Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 751 Change of Heart

During the process of recording the mechanical arms and the mechanical factory, Qi Ge became more and more confused as he watched.

After the transformation, there are too many mechanical units in the mechanical city that do not fit the style of the Yasha world.

[Accelerated Fire Extinguisher], [Mechanical Lifter], [Fire Fighter], [Reaper], [Banshee Fighter], [Widow Spider Mine], [Hurricane Tank], [Space Battleship]...

These strange soldiers all have one characteristic - they do not use any magic, they are purely mechanically driven, which is too weird.

Their special skills are all very simple, and several of the arms are even blank slates.

The horned devil looked at them and wanted to recognize them as relatives.

"It is very possible that these arms are not originally from the Yasha world, but are mechanical arms from the mechanical world that was wiped out by Chaos."

Qi Ge was building the factory and recording videos at the same time.

With more and more blank slate units, Qi Ge’s enthusiasm for recording videos continues to decrease.

Just when Qi Ge thought that the potential of the mechanical arms was limited, suddenly, a soldier appeared that made Qi Ge's eyes almost pop out of his sockets.

【Alert dog

Level 1, rank 1,

Special skill: Faith Machine. 】

In addition to believing in mechanical stunts, this is also a big blank slate.


"Faith Machine, could it be said that this is the legacy of the angelic world?

Could it be..."

Qi Ge quickly checked the follow-up arsenal and found what he wanted to see as expected.

【Primary Birth Pool

Can produce: Original Angel, Original Archangel...]

" really does!!

The main creatures in the angel world are also human beings. Their world is a weird [cyber religion] world, where religion and mechanical technology develop simultaneously, and idealism and materialism coexist.

The angel race that has not yet integrated with the Yasha world is the ultimate weapon of that world.

How come the legacy of the angel world appears here? Wasn't the world of angels destroyed by the abyss?

Oh... I remembered that the angelic world was invaded by the abyss, and the abyss fragments were constantly parasitic and escaping, diverting Chaos' pursuit of itself to the east.

It seems that although angels were successfully created, the angelic world still failed to escape the clutches of Chaos. "

Qi Ge touched his chin.

“What does it mean to treat someone the way they want to be treated?

Chaos can create chaos balls and reverse engineer the city and troop systems of the Yasha world.

I can also rely on the special characteristics of Mechanical Lost to reverse engineer Yasha's past mechanical units and mechanical legions from another world.

The collision between civilizations can always burst out with brilliant sparks.

These mechanical arms without special skills may become very powerful after being integrated with the Yasha world, just like angels.

I just don’t know if Trossa can understand this kind of faith machine factory?

No matter whether Trosa can understand it or not is his business, all I have to do is record it all.

If there are jujubes but not jujubes, hit a pole first. If it is useless, you will not lose. If you use it, you will make money with blood. "

Three hours later, Qi Ge recorded all the mechanical factories that could be built, with hundreds of scattered screen recordings.

At this time, all the pigeons have flown to the extreme distance. If they fly a little further, they will lose contact with the seven pigeons.

“I cleaned up the entire mechanically lost south and encountered more than a hundred [Chaos Mechanical Cities], but I didn’t encounter a single player.

This means that all the players except me are in the north.

It was obvious that Chaos wanted to isolate me and then kill me.

It's a pity that Chaos was self-defeating. Instead, I broke the situation and enjoyed a great meal.

The victory condition of Mechanical Lost is that whichever force belongs to the last surviving mechanical city will win.

In other words, I will go all the way north, kill all the [Chaos Mechanical Cities], and then merge all the cities on my side, and then I can win.

However, this method of victory can only be a normal strategy, which can weaken the strength of the chaotic area, but cannot kill this chaotic area at once.

I finally managed to get a capital-level mechanical city and left like this, so thank you.

If you want to have a perfect strategy, you have to find out the hidden strategy conditions of [Mechanical Lost].

Maybe I can refer to the victory method of conferring gods in the Chaos Treasure House and directly create a false god to break the situation.

I have swallowed up more than half of the [Chaos Mechanical City], and I have only just reached the capital.

