Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 792 Doomsday Reappears

Bracada, Brilade City,

Brilade City, as the largest mechanical supplies production center in the tower, has a large number of factories, but now most of these factories have been closed.

In Brilade City, there is the Crooked Neck Tree Tavern.

The Crooked Neck Tree Tavern got its name because there was a crooked Neck Tree in front of the pub.

Frequently, goblins who cannot survive hang themselves on this crooked-necked tree. This is an extremely interesting program for the mages who come to the tavern to drink.

Under the pressure of the economic crisis and large chain pubs, the business of small pubs is deteriorating.

In Brilade City, the small taverns have almost closed down, and only the Crooked Neck Tree Tavern is left.

But now, this single seedling is also crumbling.

The mage boss in charge of the Crooked Neck Tree would look at the Crooked Neck Tree outside the window from time to time when he was cleaning the wine glass.

He often thought that maybe hanging on this tree like those goblins would be his final destiny.

This is certainly not because the Crooked Neck Tree Tavern has no business.

As a mage noble, the Crooked Neck Tree Tavern is just one of his many businesses.

Well, it’s also the one who loses the least.

In other businesses, the losses were so severe that it could cost him his life, and he would not be able to pay it back even if he died ten times.

If he hadn't died, the Thunder City Treasury would have forced his family to pay back the money, and he would have died long ago.


In the quiet tavern, the disheveled guest swallowed his last glass of barley wine.

This is a very unpleasant tasting wine. It is spicy and has a hint of bitterness. It can scratch your throat like a knife. It is useless except that it is cheap.

But for people who already have nothing, cheapness is already the biggest benefit.


This is the guest's name.

Compared with me, he is a little better, there is nothing wrong with him, it's just that he is unemployed and his wife ran away.

“Hey, times have changed, and fate has its way with people.

I still remember the way you used to recruit goblins in Sanhe Square while waving your money bag.

At that time, you were the labor director of sixteen factories, how majestic you were. "

"That's not a money bag, it's a barley bag. Ha"

Chege smiled bitterly.

"I used to think that those despicable goblins were not worthy of gold coins, so they could just get rid of them with some barley and highland barley.

But I didn't expect that now I was drinking barley wine that I didn't even look at.

Now, I am no different from those goblins. "

After hearing this, the tavern owner stopped wiping the cup with his hands. After a long time, he sighed quietly:

"Who wouldn't be... I heard that Thunder City has just issued a new policy to support small factories.

The Thunder City treasury released a low-interest loan of one trillion Titan coins.

But when I applied, I couldn’t even get a single point.

But the owner of the Goblin Tavern, Wolfs, the darling of the ocean, suddenly applied for 100 billion.

His Goblin Tavern and the Ocean Chamber of Commerce are in full swing, and with Agede standing behind him, where does he need any loans?

The Titan coin was probably transferred in his hands and transferred to the permanent treasury of Algaed. "

"damn it."

Chege cursed:

"The less money you have, the more money you have to go to him, even if you don't want it."

“It’s not that there’s no shortage of money, it’s that there’s no shortage of power. Wherever the power is, the money will go.

Now I understand, people, at this moment and at that moment, I cross whatever river, take off whatever shoes, wear whatever pants are as big as my buttocks are.

Guys without strength like us are just those legendary demigod fairies after all.

It's just that we don't give food to the goblins. They are more conscientious than us and will give us some food.

Kill us when we get fat and they will taste better.

The joys and sorrows of our generation of mages, visiting the flowers and standing on the top of the city, just like yesterday, with a snap, it shattered on the ground and nothing was left.

Only they, high above the sky, could suck up all the prosperity and wealth with just one opening of their mouths, leaving no tile behind for us. "

The tavern owner was like an ink bottle filled with ink, and all his complaints were poured into Chege, making the already unhappy Chege even more uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay. Knowing that you are miserable, will I not be miserable? Everyone is miserable, and everyone is a monster.

so what? Isn’t this a life we ​​have to live with? Don’t you still have to drink this ale?

Let's wait until the day comes when I can no longer afford to drink this ale. "

Chege drank another mouthful of ale, his face full of desolation.

The tavern owner remained silent and observed for a long time. It wasn't until Chege staggered over drunkenly to pay the bill that he grabbed Chege's hand and said in a low voice:

"Master Chege, I have a good opportunity to make a fortune here. It may be able to change our current situation. It's just a little bit risky. Do you want to try it?"

