Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 760 The Uncrowned Queen

In the wooden house, the swaying crystal palace flowers exuded ambiguous light, dyeing the fair skins of Malodi and Elaine Lan pink.

Malody knelt on one knee in front of Elaine Lan and put a wreath on Elaine Lan.

He said to Elian Lan softly:

"Dear Elaine Lan, today, I make a vow to you on this solemn occasion.

I promise that from today on, no matter what happens in life, I will accompany you through every stage of life.

I promise that I will respect your personal value and freedom, support your dreams and pursuits, and grow and move forward together.

I promise that I will always love you, care for you, trust you, understand you, and give you strength and support when you need it.

I promise that I will cherish our love, protect it, cultivate it, and let it continue to blossom and bear fruit.

Finally, I swear in the name of Yasha’s mother that everything I said above is expressed sincerely.

I love you now and forever. "

Malody held Elaine Lan's hand very, very tightly, even a little too hard.

Elaine Lan looked at Malody with a smile and responded softly:

"Me too, honey."

[Ouch! It looks like the fun is about to begin! 】

Qi Ge looked more carefully.

This is not because he wants to learn techniques from the great Elf King, but because he knows that every cutscene in the echoes of history cannot be useless and must have a very important meaning.

Malody sat next to Elaine Lan, and the two of them kept clinking glasses, drinking fruit wine brewed with honey and fruits, whispering softly, rubbing their ears and temples together, looking tender and affectionate.

The characteristic of the elves is that it is difficult to enter the state of reproduction. If you want to reproduce, you always need the help of alcohol or magic.

Soon, Elaine Lan and Malody's faces turned red and they were ready to make a move.

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming!

Qi Ge closed his eyes and couldn't bear to stare.

Soon, Elaine Lan began to measure Malodi's waistline with her legs. Malodi growled and started to pull his pants.

Elaine Lan bit her lip, turned her face to one side, and waited silently...

After a long time, she looked at Malody with blurred eyes and asked:

"Has it started yet?"

Malody didn't make a sound, just silently put down Elaine Lan's legs, sat on the edge of the bed with some frustration, lowered his head, and said in a mosquito-like voice:

"I may not be in a good state today, I'm sorry.

Maybe it’s because I’m getting married today and I’m too tired. "

Elaine Lan's expression was a little complicated, but she still touched Malody's back and comforted:

"It's okay, honey. It's always a little nerve-wracking the first time."

"Well, I...I'll go out to get some air."

Malody got dressed hastily and left the room like a deserter.

Qi Ge looked at Malodi sympathetically. As a man who was often drained of his energy, he knew very well that being comforted at this time was more uncomfortable than being scolded.

Elaine Lan, who was in the room, looked at Malody tenderly at first.

But as soon as Malody left the room, her expression changed quickly.

The smile at the corner of her mouth suddenly disappeared, her eyes were dull, and she whispered to herself:

"It's not that you're not in a good state at all, you're just not good to me.

Even if you are treated gently by me, you are still fearful and wary of me.

Even if your sister points you with a sword, you still love her deeply.

Seeing how similar my sister and I look makes you miss her even more.

Is this love? It's really unreasonable and hurtful.

Malody, on the surface you still act like you love me, but in my heart, your true thoughts cannot be hidden at all.

Sometimes I really hate my ability. If I didn't have these eyes that see through everything, maybe I wouldn't be able to see the darkness in his heart and convince myself to play your princess well. "

Elaine Lan sat on the bed, holding her calves with both hands, resting her head on her knees, staring blankly at the door, thinking for a long time.

The crimson light of the Crystal Palace flower reflected on her body, casting a long shadow, which was vaguely tinged with bright red.

After a long time, in the empty new house, the bride muttered to herself:

"Take your time, maybe it will get better in the future."

Yin Yue is unwilling to marry Malodi, so Yin Lan becomes the bride instead of her sister.

Malodi is afraid of Yinlan. Although he chooses to marry Yinlan because of the righteousness of the fusion of gold elves and silver elves, he still cannot open his heart to Yinlan.