Even if two hundred cities are gathered together, it is impossible to create a god-level city that exceeds the maximum capacity of the area and is comparable to a false god.

Then, there should be another solution. "

Qi Ge's eyes are set on the south.

"Mechanical craze will never happen for no reason...

Who is this monster that can create this world-devouring mechanical frenzy? "

Qige changed direction and made his mechanical city move towards the south.

“To deal with those [Iron-Hearted Insects] that attack purely physically, the Faith Machine may have a miraculous effect.

The dimensionality reduction attack from idealism will always make these idiots with physical output doubt their lives. "

Seven Pigeons gathered all the faith machines and called them one by one.

Level 1: [Mechanical Monk, Feathered Monk], [Alert Dog, Guardian Dog]

Level 2: [Executioner, Slaughterer]

Level 3: [Demon Hunter, Black-clad Adjudicator]

Level 4: [Holy Flying Snake, Judgment Flying Snake]

Level 5: [Mechanical Deacon, Hymn Cantor]

Level 6: [Original Angel, Original Archangel]

The biggest feature of the Mechanical Holy See's arms is that they are expensive and have balanced attributes.

It’s just that for some reason, they are all blank slates with no stunts.

"Logically speaking, it is impossible for the idealistic troops to have special skills.

This may be because they have not been integrated with the rules of the Yasha world, so the stunts have not been generated yet.

Troops with special skills and troops without special skills are two different concepts, just like hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake and ordinary hairy crabs have two prices.

Now I have to find a way to deepen their integration with the Yasha world.

To put it simply, ordinary hairy crabs are put into Yangcheng Lake to take a bath.

Well, it's time to whip out my wonders! "

Qige brought a group of mechanical soldiers to the [Forge of Destiny].

[The Furnace of Destiny] is supported by eight huge bronze pillars, each of which is carved with exquisite patterns and decorations. The top of the furnace is a hemispherical lid with a lovely fairy engraved on it.

The fairy hovered on the edge of the lid, as if it would fly at any moment.

[Force of Destiny] The edge of the lid is inlaid with rainbow gems, shining with dazzling light.

On the side of the stove is a huge door, inlaid with various gems and pearls, shining with colorful light. The door is engraved with ancient runes, which looks awesome at first glance.

Inside the [Destiny Furnace] is a spacious space, with a huge brazier in the center, and colorful flames are burning, illuminating the entire space.

【Forge of Destiny

natural wonders

Effect: Modify the arms and add random special effects to the arms. 】

"Come on, come on, let's try it out first."

As a hidden gambling dog who never gambled but had a strong gambling habit, Qi Ge excitedly picked up a cute mechanical alert dog beside him and threw it into the furnace of destiny.

[System prompt: The transformation is expected to consume 120,000 to 1.4 million energy. Do you want to proceed with the transformation? 】

"Huh? So expensive?"

Qi Ge was a little dumbfounded.

"It only costs 100 energy points to produce an alert dog, but the price of transformation is 1,200 to 14,000 times that of production?

And the upper and lower limits are too high. "

Fortunately, Qi Ge has been expanding without any damage, and the energy earned is far greater than the energy consumed. It has always maintained positive income, so the family fortune is quite rich.

"Isn't it just a little energy? I have money. Change it!"


The warning dog howled in the furnace and was instantly swallowed up by colorful flames.

[System prompt: Transformation in progress...]

[System prompt: Transformation completed. 】

[Please select the transformation method:

White rarity [Enhanced Armor]: Increases defense by 5 points

Blue rarity [Metal Agent of Steel]: Increases defense by 5 points and maximum health by 5 points

Gold rarity [Prophecy Core]: 60% chance to dodge when attacked. 】

Qige:? ? ?

"Is this really drawing cards? White ordinary, blue elite, purple master, orange legendary, golden demigod, silver and white true god...

It should still be this rarity system.

Wouldn't you be a fool if you don't choose gold when there is gold available? "

[System prompt: You have chosen to transform the prophecy core. 】

[System prompt: Energy consumption is 900,000]

[System prompt: The [Alert Dog] unit has been integrated into Yasha. 】


The string of fate was plucked, and colorful flames burned crazily on all alert dogs and guardian dogs.

