Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 812 Ice Sword Crisis

The cold Arctic Ocean seems to be a forbidden area of ​​life, a mysterious place that almost no one has ever set foot on.

But the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is a land of life beyond imagination.

The cold water makes it difficult for most large marine creatures to survive, so it becomes a paradise for small creatures.

Under the seabed of the Arctic Ocean, a "Gem Starfish" with six tentacles, a blue body and a gemstone in the center is walking gracefully on the smoothie.

While patrolling their territory, they kept putting tentacles into their mouths in the center of their bodies, sucking them around and then taking them out, replacing them with another tentacle.

On the surface, the gem starfish appears to be gentle and harmless to humans and animals, but it is actually an extremely terrifying killer.

Every time it moves its tentacles in and out, it will capture tens of thousands of [ice crawlers] that are invisible to the naked eye and eat them into its mouth.

These gem starfish will be caught by the king snow crab and cold shell conch hidden in the smoothie and become a delicious meal. These two predators will in turn become the food of the [velvet seal].

Qi Ge looked up from the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. Thick floating ice covered the sea surface. From the bottom of the floating ice, a long icicle was spreading downward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When these icicles spread to the sea floor, all marine life captured by the icicles will be frozen to death in the icicles and become ice sculptures.

Afterwards, the icicles will continue to dissolve in the seawater, producing endless [Icecrawlers].

The cycle goes on and on, endlessly.

"Adela, it should be cold enough when we get here. Let's try to see if we can build the Ice and Snow Dragon Cliff."

Qi Ge gently patted Adela in his arms. Adela hummed in confusion, but did not move. Instead, she still buried her face in Qi Ge's neck and licked Qi Ge quietly. duck neck.

Suck in, inhale, inhale all the way, not enough yet!

It seems that after becoming the Holy Dragon Girl, Adela's desire suddenly became much stronger, almost as much as that of Nu Qier.

With a dark face, Qi Ge patted Adela on the head and forcibly pulled Adela up.

He dragged the reluctant Adela out of the gap in the cabin, and happened to meet a wandering goblin head-on.

"Brint, tell Koroko to find a flat seabed ahead to park the boat."

"Yes! Lord Lord!"

Brent agreed and ran away. After a while, Ke Ruoke ran over in a hurry:

"Lord, you are finally done.

Sea dragons and a group of seahorses have collided and are about to start a fight. Please go and try to persuade them. "

Qige:? ? ?

Seahorse? What seahorse dares to block the sea dragon's way?

And isn’t the overlord of the Arctic Ocean the narwhal? Where did the seahorse come from?

"Quick, take me there."

Under Koroko's command, the Sea Spirit quickly surfaced, broke through the ice, and stayed on the ice.

Qi Ge immediately saw the two sides confronting each other on the ice.

One side is the Sea Dragon Group led by the Holy Sea Dragon, and the other side is a group of ice-blue [horses].

Except for their color, their appearance is exactly the same as ordinary war horses on land.

The seven pigeons were shocked:

"Is it really a seahorse?! It's just a [sea horse]."

【Sea element horse

Level: 3

Rank: 5

Quality: hidden


Special skills: elemental arms, sea diving, immunity to water, ice magic.


The enemy cannot counterattack when attacking.

Releases a ring of ice after each attack. 】

The Sea Elemental Horse is only a hidden unit, and its combat effectiveness is not strong. If the Sea Dragons want to force their way in, they will definitely not be able to defeat the Sea Dragons.

What's more, there is the semi-sacred sea dragon Olifar on Hai Long's side.

But now the sea dragons are confronting the sea elemental horses, which shows that these sea elemental horses are not simple.

Qi Ge quickly asked Adela to fly to Olifar.

He asked Olifar:

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

Olifar frowned and said:

"This group of sea elemental horses are guards from the water elemental world. They said that they were ordered by the water elemental monarch to guard the Arctic Ocean and not allow any living beings to enter.

I can't figure out the reality, so it's hard to break in, and you're not here, so I can't decide whether to retreat, so we can only stay here.

I originally wanted to send someone to call you, but fortunately you are finally done.

How about it? Should we withdraw first? "

"An order from the Water Elemental Lord?! Don't worry, I'll ask first."

Qi Ge also frowned.