"Get rich? Get rich from what?" Chege asked doubtfully, eyes blurred by alcohol.

"In this current environment, are there still opportunities to make a fortune?"

The tavern owner grinned and said with a gloomy smile:

"Of course, smuggling! Send a batch of goods across the ocean to Over. Master Chege, I know you have master-class navigation skills. This job is easy for you."

Chege suddenly sobered up and asked seriously:

"What kind of goods? What's the price?"

"Two hundred thousand Titan coins are enough for you to have food and clothing at once. I will give you a deposit of 50,000 before going to sea, and another 150,000 when you arrive!

"Two hundred thousand Titan coins?!" Chege was shocked, and he emphasized again:

"What kind of goods?"

"Don't worry about it, just give it to me. I promise, I won't give you any less gold coins."

"Don't try to fool me. I don't even know what the goods are. How can I dare to give them away?"


The tavern owner took out a knife and stuck it on the table.

"If you want to know, you can sign a blood oath."

Chege looked at the knife, gritted his teeth, and made a move:

"I sign!"

After a long time, the long voice of the tavern owner rang out in the dark secret room.

“The thing you want to give is called Evil Shield.

This is a very precious treasure, priceless.

But don’t even think about pocketing it for yourself.

I will hand you a box. The Evil Aegis may be inside, or it may just be an empty box.

As soon as the box is opened, the adult behind me will notice.

Besides you, there are dozens of people who have the same box, and their tasks are exactly the same as yours, but only one of these boxes is real, and the others are disguises.

Don't worry, no matter whether the box you get is real or fake, as long as you arrive safely, you will get the reward you deserve, and you will not be short of a penny.

You must first drive the merchant ship we arranged to go to the port city in the name of doing business, and then take the box with you to exchange identities with another connector in the port city.

You sail his ship to Over, and he sails your ship back.

After arriving in Over, someone will naturally pay you and arrange for your return.

It’s just a voyage. You can easily earn 200,000 Titan coins. Master Chege, just treat it as a trip..."

"Finally finished."

Qige looked at the masterpiece in front of her and breathed out softly.

On the Sequoia Silver Spirit, an emerald dragon egg was emitting a faint green light.

The dream dragon egg has been placed. Then, as long as you wait quietly for the dream dragon egg to hatch, the emerald dragon will be resurrected.

Leaving the City of God's Choice, Qige quickly found Tanan and learned about the situation of the Doomsday Blade from his mouth.

“After I was separated from you in Avili last time, I went to Elemental City.

Chaos' invasion of the Wisdom Forest makes me feel very strange. I want to go to the Elemental City to find the four elemental gods to learn about the situation on the battlefield of the gods.

But when I arrived at Elemental City, I found that Elemental City was in turmoil.

After careful inquiry, I learned that Serron, the Lord of Orver, attacked the Elemental City and captured the swordsmith Kalunda from the Elemental City.

In the entire world of Yasha, only Kalunda knows how to forge the Doomsday Blade. He was the one who forged the last Doomsday Blade.

The Doomsday Blade, like the Forbidden Demon Ball, has extremely terrifying power. In terms of destructive power, the Doomsday Blade is still above the Forbidden Demon Ball.

If the Doomsday Blade falls into the hands of unscrupulous people, it will definitely be a huge disaster for the world of Yasha.

After the last use of the Doomsday Blade, it became four components scattered around the world.

So, I immediately rushed around the world to look for clues about the components of the Doomsday Blade.

The owners of the Evil Shield, Vulcan Sword, and Golden Armor all said that their treasures were stolen.

The Hell Crown was originally in the hands of Sellon.

With four components, plus Kalundar, Sellon already has the ability to create the Doomsday Blade.

When I was about to rush to Over to rescue Kalunda, I received your message.

Compared with the Doomsday Blade that might cause destruction, the Chaos invasion that had already appeared was more urgent, so I rushed to Avili.

Now that it has been delayed for so long, I speculate that he may be about to build the Doomsday Blade. "

After listening to Tanan's sad expression, Qi Ge frowned.

In his previous life, Sellon did build the Doomsday Blade.

But at that time, the false news that it was the Tears of Asa spread throughout Asa, and the war for hegemony among all races resumed.

He built the Doomsday Blade on orders from Kerrigan Satan to use the Doomsday Blade to destroy Erathia, Orph's old enemy.

But now, Ofudu has been thrown into the endless sea and is strictly guarded by the Poseidon Church. There is no possibility of fighting Erathia.