Of course, Malodi has always acted like he loves Yin Lan on the surface, but in Yin Lan's heart, his true thoughts cannot be hidden at all.

Every night when [Malodi musters up the courage to face Elaine Lan], it will become a thorn for the two of them to hurt each other.

Malody couldn't deceive himself and held a flag-raising ceremony for Elaine Lan. Elaine Lan could always see through Malody's disguise and was disappointed again and again.

The king and the princess share the same bed but have different dreams.

Perhaps their marriage was destined to be a tragedy from the beginning.

Qige followed the fast-forwarding cutscenes and witnessed the suffocating way of getting along between Malodi and Elaine Lan, and couldn't help but sympathize with both of them.

Just when Qi Ge thought that the two of them would finally be healed in a long time, something happened that changed everything.

It was one night in the second month of Marodi and Yinlan's marriage.

Malody did not prepare flowers or drinks.

He really couldn't deceive Yin Lan anymore and was preparing for a showdown with Yin Lan tonight.

“Anyway, we are all long-lived elven royal family, and whether we have descendants or not is not that important.

If we really have to, we can also let the descendants of other royal families inherit our throne. "

Standing at the door of his bedroom, Malody looked up at the sky and said to himself in embarrassment:

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Let's talk about it, she and I will feel better.

I'm sorry for Yin Lan, but my heart can't lie to Elian Yue. "

Malody couldn't imagine what Yin Lan's expression would be like after being shown off by him, but as a king and a husband, he must bear all responsibilities.

So, Malody pushed open the tragic wooden door.

"It's too late! Why did you come back just now? Didn't I tell you that I was waiting for you?"

The moment the door opened, Elian Lan's tall silver ponytail made Malody's pupils shrink and he was stunned in place, unable to say a word.

"What are you doing standing at the door, Malody, why don't you come in quickly."

"oh oh."

Malody was still in shock, but his body had already reacted before his mind.

He staggered into the room and almost fell.

"Door! Door! Are you stupid? You can't even close the door."

Elaine Lan pointed her finger at the door and shouted softly.

That action was exactly the same as when Elian Yue pointed her sword at Malody.

Malody closed the door in a daze.


The sound of the wooden door hitting the doorframe awakened Malody's mind.

He was stunned for a moment, closed his eyes in pain, and covered his face.

He came to his senses.

Elian Lan and Elian Yue originally looked very similar, and there was almost no difference when their hairstyles were changed.

Elaine Lan's acting skills are also very good, her tone and movements are exactly the same as Elaine Yue's.

However, Elaine Lan's performance has a fatal flaw.

That is, Malody knew very well that there was no way Elian Yue would be waiting for him in his room, not in this life.

Therefore, the woman in the room could only be Elaine Lan.

"Lan, why."

Malody turned around and leaned against the door, his eyes red, and he asked painfully.

Elian Lan's current attire and expression were like a sharp sword piercing his heart, plucking out all the darkest things in his heart and throwing them on the table.

Elaine Lan spread one hand flat on her chest, and stretched out the other hand towards Malody. Her slender fingers poked out from her silver half-covered gauze gloves, as if inviting Malody to come over for a kiss.

Although Malody's question was vague, Elaine Lan still understood his question.

Her eyes are so good that nothing can be hidden from her.

She copied Elian Yue's eyes and tone and said to Malody:

"Isn't this your favorite look? Then I will become your favorite look."

"No, no." Malody covered her mouth and held her nose tightly with her fingers. The guilt for Elaine Lan and the disgust for her half-heartedness suddenly came up.

"No...Lan, don't do this.

You are not Yue, let alone force yourself to become Yue. "

Elian Lan's eyes were a little empty for a moment:

"You mean, even if I pretend to be my sister, you won't be attracted to me because you love your sister and it's useless for me to do anything?"

Malody said anxiously: "No, that's not what I meant."

"That's what you mean!" Elaine Lan said decisively.

She walked towards Malody step by step, forcing Malody against the wooden door.

She reached out her hand, gently touched Malodi's cheek, and said to Malodi:

"Marody, you know what? Elves are really interesting.

