Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 822 The evidence is conclusive!

In the armed airship, Qi Ge sat in the cockpit of the airship and asked the mage behind him:

"How long do we have until Lookout City?"

"You still have thirty minutes to go back to Your Highness."

The mage answered respectfully and couldn't help but look out the window.

"What do you keep looking out of the window for?"

Qi Ge frowned and asked.

The mage shrank his neck in fright and replied cautiously:

"Your Highness, is it really okay for us to leave His Majesty Serena alone and leave?

What should we say if His Majesty Serena is unable to reach Watch City smoothly? "

"This is not something you should think about, just do your job."

Qi Ge glared at the mage angrily and said:

"I'll go back and rest, and I'll leave this place to you."

"Yes Yes."

Qi Ge set out to leave, and the four Naga guards followed behind him, never leaving.

The moment Qi Ge entered the bedroom, several damaging spells suddenly came straight to his door.


Qi Ge snorted softly, and all the magic dissipated in mid-air, disappearing without a trace.

"What? Why did His Highness Xingfeng do this?"

"Oops, this is not His Highness Xingfeng, let's go quickly."

There were several exclamations in the room, Qi Ge's face was stern, he reached forward and squeezed hard.

Crackling lightning suddenly flashed in the room, accompanied by the continuous screams of the mages.

In just a few moments, the six mages who were ambushing and attacking in the room fainted and lost the ability to resist.

"Xingfeng is right, there are indeed traitors. Fortunately, it was me. If it were Xingfeng, I might have been succeeded by these traitors."

Serena's angry voice came out of Qi Ge's mouth, and he angrily said to the Naga bodyguard beside him:

"Lock them up and keep them under strict supervision until Xingfeng comes back to deal with them."


After cleaning up the traitors, Serena sat on the bed, frowned, squirmed uneasily with her feet, and said to herself:

"Didn't I promise that I would come back as soon as possible? We are almost at Watch City. Why hasn't Xingfeng come back yet? Nothing will happen."

"I made a big mistake!"

When Qi Ge realized that the leader of the rebels was Pick Jem, he suddenly realized that he might have made a major strategic mistake.

"Pikjem was targeted by Diya because he studied the witch spirit gargoyle and touched the undead rules mastered by the Lord of the Dragon Lich.

He took action personally and threatened Brakada with a mighty army of undead.

During this process, I also asked the Poseidon Church to help the undead open the maelstrom leading to the Bracadan Inland Sea.

Because of the coercion of the Lord of the Dracolich, Pick'Jem was imprisoned by the Thunder Temple and his witch-gargoyle path was abolished.

Afterwards, the Thunder Temple announced that because the Legend of Pickem needed to be recruited by the Thunder Temple to engage in secret research, he would not show up for a long time, and Pickem was temporarily removed from his position as a permanent member.

All of Picjem's properties are in charge of his eldest son.

Since then, Pickem has disappeared.

It was Al Zeus who forced Pickem to give up the path of the Witch Spirit Gargoyle.

With his personality, he couldn't let Pickem live.

But now, Pickem has inexplicably become the leader of the Beacon City rebels.

This shows that there is a very powerful force in Brakada, so powerful that it can even fish out a mortal man from the hands of Al Zeus.

It was this force that controlled Pick Jem's rebellion.

In the past life, there was a major event in Brakada, the rebellion of the Naga tribe.

During the Naga rebellion, Brakada's vitality was severely damaged, so much so that he retreated steadily in the fight against Chaos.

After the Naga rebellion ended, several Brakada legends disappeared.

The seven legends of Pickem, Eschar, Thain, Lorna, Fafner, Helen, and Reissa all disappeared from Bracada.

Players think this is a hidden mission and work hard to collect intelligence.

Some said that they participated in the Naga rebellion and were dealt with, while others said that they were killed by the Naga.

In short, these seven legends have disappeared from the world of Yasha since then, as if they had been deleted.

Now, Qi Ge thought carefully and immediately discovered the problem.

Thain and Lorna are husband and wife, both specialize in djinn, and both are direct descendants of Fafner.

Helen is a good friend of Eschar and has a very good relationship with Eschar.

