Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 795 Gru’s Determination

Forgotten castle.

It is hidden in a Diya [dark forest], where the scent of ghost datura with the smell of rust is permeated.

The owner of the Forgotten Castle is none other than Degar.

The outer wall of the Forgotten Castle is made up of countless black rocks. Each rock seems to contain evil power. Whenever the undead aura permeates the air, patches of bloody lines will light up on the black rocks. , just like the red ivy climbing around the castle.

The Forgotten Castle is surrounded by a bottomless moat. The water is as black as ink, and there are countless bones floating in it. If you get close, you can hear the sobbing of ghosts.

During the day, the gate of the castle is always closed. Only when night falls and the air of the undead fills the earth, the gate will slowly open.

Among the vampires living in the castle, the men are tall and handsome, with long black hair blowing in the wind.

The woman's skin is as white as snow, and there is always an attractive blush on her lips.

As the boss of the Forgotten Castle, Degar has a very retro aesthetic. Vampires who can enter his castle must be handsome men and women.

The vampires headed by Degar are the "old antique sect" among all vampires. Of course, they call themselves the orthodox sect.

Orthodox vampires do not just hate living things, but equally hate all living things except vampires, which even includes bone dragons.

They insist that vampires are the noblest race in the world of Yasha. Apart from vampires, other races are only divided into two categories, one is the food of vampires, and the other is the slaves of vampires.

It must be said that with such values, the orthodox faction has not yet been exterminated, thanks to Diya's open and inclusive atmosphere.

The orthodox are not fools. They know that their ideas are ideas and reality is reality. If they really fight, they are no match for the Bone Dragon - let alone the Bone Dragon. Undead Knights and Corpse Witches cannot defeat them either. .

Therefore, they rarely leave the castle and always hide in the castle to make fun of themselves.

As long as I don't go out, other races will be my slaves, and we will be noble forever.

Therefore, when the Mythical Blood Dragon led the Seven Doves, ignoring their strong objections, and forced their way into their Forgotten Castle, their faces did not look good.

When the powerful cannons of the foreign ships penetrated the backyard of the Empress Dowager Cixi's palace and turned the tide inside, Empress Cixi, who had been deceiving herself all the time, had to admit that she was the most failed ruler in human history.

Now, accompanied by the mythical blood dragon, Qi Ge unscrupulously led a group of Yasha Gods to search the Forgotten Castle.

"We have already said that the master is not here, why are you so troublesome.

This is the master's bedroom, you can't go in! "

"Kick it away and search it for me!"

"Savage half-elf, no one can open the dungeon without the master's order."


"As you can see, I didn't open the door and the door blew up on its own.

You only said you couldn't open the door, but you didn't say you couldn't go in, so I went in. "

"Treasure House! Even if I die, I won't let you enter the treasure house!"

"Sir Blood Dragon Lord, step on it for me. Don't let this crazy bat cause trouble."

Whether it was Degar's bedroom, the secret dungeon, or the most heavily defended treasure room, Qi Ge and the others were ruthlessly broken into and searched wantonly.

However, they found nothing.

This made Qige couldn't help but become anxious.

“Even the real-life criminal investigation masters and the corpse witches who are proficient in magic detection have not found any clues about the cooperation between Degar and Sandro.

Have all traces been destroyed? Or were they more careful than I thought and left no clues at all? "

Qi Ge only felt that he seemed to be trapped in a fog, and he could not find any thread to discover the truth.

Even if you accidentally catch the end of the thread, you can pull it to the end and you will find that the thread is broken.

But Qi Ge still refused to give up.

"There's only one last place left that we haven't searched yet. Come on, let's go to the study and have a look."

Qi Ge led a group of people and broke into Degar's study under the eyes of the vampires who dared not speak with anger.

This study has not been used for a long time. The high vaulted ceiling is covered with cobwebs and dust. The murals on the walls have been obscured by dust, but from the gilded frames, you can still see that they once were. The gorgeousness.

Degal's study is filled with various ancient furniture, most of which are made of skeletons and wood, and each piece exudes a smell of decay.

"Everyone, search separately. Corpse witches, please."

"As commanded."

The six corpse wizards in black robes all nodded to Qi Ge. They opened their hands and cast spells one after another.

"Detect the undead."

"Looking back in time."

"Traces of perception."

Different types of detection magic were released one after another, and the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind continued to echo in this small room.

But soon, the necromancers put down their magic books and shook their heads one after another.

