The rules of this world are special and are many different from the Yasha world.

However, when it comes to playing strategic games, Qige is a professional.

After figuring out the rules, Qi Ge quickly formulated a combat plan that was most suitable for his current situation.

On the first day after entering the new city, Qi Ge rescued the Dark Forces of Justice that were scattered and imprisoned in six dungeons. The old troops captured their coaches and the new troops entered training status.

The next day, the old troops began to push pictures in an orderly manner.

On the third day, the old troops occupied 30% of the castle, and Qi Ge discovered a new hidden room.

On the fourth day, new troops came out. The combined total combat strength of the troops was 250,000. After the increase, 1.5 million began to push forward. The city was captured, swept, cleaned, and abandoned.


The crisp sound of hooves sounded.

In the vast black desert, a dozen mysterious creatures with a height of 60 meters and eight slender legs were running wildly.

They look like both cockroaches and spiders. The bottoms of their eight long legs are very hard and can crawl quickly on the sand.

When they run, they look like a hill, giving people a weird and intimidating feeling.

These creatures, which Ivy calls "Human Skin Spiders", possess powerful strength and rapid speed, and can travel through the desert like a gust of wind.

The body of [Human Skin Spider] is covered with a hard shell, shining with a faint light, like a brilliance in the black sand.

Their heads are sharp and flexible, allowing them to easily penetrate between dunes in search of food or forage.

Qige's biggest harvest in the last [Fengxin City] was this batch of [Human Skin Spiders].

They transformed Qi Ge's troops from slow-moving infantry into extremely fast cavalry.

Most importantly, their huge bodies can easily carry large amounts of supplies and cages.

"Uh, bah bah bah!"

The dark sand in the black desert floats in the wind and always gets into Ivy's mouth, making Ivy very annoyed.

Qige, who was looking at the map, noticed this.

He tore off a piece of his clothes and tied it around Ivy's mouth.

"Wearing this will make you feel more comfortable."

Qi Ge's unconscious little movements made Ivy feel warm in her heart.

She leaned against Qige and asked softly:

"Sir, where are we going next?"

Qi Ge pointed at the map and said:

"We have confirmed that the troops of the Shadow of Evil attacking the city will enter the city after the siege is successful and will not return to their original place.

After a city is captured by us, all Evil Shadow cities within 2 kilometers of this city will send troops.

Taking the two cities of Fengxin City and Bisheng City as the center of the circle, draw a circle with a radius of 2 kilometers.

There is only one city in the overlapping area, and that is Suo Ai City.

Suoai City has already sent out two groups of attacking troops and is in a state of internal emptiness. It is easiest for us to capture Suoai City.

At the same time, there are four cities around Suoai City, two of which are within the center of Bisheng City.

After the Suo'ai City is taken down, they will also become internal empty cities that send troops twice.

We can continue to create more and more weaknesses in this way, repeatedly take advantage of them, and while cannibalizing the enemy's forces, we can harvest all the forces that can be harvested in the city.

Create an advantageous situation in which we become stronger the more we fight, and the enemy becomes weaker the more we fight. "

"Oh~ So that's it~"

Ivy understood.

She looked at the seven pigeons who were concentrating on calculations, and exclaimed in her heart:

"Hmm! It's a perfect plan. This is God! You look so handsome when you look serious!

No, he’s so handsome even when he’s not serious. Anyway, he’s so handsome! "

Qi Ge didn't realize that pink hearts were popping up above Ivy's head, and his thoughts had wandered to the hidden room in Fengxin City.

The words hidden on the floor of the room always concerned him a little.

“An evil force from an unknown place has invaded the world.

The edges of the world began to crumble and collapse, plants began to mutate, and even the soil began to decay like flesh and blood. "

“There are more and more man-eating plants, and the root of it all seems to be rain.

Many residents died three to five days after being exposed to rain.

An open-air city cannot survive, so a fully covered castle must be built and drainage facilities must be improved regardless of cost. "

"Among the dead residents, some halflings actually came back to life!

They seem to gain some kind of evolution in the rain, which is magical, but not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, maybe I should ask the gods. "

“God is in such a bad state that He can no longer answer my prayers.

What would our world do if even the gods fell?

No, we can't wait any longer. No matter how heavy the price is, we have to find a way out. "

"I have already demonstrated that the power of shadow can transcend reality and reach the fantasy realm that can be seen but cannot be touched.