Satan is also dead, and now it is Ur, the Will of the Abyss, who is truly in charge.

If it was out of his own will, then Sellen would have no reason to build the Doomsday Blade.

If it was out of Ur's will, then Ur would definitely tell himself.

“This may not be that simple.

No, I have to go back to Poseidon Church and ask Ur about the situation. "

Qi Ge briefly explained the relationship between Ur and himself to Tanan, and told Tanan that he and Ur were already allies. Even if Sellon really stole the components of the Doomsday Blade, He can also get Sellon to hand over the Doomsday Blade.

After listening to Qige's words, Tanan's expression was very complicated:

"That's what. Although I heard Anosaki said that you would be good at dealing with women, I really didn't expect that you were so good at it.

That is the will of the abyss! The mother of the Cregans.

She is the embodiment of chaos and has a high status. Even the gods are very afraid of her, but you have reached an alliance with her.

You even promised her to find an abyss fragment for her to help her restore the Kingdom of God?

Gosh, do you know what an Abyss Shard means? "

Qi Ge blinked blankly:

“Well, I really don’t know this.

To be honest, I haven't thought much about helping her restore the Kingdom of God.

I just think that as long as she gets enough Chaos Monsters every month to keep her kingdom from being completely destroyed, she can survive for the time being.

As for the abyss fragments, just take them as they come, if you have them, forget about them if you don’t have them. "

"That doesn't count."

Tanan glanced at Qi Ge with pity.

"Do you think the agreement with the gods is so easy to refuse?

I bet Ur's mark must have been planted on you.

As long as she is dead, you will definitely not be able to run away.

Don't think that you will be safe just because you are Yasha's chosen one.

Yasha's mother has the ability to break through dimensional barriers, and the abyss must also have it.

You know, before the abyss was broken, it was a world of order that was more powerful than our Yasha.

If Ur dies, maybe one day an abyssal fragment will break through the dimensional barrier and come to your world to find you, making you pay for your actions.

At that time, not even the Mother Goddess can save you. "

"Ah?! Is it so serious?"

Qi Ge was shocked.

"Then I really have to find a way to find the abyss fragments!"

"Forget it, let me find a way to help you."

Tanan sighed in distress.

“Now let’s solve the problem of the Doomsday Blade first.

Since you are in alliance with Ur, I will not interfere with the Doomsday Blade.

I'll first help you find any records about the Abyss Fragments, and I'll leave it to you to do the Doomsday Blade. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the demigod-level mission: Doomsday Reappearance. 】

[Task name: Doomsday Reappearance

Posted by: Tanan

Orange Demigod Level Quest

Mission description: Sellon is collecting the components of the Doomsday Blade. The golden armor, evil shield and Vulcan Sword are all missing. The swordsmith Kalunda was also captured by Sellon.

If Sellon is allowed to obtain the Doomsday Blade, perhaps the entire world of Asa will be in turmoil.

Task requirements:

1. Prevent Sellon from forging the Doomsday Blade.

2. Ensure that the swordsmith Kalunda will not die, rescue him, and send him to Avili.

Mission reward: Tanan's favorability +7, master training scroll, master offensive scroll. 】

Tanan left Qi Ge with a task, said goodbye and left, becoming a hands-off shopkeeper.

However, Qi Ge was not angry and was quite happy.

As expected of Tanan, he is generous with his moves and has two master-level auxiliary skill scrolls for running errands.

Qi Ge was about to go to Poseidon Church when he discovered a problem.

The emerald dragon egg is placed on the Silver Spirit and enters the incubation state. The Silver Spirit cannot go to sea now.

But it doesn't matter, there are many battleships in Seven Pigeons.

He found the Yuanlong Turtle Battleship playing on the beach, rode the turtle, and set off for the Poseidon Church.

When passing through the maelstrom, Qige felt a friendly breath coming from the maelstrom.

This is the Abyssal Sea Snake that helps him guard the maelstrom.

Speaking of which, he saved the Tianyuan sea snake egg with his own hands.

Qi Ge thought that this would be a very easy task.

But after he arrived at the Poseidon Church, he received a piece of news from the livid-faced Ur that surprised him.

"I have no way to help you find Sellon to get Calendar and the Doomsday Blade back.

Because Sellon betrayed me. "



Who betrayed what? ! Serron, Lord of Orver, betrayed Orver?

It's over. Your Majesty rebelled? !

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