Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 774 The Immortal Witch

After getting Lin Xi's information, Qi Ge quickly returned to the City of God's Choice.

Lin Xi said that many Pandora's Boxes appeared in Aveli, and many legendary heroes were competing for the ownership of Pandora's Box. They believed that Pandora's Box was the key to opening the obelisk.

Lin Xi said that after he attacked Pandora's Box, Pandora's Box automatically opened and gave him many big elves.

These great elves seemed to be given to them for free, without him having to pay any price.

This situation made Qi Ge suddenly think of the Worm of Time that he had just heard about in the echoes of history.

This made Qige couldn't help but feel anxious.

“I am very sure that there was no such thing as Pandora’s Box in my previous life. This is another butterfly effect that happened because of me.

What is taken beforehand must be given beforehand.

It looks very much like the handiwork of the Insect of Time.

If this was really done by the Worm of Time, not only the many legendary demigods in the world of Yasha, but also Lin Xi would be in danger.

Chief Silena said that the gift of the Worm of Time is not so easy to obtain.

He will forcibly assign tasks to the gift objects. If the tasks are not completed, they will be liquidated by the eating insects.

Although I don’t know what the consequences of this liquidation will be, I know with my toes that it won’t be simple.

It was a small matter that Lin Xi's account was deactivated. With so many legends, it would be a big deal for the demigods to get into trouble together.

These are high-end talents that have been accumulated in the Yasha world for so many years and after several chaos invasions.

Each of them is equivalent to a nuclear bomb against Chaos. Now, the nuclear arsenal is about to be taken over by the Chaos Master. "

The anxious Qige quickly found Milola, the God of Luck, as soon as they returned to the City of God's Choice.

He told Mirola all about what he had learned from the echoes of history and what Lin Xi had discovered, hoping that Mirola would find a way to contact the goddess of fate.

After listening to Qi Ge's story, Mirola's expression was a little complicated.

She sat on Qi Ge's shoulders and said to Qi Ge:

"No wonder the goddess gave me an oracle not long ago, asking me to tell you the news about the Worm of Time. It turns out that you met him.

The goddess really loves you. "

Mirola comforted:

“Qige, you don’t have to worry.

Although the Worm of Time always moves with Chaos, the Worm of Time is not the master of Chaos. "

"Ah?! Isn't the Time Worm the Lord of Chaos?"

Qige was stunned.


Mirola nodded and explained:

"The Worm of Time is a high-dimensional god that does not belong to Asa or Chaos. It is much weaker than Mother Goddess Asa and the origin of Chaos. Its strength is probably only equivalent to that of the Goddess of Wealth who has not yet fully recovered.

But the rules he mastered were very special, allowing him to stay safe between Chaos and Yasha, and even be able to take action to cause trouble.

The essence of the Worm of Time is [the loophole in time].

He is outside of time, existing in both the present and the past.

It can move arbitrarily in the past time and reach any node at any time in the past.

In areas where the rules are not stable enough, He can even control the fast forward, reverse flow, pause of time, and various time phenomena derived from it.

To Him, the past is the future, the future is the present, and the present is the past.

Precisely because of His ability to go back to the past at any time, He is beyond all disasters and will not even be affected by chaos.

If anything harmful to Him happens, He can go back to the past to avoid it.

Because of this, the increase or decrease in entropy of the entire void and the universe has nothing to do with Him.

Even if the void where Yasha's world is located reaches the end and dies completely, it will not have any impact on him.

To Him, this moment is eternity. "

Go back in time from any point in time...

Qi Ge was a little surprised:

"What about the future? Since the Time Worm can go back to the past, why can't it go to the future?"

Mirola rolled her eyes at Qige:

"How do I know? Don't ask me such profound questions, I'm just the goddess's mouthpiece.

Be honest and listen quietly. "

Qi Ge:......

Seeing Qi Ge become quiet, Mirola continued:

“The Worm of Time will connect with the creatures in our world through [gift].

And its purpose in doing this is to select the lives in the Yasha world to become its dependents.

Unlike Asa's mother, He has no dependents of his own and can only plunder creatures from other worlds to become his dependents.

He will make his dependents become part of his body, so that his dependents can also gain the ability to freely return to the past.