Then I shouldn't continue to hesitate. "

"We can know from this information that the changes in this world should have started before the gods left.

But Ivy told me that it was after the goddess left that the world began to have problems.

There must be some problems here, and someone is deliberately hiding the truth.

Who concealed the truth? And why hide the truth? "

"Sir, we are arriving."

Ivy's voice was like the morning sunshine, awakening Qi Ge from his meditation.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the howling desert storm in the distance. Under this dark sandstorm, the shadow of a city is looming.

The city stands amidst endless black sand, its outline blurred by the storm.


Seven Pigeons blew a whistle, and all the skin spiders suddenly stopped. They slid a long distance in the desert, kicking up dust all over the sky.

The seven pigeons loudly ordered:

"From now on, everyone must be silent and wait for me to sneak into the city to gather information."

"By taking down Suo'ai City, our military strength will be qualitatively improved to the point where we can storm the city.

When the time comes, I will take you all the way back! This battle must be won! "

"Must win!! Must win!!"

Ivy raised her hands high, her eyes shining.

The stick monster is a very special kind of chaos monster.

The combat power of the sticky monsters is not strong, but they have sticky special skills similar to the [Wangling] skill of [Deadwood Warrior], which can stick to the soldiers and make them unable to move.

But in this world, the stickiness monster's sticking skills cannot be activated during battle.

But stick monsters still have their advantages.

After the slime monster is defeated, its slime-filled body will explode directly, sounding a loud alarm, and at the same time spray out the slime in its body, making surrounding enemies unable to move.

This slime can also corrode weapons, armor, and clothes, making it a girl killer.

It is precisely because of the special characteristics of the clinging monster that the Evil Shadow camp chose the clinging monster as the city wall guard after the great waves.

In the edge area of ​​the Shadow of Evil, there are some small cities without the Eye of Moses, and even the city gates are guarded by sticky monsters.

The clinging monster guards are impeccable. With the natives of the Shadow World, it is difficult to find a way to deal with them and can only forcefully attack the city.

For example, there are four clinging monsters guarding the gate of Qianying City.

These fourteen sticky monsters have been moving left and right behind the city gate, alternating vertically and horizontally, forming a three-dimensional protective network.

Under their protection, Qianying City appears quiet and peaceful, as always.

But none of them noticed that the shadow of the city gate suddenly shook and began to expand bit by bit.

The fantastic shadow is like an expanding balloon, constantly swallowing the shadows of the sticky monsters. When the shadows of the fourteen sticky monsters are swallowed up, the balloon suddenly shrinks, and the sticky monsters disappear.

Immediately afterwards, two groups of black smoke fighting suddenly appeared on the ground.

Dark: 69000VS Shadow: 38000.

Without a sound, the guards at the city gate disappeared.

The shadow of the city gate shook again, and the blood shadow and Valeela emerged from the shadow at the same time.

Blood Shadow and Valeera looked at each other and said:

"I'll leave the job of unlocking the city gate to you, and I'll deal with the guards on the city wall."

Valeela nodded and replied:

"Be careful. Qianying City still has a total strength of 560,000 to 570,000 troops. You must not be anxious."

The blood shadow didn't answer, but just escaped into the shadow again.

"Tsk, this stinky vampire has an old-fashioned and awkward temper.

I don’t know how Qi Ge tamed her. "

Valila clicked her tongue, stretched out her hand, and took out three dark coins.

"A Chaos unit with a combat strength of 30,000 can only produce 3 Shadow Coins.

After taking down the entire city, there were only sixty pieces.

It takes 10,000 shadow coins to buy back the Seven Pigeons or the Dark Dragon King. How long will it take to save up?

Speaking of which, this price is too unreasonable. Why would Lord Seven Pigeons have the same price as the gods? "

The battle was over, and Qi Ge rescued two more imprisoned halflings and a large group of shadow monsters in Suo Ai City.

He felt a little strange and asked Ivy:

"Ivy, among the remaining races in your world, are there any other races besides halflings?"

"Yes! There are many. Insect-men covered in dark green, black-skinned men with jet-black skin, spider-men who have poor mobility but can create shadow traps... there are more than a dozen races in total."

"Then why, we visited four cities in a row and only found halflings, not a single other race."

Ivy said with some disappointment:

“Maybe it’s because only halflings need to leave the city.