Generally speaking, the Yasha gods rarely interfere in the affairs of the Yasha world. Even if the gods really have reasons to intervene, they will send agents such as divine envoys and apostles.

If the water elemental monarch personally ordered the troops from the water elemental world to enter the world of Yasha to block the Arctic Ocean, then something big must have happened.

Qi Ge hurriedly stepped forward and shouted loudly to the sea elemental horses:

“Messengers of the water elemental realm, I am the co-apostle of the five gods of destiny, magic, wealth, peace, and sea god, Seven Doves.

I have something to do and I want to enter the Arctic Ocean. Why do you stop me? "

Along with Qige's words, a bright halo lit up on his body.

Rainbow, magic book, gold coins, silver shield...

Tokens representing the gods surround the seven pigeons, making the figures of the seven pigeons look like gods descending to earth.

Seeing this, the sea elemental horses looked at each other for a while, and then an extremely huge sea elemental horse came out of the crowd and said to Qi Ge:

"Apostle of the Seven Doves, I am the Sea Elemental Horse Commander of the Water Elemental Realm, Hai Lan.

Tarnan, the apostle of our monarch, issued an order that all life could not enter or leave the Arctic Ocean.

Unless you come with Tanan, or we receive an oracle from the monarch, we cannot let you in. "

"Uncle Tanan!!"

Qige's heart skipped a beat.

No, something must have happened, otherwise Tanan would never have made such a big move.

Qige's mind suddenly thought of the Doomsday Blade and the Ice Sword.

He asked very eagerly:

“Did something happen to the Ice Sword?!

How are the ice fairies doing? Where is the God of Winter? "

"Let me explain."

At this moment, a cool and pleasant voice came from the ice in the distance, and a beautiful woman wearing a priest's uniform walked over.

Seeing the other party's figure, Adela immediately took Qi Ge's hand, raised her head, and asked warily:

"Adrid, why are you here?"

"It's my turn to ask you this question."

Adelaide looked at Qi Ge and Adela with complicated eyes, and his expressions were a bit unsightly.

Qige's heart skipped a beat.

What a tragedy, Bing Huanmei and Adela had a bad relationship to begin with. They seemed to be in love and killing each other, but they both had some relationship with me.

It's hard to say whether enemies and honey will meet with swords and swords, but the scumbag will definitely die first.

No, we cannot let the Shura field be built.

In order to save his own life, Qi Ge tried his best to change the subject to something more serious:

"Adrid, what happened over there? Why is it so tense?"

Adrien took a deep breath and said with some discomfort:

"Gru brought the Doomsday Blade to attack the extremely cold land. The ice fairies couldn't stop Gru. The ice barrier was bypassed by him for some reason, and the Ice Sword was snatched away by him."

Qige:? ? ?

"Wait a minute, who did you say brought the Doomsday Blade to attack the extremely cold land?"



Qi Ge's voice suddenly turned up several pitches.

"Are you sure it's not Sellon? Not Sandru? Or is it Sandru or Sellon disguised as Gru?"

"I am sure."

Adrien said seriously:

"I personally saw Gru using the Phantom Bow to kill the mythical Winter Golem, and also summoned the [Polar Archer] to stop us.

There will never be anyone like him in the entire Yasha world. "


Qi Ge's head was buzzing.

what's the situation? Could it be that the demigod who cooperated with Sandro, Sellon and the others was Gru?

That's not right either, Gru is not a Brakada demigod.

And when I saw him before, he was obviously very normal.

Seeing Qi Ge being deep in thought, Adrid said:

"The ice fairies have tried their best to stop Gru. The ice fairies, including Cirno, have all suffered some minor injuries.

We all felt that Gru's state was a little strange, as if he was a little lost and kept repeating that he must get the Ice Sword.

When we talk to him, he seems not to hear us.

Fortunately, Gru still retains his sanity. He only defeated the person who stopped him and did not kill him. "

Qi Ge was a little surprised:

"Could it be that Gru is being controlled?

He is a powerful demigod, who can control him? "

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded next to Qi Ge, and Tanan holding a battle ax appeared beside Qi Ge at some point:

"I am certain that Gru is not controlled. There are no traces of mental magic on him."

"Uncle Tanan!"

Seeing Tanan, Qi Ge's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw:

"Have you met Gru?"

"I've seen him before and even had a fight with him."