Obviously, Delga has not returned to this room for at least five years.

After a while, the players ended their investigations one after another. Their expressions were a little heavy, and no one found any clues.

"It seems that the cooperation between Delgar and Sandro may not have been carried out in his hometown."

"Master Seven Pigeons, how about we knock down the wall or something and take a look?

When I used to investigate corrupt officials, they all liked to build gold nuggets into the walls. "

Qi Ge sighed heavily:

"Forget it, let's go. After all, Degar is a demigod, and forcibly demolishing his home without any clues is tantamount to declaring war.

The Lord of the Dragon Lich can definitely save me, but it may not be able to save the corpse witches who assisted in the investigation. We cannot harm them. "

"Wait a minute, Master Seven Pigeons, there is another person staying in Degar's bedroom to investigate, and he hasn't come back yet."


"Xiao Kuang, the youngest detective in our team."

"Master Seven Pigeons! News from Xiaokuang! A secret room was found under Degar's bed!"

Seven pigeons! ! !

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qi Ge would never have imagined that there would be such an exaggerated alien space in the deepest part of the Forgotten Castle.

This is a bloody basement filled with various instruments of torture, such as iron maidens, bloodletting hourglasses, and dripping pools... each of which is enough to frighten people.

In the center of these torture instruments was a delicate little bed, with a bouquet of completely withered flowers placed on the bedside.

Next to the flowers, there was a small book with a red cover.

After the magic test, the corpse witches confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the book, and Qi Ge opened the small book with a blood-colored cover.

The first sentence that caught his eye made Qi Ge's pupils shrink.

"The Blood Angel Manuscript. This manuscript only records the progress of the Blood Angel's transformation."

"I always thought that vampires were the most exquisitely constructed race in the world, but I was wrong. Angels have a more magical structure than vampires.

As Sandro and I suspected, angels are indeed constructed beings.

Their bodies are made up of the power of faith as the main component and are full of compatibility and plasticity.

The original birth pool records all the origins of angels and is the basic manufacturing plant of angels.

According to the records of the original birth pool, angels are divided into nine levels.

The upper three levels are Seraphim, Cherubim, and Throne Angels; the middle three levels are Lord Angels, Power Angels, and Power Angels; the lower three levels are Power Angels, Archangels, and General Angels.

The archangel that Erathia is proud of is actually only the second to last existence among angels.

This proves that angels have extremely terrifying potential.

In addition, even the god-level Seraph Michael was born in the original birth pool.

This is so wonderful.

I have lived for hundreds of years, and throughout my life, I have always insisted on the nobility and beauty of vampires.

However, I have only learned one thing from this long life. The more I play tricks and suck blood, the more I will find that the vampire's ability has limits.

Neither my impeccable physique nor my superb blood magic can make me surpass a demigod.

Not enough, far from enough!

So, I won’t be a vampire anymore!

I want to use the original birth pool to reshape myself into the most powerful Blood Angel!

The Lord of the Dragon Lich can reborn from the bone dragon, transcend the bone dragon, and create the Dragon Lich clan.

I can also be reborn as a vampire, transcend vampires, and become a blood angel!"

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows and remained silent.

“Now, the evidence is conclusive.

Degar is indeed in cahoots with Sandro, and the Blood Angels are indeed related to him. "

Qi Ge continued to read. At the back of the notes were some magic circle patterns about how to transform the Blood Angels. Only on the back cover was a string of words that looked very strange:

"The sky is full of blood, and the eyes of the common people look down on the earth. The disease fades away, and the new Lord comes to Asa."

Looking at this strange text, Qi Ge felt a chill arise for some unknown reason.

"Eye of the common people? Lord of new life?

It feels like they are referring to something. "

Qi Ge recorded this passage and sent it to the players around him.

"Please help me check to see if this passage has any origin in Yasha."


Later, Qige found the Corpse Witch and the Blood Dragon.

“Now that evidence of collusion between Degar and Sandro has been found, it proves that Degar has betrayed Dia.

Please report the information to the Lord and request a comprehensive search warrant from the Lord.

Today, we have to dig three feet into the ground to dig out clues about Degar. "


Catherine couldn't help but laugh.

She gently touched Gru, who was holding her tightly, and said to him:

"Are you so nervous because of a mouse that hides its head and shows its tail?

Don't worry, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me.

Gru, I am the Lord of Erathia, and the angels, griffins, and many heroes of Erathia are on my side.

