"I take back my prejudice. The riding trainer is so strong! Too strong!"

Shenglong was very excited:

"The vampire wizard can suck blood, but it can only increase health, not damage. But after working with the city-defending dragon, it produced a wonderful reaction.

The increase in health will increase the damage, and the increase in damage will make the health increase faster.

[City Defender Dragon Blood Rider] Every time he takes action, it is a qualitative change!

A weak war chess player continued to grow in the battle, growing faster and faster, and eventually became a main force capable of dominating the battlefield.

Seven pigeons, we can win! "

"No, it's not that simple."

Qi Ge smiled slightly:

"[City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] is indeed very strong, but the shortcomings of [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] were also shown in the battle just now.

If you want to quickly increase the damage of [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry], you still have to stack [Courage].

Facing units that cannot be killed quickly and have damage reduction capabilities, the combat effectiveness of the [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] increases very slowly.

Relying on just one [City Guard Dragon Blood Cavalry] is still not safe. "

The situation was reversed. Having seen the power of the [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry], the Holy Dragon began to speak for the [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry]:

"Hey. You can't say that. Even if the lightning ball just walked in front of the [City Guard Dragon Blood Rider], there are still dark moon guards there.

Darkmoon Guard has a taunting special skill, and he cannot attack [Defender Dragon Blood Rider] in the lightning ball.

He can also gain the health value of the [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] behind him. The attack of [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] will increase his own health value, and the health value of the Dark Moon Guard will also rise simultaneously. This is simply an indestructible shield. "

“It can’t protect against the enemy’s damage-reducing high-attribute units, and there is a risk of failure.

But it doesn’t matter, I thought of another set of tactics that can perfectly fit the system of [Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] and enrich our tactics. "

"Oh? You thought of it again so soon?!"

The holy dragon's eyes became extremely bright.

Seven Pigeons smiled mysteriously:

"This tactic is stronger than the [City Defending Dragon Blood Cavalry]!"

【Silver Mountains】.

This is a very special Yasha area, with [Guardian] runes buried inside.

Seven Pigeons can even feel an aura similar to the divine power of peace from the silver mountains and rivers.

Using the power of the silver mountains and rivers, you can create other units with unique and powerful special skills.

Its special skill is called: Guard.

[Guard: Immune to one attack. 】

What Qi Ge is interested in is the military type produced from the river sand in the silver mountains and rivers:

【Silver Sand Element

Level: 2

Rank: 1


Damage: 2

Lives: 2

Speed: 5

Special skill: When actively attacking, gain protection 1. 】

Shenglong was a little confused:

“The attributes of this silver sand element are so low, and its stunts aren’t very powerful.

When attacking actively, it gets Guardian 1. It is difficult to kill the enemy war chess with its attack. It will definitely be counterattacked and the Guardian will be broken. "

"Brother Shenglong, you can't just take everything at face value."

Qi Ge smiled mysteriously and found another war chess piece.

【Non-Fallable Pillar

Level: 3

Rank: 2


Damage: 8

Lives: 13

Speed: 0


Unable to move.

Unbreakable Pillar: Every time you attack or receive an attack, other friendly war chessmen within a 3-square range will gain protection 1]

Qi Ge used a riding trainer to ride [Silver Sand Element] and [Infallible Pillar] together, and thus, a unit that looked a bit like a mushroom was born.

【Silver Sand Pillar

Level: 3

Rank: 5

Damage: 10

Life: 15

Speed: 5(0)

Special skill: When actively attacking, gain protection 1.

Unable to move.

Unbreakable Pillar: Every time you attack or receive an attack, other friendly war chessmen within a 3-square range will gain protection 1]

Qige looked at the Silver Sand Pillar, her expression really hard to describe.

On a thick and sturdy stick, there is a silver oval mushroom head. This image is indeed a bit unsightly.

What left Qi Ge most speechless was that this mushroom stick could wear a condom on its own. It was so simple. It implemented the core connotation of guardianship and put safety first.


Qi Ge explained to Sheng Long:

"Brother Shenglong, look.

There are heavy crossbowmen to provide long-range attacks for the Silver Sand Pillar, and the Silver Sand Pillar has a range of 20.

When they attack, they gain Guard 1. Other war chessmen within 3 blocks except themselves will also gain Guard 1.

This means that every time they attack, all members will gain 1 layer of protection.

Since the Silver Sand Element and the Foldable Pillar are very weak, they can be ridden by weaker riders, and 9 of them can be easily produced.

A heavy crossbowman can be equipped with 3 silver sand pillars, and 3 heavy crossbowmen can be equipped with 9.