Only Reza and Pickem have nothing to do with Eskel and Trossa.

Reza specializes in mercury and is the best mercury refiner. She is very low-key and rarely appears in Brakada.

Pickem was specialized in gargoyles and controlled the path of the witch spirit gargoyles. In his previous life, there was no invasion by the Dragon Lich Lord. Pickem lived until the large-scale invasion of Chaos in the third year.

Combine past life events with current events.

In this life, Pickem was targeted by the Titans, but he did not die. He was reborn in a new body and launched a rebellion in Beacon City.

The commander-in-chief of the counter-rebellion army happens to be Fafner, and the deputy commander happens to be Esqier.

What a coincidence.

It is very possible that Fafner and Eskel have joined forces a long time ago. One of them is a hidden demigod, or even both are demigods.

Eskel was originally unfathomable, an old silver coin.

Fafner has survived several attacks on demigods, which shows that he has the potential to become a demigod.

In the previous life, Fafuna did not become a demigod, but it is hard to say in this life.

Combined with the Doomsday Blade incident, Malodia's prophecy told me that Serron is in Brakada.

Sandro, Sellon, and Degar are likely to have one or even more Brakada demigods behind them.

Maybe it's Fafner and Eskel.

Among them, Eskel is the most likely.

Eskel's specialty is to confuse people's hearts!

Tanan said that Gru looked like he was crazy and believed in the prophecies that appeared out of nowhere. Isn't this a mind control ability?

The legendary Eschar certainly cannot control Gru, but what if Eschar is also a demigod like Gru?

The Doomsday Blade incident did not occur in the previous life, nor did the Beacon City Rebellion occur.

It happened in this life, which shows that the cause of these two things is likely to be the same.

This inducement is most likely the Ice Sword that actually took shape because of me!

Because the birth of the Ice Sword led to the Doomsday Blade incident, the Doomsday Blade incident led to the rebellion in Beacon City.

If we assume that Fafner and Eschar are behind these events, what is their purpose? "

Qi Ge took a deep breath and suddenly thought of something.

Pick Jem is poor!

He was so poor that he didn't even have the gold coins to buy 100 super magic crystal handguns.

"I believe that as long as Pickem can afford it, he will never use the spirit ball as collateral.

Just like a prodigal, as long as he has cash on hand, he won't think about selling off his property.

Both Fafner and Eschar are the top dignitaries in Brakada.

No one behind Pickem could be so poor.

This can only mean one thing. Pickjem and the people behind him need resources, and they need a lot of resources. What they want to do has drained most of their property.

Even Pickerem's rebellion may be an action they took to obtain more resources.

As we all know, there is no business that makes money faster than war.

If you are cruel, if you conquer a city, you can scrape three feet of the ground and gain all the wealth of the entire city.

No, maybe even more than one demigod.

If it is as I think, Eschar and Sandro are in the same group, then their wealth will be immeasurable.

But they are short of money.

Is there anything that several demigods with their combined fortunes can't accomplish?

Conferred God!

The only thing I can think of is to become a god.

It goes back to my previous idea, Eschar and the others want to use their contribution to become gods.

The Sword of Ice and the Blade of Doom...

To research the Ice Doomsday, you need both powerful mages and a lot of resources.

The annual expenditure Brakada spends on magic research is close to 20% of the entire Brakada annual income.

Most of this is used for the research of basic magic. The more advanced the magic, the more expensive it is to research.

For magic like Ice Doom, the demand must be astronomical!

If these speculations of mine are true, then there is only one last question left.

After they study the Ice Doomsday, how can they rely on the Ice Doomsday to make enough contributions to become gods?

You can't really bring the Ice Sword and the Doomsday Blade to blow up the Chaos Zone, right? "

Qi Ge hit his head and had a headache.

The appearance of Pickem was like a string connecting pearls, allowing Qi Ge to string together all the scattered thoughts into a necklace.

However, the solution of some problems has also brought new problems.

“Speculations are speculations, and we still need to find ways to prove them.

I have to think of a way to prove it.

I have to test Eskel and Fafner.

My identity as Xingfeng is still of great use. I can't let them find out the clues, so I have to find another way. "

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed.

