Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 734 King of Thieves

Hearing that Qi Ge insisted on divination, Emma seemed very excited, and even his brown hair shook.

He immediately said: "I am not unconvinced, I am very convinced, and I accept the deduction of points."

Um? Do you really not want me to do divination?

Qige's eyes narrowed.

Then I want to do some divination.

Qi Ge remained unmoved and said seriously:

"No, no, Your Majesty Emma, ​​I think you are unconvinced.

I can tell at a glance, Your Majesty Emma, ​​don’t deceive yourself.

How can I judge you as a liar if you don't even know what the standard answer is? "

Emma said hurriedly:

"His Majesty the Black Dragon King, you said so eloquently that if you say I am wrong, I am wrong. How can there be so many things that are wrong?

Deduct points and move on to the next question. "

Emma said, wanting to get up and stop Qi Ge.

But he suddenly discovered that a black shackle had been cuffed on his feet at some point.

His magic power and the demigod rules he was proud of were both in a banned state and could not be used at all.

This is the supreme rule from the Black Dragon King's Kingdom and the Cave of Disaster, and Emma cannot resist it.

Emma realized something was wrong and was shocked: "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

In an instant, the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness, with only two beams of white light coming from nowhere, shining on Qi Ge and Emma.

Qi Ge had a gentle smile on her face:

“No, guest.

The gambling game has begun, and you cannot leave until the gambling game is over.

In order to eliminate the possibility of you cheating in the gambling game, the small measures I took are reasonable, right? "

Qi Ge smiled brightly and tapped the table lightly.

On his table, a stream of powder spontaneously ignited without wind, emitting faint green smoke.

The green smoke slowly rotated around Emma, ​​and finally a picture appeared around Emma.

In the picture, Emma tore open the space, rushed into the portal without looking back, and left the Black Dragon Miaomiao House.

"Oh? Your Majesty Emma, ​​what you desire most right now is to escape from here."

Qi Ge tilted his head and asked doubtfully:

"That's weird. It's just an insignificant bet. Why would you want to escape?"

Emma didn't answer. He took a deep breath and looked at Qige:

"You are not His Majesty the Black Dragon King, who are you?"

"I never said from the beginning that I was His Majesty the Black Dragon King.

It's just you who thinks so. "

Qi Ge stepped on a step and looked down at Emma from above, making his gaze more aggressive.

“Now, Your Majesty Emma, ​​your score is ten.

Next question, Your Majesty Emma, ​​is there anything in your actions that is not conducive to Negan? "

"What do you mean by this question?"

Emma was furious:

"Are you doubting my loyalty to His Majesty the Black Dragon King?

Who are you? You are humiliating me, I will never let you go. "

Emma struggled, suddenly becoming very emotional.

The chains under his feet banged as they were pulled as he struggled.

But in this divine kingdom of the Black Dragon King, he is a demigod, and no matter how much he resists, it is useless.

From the moment he stepped here, he couldn't escape.

Qige stared at Emma closely and said quietly:

"Your Majesty Emma, ​​people's emotions don't actually get excited suddenly, but there is a gradual process.

Like you, suddenly yelling and acting angry, it seems very unreal.

If I were you, I would first experience a series of emotions such as doubt, surprise, shock, disbelief, sadness, grievance, etc., and then transition to anger.

If your acting skills are not good, you should stop acting.

To be honest, is there anything you did that was not conducive to Negan? "

Emma still didn't answer. He glanced at Qi Ge hatefully, with tears in his eyes, and shouted loudly:

"Unexpectedly, I have devoted my life to Negan and worked hard, but now I will be judged by an outsider who does not belong to Negan.

Even if I am guilty, His Majesty the Black Dragon King should judge it personally. Who do you think you are?

His Majesty the Great Black Dragon King! !

If you doubt my loyalty, you can kill me directly. Why let him, an outsider, humiliate me like this? "

Emma closed her eyes, didn't even look at Qi Ge, and refused to answer.

"If you don't answer, does that mean you refuse to answer? Then let me take a look."

Qige patted the crystal ball gently, and a small figure with purple wings appeared on his shoulder.

Mirola looked solemn and prayed silently to the crystal ball.

The crystal ball spun rapidly, and Emma let out a painful wail.

A picture is projected from the depths of the River of Destiny, transformed into a screen by relying on the crystal ball.