Each elf's soul is divided into three.

One is the real soul, one is the mind, and the other is the Supersoul.

True spirits are the most primitive thoughts and impulses of elves. They want to eat when they are hungry, and want to destroy the opponent when they are angry.

Even when facing parents, brothers and close relatives, when they are angry, the true spirit will want the other person to die, and die immediately, the sooner the better.

The Oversoul is an acquired cognition of the elves, and the Oversoul of each elf is very similar.

It will constrain the behavior of the elves themselves based on the common thoughts and codes of conduct formed by the entire elven society.

When the real soul wants to do something that is not in line with common sense, the supersoul will suppress the real soul's impulse.

So no spirit will actually kill his parents when he is angry, because the Oversoul judges that those impulses and thoughts are wrong and suppresses them.

The soul is the bridge between the true soul and the supersoul, and is also the ultimate core of controlling the body.

All the impulses, emotions, and thoughts of the elves are completed by the true spirit, the heart, and the supersoul.

The true soul generates impulses, and the soul feeds the impulse back to the supersoul. The supersoul makes judgments and choices, suppressing part of the emotion deep into the soul, and leaving the other part to the soul, which ultimately controls the body to act.

However, all the emotions, impulses, and thoughts generated by the true soul will not disappear, they are just suppressed by the supersoul.

They always burst out, either in your dreams or at some point.

And I can clearly see all your thoughts, and even how they are suppressed by your oversoul.

Malody, although you act very frightened now, you actually like me very much, very much.

It's just because you know in your heart that I am Lan, not Yue, so your supersoul, generated by your countless experiences in life, is preventing you from liking me.

But even if your supersoul is extremely resistant, your true soul is still radiating love and affection.

To this day, they are still fighting. "

Malody's expression became even more ugly.

He shook his head desperately and kept denying: "I didn't, no, don't talk nonsense."

"You do! Malody! Stop lying to yourself."

Elaine Lan pushed Malody, who had no retreat, against the wall.

She smiled slyly, her voice full of charm:

“Look, you haven’t even drank yet, and it’s already awake.

Uncontrollable love is the best aphrodisiac.

It works better than any other wine. "

"Malodi, in this wooden house now, I am your sister.

It's just you and me here, no one will know what happened.

Give up your resistance and be true to your true spirit. "


Malody trembled and gritted his teeth.

Elaine Lan bit Malody's ear and asked softly:

"Marody, call my name."


"No, you called it wrong."

Malody's pupils trembled violently, and his body trembled slightly.

He resisted hard, but finally couldn't hold it back, and let out that beast-like cry from the bottom of his throat:

"Yue. Mine, Yue."

"I am here."


Elaine Lan was pushed to the floor by Malodi. The crimson Crystal Palace quilt bounced up and fell to the ground, splashing a bright red.

Elian Lan hugged Malody, and he shouted Elian Yue's name while trembling.

The naked darkness that had been accumulated for too long spurted out of Malody.

Elaine Lan pressed Malody's head to the side of her face with both hands, letting Malody bite her shoulders. Her silver hair was pressed behind her and spread out like a stream of light.

Looking at this scene, Qi Ge couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

At this time, Elaine Lan kept shouting, seeming to praise Malody's efforts.

But her delicate and beautiful face was expressionless, like a wax statue.

"There is something wrong with this female elf Elian Lan, something is so wrong!

I witnessed everything, but I had no idea what she wanted to do.

If she loves Malodi, so she deliberately seduces Malodi, then I can understand it.

But she doesn’t love Malody at all!

No, look again! "

Just as Qi Ge was concentrating and wanted to see more clearly, suddenly, the surroundings were spinning.

The cutscene ends as suddenly as it suddenly started.

Qi Ge found that he appeared under the Peace Tree, where he entered the cutscene.

"Am I back to the original point in time?"

Qi Ge was stunned for a moment, but soon realized something was wrong.

The flowers around Elaine Xin's grave have obviously grown a lot.