We only have two cities left now. The other races are basically in the city and usually don't need to leave the city.

We halflings can't find good jobs at all and can only engage in dangerous jobs such as merchants and miners that require us to leave the city.

If you are in the wild, you may be attacked by the evil shadow patrol force at any time.

For example, I was attacked by [Little Bat Beast] while running a business. "

Qige frowned: "So unfair?"

"Yeah..." Ivy said sadly:

"Not only that, races such as the black-skinned people and the bug-men have all had their tribesmen serve as great guardians. Only we halflings have never served as great guardians.

There was originally a turning point.

The last great guardian was a black lizard man who was very friendly to us halflings. He has been working hard to improve the living conditions of us halflings.

Unfortunately, he is dead.

After his death, there was no great guardian, and the two cities fell into the hands of the insect people who were very harsh on us halflings. "

"Wait a minute, insect man? Could it be that..."

“I seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding before.

I have always thought that the Mother Goddess appearing in the first discovered text referred to a hierarchy of powers.

But there is another special situation where the word mother goddess also appears.

That is the Mother Goddess through and through, literally.

The special name for the offspring born of the gods, or the beings of the same race as the gods, will also be translated as mother goddess!

Just like Rem, she is also regarded as the mother goddess by the centaur clan.

By the way, this situation is more reasonable.

Except for the words discovered for the first time, the word "Mother Goddess" never appears in other slate words, but all of them are gods...

This shows that the record on the first stone tablet should have been written by the original race of this world.

if that is the case……"

Qige closed her eyes and thought for a while.

After a long time, he smiled and patted Ivy on the head and said:

"Don't worry, if you follow me from now on, everything will be fine.

The time is almost here. Let's go to Night City and give you a home. "


collapse! ! !

With a loud noise that shook the earth, the last half-ghost defender of another city was killed by Qi Ge.

The ghost lights slowly transform, and the shadows reappear in the world.

[System prompt: You have successfully occupied Night City. 】

Ivy stood beside Qi Ge, counting with her fingers excitedly:

"It takes 15 days to lay down the must-win city, 4 days to seal the heart city, and 2 days to lock the love city.

This time, it only took us one day to capture Night City.

Sir, we are getting stronger. "


Qi Ge smiled and said:

“There are only Suo’ai City and Bisheng City within two thousand meters of Night City.

I led my troops and set off immediately, intercepting and killing the troops sent to attack Bisheng City on the way, and then took advantage of the situation to recapture Bisheng.

Then I pulled back and guarded the siege troops of Suoai City.

After that, Night City will get a month of breathing space.

I have calculated that it will take 5 days for the siege troops of Suoai City to arrive, which is enough for us to go back and forth.

As long as Night City is defended, we can put all the newly solved troops in Night City for training.

Ivy, I will leave some old troops to help you train the new troops.

Night City is left to you. "

"Yes! Sir!"

"Victory! We have won!"

A large group of swarms and caterpillars jumped on the city wall, celebrating their hard-won victory.

They sang and danced, and their excitement and joy were beyond words.

“Thirty years later, we, the Dark of Justice, finally succeeded in recapturing a city.

What a hard-won victory. "

A [Insect Man] who looked like a caterpillar but walked upright wiped his tears with four hands at the same time.

He stepped on the corpses of [Half-Ghosts] on the ground and crawled to Valeela:

"Great Forerunner, the counterattack of the evil darkness will come soon. What should we do next?"

Valeera took out the small book Tanan gave her, looked at it, and said firmly:

"Leave the city immediately, intercept and kill some of the siege troops, and then fight back to advance to the city before the siege troops arrive."

"Yes! We all listen to you, Forerunner."

"We won, we won again!"

After an arduous battle, the savior team finally defended Qianying City.

While Valeera breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a little panicked.

After wasting so much effort, he only captured the weakest city, and he had to conquer at least eighteen more cities before he could reach Prisoner Pigeon City where Qi Ge was located.

“It’s impossible without two months.

His Majesty the Dark Dragon King is a god after all, so he can definitely hold on, but Lord Seven Pigeons has just become a master. Can he survive the imprisonment of this terrifying chaos monster? "

"No, the siege troops are here again!"

"So many! So many, so many!"

While Valeera was thinking, Laura rushed into the room with the Blood Shadow Thorn troops.

