al Zeus of the information.

El Zeus was furious.

Twenty minutes later, the Thunder Titan Legion took an armed airship and opened the expensive legion portal, arriving at the 210 Ground Factory.

This is where Trossa's fire of life left its last signal.

A large group of Thunder Titans rushed into the 210 Ground Factory, only to find that there was only an empty shell left in the 210 Ground Factory.

All machinery, equipment, raw materials, resources, goblin workers, mage overseers, gargoyles, stone men...

Everything disappeared.

The most important thing is that all the information on Trossa, [Goblin Gunner] and [Goblin Gunner] can't be found.

After the Thunder Titan Legion reported the news to the Thunder Temple, the Thunder Temple immediately ordered:

try to find! It's a thousand miles around, and you have to dig three feet into the ground to find it! I want to see the corpse!

After receiving the order, the Thunder Titan Legion immediately began to take action, digging into the ground too fast with the Titan's huge size.

In less than five minutes, a huge pit was dug out of the surface of the 210 Ground Factory.

However, they still found nothing.

They will not know that the underground plane passage that originally existed here has also disappeared with Trossa's disappearance.

The impact of Trossa's death was extremely huge, even greater than the previous defeat of Brakada.

Trossa has always been the leader and absolute core of the Factory Faction. It is precisely because of Trossa that the Factory Faction can become independent from the Logistics Faction.

He is also the founder of Magic Technology. Magic Alchemist, Magic Mechanic, Magic Crystal Cannon Researcher, Magic Crystal Gunner... dozens of hero professions and hundreds of troop advancements are all developed from him. from.

All the researchers of Magic Technology in Brakada can be regarded as his students.

In terms of influence alone, Trossa can even be compared with [Mage Ancestor] [Great Sage] Cedros.

A magic technology has spawned countless industries.

Researchers, manufacturing plants, raw material suppliers related to manufacturing plants, basic parts manufacturers, sales chambers at all levels...

This dense network of people eventually leads to Trosa, who is the root of everything.

Now, the roots are broken.

Trossa's sudden death is unacceptable to everyone involved in magic technology throughout Brakada.

This means that the beautiful past they are familiar with is bound to undergo drastic changes.

There are even many people who do not accept the reality at all, thinking that Trossa is definitely not dead, but just imprisoned.

The nostalgia for the past and the hesitation about the future prompted them to gather together and use various actions to ask the Grand Council to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Rumors, uneasiness, restlessness...all kinds of emotions converged into a powerful voice, impacting the existing order of Brakada.

The storm is coming, but there is good news:

The most valuable asset left by Trossa - the super chamber of commerce [Tlossa Chamber of Commerce], which controls nearly 60% of Bracada's transaction volume, has not fallen.

After many years of operation in Trossa, the Trossa Chamber of Commerce has already become a mature organization.

A mature organization will not be unable to function because of the lack of anyone, even if that person is the top leader of the organization.

On the fifth day after Trossa's fire of life was extinguished, Trossa's second son Troy stood up.

In the name of the Trossa family, he announced Trossa's obituary and showed the [Suicide Note] that Trossa had left long ago for emergencies and the appointment letter from the Thunder Temple.

On that day, Troy took over as the president of the Trossa Chamber of Commerce and stated that he would continue all the chamber of commerce rules left by his father, admit all debts and investments, and there would be no other personnel changes.

In short, what he was like when his father was here will be what he was like after he took office.

This transfer of power without any changes played a very good role in the current chaotic situation, allowing the Trossa Chamber of Commerce to successfully complete the rectification and transition in the chaos.

However, Troy is not Trossa after all.

Trossa is the founder of Magic Technology, an orthodox super genius, and a true legend who relies on his own abilities.

And Troy is just a master.

Firstly, he is not like Qige, who has built a super chaotic treasure house like [Demon King Ridge] and has sufficient achievements. Secondly, he is not an architect. Naturally, he has no way to take over the position of a permanent member of the Trossa Grand Council as a master, let alone Serve as the chief of the industrial faction.

Ironically, another person who could serve as the chief of the industrial faction, named Pickem, is also missing.

For a time, the industrialists were leaderless and everyone was in danger.

When the industrialists were in chaos, Bracada's business system was also in chaos.

Factories that had already closed down in large numbers were sold to the market in larger quantities.