Emma half-knelt in front of a silver elf with a peerless appearance, held the other person's hand with great piety, and kissed him deeply.

"Your Majesty, the current Elf Empire has long forgotten you. Those traitors and traitors have all been punished. Your flawless glory should not be buried here.

Please allow me to be by your side and pave the way for you to return to Asa. "

"Florida... you can't do this. I have been contaminated by chaos and am an unclean person. Don't get close to me."

"What's unclean? Is it your silky skin or your starry eyes?

It's the cleanest thing in the world. "

"Don't say already have a wife and children."

"They are all mistakes in my life. Only you, Your Majesty, are my only right ones. Your Majesty, I am willing to give up everything for you.

Rest assured, Your Majesty, the error will be corrected soon. "

On the screen, Emma, ​​who has reached middle age, is affectionate and handsome. He has yellow hair shawl and is focused on the silver elf's hand, just like a pilgrim.

The silver elf was dressed in a costume, covering his mouth with one hand, looking in disbelief, trying to refuse but welcoming.

Her stunning appearance, combined with her gorgeous silver hair shawl, made her look holy and charming.

Emma and the Silver Elf seem to be concluding a love contract that transcends marriage, and the whole picture looks sacred and brilliant.

But behind the two of them, there were a lot of ferocious, bloodshot red eyeballs and weird twisted dark purple tentacles.

It is the source of all chaos and evil, the enemy of order, and a natural disaster that will destroy the world.

The chaotic background seems to indicate that the two people in the picture who look very holy are full of filth.

One of them is a beast who knelt down to Chaos and betrayed his wife and children; the other is a descendant of the devil who was invaded by evil spirits and completely gave up order. It is true that a bitch mates with a dog, forever.

Looking at the beautiful silver elf in the picture, Qi Ge was very shocked.

No matter how you look at it, the silver elf looks very similar to Elena, but the height and peak are much more majestic than Elena, just like an enlarged version of Elena.

“Is it Irina’s mother, Ilian Yue?

After Yi Lianyue defeated the cursed dragon, she was replaced by the evil one? !

That's really not good news. "

At this moment, Emma exuded an ominous aura. He covered his head hard and cried out in pain:

"Ah!! Don't pry into my past!

You damn thing! ! "

His pupils were bloodshot, and his torso was on fire as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

As the blue flames covered his whole body, the originally clear picture gradually became blurred, and eventually turned into a complicated mosaic.

"Spontaneous ignition of divine fire!"

The Black Dragon King's eyes appeared behind Qi Ge, with indescribable coldness and anger in his eyes:

"Emma, ​​what are you hiding? Would you rather burn out the divine fire than let us know?

Qi Ge, don’t worry, as long as I’m here, he can’t change the world. Just keep watching! "


Mirola continued to activate the crystal ball, and the picture that appeared this time was a very prosperous underground city.

On the screen, dozens of heroes dressed as slave traders were gathering around Emma.

"General, a new batch of harpies and cavemen have been sent to your troops."

“Very good, send those harpies into the realm of chaos and transform them into ghost crows, and transform the cavemen into chaos devil dogs.

To set off the tide of chaos, we need more troops. "

As the scenes played on the screen, the Black Dragon King's eyes became colder and colder.

The glimpse of Emma's past from the river of destiny is simply shocking.

His deliberate command errors on the battlefield allowed hundreds of thousands of troops to be swallowed up by Chaos.

"It's you! Emma, ​​it's you! It was your wrong order that ruined our army!

That's 200,000 Negan troops, and 200,000 families were destroyed because of you.

I will definitely report you like His Majesty the Black Dragon King, and you will die without a burial place! "

"Naochao. Now that I appear in front of you, will I still give you this chance?"

Join the glorious evolution. Surrendering before His Majesty is our future."

He secretly instigated the relationship between the major lords in the dungeon, causing discord within the dungeon.

"Elache, Sact has given up on serving you cave people. He is a traitor to you cave people.

Don't have anything to do with Sachter anymore.

Only me, only me, is your forever friend. "

"Listen to me, Jaeger, Dima must have done that, and I have the evidence.

If you want to take revenge, I have a suggestion..."

He brings talented heroes to the border of Chaos, brainwashes them through various means, and turns them into masters.