After a while, their bodies changed from monotonous metallic colors to rainbow puppies shining with colorful light.

The posture is also much more powerful!

【Alert dog

Power: Neutral

Grade 1

Rank: 1

Quality: hidden

Attack: 5

Defense: 5

Damage: 2~4

Lives: 8

Speed: 5


Protective Dog: Within ten blocks of itself, for each ally, it gains +2 defense, and the enemy unit's invisibility is invalid.

Prophecy Core: 60% chance to dodge when attacked. 】

【Guardian Dog

Level: Level 2

Special Skills: Mechanical Arms

Guardian Dog: For each ally within ten blocks of itself, it will gain +3 defense, and the enemy unit will become invisible.

Prophecy Core: 60% chance to dodge when attacked. 】

Qi Ge:! ! !

"The stunt came out! It's just as I expected."

Qi Ge licked his lips, and his eyes changed when he looked at the blank soldiers.

They have gone from useless blank slates to lottery tickets with unlimited potential, and every draw is a surprise.

"Pull the biggest one first!"

Qi Ge threw the dumb [Original Angel] next to him into the [Forge of Destiny], but with a whoosh, the Original Angel was thrown out again.

[System prompt: The angel tribe has joined Yasha and cannot be transformed. 】

Qige: Ah this...

Angels don't allow changes, but unfortunately...then these original angels can only be used as blank slates.

Helpless, Qi Ge could only choose to transform other arms.

Each of the following faith arms had special skills, but none of them made Qi Ge's eyes shine.

Until Qige threw in the level 5 unit [Mechanical Deacon].

[Please select the transformation method:

Golden [Restricted Resurrection Device]: Can be resurrected once when dead, and will die again five rounds after resurrection.

Golden [Surge Core]: Gain no counterattack and attack twice

Silver-white rarity [Angel’s Blood]: All of one’s own special skills will be strengthened once when fused]

silver white! ! !

Looking at the dazzling silvery white color, Qi Ge couldn't help but feel his heart pounding.

If it weren't for the first two golden transformation effects being so good, he would have chosen them directly without hesitation.

However, when he couldn't see the special effects of [Mechanical Deacon], choosing [Angel Blood] became extremely risky.

It would be a huge loss if [Mechanic Butler]'s stunts were useless and useless.

"Whatever, if I don't try this, I won't be able to sleep."

[System prompt: You selected [Angel Blood]. 】

In an instant, rainbow flames ignited on the backs of all the mechanical deacons who looked like Jedi knights.

The rainbow flames disappeared in an instant, and the snow-white wings spread out behind them, and white feathers flew all over the sky, as if adding a layer of [angel buff] to them.

【Mechanical Deacon

Power: Neutral

Level: 5

Rank: 1

Quality: Miracle

Special skills: mechanical arms, flying,

Hymn singing: The mechanical deacon is always singing hymns, and all enemy units within 6 blocks around it may be influenced.

Enemy units that have been influenced will not attack the [Mechanical Deacon] type units and provide themselves with faith points.

Weaker units are more likely to be influenced, and stronger units provide more faith points.

Change of Heart: Consume faith points to completely gain ownership of enemy units. Stronger units require more faith points.

The amount of faith required to use it on a converted unit is halved. 】

[Hymn leader

Level 5 and Level 2 Miracles

Special skills: mechanical arms, flying, hymn singing, heart change,

Hymn of Robbery: Whenever an infected unit dies, 30 faith points are immediately gained. 】

"Hiss...get ownership!!"

Qi Ge was shocked!

"Mechanical troops are immune to mental magic and mental stunts, and bewitching people's hearts and blindness have no effect on them.

But gaining ownership is not the same as demagoguery. Gaining ownership is not a mind-type effect!

Generally in the Yasha world, special skills that can change ownership are exclusive to mythical troops.

This mechanical deacon is just a miracle, you already have it!

Can the collision of two worlds, with a little help from fate, create such a friendless army?