Everyone is selling, and those who have capital to buy factories will not choose to sell. As long as they wait one more day, the price will drop.

At the same time, they are also afraid that if they take over, they will lose all their money.

The market has no confidence, and the powerful are in a wait-and-see mode. More and more factories are being sold off on the market, and prices are getting lower and lower.

A large number of factories were sold and closed down, leading to an overall decline in employment, basic resources, and residents' purchasing power.

Silently, the snowball of Bracada's economic collapse began to accelerate.

These are only the short-term effects of Trossa's death. The long-term effects that will really affect Bracada's future are still brewing.

"How could it be like could it be like this...

Obviously the Chamber of Commerce brings in so much revenue every year, but why, why is there no money? ! "

Troy looked at the financial statements with a look of horror on his face.

During the previous exhibition, Trossa Chamber of Commerce absorbed a large amount of investment from outside for the production of [Magic City Car] and the research of [Mechanical Transformation].

But now, with Trossa's death, all investors in the [Mechanical Transformation] project have lost confidence in the project and have asked to withdraw their funds.

When the Trossa Chamber of Commerce absorbs investment from powerful people, it has always adopted the "funding inferiority system".

In other words, when the Trossa Chamber of Commerce raises funds from the outside world, it will prepare a large amount of inferior funds in advance.

If the project suffers a loss, the [Inferior Funds] will pay first. When the [Inferior Funds] lose money, the investors' money will be returned to them and the project will be terminated.

And if money is made, it will be divided between the Trossa Chamber of Commerce and the investors.

To put it simply, any loss is mine, and any gain is everyone’s.

Thanks to the good reputation of Trossa himself and the Trossa Chamber of Commerce, the system has been working well.

But now, there's a big problem.

Previously, Trossa, who was determined, did not even consider the possibility of failure of the [Mechanical Transformation] project.

He misappropriated massive funds and resources from the Trossa Chamber of Commerce to develop mechanical titans and artificial souls.

But now, these gold coins and resources have disappeared with the disappearance of Trossa.

This resulted in Troy having to withdraw funds from the Trossa Chamber of Commerce's fund pool in order to return the investment to those investors.

But when Troy checked carefully, he discovered that the Trossa Chamber of Commerce's fund pool had already bottomed out.

With the current amount of funds in the capital pool, it is simply not enough to return gold coins and resources to those investors.

In fact, the shortfall in his funds was so large that Troy even suspected that his father Trosa had long planned to betray him.

Even the extinction of his life this time was because he faked his death and escaped after transferring enough funds.

The problem is that if you don’t return the money now, you have to have the guts and enough wealth to invest.

Those who have spare money to invest in mechanical renovation projects are Bracada's top dignitaries. These people were fine when Trosa was around, but now that only Troy is left, how can he hold them back?

Under all kinds of coercion and inducement, Troy could only desperately promise that he would pay back the money as soon as possible.

"The funds Trossa has absorbed this time have exceeded one trillion gold coins. How easy is it to get this money back?

Even the Trossa Chamber of Commerce, which has a large business, cannot bear it.

The sudden withdrawal of trillions of working capital will instantly interrupt the capital flow of the Trossa Chamber of Commerce - it will not be able to pay wages, buy raw materials, and reproduce, and all projects that require funds will collapse instantly.

The entire Trossa Chamber of Commerce will collapse in an instant.

No, it can't be like this. I just took office and something big happened. What would outsiders think of me?

My younger brothers will definitely try their best to force me down. "

Troy paced the room, chewing on his nails.

"Damn, I gotta think of something."

Troy pulled out the detailed bill and looked at it carefully.

At a glance, he spotted the most eye-catching one.

"Master and apprentice Aged Xingfeng invested a total of 9.6 billion gold coins, of which 3 billion was used to build the Magic City Car Factory and 6.6 billion was used to invest in mechanical transformation projects.

The investment from their master and apprentice alone accounted for 1/3 of the total amount.

The remaining 2/3 is jointly funded by 726 families.

The second-placed Dairis and the third-placed Jonesfield only invested 1.6 billion together.

If Xingfeng and Master and Disciple Aged can be comforted, most of the pressure will be relieved in an instant.

If I can get their commitment, I can even boost the confidence of retail investors who have lost confidence and reconsider their investment by suggesting that the largest investor has not withdrawn its capital. "

“If you want to deal with Agede and Starwind, you must do what they want.