Therefore, every round, the Silver Sand Pillar's attack will give all members 9 layers of protection.

All members are immune to 9 attacks per round, which is very powerful.

You can also taunt the Dark Moon Guard, and the opponent can only attack the Dark Moon Guard.

By the time the opponent's war chess breaks all of the Dark Moon Guard's [Guards], the Dark Moon Guard's HP must have been stacked to an extremely exaggerated level. "

"Wonderful!" Shenglong's eyes lit up.

"In this way, we can buy the [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] time to accumulate attributes."

Qige said happily:

"Brother Shenglong, look at the drill just now, I found the shortcomings of my lineup. I think I can practice a few more times to continuously improve the lineup."

"Okay, let's give it a try quickly."

Qige placed the silver sand pillar next to the [Heavy Crossbow Master], and then Shenglong started another drill.

However, the result of this exercise was a bit embarrassing.

Shenglongfang did not have a powerful defensive unit like the [Mountain Giant] in the first exercise, which caused their units to die too quickly.

[Silver Sand Pillar] Before he even had time to take action, all Shenglong Fang's war chess pieces were completely dead.

"It doesn't count this time. Come again."

The holy dragon looked up to the sky and roared in embarrassment, and did it again.

The result is another ineffective training.

[Dragon Blood Rider Defending the City] Howling and killing indiscriminately, the Silver Sand Pillar is watching the show like a sand sculpture.

Qi Ge:......

Holy Dragon:......

In desperation, Shenglong could only cheat.

He informed the other Holy Dragons about the lineup of Seven Pigeons and asked them to find special units to target.

Don't tell me, let them find it.

【Wind Beast

Level: 5

Rank: 6


Damage: 85

Lives: 95

Speed: 15


Each time you take damage, gain 15 speed.

Acceleration: Increases speed by 1 point. 】

With the Gale Beast, which moved extremely fast and had extremely high health, the Holy Dragon's troops finally rushed to the vicinity of the Dark Moon Guards.

Then, they were dumbfounded.

The 9 silver sand pillars all shot together, and when each silver sand pillar shot, there was a flash of silver light.

For a time, all Qige's war chess pieces were protected by thick silver shields.

There are only three empty squares around the Dark Moon Guard, which means that only three war pieces can use [Melee] to attack the Dark Moon Guard in each round.

The Dark Moon Guard can gain 9 layers of protection in one round and is immune to 9 attacks.

The more you fight, the more [Guards] the Dark Moon Guards will have.

Because of the dense formation of the seven pigeons, other war games are in the same situation.

There are too many guardians, and I can't finish them all. I can't finish them at all.

As the first gale beast fell, the other gale beasts followed closely behind and were quickly harvested by the [City Defender Dragon Blood Rider].

Shenglong learned from the experience and added the long-range combat chess [Falling Leaf Owl] with [Courage 3], thinking that this time it would be able to break the shield.

However, the problem comes again, [Deciduous Wood Owl], it is not meaty enough!

It cannot reach the vicinity of [Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] at all, and will be turned into bullets that trigger the killing effect by [Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry].

With the addition of [Deciduous Forest Owl], the Gale Beast dies faster.

But soon, the clever Shenglong thought of a way.

Wouldn’t it be enough to ride [Deciduous Forest Owl] and [Storm Beast] together?

As a result, a long-range war chess that moved extremely fast appeared.

As we all know, war chess will not retreat, it will only fight to the death.

And long-range combat chess requires distance to be powerful.

A long-range combat chess that is extremely fast and always rushes to death is a bit abstract.

But even so, Shenglongfang still didn't attack the [City Defender Dragon Blood Rider].

The reason this time is simpler.

Qi Ge's entire set of war chess attributes are not very high, but his strong points are his special skills.

This results in the number of high-attribute [Wind Forest Owls] being only 3.

3 [Wind Owls] can only attack 9 times per round.

They can light up the shield, but they can't do 1 point of damage.

For a moment, Shenglong and Qige looked at each other.

I'm happy to win, but I haven't found any shortcomings!

You can't look for shortcomings for a long time and finally come to the conclusion: perfect, I don't have any shortcomings!

That's too abstract.

Subsequently, the drills were restarted again and again, and Shenglong failed again and again.

In the end, Brother Shenglong lost his temper and asked Qige directly:

"Qi Ge, do you have a way to deal with this lineup of yours?"

"Well, let me think about it."

Qige closed her eyes and thought for a while, then said:

“It really does.

There is a war chess piece [Djinn God], whose special skill is to gain 2 layers of protection every round.