“From today on, your gods are no longer that hypocritical black dragon.

The great Lord is watching us. One day, the Lord will return to Asa and regain everything lost.

And we will all receive endless rights and rewards as a result.

Now I am a demigod, and in the future, all of you will be demigods. "

“When chaos covers the world and hope no longer exists, equal destruction will give all sinners and innocents the same cruel ending.

This may not be a relief to those of you who are oppressed by sin and evil people.

You have already suffered enough, why not let those high-altitude beings fall to the bottom of the valley called destruction with you, turn into mud and merge with you? "

He helped Chaos and brought the Chaos monsters that suppressed the fire element to the world of Yasha,

And help it enter the fire elemental world from the elemental node where the fire elemental world and the Yasha world meet.

He contacted the traitors among the elves, kidnapped Shafuna's husband Xiang Chong, threatened Shafuna, and planned to murder Marodia and seize the fragments of the Peace Tree.

He injured Anosaki who came to rescue Xiang Chong, and planned to help Chaos enter the Shadow Realm, destroy the Thieves Guild, and kill Anosaki.

With the help of the Silver Elf, he used special means to transform the black dragon into a shadow dragon.

"The Divine Butterfly can mobilize the power of the Shadow Realm and use the Divine Butterfly to parasitize, which can transform the black dragon into a more powerful Shadow Dragon.

Everything is normal for the Shadow Dragon in the world of Yasha, but once the Shadow Dragon reaches the Realm of Chaos, the divine butterfly eggs hidden deep in the Shadow Dragon's soul will hatch, sucking the Shadow Dragon dry, and allowing the Divine Butterfly to emerge from its cocoon.

Once I convinced the Black Dragon King to evolve most of his black dragons into shadow dragons, his connection to the Tears of Asa would be greatly weakened.

Without enough ontological races, we have the possibility of killing gods.

After that, I will use a curse ritual to curse [Dark Infinity Dragon], trying to make it fall into a deep sleep and unable to wake up, and then use [Infinity] to influence her master Moriel, waiting for an opportunity to inject the egg of the ghost butterfly into it. "

"Florida, you don't have to do this for me, that is your god after all."

"No, from the moment I saw you, you were my god.

Sacrifice the entire Negan to the Chaos Demonic Tide, and the reward Chaos will give you will be enough for you to break through the blockade and return to Yasha.

When the time comes, I will lead hundreds of millions of Chaos troops to conquer Avili and regain everything you have lost. "


The most recent scene has been played on the screen. The once upright Emma has become crazy and disordered under the influence of crimes.

Even the look in his eyes when he looked at the silver elf was no longer the admiration and cherishment he had before, but the look of naked possession and violation.

But while the silver elf was saying all kinds of words to persuade Emma, ​​she kept using her sinful body to reward Emma, ​​allowing Emma to continue to sink.

Seeing Emma's countless crimes on the screen, even the experienced Qi Ge was shocked.

Emma's wife and children were sent to Chaos to be killed by him himself.

Everything is to help his beloved [Silver Elf].

This is no longer a simple love brain, it is simply out of mind!

Especially when he saw Emma's plan against the Shadow Dragon, the Black Dragon King looked at Emma with murderous intent.

The orange vertical pupils opened, and the [Infinity] in Moriel's body suddenly appeared.

Infinite turned into a dragon and lay on the ground with a pained face. She seemed to want to wake up, but was unable to do anything.

The Black Dragon King's orange vertical pupils stared, and a large piece of colorful darkness merged into Infinite's body, forcefully forcing an illusory egg sheath out of Infinite's body.

The egg sheath lost its protection. The moment it came into contact with the Black Dragon King Kingdom, it was like water falling into strong sulfuric acid. It was quickly dissolved, vaporized, and disappeared.

"The damn thing."

Seeing this scene, the Black Dragon King glared at Emma fiercely.


At this moment, Emma suddenly raised her head and wailed in great pain.

A ball of faint blue flame suddenly spurted out from Emma's mouth, eyes, and nose. The flames surrounded Emma's body and burned her clean in the blink of an eye.

As Emma disappeared, the screen that was playing also turned off.

"Is he dead?" Qige stood up, frowning.

"Dead, but not completely dead yet." The Black Dragon King said from behind Qi Ge: "He spontaneously ignited the divine fire. This is the most incomprehensible way for demigods to escape. Even I can't keep him.