The hobbies of the two of them are too obvious.

But at this time, where can I find a beauty that is not human enough to impress them? "

Troy took a deep breath:

“My father said that people who can do great things can always endure things that others cannot.

Little wife, although my husband is very reluctant to do so, for the sake of the overall situation, I can only sacrifice you. "

Thirty minutes later, Troy led a very delicate-looking three-headed hell dog to the magic tower in Algaede.

Qi Ge, who had already anticipated Troy's arrival, opened the door to greet him in person.

When Qi Ge saw Troy's three-headed hell dog, he was obviously stunned for a moment, but he did not ask out loud, but said very sadly:

“President Troy, welcome to your arrival.

Alas, good people are not rewarded. Such a good person, His Majesty Trossa, was unfortunately killed.

I don’t know which guy, who had killed a thousand people and had no conscience, murdered the old president.

If I knew, I would kill him with a thousand knives.

President, your condolences. "

"Your Highness Xingfeng..."

Troy said movedly:

"If my father were still alive, he would be very touched when he heard you say that.

Don't worry, I have moved on from my father's death.

The dead are irreparable, but life must go on, and no matter how sad we are, we have to move on. "

"That's good, that's good."

Qi Ge patted Troy's arm to express comfort.

He changed the subject and asked doubtfully:

"President Troy, why are you here this time?

Why, bring a cute little pet with you? "

Troy took a deep look at Qi Ge and showed a look like he knew what he was talking about:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, to be honest, I came here to ask for something.

If possible, I would like to speak privately with you and your teacher.

As for this little pet, it is a gift I brought to your teacher.

Do you think His Majesty Aqed will like it? "

"Ah?!" Everyone in Qige was dumbfounded: "Gift? This...isn't necessary.

Our Magic Tower is highly secure and does not require guard dogs. "

Troy was anxious:

"Oh, this is not a guard dog. Look carefully, it is a female!"

Female hellhound? That fighting ability is much worse than that of a male Cerberus.

"I don't want the female one...the female one is not as useful as the male one."

"Hey~ I want a male!"

Trojan Pupil Earthquake:

"His Majesty Agaide's preferences are already so unique? Is this because I didn't think carefully!"

Troy stroked the Cerberus' back, very gently:

"Good baby, go back to the car and wait for me."


The hellhound responded, turned around and walked towards the car. For some reason it kept swaying its butt from side to side as it walked, with its tail raised high.

Troy laughed and said awkwardly:

"You see what happened. Next time, next time I will bring the right one."

"Oh oh oh."

Qi Ge invited Troy in for some unknown reasons, took him to Agaide's room, and took him to meet Agaade.

As soon as the greetings were finished, Troy sat down and began to talk hurriedly.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, Your Majesty Agede, this is what happened.

I don’t know which damn guy it was. He murdered my father and at the same time wiped out all the wealth and resources my father had reserved for research.

Not only your investment, but also the profits of our Trossa Chamber of Commerce for many years are all gone.

Of course, we will definitely return your investment, but we just want to ask for your grace.

Now our Trossa Chamber of Commerce is in a period of turmoil and we really can’t afford that much money.

This is the current financial situation of our Trossa Guild. You two can take a look to prove that what I said is true. "

"So that's why you came to me."

Agaide took the report and scanned two items casually.

He was not angry, he just put on his glasses silently and asked calmly:

"Troy, as Trossa's son, you should know what 6.6 billion is, right?

A mage's monthly salary of fifty gold coins is enough to support a family of three.

It’s only six hundred gold coins a year.

Assuming that a mage can work for 100 years, it would take 66,000 mage to spend their whole life without eating or drinking to save 6.6 billion.

I was also very sad that Trosa was killed, but it was not my problem, and it was not me who killed him.

I invested most of my net worth in him because of my trust in him and your Trossa Chamber of Commerce.

Once these gold coin resources are in your hands, they will be completely managed by you. If the gold coin resources are lost, you should also be responsible for it.

You didn't fulfill your responsibilities, but you asked me not to pursue any claims from you?

There is no reason for this.

What, do you think that your Trossa Chamber of Commerce can take hold of me, Algede? "

"Don't dare! Never dare."

When Troy heard this, his heart suddenly went cold.