He flapped his wings and asked two lucky elf passers-by in the elf city, and soon found out the time - Elian Xin had passed away for a whole year.

Recently, the biggest news in the entire Elf Empire is that Elian Xin’s eldest daughter Elian Yue has become a hero and the witch of the goddess of fate!

She is undergoing the trial of the goddess of destiny, reuniting the non-elven races that once united around the silver elves, and breaking through the master.

She has been recognized by the Pegasus, the Sacred Deer and the Unicorn.

And her next stop is to go to the Emerald Islands and accept the trial of the Emerald Dragon.

The moment Qige got the news, the main mission was also triggered.

[Stage 2 mission description:

The Emerald Dragon has a friendly relationship with the elves, but the person who maintains this friendship has always been the peace witch Zhu Yilianxin.

Except for Elaine Core, the proud Emerald Dragon does not recognize other elves.

After Elianxin passed away, the Emerald Dragon also severed its ties with the elves.

This is detrimental to the entire Yasha.

The four goddesses are linked together.

As the messenger of the goddess of peace, you have the obligation to help Elian Yue, the chosen one of destiny, re-establish the link between the elves and the emerald dragon.

Mission requirements: Complete the Emerald Dragon Trial with Elian Yue.

Mission reward: Phase 3 historical echo is opened. 】

After triggering the task, Qi Ge immediately realized that although there was no time-limited task displayed in this task, this task must have a completion time limit.

He had to rush to the Emerald Islands before Elian Yue and the Emerald Dragon reached an agreement.

If it's too late, the consequences can be dire.

Yi Lianyue was sure that she had passed the trial and that nothing would happen to him.

Qi Ge would not underestimate her mother-in-law's fighting power at all, even when she was young.

Judging from the historical records of the elves, the mother-in-law is a well-deserved god of war.

"The Emerald Islands are too far away. If I fly by myself, it will take at least seven days.

No, I have to go to Shenmu Port to find an elf warship to take me a ride. "

The seven pigeons flapped their wings and flew to Shenmu Port.

Drawing on the experience of the last historical echo, he skillfully found the person in charge of Shenmu Port and told the other party his request.

When the elves saw Qi Ge's emerald dragon appearance and his beautiful silver fur, they immediately believed in his identity as the Angel of Peace, and immediately sent an elf warship to escort Qi Ge.

This elf warship is also the fastest-moving reconnaissance ship among all elf warships, named [Pegasus].

The fluttering golden leaves flew over Shenmu Port, and the seven pigeons looked down at the scenery on the land.

"Well, what is that?"

Qi Ge saw a very thick magic wood lying on the beach, and hundreds of golden elf boatmen were working hard to carve magic lines on the magic wood.

The captain smiled and said to Qige:

“Her Majesty, this is the Elf Queen under construction.

This is a gift from our King Malodi to Princess Elianlan, and it was jointly built by the most powerful shipwrights in our Golden Elf clan.

All the materials used in the body are the best magic wood in our Elf Empire.

Even the Golden Elf's most precious golden apple tree had a branch cut off by His Majesty Malody.

There is no doubt that the Elf Queen must be a supreme miracle created by the collective efforts of the whole country! "

Another silver elf mate smiled and said:

"His Majesty Malodi must love Princess Elianlan very much to go to such great lengths to give her a gift.

From the fact that His Majesty named the battleship the Elf Queen instead of the Elf Princess, it can be seen how much His Majesty loves and respects the Princess.

I heard that His Majesty must refer to the Princess’s opinions on everything regarding national policies, and all policies must be issued with the approval of both of them. "

"The princess also loves Your Majesty very much. She is stronger than His Majesty, but she always gives in to His Majesty.

I heard that the princess has not trained for more than a year in order to be able to conceive His Majesty's child.

She was waiting for His Majesty's strength to catch up with her.

How much love is it to give up one's own growth for His Majesty. "

“They are so loving and enviable.

Your Majesty and the Princess are definitely a model couple for our Elf Empire.

The elders have always warned us that after we get married, we must look after the Majesty and the Princess. "

Qi Ge:......

Don't! You must not follow suit.