How could I be killed so easily?

That prophecy is definitely false, you don’t have to worry. "

Hearing Catherine's comfort, Gru felt even more panicked for some reason.

But in front of Catherine, he didn't want to expose the panic in his heart.

He forced a smile:

"I didn't really believe it at first. I was just worried about you. Come and have a look."

Catherine broke away from Gru's arms, turned around in front of Gru, then put her hands on her hips, looked at Gru with her bright eyes, and said heroically:

"Look, let's finish reading.

I'm fine, in good health and in excellent condition. You should feel relieved now.

Gru, go back, go back to Aveili.

The disaster had just passed, and Avery was in dire straits, leaving the people of Avery alone and helpless.

You are the demigod of Avili, just when they need you.

You should know that I don't want you to delay business because of our personal relationship with our children. "

Catherine tilted her head and winked at Gru:

"On our shoulders, it is not just us, but also the lights of thousands of families and the people of the two countries."

"Well, I'm leaving then."

Gru nodded, put on his hood, and quickly left Catherine's room.

He should have gone back to Aveli directly, but the unspeakable worry in his heart made him choose to stay.

He naturally hid himself in mid-air with branches, and stood invisibly at Catherine's window to protect Catherine as usual.

He saw Catherine handling government affairs very normally, and he became obsessed with it.

After nearly half an hour, Gru saw Catherine raising her head and shouting as if looking at him:

"Gru, are you leaving?"

Um, I haven't left yet.

Gru was a little embarrassed, it would be too embarrassing if Catherine caught him secretly staying.

He was about to leave when he heard Catherine shout again:

"Gru, are you leaving?"


A strange feeling suddenly came to Gru's heart, and he did not move or leave.

Catherine shouted three times, but Gru didn't respond. She frowned and took out a gilded envelope from the drawer.

"Is this... Qi Ge's letter? And it has already been opened?"

Gru's eyes suddenly became sharp.

“Why did Catherine take out Qi Ge’s letter after confirming whether I had left.

Could it be that this guy Qige...

No, it can't be, my Catherine is not that kind of person.

However, Qi Ge is so good at deceiving women, maybe...

No, I have to take a quick look, just a quick look. "

In order to prevent himself from wearing the green leaf hat, Gru hid next to Catherine and quietly glanced at the letter in her hand.

[Dear Her Majesty the Queen:

Long time greetings.

This letter is to remind you of something.

Tanan told me that Sellon captured the swordsmith of the Doomsday Blade in the Elemental City, so I started investigating.

Now, we've established that Sellon betrayed Orver, and four Hell Legends are also missing.

I was confident that I could control Over and not cause damage to Erathia, but Sellon and the four Hell Legends have escaped my control.

Considering the special hostile relationship between angels and demons, Erathia and Orver, I recommend that you strengthen your protection and be careful of the threats of Serron and the Doomsday Blade.

Your allies:

seven pigeons]

Gru's breathing almost stopped, his heart beat suddenly, and boiling blood rushed to his brain.

The prophecy of the prophet could not help but play over and over again in Gru's mind.

"The false peace will eventually be torn to pieces, and the chaos of the abyss and the sulfurous rain of hell will not disappear just because Ofer is far away.

In a distant and unknown land, the extremely evil Devil King has forged the world-destroying blade, and the end of Erathia is imminent.

Only a true savior hero can take out the Winter Blade from the far north and cold place, which is enough to fight the doomsday, and freeze the clouds of doomsday.

Lord Gru, the fate of your beloved is now in your hands. "

[The prophecy turned out to be true!

Sellon is making the Doomsday Blade!

Could it be that the huge meteorite in the prophecy was the disaster unleashed by the Doomsday Blade?

Catherine, why didn't you tell me that you were in danger and we should face it together. 】

Gru's heart beat faster, but he did not make a sound, but quietly observed Catherine's reaction.

"Serron...the Doomsday Blade...sigh..."

Catherine sighed softly.

"Avili needs Gru now, and I can't be so selfish.

Let us, Erathia, handle this matter ourselves.

With the full support of angels, I am not afraid even if Sellon creates the Doomsday Blade. "

"I'm afraid."

Gru narrowed his eyes.

"Only a true savior hero can take out the Winter Blade from the far north and cold place, which is enough to fight the doomsday, and freeze the clouds of doomsday.

Who knows, where is the Winter Blade that fights against the doomsday?

Or, use a simpler method, find Sellon in advance and kill him! "

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