He stood up quickly and said in a trembling voice:

"Your Majesty Agaide, I absolutely did not mean this. Please listen to my explanation."


Agede leaned back on the chair with a cold face, closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said:

"Xingfeng, I'm a little tired.

I'll leave this matter to you.

Once it's taken care of, report back to me. "

"is teacher."

Qi Ge quickly stood up and helped Agede up.

The two of them ignored Troy and walked straight to the door.

In front of the door, Agaide patted Qi Ge's hand and said:

"Apprentice, although our architect lineage is small, we still have some ability.

Don't be afraid just because the Trossa Chamber of Commerce has a large number of people.

We will not take advantage of them, but what should be ours should not be left out at all.

Even when we come before the Lord, the truth of this matter is on our side and our backs are straightened! "

"is teacher."

Qi Ge lowered his eyebrows and looked attentively, as if he was listening to his teachings.

Agaide nodded with satisfaction, glanced coldly at Troy, who was stunned, and left straight away.

Qi Ge watched in situ, and he breathed a sigh of relief until Agaide's figure completely disappeared from the aisle.

He closed the door, walked to Troy and sat down with a grimace:

"Hey. President, you saw it too.

Although the teacher is usually very kind to me, he is very strict when teaching me.

He would let me make the decision on small things, but he always had the final say on big things.

To be honest, the 6.6 billion was almost all contributed by the teacher, but the teacher brought my name and wanted to leave some dividends for me as pocket money.

I have seen your difficulties, but you have also seen the teacher's attitude.

I believe that you don't really want to go against the teacher, but you really have difficulties.

It’s no use, the teacher is not happy.

According to me, you'd better go back and think about other ways to raise funds. "

How could Troy just give up? If he gave up here, it would be equivalent to giving up his position as president.

Besides, Agede left Xingfeng behind, which meant that we could talk.

The biggest advantage of this negotiation method is that there is a lot of room for maneuver. There is a layer of seven pigeons between Aguede and him. If we can't reach an agreement, we can adjust again, and the negotiation will not collapse directly.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, I am a little older than you, so I call myself eldest brother.

Brother, please help me intercede with His Majesty Aqed.

I'm not saying I won't pay it back, I just need some time. "


Qi Ge sighed hypocritically and asked:

“In that case, can you accept switching from investment to loan?

Since it takes time, we will treat the 6.6 billion as a loan to your Trossa Chamber of Commerce, and the annual interest will be calculated at 5%, which is 33 million.

This year's interest will be settled immediately, so I can give an explanation to the teacher.

After five years, the principal will be paid off in one lump sum.

In five years, you should be able to recover. "

Although 30 million is a lot, compared with the one-time payment of 6.6 billion, it is still quite good, at least within the tolerance of the Trossa Chamber of Commerce.

But the bad thing is, the timing is wrong.

To pay interest, it must be reflected in the financial statements. When this is reflected, everyone knows that Algaed Investment has converted into debt.

Then others will follow suit.

If it was really a loan, Troy would be able to accept it, but the problem is, the funds are gone!

The economy was already in a slump, and its income had been declining. Suddenly, it was saddled with over 10 billion in debt out of thin air. The Trosa Chamber of Commerce was no different than waiting for death.

It was hard for him to accept the thought that he would have to worry about tens of billions of debts every day.

"This... Your Highness Xingfeng, brother, I am really in trouble.

The Trossa Chamber of Commerce is not my chamber of commerce alone. As soon as I took office, the Chamber of Commerce was in huge debt. How could I convince the public as the president? People's hearts will be scattered. "

Qi Ge tapped his forehead and asked:

"Otherwise, if you transfer the development rights, complete set of technologies and factories to the Magic City Vehicle, Demon-Gathering Crossbow Vehicle, and Magic Crystal Cannon to us, we will consider them as buying them for you."

When Troy heard this, he became even more anxious:

"What kind of business is this? Our chamber of commerce relies entirely on these factories to make profits.

If you bought the chicken that laid the eggs, wouldn't we just have to wait to die? "

Qi Ge took a deep breath:

"This won't work, that won't work either! Then what do you want to hear from me?

That 6.6 billion will be given to you?

Haha, is it possible that the teacher is right? Do you really think that our master and apprentice are easy to bully?

In this case, let's get to the bottom of things.