However, becoming a dependent of the Worm of Time means transcending the world of Yasha and never coming back.

The Worm of Time can be mistaken for the Lord of Chaos because it always follows the tentacles of Chaos.

When a world of order is invaded by chaos, it will take the opportunity to extend its tentacles to the creatures in this world.

As long as you hold his tentacles and become his believers and followers, you can escape from the world before it is swallowed by chaos. "

Hearing this, Qi Ge suddenly felt a little chilly.

He frowned and asked:

“The creatures of the world are originally one with the world. When one is prosperous, both are prosperous, and when one is harmed, both are harmed.

When the world of order is invaded by Chaos, the creatures of Order must resist Chaos whether they are willing or not, even at the cost of their lives, in order to survive.

But if there is a Worm of Time, the life of order will have a second way besides resistance.

The interests of order life are no longer bound to the world of order, and they can jump off the ship and escape at any time.

The world of Order is on the verge of being invaded by Chaos. Only when all the creatures in the world unite and resist together can there be a chance of survival.

But when the Time Worm did this, people's hearts were shattered. Isn't this an accomplice of chaos? "

Mirola glanced at Qige and said:


The goddess said that the Insect of Time is called "Insect Mother" and "Last Salvation" by many creatures who have destroyed the world.

The Worm of Time is not afraid of chaos. It can go back to the past and restore order to its energy that has become chaotic over time.

Although it looks weird, he is also a god on the side of order, and is also the nemesis of chaos, especially the master of chaos who represents "irreversibility" such as the Lord of Demons.

After becoming the dependent of the Worm of Time, the living beings, like the Worm of Time, have a different kind of immortality. From then on, they can transcend the time of life and death, and no longer fear chaos.

Of course, you are right.

From the perspective of living beings, the Worm of Time is indeed good, but from the perspective of a world of order, there is no problem in calling him the Lord of Chaos.

Because the Worm of Time has no world of its own and no dependents of its own, the Worm of Time equally and unconditionally loves the ordered creatures in all the ordered worlds of the void.

He is willing to pay any price and spare no effort to help orderly creatures escape from the world and become his dependents.

However, His love is only for living beings and does not include the world.

The world in which living beings were born has no effect on Him, and He has no concern for the fate of the world after the living beings leave.

Even if this world is torn apart by the erosion of chaos and turned into nothing.

Of course, His love does not include gods who already have divinity.

The gods themselves are powerful forces and cannot become his dependents.

Therefore, the Worm of Time is a pest of the world and an enemy of the gods, but it is the last savior of all living beings. "

Having said this, Mirola clapped her hands and laughed:

"Qi Ge, you thought the Worm of Time was bad for the first time, which shows that you have completely stood on the side of the gods and the world of Yasha.

Um! Yes, yes, it’s not in vain that the goddess trusts you so much. "

Qi Ge suddenly had a solemn expression:

"Of course, I am loyal to the world of Yasha and the God of Destiny. I wish I could shed my blood and shed my blood. It would not be a pity to go into battle naked to repay the God of Destiny for his kindness.

Lord God Envoy, in this case, we still have to take care of this Pandora's Box incident? "

"Of course you have to take care of it."

Mirola said with a serious expression:

“Another believer of our Destiny Church has reported the Pandora’s Box incident to the goddess.

After God's observation of the fate of the river, this matter is probably not just the work of the Time Worm, but also a real Chaos Master is involved.

This time is a terrible disaster that may plunge the world of Yasha into a huge crisis.

The fog of chaos caused many disturbances, but the goddess's discernment still discerned the key to everything.

The river of fate reveals to us that the source of all disasters comes from an immortal witch.

Find her and put an end to this disaster. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: Source of Disaster. 】

【The source of disaster

Golden Demigod Level Quest

Mission description:

The omens of disaster have already appeared, and the cloud of destruction hangs over the world of Yasha.

The goddess's prophecy makes it clear to you that the person who unlocks the key to destruction will be an immortal woman.

Please find her and prevent disaster. 】

"The immortal witch...are you referring to Jenny?"

Qi Ge touched his chin and his eyes focused:

“Wait a minute, that’s not right.