"Urgent report from the front, a large number of cavalry troops are rapidly approaching Qianying City. There are too many of them, and the smoke and sand they step out are like a sandstorm."

Valeera:? ? ?

Only by looking down from the sky above the Shadow World can we know how exaggerated the expansion speed of the Seven Pigeons is.

At the beginning, 90% of the Shadow Continent was black, with only a small gray dot on the edge.

After that, one yellow dot after another appeared and died on the Shadow Continent, flickering.

After that, the yellow dot of [Night City] lit up, and Seven Doves blew the counterattack horn.

When the rescue team arrived at the city where Tanan was located and began to take over the training of troops, Qige had already captured three cities, with a total strength of over half a million.

These three cities are horns to each other and can work together to help each other.

There is only one enemy city within 2000 meters of each city.

At this time, Qi Ge adopted a bold strategy.

He ordered only two of the left-behind troops in the city to stay in the Shadow Lantern Hall, and all other troops to leave the city.

The two remaining people treated the [Coach] who was in the cage and quickly evacuated the city.

In this way, the city occupied by the Seven Doves will become the city of the evil shadow again.

Then the remaining two people went back and knocked the coach unconscious. One person transported the coach out of the city, and the other stayed behind.

The city will become captured, and the only nearby city will naturally send recovery troops.

At this time, the Seven Pigeon troops that had been waiting around would swarm in and kill all the recovering troops.

The recovery troops sent by a city will not exceed 1/5 of its total military strength.

Even for a large city with tens of millions of troops, 1/5 of its strength is less than two million.

Every time a wave of attacking troops is eaten, the total strength of the city will be reduced by 1/5.

As long as the above process is repeated, Qi Ge's large army will be able to surround the point for reinforcements with complete safety, and finally eat up the city with a total force of over ten million.

A large city worth tens of millions of dollars could not survive even one day under the control of Qi Ge.

A big city with a large number of troops was taken, and the small cities around the big city were easily taken.

When the rescue team began to prepare an attack plan on Qianying City, Qi Ge already controlled six cities, with a total combat strength of more than five million troops and three halfling generals.

The surrounding evil shadow cities have also suffered heavy losses due to Qi Ge's constant involvement. Even without Qi Ge's leadership, Ivy and the others can easily solve them.

Therefore, the Seven Pigeon Soldiers, who saw the right opportunity, attacked in four directions and quickly pushed the map at the speed of four cities per day.

In just 5 days, a large yellow city of [Asha Land] appeared in the center of the map.

When Qianying City was captured by the rescue team, Qige already held 19 cities!

At this time, there are 10 cities of Shadow of Evil and only 3 cities of Darkness of Justice.

In terms of area, [Land of Asa] has become the strongest force.

And now, Qi Ge, who just learned through reconnaissance that Qianying City has changed hands, has returned home with his army in full glory!


The melodious horn sound sounded under Qianying City.

Seven pigeons rode [Human Skin Spider], jumped out of the crowd, and shouted loudly:

"I am Seven Doves! The savior who came to save the world on the orders of Mother Goddess Asa.

The leader of the Darkness of Justice, come out and answer! "

"Lord Qi Ge!!!"

The moment the blood shadow on the city wall saw Qi Ge, it turned into a shadow and teleported out of the city, and then eagerly pounced on Qi Ge.

Qi Ge smiled and opened his hands to catch the flying blood shadow.

"Lord Lord!"

"Seven pigeons!!"

[Blood Shadow Thorn] and Laura, who were one step behind and failed to grab Qi Ge's arms, also hurriedly jumped off the city wall and surrounded Qi Ge.

They boldly hugged Qi Ge's arms and thighs, and timidly stood aside, each expressing their longing for him with their eyes and bodies.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Sir, does Sir actually have so many wives?!

then what do I do? "

When Ivy, who was behind Qi Ge, saw this scene, her eyes rolled in circles and she was stunned, as if she had been struck by lightning.

"Xueying, Laura, Tian, ​​Di, Xuan, Huang, Yu, Zhou, Hong, you are all here to attack the treasure house.

Thank you for your hard work. Next, leave it to me.

I will take time to catch up with you later. Now, let’s solve the problem of Qianying City first. "

Qi Ge took the initiative in just a few words.