President, please. "

"Don't, don't, don't. I don't mean it, I don't mean it~~~

Your Highness, don't be anxious. "

Troy held down Qi Ge's hand, gritted his teeth and said:

"Your Highness, I have an idea.

Our Trossa Chamber of Commerce still has some wealth.

I can't make decisions on industries that are too core, but we can cut many of the more marginal ones, including daily necessities factories, food processing plants, and even factories that produce armed airships and magical pneumatic vehicles.

I will make a list of factories for you. You can pick one and collect 6.6 billion. Can you take a look? "

Troy took out the list and handed it to Qi Pigeon, thinking about it.

Now that the economy is in recession, most factories are losing money, even many factories in their Trossa Chamber of Commerce.

If these loss-making factories can be used to offset an investment of 6.6 billion, it will be equivalent to simultaneously lifting the debt burden and selling off non-performing assets. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

If this thing can be accomplished, he will have made a great contribution to the Trossa Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said to turn the tide before it falls and hold the building back before it collapses.

Now, he is afraid that his plan will be discovered by Qige.

Qi Ge looked at the list carefully and could see that Troy had been prepared.

The size, personnel, production projects, and estimated value of each factory are all clearly written.

Troy very cleverly listed all the historical profits of these factories, but hid the fact that they were or were about to lose money.

Among them, Qige even saw many military factories producing military equipment!

Nowadays, it is very difficult for many soldiers in Brakada to stay alive. How can they find the resources to advance?

If something cannot be sold after it is produced, these military factories are of course a loss-making project for the Trossa Chamber of Commerce.

For Qi Ge, Troy's move was exactly what he wanted.

To the Trossa Chamber of Commerce, each of these factories is a loss-making thing, but to Qige, each factory is a perfect military storage point.

I have a factory. It makes sense to hire some goblins for production, right?

I can't afford to hire mages because they are too expensive. I'll replace them with players and other units to manage them. Is it reasonable?

If a factory wants to produce, it must transport resources. I let big trucks covered with canvas enter the factory every day. Is it reasonable?

Supplies, troops, weapons, generals... everything can be covered by the factory.

By eating these factories, Seven Pigeons will be able to spread their troops all over Bracada, covering the entire territory of Bracada!

What a blessing from heaven!

Qi Ge coughed, frowned and said:

"President, you are unreasonable.

Look at the factories you listed for me.

How many products from these factories can be sold now?

When I buy these factories, I have to invest my own money to find ways to upgrade them, otherwise I will lose money and spend a lot of money.

Not only did I not get back 6.6 billion, but I also had to ask the teacher to continue investing money. Are you trying to kill me? "

"This..." Troy was shocked. He never expected that Xingfeng would see it right away.

He said quickly:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, now is the present, and the future is the future. We must look at the problem from a development perspective.

Bracada's decline was temporary.

Under the wise leadership of His Majesty the God-King, our economy will recover sooner or later. By then, these factories will be golden roosters that lay golden eggs!

You have to know, if it weren't for the current economic downturn, I wouldn't be able to use these factories to pay off debts.

Don’t you have confidence in the future of our Bracada? "

Ah. Then I am so confident!

Qige almost laughed out loud.

He squeezed his eyebrows hard and said:

“President, the future is the future and the present is now.

Now these factories are losing money.

I'm sure the teacher won't be able to accept the price given in your account.

If you want to pass the teacher's test, you have to give me discounts from all factories. "

"Discount? Hiss~ It's not impossible. Your Highness, how much discount do you want?"



"I mean, 50% off."

"50% off! Half price?! This, this, this... this is not acceptable. The most severe price reduction of factories on the market is only 30%, you."

The seven pigeons caught Troy's words at once:

"Thirty percent, right? That's 30% off. Are you sure? If you are sure, I will go up and ask the teacher for you."

"Ah, this... 30% off is too harsh. Sixty-six billion. If I give you a 30% discount, it's equivalent to paying extra for a factory worth 2.8 billion out of thin air.

This is much more severe than your previous interest rate! "

Troy winked, an expression of great pain.

But in his heart he almost burst into laughter.

"Xingfeng is still young after all. The current situation in Brakada is that in less than five years, no one will be willing to take over these factories even after three times.

Even my father was having a headache about what to do with these factories.

Even with a 50% discount, I almost agreed, but he even raised the price himself. "

Seeing this, Qi Ge immediately put the list in his hand back into Troy's arms.