The immortal witch Jenny is indeed the most famous witch in the entire Yasha world, but she is not the only witch in the Yasha world.

Elaine Lan, who was parasitized by evil spirits and completely belonged to chaos, is also immortal.

There is another legendary hero who, although immortal, is not famous for his immortality!

Daughter of Skyfire, Luna! "

Luna often thinks about what the meaning of life is.

When her youthful-looking girl buried her gray-haired sixteenth-generation granddaughter, she understood that she was the only immortal witch.

[Immortality] is a supreme blessing for the absolute majority of living things.

But it is only a kind of torture for the [Immortal].

Relatives, friends, and lovers kept leaving her. Unable to bear it, Luna chose to close her heart and live alone.

Unlike the undead, Luna is a standard human being. She has the joys and sorrows of all humans.

The long life is really too boring, we must have some fun.

As a witch, Luna naturally chose to delve into magic, and unknowingly reached the legend.

Luna chose not to have contact with others because she did not want to experience the pain of losing relatives and friends again.

In addition to exchanging letters with a few friends who also lived long lives, Luna spent most of her time hiding and studying quietly by herself.

Not having contact with people for a long time made Luna very socially anxious.

This kind of social fear allowed Luna's magical talents to gradually focus on the fire wall magic in the process of becoming a legend.

Luna, who has mastered the wall of fire magic, can even release a wall of fire without the help of a magic book.

With a thought, a wall of fire that could lick the sky would ignite.

When studying magic alone, there will definitely be times when you have to go out.

If you go out, you will meet others.

As for the socially fearful Luna, once she is approached by a stranger, she will surround herself with a huge wall of fire that reaches the sky, and then move around under the wall of fire.

Luna lived too long, and she still left traces in this world.

She didn't realize it herself, but because of the compliments from those [pen pals], she was actually very famous in the Yasha world.

Because of Luna's dazzling beauty and her terrifying and awe-inspiring magic power, Luna was even given the honorific title of "Skyfire Witch".

There is a little story about this honorific.

An unknown bard met Luna while traveling.

He was attracted by Luna's beauty and wanted to strike up a conversation.

As expected, a wall of fire suddenly appeared, blocking his path.

He was very courageous and kept wandering around the wall of fire.

Luna Club may have never dared to put away the fire wall.

The two of them just froze for a whole day and night.

The bard called Luna several times through the wall of fire, but Luna, who was afraid of society, did not dare to respond.

In the end, the bard could only leave disappointed.

He mistakenly believed that the wall of fire surrounding Luna was falling from the sky.

After investigating Luna's specific identity, he spread the legend about Luna with respect for the strong.

"Luna, the Skyfire Witch, is a goddess favored by the Lord of the Fire Element.

A mere mortal like me has no right to be near her.

Once a mortal approaches, the Fire Elemental Lord will drop a huge wall of fire from the sky to protect Luna.

Ah, so powerful, the Skyfire Witch! "

It is known that bard news is always shared with one another.

The title of [Skyfire Witch] soon spread from one bard to all bards in the world of Yasha.

Under the praise of a group of bards, Luna unknowingly had a recognized and domineering nickname, and a group of followers who admired her.

In the eyes of most NPCs in the Yasha world, Luna is a very cold and standard mage image.

Powerful, beautiful, reclusive, and eccentric.

But this impression was quickly broken by players.

In the eyes of sand sculpture players, Luna is a cute girl who is not a witch.

When you see someone, you surround yourself with a wall of fire. How is this different from a snail shrinking into its shell?

Cute in appearance, shy in society, and somewhat withdrawn, what kind of fairy-tale character is this?

Today is the arrival of Mother Goddess Asa, and Luna must be a cute girl!

Thus, among the players, the Luna Cult was officially established.

Supporters of Fire Wall Girl and Ice Ring Girl quarrel every day on the forum about who is the most beautiful girl in the world of Yasha. Occasionally Adela's supporters will join the battlefield and be besieged by both sides.

At this time, due to the appearance of the obelisk, Luna, who had been living in seclusion, also arrived in Avili from her hiding place in the Elemental City.

Now, she was hiding behind a big rock, looking at Pandora's Box that was being fought over by everyone with a tangled look on her face.

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