Tanan said dullly:

“Look at the scars on my face, they are from him.

But he didn't feel well either. I gave him a blow with an ax and almost cut off an arm.

When I was about to subdue him, a mysterious man suddenly appeared and took him away.

The way the other party appears and disappears is very strange. There are no traces at all, not even magic fluctuations. I suspect that it may be the action of a false god. "

False God takes action? !

Qi Ge was even more stunned. The matter of the Doomsday Blade was already confusing enough, but now it seemed that it was more complicated than he imagined.

He quickly asked:

"Uncle Tanan, can you tell me in detail about your meeting with Gru?"

"I'm not very good at talking about it, you can see for yourself."

Tanan waved his hand and a screen appeared in front of Qige.

On the screen was the scene of him facing Gru from a first-person perspective.

Behind Gru, stood a large row of phantom archers and many polar archers in white. Their bows and arrows were all aimed at Tanan, ready to fire thousands of arrows at any time.

"Gru! What on earth do you want to do? The Ice Sword is an artifact that suppresses the extreme cold places. If you take it away, the ice element in the extreme cold places will lose control.

If the cold air in the water elemental realm breaks out and rushes along the north to the south, do you know how serious the consequences will be? "

"I know."

Gru said coldly.

"I just borrowed the Ice Sword for a while and will return it soon."

"Heh, it seems you still didn't understand me.

Did you borrow the Ice Sword at your request?

Gru, I really don't understand, why on earth would you do this? "

“I’ve already said it, but you don’t believe it.

I borrowed the Ice Sword simply because I wanted the Ice Sword to destroy the Doomsday Blade.

This is a weapon of curse and disaster that must be destroyed. "

Tanan's tone was a little bad:

"Isn't the Doomsday Blade in your hand? If you want to destroy it, can't you just seal it in your space backpack?

It's just a sword, and it has no consciousness. As long as you don't take it out, what damage can it cause? "

"it's useless."

Gru's expression did not waver at all:

"Ta Nan, you don't understand. It must be destroyed. Otherwise, disaster will definitely happen because of it.

The prophecy has revealed that no one can guard the Doomsday Blade, not even the gods.

Only I can destroy it and save Catherine's fate. "

Tanan was anxious: "The prophecy is your ghost prophecy again. How many times have I told you that prophecy is false and will never happen!

Gru, do you want to believe a sneaky cysticercus who doesn't even know his specific identity, or do you want to believe me, a friend who has known you for many years? "

Even though Tanan asked this, Gru still replied coldly: "I said, you are not me, you won't understand.

I have never believed so strongly in any prophecy.

This must be a revelation given to me by the Mother Goddess.

I must destroy the Doomsday Blade. "

“Damn, you’re really crazy.

Since I can't detect traces of being controlled by you using magic, and I can't restore you to normal with the Forbidden Magic Ball, then I'll split your head open to see what's in your head.

Gru, I say this for the last time, put down the Ice Sword and hand over the Doomsday Blade, otherwise you will never leave here. "

Qi Ge saw that Tanan had raised his ax high and was ready to go.

But at this moment, Gru fired the arrow in a very ungrateful manner!

The phantom bow in his hand and the countless heroic shooters behind him all fired arrows towards the south of the tower.

Amidst the volley of thousands of arrows, Tanan's arms turned red, and his body was like steel. He withstood all the attacks, stepped across the void, and struck Gru with the ax fiercely!

"This is a defensive technique!"

Qige's pupils shrank.

"Hey, if you have a keen eye, the rules of that kid from Taize are still very useful. If you can't deal with a high-damage long-range guy like Gru, you won't even have a chance to take action if you can't withstand his first wave of attacks."

As Tanan was talking, on the screen, Gru did a roundhouse kick in the air and kicked the battle ax in Tanan's hand.

His body spun around in mid-air, scattering a bunch of leaves.

Among the falling leaves, Gru's figure suddenly disappeared, and all the shooters behind him also disappeared.

Tanan backhanded the axe, and the tip of the axe emitted bright white light, which struck into the void and blasted Gru out of the air.

At this time, the phantom bow in Gru's hand had disappeared.

Gru, who keeps talking about destroying the Doomsday Blade, holds the Doomsday Blade in one hand and the Ice Sword in the other, turning into a dual swordsman!

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