"If 30% off is not enough, then there is no chance of negotiation?

President, please! "

"Don't, don't, don't!"

Troy took Qi Ge's arm and his expression changed several times. Finally, he stamped his foot and said fiercely:

"Hi, Your Highness Xingfeng, you are so good at business.

Fortunately you didn't open a chamber of commerce, otherwise my father wouldn't be able to compete with you.

Let’s do this, I’ll give you the whole deal, no discounts, but give you a share of 10 billion!

Brother, let me ask you for another favor.

When the time comes, let’s pretend not to mention the 6.6 billion, and pretend that you have taken out another 10 billion.

You and your teacher, in the name of joining the Trossa Chamber of Commerce, we will hold a public subscription meeting.

Boost the confidence of our Trossa Chamber of Commerce.

After that, the debts between us will be canceled one by one, and at the same time, we will also use 8% of the profits of the entire chamber of commerce as dividends for you and your teacher every year. "

"Oh~" Qige suddenly realized. "You want to use Teacher to stabilize other investors, and at the same time, you also want Teacher to be the backend of your industrial faction?"

"That's what I meant!"

Troy clapped his hands with a smile on his face:

“We are all businessmen, and we have no other skills except doing business.

There are no big trees up there, and if there is a little bit of scorching sun and strong storms, we will be easily killed by the sun, wind, or rain.

Now that my father is away, only His Majesty Aged in Brakada has enough ability and is neutral, so he can take care of us a little bit. "

Qi Ge pondered for a while and said with a smile:

"Okay, President, please go back first. I'll wait for the teacher to calm down and ask him.

I will contact you when there is news. "

"Hey, okay!"

Troy looked at the smile on Qi Ge's face and felt happy, even his eyebrows couldn't help but smile.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, then I am completely counting on you!"

"Teacher, the matter is settled, the situation is like this."

In the study, Qige reported the matter to Agaide.

Agaide laughed when he heard this. He poked Qige's forehead and cursed with a smile:

“You kid, you are really bad and pusy.

No wonder Ur has to rely on you. You were not born in the abyss, which is simply a loss to the abyss.

Good guy, let me ask you why you asked me to invest so much money.

If you vote, take this bunch of people to vote with you.

Then you take back the money you invested, and by the way, you also robbed a bunch of other people's money.

Then you have to use the 6.6 billion that you have already snatched back to rob the Trossa Chamber of Commerce again.

The huge Trossa Chamber of Commerce, a behemoth that has dominated for more than 20 years, has just lost 1/4 of it to you.

Doesn't your conscience hurt? "

“How can this be robbery?

You love me.

Both parties agreed that it was not a robbery.

It's all fair trade. "

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Teacher, please take care of me here first, I'll go back."

Agaide's eyes lit up:

"Oh, is he going to wake up?"

"Well, count the time, it's almost over."

Agaide put down the picture album in his hand with a smile and said to Qi Ge:

"Say hello to him for me."


"Lord Fuguo Anbang, don't worry, even if you can't trust my level, you still have to trust the level of Lord Nimbas.

Let me tell you, Your Majesty's ability to control the fire of the soul is simply amazing!

The legendary soul fire was taken out completely without any loss.

It is more difficult than carving the entire [Tempan City] on tofu.

That level is the best in the world and unmatched by anyone. "

Um? what sound

"Of course I believe Nimbas. What I'm afraid of is whether the body you created can withstand it."

"Hey, why can't you resist? Although my mechanical attainments are definitely not as good as his, I am definitely second to none in Diya.

At this level of difficulty, it is not as difficult as my research on [Undead Cerberus].

You see, among his alchemists, didn’t we all succeed? "

"Those alchemists are logistics units. This is a real legend. Can it be the same?

I haven't woken up even now. The boss is coming soon. How can I explain if I mess up? "

Who is speaking?

Why can't I open my eyes?

"It can't be screwed up. I swear on my skull that it will definitely succeed.

Do you think so, Your Majesty Nimbas? "

"Theoretically, it was successful, but after all, this is an unprecedented attempt by the world's first Yasha, and there is still a risk of failure.

What a sin, using a true legend as a guinea pig.

If it weren't for the protection of Yasha Fire and the Altar of Heroes, I would definitely not agree to your ridiculous request.

Hope it works. "

By the way, I am Trossa and I am dead.

