Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 729 Shocking Change

“Interesting…really interesting.

No wonder my daughter’s eyes, which are taller than the sky, can see you.

I never thought you could come up with such a treasure. "

The orange vertical pupils grew wider and wider, filled with greed and desire.

"Crystal Dragon... one of the legendary ancestors of all dragons, representing absolute physical power.

Very good, very good, this long-lost sense of anticipation made me excited.

You want me to go on the scales? sure.

I am the Lord of Negan. In my body, Negan’s Tears of Asa are still connected to me. I am the whole Negan!

Countless heroic units, cities, and buildings are all tied to me.

I dare to go up, can you catch me? "

Of course Qi Ge couldn't catch it, but it was now, and he couldn't show his cowardice.

He said with awe-inspiring eyes:

"Whether I can catch it or not is my business. You can come up and give it a try."

"Hmph~ Boy, you are too naive.

Do you think I can't bring out a treasure as precious as the Crystal Heart?

Don't underestimate me!

Have you ever wondered why Negan has so many underground worlds in different dimensions?

The answer is this! "

Pieces of pitch-black scales emitting dazzling light fell from the sky, floating next to the orange vertical pupils. The light stung Qi Ge's eyes.

【Cave Scale

Strange object

Effect: After planting, an underground plane will gradually be generated.

Growth and area can be accelerated by investing resources. 】

“These are the scales on my body that create huge underground spaces.

They are the roots of Negan’s majestic underground country. "

The first cave scale landed on the scale, and the scale shook slightly, but it was obviously not enough.

So, the second film, the third film...

A steady stream of black scales continued to accumulate on the scale, forcing the scale to break off!

Qige looked at this scene dumbfounded, a little shocked:

“Each of these scales is an underground space in the future. Negan’s situation is special and he must rely on these scales if he wants to develop.

His Majesty the Dark Dragon King, your gambling instinct is really boundless. "

"Heh heh heh... little one, you bet the future of the Crystal Dragon, and I bet the future of Negan. Is there any problem?"

Orange vertical pupils stared at Qige and said:

"Besides, wouldn't it be fine as long as I win? If I win, everything is mine!"

Damn... the Dark Dragon King is really a gambling dog...

“Bet small and wait to lose; gamble big and wait to die.

Your Majesty, I suggest that you confess your gambling addiction to Moriel as soon as possible and let Moriel control you to death. "

Qi Ge said in a deep voice.

"Hmph! Ha! Hahahaha!"

The Dark Dragon King suddenly laughed:

“Innocent little thing.

Do you still need to say it? Can I not know what is wrong with me?

Why do you think I am locked up here? "

Qi Ge:......


Qi Ge was shocked!

"You know you still bet?"

“If I could control myself, I wouldn’t be the embodiment of greed.

Possession doesn't excite me, only getting gives me pleasure.

That’s why I still want to win when I win, and want to make a comeback when I lose. I am always on the edge of victory and failure and cannot escape.

But, it doesn’t matter, as long as I keep winning, I won’t lose!

Without further ado, I can’t wait to see you defeated!

Hum hum hum, you must not realize the trap I set for you, little one.

I choose the materials first, and you cannot use the materials I have used. The fusion I perform must be the most perfect fusion, and the feasibility in reality can be ignored.

Do you know what this means? "

The Dark Dragon King became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice even reached its highest pitch!

"What?! Could it be that!"

Qige's eyes suddenly widened!

"Yes, it seems you have realized it, but unfortunately, it is too late, hahahaha!"

The orange pupils laughed, and under his body, countless materials were thrown into the fusion vortex!

Crystal dragon, holy dragon, purple dragon, rust dragon... magic swordsman, angel, demon, hydra...

Everything is coming together!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The orange pupils let out a victorious laugh:

"Did you see it? Did you see it? I integrated all the arms I knew, including even the original races of the gods and the four great dragons from ancient times.

They are all my materials and you cannot use any of them.

The past of the entire Yasha world is merged into one!

Let you see the limits of what all my divine power can achieve! "

The huge fusion gate trembled violently, and an extremely beautiful black dragon slowly descended from it.

It has a beautiful appearance and a huge size, almost occupying the entire world.

The proud voice of the Dark Dragon King sounded:

"Hahaha! Have you seen it? This is my masterpiece. It is based on the black dragon and integrates all the creatures in Yasha's history to create a god-level black dragon - the faceless dragon god, the Dragon of Darkness!