The disappearance of the divine fire means that Emma is no longer in Asa. Her body, soul, true spirit, and rules have all disappeared, and her body and spirit have been destroyed.

But he is a demigod after all. If he leaves an anchor in the world of Yasha, there is still a way to reunite and resurrect bit by bit with the help of others.

But he will be in a weak state for a long time after resurrection.

Only if we find and destroy the anchor of rebirth he left behind and completely eliminate his traces can he be killed.

However, it may be very difficult to achieve this. "

Qi Ge understood it in one click and suddenly realized: "Your Majesty, what you mean is that the anchor point he left behind is in the realm of chaos."

"Yes, nine times out of ten.

But don’t worry Qi Ge, after all, he destroyed his own divine fire in my kingdom of God, and it’s not that easy to rely on the immortality of a demigod to be resurrected.

Even if he leaves enough anchor points, his divine fire will be very slow to regroup.

He will not be able to come out to cause trouble for at least three months. "

The Black Dragon King's eyes appeared next to Qi Ge, and he spat out a mouthful of black flame angrily.

“But I will never let him go.

Even if Negan and I spend everything we have, I will kill him through the realm of chaos and completely eliminate him.

Fortunately, he discovered it early, otherwise all the black dragons, including my daughter, would have been harmed by him, and even I would have been killed by him.

It's really scary to think about. "

Moriel walked out of the curtain behind Qi Ge with a livid face.

"That's why Infinite has been trying to sleep lately, damn Emma."

There was evil in her eyes and she was filled with anger:

"I have written down all the people related to Emma. I will arrest and interrogate one by one, and I will never let anyone go.

These sinners who betrayed the world of Negan and Asa will also get the reckoning they deserve. "

Qige frowned and said:

"Even demigods can be bewitched by chaos. It's really hard to guard against it."

The Black Dragon King's eyes flickered and he said calmly:

"This is the war between order and chaos, life and death, regardless of the cost.

Chaos will use all means to destroy us, and we will use all means to struggle to survive.

Emma's betrayal is very serious to us, but stretching the timeline is just a splash in the countless confrontations between Asa and Chaos. "

Qige took a deep breath and said to the Black Dragon King:

“Your Majesty, Moriel, Negan’s side will be left to you.

I want to rush to the Shadow Realm immediately to save people.

After seeing the scene just now, I had a very ominous premonition. "

The Black Dragon King looked at Qige: "Can you do it alone?

Let's do this, you take my scales over.

If it comes to a last resort, just hold my scales and summon me.

I have one last resort. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After leaving the Kingdom of the Dark Dragon King, Qi Ge immediately took out a conch.

“The rules of the Shadow Realm are special, and most creatures cannot survive in the Shadow Realm, let alone fight.

I can obtain Anosaki's expertise through the Changing Man and enter the Shadow Realm, but I'm alone, so I'm afraid it won't be of much use.

But it doesn’t matter, I can still shake people!

Uncle Thief, hold on, I'll be there soon! "

Deep in the Shadow Realm, the headquarters of the Thieves Guild, Ten Thousand Shadows City.

This city hidden deep in the Shadow Realm has always been in a state of being impossible to capture.

Because there are almost no intelligent creatures in the Shadow Realm except for the members of the Thieves Guild, and they will not initiate siege warfare.

The environment of the Shadow Realm is extremely special, and normal creatures in the Yasha world cannot enter the Shadow Realm at all.

The nine major forces, even if the false gods take action, cannot pose a threat to Wanying City.

But now, Wanying City is in crisis of destruction.

At this time, the shadow cannons of Wanying City were already in full fire, and the silent and lightless shells continued to bombard the surroundings, exploding ripples in the dark and fantastic space.

A huge shadow curtain rose up and turned into a ball to wrap the Ten Thousand Shadows City in the center.

However, whether it is counterattack or defensive methods, they all appear so powerless in front of the opponents faced by Wanying City.

Strange butterflies are wandering around Wanying City.

They can easily penetrate the shadow curtain and enter the City of Ten Thousand Shadows. They can also withstand the bombardment of shadow cannonballs and the attacks of shadow thieves and stay on the shadow thieves, piercing their sharp mouthparts into their bodies and dissolving them. It turns into a ball of shadow that is so broken that it has no shape, and then is sucked dry like a drink.