Your model couple is so perverted behind the scenes, role-playing every day.

If you follow their lead, the elves will be finished sooner or later.

Let’s talk about it. Let’s not mention what happened to Malody and Elaine Lan for now. The battleship is innocent.

Qi Ge lay on the leaves and looked at the Elf Queen under construction.

This powerful battleship gave birth to the Ship Spirit, and was also the main ship of the Golden Fleet in later generations.

It would be so comfortable if I could get the drawings.

Qi Ge made up his mind. If Yi Lianyue's mission was not troublesome, he would definitely find an opportunity to come back and get the blueprints.

The Tianma ship was very fast. Qige set off in the morning and arrived at the Emerald Islands in the afternoon.

When the battleship approached the Emerald Islands, an emerald dragon covered with golden scales immediately flew out and stopped in front of the Pegasus.

"Ho~~Elf, according to our previous covenant, your warships cannot enter the Emerald Islands waters without permission.

What are you here for? Have you asked for our permission in advance? "

Qi Ge recognized it at once. This was the deputy chief of the Emerald Dragon, Ysera, a spell-casting dragon with boundless power.

He immediately flapped his wings and flew over, staying in mid-air.

“Deputy Chief Ysera, please forgive their behavior.

They sent me here at my request. "

"You? Silver emerald dragon? I have never seen you. Who are you?"

Ysera asked doubtfully.

“I am Seven Doves, and I am here on the orders of the goddess of peace.

I came to find Elian Yue Wu Zhu and help her complete the trial of the Emerald Dragon. "

"Goddess of Peace..." Ysera's eyes softened:

"It seems that even Mu·xin hopes that our Emerald Dragon will continue to maintain a good relationship with the elves.

Then come in. "

Qi Ge said goodbye to the crew of the Pegasus and followed Ysera into the Emerald Islands.

Soon, he saw Elian Yue who was waiting for the trial to start on the Emerald Islands.

"God of Peace asked you to help me?"

Elian Yue's eyes widened in surprise:

"My sister is the Peace Witch, why do you still come to help me?


Yes, why?

Qi Ge shook his head and answered honestly:

"I don't know either. The goddess has her own meaning. I just obey her orders."

Yi Lianyue pursed her lips, nodded vigorously, and said:

"Thank you. I will do my best to live up to the goddess's expectations."


Qi Ge wandered to Yi Lianyue and said furtively:

"Now that we've finished talking about business, let's talk about something personal.

Elian Yue, do you know how your mother passed away? "

When Elian Yue heard this question, her brows immediately wrinkled, and she answered very vigilantly:

"Seven Pigeon Divine Envoy, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

Qi Ge immediately said:

"Let's do this, you tell me what happened before Yinxin Wuzhu passed away.

If there are no questions, I may know the real cause of Yinxin Wuzhu's death. "

"The real cause of death? Mother simply failed to break through. There is no real cause of death!"

Elian Yue asked more vigilantly:

"Could it be that you, the God Envoy, are also from the [Golden Elf Conspiracy] faction?"

"No, of course I'm not."

Qi Ge immediately said:

"I'm not one of those fools. I'm the envoy of the goddess of peace. How could I do anything bad to you?

Elaine, please give me more trust.

The cause of Yinxin Wuzhu's death was definitely not caused by the Golden Elf, but it was most likely not as simple as a failed breakthrough.

Don’t you want to know why Yinxin Wuzhu passed away suddenly? "

Hearing this, Elian Yue's expression was a little tangled.

She carefully looked at the silver hair on Qi Ge's body, and finally chose to compromise.

"alright, you win.

I've definitely struggled with the real cause of my mother's death, and I'll tell you what I know.

The day before my mother died, she suddenly called my sister and me to her room. She told us a lot of things as if she were passing it on to future generations. She even handed over the latest part of the "Silver Elf Construction Manual" that she had been writing. Gave it to us.

She told us that she was going to try to break through the legend and asked us not to disturb her at night.

We didn't think there was anything wrong at the time, because this was not the first time that my mother had done this. It happened almost once a week in the early days, and later it became once a month.