The Dragon of Darkness has no face, but has countless faces, endlessly changing immortal shadows. It seems invisible and unintentional, but it knows everything, is everywhere, watches everything, and listens to all words.

He is the common shadow of countless creatures in the history of Yasha, protecting the world in the darkness.

He guards all forgotten memories and secrets of the past. Just his breath like a dark cloud can confuse people's senses and fill their minds with frightening fantasies.

He has an upper limit of strength that even the Colosseum of All Races cannot simulate, and is even stronger than me. Therefore, the Dragon of Darkness is just a phantom in the Colosseum of All Races.

Without any materials, it is impossible for you to create a being that can defeat the Dragon of Darkness.

I won this bet. "

Qi Ge:......

Qi Ge looked at the Dragon of Darkness. His huge body was like a night covering the entire world, which was enough to make Qi Ge's heart tremble.

Qi Ge admired from the bottom of his heart: “Awesome, really awesome.

The trap has been set according to the rules, step by step, and only at this moment are they all pressed in, and the trap is revealed.

Your Majesty, I have to admit that your skills are really insidious. "

"What? Do you want to admit defeat? Hahaha, I'm sorry, even if you admit defeat, it's still mine.

The bet placed in the Ten Thousand Races Colosseum must be paid absolutely, and even I cannot break it. "

"No, I'm sorry. I don't have any intention of admitting defeat."

Qi Ge smiled confidently and said:

"Your Majesty, your performance is very exciting. Please see how I defeat you."

Qi Ge stretched out his palm, but instead of rushing to the ground, his palm shot straight into the sky!

"I use the four gods of wealth, destiny, magic, and the ocean as fusion materials!

Gods of Yasha, please answer my call! "


The orange vertical pupils suddenly widened:

"Using gods as synthetic materials?! Gods are not level 1 troops! You are cheating, you are violating the rules!"

"Who said gods are not level 1 soldiers?

The gods have transcended ordinary life levels. They can be military types if they want, and they can be as many levels as they want.

Even if you don’t consider the special nature of the gods.

Gods are the ultimate form of all creatures in the Yasha world. They have a new starting point, and from this starting point, they can become stronger without restriction from the Yasha world.

From this concept, the gods of our Yasha world can also be regarded as level 1 troops, level 1 gods!

Tell me, where did I make a mistake? It's just that you didn't expect it, you didn't dare to think about it.

The Dark Dragon King, if it can be said that the soldiers once gathered together, represents Yasha's past.

Then, the gods with a new starting point represent the unlimited future of the Yasha world!

You used the past of Yasha World to create an unparalleled and powerful existence, then I will use the future of Yasha World to defeat you!

Take it! "

The orange vertical pupils were even more excited:

"You bastard, you are blaspheming! You are blaspheming! Do you think the gods will respond to your call?

Even if the gods respond, my Colosseum of Ten Thousand Races cannot embody their power. How can you use the gods as synthetic materials? "

"Haha, you don't need to worry, I brought it myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, four auras suddenly appeared from Qi Ge.

Rainbow of destiny, magic amethyst, gold coins of wealth, ocean trident!

The power of the four gods rushed into the fusion vortex, and in an instant, the entire Colosseum of All Races began to shake!

The earth shook and collapsed, the sky tore apart, and the sea water evaporated... It was as if the life of the star had come to an end and was about to collapse and explode!

Before the fused creature appeared, the darkness in the sky was already shaking in agony.

"No! My Colosseum of All Races, my Kingdom of God!!

I surrender! You win! "

Orange vertical pupils shouted heartbreakingly:

"I surrender!!"

For a moment, everything stopped.

The four rules broke away from the Colosseum and returned to Qi Ge. The balance was instantly destroyed. Everything in Qi Ge, as well as the [Cave Scale] and [Peace Tree Fragments] fell one after another, automatically entering Qi Ge's space backpack. inside.

With a flash of light, Moriel and Infinity fell from the sky blankly, and were also embraced by the seven pigeons one by one.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, you can forcefully occupy the demigod hero Moriel.

After occupying it, Moriel will break away from the force Negan and join the Chosen City.

Was it occupied by force? 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, you can forcibly occupy the level 7 and level 6 mythical mount [Dark Infinite Dragon·Infinite].