Magic Burst has nine targets, and there is no way to concentrate all the attacks on one battle chess piece.

In addition, [City Defender Dragon Blood Rider]'s own attack cannot break the giant spirit god's shield, so naturally it cannot cause any damage. "

"O giant spirit god."

Shenglong shook his head:

"[Giant Spirit God] is a war chess piece that requires consuming the entire area to create. Its attributes are too high and are ten times more powerful than your lineup."

"But what if there is a similar war chess with lower attributes in the void?"


Shenglong shook his head.

“Creation must also follow basic rules and cannot be created randomly.

Powerful special skills like [Djinn Guard] will only appear on war chess with higher attributes. This is related to the carrying capacity of the war chess itself. "

Qige asked worriedly:

“Is there any special skill like being immune to long-range attacks?

If there is, [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] cannot beat him, after all, his attributes are his shortcomings. "

"Yes, there is, but like the Giant Spirit God, it is impossible to appear on war chess with low attributes."

Shenglong thought for a while and said:

"Otherwise, I'll let Agede and Adela try fighting with your lineup.

They should also have some ideas. "


The seven pigeons' eyes are bright.

After a while, Agede sat on the ground, looked up at the sky, and doubted life.

Adela covered her mouth and snickered, not feeling the slightest bit of shame at being beaten by Qi Ge.

The lineup they formed was indeed a little stronger than what the Holy Dragons could come up with, but it was also limited, and they were still easily defeated by Seven Pigeons.

This made Qi Ge couldn't help but doubt his life:

"Does it mean that my lineup really has no shortcomings? Does this mean I have an invincible lineup?"

The holy dragon roared in the ears of the seven pigeons:

"Yes! I think so too.

Seven pigeons, with only the last 10 minutes left, the first wave of Tianlu battle is about to begin.

believe in yourself.

Every time we add a war chess piece, Incarnation of the Void can add war chess pieces with twice the attributes.

Rather than forcefully adding other war games without any ideas, it is better to try this lineup. "


Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes became firm.

"Time is limited, so this is the best solution I can find based on intuition."

"Wait a mininute."

At this moment, Agede stood up:

"Apprentice, I have an immature suggestion, you can listen to it.

On the Tianlu battlefield, the war chess pieces that have been played cannot be removed. They can only fight until death, or one side is completely defeated.

The first wave of victory is not the end, there will be a second wave, a third wave...

As the number of battle waves increases, the minimum attributes of our battle chess will continue to increase.

The difficulty of the battle will become higher and higher.

Even if the Incarnation of the Void cannot find a solution to your lineup in the first wave of battle, as the battle progresses, sooner or later it will come up with a powerful chess piece like the Djinn God that can restrain your lineup.

At this time, if you change your lineup, your previous battles will become a burden to you.

All members of your war game cannot move and can only passively defend, which will limit your future war game choices. "

Agaide's advice made Qige suddenly realize it!

He finally realized the source of his doubts.

"The battle is not just one wave. Among the more than 50,000 soldiers found by Holy Dragon, there are only more than 1,000 soldiers with immobility special skills.

Among them, most of the special skills of melee troops require melee attacks to be triggered.

If I choose this lineup, it means that in the following battles with increasing intensity, I will automatically give up most of the other battle chess.

My lineup has a great advantage in the early stage, but is weak in the late stage. When it comes time to summon the strongest war chess in an entire area to fight, my lineup will become a limitation.

This is not okay. "

At this moment, Shenglong approached Qi Ge:

"Don't worry about this problem, we have a solution.

In our world of Yasha, there are some powerful war chess that require sacrifices to appear.

The lineup of [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] really cannot keep up, so you can also sacrifice the [City Defender Dragon Blood Cavalry] lineup.

Sacrifice does not count as death and does not provide rules for the Void Avatar. "

Sacrifice? !

Qi Ge closed his eyes, searched quickly, and quickly found the corresponding war chess piece.

【Red Lord

Level: 6

Rank: 7


Damage: 120


Speed: 50


Sacrifice 50: Sacrifice 50 war chess pieces to appear.

Suck blood.

Death Gaze: After taking the initiative to attack, you can directly kill the opponent's war chess. 】

"Hiss! Such a powerful stunt!"

“Yeah, but great stunts come with a huge price tag.

The sacrificed Yasha's origin cannot be returned like in the simulated battle.

Summoning these war chess requires consuming a large amount of Yasha's essence. "

Qi Ge glanced at his war chess, suddenly smiled knowingly, and said:

"Maybe I have a way."

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