The day after we left my mother's room, we couldn't wait for her to get up, so we went to her room to check.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw his mother lying quietly on the bed, her face pale.

There were no wounds on her body, and there were no signs of fighting around her, but she just passed away.

This shocked my sister and I greatly. "

To this day, Elian Yue is still very sad when recalling the scene at that time.

She couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

"For more than a year, I have often thought that if I had been a little more vigilant, more rebellious, and insisted on sleeping with my mother, maybe my mother would not have died."

After hearing this, Qi Ge basically confirmed his inner guess.

"This has nothing to do with you, even if you accompany Yinxin Wu Zhu, nothing will change.

You don't have to blame yourself. "

He comforted him and asked softly:

"Yin Yue, please recall carefully whether Yin Xin Wu Zhu was studying anything before his death.

Especially those related to the military units that have disappeared in the world of Yasha. "

"Military type?" Yi Lianyue shook her head with red eyes.

"There are no military branches. But I once saw my mother studying a strange pattern in the room.

The pattern seemed to be magical and I couldn't take my eyes away.

If my mother hadn't tapped me, I might have been staring, so I was very impressed with that pattern. "


Qi Ge immediately cheered up.

"What kind of pattern is it? Please draw it for me to see."

Yin Yue stretched out her hand and took out a bamboo sculpture.

She said seriously:

"This is the only clue to my mother's death, so I have always been very concerned about it. I have prepared several pieces and keep them on me.

Unfortunately, I asked all my mother’s old friends and no one was impressed by this pattern. "

The moment he saw the pattern on the bamboo piece, Qige's pupils immediately shrank.

He would never mistake this pattern.

Because there is this pattern on the back of his hand.

The design is in the shape of a golden token. On the token, a gorgeous blue dragon spreads its wings and roars toward the sky.

Its name: Inscription of Courage.

Also known as: Holy Dragon Historical Echo Ticket.

Qige closed her eyes.

Now, he had no doubts.

Even his luxurious lineup with four legendary architects was almost wiped out in the historical echo of the Holy Dragon.

Yi Lianxin is a master architect, how dare she do this.

Qi Ge thought about it carefully and finally understood.

To be promoted to legendary architect, master architects need to find their own path and design the strongest architectural drawings possible.

Plant architects have pros and cons.

The main construction method of plant architects is cultivation, which is to help powerful magic plants grow into buildings based on their own magic lines.

The great thing about plant architects is that they can easily cultivate powerful miracles and even mythical buildings.

But designing architectural drawings requires a range from 0 to 10,000. There is no magic circuit of plants as a basis. This is exactly the weakness of plant architects.

Yi Lianxin must have realized her weaknesses, and after many attempts, she confirmed that it would be difficult for her to break through to Legend.

That's why she chose to take a gamble on the historical echoes of the Holy Dragon.

If she could complete this difficult historical echo, she would definitely be able to design a building powerful enough to make her break through into legend.

But unfortunately, she overestimated her ability and underestimated the difficulty of the historical echo of the Holy Dragon.

Qi Ge sighed and said softly: "Husband... Elian Yue, I can tell you the cause of Yin Xin Wu Zhu's death, but you have to swear not to tell it to others."

Elaine Yue:! ! !

Yi Lianyue immediately solemnly swore: "I swear in the name of the goddess of fate that I will never disclose the information you told me to anyone else."

"This starts with the uniqueness of the architect..."

Qi Ge said quietly.

“So, Yinxin Wuzhu fell on his own path.

She died for the heroic soul and the world of Yasha. It was glorious and great!

Apart from feeling sorry for you sisters, she will definitely die with no regrets. "

“Architects, echoes of history.”

After listening to Qi Ge's words, Elian Yue looked a little dazed.

"It turns out that without our knowledge, mother has been doing so many dangerous things across time?"


Qi Ge sighed in his heart:

"Yes. This is why she has to explain to you every once in a while.

For architects, every time they enter the historical echo, it is a test of life and death.

Once lost in time, it is difficult to return. "

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