After being occupied, [Infinite] will break away from Moriel, become a free unit, and join the God's Chosen City.

Is it forcibly occupied? 】

"Oh? Why am I in Qi Ge's arms again? Ouch."

Infinite rubbed his sleepy eyes, and unconsciously took Qi Ge's neck into his mouth, sucking on it in small mouths.


Moriel was stunned for a moment, felt her own condition, and understood everything immediately.

She sat in Qi Ge's arms, her expression changed, and she yelled at the orange vertical eyes:

"Immortal! You actually bet me and Infinite, and you lost!

Even your own daughter is being gambled, are you not going to be a dragon?

If you don’t change your stubborn nature, I should have run away from home in the first place and not care about you until my death.

Um? ! Why are there so many cave scales? ! Didn’t you say there isn’t any? !

OK! OK! You actually hid it and used it as gambling capital! "

The orange vertical pupils kept turning with great guilt.

"Ahem. Accident, just an accident.

I really didn't expect your little guy to be so sinister.

Damn it, he brought something into the Ten Thousand Races Colosseum and was blatantly cheating, but I couldn’t do anything about him.

Otherwise, I would never lose. "

"You still dare to quibble.!"

Moriel rolled up her sleeves and was about to jump out of Qi Ge's arms.

She jumped a little, but didn't.

Now, in the arms of Qi Ge, she is no different from an ordinary woman, with no strength or rules.

Moriel glared at Qige fiercely:

"Huh? What are you doing! Didn't I tell you not to take too many things? Why did you win over me?"

"The melons that are twisted are not sweet.

Although according to the rules, I can take advantage of this opportunity to seize Moriel, her loyalty and favor will definitely fall to the lowest point, and she may betray at any time.

No matter how much she likes me, she will definitely not be able to accept being lost to me by her biological father as gambling money. "

"Nothing. An unexpected surprise."

Qige smiled slightly and silently chose to refuse in her heart.

In an instant, Moriel regained her mobility.

"You damn old man, I'll kill you!"

She pulled the drowsy Infinite into her arms, opened a portal, and rushed in to settle the score with the Dark Dragon King.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment."

Qige took Moriel's hand and took out a large pile of cave scales.

He smiled and said:

“What I came here for has been accomplished.

These things are of less use to me than they are to you, so they are all given to you.

Don't worry, I won it all, it's clean and the origin is very legitimate. "

"Hmph! The thing you got from gambling is a decent size!"

Moriel grabbed all the cave scales and said angrily:

"I hate gambling the most. Forget it this time, there won't be another time."

"Definitely! Definitely. I hate gambling the most."

Qi Ge smiled and scratched his head.

"You little thing, are you going to use the things you win from me to make fun of my daughter in front of me, right?

Don't let me see you next time, or I'll rob you every time I see you!

Ouch! ! What I can't get at the gambling table, I can get on the battlefield. "

Moriel glared hard at the vertical pupils behind her, turned around and said gently to Qi Ge:

"Don't be offended if the old man shows you a joke because of his virtue.

I'll take you out first, and then I'll get busy with something. I'll accompany you next time when I'm free. "

There was a flash of light, and the seven pigeons left the treasure house.

Moriel's expression changed, she turned around and rolled up her sleeves fiercely:

"Old man, I'll kill you!"

"Ouch! Daughter, dad is wrong, dad is just playful.

Hey, they are all from the same family. If the left hand is the right hand, isn’t it still the same family?

If I lose, won’t I return all the seven pigeons to you?

Let me see, what did Qige give you in return? "

"Only Cave Scale."

"Ah? Good guy, he really took away the Rainbow Grass and Dragon Heart?

This little thing looked so clean, but he was so ruthless.

Ouch, what a big loss! What a big loss! "

"If I let you gamble, you deserve to die!"

Um? Why is there a letter mixed in the Cave Scale? "

"Huh? Is this a love letter? Show me to dad what disgusting love words you wrote?"

"[Soul Guardian Statue·Fragment 3].

There are 3~12, and 1 is the mithril tree on the Silver Spirit.

In other words, it was Shard 2 and Shard 13 that fell into the Sea of ​​Chaos. "

Returning to the City of God's Choice, Qi Ge examined all the fragments and took a deep breath.

He touched Yinhe's head and said softly:

"Yinhe, it's up to you next time. Remember this taste."