“It’s time for the seeds that have been buried for a long time to take root and sprout.

Eskel, Fafner, what secrets are you hiding? Let me find out. "

"Your Highness Xingfeng, we are only 10 minutes away from the Observation City. The walls of the Observation City can already be seen from here."

The mage excitedly reported to Serena, but there was no trace of joy on Serena's face, instead she looked worried.

"I understand. I'll go back to the bedroom and rest for a while. Call me when you get there."

Serena turned and left, leaving behind a bunch of mages looking at each other.

"Why does Your Highness Xingfeng need to rest again? How many times have you rested along the way? Are your bones so weak?"

"Hush, Your Majesty Serena is not here, and there are four charming Naga bodyguards. If it were you, how could you endure it?"

As the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief.

Secretly eating the Naga bodyguards on the airship behind Serena's back, or four of them eating together, the taste is awesome.

His Highness Xingfeng can still come out a few times, which means he is already strong. "

"Hiss! This can't be done. His Highness doesn't look like this kind of person."

"What's the use of looking at him? You can't judge a person by his appearance. He's Algaed's permanent disciple."

The mage suddenly realized:

"Oh! Why did I forget this? I understand, if it is the land of Representative Agede, then everything makes sense.

Poor Serena Changzhi, she is going through life and death outside, but her husband is eating secretly behind her back and her mouth is watering.

Bah, villain! "

"Be careful what you say, be careful what you say."

"Yes, I understand."

Serena returned to the bedroom and threw the quilt aside glumly.

"Why haven't you come back yet? Damn it, I shouldn't have agreed to Xingfeng's temporary separation at that time.

Bad guys will lie to people. "

"Who lied? You can't accuse me wrongly. I've only been away for a while and you miss me so much."

Just as Serena was sulking, the bathroom door suddenly opened, and Qi Ge came out with a smirk on his face.


Serena was overjoyed and hugged her quickly.

"Why did you come back? I'm worried about you."

"Haha. Something delayed me."

Qi Ge patted Serena on the back and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Hurry up and get rid of the disguise. You look like you are hugging yourself. It's quite strange."

"Humph. No, not only do I want to look like this, I also want to kiss you like this.

If you don't come back early, it will make me worried. "

Serena pouted and jumped to kiss her, but Qi Ge frantically avoided her.

When several Naga guards saw this scene, they covered their mouths and snickered.

"No, no, no, I was wrong, Miss Serena, I won't dare to do it again next time."

The seven doves begged for mercy:

"Now is not the time for joking. Let's talk business first. How about it? Are there any traitors?"


Speaking of this, Serena suddenly became excited:

"Xingfeng, listen to me. When our airship approached Watch City, there were several mages hiding in the bedroom trying to sneak attack you.

Of course, they don't know that you are pretending to be me and you were subdued by me.

I originally planned to imprison them and interrogate them when you come back.

But who knew, even though no one was approaching, they all died silently.

After examining the corpses, the Naga guards found that their souls had been burned, and even the magic in the magic book had been burned away.

This is a very painful way to die, usually reserved for extremely vicious death row inmates.

And it requires a complicated magic circle to be arranged to do it.

It's really weird how they could kill themselves like that.

How they dare to use this method and how they do it, even I don't understand. "


Qi Ge's eyes flashed.

"Died silently? Did they say anything before they died?"

“Nothing has been said, we don’t even know when they died.

It's like being unconscious and your soul is burning on its own. "

Qi Ge frowned and said:

"Take me to see the body."

"I packed up the body and am just waiting for you to come back."

Serena waved her hand, and the bodies of the six mages fell neatly to the ground.

Qi Ge squatted down and checked it carefully using the architect's method.

He took a deep breath, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

In Everfrost City, there was a mage named Zeluf who had purchased a large amount of sulfur.

While he was investigating, Zeluf bizarrely committed suicide by swallowing a series of fireballs.

The soul state of these corpses is exactly the same as Zeluf's, as muddy as jelly.

"The evidence is conclusive!

The people behind the rebels and the people behind the Doomsday Blade incident are definitely the same! "

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