Awesome, really awesome.

There is only one question now, can mechanical units be influenced?

According to the logic of our real world, mechanical units have no mind and should not be able to generate faith.

But the world [Hymn Cantor] lives in is a strange world where idealism + materialism develop. It’s hard to say. "

Qi Ge immediately asked his fastest flying [Original Archangel] to take a [Hymn Cantor] to the front line of the mechanical craze to conduct experiments.

The clone pigeon supervised the entire battle.

The final result surprised Qi Ge extremely.

Within the range of influence of [Hymn Leader], the body color of the indestructible [Iron-Hearted Insect] has turned white, and it is losing faith points.

"Hiss...can it really influence even mechanical arms?

Japanese cyber nun, worship electronic god? Extremely outrageous.

If this unit were opposite me, I would have to call it a top beast.

But with him in my hands, he is the most awesome soldier in my hands.

Long live the tauren, I will kill them. "

Qi Ge did not hesitate and immediately built the [Deacon Synthetic Institute] on a large scale, regardless of the cost, and went all out to produce the [Hymn Cantor].

Three hours later, Sishen Machinery City arrived at the mechanical craze.

The [Hymn Leader] legion, under the command of Qi Dove, spread out and formed a three-dimensional surrounding square array, completely surrounding the Sishen Mechanical City.

Each [hymn leader]’s arms, head, abdomen, and chest together have more than one hundred and eighty trumpets.

These loudspeakers were turned on at full power, constantly singing solemn and sacred music.

[Iron-Hearted Worm] continues to turn pale under the baptism of hymns.

Massive amounts of faith values ​​poured out from the endless mechanical craze, rushing towards the [Hymn Leaders].

The faith value points all over the sky are as dazzling as the dazzling Milky Way.

These faith values ​​are used to control the Iron Heart Worms and make the Iron Heart Worms kill each other.

The mechanical craze lives up to its name and is as endless as the tide of the ocean, coming and going again and again.

But Qige's [Sishen Mechanical City] is like a rock in the sea, unmoving as a mountain, and even continues to go south against the tide!

The small area composed of [Hymn Leaders] is like an unbreakable kingdom of God, which can ward off all evil and prevent all ghosts from invading.

Living Ironheart Worms can provide faith points when they are influenced.

The [Iron Heart Worm] controlled by [Chorus Leader] will serve as the combat unit of Seven Pigeons, helping Seven Pigeons resist the attack of the [Iron Heart Worm] wave.

After they die in battle, their bodies can be recycled by the Pigeon Team and turned into energy.

The process from joining the religion to being buried in the grave was truly realized.

Seeing this scene, Qige couldn't help but feel that there was a reason for the Holy Sky Church to flourish in Elasia.

Seven Pigeons shuttled through the mechanical frenzy for more than five hours, and finally defeated the mechanical frenzy.

He was surprised to find that Mechanical Frenzy was not the kind of poisonous circle found in chicken-eating games.

The total amount of [Ironheart Worms] is actually limited.

They are like a migrating swarm of locusts. They look endless and despairing, but they are actually not that scary.

As long as you pass through their army, the road will be smooth.

"Next, I went around the outer edge of the mechanical craze, like shaving my hair, from the outside in, killing all the [Iron Worms] in a circle.

If there is no one behind the Iron Heart Worms and all the Iron Heart Worms are killed, I should be able to achieve a perfect strategy.

If there is someone behind Iron Heart Worm, he will definitely try to stop my behavior. "

After defeating the last [Chaos Mechanical City], Zhang Fu discovered a big problem!

With Hai Qinyan, the strongest scout, he can be sure that he has killed all the [Chaos Mechanical City] within the safe range.

In other words, his city should be the only surviving city in the safe zone.

Logically speaking, he should have succeeded in the strategy by now.

However, he did not leave the chaotic area, and the strategy was not over yet.

"If this happens, it means that my city is not the only city!

Could it be that the boss is still alive?

But if the boss is still alive, where will he be? "

After hearing Zhang Fu's question, Meteor looked at the mechanical craze all over the sky and said with some disbelief:

"Could it be that the Seven Pigeon Master went to the Machine Craze?"