"Yeah!" Yinhe's eyes sparkled. "Brother Admiral, are we going to explore the Sea of ​​Chaos again?"


Qi Ge smiled slightly: "Let's gather people first. With the experience from the last time, we need to be more prepared this time.

Come on, let's go find General Ben Shiba. "

I can finally return to Yingzhou!

However, [Naga Sword King]·[Blade Eighteen] didn't seem very happy.

"Lord Lord.

When we went there, our team was huge, but when we came back, there was not even one out of ten.

The missing tribesmen did not die in battle, but were attracted by the favorable conditions of God's Choice City. If they want to stay in your God's Choice City, even two unicorns are unwilling to go back, and they happen to be one male and one female.

Those were all elites, all gone.

Tell me, what is this?

I always feel that I made a big mistake when I chose to follow you to solve the Immortal Wood. "

Listening to Ren Shiba's heartbreaking complaint, Qige comforted him:

“Your Majesty Eighteen, you can’t think like that.

If you think about it, the Yingzhou forces cannot stay in the Chaos Zone forever and not enter the Yasha World.

It’s not that those Chuan Ling, Naga Miko, and Qilin are unwilling to go back, but they want to help pave the way for your return.

They are the vanguard of your Yingzhou forces' return to Asia, and they are all future heroes. "

"Can you still think so?"

"Why not?"

Qige patted Ren Shiba's strong back:

"If you think about it, we will be at Poseidon Church soon.

You don’t want Poseidon to see your sad face, right? "

"That's true!"

Ren Shiba suddenly became excited:

"I'm going to see God soon, so I have to cheer up."

Soon, the Seven Pigeons’ fleet arrived at Poseidon Church.

Sea Apple and Lion Heart, who have been waiting for a long time, are waiting here to welcome them.

During the combat meeting, Qige emphasized:

“This return to the Sea of ​​Chaos is different from last time.

Last time we were trying to find the Immortal Wood, and the emphasis was on quickness and speed.

This time we are trying to recover the elven subcontinent that was swallowed by the Sea of ​​Chaos. What matters is a steady and steady approach.

We capture a piece of sea and a piece of city.

Drive out all the Sea of ​​Chaos from the world of Yasha.

Now that Poseidon's divine power has been restored, as long as Poseidon is still there, there will be no more chaotic seas.

We must expel chaos and pacify the Nine Oceans. Return Yasha to a bright sea! "

After some exciting excitement, the operation to recover the Chaos Sea has officially begun!

All players in the Yasha World have received the mission reminder of [Pinging Nine Oceans]. Players from the nine major forces set off one after another, trying their best to rush to the jurisdiction of the Poseidon Church to join the troops marching into Chaos.

Although their combat power is now difficult to use in the battle against Chaos, they have an extremely important role-beating the city!

Players who can use city building orders to quickly build a city are the key to the battle to regain the Chaos Sea.

The tactics devised by Qi Ge are very simple and shameless.

Players who hold city founding orders will, under the leadership of NPCs, take pictures of the Deep Sea City in the waters near the Sea of ​​Chaos.

If Chaos does not send troops, after the Deep Sea City is established, the Tears of Asa will stabilize the surrounding order and transform the Sea of ​​Chaos into the Sea of ​​Order bit by bit.

If Chaos sends troops out of the Chaos Sea, they will be attacked head-on by the NPC legion, which will greatly weaken the power of Chaos and allow the Sea of ​​Order to transform faster after the Deep Sea City is established.

The only solution for Chaos to deal with this move is to launch a large-scale Chaos invasion and counter-invade the ocean.

However, after Seven Pigeons sacrificed the small Tears of Asa [Lamentation Beads], Poseidon's divine power has increased, and the Poseidon Kingdom's [Flowing Spring] was upgraded to [Sea Flow Tianyuan].

The power of the Poseidon and the Kingdom of God has greatly strengthened the ocean of order in the Yasha world.

Chaos counters invasion at sea, and the power of all Chaos arms will be weakened dozens or even a hundred times by the sea.

A [True Chaos] unit cannot even defeat a miracle of the same level and rank on the sea.

If Chaos really couldn't think of a large-scale invasion of the sea, the gods of Yasha would be able to smile.

Therefore, after the [Pinging Nine Oceans] plan is implemented, the recovery of the Sea of ​​Chaos is only a matter of time.