Why. Am I not already dead? Why can I hear sounds?

"Hey, hey, hey! Look, the magic engine is reacting!"

"It moved, it moved!"

"Who is speaking!"

Trossa sat up suddenly, and he suddenly realized that his body was very, very heavy.

He looked around strangely and found that his field of vision was surprisingly high.

He looked down and saw three little people jumping around.

Two necromancer heroes and one vampire hero.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

Trotha spoke, but he was surprised to find that his voice became very strange, just like the voice of Goblin Gunner No. 1, which he was very familiar with.

He subconsciously wanted to touch his neck, but he failed to control the force and instead hit his chest violently!


There was a long sound of metal collision. Trossa did not feel any pain, but felt that his soul was trembling.

"How is this going?"

"you're awake?"

Just when Trosa was surprised, he looked up and saw a beautiful girl in a white dress suspended in the air.

"It's you! I remember you killed me. But why am I still alive and in such a strange state? What did you do to me?"

The beautiful girl covered her face with a fan and said with a suppressed smile:

"I can't explain it well, just see for yourself."

She took a step back, and in an instant, a huge illusory mirror appeared out of thin air in front of Trosa.

"This is!"

Trossa's pupils shrank!

In the mirror, there was a mechanical giant with a large dent in his chest!

"Mechanical Titan?!"

Trossa's voice suddenly became louder.

"What's going on? Am I dreaming? I died and was reborn as a mechanical titan?

My ideal has been realized? The God of Machinery was born?

Has the construction of the Titan race been successful?

Wait, wait, how long have I been dead? What year is it today? "

"Hahahaha! Your Majesty Trossa, this is your first thought after your resurrection. You are really awesome."

A sound of laughter came from Trosa's feet, and he suddenly woke up. He looked down and saw a handsome young man standing among the three undead, smiling at him.

"Who are you?"

Trossa tilted her head in confusion.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Qi Ge, and in the future, I will be your lord.

Maybe if I change my appearance, it will be easier for you to think of me. "

Qi Ge took out a black dragon mask and put it on his head.

"It's you! Representative of the goblin! The culprit who killed me."

Trosa suddenly realized.

"Yes, at the same time, I am also the savior who resurrects you."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Your body was imprinted by the Thunder Temple, which was directly added by Al Zeus.

So if I want to resurrect you, your body can only be destroyed.

Congratulations on your name Trossa, you are now free, you are no longer a lackey of the Titans, but a free person.

Well...robots can also be considered humans. "


Trossa didn't understand.

“You went to great lengths to kill me just to free me from Bracada and resurrect me?

Where's the goblin's revenge? Are you ignoring it? "

Qi Ge looked at Trosa with a smile and said:

“Before I went to find you, I asked a goblin representative to tell more than a hundred thousand goblins about your story and initiate a vote to let them choose whether to forgive you.

As a result, out of the 16,000 goblins, 15,600 choose to forgive you, and only 400 choose not to forgive you.

But even those four hundred goblins have no intention of killing you.

They just want you to experience the precarious and hungry life.

This is the goblin.

They are all kind, even kind-hearted and a little silly.

Therefore, I finally decided to extract your true spirit, let you fake death, while retaining your body and flexible fire, and then separate them, and then let your true spirit and soul fire merge again, and use your favorite machine The Construct Titan is resurrected.

But the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped.

I need you to work for me day and night, to help the goblins overthrow the culprit's throne, pull him down from the thunder clouds, and step him into the soil.

I think this is the most appropriate trial for you from the Fairy Tribe.

You can choose to refuse, and I will extinguish the fire of your soul again.

Don't worry, I promised you that I will pass on your path. "

"No need to say anything, I accept it!"

Trossa immediately said:

"I will accept whatever you say, even if you ask me to kill my son, I will do it.

I just have one question now. "

Trossa raised her arms and asked excitedly:

"This body! What's going on with my titan-constructing body?

It's better than the most advanced and complete mechanical Titan in my factory! It even holds the fire of my soul!

Going down this path, I even have the hope of creating a mechanical hero.

According to you, I shouldn't have been dead for a long time. Why do you have a better mechanical titan than me? !

Tell me, I beg you, tell me. "

"That's the question." Qi Ge raised his head and smiled slightly:

"People are doing it, and God is watching. Trosa, it's because of your kindness."

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