Laura took Qi Ge’s hand, pointed to the top of the city, and said to Qi Ge:

"Seven pigeons and seven pigeons, Valeera is also here. This time she is the leading hero."

"Lord!" Valeela waved to Qi Ge excitedly.

Qi Ge looked at Valeera's side, two bug-men with green skin, and a black-skinned man whose whole body was as black as coal.

They all looked at themselves with panic and vigilance.

Qi Ge's eyes turned cold and shouted to Valeera: "Valeera, open the city gate!"


Just as Valeera was about to give the order, two insect men suddenly rushed out, stopped her, and said loudly:

"Forerunner, you can't drive!"

"Why can't you open it? He is our companion, our lord, and a forerunner who is more powerful than us.

As we said before, he is the forerunner who must be saved. "

The two caterpillars danced and said:

“He came from the territory of the evil shadow, or came with the half-ghost.

The Shadow of Evil's methods are unpredictable, and maybe he has been corrupted by the Shadow of Evil. "

"Yes, that's right. If he hadn't joined the Shadow of Evil, how could the Shadow of Evil have let him out.

This must be the conspiracy of the evil shadow. "

Valeera frowned and was about to retort when suddenly, the originally closed city gate began to move with a creak.

Blood Shadow doesn't care that much.

She and Qi Ge have a special telepathy and can confirm Qi Ge's identity.

The moment Qi Ge gave the order, she turned into a shadow and returned to the city gate and opened the city gate.

"Ouch! Why is the door open!"

"It's over, it's over."

The two caterpillars were trembling, their bodies shaking constantly.

Valeera asked strangely: "If Seven Pigeons were controlled by the evil shadow, my companions would have seen it already.

Just open the door. Why are you so afraid? "


At this moment, there was an explosion behind Valeela.

The black-skinned man who had been following her was knocked unconscious by the blood shadow and thrown to her feet.


The two insect men were startled, and just as they were about to escape, the escape route was blocked by the Shadow Lizard Dragon.

"Of course they're scared."

Qi Ge quickly walked up the stairs.

Behind him, two halflings each carried a huge cage.

"Because in order to speed up the destruction of the Darkness of Justice, they have done a lot of evil things."

Qi Ge looked at the two insect men with a focused gaze:

“You planned the death of the previous guardian.

Halflings are being treated unfairly, and it's also your fault.

Ivy was caught, and it was you who did it.

If my guess is correct, Ivy's mother and other halflings are now imprisoned by you and are ready to be sacrificed to the evil darkness, right? "

The two insect men trembled, with frightened expressions on their faces:

"what are you saying?!

We are the masters of the only two remaining cities of the Darkness of Justice, how could we collude with the Shadow of Evil. "

"That's right. Those evil shadows can't communicate at all.

We have neither the reason nor the means to collude. "

Qige sneered, took out a book, and read loudly:

"Those halflings are from another world.

The Mother Goddess tells us that that world is higher than our world, and as long as we get there, we will gain endless gains. "

“The research on halflings was successful, and we managed to find the location of another world through halflings.

Unbelievable, that world is actually around us, overlapping with us.

We just can't see or feel that world. "

The order came, they told us, and the gods asked us to begin an in-depth study of the halflings immediately.

Oh my god, wasn't it enough to kill so many halflings before?

We are simply not researchers but executioners.

But this is the order of the gods. Well, maybe the gods feel that the halfling is guilty.

"The experiments have all failed. The failure of the experiments has attracted malicious prying eyes, and the evil god from an unknown place has set its sights on us."

They came again, and they told us that the gods were no match for the evil god, and that the world was about to end.

"This is our last hope. No matter how many halflings are sacrificed, we have to get out of here."

“The world opened by the power of shadow leads to a mysterious and unknown place.

Once there, all of us will gain infinite strength.

But the Mother Goddess can no longer hold on, and the world is on the verge of destruction. We can only choose to sacrifice the Mother Goddess, so that the Mother Goddess can finally send out a little energy to help us ignite the firewood to the sky. "

"The god failed. Under the control of the unknown evil god, he turned into another terrifying form.

Fortunately, the gods seem to have become part of the evil god. The evil god's erosion of our world has slowed down and no more troops are being replenished.

This seems to buy us time to continue our research. "

"The final research also failed. We opened a gap, but the gap was too small, and even the smallest clan member could not get through.

Damn it, we can't let the rest of the population know that the Mother Goddess has become one with the Evil God.