“Players can join the Poseidon Church, complete resource collection, sea monster cleanup and other tasks released by the Poseidon Church, and obtain the Deep Sea City Construction Order from the Poseidon Church.

And under the command of Npc, build a deep sea city in the designated area.

After the construction of Deep Sea City is completed, it can slowly transform the Sea of ​​Order, and on the other hand, it can provide players with considerable troops.

Unlike the nine major power cities that need to be continuously upgraded, Deep Sea City also covers part of Poseidon's divine power, and is not divided into branch cities, county cities, main cities, and capital cities.

Once the Deep Sea City is completed, it will be able to provide military barracks of levels 1 to 5.

Level 1: Tentacle Eel, Murloc

Level 2: Sand Crab

Level 3: Seahorse

Level 4: Deep jellyfish

Level 5: Giant Octopus

Among them, tentacle eels, deep jellyfish, and giant octopus are powerful combat units. Murlocs are sleepless resource collection units and have certain combat capabilities.

Sand Crabs are a construction unit that can help Deep Sea City build buildings in the construction tree faster.

Seahorses are powerful sea transport units that can greatly speed up the transportation of resources and NPC troops.

In order to obtain the generous rewards provided by the Poseidon Church, players will complete various tasks with unimaginable enthusiasm.

Over time, the Great Wall under the sea, one after another, will become our weapon against chaos. "

Recalling what Qi Ge told him at the beginning, Hai Pingguo felt that Qi Ge was still too conservative.

She looked towards the depths of the sea. Thousands of lizardmen players wearing [breathing blisters] on their heads were working desperately in a crystal mine at the same time.

They held mining picks and dug for crystals like machines without interruption.

There was also a lizard man riding a giant octopus and holding a loudspeaker who kept shouting:

"Come on! The collection progress will be full immediately. Once full, you can draw a lottery, and the lottery can draw a city building order.

The great Deep Sea City is waving to us, and it is no longer a miracle for civilian players to overtake in corners!

Have you seen this SSR’s luxurious inkjet giant octopus on me?

This is the powerful mount I got from the mermaid lady after I built the city!

Even if you can't draw the city founding order and the ink-jet giant octopus, there are also tamed seahorses, the Sea Miko's limited-edition shell bikini, and many treasures are waiting for you! "

"Today, my CP gave me a fatal task. I will break up if I can't change into a shell swimsuit.

Even if I risk my life, I will give it all away. "

“SSR-level props actually have a 10% lottery rate, and Miss Mermaid’s prize pool is really good.”

"This is a one-month limited event. After this village, this store will no longer exist. By then, whether it is Deep Sea City, mounts, or fashion items, they will be out of print.

Watch me dig through this mine with my cloak and pickaxe. "

For the various rewards from the Poseidon Church's lottery pool, the players burst out with terrifying enthusiasm. Even the fishman NPCs on the side couldn't dig them out. They all stood there with dead fish eyes and were at a loss.

Although most players in the lottery can only draw guaranteed coral jewelry, seaweed rice balls..., this does not prevent a handful of lucky ones from stimulating everyone's attention.

Every seal post posted on the forum is a boost for players to continue fighting.

The civilian players in the rear were mining in full swing, and the high-end players and krypton gold players in the front were also throwing away money for Deep Sea City.

【Deep Sea Magic Pool

Effect: After visiting, you will gain a temporary magic value of 2 times the current knowledge. It can only be visited once a week. 】

【Sea Snail Farm

Effect: Giant sea snails can be cultured. 】

【Deep sea trading station

Effect: The price of deep-sea resources sold increases by 20%]

【Swordfish Fort

city ​​defense building

Effect: Launch the Swordfish Sword, causing huge damage to surrounding enemy units.

The Swordfish Sword has a 20% chance of returning. 】

【Lucky Conch Pool

Effect: Can cultivate disposable treasure lucky conch.

The lucky conch can randomly summon heroic sea beasts during battle. 】

Each of the special Deep Sea City exclusive buildings has become the favorite of these high-end players.

In order to build all these buildings, they spent thousands of times the cost of ordinary players and drew heavily from the [Limited Advanced Buildings] prize pool.

The large amount of resources that the players handed over to the Poseidon Church in various ways were finally transformed into deep sea city building orders and various rewards under the clever processing of the mermaids and returned to them.

Players who have received rewards continue to work hard for other rewards.