Anosaki looked at the densely packed ghost butterflies surrounding Wanying City, feeling bleak in his heart.

He never imagined that Chaos would tear a hole in the world of Yasha at this time, enter the Shadow Realm, and attack his hometown.

The City of Ten Thousand Shadows was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties under the attack of Ghost Butterflies. The backbone of the Thieves Guild stationed in the City of Thousand Shadows was completely wiped out.

Only a very small number of them retreated to him in time and barely survived by relying on his demigod rules to suppress the ghost butterflies.

However, he was seriously injured and could not hold on for long.

Every minute and every second he spends unfolding the demigod space is a kind of damage to his body.

“All communications were cut off, making it almost impossible for reinforcements to arrive.

If I hold on for a while longer, I will spontaneously ignite the divine fire and bring the entire Ten Thousand Shadows City to death together with those damn Chaos Ghost Butterflies. "

Anosaki said to the dark gray robed thief who was supporting him:

"While I am burning the divine fire, I will try my best to tear apart the blockade of the Chaos Ghost Butterfly on the Shadow Realm.

When the time comes, you can run out one by one. "


The gray-robed thief supported Anosaki's body, grief-stricken:

"Godfather, I understand. I will definitely inherit your last wish and will not let the legacy of the Thieves Guild be cut off."

When the thieves around heard this, they all shed tears.

"Stop crying and listen carefully."

Anosaki said sharply:


After you leave, go to God's Chosen City as soon as possible to find Qi Ge, tell him everything that happened here, and ask him to find a way to take back the Shadow Realm as soon as possible.

If that doesn't work, let the gods cut off the connection between the Shadow Realm and the Yasha World.

Otherwise, once the Shadow Realm completely falls into the hands of Chaos, all the shadow places in the Yasha world will become seedbeds for the generation of Chaos nodes.

After that, whoever among you is alive and has the highest status will be the new godfather of the Thieves Guild.

Our orphanage must continue to operate and be passed down from generation to generation until there are no more orphans in the world of Yasha.

Do you understand? "

"I understand!"

All the thieves answered in unison. Their voices were obviously not as loud as before, but they were all very determined.

"Well, let's get started."

Anosaki looked at the sky, his gaze rising.

Some of the ghost butterflies in the sky are lying around their regular barrier, waiting for their energy to run out before swarming them.

Another part has spread and is hunting the native creatures of the Shadow Realm everywhere.

This is a world-destroying disaster. Even if Anosaki is in full condition, it will be very difficult to cope with it, not to mention that he is now seriously injured.

Anosaki gritted his teeth.

“There are only two regrettable things in my mind right now.

One was that he failed to find the anchor point left by Credel, and the other was that he failed to help Qi Ge discover the identity of the demigod.

I will let my regrets and unwillingness burn with my soul to light the way for you. "

Just when Anosaki was about to light the divine fire, a magnificent light suddenly rushed in from the sky!

In the world of shadows, light appears!

Anosaki stared at the sky with his eyes widened in surprise.

[Sky vision is ready. 】

[Shenzhou Bida begins delivery. 】

[Target, Shadow Realm, Ten Thousand Shadows City. 】

[Number of people delivering: 2]

"Uncle Thief!! Don't be impulsive!"

The power of the sky boat was fleeting, and the seven pigeons instantly appeared next to Anosaki and grabbed Anosaki's hand.

"Qi Ge! Why did you come here?!"

Anosaki was surprised and delighted.

"It's a long story. I'm here with reinforcements. Look, who is this."

Qi Ge pointed to his side.

"Hey. Anosaki, long time no see. It's quite embarrassing."

"Ta Nan?! You're actually here too! By the way, both of you can enter the Shadow Realm by converting into shadow specialties."

Anosaki was overjoyed:

"Quickly, use the demigod rules to help me hold up those ghost butterflies. I can't hold it anymore."

"You don't need to tell me, that's what I'm here to do."

Tanan swung the ax fiercely, and a barrier instantly unfolded from his body.

Tanan's rules are obviously larger than Anosaki's, and it encompasses a large area around it in an instant.

The ghost butterfly, wrapped in Tanan's rules, faded to gray-white in the blink of an eye and remained motionless in its original position.