Otherwise, this will cause the power of the evil god to come again.

But we couldn't explain to them where the Mother Goddess had gone.

Yes, we must tell them that the Mother Goddess has given up on us, and even the tribe must hide it.

Only the best of the best can know the truth. "

As Seven Pigeons chanted, the bodies of the two insect men continued to tremble, and their expressions became more and more panicked.

Qi Ge closed the book and said softly:

“Before I came to this world, I had been thinking about a question.

The rule of the ghost butterfly is self-destruction, which is not a rule with strong defensive capabilities.

Why is Ghost Butterfly the most special among the four major chaos masters' followers?

The other master's dependents can be attacked physically or magically, but only the ghost butterfly must be suppressed and killed by rules.

Only now do I understand that the invulnerability of Ghost Butterfly and Ghost Butterfly Lord does not actually come from the self-destruction rules of Chaos, but from themselves.

They are simply not in the same dimension as our Yasha world.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to deal with them.

If I guess correctly, the story begins a long time ago.

At that time, our world of Yasha had just experienced the invasion of chaos, and all races were reborn.

Among them, a certain branch of the halfling clan with good shadow adaptability chose to enter the shadow world in order to find a suitable survival fantasy.

The Shadow Realm is actually a 2.5-dimensional world, located between the two-dimensional world and the three-dimensional world.

When the halfling family was traveling in the Shadow Realm, they accidentally fell into a dimension and entered the two-dimensional shadow world, which is the current world.

Halflings survive and multiply in your world, and the aura of the three-dimensional world and the two-point-five-dimensional world hidden in them has attracted the attention of your gods.

So, you began to analyze the power brought by the halflings and discovered a special energy called shadow.

Shadow is essentially an energy that can transform dimensions.

You want to use your research on shadow to break the dimensional cage and ascend to a higher dimension.

But you didn't expect that your experiment failed.

Instead of ascending, you attracted the attention of Chaos.

Your gods warn you to resist Chaos.

But the power of Chaos is too powerful. You are no match for Chaos. The world gradually falls and collapses.

So, you once again regarded the power of shadow as your savior and began to conduct research at all costs.

Even, in order to obtain the energy needed for research, you also pray to your own gods, asking Him to burn his own power and provide enough energy for your research.

And your gods really responded to your request, which sounds very rude!

Because, you insect people are the original race of your gods! "

As soon as these words came out, the two insect men suddenly trembled and their bodies twitched.

When Qi Ge saw this, he immediately knew that his guess was correct.

He continued:

"You insect people weren't originally called by this name, were you?

Look at your body, from head to toe, not a single part looks human.

The name of your species should have been called Ghost Insects.

And your mother goddess is naturally the ancestor of ghosts and insects! "

"You, you, did you know?"

The two bug men were horrified: "This is a secret we pass on word of mouth. Only the highest-level ghost bugs know it."

Qi Ge took a deep look at the two ghost insects.

They were exposed like this.

Sure enough, because this world has been so eroded by chaos, the IQ of living creatures has dropped a lot.

Wisdom, like words, is the embodiment of order.

Qi Ge said softly: "Let me tell you a secret.

The creation god of a world can change its form drastically only under one circumstance.

That is when the world comes to an end, when, as a last resort, the gods incarnate and end.

Often, gods make themselves more flexible in order to find other worlds to devour.

The Ancestor of Ghost Butterfly is the final god that the gods of your world transformed into under the most forced circumstances.

It incarnates the end and throws itself into Chaos, voluntarily being swallowed by Chaos and becoming a part of Chaos.

And its purpose in doing this is to protect you, this group of useless people.

The Chaos troops in this world need to find ways to replenish energy on their own, because their connection with the Chaos body has been cut off, and they are isolated troops in this world.

And the one who severed the connection was the ancestor of Ghost Butterfly who had been completely assimilated by Chaos!

Your god has not given up on you at all. On the contrary, He has sacrificed His consciousness, divinity, power, everything, to protect you! "

After hearing this, the two ghost bugs finally wavered.

One of them lowered his head in shame, but the other one was still struggling:

"Yes! I admit that you are right!

But, so what.

Even if what you said is correct, it doesn't prove that we are colluding with the evil shadow, right? "

"Oh, your whole body is soft, only your mouth is hard, you ghost bugs are really interesting."