Zhang Fu was shocked:


Even my trump card can't deal with those iron-hearted insects.

The speed with which my ace kills insects is not as fast as those bugs can kill back, so there will be fewer and fewer corpses.

Even I can't do anything right, and the boss can't bring in troops from outside. How can he survive in such a terrifying wave of mechanical bugs? "

"However, after excluding all other possibilities, only this most unlikely possibility remains."

At this moment, Soaring Crane touched his chin and asked:

"When you guys talked about this, I remembered something.

There are a total of two hundred [Chaos Mechanical Cities]. The total number of [Chaos Mechanical Cities] that all our players have completed is only eighty.

Where did the remaining one hundred and twenty cities go? "

Zhang Fu:! ! !

As Seven Pigeons continued to eliminate the Iron Heart Worms, he had more and more [Hymn Cantors] under his command.

Later, he could even use [Hymn Cantor] to make a ball without any gaps and wrap the entire [Four Gods Mechanical City] inside.

When about 80% of the mechanical frenzy was wiped out by Seven Pigeons, a huge mechanical turtle rushed out of the mechanical frenzy!

This mechanical turtle looks like a turtle covered with barnacles, and each barnacle is like a small crater that continuously erupts iron core worms.

It is the creator of the mechanical craze.

【Iron-Hearted Exterminator

Force: Chaos

Level: 6

Rank: 7

Quality: True Chaos Troops

Attack: 250

Defense: 300

Life: 155000

Speed: 60

Damage: 1400~2000


Mechanical arms, flying arms, extremely large arms, true chaos pressure

Unlimited counterattacks.

Chaos Intimidation: All non-Chaos units around you have -2 morale.

Chaos Erosion: All non-chaos troops around you will have their maximum health reduced by 2 points each round.

Chaos Magic Armor: Immune to possession magic.

Super Chaos Physique: Immunity means death.

Ironheart Insect Base: Level 1 and Level 1 Ironheart Insects will be summoned every round, and the number summoned is twice the current number of Ironheart Insects.

Minimum 100, maximum 100,000.

Charge Overload: For each iron-hearted insect on the field, gain 1 attack power.

Iron Heart Rampage: Activate all Iron Heart Insects to release all control effects, enter a frenzied state upon contact, double their attack power, damage, and movement speed, and all will die after four rounds.

Iron Heart Destruction: Destroy all Iron Heart Worms and cause damage equal to the number of Iron Heart Worms to an enemy unit. 】

"The boss is out!"

After checking the attributes and special skills of [Iron-Hearted Exterminator], Qi Ge was a little surprised for a moment.

This attribute and this special skill are far beyond the average level 6 and 7 soldiers.

Obviously, this should also be a god in trouble.

“[Ironheart Exterminator] does not have invincible special skills, and its resistance is relatively average among similar arms, but its offensive capabilities are too terrifying.

Especially when there are so many Ironheart Worms on the battlefield. "


[Iron-Hearted Exterminator] roared, and the color of all the Iron-Hearted Insects suddenly turned red, and they moved a lot faster1

The control effect was lifted, and those iron-hearted insects no longer had the restriction of being unable to attack the [Hymn Leader]. Seeing that Qi Ge was about to fall into crisis.

But at this time, Qi Ge raised the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry, this is the moment I've been waiting for!"

“The Lord, the Immortal God, opened his eyes to create three thousand worlds, and closed his eyes to destroy the endless void.

Believe in the Lord, and you will have eternal life. Bow down and worship my Lord, and the tribulation of vanity will be destroyed, but you will live forever. "

The trumpet of the [Hymn Leader] changed its sound at the same time, and a chain composed of sacred light was instantly trapped on the body of the [Iron Heart Exterminator], firmly locking his turtle neck!

In nearly three days, the faith value in Qi Ge's hands has already exceeded the sky!

Change your mind and force it to start!


The Iron-Hearted Exterminator roared and instantly changed sides!

Your BOSS is very strong, but it belongs to me. (End of chapter)

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