Qi Ge's eyes lit up and asked: "Brother Tanan, are you done?"

Tanan explained to Qige:

"These ghost butterflies are not dead, they just lost their activity under my suppression.

Ghost butterflies are essentially the incarnation of self-destructive rules, and only rules that restrain them can harm them.

My rules and Anosaki's rules can only suppress them temporarily, but cannot kill them.

The best way to kill these ghost butterflies is to expose them to the sunlight of the Yasha world.

The rules of the Sun God are full of vitality and are the nemesis of ghost butterflies.

But this is the Shadow Realm, and the Shadow Realm cannot bear the light of the Sun God.

The best way now is to find enough demigods to suppress the ghost butterflies and send them to the world of Yasha, where the Sun God will kill them. "


Anosaki coughed and said:

"If I'm in good condition, I can take over the control of the ghost butterflies from Tanan and transport them out in batches.

But I'm injured now and there's nothing I can do. "

Qi Ge asked:

"In the entire world of Yasha, there is no third demigod who can move freely in the Shadow Realm?"

"Can't find it."

Anosaki and Tanan shook their heads at the same time.

"Even if other demigods enter the Shadow Realm, they cannot unfold the rules. It is very difficult for them to maintain themselves from being eroded by the Shadow Realm."

“Even if it is strong enough, it is useless to force it to unfold.

This place is originally a gap in the world, and the rules are very unstable.

If you are not careful, you will tear open the Shadow Realm and fall into the void. "

Tanan and Anosaki said in unison, and the two of them explained the current predicament clearly in a few words.

Tanan looked at Qige and said:

"For today's plan, only you take Anosaki out and go to the Elemental City to find the sacred phoenix, Phoenix Nephthys.

Her rules can heal Anosaki's rule injuries in the shortest time, and then you can come back. "

"Element City!" Qige's eyes lit up: "

Anosaki looked at Tanan and said solemnly: "Then I'll leave this place to you. I owe you a favor."

Tanan grinned: "It's easy to talk about. Just leave it to me without any worries."

Anosaki put his hand on the seven pigeons and said, "Let's go back quickly."

The injured Anosaki had no way to travel through the Shadow Realm full of ghost spies, so he could only take Seven Pigeons to escape from the Shadow Realm and return to the world of Yasha.

Their location happened to be in a remote forest in Aveli.

"Let's go quickly, don't wait too long."

Anosaki summoned a shadow dragon mount to move around. The illusory shadow dragon seemed to sense that its master was in something wrong, and kept shaking uneasily next to Anosaki.

"We will go to the capital of Avili first, and then use the teleportation array to go to the capital of Element City."

"No, it's too slow."

Qi Ge shook his head and said:

"I have a faster way, I just want to aggrieve you."

He took out a scroll of the Gate of Time and Space and said:

"You first join my force and become my deputy hero, and then use the scroll to return to the City of God's Choice.

The Chosen City is just above the Elemental City.

I asked Sylvia to drive the Sky Whale to the Maelstrom and meet us in the Chosen City.

At the speed of the Sky Whale, it only takes ten minutes to go to the capital of Elemental City via the Nephthys River. "

Anosaki looked at the scroll in Qi Ge's hand, took a breath and said nothing.

Qi Ge quickly said: "Uncle Thief, please obey the authority when the matter is urgent. You can lift it later."

Anosaki snorted softly and said with a smile:

“I once swore an oath that I would only be Credel’s subordinate in this life.

You are Credel's successor. Joining your ranks does not mean breaking one's oath.

You were able to arrive in time with Tanan, and I owe you a life-saving favor.

Okay, I guess you got a big deal. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, the demigod hero Anosaki has joined the Chosen City]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for winning the branch city [Wanying City]. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the underground space [House of Thieves]. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the organization [Thieves Guild]. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining a total of 2,736,558 units. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining a total of six thousand four hundred and twenty secondary heroes. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining Real Estate Thieves Guild*15876. 】

[Server-wide announcement: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for completing the achievement: King of Thieves]

"Uncle Thief!" Qi Ge looked at Anosaki, his eyes bright.

Anosaki glared at Seven Pigeons fiercely:

"If you abuse the female thieves in our Thieves Guild from now on, I will kill you!" (End of Chapter)

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