Qige sneered and said:

"When the gods are still there, you can't defeat Chaos, and if the gods are gone, you can't defeat it even more.

Even if Chaos doesn't have a steady stream of reinforcements, you are no match for Chaos.

Therefore, you continue to place your hopes on dimensionality.

Only by ascending the dimension and leaving this world can you escape from this crumbling doomsday place.

To study dimension ascension, halflings are indispensable.

To create an environment where it would not be a surprise no matter how many halflings disappear, the status of halflings must be suppressed to the ground.

It just so happens that as a halfling from our world of Yasha, we have an ability that your world does not have, and that is advancement.

Affected by this world, halflings also have the ability to step back after advancing.

You are hyping this ability, saying that the halflings' advancement is evidence of their collusion with Chaos.

Advance all halflings into the Shadow of Evil camp.

If I'm not mistaken, those so-called camps that will appear above the head when others are focused are probably created by you through some means. "

"the reason is simple."

Qi Ge pointed to the top of his head and said:

“I am a neutral force, but there is no word on my head.

If the Darkness of Justice and the Shadow of Evil are normal world rules, why don't the names of my neutral forces be displayed? "

Qige scolded:

"Because you want to study halflings, you maintain the inferior status of halflings. The great guardian who wanted to improve the status of halflings was naturally killed by you.

You call those chaotic monsters born from your shadow the Shadow of Evil and call themselves the Darkness of Righteousness.

But in my opinion, what you are doing is more evil and disgusting than Chaos!


The two insect men looked at each other and lowered their heads.

"Is this what it is?!"

Ivy, who was standing nearby and listened, covered her mouth and cried loudly:


Uncle Carol, Aunt It, Brother Ramos...

My neighbors, my friends, my relatives, they are all kind people, but they were all killed by you.

How could you do this! How could you do this! "

Ivy's body went limp and collapsed.

Qi Ge stretched out his hand, hugged her in his arms, and let her cry.

In order to attack Qianying City, the two cities of Darkness of Justice used almost all their strength, and there were soldiers of all races.

They all heard Qi Ge's words. Although they couldn't understand some of them, they generally understood the causes and consequences of this world.

"The Ghost Zerg Tribe has actually deceived us for so long!"

"By the way, the first great guardian is the Ghost Insect Tribe.

Before the disaster, it seemed that all the great guardians were ghosts and insects. "

"What about the descendants of the gods? Can the descendants of the gods deceive us at will?

Besides, their gods are dead! "

"Did it turn out that the disaster was caused by the Ghost Insects?"

"Halflings have been misunderstood for so many years. It's so pitiful."

For a time, there was an endless stream of condemnation of the Ghost Zerg Tribe, and even many Ghost Zerg Tribe mixed in the crowd were picked out and thrown to Qi Ge.


Seven Pigeons said loudly:

"If you continue, your rejection of the halflings will soon turn into your rejection of the ghost and insect tribe.

Do you want to make the same mistake again?

The ones who deceived you are the elite ghost bugs. They have no intention of interfering with the ordinary ghost bugs. Most of the ghost bugs are also the target of being deceived.

I will investigate everything clearly and judge those who deserve to be judged.

Until then, I will not allow anyone to use force privately.

Now is not the time for internal fighting. Chaos has not been completely eliminated and the crisis has not passed yet.

Even guilty sinners will have to die on the battlefield against Chaos! "

Qi Ge shouted:

"Come here, put these two ghost bugs in a cage."

He stepped on the high cage and announced loudly:

“Your gods have died and new gods have arrived.

I am Seven Doves, and my companions and I are the forerunners of the god Yasha! Our Mother Goddess Asa is countless times more powerful than your gods!

Cheer, it is your unremitting struggle that finally brings hope from the other side to your world.

On behalf of the goddess behind me, Mother Goddess Asa, I declare that from today on, there will no longer be any so-called darkness of justice and shadow of evil.

There is only order and chaos!

Like me, you are all from the order camp, and those demons and ghosts across from you are all from the chaos camp.

The whole army listened to the order and prepared to set off. We fought back and liberated the two cities that were still under the control of the Ghost and Insect Tribe.

Order will win, and Asa will win! "

"Order will win! Yasha will win!"

"Order will win! Yasha will win!"

Amidst the bursts of cheers, a voice rang in Qi Ge's ears.

【system hint:……】

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