An ingenious cycle is complete.

As for large guilds, their eyes have been focused on another task from the beginning.

【Sea of ​​Chaos

Color World Main Line·Long-Term

Mission requirements: Players above level 30.

Mission requirements: Attack the Chaos Sea.

Mission reward: Every time you attack a chaotic sea area and submit it to the Poseidon Church, you will receive 20 deep-sea city building orders and a large number of luxurious unknown rewards. 】

As long as a player above level 30 leads the team, all members of the guild can participate in the crusade against the Chaos Sea.

It is true that the interior of the Chaos Sea is ever-changing, but through repeated attempts by players who are not afraid of death, a strategy can always be found.

Those chaotic sea areas have been weakened by the surrounding deep sea cities, and the difficulty has dropped significantly, making them no match for the players.

The chaos is endless, and so are the players.

Almost every day, the Sea of ​​Chaos is successfully captured by players.

But now, Poseidon's divine power has been restored, and as long as the Chaos Sea is captured, it will be directly reclaimed by the world of Yasha.

Looking at this momentum, Qi Ge estimated that it only takes a month for the Chaos Sea to be cleared near the Chaos Subcontinent.

Just as the Poseidon Church's plan to "pacify the Nine Seas" was in full swing, Qi Ge, who had been helping the Poseidon Church, received a communication from Anosaki.

"Uncle Thief?"

"Boy, good news. I rescued that male favorite. Now he is protected by me in the Thieves Guild in the Shadow Realm. He is very safe.

"That's great, Uncle Thief, thank you for your hard work,"

"Don't be too happy yet, I have some bad news to tell you.

I have not found the person behind the spread of the news, but I know that their organization is larger than we imagined.

When I rescued the male favorite, I had a fight with one of their demigods.

I have not played, I have suffered some minor injuries, and I may need to rest for a while recently. "

Qi Ge suddenly became nervous: "Uncle Thief, are you okay? A fight between a demigod and a demigod, how could it be a minor injury?

How are you doing now? "

“As long as he’s not dead, it’s just a minor injury.

Leave me alone, I have a way to recover, and I'm perfectly safe hiding in the Shadow Realm.

Take care of yourself first. "

"No, I'm going to the Shadow Realm to see you."

Qige said anxiously.

"Don't come, you can't come either, I don't have the strength to pick you up now.

I want to tell you, you must be careful, the other party is stronger than you think.

Especially that demigod.

If you see a sneaky guy wearing a brown mage robe with no visible face, be careful. "

"Demigod? Teacher, do you know who it is?"

“I can’t tell, but I’m sure he is a legal demigod.

The magic he uses is mainly earth magic, and powerful magic such as thunder bombs and reincarnation are at his fingertips.

The magic value is very abundant.

His regular battlefield is very strange. The troops who die on his battlefield will be automatically resurrected once, and the full number will be resurrected as soon as they are resurrected.

The key is the troops he carries, including dungeon, hell, undead, and fortress troops, and their ranks are not low. "

Demigod, good at earth magic, the rule is that he can resurrect dead troops, and carries high-level mixed troops...

A figure suddenly flashed in Qi Ge's mind.

Dungeon Hero Emma!

Emma is a demigod and specializes in reincarnation.

Except for the mixed arms carrying high-level units, which are not in compliance, the other three are in compliance.

"Could it be him?"

"Huh? Do you have someone in mind? Qi Ge, don't be impulsive yet.

It is not known how many there are there.

No matter who that demigod is, it must not be easy for an organization to come up with a demigod.

The water behind these rumor-mongers is deeper than we think.

You'd better be patient first. After the investigation is clear and my injury is healed, I will go with you to find him. "

Qige took a deep breath and said:

"Uncle Thief, don't worry, I'm always steady in my work and won't be impulsive."

Even if I want to act impulsively, I will do so only after I have gathered a large group of powerful thugs.

"That's good." Anosaki said happily:

"By the way, apprentice, I forgot to tell you something important.

Gru sent news that the Tears of Yasha were most likely born in the Harmondale area.

Now many heroes, including Erathia and Avili, are heading to the Harmondale area to check the situation. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

Wait a minute, what's going on? Have Lloyd and the others found the Tears of Yasha?

Why so fast? And why was it leaked?

According to the plot of the previous life, the thunder of Asa's Tears in the Harmondale area should not have exploded.

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